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Field Experience Log & Reflection

Instructional Technology Department

Candidate: Mentor/Title: School/District:

Jana Brewer Madison Lockridge/Teacher Pepperell Middle School/Floyd
Field Experience/Assignment: Course: Professor/Semester:
Current Reality and Coaching Sessions ITEC 7460 Professional Learning Chiavacci/Spring 2020
and Technology Innovation

Part I: Log
Date(s) Activity/Time STATE Standards PSC NATIONAL Standards ISTE
1/15/2020 Interviewed principal about current realities [1 PSC 5.1, 2.8 ISTE 1c
1/27/2020 Researched and wrote Current Reality and PSC 1.1, 2.8 ISTE 1a, 2h
2/15- GSAPS [8 hours]
3/6/2020 Prepared and completed coaching sessions 1-3 [6 PSC 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6, 3.3, 6.3 ISTE 2a, 2b, 2d, 2f, 3b, 3c,
3/30/2020 hours] 3g,
4/26/2020 Completed coaching journal and edited videos [6 PSC 6.2 ISTE 6c
Total Hours: [21 hours ]

(Place an X in the box representing the race/ethnicity and subgroups involved in this field experience.)
Ethnicity P-12 Faculty/Staff P-12 Students
P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12
Black x
Native American/Alaskan Native
White x x
Multiracial x
Students with Disabilities
Limited English Proficiency
Eligible for Free/Reduced Meals x
Part II: Reflection

(Minimum of 3-4 sentences per question)

1. Briefly describe the field experience. What did you learn about technology facilitation and
leadership from completing this field experience?
Through this experience, I gained a better understanding of what it means to be an instructional
technology coach. I was able to prepare and carry out multiple coaching sessions with a teacher in
my school to help him utilize technology more effectively in his classroom and to increase student
engagement. Throughout this process, I began by helping him understand the current realities in
his classroom, coached him through goal setting, provided him with strategies and tools to reach
his goals, modeled how to use these strategies and tools, and encouraged him as he incorporated
new skills into his teaching practice. This experience was new for me and for my cooperating
teacher, and I feel we both benefitted from this because I was able to develop my skills as a coach
as he developed his technology skills. Because we began this experience in the classroom and
ended it working from home provided students with digital learning opportunities, I was able to
coach my cooperating teacher in two different settings which provided for a more unique coaching
2. How did this learning relate to the knowledge (what must you know), skills (what must you
be able to do) and dispositions (attitudes, beliefs, enthusiasm) required of a technology
facilitator or technology leader? (Refer to the standards you selected in Part I. Use the
language of the PSC standards in your answer and reflect on all 3—knowledge, skills, and
This learning was related to the knowledge I must have because I had to understand how to
provide coaching that would prepare my cooperating teacher for success. I had know a variety of
strategies and tools that could be used with students both in the classroom as well as in a digital
learning setting. I also had to know how to use these strategies and tools effectively to provide my
cooperating teacher with the proper assistance in using them on his own. This learning also related
to the skills I must have as a coach because I had to understand how to listen effectively, ask
appropriate and thought-provoking questions, and allow my cooperating teacher to set goals and
make decisions that will be most successful in his classroom. Finally, the learning experience
relates to the dispositions required of me because my attitudes, beliefs, and enthusiasm towards
using technology and coaching others to utilize technology effectively will determine how
successful I am as a coach and how positive of an impact I can have on the teachers I will be
working with.
3. Describe how this field experience impacted school improvement, faculty development or
student learning at your school. How can the impact be assessed?
This field experience impacted faculty development and student learning at my school because I
worked one-on-one with another teacher to provide coaching sessions that allow him to provide
better learning opportunities for his students as well as effectively incorporating technology into
teaching practice. Throughout this experience, I worked with the teacher to develop lessons using
new strategies and tools that would spark new interest in his students and capture their attention.
The impact this experience had can be assessed through surveying the teacher I worked with
throughout this semester and evaluating the success the new technology tools and strategies used
to incorporate them impacted student learning and grades on various assessments.

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