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Extracurricular Activities: How it affects the Student's Learning?


The word "extracurricular" can be broken down into its roots for a literal

explanation:"extra" means outside and "curricular" refers to all of work you do in

classroom. So extracurricular activities are activities you do outside of class. Almost

anything that you are actively and productively involved in can be considered an

extracurrivular activity.

The national policy expressed in Republic Act No.9155 that "Schools shall have

the single aim of providing the best basic education for all learners". The act defines

quality education as the appropriateness, relevance and excellence of the education

given to meet the needs of an individual and society.

The purpose of the research is to give information about the topic. The purpose

of research is also to let the readers understand how extracurricular activity affects the

learning of a child.

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