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First published by Random House New York, USA Grolier Danbury, USA Carlsen Hamburg, Germany Salusiivet-Ketho Helsinki, Finland Casterman Paris, France Orizontes Salonique, Greece Copyright: Hans Wilhelm Have you ever har a day when you Fell really bored? Wher you were even toe bored top wit your frends ot read a book? Toe what those dae are like! What makes it worse Is hen nobedy pays any fltention to pou or sees how bored you are That ean realy make you angry —and Wier ean make you fee! ike Leasing or Fighting ori, the itl bear in our story. has a day like this. He cant think anything tod. He doesnt wan to play with his ite sister or ber fines, But hie attempt to bother them tumsout very dflerenty from what he had expected! Your friend, Waldo A MERRITALES™ Book Totall Bored Boris! Written and illustrated by Hans Wilhelm Boris had played with allo allorhis baoks. But now be didat kon Ea. He ona and ps Bat he cout te ‘hin to do ore ws totally bored. = Finally Boris got upand went t his father. Me tooted. his trumpet ane! said, “Let's do something am doing something” sid his father. "ia busy printing. Why don’ you go Fishing?” read 3 Boris hoped that bis mother would do something with him, "Ta love to," sald his mother, “but f promised your little sister [a bake some cookies with ber, Why don't voutelp us?” No, No, no!” cried Boris. “I hate my sister—and 1 hate baking cookies!” [aes tos saan til kc rd 1 theres something Lo play with here,” he Toole his triapet with biz, justia ease ‘what ean 10? What cin 107" he find over There were lots of tings bedi wat todo—but nothing ‘hate realy wanted tod ‘But as soon as Boris had climbed up the tee, he saw that there was nothing todo. Te was a8 boeing a8 being, Tel in his 00m, id bux cane walking by. ‘of Boris sister chanting, astle. But oo one will know their work, royal eant™—rememberng that Boris tree again, ‘bow! filed with warnt cookies, When he stopped there tine silence! There ‘was no tala oF singling The trampet hse hl srk 1 had pat an end o their silly Tuan and stupid parts. Bors fet very please! ‘vith bine Boris couldit heart any longer. He Picked up his trumpet and blew i a lod Bur suddenly he heard ‘8 be could. Bast! his name called from ‘Then again. And auain! Buwat Beowat! below. ut he di ot forget about the ‘cookies which the princess had saved especially fr hit.

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