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Introduce Yourself

Good afternoon everyone

Thanks for coming to this cultural awareness training

Our names are Cristel and Sharon and we are the managers from the HR department.

Say what the topic / purpose of the talk is:

The purpose of this presentation is to share with you the importance of the cultural awareness
because it is a major element of cultural competence. It is foundational because without it, it is
impossible to acquire the attitudes, skills, and knowledge that are essential for business travel.

Say what you will cover

First we will cover the different travel concerns that you should be aware off.

Then, we will talk about expectations you might have when traveling.

And finally what you should behave at business level.

Transition 1 – are there any questions before we move on?

Point 1 if there are no questions, let’s move to the first point that is: travel concerns that you
should be aware off.

Travels concerns:

A critical aspect you need to take into consideration is to bring your travel documents because you
need to present them in every boarder control.

Then, one of the key factor related to vaccination is that in some countries are requesting to have
the COVID vaccine to access the country. But it is the crux of the matter because the vaccine is not
available for everyone.

Transition 2 there are some topics that we want to discuss based on different articles the top 3
expectation of a traveler

Point 2

Value of time, a lot time to stay in the country

Money Value because they want to know the most important places – the culture
Improve overall experience, expected to receive a very good attention

Transition 3 and what do you think about? These are results we got, what is your expectation
about the trip?

In particular, we will focus in this topic related to business level is the principal of our presentation

point 3 And finally what you should behave at business level.

First Greet everyone

Second Actively listen and show you understand

Third Be well organized, plan your time and use it well

The last but no least is related with the dress code because you are representing the company,
please ask and follow the dress code policy.


In conclusion you need to be aware of cultural awareness whatever is the purpose of visiting a
country, to avoid issues related with the attitudes, skills, knowledge and behavior.

In other words, we need to be informed about the country that we will visit and the importance of
follow the rules.

Q /A Are there any questions?

Thanks for coming today, it was pleasure to present all this information to you

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