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TUTOR : Drs. Syafrizal S,M.A

 Make learning notes of each Learning Activity in this module with a critical and creative
thinking approach.
 Create a resume as a learning conclusion from this module.

Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh,, In this chance I want to explain this module
in making note that related my experienced of this module , in this opportunity , I want to say
somethings. These texts enough difficult for students, because there are a lot of vocabulary
that hard for students. Beside that I didn’ t find these text in vocational high school (SMK)
but this text will find in SMA, because KD SMK and SMA different. But I have ever touch in
junior high scool nine level eventhoug just a year there in SMPN 9 Pekanbaru, I found this
text it is so hard for my students. They key words ( Vocabulary ).

Well I will tell my experience after learnt the materials, alhamdulillah I could find new things
that I could’ t find in anoteher chance, from definition, social function, generic structure and
some example of the texts. For me they are intersting because the media of LMS and the
matrials that intersting, that combine power point, audio visual ( video ) and in each learning
activity there is formatif test, also the last there is summative test. This is the real of my
learning that need time to finish it, but I really enjoy and keep spirit to finish it. These are my

 In learning activity 1,
In this case, I get important one about definition of Hortatory exposition text,
that is a text that presents arguments or reasons to support the speaker/writer’ s
opinion of an issue. This text also uniqe for me because language features that
different becasue using tempral connective,such as firstly, secondly, however,
therefore.They make texts to be compleletly and easy to ask readers to
Based on the given explanation The language feature of Hortatory
exposition is Using simple present tense and Using of the passive voice.
Generic structure of Hortatory exposition text : a) statement or announcement
of a concerned issue. b) Arguments: reasons for the concerned issue that lead to
recommendation. c) Recommendation: statement of what should or should not
happen or be done. I am sure that The problem of this material divide my
student is many difficult words in Hortatory exposition text because my
students don’ t have enough vocabularies to translate the text firstly. This is a
duty of teacher , teacher should predict the material before he/she wants to
tranfer difficult text to students. Why? Because a good teacher know their
students ability . Then in this case I give some alternatives. If I translate the
text in Indonesian they be recent about the text, so to resolve this problem in my
teaching learning I always give them game of vocabulary and another steps I
give 10 words to student remember before my class star and ended , and then I
tried to use Jigsaw method of presentation of discussion to exercise of their
reading,writing,speaking in perform, and the last listening the speaker.

Example of the text

Tourism Benefit on Local People

What is the benefit of tourism for local people? Well, Tourism is now a huge contributor to the economies of most countries. Tourism
industries can bring money, job vacancy and advancement especially to developing regions. However, this money often goes into the
pockets of foreign investors, and only rarely benefits for local people.

Tourism industries will not give much benefit for local people if, for example, multinational hotel chains don’ t care about the surrounding
nature when they build new hotels. This can cause many social, cultural and geographical problems. Some local people may get job and
money from that International hotel chain. However in case of missing that opportunity, some of them still have their own environment.

Moreover, some facts show that tourists tend to go, visit and spend their money in restaurants, bars and even luxury hotels of that
multinational chains. They less go to such places; restaurant, bar, hotel, shop which are owned by local people. This can prevent the local
people’ s business from becoming even larger.
Most important thing, tours or excursions of tourism have little effect on nature. Even it can disrupt or destroy ecosystems and
environments, and if it does, the local people will get the risk.

So the local government policies should be put in place to ensure that tourism will make the benefit spreading widely. The policies should
guarantee that tourism will not cause any harm to any local people or places

 In learning activity 2
Have you known it? this text analytical expositions is a text that elaborates the writer‘ s
idea about the phenomenon surrounding I found material SMA, Because I have some
books of SMA to reference my reading, Well , I will tell my experince in my rading
and experience after read this module I try to combine my experiences.Almost of the
text, there are language features, generic structures, social functions of the text also
definition of them.
The language feature in this text almost similar of hotatory text, but different also
because using compund sentence. The generic structure using word that link argument,
such as firstly, secondly, and reasoning through causal conjunction, such as in addition,
furthermore, however, therefore (conjunction ) and the specific using Simple Present
Tense. If we tell about this text , please remember the function of the text to persuade
the reader that the idea is an important matter, and to analyze the topic that the
thesis/opinion is correct by developing an argument to support it. So this text is correct
to pesrusuade readers because there is supporting idea that based describe of writer.
we have known language feature of it, so what are generic structure? First,
Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’ s point of view.Second, Argument. It
is Explaining the argument to support the writer’ s position,The number of arguments
may vary, but each argument must be supported by evidence and explanation and the
last Reiteration: Restating the writer’ s point of view / to strengthen the thesis. We can
use the following phrase to make conclusion in reiteration If I have chance teach this
text , I will teach by using a good method, strategy and techniq to make student easy to
comprehen the texts. Vocabulary in this module difficult and some texts that I read in
my references also difficult but I have a new step before teaching this materials. I will
focus on brainstorming , giving clue of vocabulary in each paragrah that difficult. So
students will feel helped when doing learning with me. Also don’ t forget, I givee spirit
for my students, because sprit can make our students more spirit and strong of

Example of the text


Cars should be banned from the city center at least in the biggest cities because
they bring on more problems than benefits. Pollution is the top one major drawback,
along with traffic jams and a relentless decrease in local commerce.
Firstly, it is widely known that cars are responsible for the highest levels of
carbon dioxide emissions, the most common greenhouse gas.
Secondly, public transportation should be the priority mean of commuting.
Even after the implementation of urban toll, London and São Paulo have reached peaks
of immobility in their centers in the last decades. London has fallen back on bicycle
routes and São Paulo has tried hard to work up subway and buses lines.
In addition to that, local commerce looses pedestrians and consequently sales
volume decreases. Local residents are forced to move out of the city center making the
area much more devaluated.
In some conditions, cars can be good for us if we want to go to a far
destination. But, in the other hand, cars become not good for human health caused by
the carbon dioxide emissions. What can we do now is, starting using public
transportation rather than private transportation. So, we have to know how to use cars
wisely for our life.
 In learning activity 3
The material is about explaination text, its purpose is to tell each step of the process (the how)
and/or to give reasons (the why). An explanation usually tells processes relating to forming of
natural, social, scientific, and cultural phenomena. Explains how and why something works or
happens. The language features of this text Use of technical term
 Use of words that show cause and effect

 Use of passive voice pattern

 Use of simple present tense

 Use of abstract noun

 Use of action verb

 Use of noun phrases

I am as a teacher, should be wise to teach language features in this text, by brainstorming
first I will give some example of the text such us:
Text 1
Frogs are amphibians. Amphibians spend part of their lives under water. Young frogs start
their life in water as tadpoles.
First, the female frog lays lots of eggs so some will survive from being eaten by fish and
other animals. The eggs are smakk and often laid inside white foam.
Next, the eggs hatch into tadpoles. Tadpoles have gills so they can breath under water and a
strong tail to help them swim.
As the tadpoles grow bigger, they start to change because they need to become a frog.
Their tail becomes smaller and they begin growing legs. The back legs grow firs followed by
the front legs.
Tadpoles also start to develop lungs because they have to be ready to breathe on land when
they become a frog.
Tadpoles may be found in billabongs, lakes, swamps or even in puddles after heavy rain.

Text 2
What causes food poisoning?
The classic form of food poisoning is caused by staphylococci (bacteria commonly known as
staph). The staph germs enter the food during preparation. As a result of the food not
properly refrigerated the bacteria multiply hourly, contaminating the food with toxin
(poison). As staph germs and their toxins are odorless and tasteless the contaminated food
smells and testes normal.
Eating contaminated food causes vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea within one to six
Thus, food poisoning is frequently caused by staphylococci, which contaminate food during
preparation and enter the stomach and intestines during eating.

Second, I will ask students to guess the clue? Whats the topic about? Third, I ask students to
read by scanning and find difficult wordsAfter that I will focus with my strategy for example
Probelem Based learning that combine TPACK, I am sure my students will be interest in my
learning. And don’ t forget to practice making a text to ake students be comprehending.

 In learning activity 4
The material learning about discussion text, Discussion is a process of finding common
ground between two different thoughts, views or opinions. The purpose of a
discussion text is to present arguments and information from differing
viewpoints.The language feature is Using simple Present Tense,using abstract
nouns,using third person, Using discussion conventions,Using of complex sentences,

using logical connectives, using words that show a comparison or a contrast,

Using words that link arguments. This material so hard because in langeuage features
there some items of laguage features. But I am as teacher by using this module helps
me to develop my knowledge while teaching. By reading and writing the text will add
comprehension the students about the text and add vocabularies from each words,
sentences and paragraph which their learnt. The key words also practise,because
practise makes perfect.

Example of the text

Do we still need zoos?
Zoos were originally set up so that people could see and learn about wild animals from
distant lands. As more and more people became city-dwellers, never seeing animals in
the wild, zoos began to house local creatures too. However, in today’ s world, are
zoos really necessary?
Since people can now see any sort of wild animal in its natural habitat, simply by
tuning into a TV program or buying a video, some animal rights activists claim that
zoos are out of date. They argue that it is cruel to capture animals, transport them long
distances, and then keep them caged up simply for the entertainment of human beings.
Captive animals often develop ‘ zoochosis’ – abnormal behavior like rocking or
swaying – which indicates they are bored and unhappy in their prison-like conditions.
On the other hand, there is a huge difference between watching an animal on screen
and seeing it in real life. It could be argued that visiting a zoo is educational, often
increasing people’ s concern for wildlife and conservation, which is of great
importance in today's developing – and often overdeveloped – world. Indeed,
sometimes the only way to save an endangered species may be to arrange for it to be
breed in captivity. Behind the scenes, zoos also provide scientists with opportunities to
research into animal behaviour: modern zoos can therefore be much better planned
than old-fashioned ones, providing animals with carefully designed enclosures
appropriate to their needs.
It seems then, that there are still arguments for retaining zoos. These should, however,
be carefully planned with the animals’ welfare in mind: in the modern world, there is
no excuse for keeping animals in cramped or cruel conditions.


In my opinion based on my experience after leant this module, In this module I have learnt
some topics, they are.They are : Hortatory exposition, analitical exposition text, explanation
text, discussion text. I learnt, social function, generict structure, language features and some
example that intersting in power poin and video .

After learning this module about english for academic contex it makes me easy to
comprehends anything in this text. This module so interesting because are completed, but the
material so hard for my students, difficult words. In adition teaching analytical exposition and
hortatary exposition are belong to exposition text. I conclude that hortatory exposition text
different from analytical exposition text is the last finalizing step, where the latter is ended
with a reiteration

In the while teaching Sometimes students in junior high school ninth level bored when
reading and learning genric stucture. But I am as a techer should develop my teaching
practice. Key word makes our class/our students to be happy to learn all aspects, it means that
the material interesting to get student’ s interest. By using technology games and short
intersting text . it can makes students spirit to enlarge their knowledge of the text. (
vocabulary and comprehension of the text)


The table below is resume about learning material of Module 6; English for academic context

LESSONS Hortatary Exposition Text Analitical exposition Explanation Text Discussion text
DEFINITION It is a kind of text that presents Analytical Exposition is a text Explanation can be Discussion is a process of
arguments or reasons to that elaborates the writer‘ s spoken or written and finding common ground
support the speaker/writer’ s idea about the phenomenon its purpose is to tell between two different
opinion of an issue surrounding each step of the thoughts, views or opinions.
process (the how)
and/or to give reasons
(the why).

SOCIAL FUNCTION  To persuade the audience   Explanation is a The purpose of a

that something should or text which tells discussion text is to
should not be the case processes present arguments and
relating to information from
forming of differing viewpoints
natural, social,
scientific, and
 Explains how
and why
works or

GENERIC STURCTURE  Thesis: statement or  Thesis: Introducing the  Generic Statement:  Statement of the
announcement of a topic and indicating the Stating the issue, often plus a
concerned issue. writer’ s point of view. phenomenon preview of the main
 Arguments: reasons for  Argument : Explaining the issues which are to
the concerned issue argument to support the be explained. This  Arguments for, plus
that lead to writer’ s position. The can be in the form supporting evidence
recommendation. number of arguments may of a question, for (alternatively,
 Recommendation: vary, but each argument example, How does  argument/counter
statement of what hould must be supported by a car engine work? argument one point
or should not happen or evidence and explanation.  Sequenced at a time)
be done based on the  Reiteration: Restating the Explanation:  Arguments against,
given arguments. writer’ s point of view / to Stating a series of plus supporting
strengthen the thesis. We steps which explain evidence(alternativel
can use the following phrase the phenomena y, argument/counter
to make conclusion in  Concluding argument one point
reiteration. Statement that at a time)
sums up the  Summary and
explanation. conclusion

LANGUAGE FEATURES  Use of modals and  Using relational process  Use of technical  Use of The Present
adverbs (e.g. may, must,  Using internal term Tense
should, etc.) conjunction  Use of words that  Use of abstract
 Use of emotive words  Using causal conjunction show cause and nouns
(e.g. worried, alarmed  Using Simple Present effect  Use of third person
etc.) Tense  Use of passive voice  Use of discussion
 Use of words that  Using compound and pattern conventions
qualify statements (e.g. complex sentence.s  Use of simple  Use of complex
usual, probably etc.)  Simple present tense present tense sentences Use of
 Use of subjective  Connectors  Use of abstract logical connectives
opinions using pronouns noun
I and we  Use of action verb
 Use of noun

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