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Lecturer: Ms. Hotliong Verawaty, M.Pd.K

Name : Maria Injily Kalumata

Class : A Theology

NIM : 200201051

Bible reading: 1 Timothy 4:12

Title: Be an example

Setting an example for others is a challenge for every follower of Christ. Don't be an example for
others anymore, fighting for yourself to be a good person in words, in behavior, in love and
loyalty, especially in chastity, is something that is very difficult to do, because of our lack of
awareness so that we don't need to work on it specifically. We must live blameless and let the
light of Jesus illuminate our lives, for this is the consequence of us being believers. As followers
of Christ, we must make Jesus our example. Don't get enough with our circumstances, because
to be followers of Christ we must follow in His footsteps.

Jesus Became a True Example. Keep in mind, in practice it is not only theory, but must be
accompanied by a process as well. If we are only good at teaching but never prove it through
our own lives, it means that everything is just an empty theory and a lie. Why do we talk about
many things related to the goodness of others when we ourselves are not good and contrary to
what we tell. Jesus is the perfect example of this. Jesus taught many things about love with a
standard that was far from what the world saw, but see that Jesus did not stop at teaching, but
also demonstrated through his actual life attitude.

The Apostle Paul also reminds us of the importance of example in ministry, as he conveyed to
Timothy. "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for
the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." (1 Timothy 4:12)

It is clear that the problem of being an example is not only a matter for parents or adults, but
must be applied at a young age. Good deeds in today's reading verse are described by Paul by
keeping words, keeping behavior, continuing to love, being faithful, and living holy or holy.

Being an example requires a process and commitment that is sincere, wise and responsible.
Jesus is the example we can follow. By imitating Jesus, we will feel guilty when we do things
that are not pleasing to God. Always doing good, being honest in work and loving fellow human
beings is one form of us being an example, not only in the family but also in the community
around us. We must be examples to believers. Amen.

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