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Cyp Gabriel Peñ aflorida MLS-2C August 27, 2019

The Scent of a Woman

Unlike other students, Charlie has to work hard to make a living and has to be
on a scholarship in order to keep himself in school. Charlie’s life turned when he
witnessed a prank done on one of their head teachers and when he met a retired Lt.
Col named Frank. A bond was formed between then and both gradually changed as
they spend more time on each other.
In the first part of the movie, Charlie was seeking for a weekend job in order
to afford a ticket in his way home for Christmas. His patience was tested when he
was tasked to watch over a drunkard, suicidal and grumpy retired Lt. Col. Named
Frank. As a reflection to this particular scene, some students share the same struggle
as Charlie’s. Not all are given the privilege to study with our minds free from the
anxiety of paying our tuition fees. Though Charlie experienced hardships, he
endured all of it because he was motivated to go home for his family.
In school, Charlie was one of the two witnesses who saw the persons behind
the prank done on their head teacher. He was pressed and bribed to name the
persons involved however, Charlie refused to spill the beans. In this particular
scene, Charlie refused to tell the truth because he was intimidated by the teachers’
bribery of having to send Charlie to Harvard if he tells who are the perpetrators. All
of us are being bribed and intimated to do something as ordered by someone. This
situation sometimes happen even in our own home. When your father bribes you to
hide a secret from your mother or sibling, that is a form of bribery and corruption. If
we wish to eradicate corruption, we must start within our homes.
Frank and Charlie went on a trip and Frank spilled the truth behind the trip
to Charlie. Frank wishes to enjoy a luxurious life in New York surrounded by women
and eventually kill himself. Charlie doubted if Frank will truly commit suicide until
one day when he saw Frank attempting to kill himself with a pistol wearing his
Lt.Col. suit. Charlie stopped Frank and a fight happened between them. Frank did
not continue his attempt of suicide and instead just let it all go. Frank may have
experienced chronic depression due to his blindness because of his own doings. He
had lived ever since in darkness and it slowly consumed the life out of him. Each
one of us had experienced depression and lowest point in our life. However,
committing suicide does not count as way to solve these problems. We must stand
up and face these challenges because how we rise in times of failure determines our
character and faith.
In the last part of the movie, Charlie and his fellow witness were put in a hall
full of students for public scrutiny. George was able to pass out to Charlie the burden
of telling who the perpetrators were. Frank came to the rescue and gave a
passionate speech about the importance of honesty and integrity. Charlie was
excused for his involvement and the student who are truly guilty were put into
probation. In the end, the truth will always triumph over evil and the people who do
not give up are the true victors in life.

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