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I know her.

He knows her.
The present simple tense of do is used as the supporting auxiliary when you want to:
ask ...   Read more

ENGLISH EASY LEARNING GRAMMARFinite and non-finite verbsIn a sentence, there is

normally at least one verb that has both a subject and a tense. When a verb has a subject and a tense, it
can be referred to as ...   Read more

ENGLISH EASY LEARNING GRAMMARTenseWe use verbs to talk about actions and
states. Verbs tenses allow us to talk about the time when the action or state takes place.
All main verbs have two ...   Read more

Word Frequency


present being somewhere



If someone is present at an event, they are there.

The president was not present at the meeting.  [+  at] 

Nearly 85 per cent of men are present at the birth of their children.  [+  at] 

The whole family was present. 

Synonyms: here, there, near, available   More Synonyms of present


If something, especially a substance or disease, is present in something else, it exists within that thing.

This special form of vitamin D is naturally present in breast milk.  [+  in] 

One theory is that the infection has been present in humans for a very long time. 

If the gene is present, a human embryo will go on to develop as a male. 

Synonyms: in existence, existing, existent, extant   More Synonyms of present

COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers

Word Frequency

present gift

Word forms: plural presents


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