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Na.Bud* 1 - AO8679/?,fr?{.

Dg,ted, 1"3.A8.2O2*

Exglressicra qf frc*erest

Ilrap*s*el engcxg{ng
_& n
C*sf Aec*esre f a*nf "F{rms
in -t{S.fffC
;fbr *fue Cers* Anaigsfs in .si[** FreJecfs

I{err:.,la Sfafe -Road T?ansport Carporation

Tfl*nsport Bhar&lt, ?art,
Thiruaano:r"tF"apur{tm - 6gE Og3


iterala state ltoaci 1]ansport Corpor-ar.icn {KSRlrc},

ol{,rrs around 6200 }:uses, oprr"ates around s0oo buses every da-rr
thrr:ugh -q4 depots thror-igh out- the stare. work shaps are
eslablisireri in riepol.s and alsr: as resicnai rvorkshops. It
generir{es an income of lls" zz4z"54 cr during 20lg-90 rv}riie the
ex;:c'nditllre appraximate Rs. 34-So Cr excluciing cleprecial.ion

ancl adjustments. 'lhe cory:oraliein inr{{.es Expression of Interes1

{lioi} from {irrns providing Casl Accounl_ing Ser"u,jr:cs, reEisterecl
ra,ith tl-re instit.r-lte of'Cost 1rr:cr:untan1.s of lncila {ICAIJ. t.r: first.
r*rclcrl.aje the costing 1'cr the last olle vear and 1.hen ciesign,
derrel*p and maint.ain a costing srrsteru {br t.he corporal.icn.

1. *foiective Elf, the Assigmreent

'I'he abjectirre ofLhe assignment is r_o dcsisrr, clevel;p

ilnd inrplenrent a* effective and cfficient. Costing Sysiem {br the
corl;oration. The ccsting system should be able to support the
Management of the Corporation t.o understand. monil.or and
evaluate t.he Cost r:f Operaticlns, Cost of Mainl.enance,
Adrninistratjve and Orrerheacl F)xpenses, etc on a fr-rnctional /
aclir.,ity / deparlmerlt level , generat.e MIS Reports and shall be
able to assist the Board t.o tahe the most appropdate
Managernent clecisicln s.
2. $c**e *f Werk
Underlake Lhc costing of the r:orpr:rat.io11 - bus rnrise ald
ricp*t r.rrisc isclectecl Iew only) Lrt.iiising t.hc {igr-rres /dala for
the lasl ont year and idt-:ntify the ;lrras r''u'here the
coryoralioil has t-o introdlice cerst$ nleas]-tres.

inlroduce a. dilta cr:llect.ion svstent { {bllilt h;rsed

;:retfereably tht"lugh Google lirnns or otlrer electr<lnic
sysleills) lor t.he inputs needeei for eslablisiring a rtraily r:ost
altal3rsis s,rrstem r:n the basis o{'r:ostr-ing operatiorls aS abave.

L]ltinratcly lltsi$n and Develop a Costing Svslem to collect

Cosl in{brnration from all tl-re. clepot.s ol'l-he Co4;oraliotr and
also froxr otlter sr,rpporting ciepnrl,lnents anrl rvorkshops.
'l.}le rievelcped Costing Systerx shall be atrle t.o generate
dail-y, urfqrkhr, nronthlrv. qlrarlerlv and vearly Costing MIS to
be presented to the various lerreis r:f' Manngenretrt ancl
Bo:rrr,1 af the Corporation.

Tire }iirn'1, rvh* develop tire Costing Sr\rs{"s;1i" silall support

thc Cor-p{iration in irnplenlent-ation and m:lintainance af the
C*sting S},'stenr and shall handholc Lhe MemaS{ement to
Cenerate Report.s {'or a period of ONE year'

S. Minimur-n Etrigibitrity Criteria

Any Cost. Accounta;rts Finrr / LLP or Consort.ium of

(losi Ar:countants Firm including LLP havinS the follou'ing
eligihility r:dtefia are eligible t.o subrnit t.heir trol

Tl'rr: finl must be registereri wit.h t.he Institute of Cost

Accounr.ants of India [CAl) and fulfilling aily of ttre
folk:w'ing crit"eda.

a. Partnership finns (including Llpsj ',r..ith a nrininrum

three partners


1:. consorliilm r;f Fiirrrs wllere the total number ai'

partners ir.r all i.he {irms urrder consort.ium shall be a
mir:imum of t.hree

The firr:rs or it.s partr:ers shor-rrcr harre a nrinimum ol'S

{iirre) years of experience in successfullv u*dertaki*g
Costing or Cast Audil assignments.


i. In casc o1' Ca:rsr:fliurn of I,=irnrs, applicalicn shall be

i:rade by the I-EAI) lirrn in tl-re Consort.iurn. lhe I-EAI)
finn shail be responsible {rlr all t.he activit.ies of l.}re

ii. Once the Ccnsorlium is appr*veri in the pilot projecl

stage, any chatrgc in ilre consorliurn sl.rall be inl,imateil
tri the respectirre aul.horitv anri sharll get pl:ior approvai
for continuirrg in the bicicling process.

4. Pfrsfaqv SsaluatiErra C!"iteria

'I.lle firm r.l'ill be arvardcd rnarks based
on the marrjx as follor,rrs:

s{. Easi-s Jor Mrlxirn

selectiam Crtturto; awarding af um
Paints Poin*
I Point fbr every
Tumover of the F irm or Rs 10 lakhs of
Consi:rtiunr average Annual 5
Tltrnorrer for last 3
$elecfior: Cruferi<z ausarding af
Iijrrn's experience in I Poir:t flrtr- e\/ery \ (F rcm date of years al Firm's
rt:gisl.ralion ruith the regisl.ratioil. Will
lnstitlrte of Cosl be con:pr.rt.ed as
Acr:ountants of India) {No: on 1*r Ar,igr-rst
3 Marks per
Partner hardng
IYunrl:er .& Experienr:e of Irellorl, rs Merrlber"ship in
h.rll t-in're pracrice (
Iix-perience rlf Cr,ist Svsten-r
{rnplemetrtation I Cost
Analvsis ancj f'e;rsibilily
repoui"s / Ccsl Arrriit/ of 3 Poin{s eacir for
Casf ing in Keraia caclr Prritlic Sector
Gorrernment. Irublic Sector lJndertaking
[Jndertaking anci pui:jir
I"imited Contpanies
2 rnarks lbr o{{ices
in eacl-r L)istrict.
hrliastrlcture / Offir:e (Onlv one r:ffir:r: in
Facility a distdcr sirall bc
counl.ed flrr tirat

'l"he {in.n. scoring a mir-iintum a{ 25

marks in the
cvalualion criteria u,iil be eligibk: to i:articipate in thi: Pilot project_

S. Selqetieq Criteria

5.i 'l'he selecl.ion of ihe lirrri shail be made baserl on technical

and linilncial evaluation. AIl the Appiir:nnts rlr_ralilSring for
ihr: atrorre specilled ir4inimurn trligi}:ility Criteri;r shall be
assignerl Ciifur**t "Functional Lir:its" {Depctsl operatiot-r
segrnents) as decided t-r3r the Managen:ent lor 1he tl,ork
sp*ci{ied uncier'-Scope ol \York".
q9 'Ilic Applicant particip;rl irig in the process shall conchict a str-rdy at i.he Functional lJnit so assigneil tc tlein
fPilot. ]iroject) ar:d shatrl subn-rit their reporl. u,'i1l:in the
SPECIF'IIiD IrEzuCl]. "I'he Corporatior-r shall pror.,ide or
make arrangemerfts t.o prorririe relquireci inli:rmation as
requesled i:y ttie Applicant.

il. .1 Corp<;ralion sirali fix a UNIFORM fue for all ilic llilot
Projecl,s. Cn conrpletior: al the SPECIF-ItrI) PilitloD, all the
reports oblainecl si-rall l:e erraluated i:y a Technical
Cr:rnrnittce , to be pairl onlv on satislactcry cornpletion o{ tire
rvortri cr assessir"lg 1he ellbrts put in by the fir'n:

l)".t A11 t.heparticipar-its shall i:e girren an opporlunilSi to make a

presentnt.ion of, their reporl. belare t"he Tectrnical {lolnmi1,lee"
Based on the eriaiuation of l-he rep<;r1 zurcl the prese;r1.atioxt,
the 'kr:hnical Cominittee shali artard MAli.KS for r:ach such
report" Maximum rnarks ior this part is 50.
-- 'fhe Appiicar:t r.l.ho obtair-rs lhe minimum thresirald tnarks
(5O out of iOO) shall i:c determined as "QUAJ-IF-ll)". All the
SUALIi.'1EI] Cost Accounl-ing F'irms / Consorliutn shall be
eligible ta participate in t.l-rc F'inancial llidriing process.

6. Pilct Project

€i.1 The firrr-rs rvha are qualilicd lor t.his stage rndll be awarded
one pilot project each, like undertaking a costir-lg study of a
"Funr:tionai Units" (Depot.s). The pilot project shall be
subrnitted rn,ithin ?HR"EE WEtrKS from the rlate of AWARD
of Pilol Prcrject

,t ., "l"he llirrus r,lrho ]ranre srrccessf:-rlly compieted t.]re pilot

project, tr: the satisfact.ion o1'the Corporal-iol1, u,'ill be eligible
1-o submit the {inancial bid as described in {.he "Selecl.ion
Criteria" above.
fi.3 Eae&:gg_fqr fllqt Prqjeqt
a] Ilellr:t Anal3isis,/ Variarlr:e AnalVsis in one Districlfor
APRii,, StrPTtrMBtrR , DECFIMREIT & MAITCH c;f 2Al9-
ZtJ Vs s?lnle of 2*18-lE fer,rr select routes of a
clistrict & Total Cperational Ar:alvsis of a District fcr
Last. 2lre,lrs

i:) Prnfilability Anatrvsis o{' - (hr.n Vs kase- Sr:ania &

lilectrical Veliicle Operatir:n Vs lliesel rrehicle

cJ Central Workshop TYI\4 & RW trr-nakularl - Audit. &

An;rivsis 2017 -18, 2C l8- I !] & 20 i !)-2{l inch-rcling
Spare Ar-rdit & TYre Purchase /Replacemt--nl I
Retl'rrcad Tl,re Cost per Analtrsis

dl & Comparative Strrciv of Selected Ile;:ats

20t8,rg & 2019,20
e] Ccsting for tirc subsl-it.ut,ion of 473 diesel buses of
Thir^rrrananthapuram cit.y rlril.h Dlectric }:r:ses baseri on
tl:e 20 I g 2fi c1al"a

fl far ti'ie sul:st-itrrt.ion of' 473 diesel buses of

Thin-n anil-nt.hil"puram citv wit.l'i CNG buses based on
tire 201t)-20 data

gl for the sr-rbsiitution at 473 diesel buses of
Ti:inrvanant.hapr:ram city u.itir LNG buses based on
the 201 9-2O data

lr) Costing fr:r' thc substitution ol 473 diesel buses of

Thimvanartl.hilpuram city u,ith cliesel hybdcl brrses
}:aseci on,' 2A19-2O data

il Perfcrrxlan<:e analvsis of CNC fJus for last 4 years

a* the experiene* fram the ca*ting w<*rks

undertaken in the pilot stage, the c*rp*raticr: may als*

mmdify the terxas eif tkis bid dccurrzent and reissue the sa::?e
te tlne qualified fErsms whieh were entrusted witk the pitr*t
prmje*t* arxd cne m**re r*x*nd ef Technicai Bid ope*ing ffilay
be required .

?. Financial Eid

The iisl ol'llmrs re,ho are qualifird in the evaluat.ion

process }:y a technical cr:mi-nittee appoir-ited i:y the co::porat.ion
r.ill be ;lr-rbiished ar-iri firrns u'ill l:e given t-he ai;port.ur:itlr to {ile
thejr remarks/cllr_jecti*ns. 'lhase lirrns lurther qrialified bv the
Teclrnical r:ommil.lee n.ill be intimated in and inrritecl to
subinit their iir:ancial biils and i-he lkms fconsorl,ium qur:t.ingi
the ir:west. lbes urill i:e seler:ted.

In case, if it is tlesired i:rrr the Corpcration t.r: entrust.

tl:e rvork to nlore t.l-ian one {ir-:n/consartiurn * eit-her area rvise or
se$rnent wise on basis ol' tire recofitrnendatior.t of the
lechnical r:orlrnittee, it may entrrrst the urclrk sirilt int.o orfe or
more {irrns, agreeing to the iou,,est rates ol't.he qr.lalifiecl bidcler, as
per the ranking obtaiireel alter the evaluation of 1he {inalcia-tr bid.

'lhey r:an select any of the areas fbr pilot. st.uciy, for
urhir:h t.hey have 1.o girre complet.ed report cll'the u,ork u4thin {hree
rvee ks.

If require pilot project.may

alsc be modified. In case
more than one bidder offer of
for a particuiar pitat project
rnrith sarre
rate, it could be decide bv
lot. .|

-fhe ra{.e of l.he ;:ilot pro.jer:t shr:ukl

be afforrlable to
Corpcrat.ion anel tire clecisir;r
of- Lhe Corporaliorr on
the ral.e shall
be fin;rl

Irinancial Biel to be submifi.ed

in sealed ccvers.
lhxr* bid syster& *

Conlenl.s of the,l-echr;ical
Bici _ (Formal.s - l]
Cr:nten{.s r:{,t_he }iinanciat
fjiil * {}rarruats 2l
'i'i:e !'t.ercste,
cos1. Accr:r:ntir:g F-ir-rns
rlrav sirbmi{. *reir
applir:a.-ion i' sealed and
superscri5eri co\rers. i' the
g.irren as Ar"rnexure,
.,r) or before 3:oo pM o*
20.{13.20 2A ta: _
Tire Ma rrii.girrg l)irecl ol.,
Ker:ria SLate Road "lillnsport.
Tr anspor1,
Thinlv*r,*,th*p urarri


Anglex$E e

Eor:met *f "€ppgi*gfiqm f*r **vet*ging_@

i hlanre ol'the lri:-in (karl Firrr: in casc ol"carrsortium]
, Regisi-rai.ion No o{'t}rr: Firm / I.ear} Fi:rn
?: D;l1r: o{'Regist.ratior-r of each firrns undt:r consortium
4 PAN o{"tire Finu / f.ead Firm
.J GST No of the Firrrr / I.ead Firn:
tr Cr:nt,ar:t Person
7 Ile signaticn cf the Cantact perscn
fi E rnail of t.he Contact person
g Mcbile No of the Contact person
i0 Contact Address
l1 I Iearl office af tire Fir-rn / I.r:ad Iiirrn
Branch o{Iir:es o{ tlic Finn / Each Conscirtium

12. Setails nf Partners in the Firrn / Lead Firm

Mernbership Membership
Illo $tatus

tr"2.Details of Partners in other memUCis of tfre

I Date of
Memberehip Mernbership j joining
of the
Na Status r the
F*-rtner (ACMA/FCILA) j Iirrn as
I partner


13. Details of Assignment in Kerala Gnvernment Public

sector undertaking by the Firm / E*ad F irm
Narne of the Whether
sI. Company/ Y*ar af Type of s:rccessfully \
H* ,4.ssigrrrx:ent Assignment completed

14. Details of Assignrnent in Kerala Government Puhlic

sector sr:dertaking by Other Consortium Members
Name of the W,hether
si. Company Year *f T'ype of successftrlly
lTo / Assigera:ent Assignment eornpleted




1. Itcgisl-ralion Certificate of Ins1.ilrr1.e of Cost Accrxrnl.s o{'

India (fCAIl - Cerlifieci Copv.
Z. Par1nersl'rip Agreement / Consorlirrrn Agreement- -
Cerl.iiierl Ccpv.
L). Flxpedence Certilicates of Parhrers / Consor-tiuni
Mernirers -' Cert.ified Copy.

4. Irraof of Cf{ice Address.

5. Audil.erl Finar-iciaj Stat.t:nrenl fcr las{ l] Years.

6. F)xpeiience in the Cos1, Accor-inting Wr:rirs underlaken
in iarge Fublic Sector / Prirrate Secl.or lirm iaborrr: 25
(lrore tur*novt:r) irr the Manuflar:tlrring / Senrice Secl.or"

'ler:tinitill tlid sirould be sut:rnit.ted separat.ely.

Rate of
Pilot Projects Filot

l)epot Analvsis/ Var:iance Analvsis in one
District for AflRlL, SEiyIEMBER, IIL,CFIMIJPI( &
MAItCi{ of 2O 1g-2O Vs same of 2O 18- I g fbur
seiect r<:utes o{'a districl & "lr-rlal Operaticr:ill
Anillvsis ot a Llistrict firr l;rst 2 years
1-. At-:alvsis o{" Ourn Vs kase-
Scania & [lectricill Vehicle Oper:rl-ion Vs
[]iesel r.e]rirle
c) Cenlral Workshop 'l\/M & I{W llrnaku]am -
Auclil & Analysis - 2O 1 7- 18, 2018- 1 9 & 20 19-
2A inr:luding Spare Aildit & "ilrr: Irr-ii"chase
lReplacenrent / Retl:read- 'llre Cosl- pe r
Kilt.r;nel.rc Ar ratrvsis
d) Fr-rel Cost.inS & Cnrnparat.ive Sti-rriv of Selected
Depots 20 I B- 1S & 2Ol9-2A
eJ Casting lor lhc subsl.itution o[ 473 rliese] buses
oi'1hir-uvanar:t.hapuram city n ith triectric buses
trased crn t.he 2A1g-2O clata
fl Costirrg {or the substitutior: of 473 diesel buses
o{' T}riml,anant.hapllran"l citrr rvit-}r CNG buses
i:ased or-r t}:e 2AIE-ZO data
oi Costing for the sr-rbstitution of 473 cliesel buses
o{''1J-rinnanantha}luram city nil.h LNG buses
baseci on the 2Olg-ZA data
h) lar the s* of 473 riicsei Liuses
o{''lhimrranant}rapurarrl city u.itli diesel h1r5;i.1
brlses based on t}le 20lg-2O riatil
il Pcrfr:nnarice ;iniilysis o1' CNC Rus lor lasi 1

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