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Homework (9/22, C)

Dear Robinsons,
I'm so glad to hear from you! Even if it hadn't been much since
last summer, the memory of the stay at your house seems so far away.
How's Josh? Has he finished the swimming lessons? I miss playing
chess with Mrs Yona... the shortest matches in the world!
Thanks for checking on me. I'm good, I spent my time working
out and trying to keep up with my studies. I recently started a project,
I really like to paint and I want to expose more people, not only to my
art, but to the ideas of influential artists all over the world. I attached
some pictures here.
Also, I made some friends all over the country, and my English
improved visibly! Now it's not that hard for me to formulate my
thoughts directly in English and I learnt some regionalisms people
here seem to use a lot. The stay at your house helped me immensely.
Thank you for all the support (and teaching me how to make
I am grateful to have known you. I'm looking forward to come
again, next summer, if you agree. I would love to see you all.

Yours sincerely,
Lucie Adam

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