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Asignatura: Ingles

Profesor: Mag. Carmen Rojas

TEMA: “10 yes/no questions and asking questions”

Jonnathan Marcelo Vazquez Pacurucu

Periodo Académico 2020-2021

1.Write 5 yes/no questions about the reading of the page 65:
1) Is obesity a major in today’s world?
Yes, it is.
2) Are the large amounts of food, and little exercises causes for obesity?
Yes, they are.
3) Is the problem just the sugar?
No, it isn’t.
4) Is there a lot of starch and oil in the fast food?
Yes, there is.
5) Are there many reasons for companies to promote fresh vegetables?
No, there aren’t.
2. Write 5 asking questions about the reading of the page 65:
6) What have caused many people to gain too much weight?
The large amounts of food, and little or no exercise have caused many people to gain too
much weight.
7) What are the problems for the obesity?
The problems for the obesity are the sugar, fat, and the amount of the food.
8) Why do restaurants in the us often serve large portions of food?
Because that way they get a lot of your money.
9) What percentage of Americans are overweight?
The percentage of Americans are overweight is approximately 60%.
10) What is the name that some healthcare experts gave to the problem of the 60% of
obesity in Americans?
Some healthcare experts call this problem an obesity epidemic.

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