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QA BB Tre Engineering Society SAE ees AEROSPACE INTERNATIONAL’ __ 400 Cornmonveatn Dive, Warenaae, Pa 15036090 = SPECIFICATION | r.sueq 30 aun 1960 Revised 1 APR 1997 ‘Submitted for recognition as an American National Standard | Superseding AMS S5551A ALLOY SHEET AND STRIP, CORROSION AND HEAT RESISTANT 55Ni - 19Cr - 10Co - 10Mo - 2.5T1 - 1.0A1 - 0.0068 Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted Solution Heat Treated UNS No7252 This specification has been declared "NONCURRENT” by the Aerospace Materials Division, SAE as of 29 MAY 1985. It is recommended, therefore, that this specification not be specified for new designs This cover sheet should be attached to the “A” revision of the subject specification. "NONCURRENT" refers to those materials which have previously been widely used and which may be required on some existing designs tn the future. The Aerospace Matertals Division, however, does not recommend these as standard matertals for future use in new designs. “Each of these "NONCURRENT" specifications Is available from SAE upon request. This specification has been "CANCELLED" by the Aerospace Materials Division, SAE, as of 1 APR 1991. By this action, subject specification number and Its title WII] be deleted from the active specification index of Aerospace Material Specifications. This specification 1s under the jurisdiction of AMS Committee "F". ‘SAE Technical Board Rules provide that. Ths topo is published by SAE to advance te sate of technical and engingering sclences. ‘The use ol hs reports eively voluntary, and its appleataly and sutabily for any partoular use, ncuding any patent iningement aising thereto, fs he S01 responsibly ofthe user. ‘SAE resis each technical opr at last avery five years a wich me it may be realtimed, revised. or cancelled SAE ines your writen commerts ard suggestions ght 1981 Sciety of Automove Engineers, ne ir resenes Primed in USA

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