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1-Coloque o verbo entre parênteses no Present Continuous

a) The Children ___________ in the garden (play).

b) She ______________ fast today (drive).
c) They ______________ each other today (not talk).
d) Be quiet please. The baby ____________ (sleep).
e) At the moment my wife __________ the dogs and I _________ the plants
f) Why ________ the letter again? Because I ________ for spelling mistakes (you
g) The sky ____________ dark. You'd better take an umbrella (get).
h) John ____________ at the momet. He ____________ a comic book (not
i) Where is Carla? She _____________ in the living room. What ________? She
________ television (sit/she do/ watch)
j) What a nice dress you ___________________ today (wear)
2- Escreva os nomes dos animais:

a) Mico-leão-dourado_________________________________________
b) Elefante_____________________________________
c) Urso panda___________________________________
d) Tartaruga marinha________________________________
e) Peixe boi________________________________________
f) Onça ________________________________________
g) Leão________________________________________

3) O que significa o verb Can?

4) Pass to the negative and interrogative form:
a) Maria can love joão.
b) Jaguar can run fast
c) Gorrillas can jump
5) Para que se utiliza o Present continiuos em inglês?

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