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Quesadilas wrap

1. Gril Turtela wrap until little brown, only one side

2. Saute slice onion Bombay 1/2, jamur 4 pcs , slice chiken ( marinated salt, paper,
rosmary ) 100 gr (4 cm weight, 1 inh)
3. Add moyonaise on brown side and fill it with sauted (2) and mozarela parut on to ,
addand toest the other side add sesening tako and fold half of circle.
4. Cut it into 3 pcs
5. Tomato salsa : cop ½ tomato (skin only) and onion menyesuaikan tomato, one stik of
coriander, add salt and paper n lime juice one slice.
6. Put tomato salsa on top, corner.

Chiken wrap
1. Gril Turtela wrap until brown two side.
2. Saute marinated (salt, paper, rosmary ) slice chicken 100 gr (4 cm weight, 1 inh)
3. Add moyonaise on brown side
4. Put slada at bottem side on turtela, sauted chicen slice add 4 pcs tomato slice ,
seasoning tako powder
5. grobed mozarela
6. make a roll by bottom side, and cut into 2 pcs.
7. Serve with french fries and tomato chili sauce.

Gordon Bleu
1. Chiken breast 150gr make it two slice conection
2. Pull it with hammer for soft
3. Marinated with slat paper, rosmery
4. Put one slice ham, and gardinier mozorela, and fold it
5. Make it crispy with bread flour, and fry.
6. Gravi sauce (1 tsp demiglass, half water mix and pour on pan, wait until blow up, and add
some milk)
7. Boiled vegetable ( bunga kol 2 smal pcs, 3 gardinier wortel , buncis 6 pcs of gardinier.

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