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June 3, 2010 ‫בס"ד‬

Dr. and Mrs. Shimon Deutcsh

Shaulson 34/11 , Har Nof Jerusalem

Cc: The Honorable Yechezkel Goldfield, Adv.

c/o Goldfield – Ben Menachem
12 Beit Hadfus Jerusalem 95438, Israel

Dear Dr. and Mrs. Deutsch, LOY”T

I would like to review some of the events of the past few weeks and give some
perspective to where they have gone. It is clear that we (the Starcks) have undertaken this
transaction with the best of intentions and have followed the terms of the agreement
faithfully. As of April 1, 2010 the apartment has been paid for in full.

During the last week of April, it came to our attention that there is a discrepancy in the
legal status of the property vis-à-vis what is written in the nesech tabau. The details and
ramifications of which were clearly spelled out in our letter of May 4, 2010. The
documentation to verify the problem was included, as well.

There are no words to describe how distressing this was to us, but an analogy can
illustrate. Our feelings were like those of a young man who has spent many years looking
for a suitable match. After many years of trials and tribulations, he finally found the girl
of his dreams and he was crazy about her. He spared no expense in the dating and
engagement and wedding preparations. Two days before the wedding it is revealed that
she is sterile! Perhaps drastic treatments will help, but as is, there is little hope for
fruition. He is still in love with the girl. There is nothing wrong with her as a person and a
soul mate, but he needs more than a wife. He needs a mother for his children. His choices
are only to go through with the marriage or to call it off.

What should he do?

The girl's parents claim that they knew nothing about this and claim to be just as shocked
as he is. What should they do?

Before anything else, two things go without saying: (1) All involved parties must
acknowledge the problem (2) this is not just the "groom's" problem. This is everybody's

No, there are no easy answers or magic silver bullets. A situation like this is what we call
a maaseh satan and it doesn't have to be anybody's fault. But it is still a problem and it
must be dealt with. Properly.

Getting back to planet earth, we are the groom in this story. A house that cannot be resold
is like a woman that cannot bear children. It can be the most beautiful and fitting house in

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June 3, 2010 ‫בס"ד‬

the world but it is still defective and its value is diminished. From one perspective our
dreams are shattered as yours may be as well. But from another, we still "love the girl".

Or, we did. Until we found out who her parents really are.

Because, without any easy options, we needed to alert the other side that there is a
problem and what the problem can lead to if we do not work together to solve it. The
obvious first step is to get together and discuss it and that is precisely what we proposed.
We expected the other side (the "girl's parents") to be mature, responsible, honest and
conscientious. And we expected some level of cooperation. And we were nothing short of
appalled at what came in its place: Cowardly resistance and evasiveness.

It took 11 days until we finally received any response. A letter that is despicable,
scurrilous, cowardly and shameful.

I will not review the particulars of the letter, only to say that its sole purpose was to
callously undermine, not only the scope of the issue, but the Halachic validity of the
situation as well as to disavow all responsibility. And, aside from the fact that this letter
provides not a shred of documentation to support anything it says, it resorts to distortions
and truth-bending and, in at least one case, outright lies. Here is what the letter says to us:

“We refuse to acknowledge any problem and even if there is one and we overpriced
the property, we are not responsible for it and we feel justified in keeping the
overpriced proceeds in our pockets so we can buy a beautiful dira in the Kodesh
Kedashim of the Old City and live like the tzaddikim we are. And we are even willing
to lie through our teeth to accomplish this.”

We are so proud of you.

Do you know what the letter doesn’t say? It doesn’t claim that the property is really
worth $1.25M. It doesn’t claim that the property is salable. It doesn’t claim that we
delivered to you a defect free property as we are required to by the contract. It only
claims that we don’t give a damn and, no matter what, we are entitled to keep all the
money. And, in item 6, you are actually making tachbulot to keep our money even if it’s
a mekach taut! What Yishmaeli skunks you are. Are you not ashamed?

I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Are you people Jewish? I question your ancestry!
This is a catfight response I expect from goyim, not from Jews who keep and respect
Shulchan Aruch.

I sincerely expected that within 24 hours of receiving my letter, Mr. Goldfield would
contact my lawyer and discuss this situation like a human being. Initially, I sincerely
thought that the Deutsches and Mr. Goldfield were human beings. What was I thinking??

I sent a letter with a documented quantifiable problem and proposed a conference. My

letter says, “We have a problem. Let’s get together and solve it.” And I get back a letter

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June 3, 2010 ‫בס"ד‬

that says, “It’s your problem. We are keeping your money whether we are entitled to it or
not. You swallow it! Go jump in the lake!” or, in catfight talk, “Up yours!”

What is going on here? I have done everything in my power to avoid a goyish catfight
and you have done everything in your power to ensure that there will be one. What the
H*** for??? There is time for a catfight if talking like a mentcsh doesn’t work. But
talking like a mentsch is not on your agenda and is evidently beyond your capabilities.

What on earth did you expect that letter to solve? What kind of wimps do you take us for
to swallow this glop? Did you really think that after all of the money is in your hands we
would come to you with a claim that is not valid? Are you that clueless?? I am stupefied.
Did intelligent people write this? Did yarei shamayim? I am so ashamed.

I am thoroughly ashamed of Yechezkel Goldfield because I don’t for a second believe

that he himself respects a single one of the silly, lame naarishe taanos that he presents in
your name. Not a word in this letter is backed up by a single (documented) fact or a se'if
in Shulchan Aruch. And you stoop so low as to punctuate it with outright lies!!! (3
exclamation points!) To keep money that you don’t deserve!!!!! If Goldfield was the
lawyer for the buyers and received such a letter, he would be just as ashamed of the idiots
that wrote it as we are of the Deutsches and Goldfield. He is definitely a lawyer first and
a mentsch and yarei shamayim a very distant second. Are you actually paying this guy

I didn't want a catfight. But if that's what you want, that's what you get.

Please furnish me with the other taanos that you referred to in your letter. I am curious to
see how many spurious claims, distortions of events, and outright lies you can possibly
make up.

I have found out who the Deutsches really are. I am so ashamed of them!

Enjoy your new life in the Old City.

Respectfully yours,

‫צבי בן ישראל בן צבי בן דוד יוסף למשפחת שטארך‬

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