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Comparative adjectives

Main Use:

Comparatives are used to compare to things and to highlight the superiority,

inferiority, or equality of one term compared to another.

- Superiority:
a) Short adjectives: adj+ ER THAN
b) Long adjectives: MORE + adj+ THAN

- Equality:
a) Short and long adjectives: AS…. Adjective As….

- Inferiority:
a) Short and long adjectives: LESS+ adj+ THAN

Superlative adjectives

Main Use:

For comparisons in larger groups, you must use the superlative.

The superlative designates extremes: the best, the first, the worst, the last, etc.

- Superiority:
a) Short adjectives: THE + adj –EST
b) Long adjectives: THE MOST + adjective

- Equality:
Doesn´t exist

- Inferiority:
a) Short & long adjectives: THE LEAST + adjective
Simple past tense


Simple past tense is used to describe actions that happened at an earlier time and
have already completed.

- Affirmative form:
a) Subject + Irregular/Regular Verb + Complement.

- Negative form:
a) Subject + Auxiliary (Did) + Not + Verb Basic Form + Complement.

- Interrogative form:
a) Auxiliary (Did) + Subject + Verb Basic Form + Complement +?.

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