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Rev Clin Esp. 2020;xxx(xx):xxx---xxx

Revista Clínica


Acute, subacute and chronic mountain sickness夽

E. Garrido a,d,∗ , J. Botella de Maglia b,d , O. Castillo c

Servicio de Hipobaria y Fisiología Biomédica, Universidad de Barcelona, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
Servicio de Medicina Intensiva, Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe, Valencia, Spain
Instituto Nacional de Biología Andina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru
Instituto de Estudios de Medicina de Montaña (IEMM), Barcelona, Spain

Received 16 October 2019; accepted 16 December 2019

KEYWORDS Abstract More than 100 million people ascend to high mountainous areas worldwide every
Altitude; year. At nonextreme altitudes (<5500 m), 10---85% of these individuals are affected by acute
Monge’s disease; mountain sickness, the most common disease induced by mild-moderate hypobaric hypoxia.
Pulmonary Approximately 140 million individuals live permanently at heights of 2500---5500 m, and up to
hypertension; 10% of them are affected by the subacute form of mountain sickness (high-altitude pulmonary
Hypoxia; hypertension) or the chronic form (Monge’s disease), the latter of which is especially common
Mountain sickness; in Andean ethnicities. This review presents the most relevant general concepts of these 3
Mountaineering. clinical variants, which can be incapacitating and can result in complications and become life-
threatening. Proper prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of these conditions in
a hostile environment such as high mountains are therefore essential.
© 2020 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights

PALABRAS CLAVE Mal de montaña de tipo agudo, subagudo y crónico

Enfermedad de Resumen Más de 100 millones de personas ascienden cada año a áreas montañosas elevadas
monge; en todo el planeta, y en altitudes no extremas (<5.500 m) entre el 10-85% se ven afectados
Hipertensión por el denominado mal agudo de montaña, la patología más frecuentemente inducida por
pulmonar; una hipoxia hipobárica ligera-moderada. Asimismo, unos 140 millones de seres humanos viven
Hipoxia; de forma permanente en cotas comprendidas entre 2.500---5.500 m, y hasta un 10% de ellos
Mal de montaña; padecen la forma subaguda del mal de montaña (hipertensión pulmonar de la gran altitud)
Montañismo. o la forma crónica (enfermedad de Monge), esta última especialmente frecuente en etnias
andinas. La presente revisión expone los conceptos generales más relevantes en torno a estas

Please cite this article as: Garrido E, Botella de Maglia J, Castillo O. Mal de montaña de tipo agudo, subagudo y crónico. Rev Clin Esp.
∗ Corresponding author.

E-mail address: (E. Garrido).

2254-8874/© 2020 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.

RCENG-1811; No. of Pages 9

2 E. Garrido et al.

tres variantes clínicas, las cuales pueden ser incapacitantes, llegar a complicarse y ser
potencialmente mortales, siendo esencial el realizar una correcta prevención, diagnóstico,
terapéutica y manejo de las mismas en un entorno hostil como es la alta montaña.
© 2020 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). Todos los
derechos reservados.

Background by which it progresses from one stage to another is contro-

versial, it appears to be due to a failure in the blood-brain
It is estimated that 5% of the worldwide population per- barrier due to a mechanical or cytotoxic aggression or diffi-
manently live in mountainous areas, and approximately 140 culty draining the cerebral venous flow.13
million of them live at high altitude (<2500m). Every year,
more than 100 million people visit or travel to high mountain
areas for professional, touristic, sports or religious reasons, Clinical presentation
reaching high geographical heights through various means of
transportation or by performing intense physical activity.1 AMS typically occurs at altitudes higher than 2500 m but can
Barometric pressure falls dramatically as the altitude occur around 2000 m. The higher the altitude, the higher
increases, resulting in a reduced partial pressure of oxy- the incidence and intensity of AMS symptoms, affecting
gen and the ensuing drop in arterial oxygen pressure (PaO2 ) 10---25% of nonacclimated individuals who ascend to heights
and oxygen saturation (SaO2 ). Health disorders caused by of approximately 2500 m and 50---85% of those who ascend
this hypoxemia depend on the height reached, the speed of to altitudes of 4500---5500 m.14 The mean incidence rate of
ascent, the time spent at that height and the individual’s AMS increases by approximately 13% for each 1000 m above
physiological response (known as acclimatization).2 This 2500 m.15 The clinical manifestation is typically nonspecific:
biological process launches adaptive phenomena in various isolated headache or accompanied by asthenia, anorexia,
organs and systems3 by stimulating complex oxygen-sensing nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness and dizziness. Occasion-
mechanisms4 that activate the hypoxia-inducible factor, ally, there is concomitant facial and peripheral edema,
transcription factor for the expression of numerous genes especially in women, although it is not considered pathog-
that regulate oxygen deprivation and tissue homeostasis.5 nomonic of AMS. The symptoms usually start in the first
Nevertheless, humans can only adapt to extreme altitudes 6---12 h and worsen as the individual gains altitude. The
(<5500m) for brief periods.6 Considering that the mean PaO2 diagnosis is performed exclusively by the symptoms. There
and SaO2 values above 8000 m are below 35 mm Hg and are several scoring systems for assessing the symptoms,16
70%, respectively,7,8 a state of coma would occur within although the most recommended for use by medical per-
3 min in the absence of acclimatization.9 When the degree sonnel is the Lake Louise scale,15,17 which correctly types
of acclimatization to hypoxia is inadequate for a certain the patient through the presence and degree of impair-
altitude, a varied spectrum of dysfunctions and health dis- ment of 4 essential symptoms (Table 2). A total score ≥3,
orders occur,3,10 with mountain sickness the most common in the presence of headache, is considered diagnostic for
condition experienced. Depending on the symptom onset, AMS; however, a score of 3 in the headache intensity, even
characteristics and progression, the disease can be classi- without other accompanying symptoms, is also diagnostic
fied into 3 well-differentiated forms or types, which do not for this clinical entity. Headache is therefore an essential
correspond to different pathochronic stages of the same symptom in the manifestation of AMS, but the absence of
clinical entity. These types are called acute mountain sick- headache does not rule out the diagnosis, which is con-
ness (AMS), subacute mountain sickness (SMS) and chronic firmed in this case with a total score ≥5. Severe cases are
mountain sickness (CMS). Table 1 shows the main differences usually completely incapacitating for most activities.17 In
between the types. children, especially in preverbal stages, AMS should always
be suspected in the presence of irritability and behavioral
changes. Headaches are usually pulsatile, worsen with phys-
Acute mountain sickness ical exercise and the Valsalva maneuver, frequently start
during the first night and are quickly relieved by inhaling sup-
Although there are old symptomology descriptions, this plemental oxygen. Any headache that starts after the third
disease was clinically classified in 1913 by the British doc- day while staying at the same altitude of >2500 m should not
tor Thomas Ravenhill.11 The exact pathogenic mechanism be attributed to AMS. Sleep disorders, very common at high
is still not well understood; however, encephalic vasodi- or extreme altitudes due to the onset of periodic breathing,
lation, vasogenic edema, increased intracranial pressure do not have a strict correlation with AMS.18 Nevertheless,
and meningeal distension appear to be the most feasible there does appear to be an association between this dis-
mechanisms.12 High-altitude cerebral edema (HACE) corre- ease and the presence of subclinical high-altitude pulmonary
sponds to a progressed stage of AMS, and although the form edema.19
Acute, subacute and chronic mountain sickness 3

Table 1 General aspects and main differential characteristics of the 3 types of mountain sickness (the subacute type is also
called high-altitude pulmonary hypertension, while the chronic type is called Monge’s disease).

Types of mountain sickness Acute Subacute Chronic

Minimum altitude required 2000---2500 m 2500---5500 m 2500---3000 m
Risk population Children/adults Children/adults Adults
Time to symptom onset Hours Weeks/months Years
Predominant symptoms Cephalic Respiratory Neuropsychological
Gastrointestinal Cardiac Cardiopulmonary
Clinical assessment Lake Louise scale Clinical presentation Qinghai scale
Hematocrit Normal ↑/↑↑ ↑↑↑
SaO2 ↓/↓↓ ↓/↓↓ ↓↓↓
PaCO2 ↓/↓↓ ↓ ↑↑↑
Pulmonary arterial pressure Normal/↑ ↑↑↑ ↑↑/↑↑↑a
Clinical course Self-limiting CHF CHF
Effective drugs Ibuprofen Nifedipine Enalapril
Acetazolamide Sildenafil Acetazolamide
Dexamethasone Medroxyprogesterone
Therapeutic alternatives Oxygen Oxygen Phlebotomy bleeding
Hyperbaric chamber Altitude loss Hemodilution
Altitude loss Oxygen
Altitude loss
Abbreviations: CHF, congestive heart failure; HACE, high-altitude cerebral edema; PaCO2 , partial pressure of carbon dioxide; SaO2 ,
arterial oxygen saturation.
a Occasionally normal or slightly increased.

The differential diagnosis should be performed with as well as night-time oxygen therapy (0.5−1 L/min) are
migraine, exhaustion, dehydration, sunstroke, viral syn- highly effective for moderate AMS. When faced with severe
drome and alcohol or carbon monoxide poisoning.13 The cases and minimal clinical suspicion of progression to HACE,
prognosis is good because the condition is typically self- the treatment should consist of urgently descending the
limiting during the first 4 days of staying at a same altitude. patient, administering oral or parenteral dexamethasone
Below 5000 m, less than 1% of cases of AMS progress to HACE, at a rate of 4 mg/6 h (after an initial dose of 8 mg) until
an entity that should be suspected in the minimal presence symptom remission. Oral acetazolamide (250 mg/12 h) can
of cognitive disorder and the onset of ataxia 24---72 h after be added, although corticotherapy is the main drug indica-
the start of AMS.20 HACE is a medical emergency because tion in these cases. If evacuation is delayed, oxygen may also
the onset of coma can occur within a few hours and can be be administered (2---4 L/min) or recompression therapy may
fatal due to brain herniation.14 be started in a portable hyperbaric chamber, attempting to
keep SaO2 at levels >90%.3,13,14,21

In general, it is advisable to employ conservative measures,
stopping the ascent until the symptoms have spontaneously The best strategy consists of acclimatizing to the altitude
remitted, although oral ibuprofen (600 mg/8---24 h) is indi- progressively, ascending a daily slope of <500 m if overnight
cated to treat the headache, as well as oral or parenteral stays at altitudes >2500---3000 m are planned, and devoting
ondansetron (4 mg/4---6 h) to treat the nausea and vomit- a day to rest for every 3---4 days of new altitude gain.13,21
ing. If, during the first 4 days, there is no improvement, the Caution is recommended for those individuals with a history
individual must descend to an altitude 300---1000 m lower of migraine or deficient altitude adaptation, given that they
or reach the previous height where the patient was asymp- are more susceptible to high altitude headache and AMS.21,22
tomatic. The most incapacitating cases should be treated Chemoprophylaxis is only indicated for especially suscep-
with oral acetazolamide (250 mg/12 h) or oral or parenteral tible individuals or when faced with scheduled overnight
dexamethasone (4 mg/6 h). The treatment regimen for chil- stays at high altitude without possible acclimatization
dren for these drugs is 2.5 mg/kg/12 h (maximum 250 mg and consists of oral acetazolamide (125 mg/12 h) or, in
per dose) and 0.15 mg/kg/6 h, respectively. Acetazolamide rare cases, oral dexamethasone (2 mg/6 h or 4 mg/12 h).
is most effective for treating mild-moderate AMS, while Dexamethasone is reserved for when acetazolamide is con-
dexamethasone is most effective for moderate-severe AMS. traindicated or is poorly tolerated. The combination of
Either of both drugs should be stopped as soon as the symp- the 2 drugs or even higher dosages of dexamethasone
toms disappear. Recompression using a hyperbaric chamber, (4 mg/6 h) may be considered exclusively in highly justified
4 E. Garrido et al.

that assess cardiopulmonary function through normobaric

Table 2 Lake Louise scale for diagnosing and qualifying the
hypoxia or in hypobaric chambers do help detect patients at
symptoms of acute mountain sickness.
risk.25,26 Physical training has not been shown to have a pro-
Headache tective effect against AMS,27 and vigorous physical exercise
0: absence performed at high altitude can promote the onset of AMS.28
1: mild Women, younger people, smokers, or overweight individuals
2: moderate appear to have a higher susceptibility to AMS.29
3: intense (incapacitating) In general, the risk of presenting AMS is very high when
Gastrointestinal symptoms exceeding the altitude of 3500 m in a single day, as occurs in
0: absence locations highly frequented by tourists and rapidly reached
1: anorexia by car, air, cable car or train. The concomitance of diseases,
2: nausea or vomiting especially cardiopulmonary, can also represent a contraindi-
3: nausea and vomiting (incapacitating) cation for reaching altitudes >2500 m. Each case should be
Fatigue/asthenia assessed according to the altitude goal, type of ascent,
0: absence length of stay at altitude, activity envisaged, geographical
1: mild region and possibility of health care.30
2: moderate
3: intense (incapacitating) Subacute mountain sickness (high-altitude
pulmonary hypertension)
0: absence
1: mild
2: moderate
The presence of pulmonary hypertension in high-altitude
3: intense (incapacitating)
residents was noted in 1932 by the Peruvian doctor Alberto
Hurtado.31 In 1962, other compatriots detected the presence
No diagnosis or doubtful AMS, score 1---2; mild AMS, score 3---5 (in of right ventricular hypertrophy in native Andean children.32
the presence of headaches); moderate AMS, score 6---9; severe Chinese physicians had already known of this disease in Asian
AMS, score 10---12.
children, known as high-altitude heart disease; cases were
Based on Roach et al. and the Lake Louise AMS Score Consensus
Committee.17 .
subsequently reported in adults in Tibet.33,34 More recently,
Soviet scientists studied patients with cor pulmonale in the
Pamir mountains.35 Despite these pioneers, the pediatric
cases for rapid ascents by air to altitudes >3500 m and with form of this disease was not clinically described until 1988
planned physical activity, such as is the case for military when a study was conducted on Chinese children younger
missions and rescue teams.21 Typically, chemoprophylaxis than 16 months who had been transferred to Tibet and who,
is started 8---24 h prior to the ascent, extending it by at after 2 months of living in Lhasa (altitude of 3656 m), devel-
least 2 days if the individual remains at the same high alti- oped severe pulmonary hypertension and congestive heart
tude but not exceeding 7---10 days of continuous regimen failure and subsequently died. Their autopsies revealed right
if the individual keeps gaining altitude. Within these time ventricular hypertrophy and thickening of the tunica media
intervals, the chemoprophylaxis should not be discontin- of the pulmonary arterioles. The clinical condition was
ued. Chemoprophylaxis should only be stopped once the called SMS.36 In 1990, the condition was clinically described
descent has started or during the descent.13,14,21 In children, in adults, specifically in Indian soldiers who lived for weeks
prophylaxis with dexamethasone is not indicated, and the or months at 5800---6700 m in the Himalayas. The individuals
acetazolamide dosage is identical to the therapeutic dosage, presented heart failure, right ventricular growth, increased
although it is only considered in justified cases and never for pulmonary vascular resistance and tricuspid regurgitation,
infants. Chemoprophylaxis is absolutely not recommended abnormalities that disappeared over the course of days or
for extremely high altitudes, given that it can entail fatal weeks after the soldiers descended from the mountains.37
Other preventive strategies, such as sessions for inhal- Clinical presentation
ing mixtures of hypoxic gases prior to an ascent to high
altitudes, have shown their effectiveness, although there SMS is compatible with rapidly progressing congestive heart
is no well-established preacclimatization protocol. Regard- failure because it manifests after weeks or a few months
ing the chewing or infusion of leaves from the coca bush (a of continuous exposure to high altitude. Its pathogene-
widespread custom among visitors to some Andean regions), sis is through alveolar hypoxia, which causes immediate
there are no substantial studies that support this practice as and reversible pulmonary vasoconstriction, mediated by
prophylaxis. Ginkgo biloba extracts have also failed to show endothelin-1 and other substances. If the hypoxia persists,
consistent effectiveness in the randomized studies. An abun- the pulmonary hypertension is maintained because over
dant intake of liquids does not have a preventive effect, time the tunica media of the pulmonary vessels thickens
although proper hydration is important because dehydra- due to the increase in its muscle component.38 The right
tion can simulate AMS.21 Isolated SaO2 monitoring by pulse ventricle dilates and hypertrophies, and if the pulmonary
oximetry during stays at high altitude can indicate if we hypertension is very intense, the right ventricle claudi-
are within the normal range of this parameter at different cates. The symptoms manifest as dyspnea, cough, cyanosis,
altitudes23 ; however, the use of this monitoring as a pre- jugular venous distention, facial and lower limb edema, hep-
dictor of AMS is controversial.24 Certain sophisticated tests atomegaly, ascites, pericardial effusion and effort angina. In
Acute, subacute and chronic mountain sickness 5

young children, symptoms can start nonspecifically as irri- sive erythrocytosis and hypoxemia.45 The concept of loss
tability, lethargy, anorexia and insomnia. The incidence rate of high-altitude adaptation secondary to idiopathic cen-
for SMS is higher in children than in adults and higher in tral hypoventilation (primary CMS) has been accepted as the
male individuals, with cases reported in children and adults etiopathogenic mechanism; however, the presence of conco-
at altitudes somewhat below 3000 m. As with the Quechua mitant diseases can promote CMS (secondary CMS),49 and
and Aymara of the Andes, virtually all other humans present a phenomenon of adaptation to disease in a hypoxic envi-
pulmonary hypertension secondary to hypoxia as the mech- ronment can also be a valid concept.50 In both contexts,
anism for optimizing the ventilation/perfusion ratio and are CMS does not correspond to a single entity, given that it
therefore potentially at risk of SMS during long exposures can coexist with lung disease, heart disease, nephropathy,
to high altitude. Only Tibetans have a very low incidence hemoglobinopathy and with metabolic disorders, hormonal
of SMS,39 given that they present no or minimal pulmonary disorders, carotid body disorders, cobalt in blood and pul-
hypertension in hypoxia40 and therefore do not develop monary thromboembolism.3,49,51 In recent years, a possible
cor pulmonale. This low incidence is believed to be due genetic predisposition to CMS in Andean ethnic groups has
to a natural selection process from exposure to a hypoxic been reported.52
atmosphere, a process that has lasted millennia and has The mean prevalence rate for CMS is 5---10% among
remained relatively unchanged by miscegenation. Special the global population who reside at altitudes higher
phenotypic, physiological and genetic adaptations explain than 2500 m.45 Consequently, up to 14 million individuals
why ethnicities of Tibetan lineage are the best human model worldwide might have CMS. Nevertheless, this rate varies
for long-term adaptation to environmental hypoxia, given according to the altitude of the place of residence and
that they provide the longest evolutionary anthropological among populations of various mountain regions. Cases have
scale for permanent living at high altitude.41 Nevertheless, been reported at only 2000 m of altitude53 ; however, the
permanent human life is not possible above 5500 m,6 mainly highest incidence occurs above 3000 m, affecting 5---18% of
because of SMS and muscle atrophy at high altitude.42 At the residents of the Andes,54 14---29% of the residents of
the Chilean mine of Aucanquilcha (5800 m), adjacent bar- certain areas of the Indian Himalayas55,56 but only 1% of
racks were constructed to avoid having miners ascend daily native Tibetan residents.57 This lower prevalence can be
from a nearby town; however, within a few months, all of explained by the special adaptation to hypoxia that the
the miners became sick and unable to work.43 Tibetans possess,6,41 which was discussed earlier in the pre-
The fact that SMS occurs in adults at altitudes typically vious subsection. In general, the higher the altitude and the
above 5500 m and in infants at altitudes above 2500---3000 m longer the time residing at that altitude, the greater the risk
is due to the fact that children develop greater hypoxic of CMS, which, starting in the sixth decade of life, can affect
pulmonary hypertension, given that the pulmonary vaso- a third of the population of certain Andean communities.58
constrictor response to hypoxia tends to decrease with
age.44 The current criterion for considering high-altitude
pulmonary hypertension excessive is a systolic pulmonary Clinical presentation
arterial pressure >50 mm Hg or a mean pressure >30 mm
Hg for adults and a systolic pressure >65 mm Hg for chil- Depending on the stage or progression of the disease,
dren younger than 6 months.45 Nevertheless, SMS can patients can present dyspnea, palpitations, insomnia, loss
typically be diagnosed in adults noninvasively by the symp- of appetite, joint pain, cyanosis, varicose veins in the
toms, through electrocardiography, chest radiology and legs, acropachy, palmar erythema, epistaxis, conjuncti-
echocardiography.45,46 Pediatric cases diagnosed by echocar- val injection and facial flushing (Fig. 1). In addition to
diography have recently been reported.47 the congestive aspect that many patients usually show,
there are associated neuropsychological symptoms, such
Treatment and prevention as headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, peripheral neuropathy,
depression, confusion and amnesia.3,45,49,59---61 There have
been reported cases that even develop cerebral edema
Adults should avoid long stays at altitudes higher than
and encephalopathy.62 Nevertheless, it is not uncommon to
5500 m, and non-Tibetan children younger than 12 months
detect asymptomatic patients who present excessive poly-
should not be transferred to areas above 3000 m for
globulia in routine blood tests and SaO2 values <85%, even
extended periods, given that sudden death can occur after
at altitudes higher than 4000 m.49 CMS is more common
only presenting nonspecific pediatric symptoms for a few
in men, especially of Andean ethnicity; however, a signif-
weeks. Some adults improve temporarily with supplemental
icant incidence has been reported in non-Tibetan women
oxygen,46 as well as with nifedipine or sildenafil,3 although
who reside in the Himalayas.56 The Qinghai scale classi-
full remission of SMS (in children and adults) is only achieved
fies patients according to the degree of severity, thereby
by descending to low altitude.38
establishing an overall score by scoring for the presence
and intensity of 8 essential symptoms and clinical signs,
Chronic mountain sickness (Monge’s disease) as well as a hemoglobin concentration threshold of 21 g/dL
for men and 19 g/dL for women (Table 3).45,49,63 Patients
In 1925, the Peruvian doctor Carlos Monge first described with CMS frequently have pulmonary arterial hypertension,
polyglobulia in a native Andean, subsequently confirming whose intensity and clinical manifestation can vary dra-
this finding in other Andeans.48 CMS is currently defined as matically from one individual to another.3,59 In advanced
a clinical syndrome that occurs in long-term residents of stages, there is remodeling of the pulmonary arterioles and
high-altitude areas (>2500 m) and is characterized by exces- right ventricular hypertrophy/dilation.64 Ventricular failure
6 E. Garrido et al.

Fig. 1 Chronic mountain sickness or Monge’s disease.

The images show some of the physical stigma of this disease, such as facial congestion, labial and nail bed cyanosis, watch-glass
nails and distal hyperpigmentation, palmar erythema, and varicose veins in the legs.
Images provided by Dr. Francisco C. Villafuerte.

is not typically produced, although its actual incidence edema and subsequently increased hypoxemia and exercise
rate is unknown.65 There have also been reports of the intolerance.69 Pronounced pulmonary hypertension, even
presence of systemic vascular dysfunction, which can predis- during moderate physical exercise as part of daily activi-
pose patients to early cardiovascular disease.66 Despite the ties, can be the origin of these patients’ greater morbidity
hypoxemia, increases in hematocrit and subsequent blood and mortality,70 whose death could be caused by congestive
hyperviscosity, it has been observed that erythroblast apop- heart failure or stroke.49 A number of vasoactive peptides,
tosis is reduced in these patients.67 such as B-type natriuretic peptide and endothelin-1, can
Residents of high-altitude areas who present exces- have an important role in the clinical expression of Monge’s
sive hematocrit levels should initially undergo examinations disease.71 Increased androgenic hormonal activity (given the
with spirometry, chest radiology, electrocardiography and erythropoietic function of testosterone) can be related to
echocardiography to assess pulmonary function and detect an excessive polyglobulic reaction in these patients.72 The
signs of pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypoventilation presented by these patients at rest could be
growth.50 Stress testing has demonstrated that the aer- a defense mechanism given that it involves a lower energy
obic function during physical exercise appears to be expenditure.73 Their hypoxemia during sleep is even more
preserved despite these patients’ pulmonary hypertension pronounced than during their waking hours and has been
and relative hypoventilation.68 Nevertheless, physical activ- related to existing pulmonary and systemic vascular dysfunc-
ity can induce severe pulmonary hypertension in these tion; the presence of patent foramen ovale can promote
patients, with the rapid onset of interstitial pulmonary this hypoxemia.74 The increased formation of free radi-
Acute, subacute and chronic mountain sickness 7

etin production secondary to renal or testicular tumors,

Table 3 Qinghai scale for diagnosing and qualifying the
testosterone treatments).
symptoms of chronic mountain sickness.
Treatment and prevention
0: absence
1: mild
2: moderate
Effective strategies include transferring the patient to
3: intense
a location at lower altitude, permanently administering
supplemental oxygen and attempting to keep the poly-
0: absence
globulia at an optimal compensation level.50 The first
1: mild
option achieves a decrease in polyglobulia in approximately
2: frequent wakings
3 weeks77 ; however, if the patient is transferred to a
3: absolute
tropical environment, their risk of pneumonia and asthma-
like syndromes increases, especially in cases of secondary
0: absence
CMS. Many patients from the Andes and Himalayas would
1: mild
be forced to leave their jobs and their family’s finan-
2: moderate
cial support, with the subsequent severe social problem
3: intense
that this migration entails. The second option reverses
Varicose veins
many of the symptoms but handicaps the patient by mak-
0: absence
ing them oxygen-dependent and is counterproductive in
1: mild
CMS secondary to undiagnosed diseases. Oxygen therapy is
2: moderate
only effective in cases of severe CMS.78 The third option
3: intense
focuses on treating the underlying causes of the hypox-
emia and, consequently, the polyglobulia. With good control
0: absence
of the underlying diseases, these patients’ life expectancy
1: mild
increases, avoiding the accelerated psychophysical impair-
2: moderate
ment and abandonment of the patients’ residence. Although
3: intense
they immediately reduce blood viscosity, palliative ther-
apies through bloodletting and isovolemic hemodilutions
0: absence
induce metabolic disorders, exertional dyspnea and asthe-
1: mild
nia, if frequently applied, and are not recommended as
2: moderate
long-term therapy for these patients. Oral drug ther-
3: intense (incapacitating)
apy with medroxyprogesterone (60 mg/24 h), acetazolamide
(250 mg/24 h) or enalapril (5---10 mg/24 h) also constitute
0: absence
effective therapeutic options,45,49,54,79 although there is no
1: mild
scientific evidence on their safety in very long-term therapy
2: moderate
for CMS. Nevertheless, the most severe cases should leave
3: intense
high altitudes or live at sea level,49 despite the fact that
Hemoglobin (concentration)
resting pulmonary hypertension in Andean natives can take
0: <21 g/dL (♂)
more than 2 years to normalize, and the pulmonary hyper-
3: ≥21 g/dL (♂)
tensive response to exercise can last indefinitely.80 Other
0: <19 g/dL (♀)
stigma such as varicose veins and acropachy also persist.
3: ≥19 g/dL (♀)
With a minimum clinical suspicion of CMS or patients who
might be at risk of CMS (sleep apnea, postmenopause, fam-
No diagnosis or doubtful CMS, score 1---5; mild CMS, score 6---10; ily predisposition), smoking cessation is essential, as well as
moderate CMS, score 11---14; severe CMS, score >15. preventing diseases of the respiratory system, excess body
Based on León-Velarde et al.45 , Villafuerte and Corante49 and
weight, malnutrition and iron deficiencies. Regular physical
Wu et al.63 .
exercise at moderate intensity substantially improves these
patients’ general condition, but strenuous physical activ-
cals and the reduced viability of nitric oxide are associated ity should be avoided. These patients should be evaluated
with rapid cognitive impairment and the onset of depres- annually.49
sive symptoms in these patients.75 Given that CMS symptoms
and clinical signs are aggravated with increases in altitude, Conflicts of interest
attempts have been made to quantify the normal polyglob-
ulic reaction for certain altitudes. For very high hematocrit The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
levels (approximately 80%), a multifactorial mechanism
known as triple hypoxia syndrome was proposed (hypobaric
hypoxia + chronic hypoxia due to concomitant hypoxemic Acknowledgements
diseases + acute hypoxia due to superadded inflammatory
processes).76 In those cases of CMS where there is diag- The authors would like to thank Dr. Francisco C. Villafuerte
nostic uncertainty, other causes of polyglobulia should be (University Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru) for providing the
considered (e.g., polycythemia vera, excessive erythropoi- photographs.
8 E. Garrido et al.

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