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William James: The Dilemma of Determinism

a) For each of the followings, choose the correct answer.

b) Pick 3 of the answers below and explain why you choose those answers in your own words.

1. Indeterminism allows that the world has

a. fixed future.

b. ambiguous possibilities.

c. no chance.

2. The question of whether indeterminism is true is

a. readily answered.

b. insoluble.

c. meaningless.

3. If determinism is true, feelings of regret are

a. absurd.

b. rational.

c. expected.

4. In a deterministic world, murder and treachery would cease to be

a. events.

b. determined.

c. sins.

5. James says that determinism professes that those parts of the universe already laid down absolutely
decree what the other parts shall be.

a. True

b. False

6. James asserts that to determine the truth about determinism and indeterminism, people rely almost
entirely on the empirical facts.

a. True

b. False
7. James thinks that it is better—emotionally and morally—to believe in a deterministic world than one
of chance.

a. True

b. False

8. James believes that indeterminism allows for the possibility of free will.

a. True

b. False

9. James believes that if we believe determinism is true, this would lead to

a. objective moral codes

b. confusion in our moral sense

c. attempts to become righteous.

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