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UX/UI Design course | Final exam

Find Heuristics

Gulim Alkenova, UX/UI, Information Systems

1. Visibility of system status

a. Violation:
It's not clear which floor should be clicked and there's no indicator of the current

b. Compliance
It can bee seen that order has been placed.

2. Match between system and real world

a. Violation:
Icons are hard to read them. Previous icons are easy and understandable as they
correspond to their functionality in real life.

b. Compliance
Previous icons are easy and understandable as they correspond to their
functionality in real life.

3. Consistency and standards

a. Violation:
When I close Microsoft Teams with X button on the right, it just hides the window.
To close it completely I need to do it from the task bar which is different way from
we used to do.

b. Compliance
If we close other files and apps in windows, they are closed completely.

4. User control and freedom

a. Violation:
It's not possible to cancel call in skype. No "exit" option.

b. Compliance
If cancel subscription is clicked by accident there's an option to keep plan.

5. Flexibility and efficiency of use

a. Violation:
In aliexpress cart it's not possible to delete all from the cart. You need to delete
items one by one.

b. Compliance
IOS provides an option to clear recently deleted items completely by one click.

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