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Mother's Arithmetic * Compound Interest Compund intrest (Type-1) The effective rate of interest for 2 year corresponding to a nominal rate of 13% per annum payable yearly is— after 13% = ater oa ac orga eR we wars at wT aalitas ee Te? (A) 26% (B) 26.26% (©) 27.69% (D)27% The effective rate of interest for 3 year corresponding to a nominal rate of 10% per annum payable yearly is— arent 10% i aie oars Fe SITAR Ts wT a wars a wet afta a aT 2 (A) 33.19% (B) 32.21% (C)36.2% (D) 30% The effective annual rate of interest corresponding to a nominal rate of 22% pet annum payable halfyearly is— safer 229% a ita oar TTT oe Sama at ae in ec (A) 44% (©) 46.42% (C)7 pereent/ sitea (D) 7.12 percent/ sf What is effective rate of interest per annum which matches nominated rate payable half yearly at 6% per annum? aan ai rh antares ores omen ea 6% a amie ea te ante, Beh (A) 6.06%. (B) 6.07% (€)6.08% (D)6.09% A sum is lent at compound interest of 12% per annum and it is calculated half yearly. At what compound interest rate percent that same sum is lent to get the equivalent of previous result? 7 10. 12% waafs ara Rae ofa san St att site seat sore arene omere ee ome & 1 eae er Te A feng sai ofa a ante sre 7 fart afte aagis aT tae? (a) 12.5% (8) 124% (©) 12.36% (D) 12.8% The effective annual rate 0 sponding to a nominal rate of payable half-yearly is— Sra wfirt 8% at Pare ren at 16 Het si A were (cP - 2018) B) 11% (012% A sum of 12,000 is invested for 15 months at 10% per annum compounded half yearly. What, is the percentage gain, at the end of 15 months, (correct to one decimal place)? 2 12,000 =f fet at 15 Hfea % fore 10% afte ea, sreaitite wnt angi wars we Free Fem sem e115 er Fe are figs eas (Herre ee ai ers) eT EAT? (cPo - 2018) (A) 13.0% (B)13.1% (C)12.8% (0) 129% ‘An automobile financer claims to be lending money at simple interest, but he includes the interest every six months for calculating the principal. If he is charging an interest at the rate of 10% the effective rate of interest be- ‘come. ye Hrecan famines ar ora & Pe ae TTT aT TT TT san tem €, coq ae eae ware eT aT or fe Sar was aftaiers at chen Fate ae 10% FI A TTA we, shor at auc ee za ant # 2(CDS 2015(N) (©) 10.75% (D) 11% Jaipur + Gopoipura Lakkothi + Jholware + Ambaborl + Alwar * Udaipur (a) 10.25% B) 10.5% Mother's siarnfira + Compound Interest Solution Effective Rate for 2 years 1515 13x13 15 riay =13+13+ ere) foo 7. (A) Bilective rate = 00 26 + 1.69 - % ara =15.5625% Bffective rate for 3 years 1 10%= 55 10 u 10 u 10 i 10001331 Effective rate for 3 years 331 7 Too “100 = 33.1% Lxit 100 Effective Rate = 11+ 11+ =22+1.21= 23.21% rate : 7%, time = 1 year Z, Rate at half yearly R Amount rate so that resultant will be same RXR = Re ROS = 6464 2x8 100 = 12.36% 8. (B) R=4% T=2yrs 4 months Effective Rate for 2 years = 8.16 Rate for 4 months = 79% 4 = 2.6% Effective rate of inte1 =8.16+26+ 11% 1 10.25x2.5 3 10.25 +2.5+ To = 13% ). (A) Let the principal be ¥ 100 _ 100x10x6 | voxi2*> Now, after six months new principal = 2100+25=2 105 _ 105x106 = “qoox1z ~*5:25 HEAD OFFICE : J-7, Himmat Nagar, In front of BIG Bazar, Gopalpura Pulia, Jcipur-302018 0141-2711689, +91-7073909991 | Given rate = 10% and time = 6 months 105 +25.25 =7 110.25 10.25% Mother's Arithmetic * Compound Interest Compund interest (Type-2) ‘A sum becomes ® 1352 in 2 years at 4% com pound interest rate, Find the sum? em rate 4% cate gfe aa at ee He 2 TAT 1352 eran | erie sre att? (a) 1250 (8)? 1200 (€)% 1300 (D)% 1260 2. Find the C.1. of ® 7500 at 4% per annum for 2 years ? 27500 14% ae ora at a2 aA aa fe va tem? (a) %612 (B)%600 (F618 (D)%624 Compounded Interest on a sum of money is @ 250 in years at 88 %oper ann, Find the sum? fet ona et 93.1% af (a) 168 (€)% 230 4. 2500 e the «i te of interest for first ‘ond year is 4% per’ rear is 5% per wars eon et? FIG 3% aafihs, FAY ATE 4% afin sit chet ae 5% same (a) 2311.85 (B)%312.85, (€)%310.90 (D)%311.90 5. On what sum will the compound interest for 1 25 years at rate of 10% p.a. is 6350.50? fav errr 22 ait 10% ua ater orate mrs 6350.50 er? (aye 23485 (B)% 23477 ()% 23478 (D)% 23577 6 The compound interest on ® 5000 for 3 years at {8% for first year, 10% for second year and 12% for third year will be— % 5000-3 ort are wong aaa Pra ti? ae oT aT Wet mi 8%, FATA 10% cen tra eT 12% (ay% 1652.83 (B)% 1652.73 (C)® 1652.80 (0) 1652.77 7. In3years® 3000 amounts t pound interest, compo, (erest (compounded annually) for Then find the annual rate of com- "aE 10000 af 2 = Sh emais mT (aR eS eat) 11664 tome &, at arate or oe wey? (A) 10%. (B)9% (018% (D)6% In what time ( in years) will 8000 amounts to 9261 at 5% per annum, compounded annu- ally? 38000 71 ate 5% atone mama a8 Pot ara (il) #9261 trom? 9. 1 (a3 35 1 (4 0) 45 Ifamount becomes 2.25 times of principal after 2 years at compound interest (annually) Then. what is rate percent per annum? afar cae (aft a Heian) 2 i eee or yener an 2.25 TU eh ae, are or at 10. (C) 45% (D) 50% Jaipur + Gopoipura Lakkothi + Jholware + Ambaborl + Alwar * Udaipur (a) 25%. (B)30%. 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Mother's siarnfira + Compound Interest ‘The compound interest on % 30,000 at 7% per annum for n years is % 4347. The value of n is 230,000 hater 7% aie ee 8 n al fore sara rm 4347 #1 n SAT? (ays B2 (4 (Ds ‘The sum for 2 years gives a compound interest | 18, of 3225 at 15% rate, Then sum is? ‘fret errata ee 2 ord fora 15% hee aS wT 32285 freer ger fe ae et? (a) 10000 (B) 20000 () 15000 (D) 32250 ‘The compound interest on % 4000 for 4 years at 10% per annum will be 4000-41 afar 10 caffra ea 4 al aw a em? (a) 1856.40 (B)% 1600 (9) 1856 (D)% 1756.60 ‘The compound interest on % 64,000/- fox 3 years, compounded annually at 7.5% p.a. 7 64,000/- 4 afm 7.5% afte ata 3a ‘wares aa (fe ft m (a) 14,400/- ()%15,507/- sh 10,00 Qe Been RA) ene? (ay 11, 3907- (B) 12,000/- (€)¥ 12,320/- (D)®12,500/- At what compound interest rate per annum will a sum of & 1200 will become % 1348.32 in 2 years? ‘sorrgfis vara a fra efit cee T1200 Hate 2 wae | 20. 1348.32 Bonet? (a)6.5% (4.5% (6% (D)7.5% Hemant singh invested an amount of ® 20000 at compound interest 10% p.a. Find the total 2 amount he will get alter 22 years? ‘ra fie 1 20000 a4 1076 arg aa ae 2 2a fe fe fc oe ak? (a) 24000 (B) 24968, (©) 26620 (D) 25168 Surendra invested % 20,000 at a rate of C.l 61% p.a. for 2 years 73 days. Find the C.1.? BRAT 20,000 #1 65% atta aegis ara a2 sai 7 fen fre fre Fem (A) 265.5 (0) 234.5, ‘year. If Yogendra had returned the end of the first year and Avadhesh ned the entire amount at the end of sec- ond year. How much more interest did Yogendra pay than Avadhesh? SIE 30,000 sik 50,000 Fre: serine wa arte a aT “arr ere aor mae ten | se fee me at wnat wr Ft 6% &, sit fina ai a pe era (aT atafinfe acs) W106 Brats fee em a tora 80% wen fede and He eral (oars ay ata ) 12% & raf oe wae aia ¥ 30,000 ara ent site ora gat i & ofa at raf char ten, dams “irre 8 ora 8 Pra cae oa oar A Fe? (A) 2,000 (B) 4,100 (©) 5,450 () 1,900 At what percentage rate, compound interest compounded annually for a sum of 40,000, will amount to € 44,100 in two years ? % 40,000 34 wm Srafe faa warm aH ot a aT 44,100 8 sre wet or anf ee Benet en ore ® (CPO - 2019) (ay2 (75 cs (D4 HEAD OFFICE : J-7, Himmat Nagar, In front of BIG Bazar, Gopalpura Pulia, Jcipur-302018 0141-2711689, +91-7073909991 | Mother's Arithmetic * Compound Interest 21. The compound interest on a certain sum in- vested for 2 years at 10% per annum is & 1,522.50, the interest being compounded yearly. The sum is: hat & fore 10% anf sargts oma ce Fe a TE ‘ae Faery rar ea aren worgfis BAT 1,522.50 ¢, wate ons afta ea 8 aegis te tS eae aT ifm (cPo - 2019) (a)%7,250 (B)%7,200 (€)%7,500 (D)%7,000 22. The interest on % 24,000 in 2,years compounded annually when the rates are 8% p.a. and 10% pa. for two successive years is: 24,000 = afin ve 2 at & fer sengfec Mr ee? aie 9am ad was at ee 8% wierd sin frit a 10% ‘after (cP - 2018) (a)3,994 (B)%4,512 (€)%5,040 (D)%5,866 23. Find the compound interest at the rate of 7% aa, compounded annually fortwo years on principal that yields a sim 4 for 3 years at 7% p.a. aft Pre af 7% aif 29,450 @, atten (yz 12, (B) 76,520.50 (C)R10, (D)% 12,678.40 24. Asum of Rs. 8,000 invested at 10% p.a. amount of Rs, 9,261 pounded half ly. What will be the compound interest (in Rs.) on the same sum for the same time at double the earlier rate of interest, when. interest is compounded annully ? 10% arf orrat sum =% 10000 Ry, ford years C= 46.41% 46.41 So, Cl = 4000 55 32.25% 13. (A) 1856.4 78 . ees 14, (Q Required interest oon ToD 1 3| i (im) - (se) = (8) (6k io) = (a pam i 100 ~ 100 aeites Jo] 20000 ats Se 20 17. 0) 20 2 Asthere is only = part of rd year. SoC. for 3rd ‘year is 2420 x 2 = 3968 25168 Total compound interest + Amount = 20000 + 51 So, total CI = 2500 + 78.125 + 282.22 = 2860.35, Interest paid by Avadhesh = 106, 110 30000 x128,,110 _ 9900 = * {00 “100 oe Interest paid by Yogendra 8 = 50,000 «55 (cans no20-sne) 2 100 100 4,000 + 2880 = 6,880 ‘Yogendra paid (6,880 - 4,980) = & 1,900 more as interest than Avadhesh ATQ, $810. x) SS =[1s =) 20. (C) 0000 900) > 207 '* t00 = R=3% Rate= 10%; T= 2 years Effective C.1.% = 21% So, 21. (A) 1522.50 ‘The sum = 100 = 27250 Jaipur + Gopoipura Lakkothi + Jholware + Ambaborl + Alwar * Udaipur Mother's siarnfira + Compound Interest 10x8 100 22. (B) Reff=8+ 10+ = 18+0.8= 18.8% 188 Interest = 24000 x +55 = 4512 28. (B) As we know _ SL«100 R*T Pp _ 9450 = 100 a TKS 45000 & = 45000, R= 4.49% =P c1= 45000 x 1448 = 15.7625% So Rate/annum = 5% P= 4000 28. (D) 2yreffective rate for 10% = 21% 2yreffective rarte for 12% = 25.44% 1050 = pt Bat = 1272 29. (B) P= 20000 R= 15% Ist year + 3000 2nd year + 3000 450 Srdyear+3000 450 450 67.5 2 Total Interest for 25; year = 3000 + 3450 + 2645 = 9095 ou HEAD OFFICE : J-7, Himmai Nagar, In front of BIG Bazar, Gopalpura Pula, Jaipur-302018 (0141-2711689, +91-7073909991 | Mother's Arithmetic * Compound Interest Compund interest (Type-3) 3. Al 6000 lent out for 15 years at rate of 10% per annum of compound interest. Then find inter- est if interest is compounded half yearly? ©6000 aia 15 si 8 10% sen ema at saxo fers, darts ora at of eat ae wars wee 6 ea afin ten E 7 (a) 5954.75, (B)%945.57 (€)% 945.75 (D) 954.57 Find the C.1. of € 7500 at 4% for 1 year. If the interest compounded half yearly ? 27500 1 4% at ents ee a 1 aH orn ee tira songs ors Pern em 2 (ay 404 (82303, (c)% 300 (D)% 400 Find the compound interest on ® 8000 at rat 0f8% per annum for 2 years, compounded yearly? % 8000 % 2 wt fay 8% aaa fara er, (B) 1 years / #4 3 (€)2 years /=t — (D) + years/ wi A sum is invested for 2 years at compound in- terest at rate of 10% per annum and interest is, compounded annually. Amount received is 12,100. Find the sum? woe fates afm 2 at fer 10% at ane a TTS RU TTS Bet & site are atta ea 8 waht Fae eT E1F8a 12,100 frat ae tien €, at afer e? (a) 12,000 (B)% 6,000 (€)® 8,000 (D)% 10,000 6. 7 9. 10. What will be the CI of 2 12000 at rate of 20% per annum for 9 months if interest is com- pounded quarterly— % 12000 = 20% aan arts oars a xe EO TE T seme eae en ch, a ma a oe ee eet wa? (a)? 1891.50 (8) 2 3989.70 ()% 2136 (0) 4950 Find rate percent per annum, . ounts, t0 2315.25 in 1 ye intere - ed hal! yeauly? 000 FFF . a aera or (B) 11.5% (D)20% ‘af omar at srentif ea8 ret ome, tr 80,000 att aft 10% enfin sera ora at we Fat BPI Z92,610 erst? 1 (a) 1} year / i (8) 2year / #4 (©) 2} year/mi —(D)3year / mt A bank offers 5% compound interest per half year. A customer deposits Z 3200 each on 1* January and 1* July ofayear. At the end of the year, the amount he would have gained by way of interest is— ede og afte era 5% rate ora eT ‘Suc ew ada 1 wat ott 1 gene ah B3200 sear ae in arn Af ar eT ern? (a)t976 (B) 244, (Cc) 488 (Dj 122 Ifinterest is calculated half yearly on 10,000 at compound interest rate of 4% per annum, then what will be the interest after 2 years ? Jaipur + Gopoipura Lakkothi + Jholware + Ambaborl + Alwar * Udaipur co 12. 13. 14. Mother's siarnfira + Compound Interest © 10,0007 49% afta craig oar ah ee, FE TT ‘os mg ae ret, wt 2 ee ag ee ea ee? (a) 2636.80 (B)% 824.32 (0)7912.86 (D)% 828.82 In what time, % 64000 will become % 68921 at 5% annual interest rate. If interest is com- pounded half yearly? fat 7764000, 5% afieerrs 68921 eee cafe oa sacks wemac man fr wa ten re? ee (013 yer (0) 24 year What is the compound interest on a sum of £57500 for 15 years at arate of 12% p.a ifthe interest is compounded 8 - monthly ? % 37500 wi erat we 12% mii warts oa ea 14 at peo eata area tn aT (cPo - 2 ewrare ae ee Fara are ? (a)%6440 (B)6240 (0) 6420 (D) 6448, ‘Two ea, inter first sec oar A OF oH san fea sia @ | Teet safe, rt wah, Wea A aa aT sa & ite we ATT ara 36,900 81 WEF FATT es A (CPO - 2019) (a) % 20,500 (B)% 20,200 (©)% 18,100 (D)% 21,500 On what sum of money, the interest for one year at 12% p.a. compounded half yearly is 1.5452 fret afar, Hel fore 12% afd ate a ae wtf wergfer ert 1545 # ? (CPO -2018) (a) 225,750 (B)% 24.300 ()7 12,875 (D)¥ 12,500 15. A sum of Rs. 8,000 invested at 10% p.a. amount of Rs. 9,261 in a certain time, interest com- pounded half-yearly. What will be the compound, interest (in Rs.) on the same sum for the same time at double the earlier rate of interest, when, interest is compounded annully ? 10% mafia vara at eee Fate zt TE 8,000 ea at ae, vara ah wand ra we sea Pre a ve we Pee saa 9,261 Ta TMT eset OS a TA rt con art ot arate ar aegis ers Pron ee, aE ara a ei omer we as Be 2019) (a) Rs. 2,520 4 50 inforedt on a sum oft 5,500 at 5 Ars\when the iscom- ata 2 wi Ha aa 7 8 HEA (CGL (Mains.}- 2019) (B)71,880 (D)% 1,820.50 fe HEAD OFFICE : J-7, Himmat Nagar, In front of BIG Bazar, Gopalpura Pulia, Jcipur-302018 0141-2711689, +91-7073909991 | 1 Mother's Arithmetic » Compound Interest Solution 1 oO Time(t) = 15 years Rate = 10% If interest is payable halfyearly Then Rate = 5%, 3 and t= 5x 2=3 half years Compound interest of years = 15,7625% of Principal 600015.7625 9 MSS (8) Athalf yearly + x 2=2half years R, for Cl = 4.04% 4.04 So, Cl= 7500 50 (B) Principal = @ 8000 Athalf yearly (a) =4T Pri ve (By = Principal «(14585 1025 a (Ta) = 3362 = 3: 3362 7 3200 081 > 1600 ay a x” > av > T 3 2 (D) Accordingly to question Time = 2 years; Rate = 10% Anoun=Prinipl=(1+ 8) 100 10 = 12100 = ‘el a = 12100 = = p=t 108 (A) Wheninterest is compounde Time =9 months —> 91 hs ‘Compound Interest 12000 % 5% =600 * 3 = 1800 600 «5% =30*3 = 90 30*5% =15%1=15 = Total C.1.= 1800 +90+1.5= 1891.50 (A) Letrate=2R% ‘When interest compounded half yearly Rate = 2R —> R% 3 Time 5 year —>3 years Accordingly to question- 215.25 [ 231525 [ = 200000 $261 [ in 8000 > Gl-l Jaipur + Gopoipura Lakkothi + Jholware + Ambaborl + Alwar * Udaipur & (A) oO 10. (B) Mother's siarnfira + Compound Interest So, 2R = 10% Interest payable half yearly 0 _s, So,Rate='=5% ; Time=2T Years Amount = Principal « (1 + ih) 92610 ( 5 ) = samp 7 (Ita 00 ay “(2 y" 20) * Gao0 2 ‘Time = T —> 27 years Accordingly to question- 6892 64000 8921 (sy = S100 ~ (G0 tal - (a ao) ~ Go = or=3 1 = T= 15 years 1 12. (B) 15 years +16 months 12% PA => 8% per 8 months Effective C.I.% = 16.64% ieee Interest = 37500 x 16.64% =%6240 13. (A) -: Both principal is equal and both amount is equal Let Principal = =P Time = tyears PxtOxt _ | Px8x(t+2) arg, p+ SS pe 30 33 Forlind year 50° se 2500 2809 CI = 2809 ~ 2500 = 309 15. (C) P= 800, T= 3/2 years, R= 20% 6 ou A= 8000* = * 75 A= Rs, 10560 CLL = Rs. 2560 16. (D) P=%3500 R=15% 1094] 10%4] 10% 8m| 8m wos 1000: 1331 1000-5500 1355 C= 1331 * 5.5, = 1820.50 HEAD OFFICE : J-7, Himmat Nagar, In front of BIG Bazar, Gopalpura Pulia, Jcipur-302018 0141-2711689, +91-7073909991 | Mother's Arithmetic * Compound Interest Compund interest (Type-4) Difference between Cl compounded half yearly and SI of 1 year on a sum is % 180. If rate of interest is 10% per annum in both cases, then what is the original sum? Prat atan, srmantia er 8 oa argh a Si se OFT ee ad ars wa A are F 180 at) ae sa AT ‘Feaferat 8 sara Ft 5 10% Te AH, TA Oh Fae at? (a) 60,000 (8) 72,000 (€)%62,000 (D)% 54,000 2. The sum of money which is given on compound interest at 18% per annum would fetch ¢ 960 more when the interest is payable half yearly than when it was payable annually for 2 years. Find the sum? frat 1 1 18% ater oa at ee 8 2 ad ar orden eva tits angie oe aft en a if ora wa & 8.960 safe &, aE ara A? (a) 850000 (3)8 40000 (C)%60000 (D)z 30000 3. Cl of € 482 more can be ret at rate of 20% per annum (€)%30000 A princess depegifs some money in PNB bank at rate of 10 +r annum and she hopes that bank will give some rupees in form of interest. Bank lends the same money to a company at rate of 12% per annum and interest is caleu- lated half yearly. After 1 year bank pays inter- est to princess and bank earns a profit of 1888. How much money is deposited by princess in the bank? apm po oth PNB eH 10% athe a erect tam sa ann feat enn a Be or oT Te fon de aa oe a Ue eT A 129% aes oR, vas at em set & Set # gen ra oa aT St organi Him & 1 em a Bh ae ey TT oT aprarrarctart sicdraa 81888 arama 8 fet wot aes Pd? (B)% 40000 (a) 96,000 (B) 68,000 (€)%80,000 (D) 88,000 Ifa principal P becomes Q in 2 years when com- pound interest rate R% is compounded half- yearsly. And if the same principal P become, Q in 2 years when interest rate $% is compound annually, then which of the following is true ? ate 2 aH R% aagis ars ate ofa Paz Qa art 8, a ear aT steaTt a wri ora at 8 fa P, Ow at afta: oa 8 at ont &, at fer ‘annually. Had the yearly, the inter- 41, What was the Ra 2 Fer 20 are ease fen angi ars onan 248, ag wim sua a eae CRA) {cPo - 2019) (B) 12000 (D) 24000 ‘An amount was lent for one year at the rate of 10% per annum compounding annually had the ‘compounding been done half yearly, the inter- est would have increased by 80. What was the amount (in Rs) lent? ‘erat at ais cera 1 a Be fg 10 after afer ora era a ea oo Reena oa oT HA mH 80 we IM eI see eae ara (FF) aarti? (cPO-2019) (a) 16000 () 32000 (C) 48000 (D) 64000 An amount was lent for one year at the rate of 18% per annum compounding annually. Had the compounding been done half yearly, the inter- est would have increased by 324. What was the amount (in Rs) lent? ‘ee ra 1 fre 18 fre tert orice et ea waR feo egg aa ate BA He ma 324 Be arm sae eva (HD TA? (CPO - 2019) (a) 32000 (B) 36000 (©) 40000 a 72000 Jaipur » Gopolpura + Lokolhi + Jholwore + Ambaborl « Alwar » Udaipur i 1 ® 2 ) Mother's siarnfira + Compound Interest 4,000 is given at 5% per annum for one year and interest is compounded half yearly. @ 2000s given at 40% per annum compounded quarterly for 1 year. The total interest received is nearest to 34,000 1 The 5% aaa oars aT eH a & fore St ST 9 the ona a orn ward were aoe we aH eB ‘walt wn T 2000 Ht Ufa 40% aati eI CR TH Tt ‘fer sieht & site ars a Torn Srenfere mRgES A STEM Te atom 1 ger are aaa orm... ee (CHSL - 2019) (Mz 14440 (B)21,888.80 (21,130.70 (D)21,333.30 What is the difference (in Rs) in Compound in- terest eared in 1 year on a sum of Rs 25,000 at 20% per annum compounded semi-annually and annually? Interest paid half yearly then rate = ‘Compound interest of first year ‘960 So, sum = 3. (B)_Ry, for two years interest based annually com- pounding = 44% R,, for C.L of four years =46.41% So, Difference in rates = 46.41 ~44= 2.41% 482 So, Principal = 5.47% 100 = & 20,000 4 © R=10%, t= Tyears » 6% x25 Rap t6%, hex 2=2halfyearly(R) Ry=6+6+ 212368 So, Ry=6+6+ Toy =12.36 Accordingly to question nn. 25,000 era 1 rt % fae 20% ate a sents sangf aaa sir mie seargtte omar fee Cort) = am? (SSC, CGL(Mains)- 2017) (a) 125, (B) 250 (c) 500 (D)375, What is the difference (in) between the com- pound interests on @ 12,500 for 1 year at 8% perannum compounded yearly and half-yearly? 12,500 7 1 4 % feu 8% HCA TAT ai AMET rar ek eg a Het oe Hee (z. 8) wien? (SSC, CGL(Mains) - 2017) {ay 16 (8) 2: (20 oO Principal = P Amountafter 2 year=Q Rate = R% R Calculated half yearly effective rate > Effective time=4 yr So, a Amount=Q_ T=2yr Principal = P Rate=S% a=P(1+555) 2) Eq. ()=@) ar(1 8 200 HEAD OFFICE : J-7, Himmat Nagar, In front of BIG Bazar, Gopalpura Pulia, Jcipur-302018 0141-2711689, +91-7073909991 | Mother's Arithmetic * Compound Interest take root both side 5s 5 72%% 9. (R= SH3+ (33) (0) Ram 372 * 06 100 = 5.0625% [200+R] _ (10045) x = R?-+ 40000 + 400R = 40000 + 4005 = R?+ 4OOR = 4005 Compairing both sides So interest = 2000% 42:4 MQ. og, 50,R Amount—> Time 1 2 t +. Principal becomes 16 times “Desired amount = 12000% 16 Lot Principal = Rate=R% ATQ, 1,92,000 ae overs] aa > R= 400% +300 ‘00° so, 125P= (1+ 439) 313-6) 100 = 6P=6)" ST=3 years 72 (a) P 2P 4P BP W447" Syr SyrSyr So, time =15 yr Let P= 121 2x121x100x11 _ ATQ. qa (1+ ] ats 100 (+75) = Ht > 100) ~ 121 121x100 6 —*3x81=0)! = 6x4 = 24 yrs 10. (8) Amount=x L i i Total Tine £547 +7=21 year 11.(D) P+Q+R=62*3= 186 Repti berers S=R-15569-15= 54 Rllg+Ro9* R= 166 aR_21 188 3R= 207 R68 Qo P=S7 oe 57 +60+69+54 4 =60 HEAD OFFICE : J-7, Himmat Nagar, In front of BIG Bazar, Gopalpura Pulia, Jcipur-302018 0141-2711689, +91-7073909991 | Compund interest (Type-6) What is the least number of complete years in. which a sum of money put out at 50% annual: compound interest will be more than trebled ?- 5006 afta went, oa a ce we Tat mE Sere RA aa frat pi ata fp A oarer a 7 (ays Bs (5 (D)6 What is the least number of complete years in 1 which a sum of money put out at 335% an- nual compound interest will be more than \ trebled? 83 96 af amas ora a er Ta TE aan fet pata feat aera are? (a2 4 (93 (m6 What is the least number of complet eggs in which a sum of money put out at 37 rual lal ttebled ? at cc cat me ert ea 2a Pe gai fet earn eh ot? (cps 20194) (ays (a4 (Qs (De What is the least number of complete years in which a sum of money at 20% compound inter- est will be more than doubled ? “aa pl oi aan 8a ear er, Fe 200% ware aT raf ers 8 at aefeew ert 2 (CDS 2011(1)) “7 (6 os oa Solution 3. = 2 (approx) (A) 50% = =: Least number of years = 4 emens OR OOr vie In three years sum of money become trebled = 3 years lage (©) 335 %= 7 In three years sum of money beco: trebled = 3 years (D) 37.5% = 8 ou 8 ou of } ir 3<(1.4) When t= 3; 1.43 = 2.744 And when t= 4; 1.444 = 3.8416 ‘T= 4 is the answer (0) Let the sum of money =%P ooonw g Bs Vie ead ol 6)'_ 1296 On putting t= 4, we get |Z) = G5= Mother's Arithmetic * Compound Interest Compund interest (Type-7) 3. 4 Jaipur + Gopoipura + Lakkothi + Jholware * Ambaborl + Alwar + Udaipur The compound interest on a certain sum for two successive years are € 225 and © 238.50. ‘The rate of interest per annum is — fet eres Tce eee ar wees ea mT: F225 Si 238.50 %, Hea FT aT HT? 1 7s ws (16 (V6 On a certain principal the compound interest compounded annually for the second year at 10% per annum is € 132. The prineipal is ‘Pratt ye ofa 10% sited aa ae Te RR TTS wan 132 @, th afer am wf? (a) 1,000 (3)%1,320 (0) 81,250 (D)% 1,200 Second year's compound interest is 863. Ifrate of interest is 16 20 p.a, Find the principal? fra erat gat ad aH angi oT 63 t 7 2 - HIE 16 Moats 8, a (a) 3000 (C)3125 (D) 3525 ‘Third year’s cdfgpound interest is ® 24.50. Ifrate ofinterest is 16 2% p.a. Find the principal? ‘rad errata ae od om aaras oa & 24.50 8 1a rn rte 162 om te, me eae a? (a) 100 (B) 108 (©) 128 (D)120 Third year's compound interest is % 320. If rate ofinterest is 142%pa, Find the principal? feet erate att nd an rats eae & 320 @1 ale rae 142 6a tna, dae rc Tt? (a17is. (B) 1680 (c,1600 (D) 1700 7. The compound interest calculated yearly on. acertain sum of money for the second year is. @ 1,320 and for the third year is 7 1452. The principal amount at the start of the first year ‘rat afr eens moras eat gt a A Fee 31, 320% sie drat at % fore 1,452 ¢ 1 awe ai aE (a) 12,650 (€) = 12,970 12 Ma wat # ret errant set ware = 1 aie sare atti a 8 aegis fae ST 2 (CPO - 2017) (ay237,215 (B) 236,300 (©) 38,115 (D) % 36,000 If compound interest received on a certain amount in the 3rd year is 12,100, what will ‘be the compound interest (in Rs) for the 4th year on the same amount if rate of interest is a2 ale ret ofa ect at ret ren args BAe 12, 100 8, at seh aftr veoh ad fed ore segs as (et +) eendien afk at

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