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Name: se SPM A, BorC. MIRI: Yesterday, firemen from Miri had to squeeze themselves into a narrow and deep drain hole to rescue enior citizen. i an ‘who is in his 60s, fel into the hole which is about 0.3 metres deep at about 7.00 a.m. on Sunday. The cover of the drain hole was believed to have been stolen, The man was on a morning stroll when he fell into the drain hole. He was taken to the Miri Hospital by ambulance. 1 From the newspaper report, we know that Aa young man fell into the drain hole. B the cover of the drain hole had broken. C the firemen succeeded in rescuing the trapped man, A More Confident Me Workshops Do you suffer from low selfesteem and view your body negatively? Come join our workshops where we explore influences on young people's body image and self-esteem. \n our self-esteem workshops, we address topics such as the impact of society, professional and social media on physical appearance, and give you strategies on how to boost your confidence. Our workshops have been proven ‘to be successful in helping our teenage participants have a better body image, higher selfesteem and mare confidence by participating in social and academic activities, 2 We can conclude that A More Confident Me Workshops A discuss ways to look more professional. B inform participants about using social media. C help participants to have higher self-esteem. Shen, a barista, was on her way to a bank in Sel sta, y 10 a bank in Setiawangsa when she witnessed a touching event that forever changed het. She noticed a lady siting on the floor selling keropok Phil holding a child. Then, a couple passed by stared at her fora while, exchanged r words and However, instead of walking suns oso ing away completely, t headed {08 Foo sll nearby that was seling ash am gos boempah rey bought a few packets, then cane 9 'Y on the floor, and gave them to her Ever since then, | the tes fortunate” SM" 109 as tre to do the same for oa Ciao —_ Class: Practice 1: Reading - Part 1, Questions 1-8 [8 marks] Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question, Circe the correct any, 3. We can conclude that Shen A spoke to the lady. B bought food for the lady. C now helps out needy people, Youth Activity Hubs in Johor | ISKANDAR PUTERI: The youth in Johor can look forward to having activity hubs catering specifically 1g their needs at all districts in the state, The state government has planned to build youth hubs in each of its ten districts which are dedicated to youth activities and programmes. The exising youth hub which is managed by Iskandar Regional Development Authority at Johor Bahru Urban Junge is now undergoing upgrading work. There wil be fadites for youths to hold events ranging from sports meets, } cultural exhibitions to outdoor activities. 4 The Youth Activity Hubs A are only for sports meets. B are in Iskandar Puteri only. C are specially for young people. KUCHING: There has been a total of 13 bullying cases recorded in secondary schools and one it * primary school throughout the state this year. This involved physical as well as verbal bullying: To address this problem, an Anti-Bullying Campsig® at a hotel was launched here. The campaign "9s aimed at raising awareness of bullying cases in bo! public and private schools. 5 The word this in the extract refers to A physical and verbal bullying cases in schools B the launch of the Anti-Bullying Campalg™ C creating awareness of bullying in schools Scanned with CamScanner \) Mi, Lisa a 11H Nina. What’ tip? ~ AM pro \_ Would you ihe ogo ta the Careers and Yo Job Fae ‘N38 pm ‘Sire, When and whier eit? 3.40 pon Atl start this Friday and will end next Friday. Iwill beat PWTC. Shall we go together? re. Tm fee this Sunday \) Ok, great. See you on Sunday. 6 Based on the text message, A the girls want to go to a book fai B Nina invited Lisa to go to a job fair. C the job fair will be on for two weeks. Itisno secret that Roger Federer is one the greatest tennis player ever. However, not many fans know about what he is doing off the court. He and his team are working to improve the life prospects for poor children—a mission that stems from his childhood visits to his mother’s home country of South Africa and seeing extreme poverty first- hand, Federer knows that effective philanthropy, like great tennis, requires discipline and time. Chase: nites DUNE 7 Which word of phrase in the article means ‘the practice of performing charitable actions’? A Mission B Philanthropy € Life prospects Malate @Malala It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor... that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation. ~ Nelson Mandela #Mandela100 8692 retweets 37456 likes 8 From the above tweet, we know that A now the daughter of a peasant is allowed to become a doctor. B Malala believes that education can make a difference in one's life. € Nelson Mandela is a child of a farm worker who became a president. Scanned with CamScanner Chass: ‘Name: 'SPM] Practice 1: Reading - Part 2, Questions 9-18 [10 marks] Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D. Successful Children while ‘Why is it that some children become successful. (0) others do not? Experts say that love ______ (1) an important part. Children who grow up with love and know that they are loved seemed to survive well. Another important point noted was that children (2) grew up in families where they were praised tried to live up to their parents’ expectations. Positive abi ————_— (3) emphasised in the children so much so that these children grew up confident and could focus on their strengths. Children’s interests and hobbies should be —___ (4). Self- esteem and faith in their abilities make children feel good about themselves. A study proved that_____ (5) children had a special interest or activity. They bounced back to an active life because of their interest in things around them. Children also need good friends. (6), parents should encourage children to relate to a good friend, a supportive relative or teacher. Some children find it hard to reach out to others, so parents can help the children _____— (7) allowing them to gain added strength from an outside source. Tf parents are open to the world and the community, (8) teach the children that the world is a friendly place. In this way, they help the children to find people who will enrich their ives. Parents must instill a sense of responsibility in the children. They (9) about cooperation and confidence from chores or a part time job. Children need to feel that they are important (10) something real that they can contribute. A positive environment at home helps a great deal to give the stepping stone to children to become more successful OA if B so C what ® while 1A play B plays © played D_ playing 2 A who B_ whom C whose D which 3A is B was C are D were 4A grown B cleared C avoided D encouraged 5 A resilient B reserved C humble D dull 6 A However B_ Moreover C Therefore D Besides 7 A by B in Cc for D from 8 A we B they Cc you D their 9 A learning B learned C learns D learn 10 A across B above Cc with D of Scanned with CamScanner Name? ame Clas: Date: . SPM] Practice 1: Reading — Part 3, Questions 19-26 [8 marks] You are going to read an extract from a story: circle the correct letter A,B, C and D. For questions 1 to 8, choose the correct answer (A. B, C or D) and When I was quite young, my father had one of the first telephones in our neighborhood. 1 was too little to reach the telephone, but used to listen with fascination when my mother used to talk to it, Then f discovered that somewhere inside the wonderful device lived an amazing person = her name was ‘Information Please’ and there was not she did not know, “Information Please’ could supply anybody's number and the correct time. Amusing myself at the tool bench in the basement one day, [whacked my finger with a hammer. The pain was terrible, but there didn’t seem to be any reason for crying, After all there was no one home to give sympathy. I walked around the house sucking my throbbing finger, finally arriving at the stairway. “The telephone! I thought. Quickly, Tran for the footstool in the parlor and dragged it to the landing. A click or two and a small clear voice spoke into my car. ‘information? ‘Thurt my finger. . } I wailed into the phone. The tears came readily enough now that I had an audience. She asked me if my mother was at home and tearfully I told her that no one else was at home. Then she told me to get some ice from the fridge and to hold it to my finger. It worked. After that, I called “Information Please’ for everything, I asked her for help with my geography and she told me where the places were, She helped me with my mathematics. She told me what to do when my cat was sick, Then, there was the time our pet canary died. I called “Information Please’ and told her the sad story. She listened and then said the usual things grown-ups say to soothe a child, 1 asked her why birds that sing so beautifully should die. She must have sensed my deep concern, for she told me that there are other worlds to sing in, Somehow I felt better. Another day I was on the telephone. ‘How do you spell “fix?” I asked. All this took place in a small town. When I was nine years old, we moved to another town. I missed my friend very much. As I grew into my teens, the memories of those childhood conversations never really left me. I would recall the serene sense of security I had then. I appreciated now how patient, understanding, and kind she was to have spent her time on a little boy. ‘A few years later, on my way west to college, my plane was in my old hometown. I had about half an hour or so between planes. I spent 15 minutes on the phone with my sister, who lived there now. Then without thinking what Twas doing, I dialed my hometown operator and said, ‘Information, please? Miraculously, I heard the small, clear voice I knew so well. Thadr't planned this but I heard myself saying, ‘Could you please tell me how to spell “Ax”? There was a long pause. Then came the soft answer, ‘I guess your finger must have healed by now? I laughed. ‘So it really still you. |.“ wonder if you have any idea how much you meant to me during that time? ‘I wonder she said, if you know how much your calls meant to me. I never had any children, and used to look forward to your calls? I told her how often I had thought of her over the years and I asked if I could call her again when I came back to visit my sister. She told me to call her and for the first time came to know her name; Sally. ‘Three months later, I went back. A different voice answered, ‘Information: I asked for Sally. She asked me if L was a friend and I replied that I was an old friend. She paused. ‘I'm sorry to have to tell you this. She died five weeks ago! I was stunned. Before I could hang up she said, ‘Wait a minute. Did you say your name was Paul?” I told her that it was. : “Well, Sally left a message for you. Let me read it to you - Tell him I still say there are other worlds to sing in. Hell know what I mean’ I thanked her and hung up. I knew what Sally meant, Never underestimate the impression you may make on others. 19 Scanned with CamScanner Name: 1 From paragraph 1, the word fascination can best be replaced with A charm B obsession C compulsion D enchantment a 2 Which phrase tells you that the writer's view of the telephone was very childlike? A ‘inside the wonderful device lived an amazing person’ B ‘her name was “Information Please” € ‘could supply anybody's number’ D ‘nothing she did not know’ 3 From paragraph 2, why does the writer say that ‘there didn’t seem to be any reason for crying’? A. It was his fault. B The pain wasn't so terrible. C No one was there to comfort him. D He had been amusing himself really. 4 From paragraph 5, why does the writer say that ‘there are other worlds to sing in’? A. The birds will fly awa B_ Death is the end of everything. Life may continue in another place. D There will always be birds in the world. 5 Which of the following qualities describes the lady in the telephone best? A Kind-hearted B Generous © Daring D Clever 6 From paragraph 7, we know that the writer A returned to his hometown to see the telephone lady. B_ was in his hometown in between flights. C visited his sister in his hometown. D called the operator to get help. 7 From paragraph 9, why did Paul’ calls mean a lot to Sally? A. It was part of her job. . B She had nothing much to do. © She looked upon Paul as a friend, D Paul was like the child she never had, 8 The writer’s purpose in writing this story is to show how people influence other people's lives express his thoughts about his childhood. encourage people to listen to children, persuade children to seek help. pomp Scanned with CamScanner Name: cas: « SPM] Practice 1: Reading — Part 4, Questions 27-32 [6 marks) emtences have been removed from ty 7 in sevice cme abot Se ee Ogg ex SMES My You are going to read an anecdote about how room 106 anecdote. Choose from the sentences A to H the one which fits each gap (1 you do not need to use. as the years. Slflss s x the years. eV From the hotel that invented room service, comes a story that has inspired thousands over the ice always brings blessings. Ih ‘One stormy night many years ago, an elderly couple entered the lobby of a small er for the night. 1 jotel in Philadelphia, Usa, ‘The couple approached the front desk, hoping to get some shelt ‘Could you possibly give us a room here?’ the husband asked. The desk manager smile, looked at the couple and explained that all the rooms were full. ‘But I can’t set sleep in my room? 2| __ | When the @ young man with a winning ‘nd a nice couple like you out into the rain at one o'clock in the morning. Would you perhaps be willing 0 couple declined, the young man pressed on. He told them that he would be fine and they need not worry about him. So the couple agreed. “As he paid fis bill the next morning, the elderly man sui to the clerk, ‘You are the kind of manager who should be the boss of the best hotel 3| | The young man didnt think it would happen. The three of them had a hearty laugh over what appeared to bea good joke. As they drove away, the elderly couple agreed that the helpful clerk was indeed exceptional, He had gone out of his way to help them. ‘Two years passed. 4 It enclosed a round-trip ticket to New York, asking the young man to pay thems visit. The old man met him in New York, and showed a great new building there. “That! said the older man, ‘is the hotel I have just built for you to manage! § ‘The old man was not, ‘The older mans name was William Waldorf-Aster. 6 Its first manager was George C. Boldt, the young manager who gave his room to an elderly couple one stormy night. ‘A. | "You are joking” said the young man. E | The idea of looking for another place wis remote, B | ‘Maybe someday I'll build one for you! F | And that magnificent structure was the original Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, | Aticket fora trip to New York arrived one cold comfortable? orig G | ‘What a beautiful place you have built? | ‘Then, one day, the manager received a letter an real D | from the old man. H | TSnotexactly a suite but it will make you folks J 30 Scanned with CamScanner Class: SPM| Practice 1: Reading — Part 5, Questions 33-40 [8 marks] ead the synopses below and answer the questions that follow. Film Synopses A - Little Women Based on the classic novel by Louisa May Alcott, Little Women offers a fresh spin to the story of four boisterous isters Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March, Their lives during and after the Civil War are filled with warmth, love, and occasional trials. B - Onward Brilliantly animated, Onward is a heartwarming story of fantasy and adventure. It is about two elf brothers who team up on a magical quest to spend a day with their late father. C- Zombieland: Double Tap We are reintroduced to the characters, Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita and Little Rock, who survived the! post-apocalyptic world of zombies in the first film. This sequel is packed with more comedy, action and gore. D - Annabelle Comes Home ‘The possessed doll, Annabelle, haunts us once again in the latest instalment of the Conjuring film franchise Annabelle wreaks terror as she awakens the evil spirits in the home of Warren while their daughter is left with a babysitter. Paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine E- The Aeronauts Set in 1862, scientist James Glaisher and young widow Amelia Wren embark | ofthe highest flying hot aic balloon. As thir fight is met with grea chee conan ePedition to break the eco learn more about themselves and each other. hallenges that threaten their lives, this 4° F - Tenet Director, Christopher Nolan, presents another visually pleasing audience in awe. It is about a secret agent who goes on a dange ‘War III from happening. fim with solid plot that is sure to leave | ‘ss mission that bends time to prevent Wot! J Scanned with CamScanner SPM PRACTICE Name: Class: Date: Questions 1 to 4 Which film (A ~ F) fits the needs of the following viewers? Statements Paragraph 1 Ilove watching horror films about evil spirits. - Tan 2 I want to watch an action film that is also funny. ~ Kamal 3 I wish I could watch a film adaptation of a book I have read. ~ Mira 4 Tenjoy watching animated films that are touching. - Banu Questions 5 to 8 Complete the notes below using information from the text. Choose no more than one word from the passage for each answer. What We Know About the Films + A famous __ (5) made a film about a secret agent. + The adventure story about a _____ (6) and a widow is set in the past. oA (7) novel is recently turned into a film. + The film is an (8) in a famous franchise. 37 Scanned with CamScanner

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