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Admas University

Faculty of Business
Department of Business Management and Marketing

Individual Assignment for the course: Entrepreneurship and/or Enterprise Development

Submission date:
Assignment submission modality: Telegram Group
Weight of the assignment:10 to 20%
This assignment is designed to encourage students widen their entrepreneurial skill, by
investigating the real experiences of local entrepreneurs and supporting books, while staying
home. students are expected to prepare their response in a detailed and organic manner. All
students are expected to attempt the assignment.
Question 1.
Think of an entrepreneur in your location.
A. What makes the entrepreneur different from others (write the unique Characteristics of
these entrepreneur)
B. Identify the unique competencies the entrepreneur possesses
C. Which type of entrepreneur he/she is? Why?

Question 2.
What do you think is the economic contribution of entrepreneurship? Explain it in 1 page

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