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Dear my lovely class.

Here are some loves for Disney Class. I hope you all can give it back to me based on the dateline given.

Enjoy your holiday!

1. Dateline 15 July 2021 at 20.00 pm.

Please mark each word in the text below with the correct part of speech!

Tolong tandai setiap kata pada bacaan dibawah dengan golongan kata yang benar!

Many green sea turtles swim to an island. The island is in Australia. The turtles lay their eggs. There is
a problem. The sea is rising. The eggs are in danger.

A sea turtle can lay 100 eggs at a time. However, the water can cover the eggs. The babies inside the
eggs will not grow.

People want to keep the eggs safe. They change part of the island’s beach. They make it taller. It costs
money, but the turtles are safe.
2. Dateline 16 July 2021 at 20.00 pm.

Read the text below correctly. Submit the assignment in the form of voice recordings!

Bacalah text dibawah ini dengan benar. Kumpulkan tugas dalam bentuk rekaman suara!

Icelandic Cat Reality Show

In Iceland, there is a new reality show. It is about kittens! People work on the show with a cat
protection organisation.

The reality show is about four rescue kittens. They move into a doll house. There are many cameras
there to film them. They stay at the doll house for 3 to 4 weeks at a time.

The show is a success. People adopt many of the kittens. New kittens get to move into the house.
They can get adopted, too.

3. Dateline 19 July 2021 at 10.00 am.

Write a descriptive text based on the image below. Use simple present and parts of speech! Make at
least 10 sentences!

Buatlah teks deskripsi berdasarkan gambar dibawah ini. Gunakan simple present dan part of speech
yang sudah dipelajari! Buatlah minimal 10 kalimat!

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