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7 Ways to Improve Your Study Time and avoid distractions


1. Choose Your Best Study Time

Most people study when they can find time, but it might not be the best study time. Do you study
better in the morning, afternoon, or evening? Whenever possible, study when you feel you’re at
your best. Time studying during those periods will maximize your study time. And it’s a lot better
than studying when you’re overly tired.
2. Choose the Best Location
Most people study at home because it’s the most convenient, but it’s also the place with the most
distractions. If possible, find a location you think you can study best in. If you study better with
background noise, consider studying in a local coffee shop or bookstore. And if you need total
silence, consider a city library or college library.
3. Remove distractions
Turn off your phone! Close all windows except what you need for that study session. Turn off other
devices like the TV. Have quiet background music only playing. Remove clutter from your study
4. Don’t Procrastinate
Most students procrastinate on huge projects or assignments because it seems like it will take a
long time to finish. Most student also procrastinate when it comes to applying themselves to a
study session.
To avoid procrastination, don’t think of the time or your assignment as something monstrous;
instead break it up into small, manageable chunks. For example, for a study time set an alarm for
20 minutes and keep at it until the alarm rings – take a 10 minute break then do another 20
minutes study. If you have to write an assignment; spend one day doing research; spend another
day writing an outline for the paper; another writing the paper; and one more day editing and
revising; etc. If you break up the time into manageable tasks, you should hopefully put an end to
5. Reward Yourself
Another key to studying well is to think positively about your study time. Plan on rewarding yourself
after spending time studying.
6. Take Breaks
Take breaks regularly to relax your mind. It’s refreshing to take a break, and it gives your whole
body time to rejuvenate. It’s recommended that you spend your break walking around and
stretching a little bit. You’ll feel better, and it will probably make your mind more focused when you
return. Do not spent the time between study sessions “blobbed out” playing a video game or
watching a screen. MOVE!
7. Study Groups
Time spent in a study group can really help make studying more enjoyable and more effective. It
might not always be practical to meet with a study group, but even a brief meeting with other
students can help you focus on key areas to study. They can also clue you in on something you
might have missed in class.
7 Ways to Improve Your Studying

1. Choose Your Best Study

Most people study when they can find time, but it might not be the best study time
Do you study better in the morning, afternoon, or evening?
Whenever possible, study when you feel you’re at your
Time studying during those periods will
And it’s a lot better than studying when you’re overly tired.

2. Choose the Best

Most people study at because it’s the most , but it’s also the
place with the most . If possible, find a location you think you can study best in.
If you study better with background noise, consider studying in or
bookstore. And if you need total silence, consider a

3. Remove
Turn off your ! Close all windows except what you need for that study session.
Turn off other devices like the . Have quiet background music only playing.
Remove from your study area.

4. Don’t
Most students procrastinate on huge projects or assignments because it seems like it will take a
long time to finish. Most student also procrastinate when it comes to
to a study session.
To , don’t think of the time or your assignment as something monstrous;
instead break it up into small, manageable chunks. For example, for a study time set an alarm for
minutes and keep at it until the alarm rings –
take a minute break then do another minutes study.
If you have to write an assignment; spend one day doing research; spend another day writing an
outline for the paper; another writing the paper; and one more day editing and revising; etc. If you
break up the time into , you should hopefully put an end to procrastination.

5. Reward
Another key to studying well is to think positively about your study time.
Plan on rewarding after spending time studying.

6. Take
Take regularly to relax your mind. It’s refreshing to take a break, and it gives your
whole body time to rejuvenate. It’s recommended that you spend your break around
and a little bit. You’ll feel better, and it will probably make your mind more focused
when you return. spent the time between study sessions “blobbed out” playing a
video game or watching a screen. MOVE!

7. Study
Time spent in a can really help make studying more enjoyable and more effective.
It might not always be practical to meet with a , but even a brief meeting with other
students can help you to study.
They can also clue you in on something you might have

Additional Information

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