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Air pollution is considered one of the most serious issues that developed countries are

facing. This essay will highlight some possible causes as well as several adverse
consequences resulting from air degradation.
To begin with, air quality is getting increasingly deteriorated for some reasons. Firstly,
one of the most obvious causes of air depletion may be human activities. Manufacturing
industries release into the atmospheres a large amount of toxic untreated gases every
day. At the same time, forests - the green lungs of the Earth, which play a crucial role
in balance air quality, are being cut down at an alarming rate. Another cause lead to
lower air quality is transportation. Vehicles require the burning of energy to operate.
These days, almost all means of transportation use fossil fuels as energy, which release
carbon dioxide into the air. It is estimated that the burning of fossil fuel used in private
and public vehicle account for 70% the amount of CO2 every year in the USA.
There are several negative impact of air pollutions. Firstly, air degradation results in
numerous respiratory diseases such as asthma, shortness of breath and lung cancer.
Millions of people have been known to die of lung cancer every year due to living in air-
contaminated areas. Another devastating effect of air pollution is that it may cause
ozone depletion. Scientists have warned that harmful gases from burning fossil fuel
contribute to the damage of ozone layer which is responsible for protecting all living
creatures on Earth.
In conclusion, air pollution problem is of growing concerns. Governments should
actively in find out solutions to resolve the problem.

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