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(1) What was/were the reason(s) for the migration of the Chinese in the Philippines

during the early part of the Spanish colonization? Please elaborate

- One of the main reasons for the increase of Chinese migrants in the early part
of Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines was the economic opportunity that
the Philippines presented. After the Spanish colonial government established
the Manila-Acapulco galleon trade system in 1571, the Chinese found a
“niche” in the Spanish colonial economy. Thus, Chinese sea merchants brought
wares or products to Manila. They also brought a variety of trinkets, novelty,
and goods such as jewelry, furniture, hardware, wheat flour, salted meat. These
were traded with the indigenous people of the Philippines for items such as
swallows’ nests, sea cucumber, carabao horns, and salted fish brought to
Acapulco where they were exchanged for Mexican silver.

(2) Cite one of the challenges that the Chinese migrants encounter during the Spanish
period. Provide details.

- The growth of the Chinese population turned into an issue of great concern to
the Spanish authorities. Because of their fear and distrust of the Chinese, they
issued several decrees calling for the mass deportation of the Chinese. Limitations
of immigration and regulation of Chinese commercial and industrial activities also
sought to control the number of Chinese immigrants. For instance, in 1605 the
number of Chinese that are permitted to enter the Philippines was limited to 6,000.
Heavy customs duties amounting to three percent of the value of every shipment
were also levied on the Chinese trader. Furthermore, the Chinese residing in the
Philippines were required to pay a tribute of 8 pesos a year. Non-Christian Chinese
were deported or restricted in their movements and interaction with the local

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