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Gin S Malhi, J John Mann

Major depression is a common illness that severely limits psychosocial functioning and diminishes quality of life. In Published Online
2008, WHO ranked major depression as the third cause of burden of disease worldwide and projected that the disease November 2, 2018
will rank first by 2030.1 In practice, its detection, diagnosis, and management often pose challenges for clinicians S0140-6736(18)31948-2
because of its various presentations, unpredictable course and prognosis, and variable response to treatment.
Department of Academic
Psychiatry, Sydney Medical
Epidemiology describe patients that are no longer symptomatic and School Northern, University of
Prevalence have regained their usual function following an episode Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
(Prof G S Malhi MD); CADE
The 12-month prevalence of major depressive disorder of major depression. With treatment, episodes last Clinic, Royal North Shore
varies considerably across countries but is approximately about 3–6 months, and most patients recover within Hospital, Sydney, NSW,
6%, overall.2 The lifetime risk of depression is three 12 months.15 Long-term stable recovery is more probable Australia (Prof G S Malhi); and
times higher (15–18%),3 meaning major depressive in community settings and among those patients seen by Molecular Imaging and
Neuropathology Division,
disorder is common, with almost one in five people general physicians than in hospital settings.16 Longer- Department of Psychiatry,
experiencing one episode at some point in their lifetime. term (2–6 years), the proportion of people who recover is Columbia University, New York,
Hence, in primary care, one in ten patients, on average, much less, dropping to approximately 60% at 2 years, NY, USA (Prof J J Mann MD)
presents with depressive symptoms,4 although the 40% at 4 years, and 30% at 6 years with comorbid anxiety Correspondence to:
prevalence of depression increases in secondary care having a key role in limiting recovery.17 The likelihood of Prof Gin S Malhi, Sydney Medical
School, University of Sydney,
settings. Notably, the 12-month prevalence of major recurrence is high, the risk increases with every episode, Sydney, NSW 2065, Australia.
depressive disorder is similar when comparing high- and, overall, almost 80% of patients experience at least
income countries (5∙5%) with low-income and middle- one further episode in their lifetime.18,19 The probability of
income countries (5∙9%), indicating that major recurrence increases with each episode and the outcome
depressive disorder is neither a simple consequence of is less favourable with older age of onset.20 Furthermore,
modern day lifestyle in developed countries, nor although more than half of those affected by a major
poverty.5,6 Furthermore, although social and cultural depressive episode recover within 6 months, and nearly
factors,7 such as socioeconomic status, can have a role in three-quarters within a year, a substantial proportion (up
major depression, genomic and other underlying to 27%) of patients do not recover and go on to develop a
biological factors ultimately drive the occurrence of this chronic depressive illness, depending upon baseline
condition.8 The most probable period for the onset of the patient characteristics and the setting within which they
first episode of major depression extends from mid- are managed.21,22
adolescence to mid-40s, but almost 40% experience their
first episode of depression before age 20 years, with an Diagnosis
average age of onset in the mid-20s (median 25 years The two main classificatory diagnostic systems (Diag­
[18–43]).9,10 Across the lifespan, depression is almost twice nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
as common in women than in men and, in both genders, [DSM],23 and International Classification of Diseases
a peak in prevalence occurs in the second and third [ICD]24) rely on the identification of a number of key
decades of life, with a subsequent, more modest peak, symptoms (figure 1). Notably, none of the symptoms are
in the fifth and sixth decades.2,11–13 The difference in patho­gnomonic of depression, and do feature in other
prevalence of depression between men and women is psychi­atric and medical illnesses. Therefore, the de­
referred to as the gender gap in depression and is thought finition of depression as a disorder is based on symptoms
to be linked to sex differences in susceptibility (biological forming a syndrome and causing functional impairment.
and psychological), and environmental factors that
operate on both the microlevel and macrolevel.14
Search strategy and selection criteria
Course and prognosis We searched PubMed for studies published between Jan 1, 2010, and Jan 1, 2018, with the
The onset of depression is usually gradual, but it can be terms “depression”, “depressive disorder”, and “depressive disorder, major”, with specifiers
abrupt sometimes, and depression’s course throughout “therapy” and “drug therapy”, as well as “antidepressive agents” and “psychotherapy”. The
life varies considerably. For most patients, the course of search excluded articles on depression in the context of bipolar disorder, other psychiatric
illness is episodic, and they feel well between acute illnesses (such as schizophrenia), and medical illnesses. We restricted the search to English
depressive episodes. However, the illness is inherently language publications and focused on publications from the past 5 years. We referred to
unpredictable and, therefore, the duration of episodes, older publications in the field, especially those regarded as seminal and those that have
the number of episodes over a lifetime, and the pattern been highly cited. The search was updated in the periods March 12–16, 2018, and then
in which they occur are variable. Major depressive again July 2–7, 2018, and the bibliographies of selected articles were also reviewed to
disorder is a recurrent lifelong illness and so recovery is retrieve publications deemed to be relevant to this Seminar.
somewhat of a misnomer. In practice, the term is used to Published online November 2, 2018 1


Symptoms of depression (2 weeks)

unclear. The only symptoms given some primacy are
those nominated as fundamental, whereas the remainder
carry equal significance (figure 1). In practice, this
Depressed mood absence of prioritisation means that very different
clinical presentations can qualify as having a depressive
Anhedonia syndrome of seemingly equivalent severity, even though
the clinical significance of the different presentations can
Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
vary markedly.27
In DSM-5, major depressive disorders are separated
from bipolar disorders, with the key distinction that
Suicidal ideation, plan, or attempt manic symptoms only occur in bipolar disorders.28 Major
depressive disorder is the principal form of depression
Fatigue or loss of energy and is characterised by recurrent depressive episodes.
The diagnosis can be made after a single episode of
depression that has lasted two weeks or longer. If
Sleep or
episodes of depression do not resolve and last for
extended periods of time, this pattern is described as
Weight or appetite or chronic depression. If depressive symptoms are present
(on most days) for at least 2 years without any periods of
Ability to think or concentrate,
remission exceeding 2 months, the condition is termed
or indecisiveness persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia.
It is crucial to note that major depressive disorder is
Psychomotor retardation
different from unhappiness or typical feelings of sadness.
Fundamental symptoms
or agitation Emotional symptoms To qualify as major depression, an individual must
Neurovegetative symptoms present with five or more specified symptoms (figure 1)
Cumulative functional impairment Neurocognitive symptoms
nearly every day during a 2-week period, and the
Figure 1: Defining major depressive disorder symptoms are clearly different from the individual’s
Key symptoms of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-5 for major depressive disorder. For previous general function­ ing. Furthermore, for the
a diagnosis of major depressive disorder, the individual needs to present with five or more of any of the symptoms diagnosis of a depressive episode, depressed mood or
nearly every day during the same 2-week period, provided at least one of these symptoms is a fundamental one.
The clinical symptoms of major depressive disorder are usually accompanied by functional impairment. The greater anhedonia must be present.23 When depressive
the number and severity of symptoms (as opposed to particular symptoms), the greater the probability of the symptoms are present but are insuf ­fi cient in number or
functional impairment they are likely to confer. The symptoms of depression can be grouped into emotional, severity to be regarded as a syndrome, they are sometimes
neurovegetative, and neurocognitive domains. Importantly sleep, weight, and appetite are usually diminished in
referred to as subthreshold depressive symptoms. These
depression but can also be increased, and suicidal ideation, plans, or an attempt should be documented whenever
depression is suspected. are important as they could serve as early indicators of a
major depressive episode.
Some symptoms are more specific to a depressive The symptoms of depression can be broadly grouped
disorder, such as anhedonia (diminished ability to into emotional, neurovegetative, and cognitive sym­
experience pleasure); diurnal variation (ie, symptoms of ptoms, but because they also commonly occur in other
depression are worse during certain periods of waking psychiatric disorders and medical diseases, detection of a
hours); and intensified guilt about being ill. Other depressive syndrome can be difficult. Some depressive
symptoms, such as neurovegetative symptoms, including symptoms, such as diminished concentration and
fatigue, loss of appetite or weight, and insomnia, are very psychomotor agitation, are similar to those of mania, and
common in other medical illnesses.25 so, when formulating a diagnosis of depression, the
Both taxonomies, DSM and ICD, are widely used to possibility of an emerging bipolar disorder warrants
diagnose major depressive disorder within hospital, consideration.29,30 At the same time, it is important to
outpatient, and community settings, but for research, ensure that the symptoms of depression cannot be
DSM is the predominant classificatory system. In explained by an alternative psychiatric diagnosis, such as
addition to DSM and ICD checklists, the severity of an anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, or a medical illness,
major depression can be quantified with rating scales. or the side-effects of a medication. Anxiety is common in
Therefore, screening tools have been developed to help the context of depression, and almost two-thirds of
identify depression in various clinical settings, and some individuals with major depressive disorder have clinical
that rely on self-report can be used in a waiting room or anxiety.31 Anxiety symptoms often appear 1 year or 2 years
online.26 However, several screening limitations need to ahead of the onset of major depression,32 and with
be considered. One limitation is the absence of hierarchy increasing age, become a more pronounced feature of
among the range of symptoms that span several domains major depressive episodes. Therefore, anxiety can
(emotional, cognitive, and neurovegetative), and which manifest both as comorbidity and as a predominant
symptoms, if any, warrant priority or greater weighting is feature of major depressive disorder, sometimes termed

2 Published online November 2, 2018


anxious depression and described in DSM-5 as an Similarly, major depressive disorder with psychotic
anxious distress specifier (figure 2).33 Of note, depressive features (psychotic depression) often responds best to
symptoms overlap considerably with those of bereave­ electroconvulsive therapy, especially when the psychotic
ment,34 but if the symptoms of depression are severe and features are mood-congruent—ie, feature depressive
persist well beyond the acute grieving period, then themes concerning death, loss, illness, and punish­
consideration should be given to a separate diagnosis of ment.38,39 Sometimes, alongside psychotic features,
major depressive disorder.35 Alternatively, a diagnosis of patients can have marked psychomotor disturbance40 and
adjustment disorder should be considered when the other symptoms that reflect catatonia.41 These subtypes
symptoms do not represent typical bereavement but have of major depressive disorder are uncommon and most
arisen in response to an identifiable stressor (within presentations of depression in the community involve
3 months of the onset of the stressor), or the symptoms symptoms of anxiety,42 described as anxious distress.43
produce dispro­portionately marked distress that results Such presentations are less responsive to antidepressants,
in functional impairment but do not meet the criteria of even though antidepressants are often used to treat
a major depressive episode. This diagnosis can occur anxiety disorders, suggesting that admixtures of anxiety
with either depressed mood, anxiety, or both.23 Imp­ and depressive symptoms probably reflect additional
ortantly, stressors are common in both major depressive under­ lying psychological factors, such as those
disorder and adjustment disorder, and therefore stressors pertaining to an individual’s personality. Characterising
are not useful for distinguishing these diagnoses. The depression in this manner is often helpful, and the use of
key differences are severity and diagnostic criteria of a specifiers to describe depressive episodes in greater
major depressive episode. detail is good practice that should be routine and adopted
more widely.
Specifiers and subtypes
In practice, it is useful to define the character of each Detection and screening
depressive episode, particularly the current or most Depression can manifest in many forms with different
recent period of illness. This definition is achieved by use combinations of symptoms, which makes its detection
of specifiers, which define the pattern of illness, its more difficult, especially in the context of other illnesses.
clinical features (both signs and symptoms), severity, This mix of symptoms could also explain why depression
time of onset, and whether it has remitted (figure 2).4,35,36 is often missed or misdiagnosed in primary care.27 Greater
Some of the clinical features generate putative subtypes aware­ness of depression increases its successful diagnosis,
of major depressive disorder. For example, the specifier but screening for depressive illness at a population level
with melancholic features—ie, a diminished reactivity of has been problematic, which makes its overall detection
affect and mood, a pervasive and distinct quality of and diagnosis more difficult.26,44 A substantial proportion
depressed mood that is worse in the morning, along with of depression probably goes undetected and undiagnosed,
anhedonia, guilt, and psychomotor disturbance— and hence published statistics do not fully reflect the
denotes a melancholic subtype. Such subtyping is some­ burden of the illness. The reasons for this lack of detection
times helpful and it might have potential treatment are complex and vary across cultures and different health
implications.37 Melancholia is generally more responsive systems, and alongside failures in detection and diagnosis,
to pharmacotherapy and electroconvulsive therapy. stigma is an important factor that has been difficult to

Single episode
Anxious distress Mild
Recurrent episode
Mixed features Moderate
Rapid cycling
Atypical Severe
1 Illness pattern Seasonal 2 Clinical features
Catatonic Mood congruent
Major depressive disorder specifiers Psychotic Mood incongruent

5 Remission status 3 Severity

Partial Mild
4 Onset Early
Full Moderate
Post partum

Figure 2: Major depressive disorder specifiers

Episodes of major depression can be described in greater depth by specifiers (outlined in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5) that provide
additional information regarding the pattern of the illness and its clinical features. Specifiers can also indicate the severity of the episode, when it first emerged
(onset), and whether it has remitted (status). For example, in clinical practice, a typical episode of depression can be described as suffering from a recurrence of
depression that is moderately severe with melancholic features and has partly remitted in response to initial treatment. Published online November 2, 2018 3


quantify.45 Case-finding tools that can be used to identify neuro­transmission by different mechanisms, suggesting
depression are popular among clinicians, such as the that this theory explained how anti­ depressants work
See Online for appendix nine-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), which (appendix).52 This model has endured, partly because of
comes in three forms, all of which are brief and generally ongoing corroborative findings from studies that have
acceptable to patients.46 Such tools can usefully guide examined the neurotransmitters and their metabolites,
detection and the assessment of severity, but it is both in vivo and post mortem. The model also endured
important that clinicians also assess contextual factors because other, more selective medi­cations, such as auto­
and general functioning, and do not rely solely on receptor antagonists (eg, mirta­zapine for the adrenergic
questionnaires. Given the prevalence of depression in system) and serotonin agonists (eg, gepirone), are
primary care, routinely asking all patients about mood, clinically effective anti­depressants.53 However, this model
interest, and anhedonia since the last visit is essential,47 does not explain the notable variability in the clinical
and when more detailed screening is needed, the burden presentation of major depressive episodes, even within
of administering questionnaires can be limited by the use the same patient, and why some patients respond to one
of computerised adaptive testing methods.48 In addition to type of antidepressant and others do not. Importantly,
enhancing detection through screening, the diagnosis and this model does not explain why antidepressants take
treatment of major depression can be improved through weeks to work.54
educational programmes that have great effect on suicide
prevention methods.49 However, as shown by a study in Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis changes
Gotland, Sweden, the turnover of doctors due to a 2-year The hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis has
term of service contributed to the requirement for a been the focus of depression research for many
refresher programme on depression.50 Moreover, attrition decades.55–57 One of the most consistent biological
in knowledge occurs because once no longer engaged in findings in more severe depression with melancholic
an educational programme, the general practitioner’s features, and associated with changes in the HPA axis, is
attention shifts to other medical conditions. Therefore, the increased amount of plasma cortisol. This biological
sustaining change in practice requires ongoing education. difference is due to a combination of excessive stress-
related cortisol release and impaired glucocorticoid
Pathology receptor-mediated feedback inhibition. Notably, HPA
Understanding of the pathophysiology of major axis changes are also associated with impaired cognitive
depressive disorder has progressed considerably, but no function,58 and a failure of HPA axis normalisation with
single model or mechanism can satisfactorily explain all treatment is associated with poor clinical response and
aspects of the disease. Different causes or pathophysiology high relapse.59 Despite these insights, successful trans­
might underlie episodes in different patients, or even lation of this knowledge into clinically effective
different episodes in the same patient at different times. treatments has not occurred, and treatments that modify
Psychosocial stressors and biological stressors (eg, post- HPA axis function, such as glucocorticoid receptor
partum period) can result in different pathogenesis antagonists, have not worked in clinical trials.60–62
and respond preferentially to different interventions.
Investigations into the neurobiology of depression have Inflammation
also involved extensive animal research, but extrapolation Peripheral cytokine concentrations have been linked to
from animal models of depression and the translation of brain function, wellbeing, and cognition.63 Peripheral
findings from basic science into clinical practice has cytokines can act directly on neurons and supporting
proven difficult.51 Therefore, to understand the patho­ cells, such as astrocytes and microglia, after traversing
physiology of major depressive disorder, focusing on the blood–brain barrier, or via signals mediated by
mechanisms informed directly by clinical studies and afferent pathways, such as those in the vagus nerve.64
examining both biological and psychosocial factors can These mechanisms could explain why individuals with
be more useful, noting that contributions from these autoimmune diseases and severe infections are more
factors are variable. likely to have depression, and why cytokines administered
therapeutically, such as interferon gamma and inter­
The monoamine hypothesis leukin 2, trigger depression. The role of inflammation in
The observation, in mid-20th century, that the anti­ the causation and exacerbation of depression is further
hypertensive reserpine could trigger major depression supported by the finding that increased amount of
and reduce the amount of monoamines, caused interest interleukin 6 in childhood enhances the risk of
in the potential role of monoamine neurotransmitters developing depression later in life, and by the evidence of
(serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine) in the patho­ microglial activation and neuroinflammation found in
genesis of major depressive disorder. The mono­amine the brains of patients with depression examined post
theory of major depressive disorder was supported by mortem.65 These insights have prompted the examination
findings that tricyclic antidepressants and monoamine of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment
oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) enhanced monoamine of major depressive disorder.66

4 Published online November 2, 2018


Neuroplasticity and neurogenesis generally, the amygdala has increased activity and
One of the most important discoveries in this century has connectivity, and other structures, such as the subgenual
been the identification, in the adult brain, of pluripotent anterior cingulate, are hyperactive, but that the insula and
stem cells from which new neurons can be generated, a dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex are hypoactive, in
process termed neurogenesis (appendix). The growth and individuals with depression.76,77 However, the brain
adaptability at a neuronal level has been more broadly changes that have been identified in major depression are
termed neuroplasticity, and it is possibly this related to a highly heterogeneous clinical presentation
neuroplasticity at a cellular level that is altered by and, therefore, are also highly variable, making it difficult
inflammation and HPA axis dysfunction, both caused by to replicate results from study to study.78–80 Different types
environmental stress.67 The process of neurogenesis is of treatment, such as medication, psychotherapies, and
controlled by regulatory proteins, such as brain-derived stimulation therapies, have different effects, and research
neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is diminished in linking pre-existing brain abnormalities to choice of
patients with major depressive disorder. Even more optimal treatment is an area of current research.
important, perhaps, is the fact that reduced amounts of
BDNF in people with depression can be restored with Genes
depressant therapies, either pharmacotherapy or Twin and adoption studies have shown that major
psycho­logical interventions.68 In animal studies, limiting depressive disorder is moderately heritable.81 First degree
neurogenesis prevents antidepressant action and has relatives of patients with major depression have a three
been shown to result in depression-like symptoms, times increase in their risk of developing major depressive
especially in stressful situations. Therefore, neurogenesis disorder compared with those who do not have first
has been suggested to facilitate resilience against stress, degree relatives with a diagnosis of major depression.
which could be the basis of antidepressant clinical effects.69 Unfortunately, reliable identi­ fication of the genes
Post-mortem studies of patients with depression show a responsible has proven difficult. So far, genome-wide
deficit of granule neurons in the dentate gyrus of untreated association studies (GWAS) have identified multiple
individuals, compared with non-depressed and treated genes, each with a small effect, and until 2018, few gene
groups. Patients treated for depression have substantially hits had been replicated.82 However, current GWAS have
more dividing neuronal progenitor cells compared with begun to successfully identify risk variants and have
an untreated depression group, and even compared with a shown replicable findings that might begin to inform the
non-depressed group.70 These findings are consistent with pathophysiology of major depressive disorder.82–84 Studies
mouse studies showing that anti­depressants can work by that have examined more homogeneous cases with severe
increasing neurogenesis in the adult brain. illness also appear promising and have identified loci
contributing to risk of major depressive disorder.85 Given
Structural and functional brain changes the variability of findings, in addition to genomic in­
Advances in technology and computing over the past vestigations, epigenetic factors are now being examined.
quarter of a century have had an immense impact on our
understanding of brain structure and function, but Environmental milieu
meaningful insights have only begun to emerge in the past The potential role of life events in precipitating and
decade, as it became possible to scan larger numbers of possibly causing major depressive disorder has long
patients and reliably combine neuroimaging data. been recognised.86,87 For example, early studies examined
Structural studies in patients with depression have the impact of stressful life events closely juxtaposed to
consistently found that hippocampal volume is smaller in episodes of major depression, such as preceding its onset
major depression compared with people without by up to a year.88,89 These stressful life events in adults
depression,71 and some studies have related the degree of include life threatening or chronic illness, financial
volume loss to duration of untreated lifetime depres­ difficulties, loss of employment, separation, bereavement,
sion.72,73 Post-mortem studies have shown that dentate and being subjected to violence. The associations
gyrus volume in untreated patients with depression is between stressful life events and depression have been
about half of that of both a non-depressed comparison found to be robust,90,91 though a subgroup of patients
group and a group of patients with depression who seems vulnerable to the effects of stressful life events and
received treatment.74,75 Whether the smaller hippocampus another group seems relatively resilient, possibly
can be reversed with treatment, and whether it is required reflecting biological predispositions. A second approach
for an antidepressant response, is yet to be shown in has examined childhood factors, such as maltreatment
clinical studies. including abuse, loss, and neglect, that appear to be
Functional neuroimaging provides information about associated with a vulnerability to develop major
brain networks involved in key processes, such as emotion depression during adulthood when confronted with
regulation, rumination, impaired reward pathways related stressful life events.92 By stratifying adversity, such
to anhedonia, and self-awareness. Studies examining studies have identified at least two types of molecular
these networks in depres­sive disorders have found that, variants that predispose individuals to major depressive Published online November 2, 2018 5


disorder: molecules whose effects depend on adversity environmental factors might have a role in the
and molecules whose effects are present in all cases, modification of brain neurobiology, altering, for example,
irrespective of adversity.93 These studies have identified neuronal plasticity.97,98 However, this new field faces
both pure epigenetic mechanisms and gene-environment considerable challenges, and although these discoveries
interactions. Animal and clinical studies have linked are exciting and have stimulated further research in
early childhood trauma to later life depression via genetics, studies developing therapeutic approaches that
changes in the HPA axis, particularly glucocorticoid can modify pathogenic epigenetic effects are needed
receptor hypofunction (appendix).61 Specifically, early before the potential exists for clinical interventions to
exposure to childhood adversity results in DNA methyl­ build on these observations.93,99
ation of key sites in the glucocorticoid receptor gene,
reducing its expression.94 Thus, exposure to emotional Management of major depressive disorder
neglect, or sexual and physical abuse, has an effect on the When treating a depressive episode, the initial objective is
likelihood, severity, and chronicity of major depression the complete remission of depressive symptoms and
(appendix).86,95 broadly speaking, this objective can usually be achieved by
use of psychological therapy, pharmacotherapy, or
Epigenetics (gene-environment interactions) both.100–102 However, before embarking on a specific treat­
In the past decade, an exciting discovery is that the ment path­way, it is important to stop the administration
environment can directly impact the interpretation of of drugs that can potentially lower mood, address any
genetic information, and that some genes are activated substance misuse, and, when possible, use general
by environmental factors. This process has been measures such as sleep hygiene, regular exercise, and
described as the gene-environment interaction and it is healthy diet.4,35 For mild cases of major depressive disorder,
determined by epigenetic mechanisms (appendix).96 psychological treatment alone can suffice and an evidence-
Research examining this phenomenon has uncovered based psycho­ therapy, such as cognitive behavioural
potentially new pathways and mechanisms by which therapy, should be offered first. This therapy can also be
used to treat depression of moderate severity, but in most
cases medi­cation is likely to be needed, and a combination
Goal of pharmacotherapy and psychological treatment is
The main objective of treatment is the complete remission of depression with full functional recovery and the prefer­able. In cases of severe major depressive disorder,
development of resilience
medication should be considered as first-line treatment,
General measures
and electroconvulsive therapy is an option for those
• Taper and cease any drugs that can potentially lower mood patients who do not respond to medication.
• Institute sleep hygiene and address substance misuse if relevant
• Implement appropriate lifestyle changes (eg, smoking cessation, adopt regular exercise, and achieve a healthy diet)
Psychological therapies
Several psychotherapies are available for major
depressive disorder.35,101,102 The most popular and effective
Generic Formulation-based
Psychosocial Psychological therapy Pharmacotherapy Electroconvulsive psychotherapies are shown in figure 3. Each style of
• Psychoeducation • Cognitive behavioural First line therapy therapy draws on different conceptual designs which are
- family, friends, and therapy • SSRIs, NaSSAs, Unilateral
caregivers • Interpersonal therapy NDRIs, or SNRIs • Right unilateral
used to build a framework of treatment, and each therapy
• Low intensity interventions • Acceptance and • Melatonin agonist, • Ultrabrief pulse- has slightly different targets in mind.103,104 Cognitive
(eg, internet-based education) commitment therapy serotonin modulator width unilateral behavioural therapy is the most widely available and best
• Formal support groups • Mindfulness-based Second line Bilateral
• Employment cognitive therapy • Tricyclic antidepressants • Bitemporal tested psychotherapy, which teaches patients with major
• Housing • MAOIs • Bifrontal depressive disorder how to identify negative patterns of
thinking that contribute to their depressed feelings. This
Strategies type of psychotherapy provides techniques on how to
• Combine pharmacotherapy and psychological therapy address these negative thoughts and, when possible,
• Increase dose of antidepressant medication
• Augment antidepressant medication with lithium or antipsychotic medication, or L-triiodothyronine
replace them with healthier, positive ideas.105 Inter­
• Combine antidepressants personal therapy differs from cognitive behavioural the­
rapy, because it focuses predominantly on difficulties
Figure 3: Management of major depressive disorder within relationships, particularly interpersonal conflict
General measures: before instituting any intervention, factors that can worsen depression and general measures and problems in social interactions.106 Overall, psycho­
that can improve mood and make management less complicated, such as exercise and withdrawal of medications
therapies are effective in treating major depressive
and substances known to exacerbate depression, should be reviewed and instituted when necessary. Interventions:
four broad categories of interventions can be used to treat major depressive disorder—generic psychosocial disorder, but it has been difficult to show differences
interventions, formulation-based interventions of psychological therapy, pharmacotherapy, and electroconvulsive between them.107 The reason for this difficulty, according
therapy. Strategies: in instances where treatments are ineffective or only partially effective, several strategies can to one viewpoint prevalent in this field of study, is that
be employed, combining different types of treatment or making individual treatments more effective.
SSRIs=selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. NaSSAs=noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant.
the elements that determine therapeutic benefit are
NDRIs=norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors. SNRIs=serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. common to all psychotherapies and, therefore,
MAOIs=monoamine oxidase inhibitors. distinguishing the therapies in terms of treatment effect

6 Published online November 2, 2018


is not possible. These common elements are related to overly simplistic, but it remains useful in practice, when
the therapist and the therapeutic relationship, and the clinical effects of antidepressants are broad and
involve components such as warmth, positive regard, overlapping (figure 4).
and a genuine sense of care.108
An alternative view is that each of the psychotherapies Effectiveness of antidepressants
has specific, and somewhat unique, therapeutic factors, Trials examining the potency of antidepressant drugs
and that they affect change via distinct pathways.109 have traditionally focused on efficacy, and in clinical
Therefore, this idea argues that to determine differences contexts have usually assessed this potency somewhat
between therapies, far more sophisticated tools and crudely, seeking a 50% reduction in symptoms.35 Some of
much larger studies than those that have been done are the earliest developed antidepressants, such as the
needed. In patients with mild to moderate depression, tricyclics and MAOIs, remain among the most efficacious
psychotherapies seem to be as effective as pharmaco­ drugs available, but are in minimal use today.118 In most
therapy. This effectiveness is not present in severe settings, and in particular when first commencing
depression, because patients are too ill to engage with treatment, these medications have been displaced by
psychotherapy.110 The longer-term effects of some newer drugs with more pharmacologically selective
psychotherapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, actions and, consequently, fewer side-effects.119 Therefore,
have also been shown to persist for a year or more after over the last quarter of a century, the selective serotonin
treatment, whereas antidepressant medication only reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have become the first-line
works while it is being taken. The preference expressed antidepressant medication class, despite only moderate
by patients for psychological interventions, their efficacy that can take weeks to produce a measurable
effectiveness in com­bination with antidepressants, and benefit (figure 3). Furthermore, SSRIs can also produce
their comparative efficacy and safety in relation to significant side-effects that patients do not tolerate,
medications suggest that combination of the treatment including sexual dysfunction, weight gain, nausea, and
methods might be the optimal strategy for managing headaches.120
major depressive disorder.111 Outcomes could be further In a network meta-analysis that compared efficacy
enhanced as greater understanding of the mechanisms and acceptability of antidepressant medications in the
of psycho­logical treatments is achieved and models are acute treatment of major depressive disorder,121 all
developed that provide greater explanatory specificity.112 21 medications, which included the two WHO recom­
However, in practice, the main limitations of mended essential antidepressants, amitriptyline and
psychotherapy are lack of availability because very few clomipramine, showed greater efficacy than placebo,
trained therapists are available and treatment is with amitriptyline and some of the dual-acting drugs
expensive.113 To overcome these issues, alternative (eg, mirtazapine, duloxetine, and venlafaxine) at the top
methods for treatment delivery have been explored, such of the list. In terms of acceptability, only agomelatine
as providing psychotherapy to groups of patients at a and fluoxetine were more tolerable than placebo,
time, or individually, but over the telephone or via the whereas most antidepressants were on par, except
internet.114,115 clomipramine, which was more poorly tolerated than
placebo. The study also assessed head-to-head com­
Pharmacotherapy parisons, and many of the same drugs did better than
The pharmacotherapy for major depressive disorder has other antidepressants (eg, amitriptyline, mirta­ zapine,
been founded on enhancement of monoaminergic venlafaxine, paroxetine, and vortioxetine); however,
neuro­transmission.116 But newer antidepressants target analyses on aggregated data cannot identify effects at the
other brain systems, like the N-methyl-D-aspartate individual level, and therefore, in practice, antidepressant
(NMDA) receptor, melatonin, or gamma-aminobutyric prescription remains a matter of clinical judgment.
acid (appendix). Nevertheless, the finding that antidepressants are an
effective treatment for major depressive disorder, despite
Antidepressant actions high placebo responses, is reassuring. Further­ more,
The precise mechanisms by which anti­depressants im­ some medications are probably well suited, both in
prove mood remains unknown, but most anti­depres­sants terms of efficacy and tolerability, to some types of depres­
acting on monoaminergic neuro­ transmission produce sion, and can be tailored accordingly. Two examples are
initial effects within the synapse, which then impact administering sedative antidepressants for depression
intracellular signalling and second messenger pathways.54 with anxiety or insomnia, and activating anti­depressants
These pathways culminate in changes in gene expression, for depression with psychomotor retardation. Although
neurogenesis, and synaptic plasticity, and, ultimately, these reliance solely on the use of depressive symptomatology
adaptive changes lead to therapeutic benefit.117 The pharma­ to select which antidepressant will work best is also
cological effects of antidepressants are diverse and not yet feasible (figure 3), combining this knowledge
complicated, and the grouping of antidepressants into with clinical acumen does inform and improve
classes based on their principal pharmacological action is management. Published online November 2, 2018 7


Presynaptic neuron Postsynaptic neuron

eg, raphe nucleus, locus coeruleus eg, hippocampus

5-HT T
5-HT1A Cytoplasm
5-HT1A R G1 or MAPK
5-HT1D cascades
5-HT2 R G1
α1-adrenergic Cell P
MAO α2-adrenergic R G1 signalling

α2-adrenergic R
Muscarinergic mBDNF
acetylcholine R
Neurotransmission Neural network remodelling

Transporters Presynaptic Postsynaptic
5-HT NA DA Medication 5-HT1A 5-HT1B 5-HT1D α2 5-HT1A 5-HT2 α1 α2 H1 M1 Other key actions Neurogenesis
Agomelatine Melatonergic
Amitriptyline Maturation
Bupropion Transport of mBDNF to
Clomipramine dendrites and axons
Duloxetine Neural
Escitalopram TrkB R progenitor
Levomilnacipran 5-HT1A R Neurogenesis
Milnacipran GR
Mirtazapine PKA GR Gc
Moclobemide MAO
Nortriptyline Blood vessel
Phenelzine MAO Gc
Sertraline Gc
Tranylcypromine MAO
Trazodone Endothelial cell
Trimipramine MDR-PgP
Vortioxetine Serotonin Noradrenaline Dopamine
TCAs SSRIs α2-adrenergic receptor antagonists Acetylcholine Histamine mBDNF
NRIs SNRIs serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitor

Figure 4: Pharmacotherapy of major depressive disorder: antidepressant actions at the synapse

All available antidepressants act on presynaptic and postsynaptic receptors, and neurotransmitter transporters. Consequently, the concentration of neurotransmitters
within the synapse or within the presynaptic neuron is altered. These changes lead to signal transduction and secondary cell signalling within the postsynaptic neuron,
eventually impacting transcription processes within the nucleus that lead to the development of new enzymes and proteins. Ultimately, antidepressants are thought to
remodel neural networks by facilitating neurogenesis. The table shows the specific receptor interactions of various antidepressant molecules and their effects on
monoamine transporter systems. These actions are used to group antidepressants into classes, although considerable overlap in the actions of different medications
occurs and downstream processes probably converge. 5-HT=serotonin. R=receptor. T=transporter. NA=noradrenaline. HI=histamine. DA=dopamine.
MAO=monoamine oxidase. mBDNF=mature brain-derived neurotrophic factor. TCAs=tricyclic antidepressants. NDRIs=noradrenaline dopamine reuptake inhibitors.
SSRIs=selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. SNRIs=serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors. Adapated from Willner et al,54 by permission of Elsevier.

Managing suboptimal response remission at each of the steps was 36·8%, 30·6%, 13·7%,
Despite the variety of therapies available, a substantial and 13%. Although disappointing in comparison with
proportion of patients do not respond adequately to the results from clinical trials, the findings reflected real-
various treatments prescribed, having either a partial world clinical experience, since patients often require a
response or no response at all.34,122 Within the framework series of treatments and the use of several strategies to
of a randomised trial, the sequenced treatment alter­ achieve remission. Such suboptimal response is often
natives to relieve depression (also known as STAR*D)123,124 subsumed under the broad descriptor so-called
study examined many standardised steps in the manage­ treatment-resistant depression—a problematic term that
ment of major depressive disorder, using medications has proven difficult to define, because of the heterogeneity
and cognitive therapy within both primary care and of depression and the lack of a standard, algorithmic
psychiatric settings. The study sought to examine the approach to treatment.125 The term is also misleading
more clinically meaningful goal of remission, as opposed because it suggests that the illness itself is somehow
to response, and found that cumulative remission after resistant to treatment, when in fact many factors
four treatment steps was still only two-thirds (67%). The contribute to non-response, and these relate largely to

8 Published online November 2, 2018


how treatment is provided, and in what context.126 For anti­psychotics has become popular.136,137 This increase in
example, alongside depression, psychiatric and medical popularity is because the atypical antipsychotics com­
comorbidities often complicate illness management and monly used as augmentation strategies (quetiapine and
reduce the likelihood of responsiveness. Similarly, olanzapine) are both sedating and anxiolytic, even in
patient-related factors, such as willingness to pursue small doses.138 Therefore, when prescribed alongside
treatment as prescribed, personality, and age contribute anti­­
depressants, these atypical antipsychotics imme­
to whether a course of treatment is likely to be successful. diately aid sleep and anxiety, and counter some of the
Generally, two-thirds of patients with depression will acute side-effects of antidepressants until the anti­
not remit with initial antidepressant treatment and, depressant becomes effec­ tive. It is important to
therefore, require careful reappraisal.4,35 In addition to emphasise that the use of atypical antipsychotics is not
exploring the factors already outlined, the diagnosis of widely indicated, and much of the evidence for this
depression should be carefully reviewed to exclude an strategy is empirical.139 However, emerging evidence
alternative explanation, such as bipolar disorder or a from clinical trials supports the use of atypical
personality disorder. antipsychotics for augmentation while remaining aware
The treatments that can be used to tackle non-response of potential treatment-related side-effects.137 Furthermore,
are much the same as the options available when whether this strategy truly aug­ ments the actions of
initiating treatment, but additional methods can be used antidepressants is unknown and, because of the side-
with the aim of increasing efficacy.127 In general, the effects associated with these drugs when prescribed
addition of psychological therapy to pharmacotherapy or long-term, the addition of an atypical antipsychotic to an
vice versa has been found to be helpful.128 Psycho­ antidepressant should only be considered a short-term
therapeutic engagement enhances medication com­ strategy. In some instances of poor response, triiodo­
pliance, and difficulties with pharmacotherapy are likely thyronine (T3) has been used to augment the effects of
to become evident earlier. To increase the efficacy of antidepressants to good effect,140,141 and stimulants have
antidepressant medication, especially in instances where also been used.142
it might not be reaching its target, one simple strategy is When patients do not respond to increased dose,
to increase the dose of the antidepressant.129 However, augmentation, or a combination of both strategies,
this result is not an increase of efficacy per se, and combi­nations of antidepressants can be prescribed if a
no clinically significant benefit has been found when pharmacological synergy between medications exists
dose escalation has been tested following initial non- because of their therapeutic profiles (eg, combining
response to standard-dose pharmacotherapy.130 Never­the­ venlafaxine with mirtazapine).143,144 Nevertheless, the
less, an in­crease in dose could overcome pharmacokinetic benefits of such strategies are largely untested. Another
limit­ations. For example, some drugs are metabolised alternative is to switch to a new antidepressant, usually
quickly and can require higher oral doses to achieve with a different mechanism of action.145 However,
necessary plasma concentrations. Furthermore, in some switching to a different antidepressant risks losing any
instances, dose escalation can increase the bioavailability benefit the current medication regimen has attained, and
of medi­cation and enhance its receptor binding.131 This usually this strategy takes longer to implement than
strategy is particularly useful for drugs that have a broad increasing the dose of an antidepressant already in place,
therapeutic range (eg, amitriptyline and venlafaxine).132,133 or augmenting its actions. Alongside psychological
Augmentation is another strategy to overcome non- and pharmacological strategies, when tackling poor
response. This strategy involves adding a drug that response, electroconvulsive therapy is a useful alter­
enhances the antidepressant effects of the medication native, especially if the depression has melancholic or
already being prescribed. The most common strategy, psychotic features. Psychotic depression should be
and one that is effective in augmenting the actions of treated from the outset with both an antidepressant and
almost all antidepressants, is adding lithium.134 Once a an anti­psychotic medication, unless the decision is to
steady plasma concentration has been achieved, the immediately use electroconvulsive therapies.146
effect of lithium augmentation is usually evident between Finally, all these strategies require careful and frequent
1 week to 10 days. The effective dose of lithium for monitoring from the outset to help compliance and
augmentation is equivalent to that used for maintenance maximise response. Non-response is sometimes an
therapy of bipolar disorder (plasma concentrations of indication that the diagnosis is incorrect, and re-
0·6–0·8 mmol/L), although lower doses and plasma evaluation of both diagnosis and the strategies used is
concentrations can also be effective.135 Once lithium necessary before trying more sophisticated treatments.
augmentation has produced a therapeutic response, the
combination should be maintained as the withdrawal of Special populations
either drug (antidepressant or lithium) is likely to result The manifestations and management of depression are
in relapse.134 affected by life stage and special circumstances, such as
Even though lithium augmentation is the most during the perinatal period. For children and adolescents,
widely researched strategy, augmentation with atypical the clinical presentation of depression and response to Published online November 2, 2018 9


treatment can differ from adulthood, because of develop­ Acknowledgments

mental differences in biology and psycho­physiology in We thank Tim Outhred, Lauren Irwin, and Grace Morris for their
assistance with literature searches, development of figures, and
children and adoles­ cents, and limited language and compilation of the Seminar.
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