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Project Topics

1. Place of Morality in the Rule of Law

2. Feminist perspective of Law
3. Difficulties in Defining ‘Legal Realism
4. Due Process in Law
5. Concept of Obligation and Gunman theory
6. Pure theory of Law
7. Natural Law Theory and Objectivity
8. Primary and Secondary Rules
9. Rule of Recognition
10.Kelsen and Purity of Law
11.Feminism and legal positivism
12.Natural Law and the foundations of human rights
13.Critical study of Law
14. Feminist Jurisprudence
15.Fundamental Legal Concepts: Hohfeld’s Typology
16.Positivism and fidelity to law
17.Concept of Legal Rights
18.Moral Limits of Law
19.Law and Sexuality
20.Custom as source of Law
21.Judicial Precedent as source of Law
22. Concept of Ownership
23.Concept of Property
24.Natural law and Social Contract
25.Law and Religion
26. Role of law in Social Engineering
27.Law and Society
28.Law and Social Justice
29.Law and State
30.Concept of Liability
31.Concept of property in Law
32.Law and Justice
33.Contribution of Scandinavian Realism
34.Concept of law in postmodernism
35.Economic analysis of law
36.Legal personality
37.Legal pluralism in India
38.Judicial Process in India
39.Role of Judicial Principle as a Law
40.Emergence of natural law and its implication on the State
41.State and secularism
42.Realism and Idealism
43. Law and Ideology
44. Law and Justice
45. Law and its limitations
46.Nature of Law
47.Law and Social Transformation
48.Law and resolution of disputes
49.Rights and Entitlements
50.Law as a Historical Fact

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