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The cities in the future

The defination of cities of the future is divided into two different opinions . this is the believes of
pessimists and optimists . i am a optimistic person so now i’m gonna convey u about the believe of
optimists . optimists believes that the cities dwellers will have a better life thanks to the important
achievements in technology and medicine. The modern machines and well- equipped hospitals will
provide better, qiucker and more effective treatments for people . how about the environmental
problems ? they also think that the scientists will find ways to cut down the cost of the renewable
energy sources and make them available to everybody. They hope that these energy sources will step by
step replace the fossil fuels such as gas, coal and oil inthe next twenty years . so that the cities dwellers
will live in a cleaner and healthier environment .

Life styles changing

Because of the 4.0 world, we all suffer from pressure and depression and I’m not an exception.

As a high school student, I have to deal with a lot of depressions from my goals, academic qualification,
and universities. I have been thinking about them for a long time And every single day that I could not
fall asleep at night and that was also the cause of stress. Moreover, these things led to my bad academic
and bad performance at school. I was so disappointed in myself and I thought that I had to change
something not to let it happen anymore. eventually, I decided to search for some pieces of information
about how to deal with my depression or stress.

I have been searching for the pieces of information for months, on youtube, google and finally, I found
out the medicine. it is more than tablets or penkillers I call it is a mental treatment. it is motivational
Youtubers, motivation videos, quotes, and lessons on ‘ how to change your habits to live happier and
more optimistic ‘. I have been listening to the motivation video every single morning as soon as I wake
up, reading more, thinking negatively less, and sometimes practicing meditation.

After 1 month, I could see the changes in my life about my habits my thoughts my behaviors. I
understood how important talking is then I tried to talk more to my parents and luckily they have been
understanding me so well, supporting me more. So, I feel more confident and happier, my academic is
better and I act friendlier.

And now it has been 2 years since then

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