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Life after pandemic

Lockdown. This is how we all find ourselves in the world today, we are facing a
pandemic caused by a virus called covid-19 that has made us stay at home and
stop doing certain daily activities that we do normally since we must take care of
our health so as not to harm others. And while we try to get used to this new life,
many of us wonder what life will be like after the pandemic?

The pandemic has made us have different perspectives. The world has changed,
we have changed, we have left behind our old routine to create a new one. we
have changed the way we live, work, socialize with other people. We basically had
to learn to adapt to this way of living. This pandemic has brought good things as
well as bad, for example less pollution, kind acts or generosity towards others,
quality time with the family and as for the negative, we have the economic effects,
fear and uncertainty, deaths, and mental problems for some people.

This confinement has caused many things to change such as education, people's
jobs, the economy and even people's physical and mental health. For some people
it has been easier than others to face this new modality, we have had to adapt to
the rules that have been imposed on us, such as the days we can go out or those
we cannot, the curfew, etc... For some, the home is our work office and thinking
ahead there will be people of all kinds. for example, there Will be some who will run
to meet their colleagues, but there will be those who do not want to return to the
office. This applies to many areas of daily life (not only at work, socially speaking
as well).

We have had to physically leave our jobs, to move to telework, get used to being at
home and avoiding going out is difficult. Many have had to deal with problems such
as anxiety, despair and worry about losing their jobs or having their contracts
suspended. Education has also changed, from face-to-face we have had to change
to virtual mode, taking into account that many don´t know how to use the
technological tools they have had to learn. the economy has been affected by
business closures, many think that we will not recover from this decline and it
affects us all equally in different ways.

Life after the pandemic will never be the same., even if the virus becomes
controlled, many people will live with that fear day by day that a new infection will
appear. We really do not know when this epidemic will end or what life will be like
after the pandemic, probably in the future there will be more pandemics or
epidemics to deal with, all I can say is that we must also continue with adequate
prevention and security measures to adapt but something is obvious and it is that
we will no longer be locked up and we simply must find the strength to recover.

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