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Good morning ladies and gentlemen.

 The honorable the examiner Drs. Huzairin, M.Pd.

 The honorable first advisor Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd.

 The honorable second advisor Drs. Burhannudin, M.Pd.

 And all of our beloved friends.

Welcome to the proposal seminar of Sabila qurrota a’yun with respect to “ An analysis

teacher and student talk in the classroom interaction of the eight grade of MTs. Darul

Ulum Tanjung Bintang

In this seminar, there will be three sessions:

1. Presentation,

2. Question and answer,

3. Comments and suggestions from the examiner and the advisors.

 Now, let’s begin with the first session, presentation.

For Nurhasanah Sasmalia , TIME IS YOURS.

That’s all about the presentation,


 the next is question and answer. For the audience, if you have

questions, you may raise your hand and mention your name.

The next question, please?

Thank you for your questions, and now Nurhasanah will answer …’s

…, are you satisfied with the answer?


 If it is clear enough, now we come to the last sessions which are

comments and suggestions from the examiner and the advisors.

1. The first comment and suggestion is from the examiner

Drs. Huzairin, M.Pd. time is yours.

Thank you MR. Huzairin for the comments and suggestions.

2. The second comment and suggestion is from the Second advisor, Drs.

Burhannudin, M.Pd. time is yours.

THANK YOU Mr. Burhanudin for the comments and suggestions.

3. And the last comment and suggestion is from the first advisor,

Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd. time is yours.

Thank you Mr. Sudirman for the comments and suggestions.


This is the end of this seminar, GIVE APPLAUZE FOR Nurhasanah Sasmalia
we are very sorry for all the mistakes. Thank you very much for your attention, I

am Ajeng Anggraini as the moderator and wassalamualaikum, wr. wb.

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