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What is the tone created in the aims and assessment objectives,

how does the author create it, and why?

It is rather clear that the tone created in the aims and

assessment objectives is straihtforward and direct, with the
intention of being as unambiguous and forthright as possible. No
doubt or misinterpretation should arise from the reading of that
set of aims. The author achieves this purpose by dividing the
text in two parts: the aims and the assessments of the IB
Program. In order to do it more efficiently, the author uses
bullet points sentences and parallel structures and syntax (i.e.
the infinitive verbs on the first part and the nouns used as
complements of the verbs on the second part). It is also used a
range of abstract nouns and adjectives to express unequivocally
the traits and action which are expected from an IB student.
That structure also facilitate the search for a specific
assessment objective, for instance, on a second reading.

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