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Vaccine HY

Influenza vaccine: 1x yearly ONLY IN FALL, no other time of the year. Still give even with egg
Tdap: 1 shot as child then Td booster every 10 years. Pregnant patients 27-36 weeks get full
Tdap booster for each pregnancy.
Varicella: DO NOT GIVE to kids < 1 yr old. (Live vaccine)
HPV: Give anytime between age 9-26 for women, 11-21 for men. For MSM, give up to age 26.
For college student, military, give meningococcal vaccine.
For Asplenics, give SHiN vaccines.
For those on eculizumab (C5 complement inhibitor), give them Nisseria meningiditis vaccine.

No LIVE VACCINES for kids < 1 yr old & pregnant patients (Varicella, MMR, Yellow fever, VZV,
Live flu vaccine)

Inactivated vaccines: Tdap, Injectable flu, Pneumococcal, Meningococcal, Hep A, Hep B

Pneumococcal vaccine: Those > 65 need pneumonia shot. PCV 13 first, then after 1 year give
PPSV 23. Less than 65 MAY get pneumonia shot if they have sickle cell, thalassemia, asplenic,
immunocompromised. Those with chronic heart, lung, liver disease, diabetes, alcoholics,
smokers, all need pneumonia shot PPSV 23 only.

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