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1. State the importance of studying history.

2. Compare pre-history and history on the basis of definition.
3. Compare pre-history and history on the basis of source material.
4. Highlight the significance of carbon-dating.
5. Classify the source materials into two categories.
6. List the type of information each of them give us---inscriptions,coins, monuments,skeletons.
7. List one distinctive information given to us by ----religious literature, non-religious
literature,secular literature and historical literature.
8. Identify the authors of---Harshacharita,Arthasasthra,Abhigyan Sakuntalam.
9. Identify the language these were written in---Vedas,Pittakas,Angas.
10. Name the two foreign visitors who visited India in ancient period.
11. State the factor that made Africa the exact place of origin of mankind.
12. Name any two sites of---Paleolithic , Mesolithic and Neolithic age.
13. Differentiate between core tools and flake tools.
14. List any two distinctive features of tools during the--- Paleolithic , Mesolithic and Neolithic
15. Enlist the importance of fire,stone tools,wheel,pots and river bed for ancient people.
16. Mention the discovery of early man that initiated him towards agriculture.
17. The man of Neolithic age were skilled tool maker. Justify with reasons.
18. Enlist any two important achievements of early man.
19. Early man believed in life after death. Analyse the statement.
20. Name the next step of Neolithic man after settled life.
21. State the factors that helped Neolithic man to develop new skills.
22. List any two new skills adopted by early man.
23. Highlight any two features of Neolithic pottery.
24. Name the age commonly identified as metal age.
25. Name the age followed by Neolithic age.

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