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The Sound of Music

I have listened this song and my opinion is that is not my type. It’s a little bit stupid and I think
the most Romanian people don’t have a good musical seems. In my opinion people who listen
that type of music don’t have such a developed culture and they like commercial music. Consider
that exist a connection between certain music genres and certain types of behavior because
people who listen more music gens like pop, classic, rap etc. are more open minded and they
know to appreciate a good song but those people who listen just manele, commercial music etc.
have close mind who is limited simply nonsensical lyrics and melodic style oriental music turned
fiddler. Honestly, I listen all gens of music. When I was younger like 14-16 years ago, I have
listening more pop and classical song because that was songs listened of my brother and sister. I
think almost all people listen to manele from time to time or at occasions such as parties, clubs,
etc. and it's hard to say anything about someone just referring to the music they listen to but there
are also some people you can easily see after listening behavior. Here I mean those bombardieri
who are seen listening only to Nicolae Guta and Bogdan from Ploiesti. Usually when I listen a
song for the first time, the melodic line and the lyrics are the things I decide if I like it or not and
if I would listen to it again. I am looking for lyrics that will inspire me or that will transmit a
certain positive energy to me or in which I will find myself. I think a good song tells a story
behind it. Consider that exist good song and bad song because music is not the same, it is
different for everyone to find the kind of music that suits them.

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