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Review Article

Acute Management of Shoulder


Thomas Youm, MD The shoulder joint has the greatest range of motion of any joint in the
Richelle Takemoto, MD body. However, it relies on soft-tissue restraints, including the
capsule, ligaments, and musculature, for stability. Therefore, this joint
Brian Kyu-Hong Park, MD
is at the highest risk for dislocation. Thorough knowledge of the
shoulder’s anatomy as well as classification of dislocations,
anesthetic techniques, and reduction maneuvers is crucial for early
management of acute shoulder dislocation. Given the lack of
comparative studies on various reduction techniques, the choice of
technique is based on physician preference. The orthopaedic
surgeon must be well versed in several reduction methods and
ascertain the best technique for each patient.

S everal shoulder dislocation reduc-

tion techniques have been described
in the modern literature, but little of
is more reliant on soft-tissue re-
straints of the capsule, ligaments, and
musculature, placing this joint at high
it synthesizes the early management risk for dislocation. The shoulder is
of acute shoulder dislocations. The held reduced by static and dynamic
shoulder is the most commonly dis- stabilizers (Table 1). Static stabilizers
located large joint.1 With the increas- maintain congruity of the shoulder
From the Department of Orthopaedic ing activity level associated with joint through buttressing support
Surgery, NYU Hospital for Joint modern society, the incidence of and provide stability at the end
Diseases, New York, NY (Dr. Youm shoulder dislocation has risen to ranges of motion. Dynamic stabi-
and Dr. Park) and the Bone and Joint 24 per 100,000 person-years.2 The lizers function via the neuromuscular
Center at Kauai Medical Clinic, Wilcox
Memorial Hospital, Lihue, HI highest percentage of primary dis- system, actively stabilizing the mov-
(Dr. Takemoto). locations occurs in males aged 10 to 20 ing joint at the mid ranges of motion.
Dr. Youm or an immediate family
years followed by the 50- to 60-year Static constraints of the shoulder
member is a member of a speakers’ age group.3,4 A thorough knowledge consist of the coracoacromial arch,
bureau or has made paid presentations of shoulder anatomy, classification of glenoid fossa, labrum, capsule, and
on behalf of and serves as a paid dislocations, anesthetic techniques, glenohumeral ligaments (GHLs). The
consultant to Arthrex. Neither of the
following authors nor any immediate
and a variety of reduction maneuvers coracoacromial arch is formed by the
family member has received anything is essential for management of this coracoid, coracoacromial ligament,
of value from or has stock or stock injury. acromioclavicular joint, and clavicle.
options held in a commercial company These structures collectively provide
or institution related directly or indirectly
to the subject of this article:
anterosuperior stability. Moreover,
Dr. Takemoto and Dr. Park. Pathoanatomy the articular surface of the glenoid is
angled anteriorly and superiorly,
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2014;22:
761-771 The shoulder joint develops as an providing posterior and inferior sta-
appositional articulation and has the bility. In contrast to the acetabulum of
greatest range of motion (ROM) of the hip joint, the glenoid has a smaller
any joint in the body due to a scarcity articular surface, thereby rendering
Copyright 2014 by the American
of bony restraints and minimal the shoulder less stable. The articular
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
articular contact. Thus, the shoulder surface of the humeral head is three

December 2014, Vol 22, No 12 761

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Acute Management of Shoulder Dislocations

Table 1 tension. During shoulder movement,

active compression of the humerus
Static and Dynamic Glenohumeral Joint Stabilizing Structures
against the glenolabral articular con-
Structure Function cavity provides additional support. In
Static Stabilizers addition, proprioceptive muscular re-
flexes counter capsular stretch and
Coracoacromial arch Anterosuperior stability
shoulder motion detected by sense re-
Glenoid fossa Posteroinferior stability
ceptors, further increasing stability.8
Labrum [ Articular surface area, vacuum seal
The trapezius, rhomboids, latis-
Capsule/GHLs Multidirectional stability
simus dorsi, serratus anterior, and
Superior GHL Stability in adduction
levator scapulae muscles stabilize
Middle GHL Anterior and ER stability in 45° abduction
the scapula and increase dynamic
Inferior GHL AP and ER/IR stability in 90° abduction stability. With active glenohumeral
Dynamic Stabilizers abduction, the scapula rotates about
Deltoid Inferior stability the thorax. This synchronous move-
Rotator cuff Compresses humeral head against glenoid ment is referred to as scapulohumeral
Long head of biceps tendon Depresses humeral head in abduction rhythm. Patients with shoulder
Periscapular musculature Stabilizes scapula, scapulohumeral rhythm instability have been found to have
excessive movement into protraction
ER = external rotation, GHL = glenohumeral ligament, IR = internal rotation
or a delay in retraction with shoulder
elevation and increased spinal tilt,
thereby altering the normal scap-
times larger than that of the glenoid, GHL is variable, poorly defined, and ulohumeral rhythm. Changes in
and only 25% to 30% of the humeral absent in 30% of shoulders.9 When scapulohumeral rhythm were found
head articulates with the glenoid at any present, this ligament resists anterior to be caused by decreased activity in
one time.5,6 For this reason, adhesion- translation and limits external rotation the lower portion of the trapezius and
cohesion forces mediated by synovial at 45° of abduction. The inferior GHL serratus anterior muscles.12
fluid are instrumental in centering the consists of three bands and is the
humeral head on the glenoid. strongest of all the GHLs. It provides
Because of the lack of bony con- the greatest stability by resisting an- Classification
straint of the glenoid fossa, which is teroinferior translation. The anterior
relatively flat and small, stability is band of the inferior GHL prevents Shoulder dislocations are classified as
primarily conferred by soft-tissue anterior dislocation by limiting exter- atraumatic or traumatic. Atraumatic
structures. The labrum increases nal rotation at 45° to 90° of abduction. glenohumeral dislocation presents as
shoulder stability by contributing The dynamic stabilizers include the multidirectional instability. Related to
50% of glenoid cavity depth and deltoid, biceps, rotator cuff, and scap- generalized ligamentous laxity, mul-
increasing the total surface area.7 ular stabilizing muscles. The long head tidirectional instability is often bilat-
Along with the rotator cuff, the of the biceps has been thought to eral and responds well to nonsurgical
labrum is integral to concavity com- depress the humeral head during management. Underlying connective
pression and provides a seal around abduction, resulting in further stability. tissue disease such as Ehlers-Danlos
the joint.8 Any disturbance in the However, the biomechanical function syndrome or a bony abnormality such
labrum can disrupt the intra-articular of the biceps tendon is confounded by as glenoid hypoplasia or excessive
vacuum and alter the mechanics of conflicting electromyelography stud- glenoid retroversion should be con-
the joint. Once the negative pressure ies; some show activity in the biceps sidered when an atraumatic shoulder
seal is lost, the humeral head typically tendon during active abduction, and dislocation occurs.
translates inferiorly. others do not.10,11 Up to 96% of shoulder dislocations
Capsular lesions allow increased The rotator cuff provides dynamic are traumatic in origin.3 Traumatic
translation of the humeral head and compression of the humeral head into dislocation is caused by a posteriorly
instability in the opposing direction. the glenoid through a phenomenon directed torque on an abducted and
The superior GHL resists inferior known as concavity compression. externally rotated arm and is often
humeral translation and is the primary Direct attachments to the capsule allow associated with contact sports or
restraint of the adducted shoulder. The the rotator cuff muscles to contribute a fall onto an outstretched arm.3,13
morphology and size of the middle to stability by increasing articular Subsequent unidirectional instability

762 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Thomas Youm, MD, et al

may occur after repeated traumatic a timely manner to avoid muscular

dislocations have damaged the cap-
Radiographic Assessment spasm and neurovascular compromise
sule and ligaments.3 while ensuring gentle and technically
Radiography is essential for diagnosis
Glenohumeral dislocations are sound closed reduction. The ease of the
of shoulder dislocation. Radiographs
further classified by the direction of reduction partially depends on the
should be taken before and after
the humeral head dislocation: ante- length of time since the dislocation and
reduction to plan reduction maneu-
rior, posterior and inferior. the tone of the shoulder girdle muscu-
vers, ensure concentric reduction, and
lature. If the injury is tended to
evaluate for concomitant fractures. AP,
promptly, reduction without local pain
lateral, and axillary views are obtained
Associated Injuries medication is feasible. However, if the
to identify the direction of the disloca-
patient is unable to relax or if the
tion and any associated fractures.
In a study of 3,633 patients with musculature is in spasm, reduction
The axillary view is critical to assess
traumatic shoulder dislocation, may be more difficult and anesthesia
the relationship between the humeral
Robinson et al14 reported that 40% of may be required.
head and the glenoid. To obtain this
patients also had an associated In the office or emergency depart-
view, the patient’s arm is abducted,
structural injury about the gleno- ment setting, two anesthesia options
a cassette is placed superiorly on the
humeral joint. Thirty-three percent of exist: intra-articular block or pro-
shoulder, and the beam is directed
patients sustained a rotator cuff tear cedural sedation. Compared with
superiorly into the axilla. Ideally, the
or fracture of the greater tuberosity. sedation, intra-articular block with
arm is abducted to 90°; however, if
The incidence of rotator cuff tear in lidocaine has been shown to provide
patients have difficulty tolerating that
patients older than 40 years is espe- the same degree of analgesia and simi-
position, less abduction is acceptable.
cially high (20% to 54%15) secondary lar success rates in reduction.19-22
Alternatively, a Velpeau view can be
to preexisting tendon degeneration. Sedation is associated with more
obtained. The arm is adducted and
Robinson et al14 also reported that complications, greater time in the
internally rotated to the chest. The
13% of patients sustained a neuro- emergency department, and higher
patient stands or sits at the edge of
logic injury associated with shoulder costs.19-22 Therefore, intra-articular
a roentgenographic table and leans
dislocation. The axillary nerve, which block should be used first, with seda-
backward 30° to 45°. The beam is
is the most commonly injured nerve, is tion reserved for difficult reductions.
directed down through the shoulder
susceptible to traction injury because
joint. The standard axillary view is
it transverses the axilla adjacent to the
preferred over the Velpeau view Anterior Shoulder
inferior capsule. Injury to this nerve
because the Velpeau view produces Dislocation and Reduction
may manifest as deltoid weakness
a distorted, magnified projection. Maneuvers
or numbness over the anterolateral
However, either view is acceptable.
shoulder. However, normal sensation Most shoulder dislocations (97%) are
The West Point and Stryker notch
does not exclude axillary nerve injury. anterior.3 The mechanism of injury is
views have traditionally been used to
Bankart lesions, detachments of the typically forced abduction and exter-
assess for bony Bankart and Hill-Sachs
anterior labrum from the glenoid rim, nal rotation of the arm. Alternatively,
lesions, respectively. CT and MRI
are associated with 85% of traumatic a posterior-to-anterior force directed
technology have largely replaced these
anterior dislocations.16 Patients with on the proximal humerus may result in
special views. CT can detect subtle
recurrent shoulder dislocations have anterior dislocation. Anterior shoulder
fractures not identified on radiography,
a higher incidence of Bankart lesions. dislocations are further subdivided into
such as Hill-Sachs lesions and glenoid
Posterior dislocations can result in subcoracoid and subglenoid, with
rim fractures. MRI is used to identify
reverse-Bankart lesions of the pos- subcoracoid dislocations occurring
soft-tissue structural damage, particu-
teroinferior labrum.3,17 The Hill- most commonly.
larly Bankart lesions, ligament/capsule
Sachs lesion, an impaction fracture The patient with an anterior
detachment, and rotator cuff tears.
of the posterolateral humeral head shoulder dislocation will often pre-
on the glenoid rim, is estimated to sent with the arm held fixed, slightly
occur in 40% to 90% of anterior Acute Management internally rotated, and abducted. A
shoulder dislocations and 100% of flattened shoulder silhouette is pres-
recurrent dislocations.18 Reverse A myriad of reduction maneuvers ex- ent when the humeral head is located
Hill-Sachs lesions affect the anterior ists. Regardless of the maneuver used, anterior, inferior, and medial to its
humeral head and occur in 86% of several general principles apply. Acute anatomic position. Passive and active
posterior shoulder dislocations.18 dislocations should be reduced in movement is restricted, as well. Here,

December 2014, Vol 22, No 12 763

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Acute Management of Shoulder Dislocations

Table 2
Reduction Techniques for Anterior Dislocations
Patient Success Rate
Method Type Position Description (%)

Hippocratic Traction Supine Longitudinal traction to arm with foot in axilla NR

Traction- Traction Supine Longitudinal traction to arm with counter NR
countertraction traction applied via sheet around chest wall
Chair Traction Sitting to With the arm held in place, patient applies 73–9723,24
standing traction by standing up from a seated
Kocher Levering Supine or sitting Elbow flexed to 90°; adduction, external 81–10025,26
rotation, and forward flexion of shoulder
Stimson Traction Prone Arm hangs over edge of stretcher and NR
downward traction applied with weights
Milch Combination Supine or sitting Humeral head stabilized, arm fully abducted, 70–10027-29
traction applied then humeral head pushed
over glenoid rim
External rotation Levering Supine or sitting Arm adducted then passively externally 78–9030-33
Spaso Traction Supine Scapula stabilized against stretcher and 68–8834-36
upward traction and external rotation
Eskimo Traction Lateral Upward traction applied to abducted arm NR
decubitus and torso lifted off floor
Scapular Combination Prone Stimson technique 1 manual internal 79–9637-38
manipulation rotation and medialization of scapula
FARES Traction 1 Supine Arm adducted, vertical oscillating 88–9526,33
oscillation movement, gradual abduction with gentle

FARES = fast, reliable, and safe; NR = not reported

we describe 11 reduction techniques placed supine. A sheet wrapped supinated forearm stationary and the
for management of anterior shoulder around the patient’s chest and within patient slowly stands (Figure 2). A
dislocations (Table 2). the axilla is pulled away from the 73% success rate was reported in the
affected side by an assistant while the original description of this tech-
Hippocratic affected limb is pulled inferiorly and nique.23 Westin et al24 modified the
Hippocrates described the earliest laterally at a 45° angle (Figure 1). technique by tying a loop of stocki-
reduction technique. The physician Alternatively, the sheet may be tied to nette about the forearm, flexing the
places a foot in the patient’s axilla the railing of the stretcher if no elbow 90°, and using the loop as
while applying traction to the assistant is available. Slight external a pedal. The authors reported a suc-
affected arm with alternating inter- rotation of the humerus may aid the cess rate of 97%, and anesthesia was
nal and external rotation to disen- humeral head in clearing the anterior not required in 110 of 118 reductions
gage the humeral head. This method glenoid rim. Once the humerus is (93%).
is largely historical and has been disengaged, slight lateral traction on
abandoned because of the high rate the proximal humerus may be Kocher
of traction injury to the brachial necessary. The Kocher technique was first
plexus. described in 1870.25 With the patient
Chair supine or seated, the operator grasps
Traction-Countertraction In another traction-based maneuver, the patient’s forearm on the affected
The traction-countertraction method the patient is seated sideways in a chair side and flexes the elbow 90°. The
uses longitudinal traction to disen- with the affected arm hanging over patient adducts the affected arm and
gage the humeral head. The patient is the backrest. The clinician holds the actively externally rotates to 70° to

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Thomas Youm, MD, et al

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Photograph demonstrating the

traction-countertraction reduction Photograph demonstrating the
technique. A sheet is placed across Photograph demonstrating the chair
technique for reduction of an anterior Stimson technique for reducing
the patient’s torso and held by an anterior shoulder dislocation. With
assistant or tied to the bed railing shoulder dislocation. The patient
initially sits with the affected arm the patient in the prone position,
while axial traction is applied to the weights are hung from the wrist or
dislocated shoulder. hanging over a chair back and then
stands while the physician holds the elbow.
arm. The patient reduces the
80° until resistance is felt. The phy- shoulder using his own power.
sician forward flexes the arm and leg of a table.41 The patient rotates the
reduction of the humeral head oc- body, passively externally rotating
or seated, with the physician on the the shoulder until reduction occurs.
curs. This technique has a reported
affected side. The physician places This method has been modified to be
success rate of 81% to 100%.
a hand on the superior aspect of the performed with the patient supine or
injured shoulder and uses a thumb seated, with the arm fully adducted
to stabilize the humeral head in and external rotation performed by
Initially described in 1900, the Stimson
a fixed position while the arm is a clinician (Figure 4). Reduction
technique is performed with the
abducted. Once the arm is fully ab- should occur at 70° to 110° of
patient prone on the stretcher, and the
ducted, gentle longitudinal traction is external rotation. This method is
affected arm hanging over the edge.39
applied, and the humeral head is atraumatic and easy to perform, with
Downward traction is applied with
manipulated with the thumb over the reported success rates ranging from
weights, starting with 5 lbs (2.27 kg;
Figure 3). Alternatively, the elbow
glenoid rim. This technique can be 78% to 90% and .80% of patients
modified by rotating the arm exter- requiring no anesthesia.30-32
may be flexed 90° to relax the biceps
nally to allow the greater tuberosity to
tendon, and the physician may apply
tilt posteriorly and the thinnest profile
manual traction with a gentle rocking Spaso
to pass over the glenoid rim.27-29
motion. Reduction should occur The Spaso technique, which was ini-
Success rates ranging from 70% to
within 15 to 20 minutes. Advantages tially described in 1998, is performed
100% have been reported.27-29 In
of this method include the relative with the patient positioned supine.42
a study of 76 acute anterior shoulder
ease of reduction and avoidance of The physician stands adjacent to the
dislocations reduced with the Milch
large amounts of force. One disad- affected arm, holding it in 90° of for-
technique, all shoulders were reduced
vantage is the difficulty providing ward flexion. Gentle vertical traction
on the first attempt without anesthesia
sedation with the patient in the prone is applied to the arm, followed by
or complications.28
position. slight external rotation (Figure 5). The
medial border of the scapula must be
Milch External Rotation kept in contact with the bed to stabilize
The Milch technique was first In 1957, a self-reduction technique the glenoid. Reduction should occur
described in 1938 and is based on the was devised whereby the patient spontaneously after several minutes of
principle of recreating the injury.40 would sit on a swiveling stool and traction or the humeral head may be
The patient can be positioned supine grasp a stationary object such as the manually pushed toward the glenoid

December 2014, Vol 22, No 12 765

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Acute Management of Shoulder Dislocations

Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6

Photograph demonstrating the external

rotation technique for reduction of
anterior shoulder dislocation. While the Photograph demonstrating scapular
arm is held adducted, slow, gentle, manipulation. The scapula is reduced
passive external rotation is applied until to the humeral head by applying
reduction occurs. medially directed pressure on the
inferior angle of the scapula with one
Photograph demonstrating the thumb and stabilizing the superior edge
Spaso shoulder reduction technique of the scapula with the other thumb.
fossa. Success rates ranging from 68%
in which vertically oriented traction is
to 88% have been reported.34-36 applied with slight external rotation.
Contact between the scapula and the
stretcher must be maintained. Posterior Shoulder
Dislocation and Reduction
This technique was originally devel-
oped in Greenland and was first ranging from 79% to 96% have Maneuver
described in 1988.43 The patient lies been reported, and the major dis- Posterior dislocations comprise ,3%
on the ground in the lateral decubitus advantage of this technique is the of dislocations.17 Posterior dislocations
position. The clinician grips the dis- steep learning curve.37,38 are often unrecognized or incorrectly
located arm and applies a vertically recognized; therefore, careful exami-
oriented force, lifting the contralateral nation is required. Posterior shoulder
shoulder several centimeters off the Fast, Reliable and Safe dislocations most commonly occur in
ground. The patient is held in this Sayegh et al26 described the Fast, men aged 35 to 55 years.17 Traumatic
position for several minutes until Reliable, and Safe (FARES) method dislocations are responsible for about
reduction occurs. Although this tech- for reduction of anterior shoulder half of posterior shoulder instability
nique is easy to perform, it may place dislocation. In this method, the cases.44 In a systematic review of the
undue stretch on the brachial plexus. patient lies supine with the physician literature on posterior shoulder dis-
There are no reported data on the standing on the affected side (Figure locations, 34% were associated with
safety of the Eskimo technique. 7). The patient holds the arm ad- seizures.45
ducted, with the elbow extended and Posterior dislocations are often
Scapular Manipulation the forearm in neutral rotation. Axial difficult to diagnose. However,
Scapular manipulation is performed traction is applied without counter- posterior shoulder prominence
by internally rotating and medializ- traction. A short-range oscillating, may be observed with the arm held
ing the scapula. The patient is placed vertical movement is rapidly per- fixed, internally rotated, and ad-
prone, with the arm hanging over the formed throughout the reduction ducted (Figure 8). Both passive and
edge of the stretcher, as in the Stim- maneuver. The arm is slowly ab- active movements are restricted, as
son technique. Once gentle traction ducted. At 90° of abduction, the arm well.
is applied, the clinician stabilizes the is gradually externally rotated while Closed reduction is often difficult
superior aspect of the scapula with continuing abduction and vertical and may require sedation. It should be
the thumb and applies medial force oscillation. Reduction typically oc- attempted only within 3 weeks of the
on the inferior angle of the scapula curs at 120° of abduction. The au- injury and in patients with humeral
with the other thumb (Figure 6). thors claim that this technique is head defects that comprise ,20% of
Reduction is often extremely subtle easier to perform than traditional the articular surface.17,46 Two oper-
and may be missed. Success rates methods. ators are needed for the reduction

766 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Thomas Youm, MD, et al

Figure 7 Figure 8

Photograph demonstrating the Fast,

Reliable, and Safe (FARES)
technique. While the clinician
maintains traction, short, vertical,
oscillating movements (orange
arrow) are performed during gradual
abduction and external rotation of the AP (A) and axillary (B) radiographs of the shoulder demonstrating a posterior
arm (blue arrow). Note there is no dislocation. On the AP view, the humerus is held in internal rotation, and the
sheet across the torso to provide proximal humerus demonstrates the light bulb sign, which is characteristic of
countertraction. a posterior shoulder dislocation.

maneuver. The physician forward

flexes the shoulder to 90° then ad- lodged in the infraglenoid region, re- is applied to the arm, and shoulder
ducts and internally rotates the arm sulting in the characteristic fixed, ab- abduction is gradually decreased.50
to disengage the humeral head from ducted position of the arm47 (Figure 9).
the glenoid rim. The assistant main- Bony, soft-tissue, or neurovascular Two-step
tains cross-body traction while the injuries about the shoulder are com- The two-step technique converts an
physician applies gentle, anteriorly monly associated with inferior dislo- inferior dislocation to an anterior
directed pressure to the posterior cation. The reported incidence of dislocation. Once converted, any
humeral head. Finally, external rota- concomitant fractures of the greater maneuver for reducing an anterior
tion can be attempted to complete tuberosity and rotator cuff tears is as dislocation can be used. The exam-
and confirm reduction.17,45,46
high as 80%.49 Additionally, the inci- iner stands at the patient’s head and
dence of neurologic injury is as high as pushes laterally on the abducted
Inferior Shoulder Dislocation 60% and vascular compromise is as humeral shaft with one hand, while
and Reduction Maneuvers high as 39%.48,49 Although the inci- simultaneously pulling superiorly on
dence of these associated injuries is the medial epicondyle with the other
Inferior shoulder dislocation is
based on a small case series, a high hand (Figure 10). This maneuver
exceedingly rare, comprising ,1% of
suspicion for associated structural and will move the humeral head out of
all shoulder dislocations.47,48 These
neurovascular injury must be main- the infraglenoid position and rotate
injuries are also known as luxatio
tained when evaluating a patient who it anteriorly around the glenoid rim.
erecta humeri because of the resul-
presents with luxatio erecta. If conversion is successful, the arm
tant fixed, abducted position of the
may be adducted against the chest
arm following dislocation. These
wall. External rotation, traction-
dislocations are high-energy injuries Traction-Countertraction countertraction, or any other ante-
that occur when a hyperabduction As with anterior dislocations, the rior dislocation reduction technique
force applied to the arm levers the application of axial traction to the arm may then be performed.50
proximal humerus onto the acromion. aids in reduction of an inferior shoul-
Subsequently, the inferior capsule and der dislocation. A sheet is wrapped
labrum are injured and the humeral around the upper torso and held in Comparison of Techniques
head disengages inferiorly from the place by an assistant for counter- Few studies have compared different
glenoid. The humeral head is then traction. Superiorly directed traction methods of closed reduction (Table 3).

December 2014, Vol 22, No 12 767

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Acute Management of Shoulder Dislocations

Figure 9 Figure 10

Photograph demonstrating the two-

AP (A) and axillary (B) radiographs of the shoulder demonstrating an inferior step technique for converting an
dislocation with associated greater tuberosity fracture. This patient was unable to inferior dislocation to an anterior
adduct her arm. dislocation. The first step consists of
applying a force over the lateral
humeral shaft. while the medial
In a study of 111 patients, Beattie external rotation technique in 160 elbow is pulled in the opposite
et al51 compared the Milch and patients with acute anterior shoulder direction. This will direct the humeral
Kocher techniques. Overall, there dislocation.33 Again, the FARES head anteriorly, converting the
inferior dislocation to an anterior
was no difference between the two method was found to be more suc- dislocation.
methods in terms of success rate. cessful, quicker, and less painful.
However, the Milch technique was
found to be more successful in pa- but we restrict patients from returning
tients aged ,40 years when per- to contact sports for a minimum of 2
formed within 4 hours of dislocation. months.
The authors recommended the tech- In patients with limited active
nique as a first-line treatment. For Following successful reduction, the goal ROM, weakness, or persistent pain 2
obese patients, the authors recom- of rehabilitation is to regain maxi- to 3 weeks after closed reduction,
mended the Kocher technique, mum ROM while retaining stability. rotator cuff pathology is suspected,
despite the lack of statistical signifi- The affected arm is immobilized for and MRI should be obtained.15 This
cance. In a recent randomized study, a minimum of 3 to 4 weeks, and limi- is especially true for patients older
60 patients with anterior shoulder ted physical rehabilitation is recom- than 40 years who are at higher risk
dislocations were treated with either mended. The program should begin for rotator cuff tear. MRI should
the Milch or Stimson technique. The with passive ROM exercises. In patients also be obtained in cases of recurrent
success rate on the first reduction with anterior shoulder dislocations, re- dislocation to evaluate for underly-
attempt was 82% with the Milch strictions include no external rotation ing pathoanatomy. CT is reserved
technique versus only 28% for the past neutral and no abduction past 90° for suspected bone loss or further
Stimson technique.52 for the first 4 to 6 weeks after injury. evaluation of fractures (eg, bony
In a randomized control trial, 154 Conversely, in patients with posterior Bankart lesions) that may be seen on
patients with acute anterior shoulder dislocations, internal rotation is lim- radiography or MRI.
dislocations were treated with the ited for 4 to 6 weeks. Isometric con-
FARES method, the Hippocratic tractions for muscle rehabilitation can Clinical Outcomes
technique, or the Kocher technique.26 begin immediately after the injury to
The FARES method was found to be strengthen the stabilizing musculature. The primary end point in outcome
more successful, quicker, and less Return to athletic activities can occur assessment is redislocation. Recur-
painful than the Hippocratic and after the patient regains full strength rent anterior dislocations are most
Kocher techniques. In another ran- and ROM without pain. The timing of likely to occur 2 years after the initial
domized control trial, the FARES return to contact sports has not been injury.13 Thus, 2 years can be used as
method was compared with the well established in current literature, an end point in treatment.

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Thomas Youm, MD, et al

Table 3
Comparison of Reduction Maneuvers
No. of
Study (Design) Patients Maneuver Outcomes (P Value) Comments

Sayegh et al26 154 FARES versus Hippocratic Reduction on first or second FARES method is more
(RCT level I) versus Kocher attempt: FARES 88%, effective, faster, and less
Hippocratic 72.5%, Kocher painful than Hippocratic or
68% (P = 0.033) Time to Kocher methods.
reduction: FARES 2.3 min,
Hippocratic 5.5 min, Kocher
4.3 min (P ,0.001 )
Maity et al33 160 FARES vs ER Reduction on first or second FARES method is faster, less
(RCT level I) attempt: FARES 95%, ER painful and requires fewer
91% (P = 0.53) Number of attempts than ER. It is an
reduction attempts: FARES ideal first-line method.
1.14, ER 1.46 (P ,0.0001)
Time to reduction: FARES
2.1 min, ER 3.2 min
(P ,0.0001)
Beattie et al51 111 Milch versus Kocher Reduction on first attempt: No difference overall. Milch
(RCT level II) Milch 70%, Kocher 72% (NP) may be better for patients
aged ,40 years. Kocher may
be better in obese patients.
Amar et al52 60 Milch versus Stimson Reduction on first attempt: Milch technique superior to
(RCT level I) Milch 82%, Stimson: 28% Stimson technique in terms of
(P ,0.001) success rate and speed of
Time to reduction: Milch reduction.
4.6 min, Stimson 8.8 min
(P 0.007)

ER = external rotation, FARES = fast, reliable, and safe; NP = not published, RCT = randomized control trial

Age and sex are predictive factors for dislocation is highest in patients who recurrent dislocations as only a nui-
recurrent shoulder dislocation after sustained significant rotator cuff tear sance. Although recurrent dislocations
primary traumatic anterior dislocation. and/or associated fracture resulting in in highly competitive athletes or la-
Recurrent dislocations are most com- severe damage to the dynamic and/or borers may threaten the patients’ live-
mon in patients aged #20 years.3 The static stabilizers.53 lihood, in lower demand patients,
incidence of recurrent shoulder dislo- Traditionally, participation in athlet- surgery may not be indicated. Sachs
cation decreases precipitously after ics has been thought to predispose the et al54 reported that, over a 4-year
age 50 years.3 In a study of 252 pa- patient to recurrent dislocation. How- follow-up period after initial acute
tients treated for primary anterior ever, conflicting evidence has been re- traumatic anterior shoulder disloca-
shoulder dislocation, 56% of younger ported on this point. Robinson et al13 tion, 18 of 37 patients (49%) in the
patients developed instability over 2 found that, among patients younger highest risk group for redislocation
years and 66.8% developed instability than 25 years, participation in athletics requested surgery.
over 5 years.13 Men were found to did not yield a significant difference in
have a greater risk of recurrent insta- the rate of recurrence. In contrast,
bility than women. Sachs et al54 found that participation Summary
The degree of trauma associated in contact sports or occupational use of
with the initial dislocation also affects overhead motion increases the fre- Dislocations should be tended to
outcome. Mechanism of injury, asso- quency of recurrent dislocation after promptly for the easiest possible
ciated fractures, nerve injury, and the acute traumatic anterior dislocation. reduction and to minimize damage
difficulty of reduction are all deter- Many surgeons consider recurrent to surrounding neurovascular struc-
minants of outcome. Relative risk for dislocation an indication for surgery. tures. For anterior dislocations, we
redislocation after primary anterior However, the patient may consider recommend the use of an intra-

December 2014, Vol 22, No 12 769

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Acute Management of Shoulder Dislocations

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