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Basic Gender Concepts


What did you feel and why did you feel that way?

Learning something important for society gives me a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.
Learning about gender roles aided me in discovering who I am and how I relate with those
around me and gaining self-confidence, well-being, peer acceptance, and social support, all
of which were beneficial. It is satisfying and fulfilling so that I am already on my first step
towards contributing to society. At this point, at least I already have the knowledge to
influence others who are unaware.

What were the challenges that you experienced?

Growing up, I've learned about how individuals of a particular gender and age group are
expected to behave in a specific social setting described by gender norms. I've never known
about how it can be harmful to society; gender norms can harm all genders in a wide range
of inequities around them. Aside from that, I also felt challenged upon learning about gender
stereotypes. Stereotyping genders is just as dangerous as upholding gender norms.
Unfortunately, gender stereotyping has persisted in society despite the numerous legal,
cultural, and philosophical challenges that have called it into doubt.

How would you address those challenges that you experienced?

With continuous reading about genders and how their all-around factor changes over time, I
can carefully and meticulously address my challenges. This kind of topic is sensitive. Aside
from that, it also needs thorough learning, not just to understand it but to acknowledge and
appreciate it subtly. In addition, I could also address it by studying how to be sensitive
towards gender, wherein gender sensitivity contributes to the development of respect for
individuals, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation.

Were there some possibilities of transformation in your mind regarding gender roles?
Explain your answer.

Societies can develop in such a way that the roles of every gender shift quickly. Several
causes have contributed to the shift in gender roles in the twenty-first century and are still
occurring. It may seem complicated and nonviable, but my perspective towards gender roles
is transforming and can still transform as time goes on. At this moment, it was gratifying
learning about the actual terms about this topic because, in that simple way, I can help tear
down the stigma that was constructed in our society.

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