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Geologica l Structures and

Moving Plates


t' Read er i n Geo log y
U nive rsity 01 Keele

Glasgow an d Lon don

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British Libr ary Cataloguing in Publicat ion Dat a

Par k, R.G.
Geological su uclures and moving plates.
1. Prospecting 2. Plate tec to nics
I, Til le
• 622' , 15 TN2 70
ISBN ()'2 16-92249-6
ISBN o-216-92250-X Pbk

libra ry of Cong ress Calaloging-in.f'ubliution Dat a

Park, R.G. IR. Grahaiml
Geological st rUClures and mo ving platn.
Bibliography : p .
Incl ude s index.
1. Geology, St rUChHa J. 2, Plate tectcmcs.
I. Titl e.
OE601.PJ 45 1987 551.1'36 87-6390
ISBN 04 12-0 162 14
ISBN 04 12-01631-1 (pbk.)

Filmset by Best-set "rv oesener lid

Pri nted in Great Britai., by Tho m so n Lit ho LId., East Kilbr ide, Scotland

- __ - - - _ _ - - - - - - I/-

The great classical tectcnicians, such as Suess, divergent, convergent, str ike-slip, and intraplate.
Argand and Wegener, att em pt ed (0 und ersta nd . In the th ird section o f t he book, example s of
without the benefi t of th e plate tecto nic theory. the class ical orogenic belts, o f bot h Phanerozoic a nd
workings of the Ea rt h engine as a who le, and the Precam brian age, a re discussed a nd interpret ed in
part that deformation played in that who le. In my the light of the principles established in the earlier
student days, I deri ved great pleasure and benefit cha pters. Thus the Alps are discussed in terms o f
from De Sitter's textbook on str uctura l geology Africa n - Euro pea n plate interactions, and the
where the study of geo logical struct ures a nd maj or Cordillera n orogenic belt in terms o f Mesozo ic
Earth structure received more or less equal rreat- subd uction and subsequent str ike-slip co llage
ment. Since then, until relatively recently, there has tectonics. A more speculative approac h is necessary
been a tendency for str uctu ral geology to become in the Precam brian examples, where the d iffering
more parochial an d inward-looking, despite the tecto nic styles of, for example, the mid-Proterozoic
enormous ad vances in und erstand ing that th e pla te Gre nville P rovince an d the Archa ean greensto ne
tectonic revolutio n has brough t ab o ut. I have long belt terrains may reflect genuine d ifferences in
felt the need, th erefo re, for a bo ok tha t wo uld give lit hosphere behavio ur.
students a tectonic overview in which geo logical T he boo k is ai med at readers who a re already
structures an d deformation could be seen in their familia r with th e basic principles and nom en-
context as byproducts of the plate tectonic system. clature of geotectonics and structural geology, who
This boo k att empts to integrate struct ural understand plate tectonic theor y a nd its su pport-
geology and plate tectonics (often taught quite ing evide nce, an d who are familiar with its cent ral
separately) by dealing wit h the theo retical role in modern geology.
background knowledge necessa ry to understand In orde r to keep the book to a reaso nable
plate movements an d plate interactions. Thus the length, I have deliberately concent rated o n the
mechanical properties o f plates, sources o f stress role o f geological st ructure in plate tecto nics and
and stress dist ribution in thelithosphere, and the resisted the temp tat ion to include more than
causes of pla te mot ion , are examined first, passing reference to ot her releva nt to pics, such
followed by a d iscuss ion o f the kinematic aspects as petro genesis.
of relative-plate movements and interact io ns. Finally, I am indebted, firstly, to two anonymous
The seco nd part o f the book deals with so me reviewers who read the first draft of the manu script
modern case st udies - examples where present- and made a number o f helpful suggestions for its
day structures ca n be related wit h some degree of improvement; secon dly, to the many a ut ho rs who
confidence to plate movements, such as the Central have allowed me to reprod uce dia gra ms from their
Asian co llisio n zo ne, th e Lesser Antilles publi shed work (these are ind ividually acknow-
subduction zo ne in the Ca ribbea n, an d the ledged in the figure captions); and thirdly, to my
Rhine- Ruhr rift system. T hese are discussed in wife, friends and co lleagues who have bo rne wit h
terms of four main types of plate tecto nic regime: me thro ugh the tra uma of the writing o f t his work .
To those structural and tectonic geologists who, throu gh their stim ulating lectures and papers, ha ve
nourished my interest in geotet:tonics over the y ears, and prov ided the motivation 10 write this book

- - _ _ _ _ _ _ r
Cont ents
Introduction ~ Diverge nt (ext('nsion aIJ It'(( nnic regimes 73
The rl ~le -I(:l;l tmic ' rn ol ullOn'
The rok of the hlhol.phcrc ,, 4 , I T )pcs 01 <: lIl; n~(ln a l rCI:,mc
4,2 Ou:lIn ndgc ~
l ttl;m d
I'l.ate motion 2
Tbc lm f'Ol13ncc o f plate ooun.J...ri c s
Gcol ogical slruct urcs
3 43 Conllnellt"l, i!lS
The Afr~Ar ..hial\ nfl , )'\ tem
3 K7
4 The: Keny.. Of Eir.lcrn Rlfl
Q ro go;: nic or mobile bel l' in lhe JCOlog lC al r asl
Tbe prohk m o f .he Prceamorian • The G ulf of Suez
Or igin or tbe n f. S~ lcm

2 The lilhosphert': so me importa nt

Thc Rhine Rirt
4' Elllcnwna l rI OVlOC~ at cu nvcrgenl
proper ucs 5 houndilna
2. ' Lil~ rc . ~l hcnos~l(' ilnd mo:"''''phcl c s The B.1$in·a nd ·R an gc pnwlnCC "W,

2.2 Some sho rl-lc rm mcchanin l prcpcnes

Of l hc " l ~ rc , 4. '
B..cs -..rc SPlt....:!'"g N~ ins
S II UCIUICS i1sSQl;Iillcd w ,lh ( "<:",, io n,, 1
Summ ary III
n:glmcs IUS
2. 3 Thcrmal sUIK'1 UfC o f Il'te Iilho..phc rc '01
Sum ma ry II
24 M.tnl lc con veclion : lhe" role o f Ihe" hl hO$phc rc IS 5 C on verge n t tec to nic r e gimes 112
5 I SuM uc, illn 11 2
Modclh ng ron veCllo n
Summa ry
2 ' SourCC$of,u~ in Ihc h 'hoophcre
Geomc lry o f t rcnch \ y, .eTm
Mor phol og y a nd str uct ure of ~I ..nd UC\
11 3
Pla te boundary forces 24 5.: i\ mil:it y and t he" mechamsm o f
l .oad i n g ~ ~ :.uhdUCl l()fl 11 3
No n·re nc:,.,ab lc 'He M socrces
AmplifICation o f ~. reu
52 Some
Stru ct ure of acc re tiona ry
;l(1 ' ~ subd uctioe zones
com f'1c 1~ 11 4
2.6 11IC <k: lcrm inaTion o f Str CM in Th e ht hospbcrc
11IC Pe r u Irc no.:h be l....c c n 1"· an d 14"5
The Barhados ridge lUmpkx
Si rnli magn llu dc 29 T he M al rdn CO ml' le . 133
SlreM magni l uJc in the mantle JI 1ll<' Aegea n ar c ' JI
Su mma ry: U reu ma gnitu de J2 5.3 Cclhcon , 31>
SUn.$oricn lalion J2 Act i_e co lll,i. ," beus 119
Re g.onal pa ller ,..of st ress cnenranon JI G ro"s st ruc une o f collisio n Ilclb '40
In trapl ;lt e stress 37 Fl•• ke rccuoeics and onducnon ''I
Slress al pla te bou nda r ie s 37 Thr ust he lls
Inde n t..tion
Su mma ry 41 ' 47
2.7 T he lo ng-te r m l t rc ngt h o r t he htbos phcrc 41 A m;,thematica l mode l o f a coi llsin n l one 147
Co m p reuioo al stre ng l h
Oce anic lithosp here
47 " Th e Hima b y;" a nd Ce ntral A,ia
T he Ce nt ra l Asia n collage IS'
[ vo lu lio n o f str e ngt h d unng litho sphe re Deep snuc t urc o f t he H ima layas and Tibet 154
u tc nsio n and co mpression : c rus ta l Str uct ur e o f t he Wc sle rn Hima la ya ' 54
th ick ne M 47 5.5 So ut heast Asia IS'
Evo lutio n o f str e ng t h in co m p ress ive A n mco mple tc co llage IS.
detor manon 4' Timor 10 '
Rh eo lo gica l co n t ro l o f
d e tach ment horizo ns 6 St r i ke -s l i p a n d o bllq ue-s tt p r e g imes 166
Summar y "" 0. 1 Ch ar a ctc ns uc s of st rike -slip regimes
Ca uses of geo me trica l co mp le xit y
0.2 Drsptaccd or e xot ic te rranes 171
3 Plate m o vement a n d p lat e h ound a ri e s 5~ 0 .) The SOl n An dre as rauuac oc I7S
3.' Kine ma tic behaviour o f p lates 54 Sc ismici ty 177
Migfil io n o f p la te bou ndarjes now 177
Stahle a nd ulll>l ahlc mple j un Clions
3.2 T he influc nce o f pla te geo me try o n t he
Sire )) and hca t
Displacem e n t gc o mclry
St ruc tu re o f Ihe SOIn l" ~b na d ill r;ct

k ifMOm atic patt e rn

"" ,.. Structure of thc Bil! Mc nd regio n '"
A hwlu.c plale mol ion
13 T he d fccls o f rela live plal e moTio n. t p1alc
Ocenmc tr a nsfo rm f.. u lt ~
The Charl ie G ,lIn.. a nd Gloria It ect ure
bounda ri"
Mo ve me nts across OIl ddor mahlc boundary
Fasl-,liWlng fracl u rc zoees o n the f. aM
Summa r}' 72 Pacific r id ge ' 87


7 Intraplate tectonic rc~imes IXX S,-l The C;lk dnn i.." uru~en ie hell o f lhe Norl h
7 . 1 1)[...... "nd rh.. ,a(1eri'>l lOo or inl r" l'l Al l"nI 'e ro:.:,.. "
I{c gi" n..I "':lImS
' l UM1 u rc
D,·'.' Tmin.lhu" .. r'... .,.·nl \\:n tc;al '''' TC~I"nic ' ul"'I,\lI..... .., " f the B, ili.Ji 1 ~1c.."
The NW f"leI,lAd (l' m.,' I)
.....,,,,' mc nh in ['bh: in l..,ri..."
72 The R tr>....;a n pl"d.. rm : .. IY!"'-":Il tnlf,,('b I..- '''' ~t rud ,,'e: " f the M. '; ne th rLlSI b\..11
rq :ion'?
7.J InU" rbh:
11lc P",.\ h.l
,~, 111c N" n h..- rn lI il!h1;>,""" le llanc: hUlle 2)
Tbe (j ' ;UUriol n I " ghla n.h. le" anc It ''nc: 3)
Tbc MKlt m,J Val k y ( l nnc 4 )
llJl: Mio.i liF-"''' O"..;n
11M:' T~,Utk n i M in
l<,l:'i n l,' S.. " th'''ln Uf'l..noh ( Ztllle 5)
1 h,: SO Kllh ..... 11..'" the So l....a}' sul u re ( lOnc~
( higm "r IOlf;lp l;,lc "',,,in, ''''
'. 7 " -It)
11lc x an,J in"vi ,m C" k:..... n"J~ ""
7. 4 Ell:Imrlc~ o f :ad'vc ma rine t>< : the NOflh
So: a a nd lhc At lan l ic ....HlllrlCnlal m ;lrf:1lI " I" Ie:1''Clun ic inlc rpr " l ,ll itm "rtne North
nr lhc US A ,\ 11,,1111<,: ( ·"k:.kll1i.k s
Tbc Nort h Sea b asin ~"
21. 1
TIle A tI" JlI;C con tin enta l ma'!:in
(If the nor the rn USA
9 Orogeny in the Pre cambrian 269
7.5;llc up lifl'
Th e Fen ntlso,: nm h an up lifl
207 9, 1
Precambria n eh ru ncJlogy
PI,.L! c move me nts in the Pre cam bnan
Th e ( 'u lu rad u PlaIC;IU »7 Pretc nvcuc pl,ll,- Illtwem ,'n ls 27J
O rit:in " f i01wpl a lc up lift. 211l\ <;,2 LOl l,' Prnl e lUlt".' Pa n-A rn ean lw,' It- 272
l',t1I·Al ric''' 1 h i' l<lf y of Ihe A r;,hi;1I1 -
8 Phaueroz nic oro geni c bells : Nul ",," , hid <J 273
som e e xam ples 210 T ho: M" l .lm h i4 ue 1,...11 277
R. l The A lpmc " ,..g,'nil: beltof tile w cacrn
Mc-dih.:rrilnca fI 2111
\1 .3
Tho: D" m" r" " he ll in Nam il>ia
Thc Mi,j· I' ru l,·"..... i c G renville -
Svccon..r..·et:i,Lft 'Y"le m
R(g i<.ln;.ol lcC1" nicc...nlc~1
l l l)lo ry of pi'll ': movcme nrs
The G rcn "i l!.: P",,,irK·C '"
S l ruel ur.. 1It am c ....m ~ uh hc A lp<
8. 2 Tht.. C" n:Jillcl .. n .... .,genic hell u ( Nm l h
2 15
Th c Sycc~ >rt,or" cgi;m hdl
f>I"l c -le,"1" llIc m tcrprO:la l ltlft 01 lho: '"
G r(' nvilk-S" ' 'C''Il<,r.. c~".n '~' l,·m
Americ:.. 221 'J.4 nr
Ea rly Pr..I,·w" »c 1....· 11, lhot.- N ,orlll A II;IIl1ic
Thc.' Cnulillc:nm ..... danc.l l h ru~1 he ll tn lhe rCt:" ,n
S, (".anad i:an !'o«l,)r 222 The l,.;ohrol<Jtor he ll

The we, l,·f n .:ul l:ogc te lOC of , u"P"! Tht: l<.'.. · ;"'i " n · N a~,-,ugl<"l ",h ,,,, '~ e nl : Ihe
IClTil nc:, 22(. " ~ (fn N"'p-lUgl<1...i.Ji:m
R J The Uc fcy nia n u rugen ic he la .lfWc ,...·rn 111c Lew.";an Ctllllpk:_
EulUpc and NUr1h Ameria. 2;N \1 _5 The AIl'h ,'can : '" <J ifkrenl kintl o r "ruge ny" 30 '
The Allc ghc nian belt m The Nor lll A lla nl ioc CU IO" ]<J2
The WOo l Eu rope a n !oC\.1 '"
The SW Dr i l i~h b les
G rcr n'h mc he ll' "r the S upc:flur Pruv inc c: sn
Pla tc -tcc tcmc in tc rp rcranon of lhe Refer en ces 3 13
A lla nlic H ercyn ian region 24 1 Indt"'\ 327
1 Introduction

The them e of this book is t he re lationship a lth ough the y ha ve tra vel led sev era l tho usand
bet ween geo logical struct ures and plat e tee- kilome tres. if the e vidence of con tinental d rift
to nic theory. is acce pted . T he det a iled a nd acc ura te ' jigsa w'
tit of th e o pposing coas tlines o f Am e rica and
Africa fo r exa mple . ..fte r ... ........ Jc'"
711t, plate-tectonic 'revolution'
of d rift , testif ies to th is lac k of distort ion. In th e
le is no w un iver sally ac kno wledged tha t t he oce ans a lso . a re fou nd reg ular linea r magne t ic
plate tecto nic theo ry has bro ught abo ut a stripes a nd fau lts th a t have ma inta ined thei r
revolution in our percepti on of geology in sha pe fo r le ns o f millions of yea rs . T his evi-
almos t a ll its branches. In th e case of st ructura l de nce re in fo rces the co nclusions re ached by
geology , the a pplications of the pla te tecto nic studyi ng th e d istri bu tio n o f tectoni c mo ve-
model are par ticularly o bvio us. a nd ha ve affec- ments tha i there are large slab Ie a rea s (co n-
ted in a funda men ta l wa y o u r interpret at io n tinen tal c ra to ns a nd dee p oce a n bas ins) tha t
bo th of geologica l structures in the na rro w s uffe r lill ie inte rn al de fo rma tio n and ex hibit
se nse, and of o rogeni c be lts. T he two ke y o nly slo w vert ical mo vem ents , while at the
disciplines o f struct ural geo logy a nd plait' lee- sa me time mov ing la tera lly as co he re nt units a t
tonics (o r gf:ou! cum ;cs) a re usuall y ta ug ht se pa- ra tes 10 to toO limes faste r.
rately. and are o ften dealt with in diff erent T he recogn it ion o f the lit hosphe re pla te as
textboo ks. Yet t he g re at ex pa nsion in research the fundamental kinematic unit no w unde rlies
publica tio ns de a ling with th e a pplicat ions of t he stud y o f a ll su rface te cto nic prec esses.
plate tecto nic t he o ry to oroge nic be lts. a nd to , ~ .",it jill"" Jut
the interpret a tio n 'I f geologica l st ruc ture s, ........... II nd ' I ,
deman ds an in tegrated a pproac h which it is th e '4'!.......olJ.... a nd th is subdi visio n has re placed
aim of th is book to pro vide . the o ld dichot omy be twee n oroge nic and all-
Classical geologicalt heorists we re fascinat ed orogenic re gion s o r acti vity .
by o roge nic belt s a nd ot he r majo r ea rt h st ruc-
tures, a nd spec u lated wide ly o n their o rigin .
m U 0.
J;ISiigGi fres e nts an int e resting ove rview of the
evolution of classical ideas o n o roge nes is in th e T he vert ica l ex te nt of a plat e is defined by t he
ope ni ng cha pte r of 'Orogeny' by Miyashir o et base o f the ~ .. th e stro ng o ute r laye r
(/1. (1982). This wo rk is a ve ry re ada ble account o f the Ea rth lhat res ts o n th e und e rlying
of the WilY in which the co nce pt of o roge ny has we ak e r _ _ ws;JLli4P. TIle lithosp her e in-
bee n tra nsfo rmed by pla te tecto nic theo ry. Th e cludes both t he c rust a nd pa rt of th e uppe r
weakness in pre -1970 theo ry la y in th e a bse nce man t le , a nd has a n average thick ness of a ro und
of a ge nera lly acce pte d tec to nic mode l t hat IOO km (sec Figure 2. 1). Th e co nce pt of t he
could sa tisfac to rily expla in nOI o nly geological plate is th er e fo re bo und up with the pro pe rt ies
structures , but a lso th e dist ributio n a nd va ria- a nd be haviou r o f th e lith osphe re a nd asth e no-
tio n bo th o f igneo us an d met a morphic activity, sphe re. discussed in Cha pte r 2.
and of sedime nta ry fac ies. II is in t he successful
. . .
linkage bet wee n previo usly unrel ata ble phe no - o
me na th a i t he st re ngt h a nd success o f th e plate (see
tectoni c mod el lie . 2.2 ). T he most use ful d istinctio n be tween th e
T he co nce pt o f p lates ar ose fro m the o bser - lithosphe re a nd th e unde rlying asthe nosphe re
vation t hat la rge a re as o f th e crust have is in terms o f the highe r viscos ity of th e for me r.
appa rently suffe red very lill ie la te ra l disto rtio n Since th e visco sity is co ntro lled by the te rn-

assuming a like ly value for the magni tude of

the availab le stress so urces (fo rces) on it , it is
possible using numerical mod ellin g tech niqu es
to predict the st rengt h of that piece o f litho-
sphe re and the time tha t will elapse before
failure . In this way, we can ultimately estima te
the st ress cond itions acco mpanyi ng the forma-
tio n of geo logical struct ures , hath at plate
bo unda ries and also wit hin plates , at the time
whe n new plate bou ndaries are init iated .

Geological st ruct ures are co ntro lled bot h by

. - - (o r force) and by Th e
.; aic study of the co nditio ns under which
deforma tion takes place mu st be com plemen -
Fp'nU' ; in o the r word s, ted by th e study of th e relative mot ions of the
• and vario us plates o r blocks conce rned. T his type
~see 2.5). Th e study of the nature and of ap proach is termed br" 7 .#;. For al1
influence of forces or stresses on a bod y is practical pu rposes, we can regard relati ve plate
known as t ' . motio n as ta king place at constant velocity.
T he accelera tions and decele ratio ns that occ ur
(e.g. take pla ce o ver such lon g periods o f time th at
plateau up lifts and ocean ridges). A numbe r o f the forces ge ne rated are much too small to be
me tho ds are available fo r the dete rmina tion of significant. Plat e movements at co nstant velo-
stress within th e lithosp here , part icularly in the city do not of them sel ves create forces, o r
upper part of the crust, where stress can be prod uce deform at io n. The forces associated
dire ctly measured (see 2.6). Th ese meth ods with re lative moti on a re created by resistan ces
yield a bewi lde ring vari ety of estimates, bot h across planar bo undaries o f relative moti on or
of th e act ual magnit ude of stress carried by the visco us dr ag be tween two o ppose d mo ving
lithosphere , and of t he stre ngth o f the litho- bloc ks . In this way the kine matic and dy namic
sphere. The orientation of stress on the other app roaches to defo rma tio n are linked .
hand . usually hear s a simple relationship 10 the If it is accepted that plates can be regarded
more o bvious loc al stress so urces . Th e dist ribu- as stro ng rigid shells, th eir relative moti on
tion of measured st ress can o nly be understood across the surface o f the Ea rt h ca n be des-
by co nsidering th e lo ng-term strength of the cribed in term s of the simple ru les o f motio n on
lithosphere , th at is, its stre ngth over periods of a sphere . A ny relative mot ion betwee n two
the orde r o f ten s of Ma (see 2.7). plates o n t he surface of a sphe re becomes an
angular rotation abo ut an axis thro ugh the
centre of the Ea rth , wh ich intersects t he
Earth's surface at two poin ts ca lled the poles of
( the prin ciple of stress rotation. for that movem en t.
amplification.). Thi s exp lains why the magni- Th e direction o f movem ent at the surface of
tudes of the availa ble st ress so urces are so the Earth is parallel to a set of small circles
much s malle r th an act ual mea sured values near abo ut th e axis o f rotat ion . As rea lized ori ginal-
the surface . Know ing the temperatu re st ruc- ly by ' is classic pape r on
ture o f a given piece o f lithosphere , and any such fault s displacing the
boundary betwee n two plates must he pa rallel are mo ving toget her and plate mate rial is
to these small circles ; th at is, parallel to the be ing destroyed by subductio n at oce an tren-
direction of relative mo lion betwee n the two ches ; ami (iii) _ ,; 7 'rsFllFhlM ' wher e
plates. adjoi ning plates are mo ving later ally past each
o the r with a ho rizontal strike-slip sense o f
P ies (II"') Iii n:tIi I: ; , F 'tt ,r '_ ue. d isplacement along tra nsfo rm fault s. The sense
T hey analysed the of di sp l ace m e n~ these bou ndaries can be
direction of motio n from 5 p""" .llI'_
! ded uced from fi rst ·~ n studies of individual
earthq uakes that in gene ral co nfi rm the re la-
and . . . .bo rde ring th e Paci- tive move ments inferred fro m other evide nce
fic plate , and sho wed that they gave . .......on• such as palaeomagnetism and magnetic strati-
..................u·. ..(see 3.1). T his d irection is gra phy.
parallel to the small-circle arcs obtained from Fo llowing th ese prin ciples, a networ k of
the or ientatio n o f the San Andreas fault. .... bo unda ries may be d rawn divid ing the prese nt ~
Eart h's surface into" (see
Figure 3. 1): . " , "' i ~ , ""
.__ . and .
'i ' ,it• • toget her with a number of smaller plates
Relative plate velocities can be fou nd by associate d main ly with de structive bo undaries ,
analysing the magnetic str atigrap hy, so that for especially aroun d the margins of the Pacific
any plate pair sharing a spreading ridge , the Ocean . Continenta l m U Qim nwy or ma y pm
movement vecto r . can be fo und (see Figure co rrespond with c hlte bo undaries, T hose that
3.2). do , such as the weste rn margin o f the Ameri-
a II 1 ,::d e wch' ca n contine nts, are ter med '
n l ' .. , • • Ii ,.... II 1'. .....1:2 l . .ti,U .S
6:b ?5 0' I b e P'h?5 a . ,..... C8Z\?h• •k:ubatah
those that lie within pla tes a re termed j 'w_
6 4iRJi4iian I In th is way the relative T he position o f the plate bo undaries de te r-
motions of ali six major plates were dete r- mines the location of the mor e significant
mined by , see Figure tectonic activity, a nd the type of bounda ry
3,1. The principles gove rning plate kinem atic controls the natu re of th e tecto nic pro cesses
behaviour are d iscussed in 3. 1. ope rat ing ther e , Th e three fold division into
constructive , destru ctive, and conse rvative
plate bou nda ries is reflected in the o rganiza-
tion o f this book. Structures of cur re ntly active
The obvious link between seismicity and pre- plate boundar ies are co nsidered in terms o f
sent-day tecton ic activity suggested that the th ree funda menta l types of tecton ic regime :
seismic zones must represent the bou ndaries of divergent regimes relating to co nstructive bou n-
the stable blocks, and that each block or plate d aries (Chapte r 4) ; con vergent regimes relat ing
could be defined by a continuo us be lt of to de structive bound aries (Cha pter 5); and
seismic activity (Isacks et al., 19(8 ). Since the strike -slip and oblique regimes relatin g to con-
seismic activity represe nts fault mo vements servative bo unda ries o r to those with a com-
with high strain rates, each plate must be in a pon e nt o f strike-para llel motio n (C hapte r 6),
state of relative motio n with respect to each of Intraplate regimes are d iscussed in Cha pter 7.
its neighbours, Ul~":::::::::::::::

are recognized : (i) :" ! ..~
Geological structures
where adjo ining plat es are mo ving ap art and
new plate is being created at ocean ridges; (ii) It is assumed that the reader has an adeq uate
f iil!fj ad. .. f :ria where adj oining plates wor king know led ge of structura l geology. A

familiar ity with the va rio us types of geological favoured in co nvergen t regi mes because o f the
str ucture an d their o rigin is implicit in the de- basic asymmet ry inherent in the subduction
scription of struc tures in Chap ters 4-9 . In con- process. A similar basic asy mme t ry charac-
sidering the relatio nship be tween geo logical terizes ,III strike -slip regimes . Rece nt studies
str uctures and plate mo vem ents. certain as- o f exte nsiona l reg imes indic at e that qu asi-
pects of struct ura l geol ogy are o bviou sly mo re symmetrical fa ult-bloc k ar range ments a t high
relev ant th an othe rs. Orientation of majo r crustal leve ls, by det achmen t at lowe r level s o n
structures (fo lds a nd faults), intensity of de- low-ang le deco llement planes. a re pa rt o f an
forma tio n, magn itude a nd or ien tatio n of the asymmetrical system ove ra ll.
hulk st rain axes, an d st ruct ural sym me tr y a ll
convey import ant info rmation abo ut the way in
Orogenic or mobile helix in/he geological pas /
which the cr ust respo nds to re lative plate
move me nts at pla te bo und a r ies. Tectonic effects o f great interest to the struc-
In assess ing t he region al tectonic significance tural geo logist are produced in act ive conver-
of geological st ruct ure the refo re , the orienta- gent regimes (see Chapte r 5). It is those that
tion o f folds and fau lts is critica l. and also provide worki ng models that ca n he used to
particula rly the or ienta tio n of t he tran spo rt interpret the or oge nic belts. the co nve rgen t
d irection , since th is will be re lated to the regimes of the geological past. C hap te r 8 e x-
kinematic convergen ce (or dive rgence) direc- a mines a selection of such be lts o f Phane ro-
tion. In high-st rain zo nes, this d irection will be zoic age , com mencing with Mesozo ic-Cenozoic
close to the maximum principal stra in axis. exam ples where the plate-tecto nic se tt ing is
In te rms of st rain , we are co nce rne d essen- reaso nabl y well constrained . By showing how
tially with bulk prope rties and bulk geo met ry, vario us work ers have interprete d structure in
and with how these re late to the large-scale terms of plate tectoni c processes, the pr inci-
kinematic pattern . Fo r this purpose , a gco- ples underlying the relationship betwee n plate
metr ical o verview o r ove r-simp lification of the motion and st ruct ure may be illustrated .
large-scale structural pa tt ern is more useful
tha n a co nside ration of the structura l detail. at
The pro hlem of {he Precambrian
o utcrop sca le fo r e xample. The same pri nciple
applies to strain rates - a very impor tant co n- Examples of Precambrian mobi le belts are
t rol on deformation . Bulk st rain rates relating discussed in C hapte r 9. Despite the fact th at
to mo untain be lts o r la rge zo nes are cited, and t he Precambrian occ upies approximate ly eight-
can be compared wit h theo retical strain rates ninths of geo log ical time . remarkably lill ie is
derived from th e mech anical behaviou r of known abo ut how t he plate tectonic process
t he lithosphere , but str ain rates o n sma ller o pera ted during th at period , o r indeed whet he r
sca les arc gene rally no t discussed . it ope rated at all in the ea rlier part of Earth
Symme try is anot he r impo rtant aspect of the histor y. T he examples discussed s how suf-
la rge-scale str uct ure. The verge nce directi on . ficien t simila rity to Pha nerozoic syste ms from
o r facing d irection , of thrusts. ov er folds and the Early Prot erozoic o nwards to sugges t that
othe r asymmetric st ruct ures is of fundam ental t he plate tecton ic mod el is probably a pplicable,
significance in understandin g the way in which albei t in modified form , for the last 2500 Ma .
a piece o f crust has been defo rmed . So me T here is as yet no gene ral co nse nsus co nce rn-
structural geo log ists wo uld ar gue th at move- ing the type of plate regime in the Arc haean,
ments on low-an gle faults and she ar zo nes are and even t hose indicat io ns that we have arc
the dom inant mechan ism in the bulk defor ma- biased towards t he later part of t he Archaea n.
tion of t he crust. Such st ructures impart an lill ie o r no th ing is known abo ut large-scale
obv ious asymme t ry to th e str uct ural pat tern . structure prior to abou t 3000 Ma ue.
Tectonic processes dri ven by simple shear are
2 The lithosphere: some important properties

2. 1 Lit hosphere, asthenosphere and The base of the lithosphere is usually defined
mesosphere o n the basis (If a relati vely rapid change in
se ismic wave ve locity (o f bot h P and S waves) ,
In his mod el of co ntinental dr ift , We gener and specifically of a fall in the rate o f increase
( IY29) o rigina lly visual ized pieces of continc n- of Vr an d V•• which takes place at de pth s of
tal crust moving acr oss a pla stic ocea nic crust. around l OO-1 50 km within the upper mant le .
However this id ea was abandoned many YC <l fS T his cha nge in ve locity is related to ch anges in
ago whe n it was realize d t hat ocea nic rocks de nsity and rheo logy, which in turn arc re lat ed
could not behave in a suffi cientl y ductile to the geottverm - the profile of temperat ure
manner near the surface . When the plate vari ation downwards throu gh the crust and
tectonic model was bei ng dev eloped in th e upper mantle . A ltho ugh there may be petro-
196()s, it was realized t hai t he moving plate s graphic differe nces be twee n t he lit hosph eric
included ocea nic as well as co nt inen tal crust. a nd ust hcnospheric ma nt le , these arc no t the
The oceanic crust is only about 7 krn th ick and mai n factor in diffe rentiating the IwO layers,
cou ld not re main und istorted whe n subjected which a re dis ting uishe d most co nve nie ntly in
10 the horizont al st resses associated with pla te te rms of their viscosity , The viscosity of the
tectonic proc esses. Plates must he there fore he a S l he nos~ here is usua lly es timated to be aro und
conside ra bly thicker than the crust and include 102 1 _ 102 po ise in co nt rast wit h that in the
part of the uppe r ma nt le as well. lower part of the lithosph ere which proba bly
The lithosphere is defi ned un seis molo gical varies from 102 .1 po ise upwa rds (see Me-
crite ria ;:IS the strong o uter layer o f the Ea rt h: it Kenzie . 1':167). It is this ra pid decrease in
can equ ally be regar ded as the coo l surface viscosit y tha t ena bles the solid mate ria l of the
layer of the Ea rt h's convective system. T his asthe nosphere to flow at a gcologicatty signi-
convective syste m is d iscussed fur ther be low fica nt rate . ca rry ing the more viscou s and
(see 2.4) but it is importa nt at the outset 10 therefo re stronge r lithosph e re above it.
point out that the lithosph ere can no t he COII- T he relative plasticity of the asthe nosp here
sidered in isola tion ; th e bo undary be twee n it is d ue mainly to the e ffect of e levated te mpe ra-
and the und erlying asthenosphere is tran si- ture on the rheology of the material , which is
tional. and is continua lly changing; and there is governed by a flow law in which the st ra in rate
a consta nt interactio n be twee n the lithosphe re is bo th te mperature- a nd st ress-de pe ndent (see
and the other par ts of the co nvective syste m 2.2 ). A significant fract ion of ast henosphe re
(Figure 2. 1) . mat eri al is believed to be co mposed of mel t

Oe Ur uc t ion C onSlru~tion

}"iRurt 2. 1 A ~l hcnosphere -li thO"rhn .. - mc sos phc rc inrcra c1;on . Th e h lh""p her~ g;l i n~ ma le r;,,1 from the ;1~lh ~n<l~phcr~
;11constructive pl JIC bo u ndaries ';..luring platc• desu ucuon . mal ni al i~ 10 s1 by the Iithcsphcrc to lhe mesos phe re . und In rbc
asthen osphe re . Mat e ria l lines in the ' i l hu~p hne 1"lerJUy rc tauv c In the sites o f construction ;mu dcstr ucnon


(perhaps as much as 10% ) although th is may its age (see 2.3). The older a piece of ocea nic I
decrease away from sites of upwelling convec- lithosphere , the coo ler it will be , and the
tion curre nts. deeper will be the the rmal bounda ry which
Th e asthenosphe re is co ntinuo usly fed by defines its base. It has bee n estimated that I
up rising mater ial fro m the underlying m eso- ocean-basin lithosphe re varies in thickness
sp here. Mesosphere is transfor med to astheno- from arou nd SOkm at the ridge crest to about
sphere simply by a change in rheol ogy - t he ISOkm in the oldest parts furthest from the I
same piece of man tle mat erial may commence crest. There is thus a simple relationship
in the mesosphere. he changed into astheno- between thickness a nd age that can be deter- I

sphe re at a site of convective upwelling, with a mined fairly accu rately for most parts of the
decrease in viscosity and increase in now rate. ocean using the methods of magnetic strati-
lt may subseq ue ntly be tra nsfor med again into graphy.
lithosphe re by a reve rsal of this process - by The oldest and cooles t parts of the oceanic
cooling and a conseq ue nt rise in viscosity. In lithosphere are either attached to continents
addition. of course, there a rc material changes: and co ntinue to migrate later ally with them, or
partial melting ca uses magmas to leave the form subducting slabs which desce nd through
system and move up into the lithosphere , the asthenosphere to merge indistinguishably
volatiles may enter and leave the system, etc., with the mesosphere. These slabs the n form
so that the composition of the asthenosphere the cool downward-flo wing limbs of convective
presumably varies significa ntly at the sites of 'cells' . They sink because they are cooler and
upwelling, but is proba bly much more unifo rm therefore more dense than the surro unding
be neat h stable plate interiors. mat erial. An oceanic lithosphere plate may
T he lithosphere grows at the expe nse of the thus exte nd from a ridge crest to a trench and
asthenosphere mainly at ocea n ridges. Here therefro m down to the base of the asthe no-
new lithosphere is generated by the cooling of sphere (Figure 2.1). As it descends. it becomes
asthc nospheric mat erial as it is carried laterally warme r and will lose mate rial to the astheno-
away from the hotter ridge axes. Again the sphere by pa rtial melting. Al its base. it may
syste m is very complex in detail, but can be disappear. o r brea k into sectio ns, but the
simplifie d in te rms of a model of continuous material of which it is made will generally
accretio n of lithosphere alo ng an essentially descend, carried down by the coo l return limb
ther mal bounda ry in the flan king regions of an of the convective circulation. but indistinguish-
ocean ridge (Figure 2. 1). As mate rial is carried able seismically from t he adjacent mesospheric
across this boundary, it changes from astheno- material. It thus appea rs thai the lithosphere
sphere to lithosphere. T hus altho ugh new plates, because of their strength and coo-
material is be ing con tinuously emplaced below ttnulty, display a patte rn of movement which is
the ridge, and is thereafte r being transpo rted pa rt of a mo re fundament al mantl e circulatio n
laterally away from the ridge axis, the actual to be discussed in 2.4.
boundary to the lithosphere is statio nary with
respect to the upwe lling the rmal source, as 2.2 Some short-term mechanical propert ies of
long as the thermal conditio ns are unchanged. the lithosphere
Material points within the lithosphere move al- The formation of geological structures is ulti-
though the lithosphere bounda ries themselves mately dependen t o n the mechan ical proper-
may remain fixed. ties of the material in which they are formed . It
Away from the ridge , the cooling of ocea nic is essen tial therefore to discuss the mechanical
lithosphere proceeds more slowly, although properties of the lithosphere in o rder to dis-
differences can be detected in no rmal ocean cover how. and under what conditions, geo lo-
basin lithosphere thickness that are related to gical deformation is produ ced . The important
mecha nical properties which cont rol defo rma- in regions o f current or recent volcan ism a long
tion are elastici ty. viscosity, fract ure streng th the cen tra l Cord illera n orogeni c belt (fo r ex-
and yield st re ngth. Th ese properties var y with ample in the Basin-an d-Range province and
rock compos ition , depth and tempe rature . the Cascades volcan ic arc) . T hese are regions
The infor ma tio n pr ovid ed by labor ator y ex- of warm er lithosphere with higher surface heat
periments on rock ma terials can provide esti- flow an d stee per geotherma l grad ients (see 2.7)
mates for these mechanical par ame ters unde r which act to reduce Pcwave velocities in the
a limited ra nge o f co nd itio ns. Howe ver , a more mantl e part of the lithosphere . Very similar
useful method o f stu dying the mechan ica l effects are see n in othe r curr ently o r recently
behaviour o f th e lithosphere as a whole is to active regions. For example the velocity o f P"
make simplifying assumptions ab o ut bulk pro- waves beneath t he Japanese arc is 7.5-
perties, and to use ma the mat ical mod els to 7 .7 km/s co mpared with 8 .0 -8. 1 km/s fo r t hose
determine how th ese propert ies inte ract and below the adjoining Pacific ocean . In con-
vary in changing physical co nditio ns (see 2.7). tinen tal rift zones and also at ocean ridges ,
The main so urce of inform atio n abo ut the the re is a co rres po nding reduct ion of P,,-wave
short-term mecha nica l pro perties o f litho- ve locity co mpa red with nearby stab le regio ns.
sphere plates co mes fro m indirect geo physical T hus the stu dy of t he regional va riat ion o f P,,-
methods, part icularly the study o f seismic wave velocity reveals zo nes of anoma lo usly
waves. The velocity of se ismic waves provides weak , warm lithosphe re which must pe rsist for
information abo ut the elastic prope rties of a long per iods of time and are thus relevant to
plate (elasticity a nd rigidity) a nd also , of the lo nger-te rm st rength prope rties of the
course, its effec tive thickness, as explained lithosphere as well as 10 its instantaneous
above. Th e values of elasticity o r rigidity stre ngth.
derived from se ismic wave velocities define the SrI waves are S waves propaga ted in the
elastic prope rties of t ht:: lithosphere ove r very uppe rmost man tle . Like Pn waves, thei r ve lo -
short time period s (0 . 1s to 1 h). Howe ver the city is affected by cha nge in elastic pro perti es.
lithosphere strength ca lculated in this way U nlike P" waves though , th e S" waves do not
(often called the ' instantaneous st rength') is pe ne trate the low-velocit y zone du e to their
very much grea te r th an its stre ngth when sho rt wave le ngth. The efficiency of tra nsmis-
subjected to forces for periods o f te ns of Ma . sio n of th ese waves is shown o n a wo rld-wide
Useful informa tio n may also be gained from sca le in Figure 2.3 . It is clear that stab le plate
the study of lateral va riatio ns in bot h P- and S~ interiors are zones of efficie nt transmission.
wave velocity. Figur e 2.2A is a map o f t he whereas active tectonic zo nes (island arcs,
North American co ntine nt showing the varia- ocean ridges etc .) corres po nd to zo nes o f
tion in mean P,,-wave veloc ity (1' waves pro- inefficien t tran smission.
pagated in the up permost ma ntle ). Figure A not he r geophysical method of studying
2.28 shows in addition the variation in mean lateral variatio ns in lithosp here stre ngth is
crustal velocity togethe r with co ntours of crus- t hrough the study of the dispersion of surface
tal thickness. T here is clea rly a crude re la- waves ( Rayleigh an d Love waves) . Dispersion
tionship betwee n these ; most of the Pvwave is a mea sur e of the spread in am plitude and
velocity variatio n in the crust app ea rs to be due wavele ngth with in a wave tra in , an d occurs
to the crustal th ick ness variat ions. Latera l because of the variation in elastic modul us and
differences in t he lithosphere . however , are density with distan ce from the so urce . T he
more evide nt whe n the velocity o f t he P" waves depth of pe netra tio n of a surface wave is
is studied (Figure 2. 28). Th e map shows a directly de pende nt on its wavelen gth . Thus if
decrease in P" veloci ty from abo ut 8.2 km/s o n the velocities are ca lculated as a funct io n of
the North American crato n to below 7.8 km/s wave lengt h. the rigidit y of the mater ial can be

, .a

E stlm a' ed Pn y . foc U ~ e,

( k m/u c ) 1.9 8.0

"on ",u '.'

.... .",
>• .• , ../...
' .2 h , I . . .
< ..... o.~ .,. 1
< S. ' h,I..,
.... . . ,yo, .1
"'OO" r
< ' .2 8 oW• • •
<:"" to•• or
••••,.t .".b .
... ' . .. . 1 ' 0 , .
...."''''''''. .,".
COM ••• •

te , . 1...1
~o< " " .... on " do or
•• I.. olt, < e k .., . ..

FiRllre 2.2 (A) Estimated P, seis mic wave veloc ity fo r uppe r man tic in the USA. Afl<:TWyllie ( 1 ~71 ), fro m Herrin ( 1969).
(8) Var iatio ns in cr ustal thickness, mea n crusta l velocity, and uppe r me nuc Icl\>cll y (see A) in the USA . After Wyllie
(197 1), from Paklser and Zie tz ( 1%5) .

E' fo e 'e nl transm.ssion

Inelt, cie n l
lransmi ss, on


H~u r~ 2.-' Regions of <)(Iicicnl and inefficienl propagation o f S~ seismic waves in lhc uppe r mantle (sec l e~t). Ar,el
Molnar and Oliver (1%'J ).

estimated as a functio n of dept h. Th is method sphere which are due to ch anges in the fl ow o f
depends on the simu ltaneo us study of body radiation and charged pa rticles fro m the Su n.
waves (e.g. P waves) a nd surface waves, and Th e resulting magnet ic field induces e lectric
reveals zones of anomalo usly weak man tle cur ren ts within the Ea rth. which in turn ca use
below currently active volcanic region s co rres- rapid ly cha nging modificatio ns to the magnetic
ponding to those revea led by P,; wave anal ysis. field. By isola ting the seconda ry va riation , the
Seismic wave attenuation is the red uction of stre ngth o f the e lectric curre nts , and he nce the
amplitude with dista nce and time due to e nergy elec t rical co nductivity of t he Ear th , ca n be
loss. and is measured by th e qu ant ity Q. The est ima ted .
amount o f att enuatio n Q is re lated to the Ano malies in electrical co nd uctivity we re
strength o f the ma te rial thro ugh which the foun d to be assoc iated with island arcs and
wave is pro pagated . T he ' tow-velo city zo ne' co ntine ntal rift zones (see e .g . Herman ce .
(asthenosphere) is charac te rized by low values 19R2). Th ese anoma lies are zo nes of poor
of Q. co nd uctivity t hat co rrelate with regio ns of
Further evidence as to the presen ce of unusually warm lithosphe re . /
anomalo us zones co mes fro m the study o f elec- Thus seve ral inde pende nt geophysical
tncal conductivity in the Ea rt h. Rocks arc met hods indicate t hat active tecto nic zo nes
weak co nducto rs o f ele ctric curre nts. It is pos- (volcan ic arcs, ocean ridges an d co ntinental
sible by study ing rapid variatio ns in t he Ea rt h's rifts) d isplay ano ma lous physica l properties
magnetic field to isolate effec ts caused by that co rres pond to those exhibited by the
electric curren ts in th e Ea rth 's upper at mo- asthenosp here . We may co nclude tha t such

zones possess abno rmally low instantaneou s TaMe 2. 1 Mean hC;ll ftow fo r cc minc rna l ~ n d ocea nic
stre ngth and can be regarded as zones of region s.
anomalou sly thin and wea k lit hosphe re . Regio n N q S.D .

Von Herzrn Ulld Lt <'. J%Y

Sum mary
A Ucontinent s 255 1.49 0.54
For time pe riod s in the ran ge seco nds to hou rs, All oce ans 2329 1.65 1.14
A lt;llllic 4<~ 1.43 1.07
t he lithosphere gener ally beha ves ;IS a stro ng Indian J31 1.44 109
e lastic a nd rigid body wit h effec tively infin ite Pacific 12.' 2 1.71 1.24
viscosit y. Active tecto nic zones exhibit ano - A rct ic 29 J.23 0 .33
Mediterranea n se as 7J 1.33
malous physical prop e rties indicat ed by low P" Ma rginal scus 2/'1' 2. 13 0.6)
wave ve locity, grea ter surface-wave d ispe rsion,
lo w Q (high deg ree of atte nuat ion) , inefficient G irdlt,.1 % 7
prop aga tion of S, waves, and low electrical Africa I' 1.20 0.21
Ja pa n )R 2.2 1 2.73
co nd uctivity . Th e st rength of the lithosp heric
mantle in these anomalous zo nes is in many
A ustr alia '0 1.76 0.62
cases (c.g . Japan) co mparable with that in t he
Eu rope
NiAmcrica "
l. 9 1
1.26 U.57
ast henosphere. implying tha t the ' insta nta ne- N '" numhcr of oI>scrvalio"s ; q : ar;l hmel;c mn ll nl heal flo w ill
o us' t hickness of the lit hosphere is co nside r- /<cale m- 1 • ' (li FU); S.D . '" 5rand,,,d dcvial '"'' in IIFU (hear.
flow units) .
ably red uced . In simple terms, plates are
th inne r and wea ke r in active tecton ic zones. As
we shall now see , this is related to t heir thermal
st ructure . much mo re difficult than at sea because of
va rio us s urface e ffects, which arc minimized by
the blank eting effe ct o f the overlying water in
2.3 Th ermal structure of the lithosphere
the oce ans.
Th e ave rage total rate o f hea t loss through the II is necessary to d rill 10 depths of about
Ea rth's sur face is about 2.4 x Ityu cal/year. 300 m or mo re o n land to produ ce accurate rc-
T his represents an enormous loss o f ene rgy, sults. In general . estimates o f hea t flow in the
seve ra l orde rs of magnitude greater than the ocea ns arc accurate to within IOn;." but con-
to tal loss associa ted with earthq uake or vo l- tinental estima tes a rc very variable in their
canic activity. accuracy. Regio nal estimates of mean heat
Mean values of heat fl ow per unit surface fl ow based o n mo re than 10 observations a rc
area for t he differen t co ntinents and oceans arc believed to he accur ate 10 within 0.2 HFU .
shown in T able 2.1 . It is clear that the average Loca l depar tur es from these mean values of
continenta l and oceanic hea t fl ow is esse ntially mo re than th is amount arc co nside red to be
the same . It ap pear s that more than 9970 o f the significant.
Ea rth 's su rface has a ' no rmal' heat fl ow of Table 2.2 shows selected hea t fl ow values
around 1.5 HFU ( = 6OmW m- 2) , with ,10 0 - for the major types of tecto nic pro vince . from
rnalo us zo nes o f ve ry much higher heat now. which it may be see n that low mean heat fl ow
Note that 1 HF U = l llcal cm - 2s- 1 = 40mW values cha racteri ze the Precambri an shields
01 - 2. T hese localized zones ca n o nly be ex- and tha t high mean heat flows are associated
plain ed by the tra nsfe r of mate rial bringing with Ce nozo ic volca nic areas. High heal flows
thermal energy from deepe r so urces and co r- are also associated with ocea n ridges and island
respon d mostly to areas of curre nt o r recent a rcs. Pro fi les of heat fl ow values across the
volcanic activity, such as island arcs, major mid-At lantic ridge , and the Kur ile and Jap an
conti nenta l rift zo nes and oce an ridges . islan d arcs (F igure 2 .4) show very marked but
T he measurement of heat fl ow o n land is relatively narrow an omalies with a rather rap id
Table 2.1 Co ntinen ta l heat flow d ata d ivided ;010 s hield, with age of the ocea n floor ( Figure 2.5 C). Th e
intermediate (You nger Proterozoic to Pha ne rozoic' cr ust) hea t flow decreases steeply un til a n age of
and thermally act ive regions . After Kusznir a nd PMI<.
(1984). a bout 50 Ma , afte r which it bec o mes more or
less cons ta nt.
He at flow T he pro files acro ss the volcan ic a rcs s how
Regio n lIl W m - ~ Hf U
a noma lously low values a t the trenches as well
A Shll'/ d as high values ove r the a rcs. T he dist ribu tion o f
Supe rior Pfov i nee ~ ]4 ± 8 1I.,sS t hese zones o f high and low heat flow ar e
Wl~! AUS tU It;1 1 39 ± ,s 0.91\
WeS! A frica ( N igc r) ~ 0.50 s ho wn for the no rth a nd west Pacifi c region in
20 ± "
South lod ia 2 49 ± K 1.23 Figure 2.6A . T he relat ionship with tre nches
Mea n A rch aea n + olde r a nd vo lcan ic isla nd a rcs is ve ry clea r. Figure
P rll1{' rnzoi e~ ±
B . JI1It'fJnt'diu lt'
'" 1.03
2.6H illustra tes in pro file the depressio n
o f iso ther ms associa ted with the su bducting
Easte rn US A ~ 57 ± 17 1.43
England a nd Wal es~ 59 ± 23 1.48 slab .
Cenlta l Europe It ca n he see n from Ta ble 2.2 t ha t t he re is a
(Bohe mian m assi f)~ 73± 1.R.l
Nor1hern C hina '
Mean Yo unge r Prote rozoic '
75 ± 15
SO ± S
" 1.,s9
te nd e ncy fo r the hea l flow to increase with de-
crease in age of oroge ny for Pha ne rozo ic a nd
Mean Pa laeozoic ' 62 ± 20 1.55 Preca mbrian o rogen ic belts. but t he diffe r-
C Thermatiy active e nces a re sma ll in rela t ion to the e rro r. T his
Rhmc g tahen ' 101 ± 35 2.N! decr ease of continent al hea t flow with age was
{f1a n l<.s-R hc l1 i~ h massifl" (73 ± 20) (1 .83)
Baikal rif1' 97 ± 22 2.'0 in vestigated in mo re deta il by Vito re lJo a nd
(SE flank - Lo we r Patac o zoic p (55 ± 10) (Uil) POlI,lCk (19RO). Th e y showed ( Figu re 2.7) tha t
East Af rican rif1' IUS ± SI 2 .(,3 the decrease with te cto nic age (i.e . age since
(ft ~ n ks)-' (52 ± 17) (UU)
Basin-and-Runge Provinc e! 92 ± :n 2.30 t he last major tectonothe rmal eve nt) co uld be
(E . lbnk-Colo r;ldo lca u)4 (611) (I. SO) a ppro xima tely filled to an e xpone ntial c urve
re prese nti ng the gradual decay of a tr a nsie nt
Il~ 'l 1\,_ data from 1'" llack and Ch41'man (19n ) ' , V,tn,d l" ""d
P"lbd (19!1U11, Mnrgan ( 19112'. 1910' , in I'w,~' )_ the rmal pe rt urba tio n together wit h a co m-
po ne nt o f heat loss due to gradu ai erosio n of
radi oge nic crust.

change with in a few 100k m to norma l regional

Sctate r a nd Fra nche tca u (1970) co m pa red Th e re is no significa nt d iffer ence bet ween
the profile of ave rage measured heat flo w mea n co ntinental an d mea n ocea nic heat flow .
values across the Ea st Pacific ridge with a La rge hea t flow a no malies occur ove r very
theore tical pro file e xpec ted fro m a 75 km-thick nar row zo nes mak ing up less t ha n 1% of the
cooting lithosph er e model (Fi gure 2.5A ). T he Ea rt h's surface a rea . Zones of high hea t flow
close corres po nde nce was held to suppo rt the com prise the active tectonic reg io ns where
ocean-floo r sprea ding model of th e growth o f magm a has bee n introduce d into high levels in
lithosphe re at t he r idge by add ition o f ne w the lit hospher e - t he active vo lca nic a rcs.
hot ma nt le mat er ial. As the new ocea n floo r co ntine nta l rifts a nd ocea n ridges. Low hea t
spreads awa y fro m the r idge axis. it coo ls from flow zones ar e associa te d wit h t he tre nches .
the su rface downwards a nd gradually t hicken s Bo th ocean ic a nd co ntine nta l cru st sho w a
(see Figure 2.58 ) . T he dec rease o f hea t flow progressive decrease in heat flo w with incr ea se
with distilnee from the r idge axis is the refo re a in the rma l age . T hese va riation s in hea t Row
direct conse que nce o f a coo ling a nd thicke ning reflect variati on s in geot her mal gradie nt tha t
lithosphe re plat e . This re la tio nship ma y be have impo rta nt implicat io ns fo r lithosphe re
checked by plo tti ng the va ria tio n o f hea t flow stre ngth. as we sha ll see in 2.7.
o 500 1000
9 r I I I
r r I

81-, -
71- -
, , -

- , -

4 I- -


,' , ,
, , ,-
1-.' '--'
, -..
, ,
1 '''-,i; " , ,
• . -, . .. .. r
, . r r
r r I
800 900 1000
500 600 700

1 -
o o 1000 1000
'hi O,Uiloce " om trench .. "is. k m

J1cu rt 1... (. ) fl U l flow \,iJllOn " . d istance from the crat o f t he m......Al lanl>c ridge . Pcrttn l,lc: lu>c" enclose 75~ . SO"I.
a nd 2.~ " o f the: d ata rcspcdi\"d) . From Wyllie ( 197 1), .1(1<", Lee arnJ Uyeda ( I%." ) II>./") Heal nor.... profiles al;~ the
Kunl e a nd J :'!,,;111 a rcs . ",vc: n!!" d in 101l l m intc rv...... From Wyllie (I 97l ). «n cr Vacq uic r ('I "I. ( 1%1'»


H eat fl ow in N orth Pac if ic


o c 30

0; ••
0 1\
g a

•• .Q• •
a 2.0
• • •
20 C 1.0
(I )

2000 4000 6000 BOOO 10,000

Distance fro m ridg e crest
(kilom eters)

1 .T ,;
-- I I
_"' -

l "
' I'
Il I
II" ,


-~ :;-::-:;:;':"i:z~
- .... _ _ ..


' I 1 " "" "

I1 I1 I I \
,I , \, '


c ' 00 '00

t'iJ:ure 2,5 (A ) Heat flo w profile from the Easl Pacific rid ge crest across the North Pacific. Mean obse rved value s (clo,;cd
circles) arc cumpatcd with a theore tica l pr()liIe ror " coo ling Ii l h()~phc re 'S km Ihid O pen circle s represen t mean va lues
increased hy 15% to allow for ,I possible hi;,s nca r Ihe ridge. From Uyeda ( 197X). (11) Schematic diagram showing male rial
flow lines (d ashed) and isother ms (so lid) al an oce a n ridge . T he solidus tempe rature 1~ is the isot her m rep resenting the
boundary betwee n the lithosphe re an d the ast he nosp he re . Af ter Uyeda (1 9711). (C) Vnn.uic n of ho.';\1 flow with ago.' of ocean
crust. showing cooling with incr easing age , After Sclutc r ( 1972 ),

· --~=,,,,
.•. .~ YJi.. o 80 0 600 400 20 0 200

c:,y - -
-. 400

1 _ ....

r:-. ,,-
~, ,....- ,-
- _ '-


Fil:urc 2.6 (A) Simplified map "rheal flow distribution in

til.: Wc~l Pucinc sho wing dec rease d hea l nnw a t tren ches
,.nd incrc,[""d heal "ow 'Il volcanic ;H~ and hack-ar c
I _ 00' region s. From lJYCUil (1971'). (8) Schem atic pro file across
•• oj sot-duc uon zone shuw ing prcsscd isothe rms a lo ng the
su lxluCl i ng sla b . A ft cr W yllie ( 1971) ,

c a ,
000 "
'" ""
"" '''' ,
-, t"il:u rc 2.7 Decre ase (It co nt inen-
"- t;,1 heal fl"w with tec toni c age of
, c rust. T he up per c urve (visua lly
HUed ) is interpret ed ;IS ma de up

I o f thre e co mpo ne nts: I is radio -
genic heal [rom th e cruse II is
heal fru m a tra uaicntt hc rma l per -
o , turha tion associated wilh a tec-
ronorh c rmat cvc ru, a nd I II is
m back ground heat llow from a
deeper source. Dou hlc oa rs rc pre -
se nt the standa rd e rror, s ingle ba rs
the sl<l nd ard de viat ion, o f the
0 0' ,.c te ' 0
T ECT~tC f« (to' yearsl " mean s. Frnm Vitorcllo and Po l-
lack (J 9l'\U) .
ra e U THOSI'HIC Kl.: : SOM I'. IMf-ORT-ANT I'ROt' !:.Kfl f.5
si ress. A and B ar e constants ami arc st ro ngly
2,.1 ~I a ll tle convectio n: t he r ole of t he
lithosph er e te m pe rat ure-de pe ncJc nt.
11 was o riginally tho ught that o livine was the
The Enn h is a hea t e ngine, a nd the ult imat e durnina nt mineral throu ghu ul t he upper man -
source of almost all the e ne rgy requi red in lie , a nd replaced by a minera l with similar
geological processes is Ihermal in origin: ~ris ­ co mpos ition hut with a spi nel st ruct ure (i.c . a
tng out of the tra nsfe r of heat (part ly o riginal , denser ph ase) in the lowe r mantle . How ever .
partly radioge nic ) from the inter ior of [he pe n o logists have mo re rece nt ly suggeste d a
Earth 10 it" exterio r. A rt hur Holmes ( lY2lJ) mor e complex compositio nal structure . A nd e r-
proposed ther mal convection c urre nts as the so n a nd Bass ( 11)86) summa rize the e vidence
oriving mecha nism fo r co ntine nta l dr ift , bu t in fa vour of a het erogen eo us up pe r ma ntic
the sugges tio n was o nly se riously conside red by domi naled in the lowe r pa rr by clinopyroxene
most geologists t hirt y yea rs la te r. whe n enough a nd ga rne t. the base o f which ma y be com-
evidence h;IIJ accumu lated to convince the m posed la rgel y o f subd ucted ma ter, a nd sug-
that continental dnft a nd oce a n-fluor spread ing ges t tha i olivine is domina nt o n l ~ I ~ th ~ uppe r
were viable hypo theses and that co nvec tion part o f the uppe r ma ntle . OilVille IS now
was the onl y adeq uate ex planatio n for these conside red 10 he unsta ble below a bo ut 400
rn~c~~~ . . km. Below 650km the re is a majo r ch a nge in
It is now ge ne rally accepted thai the solid physical pro perties which is e x pl a i ne~ as ~h e
material of the Earth is capab le of flow give n a result o f a cha nge to de nse pe rovskuc -fi kc
long enough time scale. The rat e of flow is mine ral . Th e flow la ws fo r these ma te rials a rc
governed hy the effeclive viscosity of the mat e r- not know n . A lt hou gh it has been sugges ted
ial. which is st rongly te mp era ture-depe ndent. that the lower man tic ma y nor he ca pab le of
An estimate of the mean viscosity of the oute r convecnve flow. the bala nce of opinio n no w is
shell of the Ea rt h ca n be det e rmined from t he in favou r of con vection in bot h upper a nd
isostatic respon se of t he lit hosphere . F~r e ~ · lo we r man tle h ut proba bly not d irectly linked
ample . the up ward move me nt of Sca~d m'l vla in a la rge mantle-wide cell. .
in response 10 t he re mova l of th e Pleistoce ne Th e ground ru les fo r rhe pla te tectonic
ia::sheCican he acc ur atel y measured by o bse r- theory ha ving bee n laid down in 1968 , the ke y
vations on raised be aches. whic h s how a role of convect ion in t his new t heo ry was
maximum elevatio n o f c.3OO m in 1I l()() yea rs. analyse d in a cla ssic pape r by Mcken zie (1969)
This is e xtremely rapid in geo togicat terms an d e ntitled 'Speculations o n the co nseque nces a nd
indicates a mea n viscosi ty of a bout 10 po ise . ca uses of pla te moti o ns' . McK enzie po inted
This mean value rep resents a ran ge in visco- OUI t hat lar ge-scale co nvect ion throu ghou t
sity thai m ust de crease downwa rds wit h in- at least the uppe r ma ntle , as o rigina lly e nvis -
crease in tem perature . aged by Holmes. provided the on ly adequa te
Flow in the upp e r ma ntic has , until recently, mec hani sm for pla te movem en ts. VI SCO US
been assumed to he gove rned by du cti le cree p forces we re required 10 couple the pla tes 10 the
in either dry or wet o livine. Flo w la ws ba sed moving ma ntle be low. a nd vertical mo ve me nts
on dislocation c ree p have bee n p rov ided by of both hot a nd cold materia l mu st also be
Kohtsted r and G oet ze ( 1974 ) and G oe tze involved to co mple te the co nvec tive ci rcula -
(1m) for dr y o livine . a nd by Post ( 1977) fo r lio n. Plat e mo vem ents a re thu s se e n as pa rt o f
wet dunit e , based on labora tory da ta . These a la rge-scale convec tive process t ha t is in a
now laws a re o f the for m se nse bo th a co nseq ue nce and a ca use of the
mo ti on.
~ = A e xp BITols - 1
Th is co ncept was a t va ria nce with a sugges-
where t is str ain ra te . T te m pe rature a nd 0
tion by Elsasse r (1967) that the motio n o f the

pl ates was governed by the pull o f the cold that the position s of majo r convec tive upf t ows
sinking slabs in subduction zones. Althoug h and downttows in the ma ntle should be re-
the ' slab-pull' force is an importa nt cle me nt in fl ected in distortions of t he geoid. The geoid
lithosphere dynam ics, it can eas ily be shown (Figure 2.9) is the sea -leve l equi potential sur-
tha t it is only one of severa l forces o f co mpa r- face of the gravity field of the Ea rth. and this
ab le magn itu de acting o n the lit hosp he re , an d surface defines the depar tures from rad ial
thai much of the ocea nic lithosphe re is und e r symme try of the d ist ribut ion o f mass wit hin the
co m press io n ra the r than ten sion as req uired by Earth. 11 is measur ed by ext reme ly accurate
t he Elsasse r model (see 2.5, 2.6). T he implica- satellite obse rvat io ns. The geo id su rface re-
t ion of Mcke nzie's ar gum e nt is tha t such fo rces veals departu res fro m a simp le sphero id of
a re seco nda ry, t hat no single fo rce provides t he flattening which are of seve ra l orders of magni-
d riving mecha nism fo r plate tectonics. a nd that tude . T he largest type of anomaly has a half-
all suc h fo rces a rise from the co nvect ive flow wavele ngth of about 4000 km, and is compar-
sys te m itsel f. ab le in dime nsions with the major plates. It
The early models of Holmes (1929) and produ ces elevations and dep ressio ns o f the
Ru ncorn ( 1962) ( Figure 2.8) implied a link be- o rder of 50- toO m o n the geo id surface .
twee n ocean ridges (or mo re ge ne rally. con- Rath e r sma ller-scale disto rtio ns with hal f-
st ructive plate boun da ries) and rising currents wavele ngths in the ran ge HX)()- 1500k m co r-
o n the one hand . and between subductio n respo nd to t he majo r ocea nic ' swe lls' like those
zo nes (o r destructive boundaries) and falling o f Hawaii an d Bermuda . These a re acco m-
cu rre nts on the other. It beca me apparent, panied by positive geoi d anomalies of 6- 8 m.
however, th at such a link could o nly be tra nsi- A third scale of ano maly can be detected with a
tor y, since distances between ridges and tre n- ha lf-wave le ngth o f IUO- 250 km.
ches are continuously changing o n a geo logical T he long-wavele ngth co mpone nts of the
time-sca le. an d tha t all plate bo unda ries mi- Ea rth' s gravity fie ld are conside red to result
grate with respect to a fixed man tle referen ce mainly from density co ntras ts associate d with
fram e . mant le convec tion. T hus a mass excess is asso-
It was co nsidered by Runcorn and othe rs ciated with a co ld dense downward current
(giving a geo id swell), a nd a mass deficiency
with a war m , less den se upward curre nt, giving
a geo id depression. However , t hese effe cts are
largely o ffset by the dynam ically main tained
defo rma tion of the surface to pography. (e.g.
ridges an d tre nches) that produ ces effects o n
the geo id that are o pposite in sign but co m-
parable in magnitude . In o ther wor ds. the exis-
te nce o f ge ne ral isostatic co mpensation in
these majo r to pogr aph ic structures redu ces the
net geo id an omaly to around zero , parti cularly
in the case of the ridges.
Th e lon g-wavelen gth anomalies probabl y
rela te to swells an d de press ions of perhaps

Fjgur e 2.9 The shape of Ihe geoid. Dilfe re nt views (a - n

of the geoid shape ( 5C(: tex t). Co ntours a l 20 m intervals
show de pa rtu res of the Smi thso nia n Sta ndar d Earth II
f igure 2.8 Th e Runcorn ( 1%2 ) mode l of ma ntic- co nvec- geoid from a sphe roid of f1a u.:ninS 1f29g.25. Positiv e ere-
tion . Fro m R unCOfIJ ( 1962). vanon is shaded. Fro m Gough ( t977).

several k m magni tude on the core -man tle beca use it rises morc o r less adiaba tically,
interface. tha t wo uld be associa ted wit h rising co nvec ts little hea t except within the litho-
and falling convec tive co lumns. Anomalies sphe re, an d so produces litt le d istor tio n of the
with a deep so urce shou ld pr imarily re flect the isot herms within the sub-lit hosphe ric mant le.
den sity imbala nce ; thus uptlows in the lowe r In subduction zo nes ho we ver. the op posi te is
mantle p rod uce nega tive and down llows posi- the case . No change in tem perature structure
tive anom alies. T he opposite appe ars 10 he withi n the lithos phere occ urs until it cc m-
true of the shallow d isturba nces rooted in the men ces its descen t into the ma ntle . This
ast henosphere . whe re the ano malies reflect the motion d istorts the isothe rms by seve ral hun-
de for med shape of the lithosphe re ; fo r ex- d red km throughout the upper mant le (see
ample t he Hawaii swell is associated with a Figur e 2.68 ). T hus the sub-lithos phe ric ma ntle
positive anomaly . loses materia l be neat h ridges but loses heat
Figure 2. 10 co mpares the Large-wavele ngth bene at h island arcs. Th e o pposite is true for
a nomalies with the present plate bo undary the lithosp he re , as ex plained in 2.1.
networ k. A ltho ugh ther e is a poo r cor relatio n Mckenzie co ncluded tha t t he cold des ccn-
in genera l. and a total lack of correlat ion din g slabs prod uce large hor izon tal a nd ve rtical
be twe en ridges and negative ano ma lies, the temper ature gradients a nd sho uld therefo re
major subd uctio n zo nes a re situated in regions gove rn the position of the descending limb of
o f posit ive ano ma ly. McKenzie ( 1969) pre- any co nvection ce ll. If the subd uction zone
su med that ridges must e xist over bo th falling moves, t he sinking curre nt sho uld move with
and rising curre nts. This was ex plai ned beca use it.
the creatio n o f lithosp he re at a ridge requires Coo l oceanic lithospher e is able to sink
a la rge vo lume o f ho t mant le ma terial that, beca use it is den ser tha n ast bc nosphc ric rnan-

Figurt 2.10 Co mours at 10 m intervals of the height of the non-hydros tanc geoid com pared with the plate bou nd ary r
nelwork. Tr enches, hatched lines; ridges . dou ble lines; faults , single lines. Major trenches all occur in positive areas. Afte r
McKen zie ( 1969). I
tic, desp ite the nega tive buoy ancy o f the G ou gh (1977) has co mpared the shape of the
oceanic crus t , which is pro ba bly overcome by long-wavel e ngth an oma ly ( Figure 2.9) to the
the transfo rmation o f gabbro to ecl ogite as It two spi ral strips covering a tenn is ball. T he
sinks. Con tinental lithosp he re , on the other high . or positive ano maly, has on e lobe cover-
hand, has a muc h lowe r mea n de nsity tha n ing the wes te rn Paci fi c with its t re nch system,
oceanic lithosp here , since abo ut 20-30% o f an d including most of Aust ralia , an d is joi ned
it is composed of crus tal ma te rial, compared across the Ar ctic a nd no rthern A tlan tic regio n
with only abo ut 5% in t he case o f ocea nic to a second lob e cove ring the so uthe rn A tlan tic
lithosphe re . Con t inenta l lithosphe re will a nd so uthe rn Ind ian ocea ns, ex ten d ing west -
therefore res ist subd ucti on , a nd con tinen ts, wa rds ove r the A ndes. T he low, o r negat ive
once formed , will be very di fficult 10 destroy. a no ma ly, has o ne lobe cent red sou t h of India
Dewey an d Bird ( 1970) showed how con- an d cove ring m uch o f Asia and the Ind ia n
tinent -island a rc a nd co ntinen t -con tinent col- O cean , which is jo ined ac ross the A nta rct ic to
lisions arc t he inevita ble conseq ue nce o f con - a second lobe cove ring t he eastern Pacific,
tinued subd uct ion, and how subd uct io n must North Ame rica , the Bra zilian shield and the
cease when co llision takes place . T he reafter , weste rn A tlantic. T hus the low st rips surro und
for continued convergence to occur, the site of the high lobes an d vice ve rsa . Gough a rgues
subduction must move away fro m the collisio n that this pa tte rn ma y ind icat e a glo bal single-
zone in o rde r t hat further su hd uctio n of cell convective system whe re the up curren ts
oceanic materia l ma y take place . T he pa tte rn pro ba bly unde rlie the low geoi d strip (a ltho ugh
of mantle convect ion must therefore depe nd to the o pposite co uld be the case) .
a large exten t o n the position of the co ntinents Who le-ma ntle co nvec t io n ce lls were env is-
and must move wit h the conti nen ts , since t he aged by earl ier worke rs (c.g. Hol mes, 1929;
latter contro l the position o f the subd uction R uncom . 19(2) a nd a re still advoca ted by
zones. Howe ve r. convect ive cha nges ma y lag so me (e .g. Ke nyo n a nd T urcotte, 1983). How-
behind the cont inen t move me nts becau se o f eve r, ma ny investiga to rs now bel ie ve t hat the
the time take n fo r the old co ld slab below the c ha nge in che mical a nd physical prope rt ies a t
collision zo ne to wa rm up . 650 km dept h, which prod uces t he seism ic
The lust maj or reo rga nizat io n o f t he convec- d iscontinuity se pa rat ing upper fro m lowe r
tive patte rn was prob ab ly assoc iate d with the ma ntle , re prese nts a ba rr ier to comp lete cir-
continen tal ama lgam at ion that for med Pa n- cu lat ion . a nd tha t separate convect ive pa tte rns
gaea. The supe rconti ne nt appea rs to have bee n ma y he inde pe nde nt o r on ly pa rtially coupled
almost surro unde d by subd uctio n zo nes. T he (see e .g. Le Picho n an d Huchon . 1984) . It is
Pacific Ocea n o f t hat t ime for med a bo ut half poss ib le tha t the rising currents a re cont rolled
the surface a rea of the Earth (Fi gu re 3.5), a nd by the te m pe rat ure dis tributio n at the base o f
probably poss esse d ,I simp le sy mme trical ridge the man tle . but arc unco upled fro m the lit ho-
system that ma y reflect t he co nte mpo ra ry sp he re at the surface , whe reas the fa lling
rising convec tive limbs. Since that time . the cu rre nts arc mo re strongly in fluen ced by lit ho-
Pacific ridge sys te m has moved no rt hwa rds a nd sp he re move me nts. Figure 2. 11 sho ws dia-
been overridd en by con tinen tal plate . pa rticu- gram matically ho w a poss ible ma ntle con vcc-
larly on its eastern side . Geo me tric co nse- tivc sys te m might link with plate mo veme nts.
quences of pla te movem e nts ha ve thus te nded T he positio n o f ho t columns in the ma nt le is
10 move ridges a way from t heir longe r-lived go verned lar gel y by the sites of upwell ing
ma ntle roots. Howe ve r. the link be tween liq uid ou ter core mate rial.
fa lling cur re nts an d subd uctio n zo nes may ha ve An im po rta nt sou rce of informa tion on the
beenlonger-lasti ng . an d ma y pa rt ly ex plai n the E ar th's convective syste m is provide d by t he
relationship be twee n geoid a noma lies an d so-called ' ho t spots' or man tle plumes (Wilson,
trenches see n on Figure 2. 10. 1965; Mo rga n , 1972 ). T hese a re long-lived

C~ T - eM , Q T

' :~"""'N"'~
A ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
• • . • .
'I'. ~
.' ' ':·' ·· >:'::;:S' ':.• ~ .~ .~ . ~ . ~ ~
. . . -LOWER Ill ANTLE ' . . . . . . . . • . • • . . . • •
. . . .. . . . ) ' :../ . .
i1" • ~y

~'; gu ~ 2.11 Car t'''lll rCl'rcsc ntiog I'0ssihk
mantle c onvccuvc II" ", patte rn s. A simple whole.
Illalil ic pnnc m (A 1 dege ne ra tes into pilrl ly.
linkc:<l up per and k,wcr Inilnl le system s .. ne r
so me pla te mo vement, in which the platc bo un-
<.l aries have migrat ed llway Irom their o riginal
" liml le roo ts ( R) . e M , ' <ln lin e nl ma rg in ; T.
l OOOKm tr e nch ; R. ridge ; C'i . co llisio n sulure; H. hOI
spot .

so urces of vo lca nic activity which arc 's tu- An even smalle r-scale convec tio n is sugges-
tion ar y' . o r at le ast mo ve much more slowly ted by the panem of short-wavelength (200-
with respect ( 0 a fixed man tic referen ce fram e , 500 km) undulatio ns of t he geoid obse rved in ~
than the plates. Co nseq ue ntly t hey lea ve a the cent ral Pacific ocea n (F igu re 2. 12; Haxby
linea r 'w ick' in t he form of a chain o f vol- and Weissel, 1983). T hese featu res are elon-
canoes on the surface of t he moving oce anic gated paral lel with the ' a bso lute ' motion of th e
pla tes. A goo d ex ample is the Hawaii- Empero r plates, like the hot -spo t chains , hut arc vo l-
chain in the Pacific O cean (Figure 3. 10). canically quiet. Thi s pat tern is int er preted as
Iceland is an o the r exam ple , actua lly situated the resu lt o f small-scale instabilities in coo ling
on a ridge , so that there is a symme trical o f the plate as it moves away from the ridge , C
arran geme nt of linear ch ains running to wards and is thought to be assoc iated wit h now
t he present position fro m each side . Morgan patte rns with in the asth enosp here .
used the ho t-spot frame o f refere nce to det er-
mine the ' a bso lute' mot io ns of the plat es
Modelling convection
( Figure 3. 12).
T he oceanic hot spots are associated both Th ere have been many attempts is simulate
with topographic swells (wit h amplit udes of mantle co nvection by mean s of mod els of bo th
ahout 1 km) and also wit h positive geoid expe rime ntal a nd mat hematical type . Both
ano ma lies ( with amplitude s of around 10m) - kinds of mod el a re highly artificial and give
see Par son s et al. ( 1983) . T he to pograp hic only a rough guide to the way co nvect io n might
swells are ca used by wa rme r and less den se ope rate . A stimulating acco unt of the ph ysics
lithosph ere similar to that o f th e oce an ridges . of the be haviour of the Ea rt h is prov ided by
Both swells and anomal ies are e lo ngated in the E lder (1976) in his book , The Bo wels of the
direct ion of plate mo vement. It is be lieved that Earth. T his acco unt se rves as a useful illustr a-
the size and spacing of t he ho t spots indicates tion of bot h t he possi bilities an d limitation s of
the presence of a convective ci rcu latio n pattern mod ell ing the Earth 's internal be haviour . B
which is much sma ller in scale (l.e . with ,I Elder shows that thermal co nductio n j S i~U1
wavel ength of 2000- 3000 km) t ha n the majo r totally inadeq ua te to e xplain the heat flow and y ~'I
circulation respo nsible for the pia te move- tempe rature distributio n in the uppe rmos t cp ll
men ts, and co mparable in size to the thickness parts of the Eart h. and that convec tive flow is 'll~ :;
o f the up pe r mantle. esse ntial to transpo rt the heaT and energy r rh.

t"lItUIl' 2.12 (A) Gr avity 'IO nm~l y penc rn n"cr pan uf the Pacific ptate , obse rved as Ct'nl\lUf~ un the sea surface , measured
b)''''' tclliIC. ( B) Huthyr ucmc co nto urs lhe sa me regio n as (A ). plnll ell a~ rcxidnaldcpth (Ihe d iffe re nce hc [weco the
.k:p!hallrihulahk to elk,ling oce a nic plal e "noJ Ihe oh"c rwu .kl'lh). Bot h nl'1Jharc "mout hed In cl imin,lh: fluctuations with
u.dc nglhs ,,'",ncr than 5/.. 1km. Low s on h..111 mal'" ar,' dUlled. Slightly dung'l l.: pusi .;vc gC\li,j unom ahc s t:orrcl alc with
l"f"'!:lal'hic highs. The mups a rc oncn tcd s uch Ihill lhc mot ion "f [he plalCis [('win lls the lcft , in the d hecuon o f elongation
...r lilt- elliptical anom"lin . A lle r MI.-Ke nzie ( t9R.' ).


required fo r surface processes. Fur therm or e , bu t sim ila r to th e kind of mod e l infe rre d by
t he re ma r ka ble similarity o ve r ge o logica l time McK e nzie a nd ot he rs from the re latio ns hip be- c
o f suites o f basic igneous rocks indica tes a well- twee n pl at e bounda ries and geoid anomalies.
mixed (well-sti rred') source, which again indi- El de r's model pred icts a the rm al sub -laye r ~
ca tes convection. (co rre spo nd ing to th e lith osph e re ) wh ich is a t
Elder uses the pr inciples o f fl uid dynamics to co o led an d high ly visco us buffe r be twee n t he s
tre a t the Ea rth as an e xa mple of th e rm a l we ll-m ixed inte rior a nd th e co nstan t-te mpera- t.
turbule nce in a medium with va riable visco sity. tu re surface . T he thi ckness of this la ye r is a
T he fundame ntal d riving mecha nism for co n- function of th e Ra yle igh n um be r. Vigo ro us ti
vectio n is a ho rizo ntal te mp e ra ture g rad ient in te rio r flo w te nds to th in the su b-laye r. which b
which prov ide s cha nges in den sit y. T hese in mu st pe riod ically ove rturn for convect ion to be n
tu rn generate buo yancy for ces which init ia te ma int aine d . The beh aviou r of the sub -laye r is h
and maintain motio n. In an unstable syste m sim ulate d using a po t of ho t o il. broader th a n b
above a critica l Rayleigh number, any small its depth , insulat ed o n its base and sides. P
pe rtur bation in th e te m pe ra ture field will be- a nd cooled fro m abo ve . T he co oled sub-laye r r
come amplified and generate mo tion . T he g row s to a maximum thick ness de ter mined by P
Ra yleig h nu mbe r ( Ra ) is a me asure o f the t he va lue o f Ra , then ove rturn s. Befo re it docs
e ffective ness o f th e bu o yan cy fo rces ac ting so . it fo rms a se ries of ed d ies o f th e sa me
aga inst th e co mb ined re sist a nce to mo tion o f d ime nsion s as the dept h of t he sub-laye r •
visco sity a nd th e d iffusio n o f te mp e rature (Fi gure 2.13A). These e ddi es prod uce lar ge
varia tio ns by t he r ma l co nd uc tivity. d istortions o f the ini tiall y ve rtica lly stra t ified
For a bod y o f give n sha pe an d bo unda ry te mpe ra ture fiel d . Each edd y en tra ins coo l
te mp e rature dist ribut ion . fhe Rayleigh n um ber fluid fro m t he sur face a nd br ings hot mat er ial
is g ive n by : close r to the sur fac e . Eve n tually, blo bs o f cool
fluid fa ll out o f the sub-laye r into the inte rio r
a nd in itia te d isruptio n o f the su b-laye r. T his r:
whe re y is the coefficient of cu bica l e xpa nsio n. process , which is e ffective ly ran dom , simulates
S is the loc al ac celera tio n d ue to g ra vity . b. T t he behavio ur of th e lith osphe re as it is '4

t he t em perat ur e d iffe ren ce . h the wid th of t he a tt acked by rid ges and plume s , a nd eve ntua lly
bo d y (rad ius of t he Eart h). k the th e rma l d if- by su bd uctio n.
fusivit y an d v the kine mat ic viscosity. E lder A further usefu l an a log ue o f Ea rt h be-
assum es t he follow ing va lues fo r these pa ra- hav io ur is prov ided by e xpe rime nts simula ting
rneters- y « IOK . g = IO m s - 2• b. T:::: 25IK}K . th e e ffec ts o f a contine ntal slab on th e co nvec-
h = =
6370 km . k =: 1O- 6 m 2 s - l . a nd v 6.46 x tive syste m (Figur e 2. 138 ). Elde r finds that an
1016 m l s -l c m2s -l . giving a Ra yleigh nu mbe r asym me trica l edd y is ge ne rate d by a co nu nc n- (
o f lOy. Co nside ra ble unce rta in ly a ttac he s to ta l edge ; this pro vides a la te ral force t hat co uld
t he va lue o f v, whic h ma y lie in th e r ange 10 1 ~ _ act to propel the co ntine nt (d . the subdu ction
1O " lm 2 s - 1 fo r th e mant le . Ho we ve r, the re - suction forc e, 2.5 ) . There is a stro ng upwell ing
leva nt va lue s of t he kinema tic visco sity lie in imme d ia te ly beh ind t he le ad ing ed ge that
th e upper pa rt s o f the ma ntle a nd a re k now n sim ula tes volca nic a rc produc tion. A ny th er-
mo re acc ura te ly. Va lues fo r y, b. T a nd k are mal pe rtu rbat ion be lo w th e co ntine nta l sheet -
pro bably accurate within a factor o f 2. Ho w- would te nd to pro pel th e shee t late ra lly, unless
eve r. it is clear that th e Ra yle igh number mu st it we re ce nt ra lly situate d.
be la rge . Fo r bod ies with Ra ... lO5, vigoro us
non -ste ad y co nvectio n is indi ca ted , domi nated Summary W

by chao tic e dd ying mo tio n wit h e dd ies o f a T he st ud y of the geo id a no ma ly pa ttern sug- -
wide ran ge o f size. T his mo del is q uite d iffe rent ge sts that the ma ntle co nta ins a t le ast th ree
fro m t he re gu la r ce ll model o f Ru ncorn (1959) sca les of co nvect ive circulatio n. The first , or
large-scale circula tio n is co mparable wi th the The co ncl usio ns th at can be d raw n fro m
dimensio n" o f the plates a nd r eturns materi al Eld er 's mo del be a r an in teresting re se mblance
from trenches to ridge s . T ilt' se cond . of in te r- 10 tho se o f McK e nzie , a nd ca n be s umm a rize d
mediate sca le, is co mparabl e to the depth o f as follo ws .
Inc uppe r mant le in sca le , an d co nt ro ls th e ho t
spots. T he third has a smal l SC;11C co mpar a blc [i] Descen ding coo l currents (s ubd uction
to the widt h o f the a sth enosphe re , zo nes ) ex e rt a majo r co ntro l on the co n-
In terms of plntc kin e matics . ma n t le con vec- ve ctive syste m
tion docs nOI appear to p rov ide a direct link ( ii) Con tinent s ge ne ra te thei r o wn sys te m of
between ustbc no sp hc rc no w a nd pla te mov e - sm a ll-sca le ed dies wh ic h ge ne ra te la te ra l
rncm . Any lar ge plat e would be e xpe c ted to force s a nd vo lcani c ac tivity
have differe nt d irec tio ns o f asth e nosph e re Ilo w ( iii) Co nt ine n ta l plates d o no t ride passive ly
beneath it. T his o bse rvat io n is of c ritica l rm- o n th e ba ck o f a ho rizo nta l ma nt le flow
portance in e valu at ing t he mech an ism s of (iv) T he re is no d irec t link be twee n as t he no-
plate move ment and the force s actin g o n th e- sp he re Ho w a nd plate mo ve men t (pla te s
plates. as we sha ll now sec (2 .5 ) . a re no t d rive n by 'm a ntic d rag ' )

A t"il:u rc 2. D (A) Laboratory simulunon

(using hUI nil cootc u fro m ;,ho ve) o f n>nvcc-
lio n in the uppe r man tle neil( " s l" liomuy
cu nlinl'lll ,,1 nI,u gin. T he «kerch shu w, the
dirc cuo n of fluid mol ion Fro", Elde r ( 1<)76).
U11 S~cl r h of co nvective ll,)W paucr n for an
i' ol ..1cd migr" ling (co nl ' Ol'nt"l) s hn' l with
nnuchcd. tr," lo ng o CCdnic c ru' l, hilsed Oil ;,
nu me ric..l simulation . Fw ru Elde r ( 1976),

() 0 00


(v) Plate move ment is not d irect ly co ntro lled dissipated . The two mai n exam ples are stresses 1
by upwelling curre nts (i.c . plates arc not ar ising from plat e boun da ry forces and fro m r
prima rily dr iven by ' ridge push') . isosta t ica lly co mpe nsated sur face load s. No n-
renewable stresses arc those tha t lire dissipated
by re lease o f the str ain en e rgy initia lly present.
2.5 Sources or stress in the lithosphere
Bending st resses, membrane st resses and ther-
BC( ilUSe o f its co mpar ative st re ngt h, the lit ho- mal stresses are exa mp les o f this type . T he s
sphe re can suppo rt s ubsta ntial de viat o nc value o f stress lit a ny po int in the lithosphe re
st resses . Estimates of maximum stress differ- results fro m t he supe rimpos it ion of se veral s
e nces produced by surface top ogra phy yield diffe re nt stresses and is affected by local varia-
values of 2{K)-300 M Pa ( = 2- 3 kiloba rs; I tions in mechanica l prope rt ies.
MPa = 10 bars) in the uppe r cr ust (Birch,
1964: Jeffreys, 1( 70). However , such large
It is con venien t to treat the lit hosphere as a
single un it o f varying du ctility in which the
stress d iffe rences can no t be maintained in the a pplied fo rces a re averaged o ver the whole
lowe r part of t he li thosphere or in the asrbcno- lithosp her e tbick ncss. Th is simplificatio n may
sphe re because o f visco us cr ee p . Kuszni r a nd o nly be a pp lied to intraplate lit hosph ere . A t
Pa rk ( 19R4) es timate t ha t ave rage stress levels plate bo unda ries. o r where majo r int e rnal
within the present co nt ine ntal plates probably deform ation is takin g place . it will no longer be I.
lie within t he range - 25 to +25 MP a dis tr ib u- a pplicab le.
ted ove r t he w ho le t hickness o f t he lit hosphere. I.
Intr a pla te exte nsio nal tectonic e ffects in the
Plate boundary forces
form o f gra be n , rifts and sed ime ntary basins
are widespread in the maj or conunental plates, As inert ial forces arc negligible , the dr iving 1.1
b ut co mpressional intra plat e effects a ppear in and res ist ive forces acting o n a moving plate
co ntras t to be rela tivel y uncommon . Th e de- must be in yna mic equilibrium rc st ress: 11
fo rma tio n o f oce anic plat es seems to be neithe r distriliution within plates dcpcnas critically
per vasive nor exte nsive , being ge nerally co n- u ~n whether the plates are dri ve n by force s M
fined to brittle deform at ion in the upper crust o n thei r edges or by the underlying mant le
associated with insignifican t str ains, o r 10 litho- drug. The various types of dri ving and resist ive
sphe re flexure associ ated with sedime nt o r forces that may act on a plat e have bee n SUIll -
se amo unt loadin g (see Bod ine et ai. , 19K1). marized by Fo rsyt h and U yed a (11)75) and Botr
T he mag nitude o f the stresses invo lved and Kusznir (1984). T hese are as follows
within lithosph ere plat es must clea rly be large (T ahle 2.3). (i) T he slah-pull '[orce ( Figure Sf
enou gh to promot e frequ ent t ho ugh localized 2. 14A ) acts o n a su bducting plate an d results Sl
exte nsio nal failure in co ntine ntal lithosphere , fro m the negative buo yan cy o f the coo ler, d.
but too sma ll for co mpress io nal failure e xcep t den ser lithosphere of the sinking sla b. T his Sl
unde r exceptio nally favourab le circu msta nces. force is po tentially Ih e largest o f the plat e (J
T he so urces o f stress in the lit hosph ere have bou ndar y forces, hut is partl y cou nteracted by fr;
been investigated by Forsyth and Uyeda ( 1975), resistan ces prod uced by s ink ing, dow nbending C{

Turcotte and O xbur gh ( 1976). Richardson et and co llisio n. Bo tt and Kusznir est imate a T
at. (1976) and Bott and Kusznir ( Il.JK4) (see mag nit ude of 0- 50 MPa for th is force . (ii ) T he 01
T able 2.3). Stress systems affect ing t he lit ho- .l"ulJel ucrion merion fo ret', origina lly recognized n.
sphe re ca n be co nve niently d ivided into re- by Elsasse r ( 197 1) and named the ' trench m
newable and non-renewa ble type s (Ba tt. suction fo rce' , is cause d by the effect of sub- fa
19R2). Renewable stresses are those that pe rsist du ction on t he ove rlying plate . and is estimated B.
as a res ult of the co ntinued presen ce or to be around 20 MPa in magnitude . Both the as
rea pp lication o f the ca usa tive forces, even slab-p ull and subd uct ion-suction forces will sn
alth ou gh the stra in ene rgy is progressive ly prod uce tensiona l stresses in ad jace nt litho- A
T~hle 2..' Summary of the principal mec h,lI1 i, m, of , lress ge ne ra lio n in the lithosphe re . wilh their mo re importa nt
propert ies amIes tima ted magnitudes. From Bo n and K.., znir ( 191\4 ).

Stre sses
Re newah ll' '" Ap p, o xlmale le vel suhJeel 10 St res ses
non -ren ewa ble ( '''Illprcssinn of , Ire" amplification signilic" ol
Mcchanem s tre sses or te nsion d iffe renc e effcct-, in tect onics

Suhdul1itln sla h pull T en sion

(plale houndary for ce )
Re ne wable
n. so MP" (? )' Y,', Yes

Suhd ud inn lrene h

T cnsi(l[l
~e !ln n Ren ewa hle ll- JIlM Pa ( ?) ' y" Yes
(no rmally)
[pluto hnundary for ce )
Ridg.: push
Renewable Compression 20 ~.'\O M P a Yes Yes
(plate b oundar y for ce)
M;tnl!c con vccno n or
Re newable Bo lh 1- :;U MP,1 Yo. Pro bably nOI
astheno spher e dr ag
Luhosphercloudin g l~ MI'a • • (-<,,'lilly
{lIne,' mpcns"lcd)
Renewable (mai nly No per hap s
te nsio n]
Lilhosphere load ing 5H MPa • •
Re ne wa ble (m ainly Yo. Locally yes
(compensa ted)
te nsion ]
Lilho,phe...: hcndin g
Non-re ne wa ble Bnr h U p 10 :;IMIMP" No No 0)
(dlle In IlI"ds)
N on-ren ew able
Lhb ospbcrc be ndin g
(due io subduct ion)
h UIco ntin ually BOlh Up to IIM MIM Pa No No (?)
ge ne rated
Thermal effects •
(C\loling and su b- Non-renew able BOlh U p to 5lMIMP" No No ('!)
(joclin~ lilhosph e re )

Membrane effects Non -re newable BOlh Up 10 IOOM P" No No (? )

'Ill~hl y _anahle in . pace and r,me ocu ""c " r _arml,,,n in rC';M a ncc~ , ~ lI hd uchon _d ocily, lcnglh of ~I " h, elC
· · ~nr 2km cle_alion.

sphere, provided (hat the resistance fo rces are stresses p rod uced by a major convect ive cel l of
suffic iently lo w. Th ese resistances arc highl y the same dim ensions as the plate wou ld pro-
dependent o n the length and velo city of t he d uce a maximum st ress of ab o ut 40 MPa in the
subducting slab. (iii) Th e ridge-push Lore lit hosp here . However , the evi de nce d iscussed
(Figure 2.148) acts at ocea n ridges, he lping 10 in 2.4 suggests that it is much mo re likely that
fo rce the plates apa rt and causing lateral sma lle r co nvective cells underlie t he large
compression within the adja ce nt ocea n prates. lit hosph ere plates, a nd tha t these will exe rt
This is a buoya ncy force arising fro m the mass shear forces in va rying directions, whose ef-
of hotter , less dense mate rial makin g up the fects will probably large ly cancel out. It would
ridge, and is calculated to be 20- 30M Pa in appear that pla tes are dr ive n mo re by edge
magnitude. [iv ] Th e mantle drag f orce. is the for ces th an by man tle dr ag. (v) Resistance
force acting on the base of a movi ng plate . forces are prod uced at ocean ridges and at
Because of the re latively low viscosity of t he transform faults. Th ese 'lppear to be small
asthenosphere , th is force is co nsidered to be co mpared with the resistance at converge nt
small compared to the plate bou nda ry fo rces, plate boundaries.
According to Schubert et af. ( 197H) . the shear It is possible to calc ulate theo retical st ress

of resistan ce might offset the te nsiona l fo rce .

An exa mple is the Pacific plutc , with a ridge o n
.. .. . its sout heast side and tre nches O il its weste rn
an d nor thern sides ; anot her is the So uth
American plate with it ridge o n its ca st side an d
a subduction zone on its west. (c) A plate with
A. Tr enc h subduction zones on both sides might be
expected to be in te nsio n th ro ughout. A l-
though there is no present-day example of t his,
~ ~ the early Mesozoic Pan gae a is pre sumed to

· · .' . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .
·· . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .
·. .
. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .
.. ha ve fo rmed a large con tine ntal plate o f t his
kind , with subd uctio n zones aro und the ma r-
gins. Tensional stresses genera ted by these
subduction zones, in conjunction with co n-
tine ntul hot -spo t activity. may have caused the
brea k-up o f Pan gaea.
It fo llows that widespread ext ensional effec ts
B. Rid ge may be con fined to circumsta nces like those of
case (c). and would be rep laced as soo n as
splitt ing and rifting co mmenced by grada tio nal
stress syste ms of type (b). /,
Loca l modificatio ns of the stress system
wit hin plates may be caused by irreg ula rit ies of
· ·· . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . ... .. , .. . .. . . . . . ..
. plat e boun dary shape . by variatio ns in physical
prop e rties . by lines of weakness. a nd by
.. . . . . .
··· . . . . . . . geome trical inco mpatibilit ies of shap e as
plat es evolve , all of which Illay cause st ress
C. Plat eau uplit t co ncentr atio ns that tend to localize defo rma-
tion if it occurs.
Fi!:ur e 2.14 O rigin of th e main plat e d riving Ior ccs "Cling
on the lithosphe re , dcnvcd from dc n~;l ~ imbalnnccs and
gravilalio ll<.l l ioad ins_ 8 a nd C a rc ex amples o r to pographi c L VlIdillg .\f r('.HCS
loads iw sl" lically compe nsated hy II lower-density ",.
thcn ospbceic roo t. Th in a rrows , ho w gravitano nat and Local stress fields arc prod uced when t he litho-
isos tatic rorccs , an d thic k a rro ws show ller ivcd fo rces sphe re is loade d hy surface topog rap hy (e .g.
acting parallel to the P!;' l":s . Litho , phe re . hl.lnk; usthcn o-
sphe re a nd mC$Oliphcrc . dOlled ; F.... s ubducnon-s uc no n mo untain ran ges) or hy lateral density va ria-
force ; f'f" sl"h- pull Iorce ; F. r • rid ge-push Iorcc ; ,..,... . tio ns. Small to pographic load s. less than abou t
pl" h:;lu u plift for ce (sec T able 2.3) . 50 km wide . produce insignifican t stresses.
Loads greate r tha n 50 km tha t Me no l isosta ti-
d istributions fo r ce rta in simplified plate seen- cally co mpe nsated will pro duc e ben ding stresses
aries. Ba tt and Kusznir co nside r t hree ( Figure (see below) . However. significant stresses
2. 15). (a) A plate wit h ocean ridges on bo th are prod uced where a large topographic load
sides should be in co mpressio n throu gho ut. An is isostatica lly com pensated by lower-de nsity
ex ample is the prese nt Af rican plate with material at depth. for exa mple the thicke ned
ridges on three sides. (b ) A p late with an ocean continen tal crust below a mou ntain ran ge . o r
ridge o n one side and a subduct ion zo ne o n the an ocean ridge. which is co mpensa ted by less
othe r might be expec te d to sho w a grad ation dense asthe nosphe ric ma ntle. T he co mbined
fro m co mp ress ion near t he ridge to tension effec ts of t he su rface load a nd the upthrust of
nca r the subduction zo ne. altho ugh t he effect the low-density compensating material pro-
Oce an ridge L.itt109phefe in C<lrrCJl'essioo Oceanic au8l

;:;>"~:'7· ·'." :···:··'· ." ':'· ·." :'· ""':''''~<:::

Cootinemal aust Utt'Iosphere
,a l

Tension (?l -- - - - - - - - - - - - Corr1>ression

Figu rt 2. 15 E xam ples of simple str ess

systems in lithosphe ric plates ge ne rated
by pla te bou nda ry forces. (0 ) R idge -push
terce developed ;11 r idges on opposite
sidL"S of a con tine nta l plate, ca using the
whole plate to be in co mpression; a n
Tension (1) exam ple is the p rese nt A frican plusc . (b)
'liansion_ - - - - - - - - - ~ Ioo
. :::.,':, ' ,.: ... .,.': ::::Bb Rid ge-p ush fo rce on n ne stdc o f a pla te
and subd ucnon suctio n force o n lhe
other, causing a srress sysle m grad ing
from compression at the rillgc to te nsion ,
posvibly , a t the tre nch ; a n exa mple is the
tel pres ent Sou th A me rican plate. (el Rid ge -
push force on one side of a pla te a nd slab -
pull on the ethe r, ca using a gradation a l
strcss syste m as in (b) ; a possible example
is Ca rbo niferous basi n fo rma tiun in Bn-
la in. (,I) Subd ucricn s uction lin bot h side s
of a contine ntal pla te , produc ing te nsio n
t hr oughou t: an poss ible exa mple is Pan-
ilaea immedia tely p rior 10 its b rea k-up .
F"" ridge -pus h; F"" slab-pull; F.u • sub-
ducnon suc tion; R md • ma n tic drag. Fro m
eo« a nd Kusznir ( 191l4 ).

duce ho rizo ntal deviato nc tension in the regio n ren ewable , they will be subs tantia lly relieved
betwee n the lo ad an d the co mpe nsatory mass by creep and brill le failure over geo logically
(Figure 2. 14C) . Such a stress system will cause rathe r sho rt pe riods o f time . Such sources will
a piece o f con tinenta l crust in reg ions o f moun- never prod uce large stresse s o ver the whole
tain ranges o r plateau uplift to be in tensio n th ickness of the lithosp here , since they will be
relative to adj oi ning regio ns, with stress d iffer- partly relieved before they are able to reach
ences of the orde r of 50 MPa. C rust in the their theoret ical value. Exa mples of t his kind
adjoining regio ns wo uld suffer corres ponding of stress are bend ing st resses. membr ane
compre ssio n. T he same effect will occur at stresses and thermal stresses.
passive con ti ne ntal ma rgins. Be nd ing stresses arise from flexure of the
lithosphe re resul ting fro m unco mpen sated loads
and downbend ing at subd uctio n zon es. Hori-
Non-renewable stress sources
zontal compression occurs on the co ncave side
Several diffe re nt so urces of stress exist that of the ben d . and te nsion o n th e co nvex side .
theore tically can pro duce large stress d iffer- Because the lithosphere shows visco-e lastic
cnces in the crust, giving initial strains of 1% behaviou r over geo logical time periods, t he
or more . Howeve r, becau se they arc non - init i al~ sses calculated using an elastic model

(et . walcott. 1970) of around 500 MPa for a A mplificatiQI/ 0/ stress

load of about 500 km width , would ra pidly
decay t~ about half that value in the up per part The stresses gener ated by the majo r plate
o f the lithosp here and totall y disappear in the bou nda ry and klitd ing forces have bee n calcu-
lower part , if the visco-elastic behavio ur of the lated as applying to tbe whole thickness o f the
lithosphe re is. ta ken into account (Kusznir and hthosphere . However , because the lithos phere
Karn er. 1985). Th is problem is considered 411 beha ves as a visco-elastic body. stress will
~rea le r length in 2.7. Because the stress system decay in rbe lower. warmer, a nd less viscous
IS non -renewa ble , it is nOI compa rable with pa rt, a nd become concentrated in the upper
Ihe plare bou nda ry fo rces in its lon g-ter m pa rt wher e clastic/brittle behaviour is more
effects. important. In the case o f renewable stresses.
M~m.h ran~ stresses are caused by changes in
since the fo rce is constantly app lied , and
the radius of curvature of a plate as it migra tes retains the same value , the e ffective stress can
from the pole to the eq uator o r vice versa be do ubled if the effective thickness o f the
(Turcotte , 1974a ). However , in a very similar lithosphere is halved . Kusznir and Bolt ( 1977)
way to bending stresses , mem bra ne stresses and Kusznlr and Par k ( 19R4) have deve loped a
will neve r reach their theo retical maximum model which investigates mathematically how
(calculated at aro und IOOMPa oy Turcou e ) a visco-elastic lithosphere with downwa rd
beca use of continuo us visco us rela xation in Ihe var iati on in viscosity responds to a co nstant
long time pe riod take n for the plate 10 move 10 applied fo rce. They show that. depending o n
its new positio n. the tem peratu re structure of the lithosp her e
A third common so urce o f no n-renewable and on the size of the applied fo rce . there is an
stress is ca used by te mperature cha nges with in a mplification of the stress in the upper pa rt
the lithospher e that give rise 10 thermal stresses. of the lithosphere of abou t x 2 for coo l con-
These are most impo rtant in the ocea nic litho- tinen tal shield regio ns after I Ma. a nd abo ut
sphere as it cools afte r fo rmat ton 411 a ridge, xg for very warm lithosphere . like tha t o f the
and again as it beats up after subduction. Basin-a nd-Range province o f the USA. after
Tensile stresses para llel to the ridge axis o f up only 1000 years . With larger initial stresses o r a
to 400 MPa are calculated by Tu rcott e (1974b) longer time of application, the lithospher e fails
and both comp ressive and rensite stresses o f complete ly. when the strength of the stron-
the o rder o f 600 MPa in su bducting lithosph er e gest part is overcome. and large strains can
are suggested by Ho use a nd Jacob ( 1982). Like de velop .
the o ther non -renewable stresses , however , it Th is principle o f stress amplification is criti-
appears unlikely that they play an important cally impo rta nt in explaining how the relat ively
role in tectonic defo rmation. although they small forces available from renewable plate
may have a signifi cant local weake ning e ffect bo undary so urces (giving stresses in the ra nge
on the lithosph ere . 1O- 30MPa when applied over the who le
Other sou rces of stress include changes in thickness of the co ntinental lithosphere) a rc
volume associated with phase transitio ns in nevertheless able to ove rcome the known
the mantle , eros ion (surface unloading) , which strength o f rocks in the middle and upper crust,
is locally impo rta nt in joint form al ion , tida l which is in the range 100-400 MPa .
de fo rmatio n, which yie lds negligible stresses.
a ~ lateral v~ r ~at io ns in stre ngth ca used by
majo r compos itional bo unda ries (e .g. mar gins Summary
o f magma chambers o r of sed imentary basins). The sources of stress in the lithospher e that
None o f these is a possible sou rce o f maj or a re likely to be o f tectonic significance arc re-
tectonic deformatio n. ne wable buoyancy fo rces arising from de nsity

contrasts acting at plate boundaries. T hese 0 2, 0)) in the up pe rmost cru st (in -situ srress )
buoyancy forces pro vide th e principal dynamic is carried out by several different me thods.
ope rati ng me ch an ism of the p late sys tem. T hey Some em ploy a strain Kauge , wh ich recor ds
arc o pposed by various resistance for ces du e small elastic st rains prod uced within rock
10 subduction and co llisio n, and alo ng tra ns- across a cavit y. Measurem ent s are made eithe r
form fau lts. Ma nt le dr ag forces may assist or at the surface o r at de pth , in mines or bore-
oppose them . Buoyan cy for ces also arise fro m ho les. O vercoring with a large-d iamete r dr ill
isostatically co mpensated loads on the litho- bit is employed to relieve the stress aro und the
sphe re . Co ntine nts, platea u uplif ts ami moun- st rain gaug e. Flatjaek measurem ents arc also
tain ran ges all ge ner ate their own interna l widel y used . The flatjack is a t hin hyd raulic-
tensional st resses and produce co rre spo ndi ng pre ssure cell in which the pressure is in-
compressional stres ses in the ad join ing litho- creased un til it cance ls the s train disp lace -
sphe re. ments created by cutt ing a hole or slot in the
These fo rces co mbine to p roduce ave rage roc k. Both overcoring an d flatja ck techni qu es
stresses in the lit hosp here that are pro bab ly in employ the principle of stress relief. A n alter-
the range - 25 to +25 MPa . Howeve r, because native type of method is the hydrofracture
of the visco-ela stic prope rties of the lit ho- techniqu e in which hydraul ic fracturing is
sphere, these ra the r small st resses become induced arti ficially in the rock, in a bore hole
amplified ove r pe riods of 10"_1011 years to sec tion .
levels tha t are capable of loca lly ov erco ming
the strength of the lithosphere and causing
Str ess magnitude
geologically sign ificant strains . T he ex te nt to
which this happens dep ends on th e loca l Ncar-surface measurements o f in-situ stress
strength of the lithos phe re . which is in turn give widel y va rying ma gnitudes (T ab le 2.4).
controlled by the geothermal gradi ent. Thi s Th e use of the hydr ofracturc techniq ue ap -
subject is explored in mor e de tail in 2.7 . pears 10 have given mo re co nsiste nt resu lts
Many ot he r sources o f stress ex ist that arc tha n the st ress-re lief met hods. Available hy-
not considered to be of tecto nic significance . dr ofra cture dat a suggest st resses of seve ral
Examples o f these are no n-re newa ble forces. hund red bars (tens of MPa ) to dep ths of
which give theoretically large va lue s, such as several km (Haimson , 11J77; McGarr and Ga y,
thermal, be nding and memb ran e stresses. How- 1978). McGarr (1980) sho ws, o n the basis o f
ever, the st resses produ ced by these effects determinatio ns from North A merica , southe rn
will be, in geologica l te rms, rapid ly dissipated Africa and Au str alia , that, o n average . ma xi-
by viscous cre ep and , being no n-re ne wable , mu m she ar stress increa ses linearly with de pt h
will not produce important lon g-term fo rces. at a rate of 38 M Pa/km in so ft rock s and
6.6M Pa/km in ha rd rock s.
Brace and Kohlstedt (1980) poin t o ut that
2.6 The determinati on of stress in the
the limits of upper lithosphere stress can be
de te rmine d on the assum ptio ns (i) that rock s
There are num ber of ways of o btain ing esti- are fract ured . and that friction on the fractures
mates o f the present state of stres s in the co ntrols the stress at shallow depths, an d (ii)
lithosphere . So me melhod s provide measu re- t hat upper crustal st ren gth is based o n the
men ts of both the magn itude and the or ie nta - strength of quart z. AI a given depth , depe nding
tion of the principal str esses; othe rs measure o n the temperat ure grad ient , stren gth beco mes
orientation o r magnitude on ly. dependent on the cree p properties of mine rals ,
Direct measure me nt of the magnitude and particularly quartz, o livine and feldspa r (see
orienta tion of the princip al stress axes (0 1) 2. 7). Fo r dr y rock s. the maximum strength in

Tablt 2.4 Som e str ain-relie f in-situ stress measure me nts in No rt h A me rica. A lIef Sb;tr :",d Syh-,; ( 1973), Data source s:
J, Hoo ker ami Jo hnso n ( 19M ) ; 2, Hoo ke r and Joh nso n (1967) ; J . Se llar s (1%9 ); 4, Obcn ( 1%2); !i. Moru 7.i ( 196R) ;
fl, Eisbacher and Bid enstci n ( 197 J) ; 7. Agarwal [ unpubt.}.

Q, 0., Depth ,
Location ( ba rs) (ba rs) if > SO m ",la, T rend of <1 , Reference Rock type

N. 14" E. 1
Barre. Vermont
Proctor , v ermom "'
~1 "
2.6 N. 4° W .
N. ZO W.
Gr an ite
Tewksbury. Massachuse tts
W. Chelmsford. M as....acn uscu s
145 "" I. '
1., N . ~W E . 1
Pa ragn eiss
Nyack. New Y or k
51.Peters, Pennsylvania ,.
12 5
N. 2° E.
N.1 4°E.
N. flOE . 1
Rapidan. Virginia
Mr. Airy. No rth Ca ro lina "'
'" "
N . l\7" E.
N. H"E.
1. 7
G ranite
U thoni a, G eo rgia
Litho nia. Georgia
Douglasville , G eorg ia
11 1
I. '
N. 4'J" E.
N . M~ W .
1, 7
I, 7
G neiss
G ne iss
23 N . 07" E . 1
Ca rthage . Missou ri
G ran ite ville , MisM'lur i
73 "
53 I.,
N. 2"E.
N. Xol " w.
Limeston e
G ra nite
G ra nite
Teoy. Ok laho ma
M..rhle F..Us. T e ra s
Niagar" Falls. New Yo rk
l SI
- 0.7'
l.5 N . :W W.
N. SS" C J
1 Granite
Dolom ite
Harbcnon, O h io 440 230 RSll 1., N . 90" W.
•5 Limesto ne
Sudb ury , Ont a rio 510 - 440' ENE .
Elliol l.<ike . O nta rio 210 180 300- 400 ' 2 E. 0 Sand sto ne
370 200 ,~ 0 Sa nds ton e

Mo rgamow n. Pen nsylva nia

510 '".0 700
' 0
N E.
N. 27' E .
Sa ndstone

the crust is given by a '"linear friction law, A nother app roac h in estimat ing stress mag-
Byerlee's law (Bye rlee . 1968) which gives: nitudes in the upper lithosphe re is th rough
labo rator y measurements of common rock
T = 0.85 On, fo r 3 < On < 200 MPa ,
stre ngths (see Ta ble 2.5). The se can give us
and T = 60 ± JO + 0.6 0" fo r on > 200 MPa
minimum estimates of the strength of frac-
where T and On a re the shearing and norma l tu red uppe r crust. Many regions exhibit upper-
stresses respective ly at which friction is o ver- crustal te nsile fractur ing but no evide nce of
come on a fracture. Brace and Kohlsted t find , co mpressio nal failure. in which case the ava il-
using mainly hydrofracture stress measure-
ments, that Byerlee's law appears to pred ict Ta hle 2.5 U niaxial com pressive str ength. Cu. fo r a
horizontal stresses satisfacto rily down to about n u~ bc r of roc ks. Mult iply by 100 to co nvc nrc MPa ,
4 km. In dry rocks the maximum stre ngth is
Rock COl (k b ars) Re fe re nce:
considered 10 be 850 MPa in com pression and
300MPa in extensio n. The influence of pore - G ra nite , w e » ... rly 2.29
Brace ( l964b)
fluid pressure is impo rtant, and the values of Ou anz ue , Chesbirc 4 .(J()
Walsh ( l %5c )
Dia base , Fr ederick 4.K7
stress obtained assum ing that the po re- fluid
pressure is hydrosta tic, are redu ced to 600 MPa Mar b le , Te nnessee 1.52
Coo k ( 1965 )
G ra n ite , Ch arcoa l 1.73
for compression and 200 MPa fo r exten-
sion. These results app ly dow n to a level of Sha le , w itwate rsran d 1.72 Coo k ri a l.
Gran ite Aplite (Chert) 5.87 ( IlX..(,)
about 25 km. below which a tempe rature-
O ua n ane , Witwat e rsrand 2.00
dependent flow law will become increasingly Do lerite. Ka rroo 3.3 1 Wiebolst'l a l.
important. Th e calculatio n of stre ngth distn- Ma rble , Wom hc ya n o.n ( 19M)
butio n with depth . and the influence o f the Sa nds to ne , Go sro rd 0.37
Lime stone , So len hofen 2.24
thermal grad ient on it, are dea lt with in 2.7.
able stress levels are bracke ted by the values dislocat ion density in samples o f mantle
of com pressive and tens ile stre ngth of the peridotit e brought to the surface as xeno liths
approp riate materia ls. in lavas, kimherlites , etc. Recrystallizatio n at
These ligures may be contrasted with the high temperatures and stresses takes place by
strength estimates ca lculated from vario us grain-bounda ry migratio n, and by sub-gr ain
topograp hic loads (mountains, sea mounts, rot ation at low temperatures, or lo w stresses .
erc.) supported by bo th co ntine ntal and o r bot h (Sellars, 1978; G uillopc and Po irier,
ocea nic crust, which yield stre ngth estimates 1979). Since both processes are highly stress-
of aro und 100MPa (Hea rd, 1976 ; McN utt , dependen t, analysis o f o livine gra in size may
19RO) . It is clea r that the values o f stress be used to estimate stress magnitude . Plots of
magnitude ob tained in these various ways give grain size against depth o f or igin show a pro-
us no indicatio n of the rea l long-term stre ngth minent grain-size discontinuity at a critical
of the lithosp here as a who le , as explained in depth that can be interp reted as the leve l
2.4. o f change-over from the sub-grain rota tion
mechanism to grain-bo undary migration. T he
system can be calibra ted in terms o f stress
Stress m agnitude in the manlie
using the piezo meter (stress meier ) deve loped
Estimates of stress magnitude at various by Ross et al, ( 19HO). co nsisting o f a n experi-
depths in the lithospheri c mantle and below mentally derived grain-size/stress relatio nship.
have been made by studying sub-grain size and Th e results of th is method are applied to

ec I ,

'" r.
- ;f
+,=-q::. =:JF4=
~ - ,.. f-
1 -lIt
I -- -- sc :,/,
ec I '-
§ --

ax --
{So.I!hom Mrial l
rc ~E."""'z."..
(9otin <rd 1blqI, USA.!

'" ec

, 0 , 0 e eo 0 eo so eo so eo

F'ilu~ 2.16 Stressestimates for infra-crato nic mantle (southe rn Africa) (A ). and for a continental exte nsion zone (Basin-
and-Range Province. USA) (8 ). based on the olivine grain-size piezo meter. Estimates fo r shallow samples (above the
da~1\ed lirte) arc based on the SGR piezometer (Mercie r, t9RU) and those for the deep samples on the piezome ter of Ross t'l
al. 1I9llO). Fro m Mercie r ( 191l0).

vanous tectonic provinces by Me rcier ( 1980) rea listic mod el of lithosphere stre ngth must
in the fo rm of stress- depth curves ( Figur e ta ke account o f stress , de pth , tem per ature
2. 16). T hese may be co mpared with the theo re- grudie nt and t ime . a nd a model of this type
tica l stress- de pth curves give n by Kusznlr and de velo pe d by Kusznir a nd Park is discussed in
Pa rk (see 2.7) . T he re ar e significan t diffe r- 2.7 .
ences between the stress - de pth profiles for the
relatively coo l co ntine ntal shield lit hosphere .
S tress orientati on
o f southern Africa ( Figure 2.16A) and t he
wa rme r Basin -and -Ra nge lithosphere (Figure Mea sur em ent s o f stress o rientation are mo re
2. 168 ) - compare Figure 2.26. di rectly relevant to tectonic anal ysis than are
T he st ress estimates for the infra-crat oni c magnitud e estimat es since they can be mor e
mantle below so ut hern A frica vary from easily rela ted bo th to visible st ructures and to
15 MPa a t BO km de pth to 5 MPa a t 140 km . the kinematic pattern . The most widely used
the n decre ase ver y slowly with de pth to 4 MPa method for o btaining stress orientation data is
at 240 kru, indi ca ting a lithospher e base a t by analysing earthquake focal mechanisms.
aro und 140km . T he lo w stress in the asthen o- A n individua l fau lt-plane so lutio n gives a
sphe re is a useful co nfirmation o f the minor choice o f two possible vecto rs. o ne of which
ro le of the ma ntle d rag force in plate dynam ics. lies in the fault plane . an d t he ot he r pe rpen di-
T he stress estimates for the mantle below t he cula r to it. Whe re the o rientation of the fault
Basin-and-R ange province re veal a much thin- pla ne is known . the refor e , a unique determin e-
ner lithosphe re with a base around 56 krn, a tion of the slip vecto r is possible. Some areas
co mp arab le va lue o f asthen osphere stress, but s ho w rema rkable consiste ncy o f slip vectors
a much highe r va lue of stress in the litho- ove r a large area, and the orientation of slip
s phe re - up to 70 MPa. vecto rs around the va rious plate bou ndarie s
• was one of th e impo rta nt criteria used by
McKenzie and Parke r ( 1967) an d by Isack s et
Sum mary: stress magni tude
at , ( 1968) to demonstr ate the rigid be haviour
Es timates for the uppe rmost crust vary widely of plates (see 3. 1).
but ar e o f litt le significance for bulk litho- The calculat ion of the orientation o f the
sphe re st rengt h. The st ronges t part o f the prin cipa l stress tensors requires more infor-
lithosp here fo r average geo the rmal grad ients mation than th e slip vectors . If the shea r plan e
lies at mid-crustal levels ( aro und 20 -25 km) respo nsible for t he earthquake was initiated by
and dep ends on the shea r strength of qu art z. the s tress syste m be ing invest igated . and not
Fo r roc ks with hyd rosta tic fluid pressures. the by so me previou s eve nt, the stress or ientation
maximum st rengt h would be around 600 MPa can be ca lculated ap proximately by assuming
in compress io n and 300 MPa in ex tensio n. a value for t he angle be twee n the stress
Intrapla te st ress levels mu st co mmo nly be o rie ntation and t he she ar plane . O ver la rge
bracketed by these values, but will rarely a reas . the meth od may give satisfacto ry and
excee d the high er. co nsiste nt resu lts. Fo r example. the co mpres-
Below the zo ne o f ma ximum stre ngth. t he sive stress distri but ion in the region o f the
strengt h depends on te mpera ture-d ependent Ja panese arc gives results which a re gene rally
flow laws for minerals such as quar tz, feldspa r co nsiste nt with a mode l where the horizon tal
and o livine, a nd stress leve ls decrease with co mpo ne nt of pr incipal stress acts parallel to
depth to le vels of 4- 5 MPa in the s ub-litho- the direction of relat ive plate motion (Figure
spheric mantle . 2. 17). Where fau lt planes with varying o rienta-
The long-term strength of the lit hosphere is tion exist. however . the method gives a re-
clearly much lower than these stress esti ma tes giona lly va rying st ress orientatio n. which seems
suggest , as indicated by estimates o f l OOMPa unl ikel y.
fro m the effects of to pograp hic load ing. A Ge phart and Fo rsyth (1985) have discussed
tio ns, who se 10 l1g axes were aligned region ally
in a NW -SE direc tion. Gough and Bell explain
t he break outs as zone s of spelling along shear
• t fract ures . develo ped beca use of the increa sed
, , ' ~rP ~ "'" st ress d ifference caused by the boreho le. T he
bre ako uts are arranged in pa irs at 1800 to each
other and de fine a n azimut h par allel to the
EU smaller horizontal principal stress. T hey ge n-
". . era lly le ngthen the diameter by 8- 10%. T he
au thor s discuss results Irom three se parate
area s; the Rangely o ilfield. Co lorado . t he east
Texas basin , an d the Norman Wells area in
3 ~ ' .. No rt hwest Te rrito ries. Ca nada . At the Ra nge-
ly oilfi eld . breakout stres s o rientat ions show

- L. good agree ment with direct measurem ents

made by induced hydra ulic fracturing . and
with eart hqua ke focal mechani sm solu tio ns.
Dula ( 198 1) co mpa res t he in-situ stress de ter-

: PH
minat ions in t he Ra ngely basin with stress
• /
, o rie ntations determined from fabric eleme nts
uu' ~ ' 3 ~ "e " O'~ ~ .( I~O ' E (e.g . q uartz de fo rmatio n lamellae and micro-
fracture o rientatio n] o f Lar amide age and
t·i ~u rt 2. t 7 Dircenons uf ma xim um honzon tnl Clll11preS-
,j,m;!1strcvs fu r intc rmcd ra te and <J eep e unh q ua kcs in the
co ncludes that the presen t W NW- ESE or ien -
Japanese are system. Toothed lines. tr en ch e s; T- T, tatio n o f 01 may have been co nstant since late
ImnsfllTm Iault ; fA , Pa cifi c plat e : PH , Philipp ine p l<l h: ; Laramide times.
zu. Eurasian p l;lIe . Art e r Uyed a (197/1).
A large numbe r of b reakout d ata in the ea st
Texas basin co llated by Brown et al, (1980)
this problem in relation to the focal mechan- show a consistent patt ern (Figure 2. 18) inter-
ism pattern of recen t ea rthquake s in New p reted by Go ugh and Bell as the result o f a
England . T hey show that. if the eart hquakes NE -SW maximum horizont al stress . A t No r-
arc assumed to result from movem ent s on a man We lls. breako ut data fro m two wells show
set of variably o riented pla nes of weakn ess. a good agreem ent with fracture o rienta tio n and
mean o rienta tio n fo r the principa l stress axes indicate a NE -SW maximum hor izontal co m-
can be found . T hey use a method deve loped pressive st ress also . Thi s directio n see ms to be
by Angelier (1979) for de termining principa l unifo rm over a large part o f the No rt h Ame ri-
stress directions fro m sticke nside o rie ntatio ns can crato n (see Figure 2.20).
on a set of fault s urfaces o f wide ly varying Stress mea su rements using this tech nique
orientatio n. Gep hart and Fo rsyth show tha t have also been mad e in the oceanic crust at
their data (Ire consiste nt with a single regio nal holes dr illed in the Deep-Sea Drilling Program .
stresso rientatio n with EN E-WSW to NE -SW New ma rk et al . ( 1984) describe two examples
maximum co mpressive stress. and ncar -verti- in the East Pacific. Th e fi rst is o n the Nazca
cal minimum st ress. which is co nsisten t with plate west of the Peru - C hile t rench (Figure
estimates from othe r so urces . 2. 19A ) and indicates a maximum ho rizontal
A met hod o f d etermining in-situ st ress o rie n- principa l stress orie nted NE - SW. T he min i-
lations from borehole wall fract ures (b o r('h o/~ mu m ho rizontal stress is nea rly parallel to the
breakolds) is descr ibed by Go ugh and Bell pre dic ted tensio nal stre ss ca used by the slab -
(1982). Brea kouts were fi rst ide ntified in oil pu ll force at the t rench. Th e second e xample is
wells in weste rn Ca nada by Cox ( 1970) as fro m the Pacific plate to the west o f the last
borehole inte rvals wit h e longate cross-sec- example an d IBOO km west of the Ea st Pacifi c

Fil:urr 2, 18 Mea n o ne nta tio ns of

borehole b rc,lk,oUIS, in sand-
stones of the Schuler Iormano n of
E. Texas, in rctaricn 10 the local
ex tensio nal faul t pa tte rn . The
break-o ur unentaticns indica te a
unifor m N E-SW ma ximum bo n-
zonta ! com press ive stress. After
Gough and Bell (1982).

ridge (Figure 2.198 ). Here the maximum hori- orogen ic belt): NW- SE to WNW- ESE
zontal compressive stress indicated by the compression.
breakout data has an azimuth of 1200 (NW - (iii) Gulf coast province: exte nsio n perpen-
SE) whic h agrees well wit h the focal-plan e dicular to co ntinental margin.
solutions of local tra nsform faults. T hese are (iv) Cordillera n o rogenic pro vince : this is a
or iented WNW-ESE with a strike-slip se nse, co mplex zo ne co ntaining several sub-
par allel to the relative plate move me nt vecto r. provinces, but the most co nsistent stress
Thi s resu lt is int erpreted as co nfirmation tha t patte rn is the E- W extensio n see n in the
t he stress syste m in an ocea nic p late near the active tectonic areas of the Basin-and-
ridge is do minated by the co mpressive ridge- Range . Rio G rande rift and no rthern
push force. Rocky Mou ntains.

The transition between the stress provinces

Regional pattern ofstress orientation
in the west is relatively sharp (less than about
The most co mplete regiona l data co verage is 75 km typically) but more gradual in the east ,
of North America . Zo back and Zoback ( 1980) part icularly between the mid-continen tal and
present a gene ralized stress map (Figure 2.20) Atlan tic coastal provinces. Within each of
based on over 200 measureme nts. Several these provinces, the stress o rientation is uni-
distinct stress prov inces can be distinguished form to within abou t ± 15°. T he co rres pon-
which can readily be correlat ed with the well- dence be tween the dat a derived from the re-
known tecto nic prov inces. T he most important latively shallow borehole measureme nts and
of these are as follows. those from earthquake focal mechan ism solu-
tions (from depths in the runge 5- J5 km)
(i) Mid-continent o r stable continental in- suggests that this unifo rm stress field is repre-
terior: NE - SW compression. sentative of the whole of the strong upper
(ii) Atlantic coastal province (Appalachian crust.
F; g ur~ 2.19 (A) Stress o rie nt ation determined
lrom borehole hn:;lk<Jul~ nca r silt: 504, be tween
th e Cocos ridge ;lO d lh~' Pcru -c Ctulc Hench. The
longer Mrow s rcptcscut the maximum , and
lhe shor le r Ihe min imum , prin <.:i pal horizontal
'tre~,. Fro m Ne wmark ,'I ul. (1<)1l4) . (8) Stress
"Tlenl alion delerminl'd Irorn breakou t drrcc-
lio llS at hole 5<)7c, we~1 " f the Erst Pacific ridg e .
Heavy aHOW., indicate ma ~i mum, a nd ligh t short
arrows min imu m . principal hunzouta! st ress
(tirecl iolls. Llghl I"ng arro"" imJk,ll e Ihe , Iire\'·
til,n o [ relative Pacific - Nazca plate moti on .
Afte r Newmark CI (,I. ( J'J1l4).

... .,. 00'

r1 6 0" Me xi c o



Mi o c en e



ce - "'0' .,. ' 0'

.,. 00' ".

' J.

' 0'
, 0' o
JJ' ,,' c
Jo· :s:
'00 l OO )?O ·,, ~ ( S
~."'O "( T I "S o
,,' -;
.,. C/l

'20 ' II!!- lOS- 100· se- '0' .,. ' 0' ".

Figure 2.20 Generalized stress map of the USA . The least principal stress is always horizontal, but may be either extens iona l (o utward pointin g) or
compressional (inward-point ing). Stress provinces. bound ed by heavy lines. <Ire <IS follows: PNW, Pacific NW; NRM. N. Rocky Mountain s; SA . San
Andreas fault zonc ; SN, Sierra Nevada; NBR , N. Basin-and-R ange: SBR , S. Basin-and-Rang e: CPo Co lorado Plateau ; RGR . Rio Grande Rift; SGP .
S. Gre at Plains. Fro m Zoback and Zob ack ( 1980).
T he stress-field changes at so me bou nda ries intraplate stress or ientation data o btained
merel y involve a swa pping o f stress axes. Fo r pr imarily from earthq uake foca l-me chani sm
example , in the change fro m mid-continenta l a nalysis ( Figure 2.21A ) . Th e most reliable
through Co rdille ran to San A nd rea s pro vinces, results co me fro m Eu ro pe and Nort h Am e rica ,
0 \ changes on ly slightly in o rientati on altho ugh as we have see n. In these areas the foca l-pla ne
it varies from compress io nal to exte nsio nal. solu tions ca n be checked by in-situ measure-
Th is co mple x st ress field can be bro ken ment s. T he So uth A me rican co ntine nt shows a
down into three simple clemen ts: (i) a weste rn similar o rientalion 10 North A me rica. No te
or Pacific supcrpro vince re lated to Pacific also the N -S to NNE-SSW compression in
plate-boundary processes; (ii) a ce nt ral sta ble India and t he E - W co mp ressio n in sout he rn
intraplate field co ntro lled by bo th Pacific and A frica . Most ocea nic lithosphe re o lde r than
Atlantic plate bou ndary forces; and (iii) t he abo ut 20 Ma also appear s to be in horizonta l
marginal fields of the A tlantic and Gu lf co ast co mpression.
provinces , which probabl y repr esent local T he au thors comp are this stress distri but ion
modifications of the intrapl ate field The ex- with a num ber of theo retica l models making
tensional G ulf Co ast field is attributed 10 the differen t assum ptio ns abou t the vario us dri v-
effect of the passive contine ntal ma rgin (see ing fo rces available (see 2.5 , Table 2.3). Th e
2.5). T he co mpressio nal Atlantic pro vince field most success ful fi t is obtai ned using a model
may possibly reflect an o riginal NW -S E ridge- (F igure 2.2 18) which employs equa l ridge-
push force during the earlier phas es of Atlantic push an d slab- pull driving forces , ignor es the
opening. subduction-suction force , and has a very low
It is con veni ent 10 co nside r int rapl ate value for the drag force res isting plate mo tion .
stress fie lds and pla te bo undar y stress fields Al thou gh the mea suremen ts o f intrapla te
, separately. st ress arc not nearly good enough for a co n-
• vincing analysis, the evide nce so far sugges ts
th at intrapla te stress can be explained to a fi rst
Intraplate stress
app roximation by the simp le inte ractio n o f
The mid-conti nent pro vince discussed ab o ve. th ese two ma in driving fo rces , slab-pull and
and its exte nsion into Canada, ma y be re- ridge-push .
garded as a typical co ntine ntal intra plat e re-
gion. Th is was shown o riginall y by Sba r and
Stress at rime boundaries
Sykes (1973) who demonst rated the co nsisten t
NE-SW to E- W max imum st ress ori entatio n Oli ver et 01. (1973) investigated the stress
pauem using data derived from over cor ing. o rientat ion in sinking slabs for fou rte en dif-
hydrofraeture and focal-rn echanisrn met hod s. ferent subduction zones, using earthquak e
'lhe stress magnitudes obtained from the in- focal mechan ism data . Th ey fo und thai in the
situ measurem ents show a wide ra nge , from 10 grea t major ity of cases there was a major
to 600 bars ( 1- 60 MPa) , but the reg ion ove rall co mpone nt of either down-dip co mpress ion or
is one of high horizo ntal co mpressive stress . down -dip exte nsion, pa rallel to the inclinat ion
A similar rema rkable regularity o f al o rien- of the slab (Figure 2.23). Moreo ver the exten -
tation is de mon stra ted by Froid cvaux et al . sio nal so lutio ns were co nfined to high-leve l
(1980) in a study of eight sites in F rance using ea rthquak es in slabs where eithe r t he re were
the fl atjack met hod . Th e NW - SE 01 orient a- no deep earthq uakes o r there was a gap
tion obtained by them compar es closely with between the upper and lower eart hquak e
the results for the Rhine - Ruhr rift system zo nes . Compressio nal so lutio ns were associa-
(see Figure 4 .168). ted eithe r with the lower part s o f the slab , o r
Richardson a af. ( 1976) and Solomo n et at. with the whole slab, where se ismicity was
(1980) present a compilation of wor ld-wide co ntinuous. T his distri but ion was exp lained by

FIgure 2.2 1 (A) Wo rld distr t-

hution uf pri ncipal horizont al
dcvimonc stresses inferred
fru m mi,j-plate ea rthq uake
mccbanisms. 'Fnang jes re pre-
sent th rust f;lU lt mechanisms,
square s normal fauIL . and cu -
cles strik e-s lip. Ar ro ws de note
the ho nzc nta l projection of the
inlcrred stress axes. From
Richa rds on 1'1 ul. ( 197fl), with
permissio n. (8 ) Principal hori-
zonral dcviatoric st resses in the
lithosph e re fo r a mode l o f
plate driving Iorces (sec text] :
Axe s without arrows indica te
co mpre ssi on and those with
a rrows . te nsio n. Rela tive mag-
nitude ind ica ted hy le ngth of
" axis. Fro m Solo mon ('I al .
B ( I'JXU ), with permission

Oli ver et al , on the basis of the relative direction . Th is regular patte rn is seen for
strengths o f the slab-pull fo rce , which exerts a example in both the Aleut ian arc and the
down-dip te nsion on the slab, and an opposing Japanese arc (Figure 2. 17) (Nakamura and
resistance force. The resistance produces a Uyeda . 1980). However the compressive stress
co mpressional stress which becomes lar ge r as fi eld is oft en confi ned to the volcanic arc itself,
the slab sinks dee per into the mesosphen c and is replaced by an extensiona l stress fi eld in
mantle with its increased strength (Figure the back -arc regio n. Nak amu ra a nd Uyeda
2.238 ). This work W:l S very infl ue ntial in suggest that whe re there is no active ope ning o r
persuad ing geologists that plate motion could spreading of the back-arc region (e .g. in the
not be simply explained either by slab-pull o r Peru- Chile. Japan and Kurile zones) the com-
by ridge-push, but was co ntrolled by the pressive stress associated with the subduction
interaction of several primary forces (see 2.5) . zone may be transmitt ed directly to the interior
The o rientat ion of the maximum horizontal of the ove rriding plate . Whe re back-arc exten -
stress across subduction zones generally shows sion is o ccurr ing, however , either the 01 stress
a consistent parallelism with the convergence weakens and swaps over to become 03 without
T HE. l.ln l OSI' H EIl.I::: SOME. IMI'OR rANT PR01'ERTIE S 39
, - u-- ,,-c"'"', --- - --- - , 00 "

:»-/?kt> ,"
'\ .....
'{ . "

• • .. "
.. 00 '

Jo'igur e 2.22 Extensional and strik c-slip focal mechan ism solutions tor ca rl hquakes in the A frican rifl syslc nl . Aftcr
Fairhead and G ird ler (1':17 1).

any cha nge in directio n, or the re may be II stra red by Sykes (1967) fro m mo re tha n 50
grad ual swing in d irect io n o f at , as see n in the focal -pl ane so lut ions for the world rift system.
Aleutian ar c. Fa irhead a nd Girdle r ( 1971) show bo th ex te n-
T he o rienta tion o f the maxim um ho rizon tal sio nal a nd strike-sl ip so lutions fo r t he A frica n
stress at co llisio na l boundaries is ge ne ra lly rift syste m (Fig ure 2.22). T he ex te nsio nal
perpe ndicu la r [Q th e bo undary o r in th e di rec- stresses a re a pproxima te ly par a lle l to the re la-
tion of rela tive plate mo tion . T he focal-plan e tive pla te mov ement vecto rs: NE - SW in t he
solutions to sha llow e a rthq uakes bo t h in the Re d Sea and NW - SE in the A fr ica n rifts. T he
nor the rn pa rt of th e India n pla te an din Ce ntr a l lo we r pa rt of the Re d Sea shows predomina nt-
Asia no rth of the India- Asia co llision sutu re ly st rike-s lip sol ut io ns.
show a co nsiste nt NN E - SSW o rie nta tion (Pi-
gure 2.2I A ). Conservative boundaries. Tra nsform faults
The stress o rien tation a t constructive boun- a re associated with e a rthquakes with a strike-
daries (i.e . ocea n ridges and maj or co nt ine nta l slip se nse of movemen t , o ppos ite to the direc-
rift zo nes) is we ll esta blished fro m e a rthq ua ke lion o f a ppa re nt displace me nt (Tuzo Wilso n .
foca l-mech anism stud ies . T hese s how pre do- 1963). Sykes ( 1967) sho ws a good e xampl e
minant ly no rma l fa ult mo vem ent wit h a sub- fro m the G ulf of Ca liforn ia (Figure 6. to). Th e
ho rizo ntal e xte nsio na l stress parallel to th e o rie nta tio n o f th e principa l stress axes ca nno t
direct io n of rela tive pla te mo tion . as dem on- be sim ply derived fro m t he slip vectors , how -

o c
s: u

"0 c
o ca m

- '"

• ,
OC •c •


• 0

. ~,. •
: ~
• •


300 0

e 0 0

:; 400 0 ~
a 0
C) 500 I-
;, 0
f?9 -

~D~ D
0 ~

600 I-

700 L
""'t, La
8: GJ

A B c 0

L -_ _....
. ~•
I ~~,
.~ .
,-~~== ~~
. LJ
I ~---"
_ _ _ ~~~ reng th _

Inc reasin g streng th

-- --High--strength
-- --- - --- - --- - - - - - - - - -
Figure 2.23 (A ) Down-dip stress ploued as a funct io n of dept h fo r fou rteen subduction w iles. Filled circles. do wn-dip
extension; open circles. compression. Cn lSSCs rep resent ocher oriemauons. Small symbols represent tess accurate
determinatio ns. Th e enclose d rectang ular area s rep resen t the a pprox imate detrib ution or eart hquakes in the sl " h~ . ( 8 )
D iagram sho wing poss ible explanation or the distribution of mess types in (A l. Sla bs which just pe netrate the asth eno -
sphere milf he characte rized o nly by down -dip exte nsion (I ); as the slahl; penetrate (utlh el into the higher-strength
mesosphere, they arc subjected (0 ccmn ression in their lower pHI (2) and eventually thro ughout (3) . Break -up o f the slab
is envisaged in (4). From Uyeda ( 1978) . alter lsaeks and Molnar ( I%'J).

ever. since a uniqu e solutio n ca nnot be pro - ge nerally oblique to active transform fracture
vided from a set of para llel fault s. Examina tion zone s in accorda nce with classical fault th eo ry.
of the stress orientation o n intraplate sea fl oo r A similar ar rangement can be dem onst rated in
(see e. g. Figure 2. 19A , B) suggests that (11 is contine ntal strike-slip zones which form plate
T H~ LlIH O S I> H ~ H : SO M ~ lMPORTA!"T PR O PEJl.TI~S 41

boun da r ies. Fo r instance . in the Sa n A nd reas piece o f lithos phe re to a n a ppl ied tect o nic
fa ult zo ne . the a rrange men t of fa ults and o f fo rce is depende nt o n the vertic al d ist ribution
indi vidual slip vecro rs is very complex in de tail, of both duct ile und britt le stre ng th. which in
hu t the overa ll stress field appear s to be mo re turn is co ntrolled by the va rying r heo logy wi th
uni fo rm. with a N E -SW 0, o rientati on. o bli- de pth shown by lithosphere mat e rial. Whereas
qu e to the t rend of the Sa n And reas fa ult. as brittle st reng th is co ntrolled prima rily by litho -
sho wn in Figu re 2.211 {Zo bac k and Zo beck, stati c pressure a nd increases with de pth, du c-
19R1J) . tile stre ngth is co ntrolle d by te mperat ure a nd
decrea ses with depth beca use of the geo-
Summary the rmal gradie nt.
In tectonically sta ble lit hosp he re subjected
The ra ther sparse datu available fo r intrapl at e
to an a pplied fo rce . an upper regio n of brittle
stress fields sho w co nside rable regula rity. defo rm at ion a nd a lowe r region o f du ctile
Stress o rien ta tions ca n he explained to a first
deformat ion will be se pa ra ted by a stro ng
appro xima tio n hy the co mhi ned effects of
co mpe tent clas tic region (Figure 2.24A) . If we
ne ighbouring plate boun dary forces. The im-
ca n assume that the various la yers of the
portant forces appea r to he a sym me trical
lithosphe re a re welded toge t he r. th e stre ngth
ridge-p ush fo rce a nd a symmet rical ' tre nch -
o f this elastic region cont rols the bulk strength
pull' for ce co m bi ning the effec ts o f sla b pull.
o f the who le lithosp he re a nd o nly very sm all
su bd uctio n suction. and the va rious o pposi ng st rains ca n occu r initially. If the a pplied fo rce
resista nces.
is increased . or me rely with the passage of tim e
Stress data fo r the plat e bo unda ries them-
unde r a co nstan t applied fo rce . the region of
se lves a re a bunda nt a nd sho w a consis te nt
bntt!e deformat io n will exte nd dow nwa rds.
pa ue m o f e xtension al stress p urullcl to d iver-
and the regio n of du ct ile deform ation will
gent motio n, com pressiona l stress pa ra llel to
e xle nd upwa rds. eve ntuall y redu cing the co m-
conve rge nt mot io n . and obliq ue stress fields
pe te ", elast ic core to zero . Whe n this ha ppe ns.
across tr a nsfo rm fau lts. Ext ensio na l stress
a rapid inc rease in stra in ac ross t he who le
fields a t dive rge nt bou nda rie s a re restrict ed 10
thickness o f the lit hosphe re ca n ta ke p lace ,
the region of th e rift zo ne . a nd a re ra pid ly
produ cin g geo logica lly significa nt le ve ls o f
replaced by co m pressive intra pla te stresses o n
de formation ( Figure 2.24 8) . T his process has
eithe r side . Co mpressive st ress fie lds il l co n-
been te rmed whole-lithosph ere [ailure ( Kusz-
vergen t hou nd a ries Me replaced by exte n-
nir , 19H2). T his process will be accel era ted if
sional stress fie lds in ma ny hack-arc regio ns o n
the geothe rm al gradie nt becom es steepe r. be-
the upper pla te . hut no rma lly co nt inue int o the
ca use of the temperature con tro l ove r du ctile
typical co m pressive intrapla te st ress field o n
stre ngth .
the ocean ic subduct ing plate .
T he vert ica l distribution of stress whic h re-
Stress d istribu tio ns in subduct ing sla bs co n-
sults from a n applied force is co ntro lled by the
fi rm the pictu re o btained by world-w ide st ress
va riation of both britt le a nd d uct ile st re ngth
modelling. o f a com hi ned sla b-pull/ ridge- push
with de pt h. This va riation in strength is the re-
driving mecha nism for plat e mo tio n , wit h
fore c ritically impo rta nt in defining the va lue o f
exte nsion al st resses confined to t he up pe r parts
the force which m ust be a pplied to t he litho-
of slabs o nly in the ea rly stages of subd uctio n.
sphe re in o rde r 10 produce significan t de fo rma -
The effect of the mantle d rag fo rce aprea rs to
t ion. E vidence fo r the va ria tion of stre ngth
be minimal.
with de pt h is pro vided by the stress-dep th
curves of Mer cie r (l 9RO) discu ssed earlie r (see
2.7 The tong-term st rengt h of th e lith osphere
Figure 2. l h).
The stre ngth of the lithosp he re co ntrols both Kuszni r a nd Par k (.1982. 1984a ,b ) use a
the initia tion a nd subseq ue nt evolutio n of ma them aticnt mod el to calculat e this stress
majo r zo nes of deform at ion . T he res po nse of a d ist ribut ion ass uming Ma xwell visco-elastic

p ro perties for the lithosphe re . Det ails of the upper-crusta l rocks. and the relativel y low
mode l are give n in Figure 2. 24. Importan t as- st rength of qu artz , it is assum ed tha t defor -
sumpt ions are tha i the total horizontal force mation in the upper crust is co ntrolled by the
ari sing fro m the initial applied force is co n- behaviou r of this mine ral (see White . 1976).
se rved , an d that the lithosp here unde rgoe s a Th e rheol ogy of the lowe r crust is un certain ,
uni form st rain with depth. but it appea rs likel y thai, in view of the
Because of the siliceo us nature of most proba ble importan ce of basic mate rial, defe r-



,, , ' -
, , - ,



- -- -

Fjgure 2. 24 (A ) Th e regio ns of brill le, d uctile and elastic be haviou r in the lithosph ere shown diag ra mmatjcatly. Given a
large eno ugh applied str ess, th e clastic core will reduce to zero with time as the brit tle an d duct ile deformation spreads
downwards and up ward s respect ively. WLF (Whole-lithos phe re failure ) occ urs when the elast ic region di'\.a ppears_
Increasing heat no w has the same effect as increasing stress . (8) Schematic re prese ntatio n of lithosphere respo nse to an
appli ed ho rizo nt al stress. ( I ) Initial ela stic respo nse causes uniform distr ibut ion of strain and stress with depth . (2) Ductile
cre ep in the lo we r lithosp here causes st ress deca y there , and results in st ress amplification in the uppe r lithosphere ,
sufficient to ca use fractur e in the up permost parts. (3) Further stress amplification results in stres s levels in the stro ng
upper part of th e lithosphere sufficient to ca use com plete failure an d conseq ue ntial la rge strains. From Kusznir and Park
MOlhpmOllcul m ode! fOT lilhwl'here di'jormOfion
Lithos phe re of initia l th ic kness L is su hJccl~(1 10 an initia l ap plie d ho nz on tal stress , II", in the A dire ction. Pla ne slra in
(U1 = 0) is assu med in the pe rpe nd icula r horiz ont ul drrccnon and the rcsullin!,: vc o i\,,,1 stress " , is assume d lu be l ew ,
Co nserva tion o f horiz on ta l forc e and the acsu mpuons. tha t lhe vanous laye rs of the lithosphe re <HC welded ro o ne anothe r
pro vide the addi lio na l equations:

f' "
iI, d z
O "nd - "' U
where o, is borizonta l s tress, r, is lotal hm izu nta l s lr;,in a nd z is d e pth .
T hese eq ua lions , toge the r with the constitutive c quauons Ior a viscoelast ic ma terial , allow the f" llo wlng mtc gral
e q ua tion to he Io rrn ulatc d , gi~' i ns (l~ as a fu nct io n o f ti,nc " nu dc plh :

0" = dl ' - ±J fI': I dz + <1','

wher e

11,(2 ~ v ) - 0 .( I - 2v)
k "- I ~ ,,! .lndl
where E is Yo u ng's mudulu s, v Poisson's ratio a nd II apparent viscos,ty.

A simila r equ atio n c os ts for 0, . Fracture h<ls hee n p red icted using G rillilh f;lilllre the or y a nd releas e can he inco rporated
in the mod el using the ini ti,,1st ress te rms, II", Th e de tailed Ionn ulation ur tli" , eq uatio ns and the stress- and te mp e ra tu re -
dependent rheolog y a rc desc ribe d h y Kusznir ( I':IX2l. T he fol lowing param et er valu es have be en used : £ '" III' MI' H, " '"
0.25; ten sile strength :; 20 MPa and)l (coe fficie n t n f friction ] = U.5.
T he followi ng rct anon ships a rc used In derive Ihe cree p slr" in rille , Th e e q u ; l l i\ln~ lor the cree p rale~ for o ilville urc ta ke n
from Bo d ine et ol , ( 191'1) a nd rep resc nl a en lllpl<lmi,e tc rwccn the dr y ol ivine creep rates o f G oe tze 11'f71\) alld tbc wei
dunitc creep rates or P" SI ( I Qn) .
Dislocauon cree p:

t '"
7 x III e xp ( -- :'-T
i ~o.
- ~-tl) ( II I - 0.,) , "
lo r (a , - 0.1) < 2 kba r
Durn Law :

t "
.. X
10'""'XI' ( - 55550
( I _ (a, 1\
- all) ' )
5 s ,

for (a, - 0 ) ) > 2 kha r

whe re (a, - all is in kb ar ( I kha r = 1110 MPa ).

The d ucti le d efor ma tion o f q uart z wilhin the cr ust is assum ed to correspo nd to tha t of dislocati on cree p. Creep rate s in
qcanz are co ntro lled stro ngly by the a mo un t o f wate r. Th e co nt ine n ta l up pe r c rust is assum ed to de form acco rd ing 10 a
WCI q uartz rheology with 50% quartz . T he lowe r crus t is assu med 10 defor m acco rding to a dr y q uartz rheolo gy wilh
HI'x' q uar tz , or a pla gioclase rheo logy wilh 411'Y" o r .~ O 'Y" plagio clilsc . C reep rilles for wei and d ry quar tz arc ha, cd o n the
expe nme nta l ","o rk o f Koc h et al. ( 19110).
Wei quartz:

t """ 4" e xp (-193

..'" - -T-32)(
- 0 , - 01 ) 2 '
S- I

Dry qua rtz:

c s, , x IW, exp ( -- 21\7XX)

-T- (a , - 01) "- S ,

where (0 , - a,l is in kba r.


marion is co ntro lled by the ductile beh av iour T he critical tempe ratu res req uired to ge n-
of plagioclase , which de forms mo re readily erate significant stra in rates for these differen t
than pyroxene or ol ivine . Flow curves plott ing rheo logies a rc reac hed at depths tha t a re
strain-rate against temperature for various depe ndent o n the geo thermal gradie nt. Dif-
appropriate minera ls and rocks are compa red ferent geothe rmal grad ien ts may be cburacrcr -
on Figure 2 .25. Th e role of water is critical; ized by the sur face heat flow , q. Figure 2.26A
wei quartz is mu ch weaker than dry, and shows calculated st ress-dl.'pth (o r strengt h-
whereas wet quartz may he assum ed 10 co nt rol depth] pro fi les at various times afte r the initial
uppe r-cru sta l rheology, we might expect a appl icat ion of a ten sile force of JOl 2 N/m (i.e .
mid-crusta l region of essentially gra nito id co m- eq uivalent to a fo rce of 1.5 x 1017 N ap plied
position to he cont rolled hy d ry quartz defor- ove r the who le thickness o f the litho sphe re) .
mation . Ku szn ir an d Par k investiga te two Thi s force is applied to co nt inental lithosphere
cru sta l st rength models . on e with a 50'Yu wet with a sur face heat now q = 6OmWm - 2 (cor -
qua rtz rheo logy overlying a 50% plagiocla se respo nding to the continental ave rage - see
rheology. and the o ther a three -laye r mod el T ab le 2 . 1). As tun c prog resses, duc tile cree p in
comprising a 50% we t q uar tz laye r ove rlying a the lowe r lithosphe re rl'sull'i in dissipation of
50% dry qua rt z laye r ov erl ying a 40'X, plagio - stress there an d its transfer upwards to the
clase layer. The rheology o f the up per ma nt le coo ler no n-d uctile up per lithosphere , where il
is assumed to he cont ro lled hy t he behaviou r o f becom es amphlicd 10 a level sufticien r to
dry olivin e . ge nerate brittle fail ure in the topmost levels of


200 4 00 800 1000 120 0

w 12
-c 14
-c 16
o 18


t"ij1,ur e 2.25 Vanaricn in log struin ra te with tc r npc ruru re for n ll11 nlhcr ,.1 minera ls an d rocks imponunt in ductil e
lithosph c rc def orma tio n. T he cu rves a rc de rived fro m expcnmc mat da tu Iromthc full< ming s...urcc s: quartz ( xoc f d al. ,
1')110 ): anorthosit e (Shelton and T ullis. 1911 1): d iopsid c and websterite (A .'': Lll hunem. 197Xj. FWIl> Ku szrur and Park
( 19X7)

A 0 . ',,",PaJ
., .,
a .IMP.}
eo , - -- --"
" UPO~' CtuS!
We t o....., ll

Lo",e, CtVSI


10 ' y'

'--_ _---.J reo


B •
," 0.""" ,,,
, '" o eo reo

'00 ' 00
f• • lO"Nlm

.·ii:ur~ 2.26 (A) Stress plotted agains t de pth et various limes afte r the application of a tens ile tecto nic fo rce of IU ' 2 Ntm
to conuucrnat li thosphere with a surface heal flow of 61) rn w m - :. Note the development of low-st ress (low-s trength)
regions above composuionat (and the re fo re rheological] boundunes. (8) Suess ploncd 'tgainSI depth for ,t range of
geothermal gra dients, co rres pon ding 10 sur face heal flows of 45 mOO mW m - !, ill I Ma after the apphcanon of the same
tensile force <IS in (Al Note that in t his, and in subsequentfigu res . applied force is given in newtons per unit leng th o f a
sccno n o ttuhosphcre plate (N m . , ) rat her than as a st ress ap plied to unit area oflit hosphe re. In hr hosphere l():)km lhick ,"
stress of 10MP" = I N m". Data from numeric.. 1 model ; from KUSl nir lind P~rk (191':7) .

the lithosph e re . T wo major stress -de pth dis- el as tic co re has been red uce d to zero (sec
con tin uit ies a re ap pa re nt a t th e changes in Figure 2.24A).
rheol ogy bet ween upper and lower crust. and T hese results may be co nvenient ly summa r-
betwee n c rust and man tic . Th ese ar e lr npor- ized by e mp loying the concept o f critica l st ress,
Ian ! wea k zon es whi ch wo uld assume critica l define d as that level o f stress req uired to
tecto nic importan ce if large strains were 10 produ ce whole- lith osphe re failure within 1 Ma ,
occ ur. a nd which wo uld the refor e be e xpected to
T he effect of differ e nt te mpera ture gra dients produce geo log ica lly sign ificant de format ion .
o n the st ress-de pth rel a tio nship is illustra te d in Figure 2.27 shows critical st ress plo tte d aga inst
Figur e 2.268, fo r the sa me init ial ten sile force he a t flow fo r exte nsional a nd com press ive
ap plied fo r a pe riod o f I Ma. Ve ry litt le uppc r- stress co mpa red with the theo ret ica l st ress
lithosphe re stress increase is evide nt in the levels ca lcula ted fo r va rio us stress so urces (see
coolest lithosph e re mod el (co rrespond ing to T a ble 2.3 ). Figure 2.27A shows the cr itical
a verage co ntine ntal shie ld wit h q == 45 m W st ress/ hea t flow curve for exte nsio n, to ge th e r
m- 2 ) . Howe ver . as the geo the rm al grad ient with t heo ret ical maximu m stress le vels pro-
steepens, th e regio n of duc tile de formatio n d uced by platea u up lift (50 M Pa ) a nd subd uc-
e xte nds progressivel y up wa rds , co nccn tru nn g tio n suct ion (30 M Pa), the two mos t im po rta nt
th e st ress in th e uppe r lithosp he re . For he at - so urces o f lith osph e re exte nsion a l stress (see
flow leve ls of SO a nd 90 mW m - 2 • co rres po n- 2.5). A th eo ret ica l ma ximum ne t e xte nsional
ding to the hottest regio ns of the co ntine nta l stress of ROMl' a cou ld he produced by co m-
litho sphe re (c .g. the Basin-a nd-Ra nge pro- bin ing th e two e ffects. Howe ver , as disc ussed
vince of the western US A) the stress is en tirely earlier. a mo re re a listic ma ximum net stress is
confined ttl th e crust , and the st rength d is- co nside red to be abo ut ± 25 M Pa . Suc h a
con tinu ity a t the m id-cr usta l rheo logy cha nge stress inte rsect s the critica l st ress curve a t a
is st ill ev ident. At c/"=
90 m Wm - 2 , whole- he a t flow va lue o f a bo ut 70 mw m -2. defining a
lith osphe re fail ure is a bo ut to la ke place as the re gio n of po te nt ial defo rma tio n.

R.oge push (rna .)

~ 20 P'Ob2bllt "'..._ M I ao P'_ ble ma•. net sl'lt$) . , . ....
sl ' U S
"":::! I I I
I " I I
""i I I I
g 5 I s

c as 50 75 10 0 t 25 '.5 0 0 25 50 75 10 0 125 150

figurt 2.27 Curves <If cnucat stress v. lithosphere heat lIo w Io r lensio nal ( A ) amI comp ressional ( B) ap plied SIres:;, com ·
pared "..ilh vario us possible stress sources and with prob ab le maximum net SUC!lS levels . The region nf potential defo r-
mat ion is stippled . Nume rical mod el; alte r Kusznir and Pa rk ( 1<J!l7).
H l l:: Ll ftlOSrH I::I~E: SO ME IMl'ORlAN T PROr'ERnl::S 47
These result s demo nstra te tha t . fo r re a - typi cal ocea n-b asi n bear Ho w val ues in th e
so nable esti mates o f th e likely a vai lab le e x- ra nge 40 - 50m W m - 2 (sim ilar to t he con -
te nsio nal fo rce , sign ifican t e xtensiona l defor- tinen ta l shield va lues ) . it ca n be seen fro m
ma rio n ma y be expec ted in lithosp he re wit h Fig u re 2.2711 tha t a n unre a listicall y high val ue
heat -flo w levels fo und for exam ple in typ ica l o f c rit ical stress wou ld be re q uired to p ro d uce
re gion s o f Pa lae o zo ic o rogenic c rus t (see Ta ble de fo rma tion. No likel y so u rce o f st ress e xists,
2.2). Th is confo rms with the Obse rved occ u r- t he refore. tha t will produce significant co m-
ren ce of intra plat e exte nsional zo nes in suc h p re ssio na l intraplate deformatio n - ind ee d
regio ns. the re is no e vidence of such de forma tion in the
ocea n ba sins at p resen t.
Comp ressiona l strength:
Beca use rocks a re mu ch st ronger und e r co m- Evolution uf.wrenglh du ring lithosphere
p re ssio n th a n und e r te nsio n , t he co mpressive extension and com pression : crustal thickness
st re ngth of the litho s phe re as a who le is co n-
side rably g re ater than its ex te ns io nal stre ng th . Be ca use of the significa nt di ffe ren ce s in rheol-
Figu re 2.27 B s ho ws tha t for a he a t flo w q of o gy between the q uu rtzo -feldspathic ma te rial
HO mW m - 2 . suffic ien t to p romote sign ificant o f the c r us t and the oli vine -rich ma te rial of the
ex tens ion wit h a st ress of a ro u nd 20 M Pa . a m a nt le . the b ulk strength o f the lit ho sph e re
stress of o ve r 40 M Pa would be req ui red to de pe nds ve ry muc h on the relative p ropo rtio ns
produce sig nifica n t co mp ressio na l d eform at io n o f these two di fferen t ma te ria ls . an d thus o n
- a va lue t ha t is o u tside the ra nge of norrnul crusta l thickness . Figu re 2.2XA sho ws st ress -
com pressive stress so u rces . The p roba ble ma xi- d e pth p ro files. calcula te d fro m th e Ku szni r -.
mum a va ila ble ne t stress of 25 M Pa re q uires a Pa rk lit hos phere defo rma tion model . fo r lith o -
heat flo w o f o ver 90 m\\' m- 2 10 pr o du ce sign i- sp he re wit h cr usta l th ick ne sse s o f 2tJ. 35 an d
fican t deforma tio n. Suc h a high he at flo w is 60 km . T hese sho w ve ry sig mficnr ud iffe ren ce s .
curre nt ly found on ly in th e honest re gio ns . T he thin-crust mod el is st ronge r o ve ra ll a nd
which a rc curre ntly un dergo ing e x te ns ion. sho ws no stre ng th d isco n tinu ities . Th e thick-
rather tha n co mp ressio n. T he mod e l there fo re c rus t mo del sho ws mo re th an twice t he st ress
pred icts t ha t major co mp ressio na l de fo rma tio n level . bu t the stress is co nce ntra te d in the
shou ld not normall y o ccu r with in plates a nd we up pe r crust. T hese res ults are fo r a n ave rage
might e xpec t it 10 be re str ict ed to conve rge n t geothe rmal gradien t a nd a force of to N/m
plat e boundaries where la rge co llision resis- a fte r 1 Ma . Fo r high e r he a t flows . t he thi n-
tance fo rces can occ ur. That intraplate co m- c rust mo d e l is 3- 4 ti me s st ro nge r tha n aver-
pressio nal d e forma tion is uncom mon is wid e ly age cr ust.
acknowledge d . The fe w cases where it see ms T he a bov e re la tio nship assum e s tha t the
10 occu r need to be exa mined clo se ly. Pe rhaps geot he rm al gradien t is co ns tan t d urin g t he
the litho spher e il> unusually we ak in suc h a pplicat ion of the force. If. how e ve r . t he
zones . c rusta l t hick ness cha nges as a resul t o f de-
format io n. fo r exa m ple by exte nsio na l t hin-
ning . th e pr oce ss itse lf changes the the r ma l
Oceanic lithosp he re
st ruc tu re of the lit ho sp he re . T his sit uat io n has
Althou gh ocea nic lithosph e re is muc h thinne r been inves tiga ted in a modified ver sio n of the
than contine nt a l. its co mposit ion re nd e rs it lith o sp he re mod e l de scribed a bo ve ( Kusz nir
significa ntly stro nger . since its rheo logy is an d Pa rk . 1987 ) which co nside rs the cv ol u-
contro lled almost e nt irely by th e d eforma t io n tion o f litho sphere st re ng th du ring exte ns ion.
of olivine. T he crit ica l stress c u rve fo r typica l ta king accou nt o f the c ha ngi ng tempe rature
ocean- bas in litho sph ere the ref ore cor res po nds st ructu re.
to that fo r an a ll-o livine litho sp he re . W ith T he p ro ce ss of lit ho sp her e ex tensio n re su lts
A O~ MPa O.MP OI o ......
0 ec 0 eo 0 ec eo
.............. .

, '" . .'".
...... --
..... .. ....
.. ..........
r . --- --- -

60 O usr.1 1'hIcknns
. . -. . -- - .. .
2O<m 3!:okm 6O>m
Q_60 m Wm "

.. F. tO
, 0 ~~
c; 10
., N / ...

· "

" - fi,.u" 2.18 (A) Sire» ploued against
<Jcplh for mtltJd~ wilh c l us lal Ihicknc$.."C'S
of 2(1, 3~ and flOkm ,,1 1 M. af ler .hc
o ap p lica liu o of a lc nf>ile force or 10 ' 1 Nlm
10 lilhu!Orhcr c w u h he al flow, q '" 60mW
o '00 rso m ! . Numeri c...l modc:l ~ fro m Kusznir and
1'(1 . 1 lI ow ( Q! ..... m'2 Par k (I~K7) . (H) Conluu ~ or lithosphe re
exte nsio nal strcnglh (the cri lkal fo rce
req uired to gene rate WLF in I Mal in "
cru~ l a l Ihickncwoul tIow plo t. Schema-
tic trajectories indicate last, slow and
inte rmediate lithosp he re ex te nsio n rat es.
The evofunon of cr u~ I ;Ll stre ngth ;n com-
B pression molY be visual ized by ex te nding
lhe inte rmed iate U lcnsion rate u pwar ds
'i<l lhal lhc crust is thicke ned (lioCe hat ched
20 line) . Numerical mode l. after Kuszni r
Thermal Ag. and Pa rk (1<,1117) . (Cj PIOI of hth c sphe re
10M • ••••••. . • strength (sho wn ai ap plied force) against
-" ,.
5 0 "1. __ lilhOlillhere e~tension Iactor, fl. rOl'" s tra in
ratt's or 10 I~ and 10 " , lind for warm er
. .... and (:tinier lithos phe re (thermal ages of
.... ..... 10 and SO Ma re~ i vel y ) . Note Ihal as
•• .... .... o::xtension proceeds, the )tre nglh depe nds
& ...... mili,dy o n the strllin rille ralhe r thi n o n
the initial the-rmal sU'uc ture •• nd th aI a
o ..,....,::. .._.._ t -IO'" high $train rate in cool lithosphc re wo uld
, , .
, , require an un reillist ically la rle Iorce .
Nun>encal mode l; from KUSlllir and Par k
c ( 1987).

IHl L11HOS I'I! EIlE : SOME IMI'OIl IA Nl" I'KOPfX ll lS 49
in two o pposi ng effec ts: [ i ] a steepening o f the state . T he fas te r str ai n rat e in the wa rmer
georherm b rough t a bo u t by bri nging the hotte r litho sph e re p rod uce s appro xima te ly co ns ta nt
asthen osp he re ne ar e r to the su rface . wh ich stre ngth. wh ereas the slowe r ra te cau ses ra pid
we a ken s t he lith osph ere ; and (ii) a thin ning o f strum harde ning after {3 :=: 1.5 . F ast stra in ra te s
the cr ust whic h, as we hav e se e n . will act 10 ca nno t be ini tia ted in the coole r lithos p he re
strengt he n t he lit ho sp he re . T h us the litho- mo d el (the rma l age o f 50 M,1 ) beca use of th e
sp here ma y s ho w ei the r a ne t weak e nin g o r a u nre ali sti call y h igh in itial strengt h re q uired .
ne t stren gt hening d uring extension dependi ng Th e mod el t here fore p red icts . firstl y, that
o n wh ich effect do mina te s . fast e xte ns ion ra tes (~ 1O-1 4 S -I ) a re on ly
If th e e xtensio n rakes p lace slow ly. the possibl e for hot . ther mally yo u ng litho sphe re
geot be rm ma y ha ve t ime to rc -cq uitib ratc . that thu t will p ro d uce lo ca lly in te nse e xten siona l
is, th e base o f the litho sph e re W I ll mo ve defo rmurion. with str ain softeni ng. le ad ing 10
do wn war d s to co m pensate fur the thin ning la rge {3 va lues a nd ult im atel y, if the fo rce
effect as the e xtra hea l is lo vt, Slow rates of pe rsists , to t he co mp le te rift ing of the co n-
ex te ns ion wilt th e re fo re re sult in a ne t strcng- t ine nt al cr us t and the fo rmatio n of a n ocean .
the ning (ts trai n ha rde n ing ' ) of the lithos phe re Seco ndly, s lower exten sion ra te s ( $ IO - l ~S -I )
because th e crus ta l th inn ing effect is dom i- wi ll p ro duce stra in h a rd en ing a nd ge ne ra te a
nan t. Ra pid ex tensio n o n the ot her ha nd will fin ite fJ va lue o f a ro u nd 1.5 . A s e ach section
lead to ne t we a ke n ing , si nce th e temperatu re of lith osphere ha rde ns . the lo cus o f inte nse
rise wi lt mo re th an ba la nce the effect o f crus ta l d efo rm ation would be e xpect ed to sp re ad
th inn ing. Fig ure 2.2H B SIl\l WS co nto urs o f litho - late rally to invo lve a m uch wider re gio n of e x-
sp he re stre ngth in a c rustal thickness / he a t te ns iona l de fo rma t ion (see Figu re 2.29).
no w plo t. T raje cto ries o f cha nging crustul This c ritica l f1 value of 1.5 is in re ma rka ble
thick ne ss at co nst a nt hea t flo w clea rly lend to agre e me nt with the es timated {3 va lues fro m a
an incre ase in stre ngt h. T rajec to rie s whic h wide ra nge of intr a-co ntin e ntal exte nsio nal
sho w a la rge change in he a t flo w (co rres po n- b asi ns (Table 2.6) wh ic h sho w a n average {3
ding to a fasl extensio n rute) p ro d uce a value o f 1.4 - 1.5 .
decre ase in strength. A n int e rme dia te rat e o f
exte nsio n wo u ld Cau se no or ve ry litt le ne t Evo lutio n ofslrenglh in compressive
change . deform atio n
Figur e 2.2RC sho ws the q ua nti ta tive re su lts
T he pro gr e ssive increa se in c rust a l th ick ne ss
of the lit ho sp he re st re ng th mo del mo d ified to
whi ch re su lts fro m co m pr essive d eformat io n
take acco u nt o f c hangi ng te m pe rat u re struc-
the o re tically p rod uce s th e re verse situ a tio n to
ture . T he resu lts a re sho wn in the form o f a
plot o f litho sp he re st re ng th (cr itica l fo rce )
against beta va lue ({3 ) fo r ex tensiona l strain ·L . llIe 2.6 Es tima te d vdlues o f CX ICllsinn in vMious con -
line nl., ! h dSlns . Fro m Ku sznrr and PMk ( 19H7) (u; lIi1 frum
rates of 10- 14 a nd 10.- 1\ - I , and ' the rmal ages' G D. Karner ].
of 10 a nd 50 Ma . Not e th at {3. th e lit ho sp he re
stre tching factor ( Mc Ke nz ie, 1\}7&1) is e qu i- p
vale nt to the streng m » ( 1 + e ) . whe re e is th e Nor th SC<l B..sin
extension , in th e terminolo gy used in struc- CClllr,i1 Gr;JIJC n I 55- I.Y
turul ge o logy. Thu s a val ue o f fJ :=: 2 co rres- Flu nks 1,2-1.3
Rh ine G ruben 1.1-1.3
pond s to a d oubl ing of the origina l widt h and a P,m no n;dn Bils in I ,H- 2.7
hal ving o f the o rigi na l th ick ne ss o f th e lit ho - Acgc, m 14
sphere segme n t in q ues tion . T he th erma l age Vie nna e Ol sin 1,0- 1.11
P'l fis Basin U
is define d as the time since the last majo r W~·"M·!{ B;) ~; ll 1 1- 1.25
tecto notherma l e ve nt (oroge ny ). w o rcest e r e..
si n 1.2
The ev o lut io n o f e xte ns io nal stren gth is Bass Basin 1.25-1 .5
stro ngly de pe nde n t o n the initia l therm al
Gippsland l3<1 sin

,., ~ ... A

e g 10 -"


..-.[i~ ~ l j l:+1 I I I I

F I $! S t. a ln Rale B
• •

la r g e jl • n Ig h Q

S lo w Str ain Ra , a

• DC . C D

sm all ft - lo w Q
that JUSI describ ed for ext en siona l dcform a- zo nes of low du ctile stre ngth, as sho wn in
no n . That is , fast strain ra tes prod uce stra in Figure 2.30, which wou ld be e xpec ted to
softening, whereas slo w strain rates produ ce pro vide detachm ent hori zo ns du ring major
struin hardening. However , fast st rain ra tes arc lithos phere dc formano n. T he imp orta nce of
proh ibited by the high initial for ce req uired th e various zo nes of pote ntial low st reng th
(see Figure 2.28) and realistic strain rat es will depe nds very much on the temperature gra-
produce stra in harde ning a fter the crust has die nt. Figu re 2.30A shows that for a three-
thicken ed beyo nd abou t 50 km, tha t is , after a layer cru st in extension, all three zones are well
finite amount o f sho rte ning (pe rhap s 50'Y... ) has developed on ly for inte rmediate hea t-flow
taken place. reg imes (q - 70 mW m- 2 ) . AI higher hea t
Compressive deforma tion of t he lithosp he re flows , o nly the up pe r zo nes arc significant.
is therefore a se lf-limiting p rocess, in co ntrast Thus we might expect thut a major detach -
to extensio nal defor mation . ment horizon would be most like ly to develo p
:11 mid - to uppe r-crustal levels for wa rm
lithosph e re like that of the Basin-and -R an ge
Rheological control ofdetachment horizons
province .
We have seen that th e stre ngth d ist ribution Blundell et al. ( 1985) show t hat in the UI RPS
wi th depth de pends in de tail on the position of ' M OlS I" de ep -re flectio n line across northern
major rheo logical ch anges in the lithosphere , Scot land (Br ewer et at., 1984) the majo r
and particularl y in the crust. Kusznir an d Park Mesozoic extensiona l fau lts flatten out a rou nd
consider two crusta l mod els, bo th o f which the 20 krn-dce p horizon correspo nding to the
have appare nt co unter pa rts in natu re . Th e first base of the middle-c rusta ! laye r ident ified by
(sec Figure 2 .26) is a two-layer crust with a Bamford ( 1979) from the U SPtl profi le ( Figure
granod iorite rheolo gy, co nt rolled by wei qua rtz 2.30ll ). III this case therefore, we migh t co n-
deforma tion , ove rlying a gab hroic rheo logy clude that the geother mal grad ien t was not
controlled by plagioclase defo rma tio n. Th is unu sually Slee p and that hea t-flow leve ls per-
type of crust may co rrespo nd to ma ny parts of hap s co rresponded to those o f present-day
the stable co ntine ntal lithosp he re with a well - Hercynian orogenic region s in Europe, wit h a
developed Conrad se ismic disconti nuit y at c. 17 thermal age o f c.200 Ma. It is inter est ing that
kill depth . T he seco nd is a three- layer crus t the e xte nsional fau lts pen et rate much deepe r
wit h a middle-crustal layer of broadly granitic in t he Precambrian shield regio n west of the
composition co ntrolle d by dr y-qua rtz de for- C aledonian fron t where the lithosphe re would
mation (Figur e 2.30). T his type of cru st ma y have bee n much coo ler during the early Meso-
correspo nd to that o f the no rthe rn Scot lan d zo ic exte nsio n.
Caledonian terrain as sho wn o n the L1SPB
seismic refractio n line ( Ba mfo rd, 1979). Othe r
types of crust undoubtedl y exist with a mu ch
more complex laye red st ructu re and seve ral The rheo logy and stre ngth of the lithosphere
significan t rheo logical changes. ca n only he understoo d in a precise quantita-
Major rheo logical changes of th is t ype form tive way by mean s of mat hematica l modell ing.

Fij(urt 1.19 Ca rtoo n erostal models sho wing Ihe differen t styles of eXle n, illn;11Jdl,r l1la t;on expected with fast an d slow
rates of lithospher e exte nsion. A t fast rate s (e .g. [U" '~) srrain so ltc ning might be expected 10 localize u~ lo rma l ~on ncar the
orieinal sire 01 WL F, cau sing prn grcs.,ive narrowin g and mtcnssficanon of the al'lIve de formatio n, leading to high P values
and el'enlua lly ' " n usl;.l se par atio n . Al slo w strain ra tes (c .g. 10- ':') loc al. st rain harden ing mighl be e XflCcte~ 10 I ranS ~e r
ddurm<ll inn latc rully to previou sly undcfo rmcd are as. thus progressively widenin g the zone of actrve dclo rmanon . bu t with
a limitingp value 01 aro und J.5. Note the usc of de tachment horizon s in the .slow.slrain model 10 traesrer ~h e de form aricn.
(8) Summary model o r the effect o r slow and Iast stram rate s on the whole hlhml'h( re . ;lOd the rc tauonship of /1 value and
hci1111" ..... . q . From Kusznsr and Park (1987) .
A Ox MPa O x MPa O x MPa
80 0 40 80 0 40 80
0 40 80 0 40

or WO
~. . . . .. 1 .. . .. . . . . . . . . ~ . . ~. . . . .. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .

~o ~ r.>Q An
I~ • • • • • · · ' · · · · · '

__ ,- - - - - - Moho- ------- --. - - -- -- - ----- - - - - --- - - - - --

AO 01 C'I'l
E 0
.:t: o
J: r
fb0 vO ::j
~O r
l l ~
60 mWm- 2 70 mWm- 2 80 mWrr.- 2 0
Q=50 mWm- 2

1°° ~
B , k rn
20 -------1 OIF LISPS ~


o I
T here ex ists a critical and co mplex inte rp lay that initial strain rates o f Io- I(, s - I o r slower
of ap plied force , therma l sta te, strengt h and will never succeed in ac hieving any sign ificant
strai n-rate tha t de termi nes how de formation level of e xte nsion.
is initialed and ho w it proceeds. T he res ults In the case of compress ive deformation .
of the particular mode lling exe rcise just de- much higher level s of a pplied force are re -
scribed give precise es timates of the strength of quired to Initiate defo rmati on than would
the lithosphere under differ ent t he rma l re- no rma lly be e xpec ted away from plate bo un-
gimes. Th ese estima tes are in close ag ree men t da ries. and realist ic str ain rat es are predi cted
with obse rvatio ns of tecto nic behavio ur and to ca use st rain har de ning afte r a finite amo unt
hea l Ro w at t he pr ese nt lim e , and with theo re- of sho rtening , possibly 30 -50%).
tical es timates (see 2.5) of the likely fo rce D uring ex ten sion a l o r co mp ressio nal de-
levels avai la ble to defo rm the lithosphe re . A form ation . major rh eological bounda ries in the
modificat io n o f the model allo ws the evo lutio n lithosphere (espe cially at mid -cru sta l leve ls)
of lit hosp he re str ength during ex tens ion and fo rm important zo nes of low du ct ile str ength.
compressio n to be exam ined . T he model pre- T hese zones may prov ide det achm ent ho rizons
dicts that fast initial st rain rat es e ~ 1O- 14 S- 1 during the defo rmation . Wh ich detach menI
and wa rm lithosphe re are necessar y 10 pr o- zon e is selec ted de pe nds o n t he tempe rature
duce large exte nsio ns, and eve ntually oceans; gradie nt; higher detachment levels are favou red
thai strain rates of c. IO - 15 S- 1 will produce in warme r lithosph er e with a you ng the rma l
broad zo nes o f ex te nsiona l deformatio n with a age . w hereas lower levels are favoured in
finite limi tin g f3 va lue of a bout t .5 (correspon - cooler lithosp he re with an old er t he rmal age.
di ng clo se ly with o bse rva tions); an d finally

~'i~u r~ 2.30 (A ) Stress plotted againsl dep th for 11 three-la yer crusta ! mode l with a ra nge of sur face heat flows. sho wing the
development of low-str en gth zones in th e middl e and lower cruvt. The st ress-depth distributions correspond to I Mil after
the a ppliealion of a ten sile fo rce of 1 (J I ~N m ' . Th e lo w-strength regio ns re present the probable sites of detachm en t
ho rizo ns. wO . wet q uartz ; DO. t.lry quartz. An . unonbosite ; 0 1. ol ivine . Nu mericalmo del; fro m Kuszuir and Park (19&7).
(8 ) Mo t.le! o f the MOI ST profile across no rth Scotla nd. afte r Blundell t r QI. ( 19K5 ). showing the th ree main crustal layer s
recognized in the L1 SPB profile hy Ila mfo rt.l <I al. (197'>1 ). I . lower crust (7 km s ' I. "basic gra nulite }; 2. middle cru st
(6.4 km 5- 1• inte rmediate, granuluc -facics Lcwisian ); 3, ul'pcr crust (6. IS km s - ' . amp hiho lite-fae lcs Caled onian meta -
morphics}. Th e uppe rmost (o nnrnilmented) layer co rres po nds with unmet arnorphoscd sedim en ts ho rn Tcrridonien to
Mesozoic in age . Ff ', R annan 'f"ull' ; OI F, Out er Isles Iault. Note that most of the majo r lo w-angle exte nsional fll ulls sole
o ut alo ng th e to p o f laye r I at a bou t 211 km depth . whi\·h ther efor e represe nts 11 ke y deta chm ent ho rizo n d uring po st-
Caledonian ex tension. Th e Iaults in Ihe W'; SI, how ever. includin g a branch of th-e O uter Isles Iault, appe ar to detac h along
the Moh o. Fro m Kusznir and Park ( 19S71.
3 Plate movement and plate boundaries

3. 1 Kinema tic beh a viou r of plates linear (i.e . tangential) ve locit y vect ors, whic h
can be co nside ra ble over la rge a reas. T he first
A majo r implicatio n of the pla te tec ton ic ste p ther efore in a na lysing the structures a t
model is that cru sta l deformation is ultimately a ny active or rece nt pla te bo unda ry is to
co nt ro lled by the relative movemen ts o f the dete rm ine th is rela tive ve loci ty vec to r.
lithosphe re pla tes. We have seen thai the It is co nve nie nt in ge ne ral te rms to dis-
pla tes ha ve co nside rable la te ra l stre ngth a nd tinguish th ree main types of rela tive mot io n:
suffer litt le late ral d isto rtio n over lime pe riod s divergent, convergent a nd strike-s lip , a nd
o f le ns o r e ven hundreds of Ma, and that they these types correspond in t urn to t he ma in
can tr a nsmi t ho rizo nta l stresses th ro ugh long types of tectonic regime a rising respectively
dist ances in a regu la r fas hion . We obse rve that from co nst ructive, destructive a nd con se rva-
large re lative move ments are co nfined to piaIe tive plate boundar ies. However we must re-
bo undaries, where crustal deformation is t here- cog nize tha t the rel ative move men t vecto r may
fore concentrated. Th e d eterminu tion , bot h mak e a ny an gle with the plat e bounda ry and
qualita tively a nd q ua ntitative ly, of t he rela tive tha t, in ge neral terms, most vectors will be
mo tio n be twee n two adjoining plates a t t he ir ob lique.
co mmo n bo unda ry is therefore essen tial in Th us, in practice , a dive rgen t or a co nver-
und e rstand ing the de format io n that ta kes gent boundary may a lso ex hibit a co mpo ne nt
place the re . The co nve rse is equa lly important : of strike-slip motion whic h will im pose a
a knowledge of the deforma tion al structure a t simple-shea r st ress ac ross t he bo undary. Be -
a plate bou ndary ca n provide usef ul informa- ca use new plat e is crea ted at d ive rgen t boun-
tio n a bo ut re lat ive plate mo vem ents, especially dari es, a nd old plate destro yed at convergent
in pre-Mesozoic time when e vide nce from bounda ries , obliq ue relative motion ca n ea sily
oceun-tloor stratigra phy, so vita l in interpre - be accommoda ted. Howe ver , since plate is
ting more rece nt pla te tec ton ic histo ry, is conse rved a t transfo rm fau lts , the move me nt
lacking . there should theoret ically be pure str ike-s lip
T he pri nciples gove rn ing t he merion of with no ob lique compon e nt. Th is co nd itio n
plat es ove r a sphe rical surface we re first is viola ted whe n a c ha nge in rela tive pla te
ex plained by Mc Kenzie and Pa rke r ( 1967), mo tio n occurs, in which case o ld tra nsfo rm
Mo rga n (1968) . Le Pic ho n (1968 ) and lsac ks er fault s may suffe r e xte nsional or co mpres-
al , ( 1%8) . By usin g t he ori e ntat ion of t rans- sio nal move me nts. Good examp les o f suc h
form fa ults. slip vec to rs fro m earthquake foca l- c hanges in pla te motion have bee n stud ied in
me chanism so lutions and sprea di ng ra tes o n t he Indian a nd easte r n Pacific oceans (se e
rid ges, rel a tive mov e me nt vec to rs ma y be Figures 3.6. 3.8).
fo und for the five majo r plates in re lat ion to a n
ar bitra rily sta tio na ry Anta rct ic plate ( Figure
Mi!:rarion of plate boundaries
3. 1). The magnitude of these velocity vectors
varies fro m 2 to 17 ern/ye a r. O ne of the co nseq ue nces of re lat ive plat e
Using known re lat ive mo veme nt vectors, the mo tion is that plate boundaries th em selves
direct io n a nd a mount of relati ve mo veme nt at ma y migrat e in rel ation to o ne a no ther. T he
a ny plat e bou ndar y ca n be fo und by co nstruc- prese nt plate bo undar y network as shown in
tin g a vecto r tria ngle (Fi gure 3.2) . Althou gh Figure 3. 1 is a tran sie nt one, and ma ny of th e
the d irection a nd speed of angula r ro ta tio n is bounda ries shown a re mo ving at a de te r-
uniform, as measured o n a sphe rica l surface. mina ble ra te . Th e simples t exa mp le which
ma p proj ectio n ind icat es differe nces in the de mo nstrat es thi s is rhe bou nda ry o f t he

PL AT E Mo v t:M EN T A 1'< O PLA TE OOU/'oi OA RIE S 55
16 0 ' 160' 120' 50' ' 0' 80 '
' 7


' 0'



---') - '\~- 1
, -
50' Anta,cliC PlatU·- - • .-1
~il:"rr J . I l1lc '" m;IJ'" rJa,c.,. "od Ihe ir hound"r..:". """ h "1'f" ",imAlc VCk'C lly vectors rc ta nvc 1<> . he Antarctic
plalc . aed rolc~ of ro l"t i" n fm "ix p[,,11: p"i l~ : I, Am<:rlca-Africa ; 2, A "W:I;C" , PdCl lk ; .1, An,,,rCl ica -PiIC ,foc; 4. A mcnca -
India ; 5. Afl it'd·lmJi••; 6, A(lI;!TClic,,-A lnc;1 Kit lgL~ . (jouhlc hoes: ucnct........ ~nglc hiles ; transfo rm Iauhs , tlitsht.'d lines.
Arler Vine ..oJ Hc ~ ( 11I1I1).


pille 8
p lal e C

, <:;J
•. v
~ vc",

plale A

,, Figure J .2 De termina tio n or the re lativ e ve locity vecto rs
or th ree pl.. lc:!> meetin g at a Irir le junl:tion . (A ) Th ree
pleulB plat es A , B and C a rc hou nd ed by rid ges. The velocuy o f R
pl ate A
re tat ive 10 A (V /l<") is pa ra llel to tra nsfo rm fa ults o n the
A lB Ixluooltry , "n J Inc m"s"il ooc ca n be d Clc rminc d from
1m, sp reilding ra te " nl! is re p rese me d by OP in thc vecto r
diag ra m . Simila rly VOIO is re p rese nted by PQ . The
u nknow n VC'ClOI VNI"" is represent ed by the line QO . (B)
Th is Iriple june lio n involves a tr ansfor m fau lt . II , idse an d
ridge a Irc nett . VII<" ca n be J e te rm ined in the 'Same wlY u in
(A), and the d irec lio n o f the CIS vector is give n by lhe
............. trunch
oric nla lion o f the Ira nsform Iauh . VA l (" ca n be dc:tc, mined
Irlns/ orm 1""lt if the o rie nlation is known (by the Ori1: nlal ion o f tfansform
B Iau hs CUlli ng 11K' lre nch ) o r if the ma gnilude o f V o " can be
de te rmined .

Anta rctic plate. Th e movemen t vectors o f junctions will a lways he unsta b!! . Th e sli' b jlj! ~
Figure 3.1 were co nstructed assuming a sta- of th e rem ,lining tv pes IS depe nde nt o n the
tiona ry Antarctic pla te . Ho wever t his pla te is geo me t ry.
completely surro unded by r idges 'o ff set by T he kinematic behaviou r a nd sta bility of a
tra nsfo r m faults . and new plat e mat e ria l is give n trip le ju nctio n ma y be det e rmined by
bei ng cre a ted at each. It follo ws th ai the d ra wing the ap prop riate vecto r tria ngle (se e
Antarctic plate is gro wing in size and that. with Figure 3.2). T he sum of the rela tive ve loci ties
refere nce 10 a fixed Antarctic co ntine nt, all o f the three plat es m ust be zc nU l.e . V illA +
th e co nstructive bou ndaries surro unding t he " V CIII + V A l(' = 0, where V HiA is t he velocity o f
Anta rctic plat e must be mo ving outwards. A B rela tive to A , e rc. ) provided that the plates
simi la r argume nt ma y be a pp lied to the a re rig id. T he le ngths 0 1'. PQ. an d QO o f t he
Am e rican and Eur asian plates. Since both vecto r tr ian gle represent th e velo c ities V RIA ,
these pla tes are grow ing by the addition o f Vo n an d V A l e respectivel y. If we kno w V Ql4
oceanic material along t he mid-Atl antic ridge . gnd Von , V A I C ca n he dl;lerm jned. No w
eit he r the destructive west Pacific bo und a ry co nside r tile mo vem ent of a po int o n a boun-
must migra te e astwa rds. o r th e destruc tive/ dar y. If we ta ke t he RR R case (Figu re 3.3A) , a
transfo rm c as t Pacific bounda ry must mig ra te point P o n the ridge axis AB will mo ve with
westw a rds , o r both . In o the r wo rds. the Paci fic respect to A and is represented by th e m id -
plate must be shrink ing . a nd the destr uctiv e po int of A ll in th e velocity tria ngle . Simila rly
bo unda ries o n its NW and SE sides ar e po ints Q a nd R o n ridge axes BC a nd CA will
a pproach ing each ot he r. be re prese nte d by the mid -point s o f BC a nd
CA respectively. T he ve locity of a ll po ints P
Stahle and un stable triple junctions o n the A lB ridge axis IS re prese nt e d by t he
It was recognized e a rly in the evolutio n of da sh e d line ah paralle l to the AIIl rid ge a xis ,
p la te te cto nic theory by McK enzie a nd Morgan that of a ll po ints Q hy he paralle l to th e BIC
(1 969) th a t the re must be poi nts o n the Ea rth's ridge axis , and that o f all poin ts R by en par a lle l
su rface wher e th ree pla tes me e t. Such poi nts to the CIA ridge axis. T he condition fo r stability
we re te r me d triple jU1lctions . Th e y di vide d is tha t ab . b e and ca meet at a point. Th is po in t
triple junctio ns into ty pes accord ing to th e re presen ts the velocity o f the t riple junctio n,
natu re of th e bounda ries invo lved . T hus if R which fo r co nve nience we sha ll assu me is
sym bolizes ridge . T tre nch , a nd F t ra nsfo rm stat io nary. In th e R R R case, a lthough the
fa ul t. a n RTF junctio n is o ne invo lving rhe geometry is alw ays stable . the tr iple junct ion
meeting o f all th ree ty pes of bo unda ry. Simi- will migrate if t he sprea ding ra tes o n the ridges
la rly we may have RRR , T IT , 'IT R junctio ns. a re no t equal (co mpa re Figu res 3.3A a nd B ).
a nd so o n . Mc Ke nzie a nd Mo rga n (eco~o i ze 16 Co nside r now th e TIT e xa mple give n by
poss ible types o f triple junctio n and discuss t he Mc k enzie a nd Mor gan (Fig ure 3 .3C). He re ,
sta bility o f e ac h. A j unc tion is sta ble if it plate A is stat io na ry, plate B is subd uct ing
mai nta ins its shape t hro ug h ti me (disrega rd ing be low pla tes A a nd C. a nd pla te C is sub-
its absol ute moti o n). Some e xa mpl es a re im- d ucting be lo w pla te A . T he rela tive mo tion
medi at e ly o bvio us: an RRR j unctio n will a l- vectors a re sho wn , a nd a re o f co urse diff er ent
wa ys be stable . A good exam ple of a n RRR fo r e ac h bo unda ry. Figur e 3.3C(2) shows the
"junct Io n IS whe re t he Galapa cos rj~ge meets pos itio n of plates B and C at so me la te r tim e ,
t he E . Pacific rid e west of Ce ntra l America as if th e y we re allowed to proce ed hor izon ta lly
( Figure .8A ). se pa ra ting t he srna cos p a e inste ad o f be ing subd ucte d . The trench BC has
in the no rth east fro m t he Pa cific plate in the migrate d up the A lB bo undary beca use it is
west a nd th e Nazca plat e in the so ut h. It is co ns uming plate B a nd no t plat e C; tha t is , th e
cle ar th at co ntinued spre ad ing o n all thre e ma rgin of plate C with B is fixed to plat e C a nd
ridges will no t affect the bas ic geo me try of the must migr a te with it. On e co nseq ue nce of thi s
triple junct io n. In co ntras t , XFF a nd RRF is the o bv io us geo me tric cha nge of th e t riple

, ,

' 0

A c

, J e ,


c ' 0

, , , ,
... - - - -
/ ,
l C
• C ----
.., 2
,, - e ,,
,<- - ,,
,- j - -

. ' 0
.c " 'tS7

-11_ _ b': __
- -

0 E
Ftgure 3.3 Stable and unst able triple Ju nClio ns. ( A . B) RR R ju nclio ns. The ~e loeilY or a point /' on the ridge a xis A B
moves with rcspcc t m A "I h" lr th e Vc!'II;;ly " r pl.uc fJ. 11 is the re fore re pfl:~<'nteu hy the mid-pointof All . Similarly . Q
anU R represe ntthe vctocuics or poi nts on ridge axe s He and AC rcspc c nvclv <lh. he ,lIlu uc fe p re~ent the I<lI;i "r " II suc h
p oims. aod art' para llel 10 inc ilpp w pr i' lle ridge a xes. Jr th ese loci Inee t "I ;1poilu. lhe junc tion rs sl'lhk. If the spread ing
rates on the thre e rid ges a re eq ua l ( A) . ob, be a nd ec me et at the centroid o f the vector triangle A RC. thaI is. m e RR R
junctio n is statio na ry with respect to the th re e pla tes. In (B ). the spreading tate on the Be ndgc is gre ate r than on the
other lWO. a nd ah , bc and ac mu st meet a t a poi n t , that is run her fro m A than From H and C. indicating tha t the tr iple
[unction is mo ving to war ds A . Th e geome try o f the ju nctio n is, however, stable. (C.D ) TIT ju nctio ns . T he positio ns or
plates B and C a fte r a give n lime arc sho wn in (2 ) by the d<tshed line , assu ming th'll no suhd ucl i" n la kes place . Since tbc
He trench is fixed 10 pla te C, a nd the A C trenc h is fixed 10 plat e A , the BC tren ch n' ust migra le wilh plate C. audtbc
lriple juncuo n must co nseq ue n tly mo ve along the AB bo undary . T he TIT ju nctio n or C(l l;s ther efo re un stable , as
sho.... n in the vec tor triangle ( D ) . Such a [u nc tio n wo uld o nly be stab le jf the vector AC were parallel to the tre nch BC.
Th e ne w uipte-ju ncrion co nflgura tkm of 0 2) is, ho we ve r, stable , as shuwn in ( E ).

ju nctio n itse lf; a nothe r is th e relunve mo ve- north , plate s F a nd P togeth e r with the ridge
me nt vector a t a po int such as .r, originally o n itsel f arc bei ng co ns umed by th e t re nch.
the A lB bo unda ry. T he mo tio n pe rcei ved o n Ho wever , the pos ition o f the tri ple junc tio n is
pla te A u nde rgoes a n abrupt c ha nge as th e Be sta tion a ry with respe ct to t he A me rican pla te.
ho undary mo ves past the point x , T his cha nge As mor e of the Pac ific plate is co nsumed , the
is di achro no us a nd pro gressive ly reaches a ll transfo rm fa ult le ngthe ns and the no n hero
po ints o n th e A ll bo und ar y give n e nough time . FIT triple junction m igrates alo ng t he mar gin
It is e as y no w 10 visua lize the condi tion for o f th e A merica n plat e , progressivel y co nver-
sta bility of thi s type of trip le junct io n (sec ting tren ch to tra nsform . Thus bo t h triple
Figure 3.3 D ,£::). Since poi nts on the AB ju nctio ns posse ss sta hle geo me try but ar e
bo und a ry do no t mo ve re lat ive to A , line ab is mo ving relative to eac h o thcr. If the San
drawn throu gh A in th e velocity tr ian gle . Line And re as fa ult we re no t para lle l to th e Pacific!
lie is d rawn thro ugh A for the same reaso n. and Am e rican mo veme nt vecto r, th e ju nctio ns
lin e be must be drawn thro ugh C. T herefore wo uld not be stable (se e Fig ure 3.4B) .
ab obe a nd co will o nly mee t if be is pa ra llel to A very co mmo n type o f inte rsect io n occu rs
A C ( Figure 3.3 D), tha t is, if t he CA mo ve me nt whe re a fau lt mce t'i j! rjdl:.c , initia lly fo rming a n
vec to r is pa ralle l 10 the DC bo undary. In that R RF juncllon .M cK e nzie a nd Morga n show
case , th e bou ndary will nOI m igrat e a nd t he th at such a triple junctio n is a lways un sta ble
tr iple j unctio n will be sta ble . No te t ha t th e new and evolves in to a n R,FF type . A good e xa mple
confi g ura tio n of the triple junctio n in Figure occurs in the ce nt ra l A tlantIC , at the jun ct io n o f
3.3C(2) is ac tua lly stab le (sec Figure 3.3E) thc A me rica n, Eur asia n a nd Africa n plates ,
a ltho ugh it is migrating with re ference to its whe re the m id-Atla nt ic ridge mee ts t he Azo res -
origina l position . G ibra lta r fra cture zone (Figur e 3.1). A nothe r
In Figure 3.4 a n ex a m ple give n by Mc Ke nzie e xa mple is t he junction o f t he C hile fract ure
a nd Pa rker ( 1967) "fro m the N E Pacif ic is zo ne wit h th e East Pacific ridge , a t th e SW
sho wn . T he presen t pla te geo mc try is shown in co rne r of the Naz ca pla te (Figure 3.8A ). A
Figure 3.4A (4) . Plat e vel oc ities a re show n wit h t hird is th e yo ung tr ip le ju nctio n fo rmed a t th e
refere nce to a st a tio nar y Am e rica n plate . mee ting of the Carlsberg ridge a nd the Owen
The re a re two triple junct io ns: an FIT in the fractu re zone in the NW Ind ian O ce a n, du e to
no rth (Fi gure 3.4B) an d an R IT in the sou th th e breakaway o f the A rabia n plat e (Figure
(Fi gure 3.4C) . Bot h j unc t ion s involve three 3.( 8). This ty pe of ju nc tio n is sta ble if th e two
plates , A me rica n , Pacif ic a nd Fa rallo n (th e fau lts lie on the same s ma ll circl e (i .c . a re
Fa ra llo n plate is now d ivided into se pa ra te ef fective ly a single fa ult) .IS is the case in these
pa rts a nd par tly inco rporated into o the r e xa mp les.
pla tes) . Th e evolution of t he plate sys te m is Th e evolution o f both the Pacific a nd t he
sho wn in Figu re 3.4A( 1- 4). Since the Pacific Indian ocea ns th ro ugh Meso zoi c- Tert ia ry
pla te is moving nort hwestwards a nd the Fural- time pro vides usef ul illust rat io ns of th e kine-
Io n pla te nort he ast , a ny ma te rial poi nt on th e ma tic evolutio n of pla te structure . In broad
ridge (such as th e inte rse ctio n with t he Murra y te r ms , th e evolut ion o f world-wide pla te struc-
tra nsform ) is mo ving appro xima tely no rt h- ture since th e e a rly Mesozoic is brought a bo ut
wa rds. A s t he easte rn ridg e - t ran sfo rm junctio n by mea ns of t he bre a k-up of Pa nga ea thro ugh
t ra ve ls no rth , it e nco unters t he trenc h o n th e the opening of the A tla ntic a nd Indi a n oce ans,
no rtheast s ide of the Fa rallon pla te to fo rm a a nd th e co nseq ue nti al shrinking o f the Pa cific
triple ju nction . Im medi a te ly th e Pacific pla te (Figure 3.5). Th e open ing of th e At la ntic
co mes int o co ntac t wit h the A merican plat e , invo lved a re lative ly simple seq ue nce of move-
the rela tive mo ve me nt vecto r beco mes no rth- me nts that result ed in a ne t co nve rge nce of
west , cha nging th e boundary to a tra nsfo rm the Am er ica n a nd Eurasia n plat es a cro ss the
fa ult. T hus the so uthe rn RT F tri ple ju nction is Pacific.
fo rme d . Since th e ridge ax is is st ill mo ving T he initia l stage too k place d uring the



A loI E A IC A N P l A T E

P AClf ' C P l A TE / "'0.,.
f AAA ~ lO N

1 P~ AT E

, P~,o, A NGE lES

p Ip - - ,'
D ,,
P \\
+ \'"
2 )-

\ IF
• l OS 4<N G El E S
+P ~" S A N AH O A EA S
TRA NSfOli lol f A U l l
Ip 1
pa 1


, 1

- A
\ ~ l at

~'ig u rc 3.4 Imuunon nnd cvolunon of the mplc junction, of rhe Sa il Andrea f" ult ( A, 1- 41, four s'agcs in the evolution
o f the pla te boundary system in th e reg ion or the San An dr eas fau lt ill ~3 Ma. 30 Ma. In Ma OP, and lhe present , assu ming a
sraucnary A me rican pla te , a fte r A twat e r ( 1970). Whe n the Pacific plat e mee ts the Ame rica n pl" tc (2), two triple juoctio ns
arc fo rmed . joi ned t>y the San A ndrc; ls tra nsform (;lull, wh ic h gr;ulu"lly le ng the ns <IS IIlOr" o ( the p"cirlC plate is subd uct ed.
Th e north e rn is if T FF j unct io n ( If ), wh ich is stable beca use the Iault and trenc h arc para llel , and arc fixed to th e Am e rica n
plate _T he pos ition o f the ju nctio n. bowcvcr . migrate s along the bounda ry of the Amer ican pla te . T he so uther n ju nct io n is
a RT F type (C ). T his a lso is s tab le for the sa me re aso n. but is stationary re la tive tn uc Am e rican pla te .

Jurassic. betwee n 200 and 17UMa IW. with the la nd an d Gibraltar in t he north , and be twee n
opening of t he Ce ntral A tlantic (Figure 3.5A . the Bahamas a nd G uinea in the so uth. T hus
B). Th is mo veme nt was bounded on both sides while So uth Am e rica and A frica remained
by major transfor m faults , bet ween Newfound - unified to the sout h , and No rt h A merica and
I'L A n " M O V EM I'.N r AS D PL A I t:: II 0 U S [) A It 1l,S 61
Euro pe to che no rth . there was a crockwisc be tween two majo r N - $ tra nsfo rm faul ts . the
rota ria n of the lane r ilway fro m Gondwa na- Chagos a nd N inet y-E ast rid ge s. At about
la nd thai re sult e d in a sinistra l dis pla cem en t 45 Ma ago , the spreadi ng rid ge e xte nd e d east-
thro ug h the Me dite rra nean a nd a co nve rge nce wa rds . ca us ing the se pa ration o f A ust ra lia
across T et hys . fro m An tarctica ( Fig ure 3.5 E) . T he re cord o f
The second stage to o k place ma inly during t his phase of mo vem e nt , wh ich la ste d un til
the Cret ace o us . betwe e n 170 and 65 Mit. whe n a bou t 35 M a ago , ca n he se e n in the NW Ind ia n
the So ut h A tla nt ic open e d abou t a rot atio n O ce an , IS a set of mag ne tic stripes an d inac tive
axis in the Ce nt ra l At la nt ic, in ad dit ion to t ra ns fo rm fault s tha t are o blique 10 the p re -
co ntinued spre ad ing the re . The se mo vem ents se nt ly a cti ve rid ge a nd tra ns fo rm syste m ( Fi-
hroughl about a furthe r ro ta tio n of North gure 3.6) . T he third major cha nge in kinem at ic
Ame rica - Eura sia a nd a co nseq ue ntial co nve r- pa ttern was rel at e d to a cha nge in spre a d ing
gence ac ross T e th ys ( Figure 3.5 e) . By the m id- dir ect io n of ab ou t 45°, accompa nie d by a
Cretaceo us . ;1 ne w rift a p pe a red th ro ug h the fu rt he r e xte ns io n a t th e N W e nd o f t he o ld
L abrado r Se a a nd across the Arctic O ce a n , ridge into the G ul f o f Ade n . T his marke d
splitting La ura sia into two se pa ra te plat e s kine mat ic cha nge appears to he d iac hro no us .
(Figure 3.5D) . In the e a rly Ce no zo ic (65 M•• co m me ncing Mo und 35 MOl lll' a t an o ma ly 12 in
UI'). this spre a d ing axis was re placed hy t he t he ce nt ra l urea an d p ro gressing no rt hwe st -
presentl y act ive ridge t h ro ug h Icela nd . se par a- wa rd s un til ubo ut IOM a Il l' whe n the Gul f of
ting Gree nla nd fro m no rt hwe st Europe ( Figure Ad e n o pe ning co mmenced. T he ch a nge in
3.5£). T his third stage wa s a cco mpa nied by th e dir ectio n is re flecte d in the ocean fl oor in a
complete clos ure of the T e t hys oce a n . d isco rdance th a t re prese nts a ve rt ica l ' uncon-
The evolution o f th e Ind ia n O ce a n is mo re formity' with ne w stripes c utting: o ld stri pes and
complex ( Figur e 3.6 ). A mode l for t he pla te o ld tran sfor ms ( Figure 3.( 8 ). l t ha s bee n
tectonic ev ol utio n of t he regio n wa s put fo r- suggested that the kine ma tic cha nge is re la te d
ward hy Mck e nzie a nd Scluter ( 197 1). T hey to th e co llision be tween the Ind ia n a nd E ura -
suggest that the e a rlie st mo veme nt s loo k place sian con tine nts . T he e ffec t of t his co llision ma y
along a rift se pa ra ting th e Ind ian fro m the have bee n to bring ubout a c ha nge in th e
African co nt ine nts ( Figure 3.5 e) . Ho we ver , re la tive mov em e nt vec tor be twe e n the Ind ia n
the magnetic reco rd o f t his mo veme nt has bee n a nd Eurasia n plat es .
largely o blite rat ed . A r a ro und 90Ma ag o , in T he evo lution o f the Pacific O cea n can be
the tate Cre tace o us . the mo ve me nt of Ind ia reco nst ructed hy e xam ining t he Me so zo ic m ag-
changed d ramaticall y. a nd a no rt hwards mo ve - ne tic stripe pa tte rn. La rso n an d Pitma n ( 1972 )
ment comme nce d d ue to a fa st-sp re a di ng rid ge pre se nt an inre rp rcuuion o f the pla te struc ture
between the Indi a n a nd A ust ra lia -A nt a rct ica within the Pacific in e a rly Cret ac eo us t ime
continents ( the n joi ned ) ( Figure 3.5 /)) . (Figure J .7A ). A t th a t lime, the rid ge sys te m
This movem e nt was accom mo da ted to th e a p pea rs to ha ve bee n much more sy mme t ri-
north by su bd uc tio n of T e thys ocea n plate ca lly a rranged . with two RRR tr iple junctio ns
along the so uthe rn ma rgin o f E urasia. M uch o f se para ting fo ur oce a nic pla tes : the Kula pla te
this no rthwa rd move me nt wa s con strai ned in th e no rth . the Fa ra llon plate in th e north -
eus t . the Pacific plate in the so ut hwes t and th e
Phoeni x pla te in t he so uthea st. S ubductio n
tlll,u n 3.5 Palaeomagn etic reconsl ruct io n of lhe con -
zo nes fo rme d a n a lmosl co ntinuo us rim a ro und
l illC nt~ illuslraling the b re ak-u p o f Pa ngaea in Mcstlzuk - t he Pacific O ce a n of th a t time (the ' pro to -
C(1I01oi( time. Lam bert eq ual-area S· po lar stctcogra phic Pa cific ' . we mighl ca ll it) . Accordin g to Pitm a n
prlljn 1111fl!; 'II : (A ) 2m Ma ur ( hll e T rias..s ic); ( H) 1411 MOl IIf
(!.Jle Jur",,"sic): ( C) . IIIO Ma liP ( m;J ·Crel ;I~'lUS ) ; (l» . W
a nd Hayes ( 196R). th er e ha s been a co ntin uo us
M~ liP (l'al a< 'OCcnc) ; ( E ). 211 Ma liP (c a rly M iuccn.: ); iloo no rth wa rds mo vem ent of the no rt hern pa rts
(Fl. P"",,-·m. Frum Sm ilh ,ill tJ Bride n (1 'J77) o f this p rot o-Pac ific Ocea n since th e e a rly

I'i gurl' 3.6 ( A ) Pre ....-nr-duy I'lJ~i li"I1' of the G on d wanaland

co nt ine nts. with si'''l''lilictJ di, I, ihUlIllll of occ.ur rid ges. ma g-
netic smpc I"' llcrns ,,,,d In,",r.' rm ra ulis. MA R, mid-A tlantic
rid ge ; AA R , A tl'Lnli!:-A nlarcti<; nd gc ; SW lR . SW Indi an
O cea n ridge; Sl; IR , SE Indian O cean mlge ; ClR , central
l mhan Ocean ridge . (H) Sin' plifi.:d mar "r the we stern Indian
O cean reg io n ~htlwil1g. the dl\CUUJ ,lI\(C III magne lic anomaly
puucr ns and !rim ,form d irec tions OI l am)JIl;lly S (.'3 Ma lIP)
ca used hy a cha n~c in the Ind;.tn - A nlilfClic pl.uc vec tor.
Af ter La ughton 1'/ <II. {197.lJ

AI,;can plate I •
Mesozo ic. With spreadi ng occurring on all fi ve
I .;: :.:
ridges. the northe rn RRR junction would
I migrate nort h relative ( 0 the southe rn. When
subd uction ceased alo ng the Antarctic margin.
'J--"" no rth wa rd movement o f the so uthe rn RRR
, '<§ ,"'.." . . " jun ction would lake place relative to a fi xed
f-t''--- - -;>( An tar ctica . causing the whole proto- Pacific
Antarct ic plat e syste m to migrate nor thwards. The Kula plate
~ta t;onary) /." .~, was ra pidly subdueted throughout Cre taceous
time aro und the no rth and no rthwest Pacifi c
rim, according to the Pitman and Hayes recon-
struction. They show four stages in this process
in the Alaskan region (Figure 3.78 ). By ea rly
Palaeocene time (li(l Ma ago ). the Kula piare

Kula Plate

Pacific Plate

". "

Alask a

a Lale Oelaceous b l4le Cretaceous

(about 75 million YNfI, ~l (aboul 70 million years 8QO )

C Paleoce ne d hrly Pliocene

(about 60 mill ion years~ ) (about 6 mill ion yea'1i ago )

Figure 3.7 (A) Arrange me nl of pla tes in Ihe PacifIC O cean OIl around I IOMa UP (early C retaceo us lime) . Note the two
RRR trtple [unctions and the projected Farilllo n- Kula ridge (see B ). T he Cen tral Atlantic has com me nced ope ning. After
Larson and Pnman ( 1972). (1J) Schernanc .tiag.ams showing fo ur stages in the cvolc uo n of the mag netic snipe patte rn in
the NE Pacific Oce an ; I, Pacific pla tc ; II, Kula plale ; II I. Ame rican plate . IV , Farullo n plalC. Fro m Uyeda ( l'n ll ) . afte r
Pumnn and Hayes ( 11)(>t\ ).

had almo st e ntire ly d isappeared , and the NW -SE se t. T he heavily frag me nted h ut still
A leutian subduct io n zo ne was co nsuming pro - active Chile ridge represen ts the so uthwes t
gressively old e r ma teri al belon ging to the bounda ry of the old Farallon pla te . of which
Pacific plate. It is di fficult to int e rpre t Figure relics oc cu r in bot h the Co cos and Nasca
3.7 8(4) by itself, but it beco mes clear once the pla tes.
stages of e vo lution a re fo llowed throug h. The Th e reaso n for this cha nge ca nnot be esta bl-
ridge be tween the Pacific a nd Farallon plat es ishe d with ce rtai nty. bu t seve ra l factors may
ha s migrated northeastwards . a nd is about to have contrib ute d . T hc c rea t io n of the new
be co nsumed by the A leutia n tre nch . ridge re presents a cha nge in re la tive mo ve-
T he ot he r impo rtant e ffec t o n the Pacific men: direction between the Pacific an d Am e ri-
region was the progressive westwa rds e n- ca n plat es and corresponds in time with (i) a
cr oachm ent of the Amer ican plat e bro ught de crease in sp reading ra te in the At la ntic, (ii)
a bo ut by the op ening of the At lant ic. Co ney the subd ucti on of the no rthe rn part o f the Eas t
(1973) has calcul at ed th a t the western mar gin Pacific ridge be low North A merica (a nd the
o f No rt h A me rica has moved abo ut 3700 Km co nseq ue ntial initia tion o f the Sa n Andreas
westwa rds from the ea rly Mesozoic un til the fault). and (iii) the chan ge in plate st ructure in
for mation of the San A ndrea s fault a bo ut the Ind ian O cea n already di scu ssed. A maj or
10 Ma ago . Almost all o f the Farallon plate has facto r which ma y have in flue nced wo rld-wide
been co nsu med by this mov e ment, along the pla te struct ure co urse , the collisio n of
weste rn A mer ica n subd uction zo ne . Th e later Ind ia with Asia. alt ho ugh the ex act time o f this
stages of th is pro cess a re discussed above (see e vent is unc ert ain (see 5.4) .
Figu re 3.4). Th e st ruct ure of the western Pacific. which
Two maj or c ha nges in movem e nt direc tio n was the site of destr uct io n o f Pacific pla te
can be t raced in the magnetic a no ma ly pa tte rn throughout Mesozo ic and Tertiary time . IS
of the Paci fic floor. Th e first . ar ou nd the dominated hy effec ts cr ea ted hy the north-
beg inning o f the Cr et aceous, is ma rked by it wards advance o f Au str alia (o n the Ind ia n
disco nti nuit y in tra nsfor m direction s in the plate) a nd by t he creation of nume rou s bac k-
Ha waii regio n (Fi gure 3.10). At 45 Ma BP, the a rc spreadi ng basins (see 4.4) . The structure of
East Pacific rid ge extended westwards to co n- the co mple x Indo nesia n region is discussed in
nect with the Ind ian O ce an , by splitting Aus- detai l in 5.5 .
tra lia from A nta rc tica , but no co rrespo ndi ng
cha nge can he see n in the Paci fic floor a t thi s
3.2 T he iutluence of plat e geometry on the
time . Th e seco nd major c ha nge occurred
kinem atic pa tter n
10 Ma ago whe n thc plate bound ar y syste m in
the east-ce ntral Pacific W,IS complet e ly re- In the preced ing sect io n, we hav e assumed that
o rga nized ( Herron , 1972). Two new plates the rela tive pla te mo vem e nt vect ors wer e
we re formed . the Cocos pla te west o f Cen tr al co nsta nt. a nd that thc y, toge ther with the
Am eri ca , a nd the Nasca plate west of the Pc ru - sha pe of the plate bounda ry netwo rk , contro l-
C hile tr ench ( Figure 3.8A ). A new section of led the subseq ue nt geom e t ry of the ne two rk.
the Ea st Pacific ridge was formed be twee n Pla te tecto nic theory , to a first approximation ,
latitude 4SOS and the Gulf o f Ca liforni a, assu mes a co nsta nt ne two rk geo me t ry. How-
brea king through the old ridge a t the G ala- ever , unde r cert ain circu msta nces, plat e bo un-
pa gos triple jun ct ion (Figu re 3.8B ). As in the dari es may he deformed as a resu lt of plate
Ind ian O cean , the c ha nge in rel ative mo ve- move me nts, thus violating the princip le o f
men t vec to rs is clea rly marked by an abru pt ' rigid ' pla tes. Such de fo rmation is la rgely con-
cha nge in the orie nta tio n o f the t ra nsfor m fined to des tructive boundaries, and pa rt icula r-
faul ts, which run a pprox imate ly E - W until ly affects continental lit hosphe re which , as. we
ano maly 5. wher e they a rc re placed by a have seen, is softe r a nd weaker tha n ocea nic.
Ga / a p a g
. r i d ge
os •

0 I

- ... , -

, - ~_. - -=."", . -. _-


................ <,
........ ................
S:A ........... ~

<, 3:
.......... rr.
.......... ;
~ .~ -~_1::
t J1 l~ - " -- jJi1Gtl ,-= ~f~lj
~ 0 r
II ,. }>
a.'" ? n(t-.. ""--- ........ ........ ....... _ ...' _. '" at _• • '. -i

- I:::: :.::::: :\--l- N%'~i~&'i:1

' 4 0·
A 6 S0s

Figur e 3.8 Change in plate structure in [he East-Central Pacific Ocean. (A ) Present plate boundary network. The ea rthquake zone marking the
destruc tive western boundary of the American plate is stippled. (B) Discord ance in magnetic stripe and transfor m fault patt ern at anomaly 6 (a pprox.
10 Ma sp) . Pre-anomaly 6 ridge segments are dotted , active ridge segments in black. New ocea n crust since anomaly 6 is stippled. After Herron (1972).

: :"~"'"el"~ I~~"i-hUS
crURES AND MOVI N . of such ridges wa
cd that subduction hie relief and by

sug~~;dest ~e~~~",defom~:t:'~:UI:~n; oec~n~a;ds, ''''::::1',;:th:_,:;~n:~lcad;ng


" at rbe cus pate sha pe locally " ' : : : :
Vogt (1973) could, in the gre, whe n

dest s, "~:~e bound~ry ~,~:gon
of "land arcs to the
be P f asersnuc n g
the inte rac tion 0
. He
. g plate (FIgure .
o(~f:~re driven by
3,98), the rnov
will be eon-

floor 0 f the subduc tin .

.. '

.. ~J
/) -7

t'igu~e 3.9 (A ~r Aseismic ridges

the NW Paclhc
and island arcs M iyashiro tI at.
O cean. A fter bcrnutir diagram
( 1982). (8 ) S~ k-a rc spreading
TIOOC' showing how. ~c a t the cusps of

'---=- ... may be inhibite resence of ;In

the ar~ by ~he /rom Mi.y a~tll ro
el a [.( ndg " I pe rrmss.on.
1982). WII I ...~

) Mo"'oal "0
PLATE Mo v EM ENT A N\) I' L A l l; HOUNDA IU t:S 67
strai ned at the positio ns o f the ridge inte rsec- indent cd plate suffic ient to ove rcome its st rengt h
tions. T he rate of piatc co nverge nce will he at and to prod uce widespread d istortions.
u minimum there . but will increase to a ma xi-
mum betw een the inters ection s . produ cing an
'A hsol ute' phI/(' motion
arcuate pattern . Good exa mple s of this arc the
Emperor sea mount chain at the inte rsection o f Th e me thods of analysing plate mot ion devel-
the Ale ut ian and Ku rile arcs, and the Marcus- oped by McKenzie and Parker (1967) give
Necker a nd Caroline ridges at each en d of the vecto rs for relative mot io n o nly, and Figure 3. 1
Mari anas a rc ( Figu re 3.9A ). Such deformation is bLlSCU o n t he assumption of a statio na ry
is consisten t with rigid-plate theory bec ause it Antarctic plate . A meth od for dete rmining
results fro m a progressive change in the posi- ' absotu te' p late mo tion was suggested by wil-
tion of down-bending and does not involve son ( 1% 5). Wilson noted that , at a number of
active lateral d istor tion at the surface. locations sca ttered ove r the Earth 's surfac e .
De form ation o f con tine ntal plat es ap pear s 10 volcanic activity ap pea rs to have been co ncen-
result mainly from coll ision , and may involve trat cd over long periods of time . Wilson ca lled
major ch an ges in geo met ry bo th of the plate t hese areas ' hot spot s' and identi fi ed severa l.
bo undar y and of the plate inte rio r. T he best includ ing Hawaii and Icela nd . He showed th at
example o f such defo rma tion at t he presen t t he motion o f an oceanic plate ove r o ne o f
day occurs in the Cent ral As ian regio n de- these hot spots wou ld result in a linea r cha in o f
scribed in 5.4. T he de forma tio n result s from volcan ic islan ds becom ing progressively olde r
the collision of the co ntine nta l part of the from tile currentl y active volca nic centr e .
Indian plate with the so uthe rn mar gin o f the Figure 3. 10 shows the Hawaii- E mpe ror chain
(continental) E urasian plate . Once the inter- o f volcanic islands and sea-mo unts in the
vening ocea nic plat e had been co nsumed , Pacifi c interpreted acco rding to the Wilson
furthe r co nver ge nce wou ld ha ve bee n inhibi ted mod e l. The ages of the vulcan icity range fro m
by the buoyancy o f tfie conti nental part of the ] 0 Ma at the distal end o f the chain, adjace nt to
Indian plate . T he processes of subd uctio n an d t he Aleut ian trench , to the presen t hot-spot
collision are consider ed in det ail in C hapter 5. locat ion in the Hawaii islands at the so uthern
It is importan t to recogn ize th at co llisio n is t he e nd. T he bend in the rkjge is inte rpreted as a
most e ffective way of alte ring plate kinem atic cha nge in pla te velocity vector. occ urr ing at
patterns, oft en in a quire dra matic and world - c.35 Ma UP (sec above) . Wilson also ide ntified
wide fash ion . Envisage the co llision o f two late ral chains o n eithe r side of the mid-Atlan tic
opposing co ntinental margins, both typica lly ridge , such as the T ristan da Cunha - Walvis
irregular in shape , and ob liq ue to each ot he r ridge o ff SW A frica ( Figure 3. 11). In this cas e ,
and to the co nve rgen ce d irection . A t the first he sho wed that the prese nt ridge axis is offset
point of contact betwee n the two o pposing from t he hot-spot site by ab ou t 400- 500k m,
margins, resistance to co nverge nce will be and suggested that the ridge or iginally lay o ver
introduced which may 'lei eithe r to change the the hot spot, but had been moved westward s
converge nce vector , or to defo rm the bo undary over the last 25 Ma as a result of a change in
geome try , or both. Th e tee Ionic effects of the pole o f ro tation for the Am eric a -Africa
wedge-shape d prot rusions of one plat e as it separation.
mee ts another at a co llisio n bo und ary are d is- Morgan (1972) de veloped Wilson's ideas
cussed in the ' indentation' model of Tapp o nnier furt her and reco nstructed a se t of 'abso lute'
and Molnar (1976) and applied to the Ind ia - plate move ment vector s with refe rence to t he
Asia co llision. Th e mode l is o f gen era l applica- hot-spo t frame o f reference ( Figure 3. 12). He
tion and involves a protrusion or "inde nter" fou nd that the relat ive movement betwee n the
which causes local stress co nce ntrations in the hot spots has been ver y much less th an that

, ~O , ~O ,~ O o


Pacific Ocean
A ~o

'0 0 L ~ ~~ ~ _

- Progressive ly Older 0 A

I'ib:U fe 3. 10 ( A) Lo c anon o f the E mpe ro r

and Hawa iia n volcani c rstaud a nd sc.r-ruou ru
c hains in the nor the rn Pacific O cea n. (8)
M ode! to illustrat e tne formation of rtc
volca nic c hums Ily I1lOv e "'cn ! o f the occ ani c
lith osph e re (lve r a ' 1i ~..:,J' hot.xpot. After
W i lson ( 1%3) .


" ,' A F R I C A ."

,.;. ".
.,pO C H A I N

Figu re 3. 11 Map of lhe sou thern Atla ntic Oce an s howing

vo lca nic ce ntr es (T ri.s t;m. G ough cIC.) offse l fro m the
pr esen t position of the mid-o cean ridge . Acco rd ing to
o ' O OO~ m
MID- O C E AN RIDGE Wilso n (1973) th e line throu gh the sou thwes t en ds o f me
volcanic cha ins s hows the position of the ridge 25 Ma ago .
since which lime the ridge has migrated westwa rds. A fter
Wilso n (1973).
so' ,"'. iso- ,"'. ~. 00 ' ~.
o' oc- sc' ~.


~. oo'



... 00 '

, ,

~. ,ao' .se- ' 00 ' isc' ,ac- so' 00 '
"'. o' co- 00 '

Figure 3. 12 Plal~ movemen t vectors rcl.ulvc III a lixcu hot-spot lramc " r re ference . Lengths or arr Owx a rc pro po rt ional [0
plalc vclocuics. From U ycJ .1 ( 197X) . alter M<lfgan ( 1')72 1.

between the plate bou nda ries over the last but linked with . the plat e movemen t circula-
200Ma or so. A lth ough it is li kely that the ho i tio n (see Figure 2. [ I).
spots also migrate wit h lime re lative to a A n int erestin g feature of the 'a bso lute' plate
notional fixed man tle frame . th is migra tion is movem ent vect or patte rn is the much grea te r
probably an order o f magnitude slower th an vel ocities of the who lly or mainly oce a nic
thai of the pla tes . Since the ha l spo ts are plat es, such as the Pacific , Coco s an d Nasca
formed by the upward migration o f hot mantl e plat es, co mp ared with those plat es carr ying
materi a l. th ey must be relat ed to the mantl e large continental masses such as the Eurasia n.
con vect ive sys te m. We ha ve see n (2.4) thai the A me rica n and Ant arct ic plates. It might be
convec tive circulatio n in the man tle must be tho ught that the presen ce of la rge pieces of
comp lex , and co nstantly changing beca use of continental lithosph ere acts as a resista nce to
the co nstra ints imposed o n the surface mobility motio n. Howeve r, the fast-movin g Indi an plate
of the plat es by t hei r st rength and geome tr y. argue s against thi s notion. It is clear from
T he lateral movement of ridges away fro m Figure 3. 13 t ha t the significa nt fact or affecting
their likel y locus of crea tion is a good illus- the velocity of a given pla te is the len gth of
tra tion of thi s. It is thou ght that the hot s po ts attached subduction zo ne, indicating that the
re present the sites o f ascent of dee p mant le subd uctio n process (i.e . slab pu ll) is a major
' plumes' that form the rising co lumns of a kine mati c co ntro l, as well as an impo rtant
convecti ve circulat ion pattern , se pa ra te fro m dynami c co ntro l. as show n in 2.5.


o 10

(cent imeters per year )

Figure 3.13 Pro por tio n of pl"l.:: circumference ("10 ) connected to subductin g slahs v. 'absolu te' veloci ty of pl,llcs. Note
Iha l :.11 rho prates with lo ng subd uctio n zone s have velocities great er etw n 5 ern/year . Fro m Forsyth and Uyeda ( 1975)

3. 3 Th e effects of relative plate motion at plate there are eight possible catego ries of relative
boundaries motion <It plate bo undar ies (Figure 3.l4A).
Th ese are: norma l conve rge nt , sin ist ral co n-
It is clear fro m Figures 3. 1 and 3. 12 that the vergen t, de xtral con verge nt, nor mal d ivergen t ,
movement vecto r across plate boundaries is sinistral divergen t, de xtra l divergen t , sinist ral
ge ne ra lly o blique, a nd tha r o nly in the case of st rike-s lip and dextral strike-slip. Howeve r
t ra nsfo rm faults is the re lative mo tion con- whe re the plat e bounda ry is inclined , as it
st ra ined in a pa rticular d irect ion (para llel to typically is in subduction zones , the relative
the boundar y). T he impor tan ce o f oblique movem ent ta kes place with reference to an
rela tive movemen ts in orogenic belts was ori - inclined plane , introducing the vertical dimen-
ginally highlighted by Harland ( 1971), who sion. It is useful to employ fault disp lacement
introduced the te rms ' transpression' and ' trans- terminolo gy fo r such movem en ts. All the
te nsio n' to de scribe tecto nic regi mes ex hibiting possible categories o f relative move ment are
ele me nts of both strike-s lip moti on and eit her listed in Figure 3. 148 . T hus we sec that
co nvergence (co mpression) o r d ivergence (ex- co nvergent move ments lead to thr ust d isplace-
te nsio n) respectively. In the interve ning years, ments on inclined boundaries, and divergent
these ideas have been co mpara tively neglected movemen ts to no rmal displace me nts. A t sub-
by structural geo logists, who ha ve been a pply- d uction zones (or mo re generally, destructive
ing them extensively to oroge nic be lts only bound aries) t herefo re, the fo llowing possib ili-
qui te recently. ties ex ist: d ip-slip thrust and ob liq ue sinistr al
Assuming initia lly that we are dea ling with o r dextra l thrust. At constr uctive bou ndaries
movem ent s that are wholly in th e hori zontal (ridges o r rifts), we may have dip- slip normal,
plane ( Le. tan gent ial to the Ea rth 's surface ), and ob lique-slip sinistral o r dext ra l normal, in
PL AT E .\1 0V [ M E ~ T A~O PLAT E BOU~OARl t:S 71

Sinistr al De x tral Normal as a de formable shee t ra the r tha n :J plane , in

o rder to det e rm ine t he rela tio nshi p be tween
plate movcmcurs and de fo rmatio n. T o each of
t he categories of relative mo vem en t liste d in
Figur e 3.14, must be ad ded a co mpo ne nt of
e ithe r co nve rgen t o r dive rgent mo ve men t
across the sheet , resulting in ei th e r compres-
sion o r ex te nsion of t he sheet in t hat d ire ctio n.
A. Mo ve m en t s in t h e no rt zor uet p la n e T hese move me nts <He acco mpa nie d by stresses
strt ke -sn o M o v emen t o n the walls o f the shee t th a t give rise to strai n
Mo '-:::-c",,'7:"':"'-:,",,':7:'~r":-:-----1
vemen l r- within the sheet . T he se stresses and strai ns
Sin istr al De x lral None
possess co mpo nen ts of simple shear a nd als o
Thr ust
. "" <:
~ , "" <, compone nts of compression or extension , T he

combi nation o f simple shear and co m pression
~"' , ~
, "'" ~ is te rme d transpression , an d the co mb ina tion
of simple s hear a nd exte nsio n is te rme d trans-
None >--: ~
tensio n ( Harland, 1971; San derson a nd M a r-
chin i, 1984; see Figure 3.15A) . It is im portant
x. Away f ro m observe r • • To wards observer to recognize th at simple shea r st ra in itse lf
invo lve s bot h co m pression a nd ex te nsio n, but
8 Mo vem ent s in t hr e e dimen sions that these balance suc h tha t th e re is no ne t
(v er tical pr ot fle ) on inc lined b o u n d ar ie s. vol ume change in the sheet. T ypicall y. of
course, vo lume cha nges do occ ur: fo r exa mp le
tll:urt 3. 14 C llcgmi,;;, or movemen t ,Ier"" ptatc h"u n '
da rie s: (A) . in the hm iZlInl,,1 pla nc ; (8). in three dimcn -
mag ma tic ma te rial ad ds to volume in exrc n-
,iun.' (verlk"l profile). l n ~ " l h c.e,c . the bcuvy ;lITOW, sional regi mes, ,IOU movem e nt o f vola tiles a nd
m:,rk the movement veClor, :Illd th,;; tight arrows the corn- met am o rphic re actio ns create vo lu me cha nges
poncuts of motion "Inng und ano" Ihc houmJMY·
in co mpressiona l regi mes. T he proce ss o f
mo un ta in bu ilding in a conve rgent regime
add itio n to the categories o f d iverge nt mot ion reflec ts crustal th ickeni ng , wh ich is a n ex pres -
listed above applied 10 a vert ica l bo undary. A t sion of compressive st rain ac ross the be lt .
co nservat ive bo unda ries . sinist ra l o r de xtr a l We may illust rat e th e ge nera l case of kine -
strike-slip mot ion a pplies e ither to ve rtical or ma lic be haviou r at a pla te boundary by co n-
incline d planes. side ring two e xam ples: o bliqu e co nve rgence
an d oblique diverge nce ( Figure 3. t5A, B).
Case A produ ces transpression ac ross th e
M o vements across (l deformable boundary
sheet, an d cas e B transtension ac ross th e shee t.
Th e above a na lysis ignores o ne o f the most How e ve r _in A the re is a lso ex te nsio n a lo ng the
importa nt asp e cts of plate boundar ies , wh ich is sh eet . a nd in B. co mpression a long the s heet.
that the y d o no t re pr ese nt a d iscre te plane , bu t T he ge nera l case is illus trated in Figure 3.15C.
a volume of def o rm a ble mat e ria l. O ro ge nic In atte mpting to unde rsta nd the geome t ry of
belts a re, to a lar ge ex tent, a n ex pression of defor mation al structures, it is impo rt ant th e re-
th is de fo rmatio n. We the ref o re ha ve to ta ke fo re to be able 10 visua lize, to thre e d ime n-
into accou nt rel a tive movements across the sio ns, the co m ponents of mo vem e nt a t the
bounda ry as we ll as a long it. T his is partic ularly plate bo un da ry res ulting fro m the re lat ive
obvious in th e case o f construc tive boundaries, movement vecto r. Ma ny a ttempts to a pp ly
wher e new p late ma te ria l is crea ted to accom- plate-tec tonic the o ry to ind ividu a l struc tura l
modat e th e div er gen t mo ve me nt. It ix the re - case histor ies ha ve been two-di men sio na l o r
fore nece ssar y to co nsider the pla te bound a ry ot he rwise over-si mpl ified, th us res tric ting t he ir

, de red , we shall see how far these pri nciples

... ,{!;p~
hav e been put into pr actice .

.--(' / / ,
/ ,'
Summ ary
,::>;":J' A In a pplying plat e tecton ic theor y to the study o f
geo logical st ructures in orogenic belts, the
prima ry objec t is 10 rela te rela tive plute mov e-
me nts a t pia rc bounda ries to stra in with in the
be lt . Since obliqu e move me nts across plat e
bo und a ries a re th e no r m rat he r th an th e e x-
ce pt ion. obl ique co nverge nce a nd d ive rge nce ,
bo th in th e horizontut plane an d in three
dimen sions. must be co nsidered . Eight ca te -
go r ies o f relat ive mo vem en t across a pla te
bo unda ry ar c recog nize d . By co nside ring the
plate boundar y as a defo rma ble sheet ra th e r
c than a discre te plane. the furt he r possibil-
ity a rise s o f co mpressio n or e xte nsion taki ng
FiJ;:.ur., J . 15 (A) rran spr csskm, and I R). u a nstc nsion pla ce no rma l to the wa lls of the shee t, ca us-
( plan views ) produced oy a mo vem ent VCClur (hCHVy
arrows) oblique 10 a plate Otlundary rcprc:.cnlcd hy ~ ing vo lume c ha nges of the kind e xp resse d
dcl orm ahk ~hcCI Th e " Shl ;,rmws represe nt the COIll- in oroge nic belt s by crustal thicke ning. a nd
pon cn ts of move me nt across an d alullg the bou ndary . (Cl a t co nstr uctive bo unda ries by the crea tio n of
A nuc c -dlm c nsion al diug rum illuxrruting trans pres sion . In
each C<I~. the deformed shape is stippled. new lit hosph e re . A t a typic a l plat e bo undary,
• oblique-sl ip e xte nsio nal or co mpressi o nal
move me nt s are expressed in terms of tra ns-
usefu lness . In Chapte rs 8 a nd 9, whe re indivi- te nsio na l or tre ns pression al str a ins wit hin th e
du al examples of or ogen ic belts arc co nsi- rnate riul adjacen t 10 the bo unda ry.

4 Divergent (extensional) tectonic regimes

ru re o n the Earth' s s urface. su rpassing e ven th e

g reat mountain ra nges in sca le. A typ ica l
The main so urces of ex te nsio nal stress in the
sectio n o f ridge is a bout IOOO- 2000km wide
lithosphere arise fro m the de nsity imbala nces
and 2- 3 km high . The m id-A tlantic ridge
produced by ocea n ridges. con tinenta l ma rgins
occupies about one-third of the surface a re a of
and pla tea u upl ifts , a nd hy th e fo rces a rising
th e A tlan tic Ocean (Figure 4.1A ). Th e tecto ni-
from subd uction (see 2.5) . 1) laI C3 11 upl ifts <I re
relative ly common in the commc mal c rust , and ca lly act ive ce ntral rift is marked by a zo ne of
co ncentra ted earthq ua ke ac tivity. The wide
even qu ite smal l up lifts of the o rde r o f ICkl km
across and 1 km o r so high will prod uce an to pogra phic swe ll with ce ntral rift is a lso
cha rac te rist ic of th e contine nta l rift zones
apprecia ble e xte nsional sires." (see Bon and
( Figu re 4 .2A ) wh ich displa y approxi m ately th e
Ku\ZmT. 1979). Extensional tec tonic regimes
sa me d ime nsion s. Acco rd ing to Me nard a nd
are therefore primarily associated wit h dive r-
Sm ith (1966) the ridge syste m as a whole
gem (i.e . co nstr uctive) plate boundaries. bUI
ma kes up 32 .7 % of the surface a rea of th e
are also co m monly fo und wit hin pla te s. in th e
form of local ized rift zones and extensio nal
ocea ns, o r 23.2% o f tha t o f th e Ea rt h.
The geophysical struct ure o f ridges is now
basins. and a re also freque ntly associated with
known in co nsiderable de ta il. The very large
the upper plat es o f subd uct ion zo nes. as hack -
excess to pog ra phic ma ss of the ridge is a lmost
arc ex te nsional prov inces . Strike-slip re gimes
exactly compe nsat ed by a mass deficiency
typically involv e local e xte n..iona l prov inces .
Extensional re gime s a re m uch co m mo ne r th an
compressiona l ones. simply beca use the c rust is
conside rabl y wea ker in· e xte nsio n than com-
pressio n . as explaine d in 2.7.
The ma in types of regime that will he d is-
cussed a re ther efore as fo llo ws:
A. Plate boundary regimes
(i) Ocean rid ges
(ii) Con tinenta l rifts o f type I (pla te boun -
(iii) Co ntine nt a l ex te nsio na l pro vinces at con-
ve rge nt bo und a ries
(lv) Ba ck-arc e xte nsio na l provinces
(v) Strike-slip ex te nsiona l p ro vinces
B. Intraplate regimes
(vi) Co nt ine nta l rift s of type II (intr apla te )
(vii) Int rapla te ex te nsio nal bas ins.
In this cha pte r. we s hall d iscuss e xa m ples of
types ( i) -( iv) . T ype (v) will he di scussed in
Chapter 6. a nd intra pla te re gim es in C ha pte r 7.

Figu~ " . 1 The mid·Atl ant ic ridge . showi ng a nlfal rifl

Th e wo rld- wide ne t wo rk o f ocea n rid ges co n- and d istr ibution o f t'a rt l!.qual.c epiantrcs . After Hee re n
stitut es the most sig nifica nt topog raphic fe a- ( 1962).



Seismic Bell


2,500 .Mal....
E!elQion Con9o
"', ....
r' --
AIonQ 30° N 101.

Lake TOllQOnyika I

Northern Rhodesio : Lake Nyc... I Indian Ocean

"~-s-:& 100 200 AIoRQ 14· 5 kit 400 500 600

Noutico' miles


300 300

-Observed Figure 4.2 (A) Topographic pro-

200 - - - Calculated 200
tile across the mid-Atlantic ridge,
compared with profiles across the
E. African rift system, Note in
cach case the central rift situated

on a broad topographic swell. x25
vertical exaggeration. From Hee-
zen (1%2). (8) Possible density
model of thc crust and upper
mantle structure beneath the mid-
Atlantic ridge, showing densities
L- -'- ---''-- --' , in g/cru' assigncd to each layer.
From [jolt (1971). after Talwani et
al. (1%5).

caused by a volume of less dense mantle material with the properties of asthenospheric
material below the ridge. Figure 4.28 shows mantle has been confirmed by other geophysi-
profiles combining gravity information with cal evidence: low electrical conductivity, high
seismic refraction data that indicate anornal- attenuation of seismic waves, high surface
ously low seismic velocities in the region wave dispersion, and inefficient propagation of
occupied by the low-density material (see 2.2). Sn waves, which correlate with the zone of high
The most satisfactory explanation of this heat flow along the ridges (see 2.3).
anomalous structure is that the asthenosphere The active tectonic zones occupy a narrow
effectively rises much closer to the surface, and central rift valley about 100 km wide, in which
that the lithosphere thickens away from the the earthquake activity and vulcanicity are
ridge crest as it cools (see 2.1). The presence of concentrated. Rather low heat flows have been
measured from areas adjacent to the high heat- displacements characterize the flanking fault
flow zone along the ridge axis. This pattern is scarps, which dip at about 60° inwards, forming
thought to be due to convective circulation of the walls of the rift. These features indicate
fluids, which gives rise to intense hydrothermal extension normal to the rift axis but oblique to
activity. the plate divergence vector.
Detailed information about ocean-ridge The vertical displacement on the extensional
morphology and its relationship to volcanic fissures of the axial zone is always less than 1 m
and tectonic activity was obtained in the but, in the marginal tectonic provinces, the
FAMOUS project (Heirtzler and van Andel, throws increase to between 1 and 3 m, with the
1977) which employed manned submersible formation of tilted blocks. On the inward-
dives along a section of the mid-Atlantic ridge facing walls of the rift, major vertical scarps
west of the Azores islands, between latitudes occur, with throws of 5- HXJ rn, on planes
36°30' and 37°N. The manned dive programme dipping around 60°, bounding fault blocks
was supplemented by a number of techniques tilted away from the rift at 5-7°.
including seismic refraction, side-scan sonar, The horizontal extension measured across
surface sampling and deep drilling. This en- the inner rift on these faults and fissures
ablcd a detailed picture to be obtained of the amounted to 5.7'X, on the western side and 8%
morphology of the ridge and its tectonic con- on the eastern. The difference is proportional
struction (Ballard and van Andel, 1977). to the difference in spreading rate. New rift
~e ridge in this ~~<:tor is. topographically axis positions appear to occur along the lower
Jomplex arlQi~-~fset.b.Y_s..~ve~aU~;icturc~~~e~~ • slopes of the volcanic edifices rather than
(transform faults). Bathymetric profiles show through the middle. Consequently, short tran-
ranges of rift mountains with peaks at a depth sient transform faults are required to accom-
of 1300 m on each side of the rift, separated by modatc the spreading. The width of this central
30-32 km of valley ~oor which slopes gently zone of offset rifts is about I km. The central
towards the rift axis. The axis is offset towards axial ridge contains volcanic material with
the western margin of the rift. The asymmetry dates of 20000 to 35000 years, but the mar-
of the central rift in relation to the margins of ginal ridges contain material 100000-160000
the first magnetic anomaly suggests asymmetric years old (Figure 4.3A). Thus the inner rift
spreading of 0.7- 1.0 ern/year on the west side contains the youngest volcanic rock and is
and 1.2- 1.4 em/year on the cast side of the rift. interpreted as the result of axial volcanic
The fracture zones are located in deep U- activity in the form of small piles or cones of
shaped valleys up to 3 km deep and 10 krn lava 5-7 m high and 10-15 m wide draped by
wide. Seismically active scarps of the order of radiating lava tubes. This vulcanicity is accorn-
100m high mark the tectonically active portion panied by pure extension, in contrast to the
of the fracture zone, and sheared rocks were faulting in the rift walls, which results from
dredged up to 10 krn on either side of the shear. It is suggested that, shortly after forma-
southern fracture zone. tion , the volcanic edifice in the axial zone
The rift floor contains an inner rift valley collapses vertically along the boundaries of the
(Figure 4.3) with a floor 1-3 km in width, central ridge, whereas in the outer portions of
bordered by sloping terraces. The centre of this the valley, older volcanic blocks are uplifted to
inner rift valley floor consists of a line of form the walls of the inner rift (Figure 4.3C).
elongated hills up to 1 km wide and 100- 2(XJ m Since the distance from the boundary wall to
high, lying at a depth of about 2500m. The the axis is correlated with spreading rate, it
morphology of the rift valley was found to seems likely that the uplift of the walls is
result mainly from volcanic activity modified related to the thickening of the lithosphere as it
by tectonic effects. Vertical tension fractures moves laterally away from the locus of new
occur on the inner rift floor and dip-slip volcanic activity and cools. The crustal thick-

ness in the inne r rift valley is only about 3 km , T he ho rizon ta l ten sional stress e xe rted
based on ther mal mod els (Sleep , 1975). A bo ut across the whole width o f the ridge , d uc 10 its
1O- 20'Y" o f this thick ness is made up of pillo w de ns;Iy cont ras t with Ihe adjoining ocea n floo r ,
basalts. ove rlying ocea nic crust o f laye r 2 type is therefor e mm smu tcd across u very th in ,
(pres umably she e te d d ykes) , which in (u rn wea k. br ill Ie laye r in the cent ra! rift zo ne . This
o ve rlies a ma gma chambe r th a t ;IPPC;' fS [0 must cause repealed extensional failure , en-
extend t he whole width of the inner rift . ah ling the spreading process \0 co ntinue.

3~'* ",' ,,'

q ""opo




Egu", 4.3 (A) Distributio n of fau lts [ hachured lines) and volcanic hodies (~ h ade d) io me inner rifl m oe o f lhe mid-
A tlantic ridge at ;lOoN. The da rker s hading indicates the younges t volcanism; d\lb . vents a nd cres t tines of volca noes: thic k
ar ro ws, dip o r fault bloc ks: thin c urved a rru ws. vulca nic I lcw lobes. From Balla rd "od V;lI1 A ndd (1977)
W.WAll E WAll


~ ft ..
TROUGH,:.<.--.........---7 TROUGH

00 500m ~ J\

Figure 4.3 (8) Diagrammatic profile of

the inner rift zone showing structural sub-
divisions. (C) Diagrammatic crustal cross-
section of the inner rill valley, showing
magma chamber in which lateral magma-
tic differentiation and cumulate dcposi-
lion are taking place. Later volcanism
on the flanks draws on differentiated
magma. and crustal thickness increases
towards the main boundary faults. Band
C from Ballard and Van Andel (1()77)

The type of topography described in the central swell. At the fastest spreading rates,
FAMOUS area appears to be characteristic of the graben is absent. and there is only a pro-
ridges with rather slow spreading rates. Ridges minent axial ridge. ~ km wide and 200 m high,
with moderate to high spreading rates (e.g. the situated on the central swell. This swell is still
East Pacific ridge between 2loN and 200S) are about 7 km wide, hut is now 500 m high. These
characterized by central ridges with narrow, features characterize the East Pacific ridge at
shallow axial depressions (Figure 4.4). Fran- 20 oS, and are superimposed on a general ridge
cheteau and Ballard (19R3) describe the results topography that is much smoother and flatter
of a detailed survey of three small sections than that of the mid-Atlantic ridge. In this
of the East Pacific ridge at 2loN, l3°N and section of the East Pacific ridge, the spreading
200S respectively, and compare these with the rate is ahout 17 ern/year. The ridge is almost
FAMOUS results from the Atlantic. They show aseismic and displays no signs of major faulting
that at moderate spreading rates (e.g. at 2loN) on the axial ridge. which appears to he of vol-
there is a shallow axial depression comparable canic construction. Fluid lavas forming sheet
in width to the rift valley on the Atlantic ridge flows are more prominent than pillow lavas in
(3-5 km) and with similar volcanic edifices 10- the axial region, and would tend to cover the
50 m in height. The fault-controlled walls of fissures as soon as they opened up. This would
this rift average 100 m in height. The axial account for their relative scarcity. Hydrother-
trough is situated on a central swell up to 7 km mal activity is evident from the existence of
in width. However the highest relief occurs on numerous vents and. locally, massive sulphide
the uplifted blocks immediately flanking the deposits along the axial zone. Faults and
axial trough. At faster spreading rates (e.g. fissures are comparatively uncommon.
BON) there is only a very narrow axial graben, Francheteau and Ballard propose a model
200 m in width and 50 m deep, situated on the for an ideal accreting segment of ocean ridge

<0" MAR 36°N


~ ' 00

160 0

0 to : '5 , 20 25 ao 00

,"oo~PR 21°N
26000 2~ 5 : 7.5 10
, '
,"OOF --t:i ~ PR 13°N
~ 2800 ~
It 0 2.5 5 , 7,5 '0
~ ,: ''
c, "OO~ : : EPR 20°5
3000 • •
3200 ,

0 25 5 7,5 10 '~ 5
D IS TANCE (km )
FiJ::ur", 4 .4 Comparisu n of 1<)[1<'I;'''PI'I ,,,, prulilc ac ro ss Itll: mid -A flnnuc rilli!'- a[ .1I,"N wilh p m fik s " e"", 1I H<~ c M:Clions o f
the [;h l Pacific ridge c h.u.rc tc rrzcd h y dilfcrcru sp rea ding rarc s , OI l 1 1~N «(' n n ycar) , L~o N (10 .2 c rnlyl" ar ) '111.1 20"S (If> em!
year) . The pm; lion of the illl1cr ,if! zone in the mid-Atlan tic ridge is projected omo the ot her profiles for comp<lrisnll. 10
highlighl lhc ,Jirfc rc nccs in ttlflOSnlp hy . Vc ruc ul c xaggr rution or X/'l.4) , Fwm Fr.mchc tcau " ntl ll,lIlanJ ( I'JKl )

(Figure 4.5) . The segment is boun ded by active for abo ut 10 years. Then , as the pu lse of
transform faults which are associated with replenishment moves to ano the r poin t on the
to pographic depressions. They suggest that ridge axis. tbe previous site is characteri zed by
each segment is unde rlain by a separate magma pillow-flow e rup tions and decreasing hyd ro-
reservoi r that lenses o ur d ue to cooling at the therma l activity.
transform -bounded ends of the segment. The The explanation for the d ifferences in to pe-
magma chambe r will thus be thicker and the graphy bet wee n fast and slow-spreading ridges
overlying crustal ' lid' th inne r. in the central appears to lie in the diffe ring effects o f broad
pan of the segment, resulting in iso sta tic uplift and narrow axial magma chambers. Slee p and
and to the observed to pograp hic highs. These Rosendahl (1979) constructed numerical fl uid
ho lle r regio ns where the lid is thinnest will dynamical models for fast and slow-spreading
prod uce surface- fed fluid lavas rat he r than ridge sections, and produ ce calculated pro files
pillow lavas. which will occur distally. around which closely match the observed topography.
the fl anks of the highs. T hey conclude that ridges C<1I1 be classifi ed into
Lichtman and Eisscn (19S3) suggest that slow-spreading (half-sp read ing rates less than
e ruptive phases migrate in a probably random 4 cm/year) with axial rifts abo ut I km deep ;
fashion along the ridge crest. T he initial, highly fast-spreading (half-spreading rates grea te r
active ph ase is charac te rized by magmatic than 3 em/yea r) with axial ridges severa l hun-
inflation. increase in instant aneo us spread ing dred met res high; and hot -spot ridges with
rate , and eru ptio n o f sheet -flow lavas, and lasts spreading half-rates less than 4 em/year . pro-


rsocIS ~ I - l ONE 1 VOLCANICS

I, I .--
III [) SMAll TfUIVSrOR.=':"='~"'~'Iii=!!i!...-'==;':: TOPOGRAPHIC HICH;

SHE£! Fl OwS DlCi[A Sl IN

Pill OWS

Figure 4.5 M,,<Jd 1m an i,k alil cu accreting sc!:mclll uf '>CCJll ridge . , h"wing IUl'ugrJ l'luc . v" kan;c, tectonic anJ
h)'dmtilc, m;,1 v"r i,lli<>n <IS" Iuncuon " f distance from t'<>unJ ing 1, ;on,Iorm [,lllih (1\ ). ",,<.1 Ih..: prcd.ctcd ;u r•m gc mcn t of
_mall scale U;llI,fwl1l [,' ulh and c n-cchckm c ru puv c flssurcs. Fm m Fr" nchc h:,' u and lJdlla roJ (I'nn )

nounccd axial rid ges and higher general mo tion . Th e ' nor ma l' pauem of a spre ad ing
e leva tion . In the kis t-s pread ing ridges . th e ridge will ther efore he a crenellat e o ne (se e
tcpogr uph y is co nsid e red to he th e co nse- Figure 4.6A ) with rift sec tio ns o ffse t by s ho rt
quen ce of isostati ca lly co m pe nsat ed ther ma l t ra nsforms similar to th e structure fo und in th e
expansion d ue to a la rge ma gma cha mbe r. In I' A ~ O U S ar ea. O nce fo rme d . these tra nsforms
the slo w-spreading ridges. the rifts result from will be of co nstant len gth if sp re ad ing is
viscous he ad loss in t he upwe lling mat erial uni form on both sides . Ho we ve r t here is
ascendi ng thro ugh a na rr o w cond uit. The ho t- e vidence that ridges can e ithe r 's t ra ig hte n'
spo t type of rid ge is associated with a thick o r form mor e exaggera te d cr e nella tion s with
c rust o ve rlying a thick m agm a cha mbe r a nd time , by asy mme tric spreading o n e ithe r side of
produces abnorma lly e levated topography, as th e axis, balanced by alt e rna tion s o f faster a nd
see n fo r e xa m ple in the R eykjan es ridg e nea r slowe r spre ading ac ross th e tra nsfo rm s bo un-
Icel a nd . a nd in th e Azo res sec tio n o f th e mid - d ing e ac h sect ion ( Figure 4.6A ). Th is process is
A tlantic rid ge , wh ere ax ial pe ak s rea ch nearl y believed by Me na rd ( 19R4) to accou nt fo r th e
to se a-leve l. c renellated C re taceous a no ma ly pa tte rn in th e
Th e rel ati o nship be tween rift ing and spre ad- Pacific . which is sa nd wiched be twee n e a rlie r
ing o r d iverge nce d irect io n is no t as simple as a nd la te r st ra ight sec tio ns. If me am ou nt o f
mig ht a t first be ass ume d. Theo ret icall y. e xten - spre ading a lo ng ;1 rift va ries , a di ffe re nt
sion ma y occur ac ross a plane ma kin g an an gle type o f ste pped patt ern results. cbaructer izcd
with th e plat e d ive rge nce. or spre ad ing direc - by wedge-sha pe d seg ments ( Figure 4.6 8 ).
tion (see Figure 3. 14). H owe ve r . in practice . Me nard sh o ws how a ste pped ridge ma y e vo lve
the a xia l rift fissures a ppe a r to be ge ne ra te d by from a st raig ht o ne by alterna tion s of fast and
pure ex te nsio n , wit h no co m po ne nt of la te ra l slo w sectio ns ac ross the bo undary tran sfo rm s ,
shea r. Moreove r. th e norma l fa ults in the a xia l combined with va ria tions be twe e n fast a nd
re gion a re also ge ne ra ted by pure d ip-slip slo w with in the segm en ts . Th is process e xpla ins

A has been subje cted to de ta ile d exa mina tio n.

Slll F .A S r Icel a nd lies on the site o f
(Wilson. 1963; Mo rgan. 1971) , bel
2 F ,AST "'
III (c. f oMa ee)
T he cu rren tly a ctive rift run s thro ugh the
middl e o f th e isla nd in a com plex patt ern
, h llik.t ai~
( Figure 4.711 ). T he act ive r ift co incides with
~" r ,4ST
U I , a lo ne of high hc ur flow a nd act ive high-
te m pe ra t ure ste a m fields. E;II.:h ne w sec tion o f
B rift a ppe a rs to have fo rm ed first as a fa ult-
bo unde d to pogra ph ic dep ressio n in which ac-
cum ulat e d thick se q ue nces (If volcaniclas tic
se di me nts prior to the first fiss ure e ruptio ns.
T he rift zo ne cha nges ori e nta tio n so uth o f t he
ce ntra l tran sfo rm from N - $ (0 NE - SW. and
agai n so ut h o f the so ut he rn tra nsfo rm to ENE -
WSW. Accordi ng to • this
pattern e vo lved fro m a muc h simple r pat te rn
ab o ut 4 .5 Ma ago ( Figure 4.7A ) whe n a sing le
",..""'~...,JoiI"i!!l"'lOl1~~il!;oll nI iI t he j unc-
non with the present ce nt ralt ra nsfor m. whe re-
upo n it cha nged di rec tio n to NE - SW. Spread-
• ing rat es a t th is time we re lo w. aho ut'" "'!R"•
d ivergen t mo tion .
Fi~u r r 4 .6 Mod els illu- tranng lh..: cr Cll110n uf crcnCll;tICd
a nd ste p ped ridge patterns hy asymmcmc spee..din g. (A)
Evolut ion o r a c renelate ridge from a straight one by
crCOI lio n an d le ngthe ning o f trans form la u l l ~ !>Cr ar at;ng
seg ments of laste r a no slo we r !'f'fca ding. (II) Evo lution " f
a s tc ppo..'<l ridg.:: from a str aight on e d ue h I a eh;lIlgc in the
d irectio n o f spreadi ng: sp rc ndiug nile var ies !rum fasl IU
T he a xial rift o n the islan d is a 70 km -wide
slo w a t IJpposil<: CIJds of eac h scgnrem, crc;lling wedge- zo ne o f f lood bas al ts yo unge r than 0 .7 Ma . and
sh aped !<CgmCllls: ridges eventually become orthugu nal'" has bee n stud ied in det a il hy Sae mundsson in
th e tra ns[ur m Ia ults a nd [0 the new , prc' I!.ling dtrc cuou.
Fro m M el1ard ( IQIW)
th e no rth ern pa rt o f the island ( Fig ure 4.8 ).
Th e curre ntly act ive hel t co nt a ins a series of
fissu re swarms paralle l 10 the ge ne ra l rift
ho w a change in plate diverge nce direc tio n ca n orie nta tio n . togethe r with N - $ no rm a l faults
be acco mmoda te d . For e xa mple , th e post- a nd a number of cald e ras a nd ce ntr a l vol-
to Ma ste pped pa ttern o f the C a rlsber g ridge in canoes. Th e o lde r basa lts form ing the fla nks of
the NW India n O cea n ( Figur e 3.6) is .. res - the rift a re ge nt ly tilt ed to wa rds the rift axis a t
po nse 10 a cha nge in relative mo ve me nt vecto r an gles o f 5- Itl". inc re asin g to steeper d ips
between the A frican an d Intitan plates tha t (20-35°) nea r th e rift ma rgins. Fu rth e r west ,
re sulte d in a discorda nce between the o ld a nd the d ip changes to around 25°W ind ica ting a
new se ts of magnetic stripes a nd tra nsfo r ms. broad fle xure a long th e rift flan ks.
Within th e s hari ENE- WSW sec tio n. o n the
U.,. ,.. . VW;"t"ht r'. Ondi, id"
'it I " hUad
T his a rea is the only pa rt of th e cu rren tly active A de tailed a nalysis of the Irac -
ocean ridge sys te m tha t is ex posed o n land a nd t urcs in this so uthe rn area (Jeffe ris a nd

A) 4 . ~ m~ 000

- ..

~ 5'''.. ·.''9'''·. '' .. ""

~ Ace•• "o. , ,""" . ~ .... b.
o '00 ~ 500....."'0 .',.
r..,::.: ] A.;t ,• • YO'co. ,,'"
o f t• • • ~ . . ....

P~$en' :--------;~jlilll-----
~ 5,...:" ..
++ _ ...."'''''' ''''',
+ +
~ A_ t o .... . 0.'.9 '0"
8) ".
"'-- 0,....,..... o' ""....."9

l emf,


Fi~urr 4.7 Ptare tectonic intcrp rcunion " f the Icel a nd flft ( Ao ) Reconstruction of the rifl of 45 M" Ul' before the e astwards
, hifl Ilf the ce nt re! 'lq; m..:: n1. Ne \\ e,,~lem rift wn ..::~ Me hq :1I1I1il1£ to <J e\lcl<lp, lnMke<J hy lk xtlf<l l HI'ughs whc re thick
sediments ate accumul.ning. (8 ) Pre- e m p.urcru , "f h;r Ihe s hifl was completed. T h,' flew rifh .... e re 1I1i li"lc <J " I differe nt
limes: the rcntrnl zone ut J M" Ill'. the soulh,'r n segment .u 15M'l J nd the northern ,II 1.IlMa ·111C pos ition I,f the
"halKlo llo:d weste rn rift is indica ted by a ,ynd lll;'! s tructure in the hasa lts , Fro m Sac muudsson ( 1974)

A has bee n subj ec ted to deta iled examination .

Icelan d lies o n the site of
"'!.... (Wilso n. 1963; Mor gan . 1971) a..... h_
a _ _ COllI' mn
fill (c.16M a liP)
_fir. The cur rently active rift runs through the
middl e o f the island in a co mplex patter n
di I Wi
(Fi gure 4."7 8 ). T he active rift co incides with
a zo ne of high heat now an d active high-
te mperature stea m fields . Each new sec tion of
B rift appears to have fo rmed first as a fault"
ho unded topographic de pression ill which ac-
cum ulated thick sequences of volca niclastic
sed ime nts prior to the first fissu re eruptions.
Th e rift zone changes or ient atio n sou t h of the
ce nt ral t ransfor m fro m N- S to NE - SW , and
again so uth o f the sout he rn tr ansfo rm to E NE -
WSW . Acco rdin g to . , this
pa tte rn evolved from a much simpler patt ern
abo ut 4 .5Ma ago (F igure 4.7A ) when a single
"",u.di · lb _., until the ju nc-
tio n with the present cent ral t ransform . where-
upon it changed direction to NE -SW. Sp read -
ing rates at this time were low, <loout . """!'...•
diver ge nt moti on.
Fi ~u r ~ 4.6 Mmlch illll, U<l ling me crcauon of c rc ncllurc d
and stepped ridge patter n, o y asymme tric spread ing. (A )
Evo lutio n uf " crcnet are ridge from a Slraight one hy
crealio n and len gthen ing uf transfo rm Iaults scpann ing
segment s of Iastcr and slower spreading . (8 ) E vo hllinn of
a ste pped ridge from a sinlight one due 10 a ch.mgc in the
"'iM 1....AItO
direct io n of sp rc" ding: sp r('old ;ng rate V;Ir ;L~ Irom ' ,lsl 1<>
T he axial rift on the islan d is a 7U km -wide
slo ", ;It \)rrnSiIC e nds o f e llch se g.uc nt , cleat ing wed ge- zo ne of floo d basalts yo unger than U.7 Ma . an d
shape d segments; ridges e ve n tually become or th<>gu n,,1 III has bee n stud ied in detail by Sacm undsson in
the transfo rm Iaults and 10 the new spf"ading directio n,
Fro m Menard ( 11)"4 )
the northern part o f the island ( Figure 4 .8) .
T he curre ntly active belt contains a series of
fiss ure swarms parallel to the ge ne ral rift
ho w a change in pla te dive rgence d irection can orienta tion , together with N- S no rmal faults
OC accommodated . For example. the post- a nti a numbe r o f cald eras an d central vol-
10 Ma stepped pat tern of the C arlsberg ridge in canoes . T he older basalts formin g the flanks of
th e NW India n Ocean (Figure 3.0) is a res- the rift are ge ntly tilted towards the rift axis at
ponse to a change in relative mo vem ent vec tor an gles of 5 - 1U", increa sing io steeper dips
bet wee n the Af rican and Indian plates that (20- 35°) ncar the rift ma rgins. Furthe r west ,
result ed in a discor dan ce between the o ld and the dip changes to aro und 2Y W ind icating a
new se ts o f magnetic stripes and transforms. b road fl e xure along the rift flanks.
Wit hin the shor t E NE- WSW sec tion. o n the
rise i"lmic:h,• • b.h:Mi'td"o
T his area is the on ly par t of the currently active oitw iPl'J'dPW",- A det ailed analysis of the fr ac-
oce an ridge syste m that is exposed on land and tures in th is so uthe rn area ( Je ffe ris and

,,,"', I e"' " Al 4 .~my, ooo

'-~_ ..
_ . s'

I ' ''' ' ' ~ .,, '••'."9' ' '9"'
S A« ,. ', _ . "' ....~.
' 00
200 . .. , .,,."""'1 .
r-:::.(." •.] Act 1<0"' ...

~ F,.
..-*" .,.,<
+ + _ ....9· .........'
+ +
~ .........." ....""'"i ,. ,,
~ D"o<'_" "".a<t"'i


A----·· ~

t'il:ure 4.7 Plure tectonic in l<,;r pr<,;ta tio Jl of the lcctuml rif!. (A) Reeon~lrucliun "r the rif( of 4 5 M" UP befo re the e ast wards
shifl of the cc m rul segme nt. Ne'" c u-ac ru rift zones arc I>eginning to de velop. mark ed hy llexlIr,,1 I ll lUg hs ""he r..: thid
scdimcuts ar~' accumulatin g. (8) Present p.uu-m . afte r the sh if! was comple ted. T hl' new rifts were inill<l":u al differen t
limc s: the ccm ral zone a' -1 M" UP , the southern segm ent at 1,) Ma and the northern at I OMa The positron "r the
abandoned wl'Sl c rn rift is indicated hy" syl1 d ill <ll -ar uctu rc in the haxults . From Sacruundvscn ( 1'174)
I ~.
IS· 17" 16 · N

F: ;:. ; :: ~) Jotl,lI'SO Qto.,e l p lO l n

o F' lood bo sa lls Joun;. , ,Pl on 0 7 my

~ Floo4 DooOlls e- ~td f,om 31 0 07 "".

~ Grlmsey o TerTlo r ., ' load b01G1t1 Oldft I "'on 3 my.

~ Fluu rtd lone

~ Oul . ordl y Inc l ine d bioc u border In;
~ norlr"ltrn pa ri of flelure
MOncir.,Jor ~ F'rs'Sure eruption. Ce n i ro l eru pt ion
I rr.
o Central volcono


/ / Fissure ,.o rm
~ - H '
A'" Low.,1 'illite t ntOr MommO"1 t~ n ,)
,< S I"ke I dIp
~ Ob ltQ u e - slip fault lone
r r I I >-
o 10 20 ' 0 40 :)O krn Z


Figure 4.11 Structural map of NE Iceland showing position s of fissures . fissur e eruptions a nd central volcanoes within the act ive rift zo ne and the flexure
o f the olde r basalts in the lIank ing regio ns. From Sucmundsso n ( 197<1)

Vo ight , I\)HI ) indica tes l WO ma in orien ta- dar ics a ltho ugh t he y do 11 01 themselves fo rm
tio ns . one NN E -SSW pa ra lle l to the IOC,1 ! plate boundaries . Certain of t he la tter ty pe o f
tren d of dykes an d fa u lts, an d the ot her a con tinenta l rif ts prov ide goo d evi d e nce as to
b road E - W sys te m ra nging from 07(f 10 1:'100 the nat u re o f the p ro ce sse s of in it ia tio n of
in tre nd T hc NN E-SS W syste m is inte rpre ted construc tive bo u ndar ies in co nrinentn l litho -
as extensio nal fractures (i ndicat ing about (l.·n:, sphe re . iee (i ulf I d e rift ·s loJ
ex tension ) a rising from th e stress field respo n- I ~l l l a.:li ":tlnslH ~ t i\/cltr ans forlll pial
sib le for the nor ma l fa ulting a nd d y ke Injec- u nuary wh ich Iin kli with th e Indian O ce a
tio n . T he E- W set o ccu rs nc ar t he edges of the ;JKI: YlllClll cl:UU plov ide;:s H m odern a nalogue
active zon e a nd indicates a reo rie n ta t ion of the -.,1 h lit sys te m wluct es uhed in th b rea k'.
active st ress fie ld , IS th e cr us t moves away fro m 'u p uf l)ilO!!aca. T h is rift sys te m is d iscusse d in
the acti ve zo nc. S: racrures a ru intC I"f'~l(,,(~ d ct ui l hclnw. Exa m ina tion of the pa ssi ve co n-
s the u.~ . u h o f hcrmcetnsn stresses u uc u. tinenta l ma rg ins of t he A tlan tic a nd Ind ia n
(JOling a mi indica t ex te nsion 0 1 the o rd r I" Oceans prov ides su ppo rting evi de nce for th is
'N process .
Fuca l m ech anism so lutiolit';of ea rt hqua kes in Equally clea rly, m,my ap pa ren tl y in tr a pla te
this N E -SW zo ne g ive un ifo rm hor izo n ta l rifts ha ve existed ove r lo ng pe riod s o f geolog i-
lea st ~l re.'''i .. xes o rie nted NW_S i . Since the ca l lime without o pe ning to fo rm ocea ns, T he
pla te bound ar y here h as an E N E - WSW s tr ike ,
these e xte nsion al zo nes ar e e n-ec helon zo nes
of norma l ex ten sion dc f ning an obliq ue s pread -
Bai ka l a nd Africa n rifts arc e xamples o f such
structures tha t a re cu rren tly aelive . 1e BailLiI
rift tJri!iina ll'l ! in ('rl' I,Ken us IIIn \: . ( Logatc hcv
ing ridge on th e rcgiona! scale . North and et IIf. • liJ7x a nd Ihe E ilst Afric a n n fls n the
south o f this section , th e sp re adi ng d irec tion 1illl:cn (Ba ke r /'1 al., 1( 72). P reS("n1ly ill"
coinc ides with the di rection of extensi o n in the ift !!ouch ell th ' r.~ lilian O slo gra ben
normal way . lid th e- Nort h Se ; b asin eibvio usly ne ve r mad e
the tran sit ion to constructive bo unda ries , ;11-
thn ugh appreciable e xte ns ion to ok place .
4._ Con tinen ta l rir s
T he .fuj/~tJ arm; )f rift tr iple j u nctio ns a rc au
The clas sificatio n a nd o rigin o f co nti ne nta l rifts, importa n t class of rifl lirst reco g nized by tiurk
has bee n a subject of gre at debate a nd co n- a nd @ ( llJ73), w ho sugges ted tha t enn
tro ve rsy for m;m y d ecades . A n um be r of rin ntal lin"n t oo rlac h_ the joining
symposia ha ve b een d e vot ed to the topic in tUltelhe;: 0 p ai rs { rifts from eujacen triple
recent years (c. g. Ne u mann and Ra mbe rg , J U lkOl lUi lS l O l in ~n l i n uuuli bu t irreguta
1978; l ilies , lIJRI ; Pubnaso n. 19X2; a nd Mo rgan . I - l r ~ l i\/ bn un d a r,- ( Figur e 4 .9). The rifts
and Bake r , IIJH3). Some we ll-kn o wn rift sys- tha i we re no t d e vel oped in the ev e ntu a l sp rea-
tems, for exam p le the fri can- Red Se " .a.Gulf ding be came ' fai led a rm ' g rabe n, o r IIltu'ugell.
c t den systcm. I h ~ Hhine Ruhr SYS(CI I (Shatsky. 1\)55). ~ e h rifts . a ltho ug h struc-
Gslo graben . h Haik ul ft , an d t tu ra lly a nd genet ica lly li nked to the pl ate
G rande ri f h ave bee n st ud ied in great det ail. bou nd a ry . a rc no t p art o f it. A geed e xa m p le
A p rima ry classifica tio n of cu rre ntly ac tive 01 u ;lluIIH.'t' ge n i th e Benue trough in w est
rifts wo uld a tte m pt to s ub d ivide the m into lri C3 1 Fig ure 4. 11: Burke an d Dewe y, IlJ73) .
those repr ese nting usu ucnv pial bou The Nige r triple ju ncti o n deve lope d in th e
danes , and t . " Ihal a intraplat Ho we ve r C re taceous pr io r to the opening of th e So ut h
this subd ivision is not as clcn rcut as it seems. Atla nti c . Th e ot he r two r ift s d e ve lop ed into
since many a ppare ntly in traplate rifts h ave the A tla n tic Ocea n whil e th e Bc nue t rou gh
been inter p rete d as resu lt ing d ire ct ly o r in- beca me a fa iled arm .
directly fro m pl a te bo u nda ry p ro ce sse s , a nd St ruc tu ra lly. a rift is essen tially an el o ngat e
some are d irect ly con nec te d with plate boun - do w nfaultcd b loc k or gra ben . Ho we ve r , majo r

[<uJ>,..,' ~ " .
84 GE01.0G ICAL STlW CrU IU,S AND \l OVING 1' 1.1\ 1lOS

, ,
-- .;::.. ,
~- - , magmatism
( ,€-
.v-=- c~'.<aLlnE'
" '
,. --:- . . , ...r ocks,
't. d~:ro

, , .-1
,nft -- - ~=
, ~
- ".:="'\
ocean / -=nv€'r !IO'Ning
• , dowo toned or m
- ,
' ;'=/ . ,
,l . . sh~,f ..., ,
, ,

~V ~break
, - - ,
, ridge
\ n~E' , ,

troostorm ~

"/ ,
- ,

, , ,
, h- ,
~ ,
t'ij!;u rc 4.9 D i" " r'" 11 illu, t, ,,ting Ihe cil fly stage.. . ,If brcav -up or
C<ln lmc nla l lo llu" l' hcrc In fO\l11\ a n ' I<:C'lIl T he fa ilure o f the
crus j, <Illflhutcu l<l IUl l ,,!!c of triple ·ju nctio n rifl ,y'lcm, , ' IU<l tcu ove r hu' '1'''1' lu.;gul«nll n in the p"''''''': co ntine ntal
ma rgin so formed arc p': lp, -lu,,' ..:, 1 ", lf~ n, foflll " ffS<: h III Ihe oc ean ,if! system. 'F"i1c' ,J- M Ill ' nfl, .nc prc,crvcu on th e
ClJIlI;nc nl,.I 'll" rgi", Fr"lIl Bur ke "lid Dewey ( 1973)

rifts co mpr ise eu mplc .·l cm~ u e ten. ion." those o f oc e a n rid ges and are explai ned in
{Hulk. . and exhibil 'ismi eotceni.. a nd di te rms of a re gio n of low- de nsity ma ntle mat e r-
m ClIlar ylc aturc tha t a rc dir ect ly re lated 10 the ia l, whic h has been te rmed the iJln ,
prima ry ex tension a l st ruc ture. Ho rizon tal e x- co rre la ting with high heat How . T his pillow
te ns io n is th e ref o re fun dame nta l to all rifts . unde rlies t he r ift an d o fte n su pports a n uplifted
a lt ho ugh in ma ny cas es the am o unt o f e xte n- pla te a u o r do me in the nan king regio ns.
sion ma y be q uite sma ll {arou nd IO'X, fo r t he Associa te d vulca nici ty is highly va riable bo th
Rhi ne a nd Bai ka l rifts fo r exa mple ). AU ritt. in ty pe a nd amoun t . So me rifts e xhibit ve ry
t:Xhibi an om aluu s cr usta e and 1JPPC ni ~n,l l!l­ lill ie vulcan icity while in o t her s vo lcan ic roc ks
plOfliCtl. usually inte rpret ed as the re sult of a rc a bunda nt. Ma~mati:.lU is tj'picull Pt·
cr ustal and/or lithos phe re thinning a nd e xte n- mudal wuh ooth a lkali basalt h olit • nl!
sio n , o r asthcnosph cr ic d ia pirism. Th e geo- lhok iil h )ohl~ magma rics ~in g pre'
physica l c baructcrisrics ar c ve ry sim ila r to ' n h:u In ma ny rifts . the vo lcan ic ro cks

• . )111 .. l\: '" IS; 19b ' . t,; Ot W ;ly trulII t he-rilt ev olv e in to o ceans if the stress co nd itio ns were
i: The re is usuall y a com p lex se q ue nce o f app rop riat e (sec 2.7 ).
e vents inv olving sc vc rul episo d e s o f fault ing T hese IWO fu ndamentall y diffe rent types of
and vulca nism . rift may he distin guished most e asily in the ir
Many riflS m e asso eialcJ wit h IHo"J JOIn ,,1 initia l stages . Plumc-gcucrarcd rifts ought to
uplift s as sugges ted hy the Bu rk e a nd Dewe y co m m e nce w it h doming , a nd sho u ld e xhib it
model , h ut the re a rc arg u men ts as to wh ether abundant vulcani cit y from the earlies t stage s .
these ar c ,I con se que nce or ,I cause of the Str ess-gen erat ed rift s , on the o ther hand ,
rifling , o r whe the r both ar c as pec ts of a more shou ld comm en ce w it h grabe n a nd basi ns o f
Iund ar ncnta l J n vlllg me cha n ism . A ccord ing to scdirncntarion . and de velo p vulcan icit y a t a
Bur k • ,.IUd D ewey ( 1"J7.'ij. It£b;ureini tialc o 0CI0 a later stage ( Figu re 4. 10). Some authors have
ro ult of m an uc pl umes u tliapi r.t. wh ich used the terms uno . to d e -
produce bo th th e d om es and the vulca nicity . In sc ribe the mannc-gc nc rare d and lithosphe re-
lhis model , th e rifts arc a co nse q ue nce of t he ge nerated type s respectively (Scngor a nd
initial m a nt le upwelling. Suc h r ifts ha ve be e n Bu rke , 197H). H o we ve r , this terminology be gs
termed ·IIl'lIItlc"m;tiv'llec.l by . mdic tl( 19H2) . the q ue stio n o f wh ich mechanism is m o re
Howeve r m,11l Y rills do nOI lit this mo d e l. A n ' ac tive ', an d is the refore con fusi ng . F urt he r-
alternativ e lI10J C of origin is w here the ri ft IS more , the classificat io n cut s across th e more
prod uced ent irely , IS a result of lithospher e w id ely used subdivision between c u rre nt ly
extension. The con di tio ns neces sary for com- act ive and c urren tly inactive l1.r ' fossil' rifts t ha i
plete c xtcn sionu! fai lu re o f th e litho sp he re have be en activ e in the pa st.
were d isc usse d in 2.7 . lt appe ;1fs nuu such ~) me acti ve rifts fall e as ily into one_0!:Jlthe r_
conditio ns C01l1 re ad ily be me t . panicufu rl y a t of thcsc cat.:gmic s . T he I ~ a s t A fr ican rift sys te m
times of UIl U.Sl 1011 plate contig umuons wh en for exam ple , with its ahundnn t vu lcanicit y .
continental in traplat e ex tensiona l stress would a lt ho ugh e xhib iting extensional stress loca lly ,
he ill a m axi mum . Su ch a pe riod mu st hav e e x i ~ l s within a con ti nenta l plate in a sta te of
preceded the b rea k-u p of l'un gacu . whe n that gene ra l compression (sec Figur e 2.2 1). At first
supercontine nt was surro unded h y subduct ion s igh t. therefore . this rift is a good ca ndid ate fo r
zones . thu s m ax imizi ng the po tenti a! effec t o f the mantl e-generated ca te gory. Ho wc ve r , " ..;
the subducti on -suction for ce (sec 2.5 ). E xtra we s ha ll se c bel o w. the E ast African rif1 IS
mantle heat source s ma y no t have been ne ces- connected viii the Afar triple junct io n with th e
sary for failure to occ ur , a lthough fail u re Red Sea -Gu lf o f Aden con struct ive plate
would pre ferentiall y o ccu r in wa rmer , yo u nger bo unda ry . a nd th e whole netw or k need s 10 he
orogenic crust rathe r t ha n in th e co o le r sh iel d co nsid ered in ilS e ntir ety . Moreo ve r , t he sta le
are as. Rif ts o riginati ng in this way arc termed of st ress al the time of initi a tio n of th e rift
, · thus p hC t C-al: l i v ll l c d '~hy Cond ie ( 1\)1';2 ). Clear - syst em may be ver y diff er e nt 10 t he p re se nt
ly such rifts . o nce formed, will produce litho- o ne.
sphere thinning and volcanism a nd rmg fu Mantle -ac tivated rifting requires either sub -

. ;11
c;;;;:::;:;~~%;;;:::::=:::;: " 'i j:llrc " .10 M,"kl, IH U"r<l llll g lWO orr ,,,,cll
:= z-, ~ =--- e- rnCl'hJl1i,m, for s,' ncr" l' "g rifl' . ( tI) TIll' litho-
~l'hcrc 111l11 1\('u hy m;llllk l"tulVCc li" n. wilh
rc'ulli ng c rustal d"ming JI1U T1 f1 U1g. (bl ' P"",ivc'
II\JCCl llll1 of " ' l hcll ' ''' p hc ril" m.uc nat to t he h,,'e
<If the cru,t ("nOW"l !; e X ll' lt~i" n,, 1 lurlu rc uf l he
co ntine nt a l lithosphere From T UfCO llC ~nd
(0 I fbi Emcrmcn ( I'JS.\l

li thospheric thin nin g (rcr osio n') or the em- a ut ho rs a rgue for sp ecia l kine ma t ic facto rs in
placeme nt of an astbc nosphc ric d iapir within th e initia tio n o f th ese rifts."Ur -onsidc rs tha t
the lithospher e, preferabl y spreading alon g the . 1 onh u . m pr~iu re sul ting fro m
base of th e crust for maxim um ef fect ( Figur e the A lpin e co llision W<l S a ma jor con tributory
4. lOh ) . It has been argued that th e diu pir fact or in th e o rigin o f th e R hine rift . and e ar ly
mech anism IS more efficient an d th at the Eo cene co llisio n between Ind ia and the Lhasa
th inn ing mechanism involves too long a time- bloc k may have ha d a sim ilar eff ect in the
scale (Tu rcotte and Em crman , 1983; Marc - Baika l init iation . T he R hine rift is de scri bed in
schal, 19R3). Neu gebauer (1983) has sum ma r- de ta il be lo w.
ized th e stages in the dev e lopment of a rift Ma ny rifts s ho w evi de nce of parti a l co nt rol
generated by suc h a mec ha nism. Th e initiation by lines of structural wea kness. T his is pa rt i-
of the rift requ ire s a sma ll pe rtu rba tion in the cu larly e vide nt in the Af rica n rift syste m,
inve rted de nsity inte rface at the base o f the wher e the Ea st A frican rift co mmonly parall els
litho sphe re . T his per tu rba tion cau ses a sur face the trend of Preca mbria n mobile belt s a nd
uplift w ith a wavelength o f around 500 km for follows the bo undaries of the older cra to ns.
reason able valu es of cr ustal a nd astbeno sphc ric Simila r e xa mples ca n be see n in th e line of
viscosit ies. When th e amplit ude of the pe rt ur- o pe ning of th e Atl an tic. wh ich in se ve ral places
bat ion s rea ches a critica l level , th e o ve rlying follo ws th e trend of o lde r oroge nic be lts (e g.
layers a re defo rmed a nd the c rus t is thinned . t he Ap palachia n be lt in N . A me rica a nd th e
At this stagc , th e evolutio n o f th e rift becomes Pan -African belts in Af rica a nd So ut h A me rica .
more rapid . T he diupi r, no w fo rme d , rises at its T his struc tura l co ntro l is ne ve r co m plete how-
maxim um rat e (c.5 km / Ma ) a nd is acco m- e ver , und nfts a lso loca lly cross-c ut previou s
pa nied by mo re rap id a nd exte nsive crusta l str uctu res, sho wing the influen ce of their ow n
thinni ng a nd hig h-le vel rifting. Volc anic ac ti- st ress fie ld . Fai lure along pla nes of weak ne ss
vity ma y no w co mme nce . Eve ntua lly the diupir with suitable orie ntatio ns wou ld be expected
loses its . buoya ncy d ue to coo ling, when the wit h e ithe r o f th e principal mec ha nisms of
supply of ne w low -d e nsity m at erial dimi nish es. format ion .
A t thi s stage t he influence o f the ma ss exc ess .DIne )' , .of rih ~\'~I\)I) 'I mvergem
abo ve the dia pir , ca used by the volume of pllit · u UlliJarie. o n contine ntal erma and are
so lidified volc a nics , pre vail s, ca using ba sin dlcrl$[or Bila lol!.ou IQ th e bec k-e r exten-
subside nce a nd a ces sation of vulcanism. sional pmv1nc~ found n n oceani crust. Th e
The Baikal and hine rift ha ve bee eoe- best -kno wn e xam ple of this ty pe o f prov ince is
llicJereU.lililil active exam ples of th lithmphe re- the Basi n-a nd-Ra nge province of t he weste rn
generated I YfJC'I The y ar e int ra plate , exhibi t USA . whic h is discussed la ter. Riftin[!: i
o nly min or vu lca nic ity and arc assoc iated in II a~odatcd wit co llisiona l bo unda ries.
the ir e a rly stag es with sed ime nt ary basins -atthou gh in Ihi~ ens fhe iff. re mnmll,.
( Loga rcbcv et at., 1978 ; lilies , 1978) . ....1i~lleU pe rpend icula IU th e plat e unda
Th e state of stress with in the Eurasian plate Exa mples of such str uct ures north o f the
at th e tim e of initiat ion of thes e rifts ca n on ly Hima la yas a rc des cribed by Mol na r and Tap-
he guesse d at. but it is not unre aso na ble to pannie r (1978) who asc ribe t he ir forma tio n to
envisa ge a sta te of ge ne ra l E - W ex te nsio n that the stre ss fie ld ge nera ted by the co llisio n (see
woul d be re placed in the we"! by co mpress io n 54 )
when th e No rt h At lant ic ridge bro ke th ro ugh T wo e xam ples of c urre nt ly activ e intra -con -
between Br itai n a nd Gree nla nd in t he e a rly tinen ta l rift syste ms will no w be e xamine d in
Ge noeoie. These rifts the re fo re co uld possib ly more deta il: the Rhine an d Afr o-Ara bian rift
be asc ribe d to stress ge ne ra tion, since the y syste ms. T hes e e xhibit con trast ing prope rt ies
we re initiat ed in late Mesozo ic ( Ba ika l) to in so me respects but nei ther ca n be co nvincin g-
ea rly Ce no zoi c time ( Rhine ). H o we ver se ve ra l ly classified into e ithe r ma ntle-ge nera ted o r
D IVl:!l (; I'N I (E X H. NSION,\ L ) IIOCro NK" 1l:~;GIME S X7
lithosphere- gen erated typ e s . In this , , IS in oth er md.Jut uilldi. uplift- tha i h ave bee n lllaJor
respe cts , they ca n probably be re garded :JS eem res of alk.dinc vulcmirily s ince the Minta
fairly typ ical. -ecu EJhiupi_. '*
n. • an d I>;'trhl fl re spcc -
lively , Northwe st o f Da rfur a rc tw o other
ce ntres, at Ti bcsu and Hogga r. that do not
a ppe a r to he dir ectl y lin ked wi th the ma in nft
T he we ll-known rifts of East Africa arc pa rt of ne twork. A ccor d ing to Fai rhead (1976 ) , t he
a much larger re gion a l sys tem tha t e xte nds Eth iopian and Kenya dcma l upl ifts a rc th e
across Cent ral Africa to th e west to link u p focal point s fur the vo lca n ism of the rift
with the A tlantic O cea n on one side, and syst e m . It IS in these a rea s th at t he lit ho sp he re
e mb races (he Red Sea -G u lf of Aden plat e has und ergone the g rea tes t amount of th in -
boundary on th e o the r ( F igur e 4.11). T o the nill g. G eoph ysica l ev ide nce suggests th at with -
south . th e two ma in brunches 0 1 me EaS! III th e dom al up lifts , the cr ust a wa y fro III th e
African sys te m join an d co n tin ue southward s rift s is of norma! th ickne ss hut is u nd erl a in by
to mee t th e In d ia n O cean at Bcira . in Moza m- ho t . low -de nsity man tle ma te rial with an ornal-
biquc . Associate d with these rift s ale thr ee ou sly low se ismic ve loci ties wi th in (he upper

, , Fil:ur c 4.t l M"in d ""' "nl s "f I n" A fm -

A r"h,an r i ft ~y~le m . liT, Bellu" 1«lugh. NI C
Ng""" n<.k re : A G , All u G ahl" , W I~ , wc!'> le rn
E. A lrtc.m . EIC eas te rn Eo Arrie-m ; G A.
G ull " f A<J ~" . RS , R~'d S<:" ;md GS , G ulf <>1
• SU"l rills. f' l '1ll<J 1'2 arc the f'" k s "r ''I t,cIUH1
" for the A rJh lJIl INlIbi"l1 '1I1 <J Ar " bi'luIS"ln,!i·
ia n pl.uc mov ements rcxpccuvcty . Alter
Girdtcr ;md D,,, r'lcn H ( t972)


~m \0 00
l -_ _~I (00

( 20)
( 40 )
88 G I:O LOGlCAL ST RL:cn'; RfS AN I) MO VING I'I.i\ l ES

50 kill o f the mant ic (Gass et a!., 1978 ) , indica - abou t I OOOkm in length " long i ts maj or axis
ling tha t as the nospheric mate rial has bee n par allel 10 the rift . It had a maximum heig ht
e m place d <I t rel a tivel y sha llo w d ept hs . of 1400 m d uring the l ate Pliocene to m id-
Plci-aoccn c .
T he maj o r faults of th e Ke nya rift zone
The Kenya OT E U.I//: '-" Rift
(Figure 4 . 12A ) defi ne a co mplex branch ing
The st ruc tu re of this rift is su mmarized by graben str uctu re wit h an ove rall N - S tre nd .
Baker and w ohlc nberg (197 1). T he r ift ex- al thou gh individual faults a nd g ra be n segme nts
le nd s fro m T a nz a nia, whe re it joins the West- ge ne ra lly strike N NW- SSE or NNE-SSW .
e rn Rift . to the Re d Sea ,H the A fa r triple T he well-de fined cen tral gra be n (the 'G regory
j unction in Ethi op ia . It c rosses the Ke nya rift') rr.rve rses the e llip tica l uplift and , al its
d om a l u plift. which is e llip tica l in pla n a nd nor the rn an d so uthe rn e nds, is re place d h y less

ETHIOPIA Fle un- 4. 12 tAl Sl fUCIUfC' or Ih ~ KC' '' y,1 rifl

l" IIC ~ h<l", i"l: LIllII I';rUc rn ,tlll i fk~ u r ~ 1

" 11!;lrt:iu, I" lhc n il C" " ' ''u rs inJi calt
.11\\''' 1111 " I ~ 11 1_'1,, 1 tll,lift since rbc l11i J·
Cc'''''''' ,,' 101 kd From B ;r~ e r .U1d W" hlen-
hef t: ( 1'J711

".' lol. ,.,.,d t"<11

.. f1•• u...

~ l . ob4M" . ub-
"Ue><. n. ... <>don
. ..rtoc. _t..l

o 20 WI CO 80 100 lol l
I ,' , " f "
o 40 ' 0 120 ,.

])IV E RG I,N I (t:Xn;:r-; SION AI. ) TECTO NI C II. I'.G].\j ES 89
' 00

-10 00
-14 0 0 ,"
· 160 0

-- . 160 0
· 2000
l <>'" ",'I>
,., .,....
. ... . . . ,,','. ' .....
No"".'" ~" Q~Q. "
', ' '
, 0
3 5Qf 37°E 36°E
n- '" 20
'" '0

,,. ,,. 60
o~---'---"~OO om '00

Fi~u r~ 4 .1 ~ ( II ) Frn: ·,I IJ .lIld Il""gua !lr " vil y ; " h'lI1>ll ~ 1,,', ' lilc~ ;,( h,." I II( (;,~IC rn E. A fr ic"n n i l in K,'n y" . l"gClhc r wllh
an IlIlc rl' rl' I"I IV,· m"dd " l\ i,r~l ng l h,' gruvuy <!;Il" NOl " t h,' wide n: !l io n " r lhll ' lilh"'l'hl"" umlctlyiug l h( «;g i' '' I,,1 d"me
ano It", narrow r..: £,,,n " I' ;111< 1111" ' <>\1' <.ic' Il, ily iUll1l l'oi ,'ld y IInde'f lying thl' ritt . From l).IIr ao ,11 ctal, ( J')7.~)

well-defined broad de pression s ma r ked hy first ex te nsive rift fau lts deve loped In the e a rly
splay.:£:mlt. The 111<1111 grab en is ClO - 70 km wide Plioce ne . Voluminous vulcani cit y. of prcdo-
and 7511 km long, und is bounded hy norma l minarcl y alkaline affinity. c har acterized the
faults a rranged in a n e n-cc bcio u IM UCH Be - period from the Plioce ne to the prese nt day.
tween the e nds of udjuc cut en -echelon fault s. accompani ed by periodic fau lt move ments.
sloping ram ps de scend (rom the mar ginal At lea st 5 km or c rusta l extensio n is required
plateau x to the rilt 110m. Major fault escarp- to ex pla in the displacem e nts on the visib le
ments a rc preserved . runging up 10 2OtIO m ill fault s. and th is figur e should perhaps he
tM:;~ht . II '" eslllua ic u trom Ih ~ hi,,'kncl'o , u' doubled to tak e acco unt o f the co ncealed fau lts
the ri tt till th at th e to tul tlUUWli un th e m:l.inrll bcnc.uh the graben floor. Th e a mount of
fault!'iO rnR. N.'- _ km . T he 110m of the graben e xte nsio n IS too grea t to he e xplai ned as the
is cut by abundant young minor faul ts sub- result of crustal dom ing alone .
parallel to the gra be n wa lls. Th rift dO!lcly folloW!!: in c -axis 0 1'3 re ~i() nil "
Th e ea rliest rift -related structure is a mid - ncgauv iluu~uer Cl lloma l ~ ( Figure 4 .128)
Cenozoic (pre -Miocene) monoclina l fle xure interpre ted ot:). a ,I:d U or
-thin Inhos ph cr T he
along the western rift tlank . D ur ing the Mio - gra vity data also sugges t the prese nce of a
cene, e xte nsive vulcanicity occu rred . and the narrow shallow cru stal body of dense mat erial

thought to re prese nt a wedge-shaped basic we st e nd o f th e Ng uo un dc rc rift crosses base -

intr usive mass don ut to k ill wid e a t its to p , ment ov e r the Adamaoua uplift , wh ere th e
reaching to J 500 m below sea -level. Focal ba se me n t struc tu re I S see n to be. a dextral sh e ar
me chanism so lu tio ns of e a rthqua kes a lo ng the zo ne o f rim-African age ( De Almeida a nd
r ift (sec Figure 2.22) indicate mainly W N W - B lac k , 1967 ) . Thi s zo ne ca n be. trace d in to
ESE to N W -SE ext e nsion . Brazil as the Pcm umb uca line a me n t. T h is
If we assume IO k m o f crus ta l ext ension Preca m b ria n st ructure was rea ctivat e d in the
ac ross the Ke nya rift since the Mioce ne , this Lo we r C re taceous du ring the initial sepa ra tion
re prese nts a su ai n-nue of about 1O - 1.~/s . Fur - o f Sout h A me rica fro m Africa . Depositi on
ther north , 111 Ethiopia . the rift sys te m wid e ns o cc u rred u ntil SOMa ago wh e n it wa s te rmi -
and the a ppare nt rate o f e xte nsio n is 3 - nat e d by compres sive foldin g. T he line a me nt
S r nm/yca r. co rres po nd ing to a stra in-ra te of was re -a ctivated agai n du ring the Cenozo ic,
about J x JO - 14/s across the 25 km-wide zon e whe n the basemen t uplifts we re fo rm ed with
(Tr yggvason , 19H2). T his differe nce suggests thei r associa ted vulcanic ity . Faults pa ra llel to
an i ncreasing rut e o f widen i ng to wards the the N gaoundc re rift show dex tral move ments
triple junction. The prog ressivel y more a lka - wit h a to tal d isplacemen t of 40 km .
line tren d of the vulc ani cit y fro m Ethio p ia 10 The N W - SE Abu G a b ra rift consis ts of a
Kc nya sugge st s tha i tec tonic wideni ng ha s t Su km-widc trough filled with C re tace o us and
p rog re sse d so u th wa rds ( Mohr , 19H2). Cenozoic sed ime n t... , loca lly mo re t ha n 4500 m
T he East African ri ft is linked across Centra l thi ck . F au lting is pa rallel 10 th e trend of th e
Africa to two other doma l upl ifts, a t Darfur rift , wh ich is co nsid ered to he p u rely c xrc n-
and A damaouu . h y means o f two rifts: the SiOlMI T he Cenozoi c tectonic movements on
N W - SE Abu Gabru rift and th e NE -SW : th e Ce ntra l Af rica n rift sys te m <I re summar-
Ngaoundcrc rift (Fi gu re 4. 11: Browne an d ized in Figure 4 .1.1 . Both rifts arc currently
Fai rhc ad, 19H3) . The latte r pa ra llel s and is aseism ic.
lin ked with the Bc n uc trough , wh ich , accor- T o the north , the East Africa n rift is linked
d ing to Bur ke an d Dew e y (1973) , fo rms t he wuh th e Red Sea and G ulf of Aden rifts at
failed arm of a t rip le junction with the p ro to - th e Afar triple ju nc tion (Figu re 4.11) . T his
A tlantic ri ft. j u nctio n se p arat es th ree distinct plat es : th e
T he Ngaounde re and Abu Gabra riffs arc 'ubiitu r main Alncan ). \.rabiH a nd
subsid ing se d ime nt- filled trou gh s which have So malia plates . that <I re moving indc pc n-
be en active s ince the Cretaceous. T he sou th- d ently .

Fil:urc 4. 1.' Ar r"n geln cn l o f

rift ~ ,mJ volc ani c <.Jo rnes In
w est and Ce ntra l Alriea . T he
"no w indic ate s the infer red
drrccnon of o pe n ing of the
Abu G ah ra rif! and rd atcd
<.J e xlral shear ,do ng. the
Ngaoundcrc rift. Aft er
Browne '"10.1 Fnirh cnd ( I 'I~J) _

D IVE IlG EN I (EX n:NSION flL) ( f C"I O NI C IlEGI M ES 9]

T h C ulf 0 ~ Icn ( Fi gure 4.14) i . lm rw~ the no rthw est en d o f the rift be tween the
til oce an! nl!\\ , and co mme nced openin g Mediterranean Sea in the north and the G ulf of
10Ma ago in th hu e·M iocen8 ( La ugh ton a ol., Aqa ba -Dead Sea (tra nsfor m) rift in the so ut h.
1 ~ 70 ) . Ab out 260 krn of co ntine ntal sepa ration Th e mai n structures trend NW - SE par allel to
has ta ken place at an average rate o f about the ori entation of the rift , and to the ax is of the
2c m/yea r about a pole situated in NE Africa rn.un Red Sea rift . The flanks o f the rift co nsist
(Figure 4. 11). Thi s rift re prese nts an extension of blocks tilted at 5-35° away from the rift axis,
of the Carlsberg ridge In the NW Ind ian Occun and bou nde d by large no rmal faults ma rk ing
discussed in 3. 1. the margins o f the main gra be n ( Figure 4 .15).
T he Red Sea rift is also r too rcd by ocean ic T here is no evide nce of the rift prior to the
crust (G ird ler, 1(69) and the magne tic uno - Oligocene . Nor is there (lily ev ide nce o f pre-rift
maly patt er n ind icat es an ave rage divergence doming in the plate aux bord er ing rhe rift .
rate of 2 cm/ycar for t he last 3- 4 Ma. Both Immediately pre-rift str at a o f Eocene age are
the G ulf of Aden :JI1 d the Red Sea have widespr ead III the axial zo ne .
undergone sub side nce and volca nism since the Faull movements and limn ed tilting ,Ippea r
Cretaceo us. to have tak en place throu gho ut the Miocen e
and co ntinue to the present . Analysis of the
late Cen ozoic fault geo met ry indic ates a main
set of fau lts with a mean or ie ntat ion of 135-
Angclier ( 1985) pro vides a d etailed st ruct ural J4()0 with minor se ts at mmo. 120° an d 155°.
analysis of the G ulf of Suez seg me nt of the Red Fa ult disptaccm cm s arc predominantl y norma l
Sea rift syste m ( Figure 4. 11). T his area lies at dip -slip WIth a small dextr al compon ent. Frac -



>0" 55" 50°'

t·igurt 4.14 Ma gnetic a no maly patter n ill the G ulf o r Ade n sho wing offsets alo ng tr a nsform Iaulrs pa f<l llel \0 the duection
of relative mo tion betw ee n the Ar abia n "od Somalia n pl.ncs . Slipplc:r! <lH':;'S s ho w no clea r patter n. Aller La ughto n 1"1 al .
( 1970) .
92 G EO l.OGICA I. Slll.UCrU RlS AND MOVING l'I .r\ f f.S


f, c

Fi li;urc 4. 15 Structur e of the G u l f 01 S U(l lifl. Ulo.;k ui"l;r" m, 11 - /1 show Ih e c ~ol u l " lI1 o t ;' 'Y ';[ CIll or lilled h h,eks
aCC"OlO m " u ;lting to gr;,u u<l lly mcrc usc d nlc ns l" n : (u ) lute O lof:uccnc -car ly Mioc en e ; ( h ) em ly Minn "oc ; (c) l1l,u·Mn'CCI1C;
(J ) Present . F l - J muic ,l1c succcss i...c gcucnnion-, o f faull s; f. ea rly conj ugate no rmal f;Iul! syste m ; I. c ady ' en sion lrac -
turcs; R, reefs : E. c vnpo ntc "",in, [ vcttica t ruling i" scc uon ): , I. se a level. Fro m Angeli c r (191':5 )

lures appear 10 have deve lop ed perpend icular sion is esti mated ,II 20-30% . Estimates based
to bedding by pure ext ens ion an d [ 0 have bee n o n the a mount of subs idence (d. Mcken zie ,
Totaled duri ng block tilring , whe n {he di p-slip 197R) yield highe r va lues o f 45- 50'Yo ove r the
moveme nts loo k place (Figure 4. 15). T he fau lt e ntire width of the 80 kill rift secti on . It is likely
geo me try ind icates an e xte nsio nal hor izontal tha t the fault reconstruction method unde r-
stress o rie nte d a t 045°. T he amount of e xton- estima tes the e xte nsio n.
[)! \ 'FlH. I r-. I ( I.Xlf. NS 10 NA I ) IrC IO:-IIC REGI M f.S 93
' \ , II/ In th e a rgu men t as to wh et he r the rift sys te m
is lit ho sph e re - or stress -generated . il is impo r-
Th e Af'ro-A r.rhinn nft system consists o f <l tout to o bse rve t hat th e ba<;is o f the e xte nsio na l
net work of rat he r dlspar,lIe structures cunnc c- ne two rk wa s in exi st en ce in the Cretaceo us.
ted with t he cu rrent plate boundar y sys le ll1 be fo re th e maj or volcanic cen tres we re fo rm -
alo ng the (l u ll' of Ade n -R ed SC,I line . A I- e d U ndo ub te d ly in Ea st Africa th e rift is
thu ugh mllst of the networ k di<;pl,lys cx tc n- ge ne tic a lly re late d to , a nd pos t-dates. the
siena! structu res , Cither well-d efi ned gra l)('n or vo lca nic do me. T h is rift milY t hus he sa id to be
swar ms o r e xtensiona l fault s . no t i1 11 o f t hese tit bo-phc re-gc ncr ated. Ho we ver in the co nte xt
arc or were act ive sim u ltaneous ly. and some of th e ne twor k as a wh o le , th e location o f the
rifts ex hib it im po rta nt suikc -sfip co mp onen ts dom ul up lifts is likel y to he controlled by the
o f mo ve men t. Pans o r the nf ne twork arc ear lier , pr oba bly stress-gene rated . zone s o f
intimate ly assoc ia ted with 1\1 ,11 01' domal lIpldt s fa ilu re a nd wea kn ess .
tha i ha ve bee n ,I fo cus of vulcanicity . T he mllsl
unp on nnt of the se a rc sllu <l ll'd in Ken Y;I.
J ' fWI ir
Ethiop ia, Darf ur and Adumaouu, O the r vo l-
ca nic domal uplilt v a rc lo cal eel ur ' t'ibcsu . The R hine rift sys te m ( F igu re 4 . ]()) is o ne o f
ll 0gg,H a nd A ir. in Cen tral Africa . the be st -kno w n a nd inte nsive ly studied e x-
T he re ,Ip pe :rr to have been th re e mai n arnplcs o f cu rre n tly Clive ext en 10n <1 1 rift . A
phases o r m ov em en t o n the rit l ne twork . The s tudy by !llit.."S a nd G re inc (] 97H) sum ma rizes
initia tio n 0 1 th e sys te m see ms I II be e a rly the tecto nic evo lut io n of the Rhine gra be n an d
Cretaceous in age . a nd is relate d to the rw .llc !II il h II ' de vel opment o f h Al flint'
open ing 0 1' th e A tlan tic O ce an vi,l th e u c nu c "lruJ!l' n . Te cton ic act ivity in the R hin e sys te m
trou gh ta iled ann . Cretaceous se d ime nta ry "ppe ar s to ha ve commence d in t he Uti e
bnsius o n th e \l te s o f thltt..:g 'll lulHlcre a nd Ab u 'a~lu hum ' I M a • g , wh ich coi nci de d
G ahra rifts. a nd in t he Red Sea ,1lid ("'; u ll' of with th e in it ia tio n o f co mp rcssiouul dcf or rnu-
Ade n. suggests tha t a couun uous ne twork o f tion in t he A lps . Riflin ~ n mh;u h",iJ cm.'e: 1 u ....
exten sion a l bas ins ma y h,l\'C e xi- te d rbcn . ..~ JUI-in101o Iii Eocen !nO Oligocene us th
linking the n pcnlllg Atlantic a nd Ind ia n ~ Ipj n 'um rrc~,i\ll lal dcrurm aIJUI~onlin ue d-,
Ocea ns with the Te thys Oce an . E thio pi a an d rc nchin g its cl ima x at the Eoccn e - Dligoccne
Ken ya we re c bn rncrc rizcd by u p lift al t hat bou nda ry . In t he mid- M iocene 10 e a rly Plio -
time . cene , e xte nsion a l ac tivity app ears to ha ve
Th e secon d maj o r pha se of ac tivity com - decrea sed as the A lpi ne co nve rge nce slo we d
rncnccd in the Luc Eocene with th e initiat ion o f down . to be replaced b y re gio na l epei roge nic
the Red Sea rift. This was followe d in t he late u p lift. In id -PIi n<Tn 1m , h ti n ht"t:lme
Oligoc ene - e a rly Miocene by the G u lf (If citt.·livHtc J.-.!)Ut Ih sense n f mo ve meu c han
Aden an d G u lf o f Sue z rifts . and ill the la te ,~--J IUJU_ ~h:nsitJml l In ini o;l ml lIh~jt; . T h is
Mioce ne hy the East African rift s. T he latte r p hase is tho ug h t to ha ve lasted fo r the last
develope d o n t he site of the maj or vo lca n ic 4 Ma .
do mes of E thio pia a nd Ken ya . At thi s lime Th e prese nt stress fi e ld has bee n th orough ly
also ( IOMa 1.1 1' ) , ocea n-floor sp read ing com- in vesti gat ed using th e ovc rco ring techniq ue
mcuccd in t he Red Sea a nd G ul f of Ade n , and fo r in-sit u s tress d et e rmina tio n (se c 2.6). Stress
the pr ese nt p la te mo vement pa tte rn wa s iniria- magn itude is calcu la te d as e xcess max imu m
led . T his k ine ma tic pa ttern p rod uces e xtensio n horizo n ta l co m pressive st ress ove r the h yd ro -
acro ss th e East A fr ican rifts with im port a nt sta tic value. an d var ies from - 0. 3 to about
seismic acti vit y , bUI no se ismicnlly d e tect able 36 M P<l. Lo w va lues (c.2 MPa ) c haracte rize the
movement o n t he A bu G abra or Ngaoundc rc fore la nd (i.e . th e rift re gio n ) , and hig h va lues
rifts. th e A lpine be lt . T he p att e rn o f stress orie nta -
a G EOL.OG ICA I. .Sl Il UCl U Il ES l'I.A I ES


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;- •
D1V[ KG ENI ( EXH ; NS IO NA l. ) -11::( T O N I C K I::GI M ES 95
uon (Figu re 4 .l oH ) ind ica tes a ge ne ra l NW - crus t (' .24 km) with in th e graben . T he d ee p
SE -L1irecte d 0 1 both in t he Alps a nd across the struc tu re . toge th er with gr avity an d he a t-flow
Rhine rift. T h is di rection is ob liq ue to th e rift , data , arc inte rp reted as a n ex p ressio n o f a
which tre nd s ar OJ 5° in its sou the rn sec to r. an d mantle diapir whi ch fi rst pr oduced th e e ar ly
is dea rly res po nsib le fo r th e current si nis tra l volca nic p hase of t he syste m, beginning about
mov em en ts. IOO Ma lIP, a nd was foll ow e d by t he te cto n ic
The fau lt pa ttern is co m p lex ( Figu re 4. 16A1. effec ts assoc ia ted with the extension .
Most of the ac uvc fa ult s in the g ra ben st ri ke Kusznir and Park ( 19H4) ha ve d isc ussed t he
abou t 170"'. A rel a tivel y si m ple o rthogo na l se t Initia tion of t he R hine grubc n in terms o f t he
o f NW -SE a nd NE -S W no rma l fau lts o u tside exte nsional strengt h of t he lit ho sphere d u ring
the rift cha nge to a co mple x patt ern o f b ran ch- the initi ation o f the rift. Using t he ir mat he -
ing fault s , cu rv ing fro m NE - SW , pa rall e l 10 mat ica t mo del , a nd the heat Ilow of 73 m W
the rift , into a N -S tren d , ind icat ing a sinis- m - 2 me asu red for the rift think s (se e Table 2.2)
tral s hea r com ponen t. Dip-slip d isplaceme n ts the y calcula te th a t a n c xrcnsio na t stress 0 1" c.
occu r o n bo th syn t hetic and anti thetic fault IOMPa wo u ld he req uir ed 10 in itiate th e
sets. indica ti ng ex te nsion in a n EN E- wsw rifting . The origin o f the e xte ns ion is lik e ly to
direction co ns iste nt with th e trend of (J I ' At be relat ed 10 t he ge neral la te C rctacco us -.
runny localities, for me r d ip-slip fa ult s p ar a lle l Palaeoc ene e xte ns ion precedin g the break -up
to the grabe n have be e n o ve rp ri nt ed by ho ri- of La ur asia (d. Bolt and Kus z nir . 1984) a t a
zorual suckcnsid c st ri<l tions ar isin g from the lim e wh e n th e su percon tine nt was sub jecte d to
more rece nt si nist ral mo veme nts ( Mullcricd . extensional subduct ion-suct io n fo rce s o n al l
1921). Fa ult -pla ne sotu rions o f recen t ea rth- sides (sec F igure 2. 15) . Th e effect of th e N -S
qu akes indica te a n obliq ue si n ist ra l shea r Al pine co llisio n is sugges ted hy Wics and
mec ha nis m with an ove rt h rus t compone nt G reiner as a n impo rtant fact o r in the initia tio n
(A ho rner, )1)75 ) . A ho rnc r calc ulates the scis- of t he rift T h is e ve n t , ho weve r , is mu ch la ter
mic slip ra te p a rallel to the graben axis 10 be (in Eoce ne-Oligoce ne tim e) tha n t he initi at io n
about 0. 05 rum /year . o f the c rusta l e xte ns ion , but ma y hav e con-
The northe rn segmen t of th e rift sys te m , tr ibut cd 10 the in iu ano n o f the ac tual rift
northw e st o f F ra nk furt , is cha rac te rize d by a featu re .
NNW-SS E t re nd . He re a b und ant ne ot ec ton ic
norma l fa ul ts para llel to the t re nd o f the rift
. '( h.' n.~ lU lI al pru,·in cl,'s OIl ("ullvc rgt'n
show di p-s lip mo vemen ts hut there is no
con tinuou s g rabe n fea ture . T h is bel t e xte nds as
far as Arn he m, wh ere it is obscu red by a lat e It ma y see m at first paradox ica l th at e xte n-
Qu ate rn a ry d epressio n bord ering the No rth sio nal reg imes shou ld be associa ted with co n-
Sea (Fi gure 4. 16A ). Th is dep ression lin ks with ve rge nt p lat e bou nd ar ies . J lo wc vc r we h a ve
the bur ied ce nt ra l No rth Sea g ra be n whi ch was seen (sec 2.5) that the effect o f the su bd uct io n
active in the Me sozo ic (sec 7.3). process. unde r ce rtain circ ums tances, is to
Th e rif t sys te m ha s u ndergo ne co nsidera ble e xert a te nsio nal st ress on the pla le s o n eit h e r
vertic al mo vem ent. Depre ssion during the side o f the su b duct io n zo ne , as first suggeste d
Pleistocene , fo r exa m ple, re ach ed a maxim um by bts (-IV7" .
of 380 m . Ho we ve r th e rift is a lso a ssoc iat ed E xte nsio na l tecto n ic reg imes fo rmed in thi s
with a region al u pwar p, form ing raised bord e rs Wil y arc found on bo th co n ti ne n tal and o ce a n ic
to the g rabe n. Pe b ble a nal ysis o f co ng lo mc r- c rust o n the u pper s lab of t he su bd uc t ion zon e .
ales From t he rift va lley fill indicat es tha I II has been suggeste d (see 5 . 1) th at th e a ng le o f
upwarping e vo lved simu lt a ne ously with th e s ub duction is im po rta nt in dete rmining the
main stages o f graben su bs ide nce . sta te of stress in the up pe r sla b, an d tha t
T he ge o physical evi de nce indi ca tes a th inned sha llow-d ip pi ng slabs a re assoc ia ted with co m-

pressional . an d Sl ee p with ex te nsional . stress. II Ioca mechnms tutin n - nd · n~i ",....,

is im po rta nt [0 remem be r tha t the upper slabs U h:&iUf CJIlCUb (Zoback and ZOb'ICk, 19RO) .
of su bd uc tion zones a rc th e sites of en ha nce d A lignm e nt o f volc a nic feeder d ykes and de -
he at no w assoc iate d with the p rodu ctio n o f taile d fa ult slip d ata indica te that t he pre se nt
volcanic a rcs, an d th,tl much sma ller e xton- s tress sys te m was a lso cb.uactcnstic of the la te
siona ! stresses will be re q uired to p ro d uce Cenozoic ( Figure 4. 178 ) . T his stress field
litho sp here fail u re tn the up pe r slab u nd e r a pp ea rs to be fai rly consta n t thro ugh o ut the
th ese con ditio ns T hu s, althou gh the c x tc n- no rt he rn a nd so u the rn sec tors of the provi nce ,
sien a! st ress gene rated by the subductio n p ro- an d co ntin ues into the Rio G rande rift. Zoback
cess is a pplied eq ua lly to bo th plat es , on ly the et ul, (198 1) suggest th a t this mode rn exten-
the rmally wea ke ned u p pe r p lat e will fa il T he sio na l struc tu re d eve lo ped ea rlier (c.]J M a Ill' )
UlOl>t int e nsivel y tudic e xa mr l nf" con- in the sou th tha n in the north (L IO Mu 111') . A
l ill"ntal extensional-tectoni re gime rel ated ('f co mpa rison of the stress orie ntation data with
c uvc rgem p ial bo unda i Indlll lhtedl the fau lt a nd topog ra phic tre nds sho ws th a t the
th Uasin.oa nd -Kan!! rovinc C1 ' lh . l ~'- latter arc a pproximately pe rpe nd icula r 10 the
liS wh ich we sha ll now e xa mine In so me dir ect io n of exte ns io n in the no rt h , bu t oblique
det ail in the sou th . Eaton ( 19KO) not e s th at the
sout her n pa rt o f t he p ro vince ind icates lo w
levels of seism icity compared wit h the north-
It' fin.HI/ -mll - Ufli l 'c' uovince
e rn, and suggests that the former sec tor is no w
In the so uth , th is e xtensio nal tect onic province la rgel y q u iesce n t struc tu ra lly . It is likel y the re -
(Figu re s 4.17, 4. 18) lies immed ia tel y cast o f th e fo re tha t th e o rie n ta tio n of t he stress fiel d ha s
S a n A nd rea s fa ul t, wh ich mar ks the A meri can cha nge d since the s truct ure of the sou thern
p la te bou nd a ry. In nor th er n Cali fo rnia a nd sector W :'IS initia ted .
O re go n , th e province-ties c ast o f the Casc ades Sei smi cit y is co nce ntrated in broad be lts
vol can ic arc. T he Ca scad es cha in is re lated 10 100- f50 km wide alon g the margins of th e
the subduction zone marki ng the bo unda ry no rthern secto r, de lim itin g a relati vel y ase is-
be tween th e J ua n d e Fu ca a nd A merica n p lat e s mi c re gio n in the ce n tra l part or th e G re a t
in the north . The prov ince is abo u t 1000k m Basin . Seism ic activity is concentrate d in th e
wide a t its ma ximu m in the no rt h , b u t narro ws d e p th ra nge 5 - 16 km . M uch d iscu ssio n has
so ut hw a rds as it bends aro und the m ar gin of ccnlux.l un h p_mbh:n of il<' hi. bigh-lc vet
the Colorado plat eau 10 lin k with the Ri o .uo fm.. l Iaul ex tensio n i acconunod a te d
G ran de rif t. T he p ro vince is char acte r ized by der1h It now seems clear that , alt hough a fe w
t10llual hltll lin!!! . ismicilf \ h i~h helll lIow (c. fa u lts ex hib it listr ic ge o me t ry (i.c . a rc co nca ve
9OmWm - 2 (sec 2.3) a nd II high rcg ion a P' upwa rds) a t sha llo w dept hs of 4 -5 kr n, most
elcvau on e stee p faul ts wh ose geomet ry ha s bee n invest i-
T he mode rn extens iona l str uc tu re is s u m- gate d a t de p th co n tinue to di p un iform ly. The
ma rizcd by Zoqba ck, r t a ( JIJM l . lt co nsists o f a pre va le nce of tilted blocks and the regio na l
line a r topograph y of elo nga te ra nges se pa ra ted co nsis te ncy o f lilt (S te wa rt , 1980 ) suggests that
by basins filled with Cenozoic an d Q u ate rnary 1he xtensio n hall be n a ccornpbsh ed m a inly~'
te rre stria l sedi me nts. The ra nge b loc ks a rc ~It Ijlt~ 10(; · mcchamsrn in th upper e rul'i4
sp aced abou t 25-35 km apa rt from c res t to 4ie tachin~ on m aj o r1 n W'= angll.: d lsp c nrs'a
crest, with in te rve ning basi ns lO-20k m in dc:pltu. o~ 1 km nd hus pa £il l i n~ he
wid th. T hus horsts a nd g ra ben a rc o f a p pr o xi- britt pper-crust a t exte nsion Irom mor du
ma te ly eq ua l dim en sion s. T his b loc k struc tu re ul e fo rma tio n 1n th e towe recrus (We rnic ke,
is co ntro lled by no rm al fa ult ing in res ponse to 19X1 ) .
a stress field with a E~ minlOlll T he amou nt of e xte nsio n of t he mod e rn
horizontal stress us .nmcateds 'J earthquak phase of d e for mation is estima ted by Zo back et


, ,



• ,
• ••



N.SA ·« \ -\-7' L
. ~ ./
' . '. ~. ' CP
. R.GH
Fi~u re ~ .Ill ( II) "'1<Ip s ho wing dirc c ucns of Miocene e xtension deri ved fro m fault and tilted bloc k oricntanons wllhi n the
Basin-a nu-R" ngc provi nce (st ippled) . Numbers :llnng the subducuon zone [toothed line ) indicated limes (in Mil Ill') 01
Ccss:Jt,on tlf arc ,",olca nbm. ind;c" t;ng the co nlc mpm a ry end of lhe s ubJ uclio n 700<: , NBR. North . an<J SIlR . South . Basin -
and-Runge pro vInce; eR il , Co lumbia River basalts: SRI'. Snake Rive. platcuu: CP , Colorado plateau; RG R, Rio Gr ande
rift. (8) Sun phficd map ha~ d on Fi gures 4,17B and 4. lilA shOWIng the clockwise chilogc in le ase hori zo ntal p rincipal Sire"
oncmution il l ( . IUMa il);O with in the B", i" -an d·R angc province . (A ) and (8) after Zohuck ~f "I. ( 19HI).

al . (198 1) as 17- 23% from faul t a nalysis. Much ph ase affected a broad region up 10 1500 km
lar ger estim ates . up to 100 - 300% ( H am ilton . wide . mar ket! by a se ries o f baseme nt uplifts
1975; Wernick e . 1981). a re a ttr ibuted by resti ng on th rust fa ults. T hese st ructures
Zoback et al , to the e ffects o f the ea rlie r phase result ed from N E - SW to E NE- WSW co m-
of e xte nsion (sec be lo w) . pression . . his: p atter n f cornpressioua de-
The prese nt crustal str ucture a nd tect onic forma t" ln has been .attribul d by Goney ( 1'113 )
patt e rn o f the Basin-a nd -Ra nge pro vince 10 th e ffects.ct.low-eng je !'IubdUCfinn Rlnng th~
ca nno t be con sid er ed in iso lation . as the r ,plal buuuJilry a nd nearly perpendicular-eo-i
th product s ~ It tectoni bistor ' lending The compressiona l regime e nde d bet wee n 40
back 10 M esm~ni and la te Pi:lI~lJA)i ' tim.; and 50 Ma ago , proba bly as a resu lt o f the
D uji ng the ea rly Mesozo ic. a subductio n zon e reorga niza tion in Pacific p lat e movem e nt pa t-
e xte nde d alon g t he who le coastal be lt of terns discusse d ea rlier (3. 1). It was replaced
west e rn Am erica with a volcanic arc to the east by a ph ase of ca lc-a lkali ne volcani sm tha t
re prese nted by t he Cordi llera M esozote hal h lasted un til the co llision of the Faratlon -Pacitic
olilb bdl (Figure 4.17A ) . At hou t HO MII RP ridge changed the western bounda ry of the
magmatism cease an d w replaced .o 0011100 Am erican plate from a sub ductio n zo ne to a
prcssiullal dd unn.auon 0 I ra niide a nd t rans for m fau lt. As we sa w ea rlier (Figure
Sevie o rogeni n ate re taceces lu early 3.4A) . th is cha nge was diachronous. a nd the
Cenozoi tim (c.80- 40 Ma 8P ) . T he fold- ridge - fa ult - tre nch tripl e junc tio n ma rking the
t hrust be lt res ult ing fro m this co mpress io nal no rthern e nd of the San A ndr ea s fa ult migra-
ted no n hwc st wa rd s fro m a bo ut 25 Ma ago unt il e xte ns ion .'
e hanf! JI 0 «ecuon illustr..
the present da y. The migrati on W <lS acco m- -t"'" ri ~ur JHB lUa y ehlll.-u to (he
pa nied by the progressive cess ation o f th e sub - nUfl hwanJ rmgrau on o f the so u thern end n t th
ducuon .r c tat cd calc-a lka line vo lca nism whic h 06UlKIuetio _on.. prcoa UI C 0 h
e nde d a t successive ly yo u nge r d ate s north - ICmimna l SI ,
ward s ( Figure 4 .I RA ) . G iven the p re se nt crustal thickness o f a bo ut
Ext ension -re lat ed bas a ltic volc a nism occ u r- 30 km , a ne t e xte nsio n of around 80 - 100%
red in the so u th bet ween 2() a nd ) Or-.b ago, ma y be calculated if we assume tha t rhc crus t
and ill the no rt h ar ound 17 Ma Ill' . T he re is att ain e d a th ick ness o f 45 - 50 krn (co mp a ra ble
evidence o ve r la rge ar ea s for faulti ng ; 101I 10 rhat o f the Colorado plate au) as a resu lt of
tilting a ssoci at ed with vu lcani cit y, where the th e Meso zoic co mpressio na l p hase , <IS sugges-
faults <Ire cu t by moder n fa ults at a d isti nct ted h y Wernick e et al , (1982). T he pr esent
angle. In th e ' me tamorphic co re co mple xes' plate au up lift a p pe a rs to he cornpcn sutcd h y
which fo rm a se mi-con ti nuo us be ll al(mg rhc warm lo w-de nsity as thc nos phcnc mant le re -
western Cordiucru. linc utcd mylonitic gneisses pl acing no rma l litho sph e re .
occur , inte rpret ed by Davis an d COlley (1\)79) Th unmenccmcm o f bac k-ere ex te nsio n i.
as low -an gle shea r zones T hese exhibit norm al ' he Ilf uvi n Iinked b Zu hack ("I nl () th..
d ip-slip displacements and a rc thou gtu til la!ol ph il . o f !ouhduclinn-. occ urr ing e astwa rds
rep resent the mid -cru sta! detachment horizons o f the ca lc-al ka line volcanic a rc . According to
for the cx tcn sio na! def ormation . Some of the their model , the e n hanced hear sup ply, volcan -
low-angle norm al di spl acement zo nes ma y ism and e xte nsio n arc seco nd a ry e ffec ts rela ted
have originat ed <IS Lara mid e th rusts . to the subd uction pr ocess . Ho we ve r a n alte r-
Con siderable su p po rt is given to this inte r- native mo d el has bee n suggeste d by
prctar ion by cocoer seis mic rclkcl i{lll dat a ( ]\)X4) who tl r~ u Imt the -illlit PlIl'ili ' rid!!
from the eas tern part of the pr ovince ( A llme n- ma ha been mJcl lain by D eouvcc uve
din gc r ct al.. 19X3) . A scric-, of con ti nuo us low- m ant i upwe llin g Of' plum that o..."("am t)Vcno
angle reflectors ex tend i ng mor e than 120 klll ridden by th American continent i lS Ihe.ridgc
across the strike can be traced 10 a depth o f wa, 'uhd ll<1ed !Iring th Ge nntniw ( Figure
15- 20 km ( Figu re 4 .1\)). None o f the se low - 4.20 ) . He th us a ttributes the format ion o f the
an gle re fle ctors appcars to he cu t by the Slee p pr o vince to a ' pr imary ' mantl e so u rce r uthe r
nor ma l faults tha i ;lr rc a r al th e su rface . A t ha n 10 a 'seco nd a ry' d iapir as implied hy the
major dcrachmcr u. ) rl lerach alte rnative mo de l.
me nl can he t raced fro m a su rface zone of
no rmal fa ulting 10 <I depth of 12 -1 5 kill . T he
I? e.wnu!
aut ho rs s uggest tha t 30 - 60 k rn of e xten sio n has
take n place o n th is fault. ;n H<It'in-antJ..kange provin ta ken 'IS .
Various es t imates ha ve been mad e o f th e t _picel a mpl (1 a continental ba ck -arc e x
extens io na l strain d uring this e a rly p hase . lenll.ional regim Ex tension co mmenced in the
Locall y high strums o f 50 - llJO";'. have bee n e ar ly Ce no zoic when Laramide co mp ressi o na l
repo rted (e .g. h y Ande rson , 19 7 1) b u t it is deformat ion , a ttribu te d to sha llow sub d uctio n
difficult to es ti mate th e o vcru!l slra in . T he high along th e west e rn A merica tren ch , was re -
strains imply a ver age strai n rat es of a round 3 x placed hy a vo lca nic a rc be hi nd which e xton-
IU- 14/ $ co mp a red with the mod e rn deformation sian occurre d a rou nd 440 - 50 Ma ago. An ea rly
which yie lds a st rain rat e o f c.5 x 1O - 1.~/s. T he ph ase o f e xte nsion wit h a WSW - ENE orienta -
exte nsional d e fo rmation wou ld thus appe ar 10 tio n p ro d uced la rge str a ins, fo r whi ch es ti ma tes
be slowing d own . T he direct ion d ur ing th e o f around 100 % ha ve bee n mad e , implying
early ph ase was NE - SW (Figu re 4 ,I RA ) , stra in ra tes o f c.J x 1O - 14/s . Th is ea rly ex te n-
mar kedly o bliq ue to the p rese nt and re cen t sio nal p hase was pr o gr e ssivel y tcrrnin nted and




• 15f-=,--- -, Y
20 c'"c,.... ",...""....
.""••• ""
_OI, 01'''' 0' "
. ' I ,. t" . ....
25 P,

' f'


D. _

s".. ·••
_ _-

,lY _

, •••
30 c" c_ ... ',
0" ,
... .
".. .
V P. No. _ I 200 400 600 80 0

Figure 4. 19 Structu ral uuc rprctunon o f COCO R P <.leep seis mic relk el,on linc acn», pan or the U",i n' iln<!.Rallgc
p rovin ce . Solid -toothed lures indic at e thru st r" ulh; lid<:d hnc s, nor nlal f"uI IS_o pcn 'l " " lhc, l lid "".1 li nes, low':lI1gk nonnu l
fa" lls: solid- toothe d Iil"k..:d Hues. thrusts rc -acuvarcd as normal Iaults. FrtlJll Alhncndingcr ('/ Ill . ( 19K' )

re placed by the curre nt ex tensiona l phase with spread ing' 10 exp lain thes e marg inal basins is
a al ori entation of WNW - ESE betw een c.20- d ue to Karig ( 1971 ). In Kangs model (show n
IOM a agu . ,I
in Figur e 4.23A) , new spreading aXIs is devcl-
E xte nsio n was acco mplished by thc form a- oped abov e the de scending slab becau se
tion o f tilted blo cks a nd by rot ation on listric of the diapiric rise of ho t mantic ma terial
faults de tachi ng on low-a ngle normal faults! relea sed by the su bd uction process. A n alter -
shear zone s. native way of viewing this process is ,IS a
The clockw ise ro tat ion of extensional stra in secondary conve ctive cell of the kind predicted
axes has bee n att ributed [ 0 the no rt hwa rd by the ther mal mode l o f Elder (see Figure
migr atio n of the end of t he subd uctio n zon e as 2. 13),
it is replaced by the nort hward s-ext end ing San A study of the magnetic a no ma ly puucrn of
And reas fa ult . the basins o f the west Pacific (Figure 4.22)
shows that they ar e all relative ly you ng and
short-lived in compa riso n with t he Pacific plate
itself. T he oldest basins in th is regio n com-
A series of ucean i hasim (often termed menced spreadi ng ab out 60 Ma UP and the
' marginal basins' ) are sit uated <behind ' the inactive basi ns gene rally had a life o f o nly
island arc/tren ch syste ms of th nonh rn a ll abou t lOMa . Among the basins that arc still
western f a1.:itiC'Tim (Fig ure 4.21), and also the active arc the onin lIOUl(R., the-Mar iana
Ca ribbean and Scotia ar cs of the Atl antic trough . ..m d the Lau tro ugh/H avre basi n. The
Ocea n. T he basins occur in the upper slab of Japa Parece Vel' and -South 1-:ij' basins are
the subduction zones , on the co ncave side of examples o f inactive systems (F igure 4.2213) .
the arcs, and betw ee n the arcs an d the co n- W iss I t IlJXt1 s hows that the co mp lex mag-
tinental margins. The concept of 'back-a rc netic str ipe patte rns of the se basin s cannot be
I)I VFIl " FNl ( F.XTU" SIONA L) ·1EC f'ON IC IlE GIM ES 101

.0._ .0,. ..' --. . ."


~ ..... ,



--..-. = .

1000 1200 14 0 0 160 0

10 krn

Se ,. .... ~ _... ]

650 ".. ~----_

• 0

..../ .
''''--1 I

fi gllrt 4.Ul Ca rtoo n sec tio n Illustrating a possible interp retatio n or the for mation of tbc Basin-and-R ange province. SAF,
San And reas fallll; SN , Sierra Nevada : BR , Basin-and-Runge province ; WF. w asatch Front: CP, Co lo rado plateau ; S R
Southe rn Rock y moun tain s: EFR , East fmn l ulthc Rocky mountains; NFD . Newfo undla nd ; CE , connnental edge ; MAR ,
mid-Atlan tic ridge; PM. zo ne of part ial melt ing. From Gllugh ( 19l>4)




Figure 4.21 Distribution of marginal or

back-arc basins in the north and west Pacific
Ocean. Subduction mnes indicated by tooth-
ed lines. After KariB (1914).

interpreted by a simple back-arc extension Kermadec and Marianas arcs (Fipre 4.228)
mechanism. Only some of the most recent and may be because the ftank region of the
spreading patterns can be simply related to the volcanic arc is the hottest and weakest part of
present arc geometry (Figure 4.22A). Most of the basin.
the basins in this region show patterns of The magnetic anomaly patterns in general
magnetic lineations that are repeated across indicate that back-arc spreading rates are
active or extinct spreading ridges, although the similar to those. on the main ocean ridges,
pattern is often complicated by the super- although the duration of the spreading episo-
imposition of an active system on an inactive des is much shorter. It would appear that
system with a quite different trend. For ex- tectonic conditions favourable for the genera-
ample, NNE-SSW spreading in the West tion of back-arc basins are either relaxed rela-
Philippine basin changes to E- W spreading in tively quickly. or are easily interrupted, for
the Parece-Vela basin, across the Kyushu- instance by buoyant ocean ftoor material on
Palau ridge (Figure 4.22-B). In several basins, the descending slab arriving at the trench.
the spreading axis is offset towards the volcanic The South Fiji and Lau basins appear to
arc. This is particularly evident in the Tonga- have formed as a result of the evolution of

. ,.
.. .
..20 ......

"22/ aD

FIIU~ 4.12 (A) Spreading directions in mar-

ginal basins in the western Pacific Ocean. (B)
Magnetic stripe patterns, aseismic ridges (ba-
chured) and spreading axes (heavy lines with
arrows) in part of the western Pacific ocean.
Dashed lines indicate inactive, continuous lines
active, spreading axes. Based on Weissel(1981).

I r.<O V EI.iIE N T
~ 8"'S IN
~,,, m m;4?> I

SLAB ROl l -e "'CK

Figun 4.23 MOIlelS 10 explain marg inal o r back-a rc basins. (A ) T he Karig model : ' " ,,('I.-arc scre ading' . A lte r Uyeda
( 197N) . ( 8) T he 'trench roll-hack' model.

thre e , rathe r tha n two , plate s, although the map o f 'abso lute' p late motion s (C hase , 1978 ;
det ails are not ver y clear. Minster and Jo rdan, 1978) severa l of the basin s
Although .pHU1~ I the back·a, basinlli in discussed above (e .g. the Mar ian as and Lau -
the Pacific: can explained by the hack-ar Havre basins) are o pe ning in acco rdan ce with
spreading mech anism of Knit ( Figure 4.23A ), the p red ictio ns of t his model.
it has been suggested by several au thors (see Hynes and Mati (1985) , in a study of
Chase , 1978a,b ; Molnar and Atwate r, 1978) the To nga- Kermadec and Mar ian as a rcs, ha ve
tha t back-arc basin formatio n may be re lated argued that the roll-hack mec ha nism may not
mor e plausib ly to globa l plate motions. In this be viab le beca use it ca nnot account fo r the
model, back-arc ext ens ion occurs when the variability in back-arc spread ing a lo ng 1I speci-
resultant of the velocities of th e ove rrid ing fic margin , a nd in parti cu lar ca nnot explain its
plate and the t rench ' ro ll-back' motion has a recen t initiation . Th ey suggest that a mo re
compo nent d irected away from the t rench , att ractive explanatio n for tre nch migration is a
whe n viewed in a hot- spo t frame of referen ce . cha nge in pr ofile of the descend ing slab , due to
Trroch m Y-back (Figure 4 .238) was defined by changes in the relati ve rat es of moti on of the
Dswe" (1980) as the gradu al seaward migra- co nve rging plates - a mechani sm proposed by
tion o f a trench caused by the gravitational pull Furlo ng et al. (1982) o n the basis of thermal
of the descendin g slab. Th is motion is grea ter mod elling. Th e mechanism proposes th at an
for old, co ld ocea n plate t han fo r younger , increase in velocity of co mpar at ively o ld ,
warmer ocea n plate , which accou nts fo r its coo l, and stro ng oceanic lithosphe re will pro-
impo rta nce in the weste rn Pacific, where tren- duce a decrease in slab inclination at shallow
ches are subd uct ing o ld Mesozoic ocean crust . dept hs. However, due to the st reng th of t he
When t he co mponen t o f mot io n is d irected slab , t he line o f co mmencemen t o f down-
from the tre nch o utwards, towards the ocea n , be nding migrates oceanwa rds , pulling the
tension al failure will occur in the over-riding t rench away from the upper plate . In other
plate along the volcan ic axis. T he spreading respect s, however , Hynes and Mott confirm
direction will be governed, accord ing to this th at the global p late mo tion model is appli-
model, by the directio n of the resultant velo- ca ble to these two arcs in t hat t hey both
city vector , and spreading occurs passive ly just ind icate absolute trench motion towards the
as in the ocea n ridges. Acco rd ing to the world Pacifi c.
A Fil:urc 4.24 Me tho ds o f acco mmo da ting e xte nsion . (A )
, , The wed ge su bsrd c ncc mod e l fo r graben furrnano n . rrorn
n oll and Muhcn ( 1':l113) , ( 8) Block rotation above a low-
lay .. ,
• , -. a ngle e xte nsio na l fault-shea r zo ne . A lte r We rnick e ( 1981)
" ,

00.0<:"" ..
~, I f . . '


I ~~~'-"-'\W~---L.2~Z!J

4.5 Str uct ures assoc iate d with exte nsiona l analysis of seismic records obtained in petro-
regimes leum exp lorat ion of marin e basins, for ex ample
the Nort h Sea (e .g. G ibbs, 1984) . Wernicke
Classical views on faulting (e.g. Ande rson , a nd Burchfie l ( 1982) present a geo met ric and
1951) and on the form ation o f graben a nd rifts kinematic a nalysis of extensio nal fault sys-
(Veiling Mei nesa, 1950) envisaged thai ext en- tems which highlights three pr incipal met hods
sion was acco mmodated primaril y by dip -slip of ac hieving large hori zo ntal disp lacemen ts.
movem en ts on sleep fault s. or by filling of These are: (i) the use of low-angle normal
extensional fi ssur es by magma . However t he faults or deta chme nt hor izons ; (ii) the rotation
amount of ex te nsion ac hie ved by displace me nI o f fault blocks , and (iii) the use of curved or
on a stee p no rmal fault is limited by the depth 'listric' fault plan es. T he demon stration by
to which a crustal block can sink , and begs the Werni cke ( 198 1) that large disp lacements
question of how the displacem ent is accommo- co uld be accommodated by a combination of
dated at depth - see fo r ex ample the keystone rotated imbricate blocks det aching o n a low-
or wedge model for rifting ( Figure 4.24A ) angle fau lt o r du ctile shear zo ne (F igure 4.248)
proposed by Batt ( 1976). It is clea r that some was o f great importa nce in the study of
addit ional mechanism is req uired to produce exte nsio nal regimes.
extensio ns la rge r tha n a few km. If fault blocks are allowed to rotate (Figu re
Th e importa nce of altern ati ve fault mecha n- 4 .25A) , th e am oun t of displacement is cumu-
isms in achieving large exte nsio ns has o nly been lative , ea ch new fault displacem ent addin g an
discovered relatively recently , mainl y by field increment of exte nsion without necessaril y
workers in the Basin-and-Ra nge prov ince (e .g. causing an y add itional de pr ession of t he sur-
Davis et al ., 1981; Wernicke . 198 1) and by the face or add itional crustal thinning. T he listr ic

A _ _ 'C·_I~~"O~"~'=~rr-_ ..,

L-_----', ,

-- - - -=--=-=-=~-

H anging Wa" Bloc k

1I. ' rlc F I " lt

Dela chmen!

c H':~,'+~?,n~'"
Rollo • • •
Ha ng,"g Wa ll

Fif::u rt 4.2.5 Gco mcl ry (If e xte n-

s ton. (A) Block ro ta tion abo ve a
detachme nt . Triangular gap s A
arc lefl . ( 8 ) Limic Iauh with
hangingwall ro ll-ove r a nticline .
Areas A and B are equal. The
adjus tment in h.mgi ngwaU shape
implies in ternal stra in. (C) Fla t/
ra mp geometr y o f fau ll p roduce s
geome trically necessa ry folding in
h afl~i ngwal L (A ). ( R) a nd (C)
f rom Gih~ ( 19M )
Fla l

fault (Figure 4.258) achieves a rotation in the t hat fou nd in co mpressional thru st be lts (Dahl-
hanging wall me rely by its d isplacem en t , and is st ro m, 1970 ; Boyer and Ellio tt , 1982) . Both
accompan ied by an acco mmodation anti cline t hese mechani sms req uire accompan ying du e-
termed a 'rollo ver'. Th e role of t he low-a ngle tile deformation to alleviate space problems.
det achment fault is critical in both st ruct ures . These pro blems can be minimize d by the in-
Th is detachmen t horizon will gene rally possess troduction of an titheti c listric fau lts, producing
a ramp -flat geome try (Figure 4.25C) similar to listr ic ' fans' , which have the effect o f thinni ng
a A
SN UO'" Cou " ' . ' Fa"

, ,


Figu~ 4.U. More complex extensio nal geometry .

A (Q,b) Thin ning and exte nsio n in the hangingwall by
antithetic fault systems. (c,d) Horsetail or lisln C (an
producin g a series of ride rs on the sole lault , formed by
the migration o f the sole r;oult into the foo twall. Fro m
Gibbs ( 19R4)

a B




E I IItn ~ Du~.:.:.""';;::" __..... _

Cetm_ High " ....1"1 W._
Counl... F"" \ S t>ortcut Faull 2

, , 7;·7·'-~"~----_J.-~

Fi ll.U", 4.16 B(a- c)

Evolution o( ,10 extension al
d up lex with associa ted list -
ric fan. eoemer fan and
ele vated cent ral high. From
G itms ( 1985)

the ro llover in the hangingwall. Th e addition of ous to those found in thrust zones (Figure
syru hetic fault sets in the footwall prod uces 4.268) .
complex graben structures (Figure 4.26A. B). Gibbs (1984) presents an interpretation of
Further complications are produced if the basal the central graben of the North Sea basin (see
detachment has a ram p-flat geometry, in which Figure 7.10) based on both seismic and well
case t he detachment may migrate into t he foot- control. His section illustrates well how the
wall 10 produce extensional duplexes analog- conventional model of a symmetrical 'key-
stone' grabe n has bee n replaced by an asym- mechan ism allows broad zo nes of upper cr ustal
metrical structure where the key clement is thinnin g to take place by exte nsio nal faulting
a low-angle exte nsio nal fault. Although the as shown above, leavin g the lowe r crust un-
structure as a who le as see n at the surface affected. The exte nsio nal structures o f passive
retains an overall symmetry, individual ele- cont inental margins are thus likely to be
ments in the structure are asymmetric al . typi- allochtho nous, and the basa l de tachme nt plane
cally fo rming v -shaped ' half-grabe n' with an will transfer the displace me nts to the o riginal
incl ined fault o n one side , and inclined rotated site of the rift, whe re the who le lithosphere was
bedd ing on the oth e r. brok en through (see Figure 2.29) .
An impo rtant conseq uence o f the low-angle Exte nsional fault syste ms frequ ently contain
detachme nt is that displa cemen ts may be tran s- many stee p faults with strike-slip d isplace-
ferred consid erable dista nces laterally. Ex- ments. These faults appea r to be integral to the
tensiona l structures at the surface may be displa cement pattern and are termed transfer
accommodated by d uctile displacemen ts in the faul ts by G ibbs. The y play the same role as
lower crust , bu t the precise form which these oceanic transform faults in tran sferr ing d is-
take cannot usually be discovered . Lower placem ents from o ne dip- slip move ment plane
crustal exte nsio n could be accommodated 10 ano ther, bUI differ in that all the movement
largely by pure shea r ex tensio nal thinnin g, or planes norm ally deta ch on the so le fault, ra ther
alternat ively by simple-s hear d isplacements o n than at the base of the lith osphere. Tra nsfer
low-angle shear zo nes, or by a co mbinatio n of faults may separate imbri cate fault-fold pack -
both mecha nisms. The importance o f mid- ages that a re quite d istinct a nd uncorrelate-
crustal shear zones in the defo rma tion of high- able across the transfer faults (Figure 4.27).
grade Preca mbrian com plexes is stressed in
9.4. A B
Deep seismic profitin g across the Mesozoi c
basins o ff the coast o f no rthern Scotland (the
MOI ST line), co mbined 'with dat a o n deep-
crusta l str ucture obtained fro m the o n-land
deep seismic profile L1SP B (Bamford et al.,
1977) ind icate tha t the fault d isplacement s c
forming the basins (mostly of half-graben type)
are tra nsfe rred along major mid-crustal de-
tachme nt hori zons using a netwo rk of pre- c
existing faults and she ar zones used as thru sts
. ~-_ .:
during the Ca ledo nian orogeny (see Figure
2.30). It appea rs likely that in this case the
exte nsiona l displaceme nts cut through the
whole thickness of the crust.
These results have important implications
for cont inenta l separatio n and the structure of
passive continenta l ma rgins. Gibb s (1984) illus-
trat es a typical pa ssive continen tal margin C ~ C'
structure ba sed o n a sectio n in the Bay of
Biscay (af te r De Charpal et at ., 1978) which Figure 4.27 Geometry of transfe r faults. (A) Plan o f a
demon strates the importance of a basal det ach- simple transfer faull connecting two normal Iaults . ( 8 )
men t horizo n. T he det achmen t effectively plan of two transfer faults separating three zones with dif-
ferent arrangements of norm al listric faults , all detaching
tran sfers the lowe r crustal displacement away on the same basal plane. (C) Sectio ns AA ' . 88' and CC'
from the continent towards the ocean . Th is across (8). After Gillhs ( 19M)

-- --- - - - ~ ~-

Foot wa ll
f igurl' 4.2tI Dia~ra l11ma lic prolilc illustrating
elevation or thl' f<xl lwa ll. a nd the development
of ,mlithclio.: fault s an d of a second-generation
,, synthetic f:lull in the ha ngingwall o r an exrcn-
sio nal listric fa uIL system . From Jackso n and
M cKenzie (1 911J)

T he problem of how listric faults e volve is det e rmine th e fa ult orie nta t ion a nd slip vec to r
centra l in the underst and ing of the extensional at the origin of fault failure. typically at a
faulting mechanism (Figure 4.28). This prob- depth of 8- 12 km. T he grea t majorit y of large
le m is addressed by Jackson and McKe nzie no rm al -faul t ea rthquakes in this region have
(1983) in the light o f ob servations in a zone of d ips of 40- 5(r at their foci, and the d ips appear
active seismic faulting in G reece , the Aegea n to corres pond with o bse rved surface d ips in at
and weste rn Turkey. Seismological observa- least two cases. Jackson a nd McKenzie there-
tions o f t he ea rthq uake source are used to fo re suggest that fault s norm ally pro pagate to

. ·i\::ure 4.29 (.a -d) Mood sho wing

the evo lut ion of an exte nsiona l [aull
syste m with incre' lsing amou nts of
extension (fJ .. 1.t15 - I.'J) . f'.lIOrmal
f'lU ll obhq uc to beddi ng (rlr5t-ordcr
fa ulls) ; T. te nsion al fract ures; TI-'.
seco nd- an d third·...rder faults, a p-
prox ima tel y pe rpe ndicu lar to bed-
ding . 8 .. ave ra ge lill of blocks in
each cuse. From A ogelicr and
Co lletta (19B3)
DIVE I(Gf.N T ( EXT ENSION A L ) T EcrO,"l ]C I(EG IM ES 111
the surface as planes, and th at the listric Accor ding to Ja ckso n an d McKenzie , anti-
geometry is deve loped in a se mi-ductile zo ne thetic faults arc nuclea ted at th is zo ne of st ram
below the depth of fault initia tion. t hat is, be- co nce nt rat io n whe re the ab rupt change in dip
tween 10 and 15 km depth . lncrcusing cx tcnsion occurs. After the initial fault set has been
in the britt le layer is prod uced by rotat ion of ro tated to much lo we r angles of dip, new sets
the initially plana r fau lts as sho wn in Figure o f faults may fo rm at steeper angles. As the
4.25A . T he rot ation produ ces a gradual in- ea rlier faults are cut by t he new faults. the
crease in d ip o f th e initial fl at surface o r fo rmer lock , an d move ment is transferred to
bedding, acco mpa nied by the elevatio n of the t he younge r se t.
hangingwalls and the depression of the foo t- Angelier and Co lletta ( 1983) dem onstrate
walls (Figure 4.28) . These ve rtical movem ent s t his principle in a stu dy of the evo lutio n of
are the isostatic respo nse to any dip-slip fault exte nsional fault geo metry . co mpa ring the
displaceme nt and may be clea rly see n for G ulf o f Suez (with 10- 50% extension, see
recent fault movements in the Aegean, be- Figure 4.15), the western Gul f of Califo rnia
cause sea -leve l is a co nve nient datum . (50-100%) an d the southe rn Basin-and -Range
It is geo met rically nece ssa ry for a co ncave- province (up to 200% ). T hey cons ide r tha t at
upwards curved fau lt 10 form in o rde r that sma ll ex te nsions (10- 20% ), blocks are gen tly
voids do not occur as displa cem e nt ta kes place . tilted up to 10" be tween parallel , widely-spaced
Even if the fault in t he ductile layer is initially fault s dipping at 60-65° ( Figure 4.29a,b) .
plana r a nd meets the brittle fau lt at an an gle , Many close ly-sp aced ve rtical tension fractures
the result of movem ent o n the fault syste m will are developed appr oxima tely perpe ndicular to
cause accomm oda tion stra ins and seco nda ry bedding during the e arly stages o f extension,
faulting in the regio n of t he change in dip. T his and these are used for t he later d ip-slip
process will eve ntua lly result in a listric geo - displacements when they have bee n rot ated
metry by abrasion of tne hangingwall angle . into a suitable att itude (Figure 4.29c,d ).
5 Convergent tectonic regimes

5.1 Subduction volca nic roc ks of the oce anic crust. T hese
sed iments arc usuall undcfor med on the'"OUier
Th e co ncept of a spec ial type of orogeny nan and':ffoor oC th.l:__trenc .,-6u C 1?eco m..f
related 10 the subductio n process is im plied by - deformed at the foo l of the inner Irench w Jl...
the plate te ctonic model, a nd was first clea rly Thi s inner "'IrCnch region , characterized by high
e xplained by Dewey and Bird (1970) in the ir pressures and low geothermal gradients (see
cla ssic pa pe r 'M o untain belts a nd the new 2 .3) , was suggested by Takeuchi and Uyed a
globa l tecto nics' , They demonstrat ed that t he ( 1965) as the site of for mation of the blue-
process of subd uction a t a dest ruct ive plate schist metamor phic be lts characte ristic of the
boundary inevitab ly pr oduces a characte ristic ci rcum -Pa cific region . Th ese bel ts form a
asso ciation of rocks and struct ure s tha t. in pre - paired set with the high- tempera ture , low-
plat e tecto nic termino logy. would ha ve been pressure me tamo rphic belt s fou nd on the inner
regarded as a type of o rogeni c hell . side of islan d arcs and mo untain belt s. The
T hese ideas we re fo resha dowed 10 so me lat te r co rrespo nd to the zon e of high gco the r-
ex ten t by R.S. Dietz (1963) who proposed an mal gra dient associated with the volcan ic a rcs,
' actualisric' model to explain the fo rmat ion of o n the dow n-dip side of the subd uction zo ne .
' eugeosynclines', which were so familiar in t he T he p rese ntly-exposed, dissected orogenic
lite rature on oroge nic belts. In his model , an belts o f the circum-Pa cific reg ion , with their
accretionary sedimentary wedge is formed paired met amorphic belt s. t hus represen t the
o n the contine nta l slope, on isostatica lly de- uplifted prod ucts o f o riginally active arc-trenc h
pressed ocea nic crust , and subseq ue ntly de- sys te ms.
for med and accre ted I ~ the contine ntal margin . Dewey and Bird visualized the seque nce of
At about the same time , the essen tial link was events in the evolutio n o f a subd uctio n zo ne as
made betwee n trench formation and s ubd uc- follo ws.~he~s u bducti ng ocea nic plat e.begins
tion (see Hess , 1962) that led d irectl y to the to desce nd . Iorming a trench I. th rusting occurs
ocea n-floo r spreading hypothesis and to the a t ils inner-wa ll - form ing---; _~eries of -thrust.
plate tecton ic theory. wedges of oce an-floor. mater ial such aschen..
The two essential fea tures of the subd uctio n argillite, carbo nates and even basic and ultra-
zo ne are the volcanic or magmati c arc an d the . basic igneo us materi al. The th rust wedg ing
tren ch (Figure 5.1). The tre nch typically co n- 'p rocess results in a tecton ic e leva tion on the
tains a th ick prism of sed iment s overlying the inner side of the tren ch 10 form a ridge . Th is


"i!:ure 5.1 Sche matic pro file
across an island-arc subd uction
zo ne , showing the main tecto nic
featu res. Afte r Windle y ( 1977).

process may be accompanied by gravity sliding matie s: a large pos itive ano maly follows the
of par t of this ma terial back i n to the tre nch . vo lcanic arc, a nd a smaller broa d anomaly
occ urs on the oce anwa rd side of the t rench .
The latte r anoma ly has been exp lained by
Geometry of t r~nch systems
Wa ils and Ta lwa ni (1974) as the result o f
The present tren ch network is s how n in Figure upward ben ding of the ocean ic plat e as il
3.1. T renches occur o n the ocean side of a pproaches the trench , an d is a co nseq uence of
volca nic island arcs and active co ntinen tal the late ral strength and co nti nuity of the plate .
margins. Some tren ch es ar e remarka bly co n- T he positive anoma ly associated with the vol-
linuou s ove r great d istances. The Peru -Chile canic arc is explained by the mass excess
trench is 4500 km lo ng and the To nga tr en ch re presented by the re lative ly dense vo lcanic
about 700 krn. Typical wid ths _ ~l ~~ 2 ~ 1!!!£. rocks of the arc. T he lower crustal layer is
WOkm a~_Q..J.! s he twee n 2 and 3 .k m .bl:low ~ grea tly increased in thickness below the arc
The ocean.has in.Jl oo r or u p---.!~U I km be low , (F igu re 5.2 ). which possesses a cr ustal struc-
sea-Ievell although up to 2 km of sedime ntary tu re similar. 10 that o f t he co ntine nts. The
trenc h fill milY be Rrese nt; The positio n of elevated top ogra phy of the vo lcanic pile is thus
trenc hes bo rderi ng act ive co nt inen ta l margi ns o nly pa rtly co mpensated isostati cally.
is o bvio usly det ermined by the locat io n and
shape o f the margin . Tren ch es bo rde ring island
Seismicity and the m echanism of subduction
chains, howeve r, are typ ica lly arcuate . T he
explana tio n for th is curva ture (discusse d in Th e seismicity assoc iat ed with sub duc tio n
3.2) is tho ugh t to be d ue to hack -ar c sprea di ng zo nes is one of t hei r mos t ch aracteristic fea -
of ocean crust which is inh ibited at t he cus ps of tu res . T he di ppi ng zone of ea rt hqua ke foci
the arcs by ase ismic ridges or ot he r obstr uc- wide ly kno wn as th e Benioff zon e constitutes
tions (see Figure 3.9) . • one of the most impo rtant pieces o f evide nce
for the hypothesis of subduct io n o f oceanic
lit hosphere . We have already d iscusse d the
Morphology and ~'rrucrure of island arcs
seismic evide nce fo r stress o rientation and
A typ ical gravi ty ano maly profile is show n in d istribu tion in s ubd ucting s labs (see 2. 6). The
Figure 5.2 toget her with a crusta l str ucture tempor al and spatial d ist rib ut io n of eart h-
profile base d on co mb ined grav ity and seismic quakes in subductio n zones was investigat ed by
refra ction data. T re nches arc o bvio usly not in Ma gi ( 1973) who demon str ates, firstly, a pro -
isosta tic eq uilibri um , and re present a mass gression in tim e of earthqua kes from sha llower
deficie ncy which is largel y expla ined by the 10 deepe r levels o n t he slab , an d seco nd ly, that
depth of water in the tr ench. The cr usta l maj or sha llow ea rthq ua kes are always pre-
thickn ess does no t ap pe ar to va ry across the ced ed by a mar ked increase in deep seismic
trench . It may be conclude d, the refore , th at act ivity. He suggests that stra in is accumula ted
the grav ity anom aly ma y be sa tisfacto rily ex- gradu ally ne ar the s urface by co ntinued co n-
plained by a downward force du e to the sub- ve rgence . and that a large eart hqua ke occurs
duction "precess depressing the crust ; t hat is. whe n the accum ulat ed st rain rea ches a critical
the tre nch topo grap hy is dy na mically mai n- va lue. However, be fore t he main shock occ urs,
tained . The variable sed iment infill (some the region expe rie nces nume rou s sma lle r
tren ches have very littl e sedi me nt, o the rs are shoc ks that ind icat e a slight move ment along a
virtua lly full) ap pe ars to have little influen ce on restricted secto r o f th e slab (Figure 5.3 ). Thi s
the amount o f crustal depressio n and de pends move ment is transmitted progressivel y dow n
purel y o n sedime nt supply. t he sla b at a rate of about 50 kmlyea r and
The negati ve grav ity anoma ly assoc iat ed te rminates at t he lower e nd of the slab in a
with the t renc h is flanked by positive ana- large shoc k. The s udde n down wa rds mo ve-


' 00

- 100
• Free air anomaly (sea)
- 200 • Bouguer anom aly (land )
Computed gravity a nomaly
- 200

- 400

Nares Outer ridge Puerto Rico trenc h Puerto Ve nezue lan

ON basin • • ~i~~ ~ , ba Si: - S


40 Unconsolida ted Consolt at

Ma ntl e
sedime nt
U~..SJust Lower cr ust
(.m) o '""
'-"'" IZ.2J
s veroctrv 2.1 km/ s 3.8 5.5 7 .0 8.2
den sity 2.0 g/cm' 2.4 2.7 3.0 3 .4
Figur f 5.2 G ravity-anomaly and crustal-structure profile across a typical island arc (Puerto Rice ). From UOII ( 1971) . ener
T alwa ni et Ill . ( 1959) .

ment at the end of the slab rapidly propagates trench, and allowing it to move downwa rds.
upwards to trigger the large shallow ea rth- A comparison of the seismicity of a large
quake at the top of the slab. The large shallow number of subduction zones led Ruff and
ea rthquakes may have either compressional or Kanamori (1983) 10 suggest that the extent of
extensional focal-plane solutions (see Figure 'seismic coupling' is an importa nt control on
2.23) and both may be explained by the above earthquake magnitude. The degree of seismic
mechanism (Figure 5.3). Compressional solu- coupling is controlled by the number and size
tions are explained by underthrust faulting of 'asperities' on the slab, that is, of stro ng
(Figure 5.3A) . Compressional solutions are regions that resist the motion of the slab and
explained by underthr ust faultin g (Figure. have to be broken through before motion can
5.3A ) and extensional solutions by normal be continued. Earthquake magnitude also
faulting (Figure 5.38 ). Both types of fault appears to correlate both with age of sub-
have the same 'effect of releasing the upper ducted lithosphere and with conve rgence rate
portion of the slab, previously 'stuck' at the (Figure 5.4). The largest eart hquakes occur in
Conlinental Oc eanic
Lirholllhe ,e li lhosp/l ete f'e ne ll

Under thrust Fault Normal Fault

G, ea t 5 110110_ G' ea l 5 110110_
~r1 l1 qlla ke Eo,llIqlla ke

Figure 5.J Schematic diagram illustr ating the mechanism for shallow and deep earthquakes in subduction zones . (A)
illustrates the underth rust fault (U F) case . and ( 8) the normal faul! (NF) case for the production of great shallow
eanh quakcs. Hatched areas deno te thc faulted segment. From Magi ( 197J)

zones where young. warm lithosphere is sub- the basatr-eclogite phase change which pro-
ducting at fast convergence rates. Ruff and duces superplastic deformation within the slab.
Kanamor i note that most of the seismic slip on The various factors affecting the geo metry of
subduction zones occurs above a dep th of subduction zones (Figure 5.5) are analysed by
about 40 km and that this depth correspo nds to Cross and Pilger (1982). They recognize fo ur
a sharp bend in some slabs. They suggest that interdependent factors: ate of relative plate
below this level, seismic activity is relat ed to convergence: velocity of absolute uppe r-

12 .---,.-- =--,.--,.-~,.-_,.-_ ,.---, Figure 5.4 The correla tion between

ear1l\quake magnitude . plate oonver-
gence rate. and lithosphe re age for 21
o subductio n zones. T he characteristic
magnitude values are shown for each
zone in a conve rgence rate v. age plot.
Regression lines of constant magnitude
,1'8 are shown. The broken line encloses the
suhductioo zones whe re back-arc spread-
u 6 ing is thought tu occur (in the lower lefl
!! pa rt o f the diagram) . The diagram shows
that larger ea rthquakes are associated
II. Ilo'ilb furer convergence and younger age.
From Ruff and Kanamo ri ( 1983)

140 120 BKl 60 40 20 0

Age, my.


150-600 UP PEA P LATE
F A ST I l<, I
T m FAST 600 -1000
. .. ... . . .. ~ .. .
SlO W T km
SLOW T km _ •
.... ~ ". "


RIDGE S OLD ,...!9 0 · ' 5~
14-- > 600 _ (>50 MYlr 11m

«50 MY) t'igurc 5.5 Principal con tro ls on the
geometr y of subductio n zones. Fuur con-
T tro ls arc illust ra ted : conve rge nce rate ,
abso lute motio n o f uppcr plate, subd ue-
lion (If ase ismic ridges , and age of oceanic
lithosphere, each of whi ch influences stlO
dip. and hence th e size of The arc-trench
gap . After Cr oss and Pilger (1982).

plat e motion toward s the tre nch ; iii ~ ge of the gence rate, since the trench is fixed to the
ocea nic lithosphere of the su ucting plate; upper plate and must move with it relative to
a nd IV) presence or absence of intra plate ascending or descending mantle now regimes.
'o bstacles' such as sea-mounts or ocea nic Thus rapid upper-plate mot ion may override
plateaux. The effect of each of these factors was the tre nch and reduce the infl uence of gravita-
examined in examples where the effects of the tional sinking on the slab. f ast absolute upper-
other factors could be minimized. t"ra and plate motion towards the trench also produces
Pilge onclude that large t a low subduction angle a nd a large arc- trench
are associated with a low subduction angle (a gap. The position of the a rc is liable to change,
relationship proposed earlier by Luyendyke, and a new arc may develop 6OO-1000km
1970), depressed isotherms, a nd a large arc- inland from the old. Again the Mexican sub-
trench gap (150- 600 km). An important con- duction zone may be used as an exa mple. Slow
sequence of the low subduction angle is the or retrograde absolute motion of the upper
increased le ngth of the inclined Benioff zone. plate has the opposite effect of steepe ning the
A contemporary example is the b1exiuoR sub- slab and causing a seaward migration of the
duction zone, whe re the Gx:ok platc is de- trench. The Central America n subduction
stroyed below the JcaD late. Slow zone, where the Cocos plate descends beneath I
convergence rates, in contrast, are associated the Caribbean plate, is an example. In co n t ra ~t
with steep slab dips and sho rt arc-trench to the subduction zone further nort h, where
gaps. the North American plate is rapidly overriding
Absolute motion of the uppe r plate is an the tre nch, the Caribbean plate has a small
important factor independe nt of the conver- component of motion away from the subdue-
~UM10 ~ r-t--
tf/l~ f!-,,{7 0

tic n zo ne an d the arc- t rench gap is much test o f this relat ionship IS provided by the sub-
smalle r. duction o f the Nazca plat e alo ng t he Pe ru -
A ..roq clalion . bel wc;' p age-,o f..,s.ubduclcd C hile tren ch ( Figu re 5.6) . C ross and Pilger
~c.:J i l h os he ' l.1.sla b.l~ng l b as.ncred (1982 ) dem ons tr ate t hat t he sout hwa rds de -
by Fa rrar and Lowe ( ' 978). The related corre - crease in age of Nazca p late being subd ucted
latio n be twee n age an d slab inclinat ion is a along this trench co rre lates wit h a change to
conseq uence of the incre asing thickness, aver - s hallower and less well-defined seis micity, and
age density and decreasing sea-ffoo r elevation with a decrease in the a rc- tre nch ga p.
produced by t he grad ual cooling o f ocean basin 1h Pillrofe of eDn.iu:isJ&.e:., ~Qun L.
lithosphere as it mo ves awa y fro m its site of ~ aim.. o r illisanic p at 'au o n the subdu cting
(ormation 'II a ridge (sec 2.3) . Since most of plate a ll involve reg ion s of red uced mean
the increase in thickness is prod uced in the den sity w hich increase the re lative buo yan cy of
mantle rat her than in th e crust, the mean t he slab an d conseq ue nt ly ~~~Dg.I.~
density o f the lithosph er e increa ses , thus re- subductio n. Ve ry low a ngles of subduction are
ducing bu oya ncy. increasing the slab dip, and co mmo n, and the vo lcanic arc may be com-
hence poten tia lly decrea sing the arc-trench plet e ly ex tinguished. ,t{ur and Ben-A yr atUIJD
gap. Howeve r thi s ef fect is opposed by a ~1 9831. n ol e several exa mples of volc an ic ga ps
tende ncy for the zo ne o f magma gene rat ion 10 10 sub ductio n zones wh ich t hey relate to
occur at higher leve ls in yo unge r. warmer ob liq ue co nsumption of aseismic ridgcs. Ex-
slabs, thu s de crea sing the a rc- tren ch gap . A amples cited arc t he Coco s, Nazca and Ju an

+------ -~,,~
'. t .
---+ '5· ' ;iJ;: lIrr 5 .6 Rel atio nship bet wee n the

, ..
'. ~
••••1. •
width of the urc-Ircnch ga p and the age
of subductcd lilh\>s phcr e altlr1g the
sourhcn Per u - Chile trench. Note lhal
i "- lhe width of me gap decreases south-
j •• wards wilh decre asing age of oce an ic

~f . SOUlll
crust of the Nazca . Fro m Cross and
Pilge r (19112)

...- RidI' o =

~ ~ 9 MY
,m 9-2& MY
I;;;l 2&-36 MY
+-- - - - - - - ----+60'
1115' 55'

Fe rna ndez ridges o n the Cocos and Nazca sp nse!luently affecLl hc strucltlrss...p.uWuced.
plates (F igure 5. 7). T he effec t is most strongly there . Mode rate 10 stee p subduction is asso -
mark ed in the case of the Nazca ridge which , d ated with extensi o nal stre §§, in the upper
becau se o f its ma rked obl iquity 10 t he d irection plate , and shallow subductio n with co mpres-
of subd uctio n. has swept acro ss a long sec tor of sio n. These relati on ships are a co nsequence
the subd uctio n zon e . T his has caused a large of t he relative size of the co nt ributions o f: (I)
gap in t he vulca nici ty in no rt h and central thermally-indu ced isostat ic up lift of the upper
Peru , t hat coi ncides with a very low subduction plates, co upled with the subd uctio n-suction
angle « tOO) ( Barazangi and lsacks. 1976). force (prod ucing tension); an d (ii) the shear
Two add itional effects were noted by C ross stress produced along the plate co ntac t (p ro.
a nd Pilger. Accre tio n of sed iment in trenches du cing com pression) . ~ la c:.s.;ue..noI~
ten ds ( 0 flatten the slah inclination at shallow mally in ion.. (see 2.6 ). Low-an gle
depths, beca use the weight of t he accretiona ry subduction increases the area of mechanical
p rism depresses the plate pr ior to subduction co upling between the two pla tes, and allows
(Ka rig a aJ., 1976). Secondly , long-conti nued shear st resses with a large component of
subd uctio n may t hicken the upper plate be- hor izontal compress ion to be transmitted into
ca use of (he cumulative effects of accretion and the upper plate. Ste ep subd uction mini mizes
depression of (he isotherms (James, 1972). th is effec t and maximizes the effect s of the
D UUoUUU_i,ljor acto descri ed above aU. extensio nal fo rces.
co ntro l t tat~ n: 5S il} (he uppe r plate and As d iscussed earlier (2.5) th e stal e of stress

Figure 5.7 Map sho wing [he relat io n-

ship bet ween the positions of aseismic
ridges o n the Nazca and Cocos pla tes
and gaps in the volca nic arc. No te the
'"" wide gap associa ted with the Oblique
Nazca ridge , di scussed in the text . From
Nur and Ben -Avraha m (1983)

\ \ ec \""

PLATE '\ \""


=:::::::> •
'"" ""
--- ,
- -
S[lS IiIlC I'\,I,N(
CM' P' " lit ...
• ..,'
_ T J I E"'CH

110- 100"
across subduc tion zone s is affected mainly by number o f active subd uction zones has led to a
the opposing effects of negative buoyancy significant increase in unde rstanding of the
generated by the subducti ng slab (pr oducing structu res and processes of defo rmat ion affec-
extension) and the comp ressive res istive forces ting accretionary sed imenta ry wedges at sub-
opposing the conve rgent mot ion. As So lomo n duc tion zones. We sha ll exa mine in detail
and Sleep (I 980) po inted ou t, the general state results from stud ies in the Peru trench in the
of intraplate stress suggests that these two West Pacifi c, the Barbados ridge in the Carib-
effects are broad ly in balance, with some sub- bean, the Makran com plex in the A rabian Sea
duction zones exhibiting net extension and and the He llenic trench in the Med iterr ane an .
others net compressio n. These examples cover the main types o f active
Bayly (1982) has poi nted o ut , fo llowing subduction zone currently recog nized. Th ese
Scholz and Page ( 1970) that the curvature of stud ies have suggested that ~ruCl u r . I(
arcuate tre nches , togeth er with the curvature a ctive accrctwnaI n s:ms...;(c a nalogues {.
of the Eart h's surface, must force a subducting o nland fQl d- I ~..I.~~L. be lJ.S . The main processes
slab into a mo re co nstricted space at depth, It a nd structures that have bee n inferred fo r
is suggested that th is constriction is taken up accretionar y comp lexes are shown schemati-
by buckling below a depth o f about 100 km cally in Figure 5.9 (see Scho ll et al. , 1980).
involving a range o f dips from 3SO to 55° in a The front or leadin g edge of the prism is
slab initially dipping at 45° (Figure 5.8). There domi nated by fron ta l accretion where by of/·
is some evidenc e tha t plate geometry as indi- scraping of the sed imentary cove r (F igur e 5.90)
cated by seismic foci distribution is compatible is achieved by a synthetic imbr icate thrust
with this model . co mplex a bove a basal deco llement plane that
underth rusts the sedimentary prism. T his basal
plane and othe r majo r thrusts are thought to
Structure of accretionary cpm plexes
act as condu its for dewat er ing of the buried
A combination of se ismic refl ection, deep-sea sediments. Furth er down the deco llement
drilling and side-sc an so nar pro grammes in a plane , underpla ting or 'subcrc uon' may ta ke

.,! ...

rigu ~ 5,8 Schema tic mode ls to illustrate the buckling of a subducted slab du e to the geome tric sho rtening effec t brought
loout by curvatu re o f the Ea rth's sur face (A) , and by the arcuate outcrop of the zo nes (8). After Bayly ( 1982).

.... --

~ -~

/ ~=---=='==::: ;r .:-:-:.
"• .
20 0-

I'il;ure 5.9 Struct ures and process es in an idealized accretio nary prism . (a) Zo ne o f frontal accre tion by imbrica te
thrusting whe re the u pper pari uf the incuming sed imenta ry shee t is off5f: ruped; (" ) decollem en t be nea th whidl lhc dee pe r
pan of the inco ming sec tion is unde rt hrust ; the dtcollcmClll pla ne and fault a t I t ) ma y se rve as dt'I'II<I,.., jtl g co nduit s. as
s ho wn by wiggly arrows; (c )"t" ,de' plolinK (u r $ubUt l;rm) by dev e lop me n t o f duple x str ucture s; (d ) und erplat ing h y d iffusive
ma ss tran sfer ; (1') d iscre te fa ull CUll ing thro ugh Ihe e ntire acc ret ionary prism ; Ihis rau ll ma y e nable lhe p rism 10 adjust its
shape In the 'cr itic:,l ta pe r" am i may s ubseque ntly he used in strik e-slip dis place me nts; (n deepl y buried offscre ped
ma te rial, subseq ue ntly tight ly folded. cleaved and ro tated to a Slee p o rie nta tio n; (g) gravitlltiona l spread ing of slo pe
sed iment apr o n . (h ) dia pir of wat er- lind perh aps gas-charg ed. disrupted sed iment ; (i) briule-ducule tra nsition below which
visco us-flo w mod els of defo rmation may be mo re app rop riate ; (11 baseme nt terr ain defin ing the inwa rd bou ndar y of the
acc reuoee ry prism. Fro m Moo re ~I al . ( 1985)

place by the forma tion of thrust duplexes. break , which is separated from the volcanic arc
which have the effect of thicke ning and raising or continenta l margin by an undeformed fo re-
the accretionary complex (Watk ins et al. , arc bas in .
1981) . More distal portio ns of the complex may The sedimenta ry cover on the ocea nic plate
be characte rized by strongly deformed, steeply is not all accreted on to the upper plate. Hilde
dipping mater ial exhibiting tight folding and (1983) has highlighted the importance of gra-
cleavage . Near-s urface parts of the complex ben in preserving pockets of sediment which
may show gravity spreading and slumping of are then subducted along with the oceanic crust
the sediment pile. (Figure 5.10) , a mechanism first suggested by
Th e process of accre tion at a subduction lsacks et al , (1968). Ocea nic plates are typically
zone may thus be visualized as the progressive scarred by nor mal faults that are caused by
upward stacking of the sedimentary pile by the flexural extension as the slab bends down into
successive emplace me nt of new thrust wedges the trench . Accord ing to Hilde's model, the
at the base, causing ove rall thickening and grabe n may be em pty on app roaching the
uplift of the prism. Event ually this process tre nch but become filled tectonically with
produces a topographic ridge or trench - slope materia l scraped from the upper slab. Anoth er
CONV f.KG EN I recrr» ac REGI MES 121

• , ,
.., 5

10 0
II ~
12 ::0
13 r
5 --1
• ;;::


1111111 1d11
ocea nic
III / 111111 11 1111 11 8
bau m. nt ?'

h <S' 10
Figun: (A) Sersnuc
' . reflection f 13
IM, geometry of the subdUC ICd;:eamc
pro plate
lie across the axis and lower slo rs re
Moho. From Hilde ( 1983) (see lower sketch). Numbers or, er d ril l holes'
the10Japan • 0along
tre nch ace or oceanic
• sur flat.3<r4S' N • Showing
. ;

tivcty small sedi men t volume in trench com-

plexes com pared with the calculated accretion
rates (Gillu ly, 1971 ). T he seco nd is the crustal
isot opic signat ure of ce rta in mant le-de rived
mag mas (see Mcken zie . t9R3).

$.2 Some active subduction zones

• 'h ~ ""'"ell ~twun .J. O° "naJ4"S

w arsi et al. ( 1983) repor t the results of a study,

com bini ng GLOR IA side-sca n sonogra phy and
se ismic re fl ection data , on the Per u tre nch in
the regio n of its intersection with the Mendano
fracture zo ne (F igure 5. I IA). T his section of
tre nch is interesti ng in tha t no obvious accre-
tion o f sediments seems to occur o n the inner
tren ch wall, and it has bee n supposed that
sedime nt subd uction is do mina nt an d that the
up per plate is being tectoni cally ero ded (Ku lm
et al., 19RI; Hussong and Wipperma n, 198 1).
T he Nazca plate in this regio n ex hibits a
NNW - SSE sea- floor spre ading fabri c (F igure
5. 11B ) con sisting of fau lt block s formed at the
sprea d ing axis. T he bloc ks a re generally tilted ,
and are bou nde d by normal faults with sca rps
facing in bo th directions. Ind ividual blocks
d isp lay tOO- 200 m relief and are draped by
100 -1 50 m o f pelagic sed iments. So me bloc ks
ca n be traced for ove r IQOk m along st rike.
T he Menda no frac ture zo ne co nsists o f a
se ries of pa rallel ridges and troughs with up to
t' iR\lrt 5.10 (8) Mode l illus tra ting the process of sedi -
men t subd uction by tecto nic d isplace ment of sediment into 1 km relief. It widens from less th an 50 km
grabe n. which preserve the sediment be neath the ove r- across in the west to abo ut 100 km near the
riding plate. From WIde ( 1983) trench. Several sea- floor volcanoes were
found , abo ut 10 km in diamete r and rising to
mechanism for remov ing sed ime nta ry materi al over 700 m from the sea-floor. At abo ut 100 km
fro m the inner tre nch slope is suggested by west of the tre nch , the Nazca plat e starts to
Cande and Leslie ( 1986) in a study of the south be nd do wnwards tow ards the trench . In this
C hile t rench. T hey point to the large base ment zo ne , the spreading fabric is ove rp rinted by a
re lief associate d with th e transfor m fault s, in set of new faults sub-parallel to the trench axis
which large pocket s of sediment can be pre- and to the sp reading fabr ic in the nor th , but
served . and also to the erosive effect of major o blique so uth of 12°$. T he new faults displace
fault scarps jf they move ob liquel y across the the pelagic sed iments with maximum ve rtical
base of the upper plate . throw s of about 200 m in so me cases , and have
Th e importance of these mechanisms is thai a spacing of 3-5 km . Th e fau lts form graben,
they provide answers to two problems. On e is some of which can be tra ced for mo re than
the apparent discrepancy between the rela - IOOkm .


sco rn



.• ----


tl,un" 5.11 (A) Simplifu;d tecton ic ma p of thc Na zca plate , sho wing the locat ion of the ar ea o r Figure 5. 11 B. From Wars:
tllIl. ( 1983)

The tr ench axis is turbidite-fi lled, with a flat tectonic defor mation front appears as a single
l100r at a maxim um de pth of 6300 m. The tur- co ntinuo us feat ure . It is believed that this
bidites mask the structures on the subducting tectonic accretion is tempora ry and that the
plate in the north, wher e they are folded sediments will eventua lly be emplaced in the
against the base of the inne r slope . Th e graben by slumping and will be subducted.

8 0( W 83° W 82° W 8 ,° W 80 19° W 18° W 71" W
i :>::>' .1';> ( i i , '- (i.\ii8 I i I i
\ "
10°5 ~ \ ..,~~ I \~~\'~\~~\\\,\~ . . ~, o TU RBIDIT ES
\ 1 10' S

~/..4'/~ 7;:>";>S~~~~ , l..--,
\ \,\ \
\ \ '
· · ~ "O ~ ~ / ~ / _/_
\~~ ~
\ C1
II" 5 r "'..... / / .., ~ ~. - \ \ 1t S

" \~ ...'.:
. .... .' \\. \\ ~ '~
\ \ ' \ \\~ -, I

12°S I'/'"~~ ~ \ \ \ \
, 12' S

\ Z
\ 0

\ ,' .\
\ \.\ z
, ..
, \
13°5 h \\ .\ \ \ \
i 3' S C1
\ .,
' \
\ I,
' \ r"'"
, ;»
I \
\ \

l'\-. \\\ \\'\ \'\\\\\,
\ \. \ " \ \ \ :. \ \
I \ i \ I "\.., 't' i\~ 1 14, S
81( W 83° W 82' W er w SO'W 79' W 78' W 77 ° W

Figure 5.11 (B ) Tectonic map of part of the Peru -Chile trench and Mendana fracture zone. Sonar coverage is indicated by boxes; heavy lines arc
fraeture-zonc lineament s; light lines indicate spreading fabric; ticked lines are faults on the subduction down-bend ; oval fea tures are sea · floor volcanoes.
From Warsi et al. (1983)
This scdimc r uury till thins southwards and Upper Eocene 10 Miocene pe lagic sed ime nts.
terminate s at abo ut 11 5"5 . Reflection profiles West o f t he ridge . and betwe e n It and the
across a large partl y-subductcd graben showed volca nic arc. lies the T obago trough. co ntain-
two stages in t he progressive fill ing of the ing about 3 km of undc for mcd sed ime nts.
graben by slumped sedime nts. the section The style of deformat ion varies alon g the
nearest the t renc h ax is being the more co m- defo rmation front. In the so ut h. ge ntly asym-
plctcty fille d . metric cast -facing folds with am plitudes of
500 m and wavele ngth s of R- 9 km ride on
th rusts which dip westwar ds at 2lr . T hese
The Barbados ridg e co mp lex
th rusts are interp ret ed as listric faults de tac h-
This region , described by w est brook ( 1982) . ing on a major decolle men t plane . paralle l to
has been inte rpreted as an e xa mple of a mat ure basem ent . that can be traced at least 30 km
fore-arc co mplex. It p roba bly re presents an westwards beneath t he co mple x. Unde formed
intermediat e stage bet ween the young, deep- bedd ed sedim ents lie be low th is majo r de colle -
water . accretio nary prisms associated with ment. In the north of the co mplex. the de-
well-defined tre nches. such as the western form atio n is so inte nse and chaotic that no
America n exa mple alread y described . and the obv ious struc ture ca n be disce rned from the
various uplifted . fossil co mplexes o f Mesozoic/ seismic pro files. T his change co rrespo nds to a
early Cenozoic age forming inactive arc sys- nort hward s increase in slo pe gradie nt and to a
terns a round the Pacific rim a nd in Indo nesia . decrease 10 width a nd height of the com plex.
TIle Barbados ridge is a N - S eleva led Th ese changes may relate to a nor thwards
structure lying 150 km cast o f the active vol- decrease in sed iment supply. A series of ste ps
canic arc of t he Lesse r An tilles (Figures 5.12, in the ridge topography ap pear to be caused by
5.13). Th is a rc ma rks the site o f the Lesser the inte rsectio n of ridges in rhc ocea nic base-
Antilles subdu ction zo ne. where the Ameri cas me nt , These arc o bliq ue to the line of subduc-
plate passes be nea th the Ca ribbean plate at a tion a nd wou ld p roduce pe nding and latera l
rate of abo ut 2c m/ year. T he arc is bou nde d o n swee ping of sediments as desc ribed abo ve for
both sides by major t ransfo rm faul ts ( Figure the Pe ru t rench.
6.12..1 ). Wes t of the volcanic arc lies the Th e str ucture o f th e southe rn part o f t he
Gre nada back-a rc bas in. T he island of Bar- ce nt ral Barbados ridge a nd Barbados trough
bados is the highest part o f the ridge , which has been investigated by mea ns of d etailed
extends for ove r 500 km. Th e ridge is an accre - SlO A8EAM-sonar bat hyme tric mapping a nd a
tionary co mplex mad e up of sedimentary roc ks high-reso lut ion seis mic survey ( Biju-Duval et
lying in a linear trou gh in the volca nic base - al. , 1982). T he seismic profiles ( Figure 5. 17)
ment. The axis o f this tro ugh reaches a depth show clearly thc asy mme t ric folds an d reve rse
of 20 kill be neath Ba rbad os. a nd co rres ponds faults o f the frontal ove rthrust region (F igure
to an isostatic grav ity low . T he tro ugh is 5.14A ). To the west , broad. km-widc synclines
interpre ted as the site of the original trench a re evide nt . with syntec ton ic infilling in their
marking th e line of s ubductio n. T he easte rn upper parts . sepa rated by narrow asymme tric
part o f the ridge is mark ed by a positive an ticlines associated with stee p reve rse fault s
isostatic gra vity ano maly co rrespond ing to the dippin g both cas t and west ( Figure 5. 148 ). O n
outer tren ch slope of other complexes. the west side of th e Bar bad os ridge , the
Th e deformat ion fro nt lies at the eastern sedime nts arc defor med into ge ntle west-facing
margin o f the co mplex. on the lower con- asy mmetric folds associa ted in places wit h
tinenta l slope ( Figure 5. 128 ). T he co mplex westwards-directed reve rse fault s (F igure
beco mes increasingly deformed westwards . 5. 14C) . Th e ridge co mplex t hus displays a
and the island of Barbados ex hibits stro ngly degree of ove rall st ructura l symme try.
folded and faulted Eoce ne fl ysch ove rlain by In t he nort h. th rusts ha ve been proved in

A ME R l CA S P l A TE

.... / - - ::c;;::r-~
.. An l ill e s

. " S o u t h A mer i ca

) - - N A Z C A PL A TE


"U. nlie

~ Ab y s s a l

P lai n Figun: 5.12 (A ) The Iocalion o r the
Lesser Antilles subd u.clion zo ne in the
plate lttlonic framework of Central
w America. (8) Main struc tural features of
,,0 (he Lesser Antilles subduction zone ,
,, showing the hxat ion of the: Barb ados
ridge and Tobago tro ugh. situated be-
300 km tween the volcanic arc and the defor ma-
tion fro nt . Arter Moore t t al, ( 1982).
(r-cll .r e

(exlinel .te) (.Cl (Iore·,rc bu.".,) (Iore ·atC flO7t1

unoeforf'r"llld ..,-..".,..,

ala". 01 on 9CM" ,~
".... enAlei .efta 01 ~ "'" dIci.""f'M an»b'",*, ~ ~Il~· ,ret'ICh.JJc:Jt»Or... rrr»irly 'lIf'OiCl,r, sl
?fiE: <
~ CluJ' 0' ~."1fd .re oc•• ,,1e tTl
,..,., 3 & "uJc & 1,1'''. buk
50 ~,."j.... ..,
eo "C.I'Id'n9 "'.gm.
.~~m •• ;=;
BO, ! I , I , ! , I , I !
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 (/')
Km eest 01 long 64" W

Figure 5.13 Interpretative cross-section of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone. Note the position of the Barbados ridge
situated over the site of subduction . From Westbrook (1982)


(IJ o

Figure 5.14 (A- C ) W-E Se ism ic rcflee t ~on profiles ac ro ss the so uth e ~n pa rt o f the B arba d os rid ge co m plex (sca le ba r 2 .5 kill) ( A) as.ym mct r'ic E-faei ng
fo lds and ~everse faults nea r the de fo rma tio n fro ? t; ( 8) mo re sy m me t ric p~tlern of E -. a nd W-fae fol d/ ~ml lt structu res o n the centra l part o f the rid ge :
(C) W-Facing fold/fa ult patt ern o n the weste rn Side o f the ridge: not e rapid ch a nges In str a ta l thi ckn ess In both (8) a nd (C) ind ica ting t he influe nce of
defo rmat io n co ntemporaneous wit h sed imenta tio n : for exa mple, most faults die o ut be low the surface. an d sy nclines dee pen to war ds t he ir cen tres. Fro m
Biju- Du val et al. (1982)


Offlcr~ sequence-; E z
541 542 / 543 rr.
- - 1-' _/ o
- . 1- - - - 1 ~ m
1000 . . Z
--- -;

-- --- -===t - /\~ - §z

m /\ v / \ v / \

Reflector 3 :>J
o o 1km en
~Vi' V /\ V /\v /\ V /\v /\ Cl

F igure 5.14 ( D ) T ecton ic summa ry profi le illus tr a ting the int erpret ation o f the seism ic a nd hor e hole dat a (true scale) .
from th e A tlan tic abyssal pla in in the eas t to the ce ntre of the r idge in th c wcst. Th ick. vert ica l, n um ber ed lines a rc
bo re ho les . Fro m Moore et al. ( 1982)



.", ;':<.: ::; .i..: .,.::~. ..

. ,'.:.•.•:....:.•~:;.: ,. ".
;::. ,
"., ' -.


~;%'" •..." fs<f,>\iSH~g)}:!i:i1i~;\i :~~~ rW/f;\~'6,

-o>: -

Figure 5.15 Sequence of cart oon model profiles illustrating the: tectonic evolution of the southern pari of the Lesser
Antilles subduction zone . '0 ' and 'S re fer 10 possible palaeo-environments for the deposition of the oceanic and Scotland
formations, respectively. Th iek sedime ntary inf luxes in Eocene and Neogene limes are inferred to have come main ly from
the South American conti nent. From Biju-D uval tl 01 . (1982)
drill cores in the DSDP d rilling p roject leg 78A 50 Ma IW), much lon ger than most ot her active
(Moo re et 01. , 1982). Nea r the postulated basal subduction zo nes. It there fo re prov ides us with
deco llement plane (which was not penetrated a use ful mode l with which to com pare sup-
by the drill ing o wing to technical pro blems), posed fossil examples in o rogenic belt s. Du ring
drilling revea led zones of intense deformation th is time , the position of the trenc h migrated
with fract ured mudstone passing dow nwards eastwards relative to th e South Ame rican
into inte nsely fo liated 'scaly' mudstone reveal- continent and to the mid-Atla ntic ridge , owing
ing slickensides , a nd ultimate ly to a tectonic to spreading within the Ca ribbean . An evolu-
breccia . Abnorma lly high fl uid pressure s were tionary model of the subductio n zone (Figure
measured . ro ughly eq uivalent 10 lithostatic 5. 15) demonstrates how the tre nch has bee n
pressure. The se high ffui d p ressures undouh- first filled, then o bliterated by the building of
redly facilitated the underthrusting process as an O ligocene accre tiona ry ridge (the pre sent
o riginally envisaged by Hubbe rt and Rubey Bar bados ridge ), ca using the Upper Miocene
(1959). to Recent accretiona ry com plex to migrat e
Co rrelatio n o f d rillco re sections with seismic eastwards to its present positio n.
profiles enabled Moore et al , to reco nstru ct the
stratigraphy of the accre tionary wedge (Figure
The Makran com plex
5. 14D ) . T he offscrapcd sequence cons ists of
Miocen e and younge r ocea nic deposits. Th e The accretiona ry comp lex of the Makran (see
laye red sequence below consists of U pper White , 1982; Platt et al. , 1985) lies along the
Cretaceous to Lo wer Mioce ne pelagic clays, cont inenta l margin of Ira n a nd Pak istan o n the
resting o n oceanic basement, which are heing north side of the G ulf of Oman (Figures 5.16,
underth rust below the younger deposits. 5. 18). The complex is fo rmed by the no rth-
T he Lesser Ant illes subduction zone has wards subductio n of the ocean ic part of the
been in existe nce since the early Eoce ne (about Arabia n plate beneath the Eu rasia n plate . The

J."iKu rr 5. 16 Location of the Makran

accret ionary pns m in tbe Gu lf of Oman .
Note tha t the accretionary prism is situa-
led at the: subduction zone marking the:
boundary o r rhe Arabi an and Eurasian
plates [inset) , and is truncate d on hs
e:astern side by the Murray transform
fault and its comine ntal contin uation.
Stars mar k volcanic centres along the
active: volcanic arc; black areas are ophio-
lite o utcrops ; thin lines on land are faults;
ticked lines mar k boundaries of major
de pressions. Aft er While (1982)
• •
GUlF OF Ot,<lA N
ae' A

Present da y

---------------------------_ .. _~~~;~~! _ - - --
...........:t. }'.o;:,...•..•.. • • _ . . . ... ~a.~
.'":-:t +........
_ _ ".;.:
, :::i+.. ~:.:;;; ..;,;;;;;;;:;;:;;~

;" ';';i.::~';~f.j~;j~~~;~~q~;;~rtf~;~];jjmS,i•.i····· ·.. .. •.•

:-::::-:,:::::):::::::::::::: ..:..... oc......, c:r ... ' 10. ",. V- H

Ea r l y Plio c e ne

N s
Rumra Kaur

.. I /,'
, , .. .. . ••
, ,
{ __ ....

subduction zone is terminated o n its eas tern co mmences with Oligoce ne to mid -Miocene
side by the Murray tra nsform fault that sepa- abyss al plai n deposits. fo llowed by Upp er Mio-
rates the A rabian and Indian plates (see Figure cene slope deposits. and by a late Miocene to
3.6) and continues no rthwards on the co ntinent Pliocene shallow-water shelf sequence . indica-
'IS the O rnach Nat -Chama n fault system (see ting rapid shoa ling o f the sed ime ntary prism in
Figure 5.30). The subduction zone ends in the the mid-Miocen e . T here is appa rently no fi eld
west at the Stra its o f Ho rmuz, whe re the evide nce for accre tiona ry structure prior to the
Arabian and Eurasian continents a re in con- depositio n o f the slope and shelf sediments .
tact. Sed iment 6-7 km thick covers ocea nic Nor is there evide nce for the progressive
crust in the G ulf o f Oman , which is thou ght to growth of structures d uring deposition, al-
be be tween 70 and 120Ma o ld. thou gh the growth of gentle folds might be
The active volcanic a rc consists o f a chain of undetectable owing to the effects of the la ter
Cenozoic volcanoes situ ated 400- 600 km north de fo rma tion , which caused 25 -30% shorten-
of the coast (F igure 5.16). The re is no top o- ing. T his main deform ation occu rred afte r the
graphic trench, and the accre tionar y co mplex is earl y Pliocene (4 MOl f1p) at a time when the
unusually broad . about 300 km in width . mo re accr eti onary fro nt prob ab ly lay 70 - 100 km
than half of which lies o nsho re. Seismic reflec- so uth of the presen t sho re line , and has
tion profiles across the o ffshore part of the resulted in a se ries of E- W to ENE - WSW ,
complex sho w a linear patte rn o f ridges with asymmetric. S-facing folds and associated re-
some intervening tro ughs (White . 19M2) . Fold - verse faults (Figure 5.17B ) .
ing appea rs to ta ke place initially at the The uplift of the onshore Makra n and the ac-
southe rnmost o r fro nta l part of the prism co mpan ying defo rmat ion are tho ught to have
which see ms to have migrated so uthwards at it been accomplished by underplating at depth
rate of IUkm/Ma. The se fro ntal folds are then (see Figure 5. 17B). T he au thors sugges t that
incorporated into the accretio nary complex by th is process may have o perated by the form a-
uplift along a basal thrust. Little subsequent tio n of a p rogressively widening duplex at a
deform at ion appears to have occurred in th is ramp in the basal thrust. Such a structu re
sector of the complex. Howeve r, 70 km (Q the would cause tilting of the uppe r part of the
north of the prese nt fro nt, a further uplift seq uence , leading to shoa ling and possibly to
occurs which rises e ventually abo ve sea level syn-sed imentary defo rmat ion , but not to major
IOHm nort h of the fro nt to form the o nsho re fo ldin g o r faulting.
Makran . Her e a th ick, faulted fly sch seq uence Plait et al. a tte mp t to apply mass balance
is exposed . exte nding about 200 km inland to ca lculatio ns on the accretiona ry process by
the no rth. co mparing the likely quanti ty o f sediment
The onshore str ucture , summarized in input with the estimated volum e of the prism.
Figure 5. 17, is described by Platt et 01. ( 1985 ) . T he y show that a significant proportion of the
A co nco rdant seq uence of ma rine sed iments sedime ntary sequence must have been und er -

Fillurt 5.t7 Structure of the onshore Makran complex . (A) Simplified 5u uetural map of the coasrat Makran. showing
major rotos and reverse fa ults. Note laleral facies change between Ta tar and Parkini rormancns. After PIau d al. (I 9RS).
(B ) (a ) Section across Ihc Kulan,h syncline (see line on Figure A) showing the retau onship between structure and Iacies .
Dashed lines represent lime plan es, (b) Interpr etalion of la) during the Pliocene . suggesting Ihal the shelf and slope
sequences may have been dcpo sucd on an undisturbed abyssal plain sequence tha t was being uplifled along a majo r
dku llemenl surface. Note lhe suggested duple. seructure causing co ntemporaneous uplift of the non hern limb of the
Kulanch synd ine.
I() Seetit'n across the faulted sequence easr of sccnon (A ) . illustra ting Ihe senes o f northward-you nging sequences
bounded by reverse Iaults characterizing the southern limb of the Kulaneh syncline. Pg. Panjgur; Bg. Branguli; Pk . Parkini
formauons: aHOWS represenl younging directions . (B ) and (C) fm m Piau ~I al . ( 1985 )

pla ted or subd uctcd , enough fo r a layer arou nd On the sout h side of the tre nch is the bro ad
6 km th ick above Ihe ocea nic crust (sec Figure Mediterra nean ridge o n the sea-floo r betwee n
5 .178). G reece and No rth Africa. No rth of C rete lies
the Cretan Sea basin , T he active volcanic arc
runs from the eas tern Pelopon nesos t hrou gh
The A egean arc
t he southe rn Aegean Sea to the coas t of
The co mplex Aeg ea n region (Fi gure 5. 18) has Anato lia. A large tectonica lly active region
been inten sive ly studied o ver the last deca de . north of t he volcanic arc co nsists of the A egean
The basic plate bou ndary netw o rk and re lative Sea basin and the ad jo ining land masses of
plate mo tions were es tab lished by Mckenzie main land G reec e in the west and An atolia in
( 1972), and s ubseque ntly refined in a compre- t he east. T his E urasian hinterl and is divided
hensive review of the neotectonic patt ern of into two sepa rate pa rts by a major fault syste m
the region using earthquake data , La ndsat con necting the north en d of t he subd uction
photographs and se ismic refraction recor ds zone with the Nort h Anatolia n st rike-s lip fault
(Mc kenzie. 1979b) . Seve ral distinct tectonic runn ing along th e so uth side o f the Black Sea.
units are appare nt. T he H ellenic french, alo ng Th e region south of this fault is recognized as a
which the Af rican plate is descen ding be low sepa rate small plate , the Anat o lian plate ,
E urasia, lies immediately sou thwes t and south which is moving westwards as a result of the
o f the Hellenic arc, wh ich is a no n-volca nic N-S co nvergence of the A rab ian and E urasian
isla nd a rc exte nding from mai nland Greece plat es.
west of the Pelopcnnesos to C re te and Rhodes. The Hellenic trench syste m is desc ribe d by

30 Black Sea . 0 '0



Figure 5. 18 Map showin g lhe loca tion of the Aegea n arc in the gene ral tectonic selling of the Easte rn Mediterra nean
region . Note the deformed so uther n edg e of the Euras ian plate to the nort h. and the African and Arabian plates to the
south . The large arrows de note the movement vectors of the sout hern plates in relation to each othe r and to the Eurasian
plate. assumed to be stati onary . Movem ent direct ions of the Anatolian and Aegean blocks rela tive 10 the main Eurasian
plate are shown hy smaller arr ows. After Merci er ( t98 1) .
Huchon et al . ( 1982) who repor t the resu lts of a oa red by large nor mal fau lts with well-de fi ned
SEABEA .\l so na r survey o f the det ailed mor - slicke nsides. Hu chon et al , bel ieve therefor e
phology and struc ture of par ts o f the tre nch that the inne r wall falls within the e xten sional
system . T hree main !'\W- SE seg me nts. the tec ton ic province 10 the nor th of the subduc-
Matapan, Go rrys and Po seidon tre nches, are tion zone. In contrast, the ou ter t renc h slope
separated by NE - SW line ar trou ghs, the and trench l100 r arc characterize d by obvio us
southe rn o f which of fset s the tren ch sinistrally compressional featu res in the form o f fo lds ,
(Figure 5 . 1 ~) . T he trench sh allows so utheast- small th rusts. and con jugate st rike-s lip faults.
wards from ove r 5 km 10 a round 3 km de pth . T his zo ne therefore be lo ngs to the co mp res-
At its eastern end , the Poseidon trench bends sio nal domain indica ted by the ea rthquake
sharp ly into the t\: E-SW Pliny trench , T he focal mechan ism solutio ns.
Srrabo tre nch lies furt her to the so ut heast, Le Pichon et al, ( 19l:l1) report the results o f
parallel to th e Pliny tre nch but no t d irectly se veral SEAO (,;AM so na r traver ses across t he
connected with it. Th e Strabo tre nch is re la- Mediterranean ridge. It had previous ly bee n
tively shallow and poo rly defi ned . Bo th these suggested by Ryan et ol , (1970) that most o f the
southeaste rn trenches have litt le sed ime ntary sedimentary co ver o n the Mediter ran ea n floor
cover. The present co nve rge nce vector across is bein g tecto nically thickened along this ridge ,
the tre nch is abou t pe rpendicular to the rather than being accreted at th e tre nch. T he
main tren ch but makes an ang le of about 35° survey by Le Pichon et at. sho wed the presen ce
with t he two sou theastern tre nches ( Figure of an extensive fold syste m affecting the 3-
5.19). 4 km o f uppe rmost Miocen e (Messinian) to
T he result s o f the deta iled survey by Hucho n Oua tcm ary sedimentary cover. A set o f co n-
aal. revealed a set of ridges an d tro ughs on the jugale st rike-slip faults cuts the folded sed i-
outer slo pe of the Mat qpan t renc h, gene rally ment s, The co mpressional tecto nic regime ,
parallel to the trench axis. These arc inter - which occupies the no rthe rn half of the 250 km-
preted as folds. Within th e Pliny t rench, wide ridge , extends as far as the trench axis as
howeve r, the structure is quite dif fere nt. A described above .
series o f e n echelon troughs about lO km long Th e Mediterran ean ridge is thus interpret ed
and 2 km wide occur with in the main tren ch, as an accretio nar y structure , similar to the
oriented abou t 15° anticloc kwise o f the ax is. Barbad os ridge already desc ribed, whe re an
These arc inte rpreted as sinist ra l strike -slip upper layer o f soft sedime nts is be ing deformed
fault segments, which are co nsisten t wit h the abo ve a deco lleme nt horizon . It is sugges ted
oblique co nvergence vecto r. (Le Pichon et al., 1982) that a thick layer of
The inne r wall of the Matapan t rench was evaporites may play an import an t role in t he
examined directly by sub mersible , It see ms to deco upling of the deeper su bducti ng layers
be re latively inactive tec tonically a nd is domi- from the shallow shorte ning layers,

Figur e 5, 19 Sche matic map of lhe Hel -

". ". ". " ". lenic trench system, showing the five
main segment s in rclanon 10 the co nver-

j gence di recti on be tween Ihe Afri can and

Aeg ea n plates : see also inSCI veelor
Iriangle rela ting 10 African (AI') , Aegean
CRET E (A e) and E urasian (Eu) retanv e plait'
motion . A(le r Huchon tl ai, (1982).


25" 26" 27'

37 ·


35 ·

27 '

Figu re 5.2 1 Teetonl Cimc rprc tauo n of lhe Aegean

Se4 ( A) Tec tonic summary. based o n infor mallo n
fro m Figure 5.211 a nd adjoi lling a reas. sho wing
inferred c ~ t e n~io n d trectic ns o n land (heavy
arrows) and se ~ a reas (light a rro ws ). No te me s wing
in tre nd (bro ke n hnes ) fro m NW - Sl: in thc westto
NE - SW in the ca vt. A fte r A ngel ic! (I (1/. ( 1982).
(8 ) Com pute d res to ra tion 10 its o riginal sha pe ( I)
of Ihc present a rea (2); the melho d uses est imat es of
the CXlc nsiOIl facto r, P. which var ies in the range
1. 1-1.9. resto ring to eq ual sq ua res. Fro m An gelic!
<'I ul . (191'2 )

" " , ".


" " "


0 0 0 00 I II

" " "

f\tc K enzic ( 197Xa ) showed that rapid exten- et al, note that if t he ar c is restored to its
sio n is taking place in the Aeg ea n Sea and presumed pre-stretchi ng positio n . t he o rienta-
adjoining mai nla nd areas , and thai the crust tio n of the fau lts be comes much mor e uni-
ben e at h the Aegean Sea is o nly about 30 km formly E - W (Figure 5.2 18) .
t hic k, compared with SOk m in the main lan d The upl ift of the arc might at first a ppea r to
a reas . Foca l mechan ism so lutio ns of eart h- be inco mpatible with an ex tens io nal regime .
q ua kes in the regio n of the Hell enic tren ch The a uthors suggest. however , that the lower
indica te thrust mot ion with a mea n s lip vector 3-6 km o f sed imenta ry co ve r, which is initially
o rien ted at 2 110 o n a shall ow pla ne dipping subducted at the tren ch , becom es und erpla ted
NE . T hus th e co nve rge nce d irect ion across the onto the uppe r plate below the Helle nic are,
Helle nic tre nch appea rs 10 be constrained by thus ca using the up lift.
southwestwards motion o f the A egean region T he Aegean basin the refore appe ars to form
perpendi cular 10 the central sec tor of the a se para te micro-plat e , represen ting the upper
tr en ch ( Figure 5. 18) . In co ntr ast , the focal slab of the subductio n zo ne , which is movin g
mecha nism solutions fo r shallow earthquakes rather rap idly so uthwest over the African pla te
in th e Aegean Se a region indicate a prepon- crea ting a zone o f exte nsio n, pa rticularl y in its
de rance of norm al di p-slip motion , but with a no rthern pan ( Figure 5.18). Th is ba sin rc prc-
st rike-slip co mpo ne nt in so me cases . On main- se ms a specialtype of ba ck -ar c sp read ing ba sin
la nd Greece . ear thq uakes with simila r foca l- formed on co nti nental crust. but is in some
plane so lutio ns a re asso ciated with su rface respect s an alogous 10 the oc ea nic spre ading
normal fa ulting. Th e strike of the dip-stip bas ins d iscussed in 4.4 .
motion ap pears to vary from NW - SE to E - W . Lc Pichon and A ngel ier (1979) sugges t thai
Mc Ke nzie sugges ts an ov erall NNE- SSW ex- this movem e nt is a resul t o f the withdrawal
tension . In-situ str ess de te rminations using the southwards of the subd uct ing slab (co mpare
ovcrcori ng tech nique - (2.6) ind icat e a pre- the trench ro llback mechani sm discus sed in
do minan tly N - 5 hori zon tal exten sion over the 4.3). T his mecha nism is tested using a finite -
who le area of mainland Greece and the eleme nt model by De Bremaec ker {'J at. (1982)
Aegean basin (Paqui n et 01.• 1982). and shown to give a much better match to the
A n a na lysis of the geom etry of recent fault ob served stress field tha n two alte rnat ive
pattern s in the Hellenic arc and adjoining mod e ls: the Ar abian inden ter mod el a nd the
Creta n Sea basin is reported by Angel ier et al, grav ity-spreading model based o n the clc-
(1982), using dat a from land 'surveys. satel- vaticn differen ce between Aege a and the
lite pho togra phs and SEA BEAM surveys. Th e Med iterranean floor .
a ut hors find that mo st of the late Miocene to
R ece nt faul ts of the so uthe rn Hellenic arc
5.3 Collision
(principa lly Crete ) a re pure normal fau lts
which str ike either pa rallel o r o blique to the Th e co llision of two pieces of co ntine ntal crust
trend o f the arc (F igu re 5 .20) . T he Cretan Sea is an inevitable con seque nce of the co ntinued
basin is also dominated by nor mal fault s. some subd uction of oceanic lithosph ere . T he mu ch
o f wh ich can be traced o nshore . Most fau lts greater buoyancy of co ntine nta l co mpa red wit h
here are pa ra llel to the trend of the arc, E- W oceanic crust mak es the forme r d ifficult if no t
in the ce nt re, swinging round to NW-SE in the impossible to subd uct. The rel at ion ship be-
west and to NE- SW in th e east. These result s tween subd uction, collision and orogeny in the
co nfirm the exte nsio nal nature of the back-a rc new p lat e tecton ic t heory was clearly illus-
regio n (F igure 5.2I A ). It is of interest to t rated by Dewey and Bird (1970). They re-
obse rve th at this extensional region includes cognize two type s of co llision , continent -
the pr esent vo lcanic are , un like the oceanic island arc and co nti ne nt -cont ine nt , and
examples discussed earlie r (sec 4. 3) . Ange lie r demo nst rate that the collisiona l oroge nic belt s
so for med di ffer fund a me ntally fro m the asym- sub d uctio n zon es for e xample , a nd co mplex
met ric subd uctio n orogenic belt s of islan d a rc collisio nal belts may be form ed by mult iple
or continent-ma rgi n type already described . accre tio n o f islan d arcs or s mall co nt ine nta l
Dewe y a nd Gird Illustrate the simplest such fr agm ents. T he wide Cen tral Asia n o rogenic
situa tio n (Figure 5.22): the co llisio n o f a belt has been cre a te d in th is wa y, as we shall
passive co ntine ntal ma rgin with a n active or see .
subd uct ing co ntine ntal ma rgin . Clea rly sub- Conv er gen ce con tinu es aft er initial con tact
ductio n mus t precede collision . so that the o f the opposing pieces of bu oya nt cr ust. The
effects of the subduction 'o roge ny' must be e xte nt o f this co ntin ued converge nce is the
incorpo ra ted int o the su bsequent co llisio nal single most importan t factor in the crea tion of
orogen ic belt. Th e pol ari ty or asy mmetry o f a n oroge nic o r moun tai n bell. since continent al
the subd uctio n structure con trols. al least co nverge nce leads to crusta! thicke ning and
initially. the colf..ional st ructure. T his pr inci- con seq ue ntly to isostati c uplift.
pie is illustra ted in Figure 5.22, whe re the left -
dippin g und erth rust struc ture of the subd ue-
lion zon e co ntinues as rightwa rd-di rected o ver -
,m'e "u/h:mm mn
thrustin g a fte r coll ision. va rious alte rna tive Recent mount ain belt s a tt ribu ta ble to con-
and more com ple x sce na rios a re possible of tine nta l co llision a rc fou nd mainly alon g
course: bo th op posing margins ma y possess a comp lex zon e co nn ecting the .A.lP:i._ the
imal-j'~ a nd J.otJone£ia- Thi s zo ne is the
result o f the l~L.Oi · Genomi0 co nvergence
of u..ralioi<W\o'illl-A fr ica . A rabia . I ntl i a ~ n d A u s...
trench deep -se e continental
$hell ~ ral i<t with the consequ e nt elim inat ion of the
Tet hys O cea n th a t form erl y int erve ned (see
Figu re 3.5). O ther e xa mples a re fo und in the
Gi~1I · P~ f bell". where the co llisio n of re-
la tively small co ntine ntal fragme nts a nd isla nd
arcs has ta ken place aga inst a bac kg ro und o f
co ntinued su bdu ct io n orogeny t hro ugho ut the
Mesozoic and Ce nozoic. Th e occurre nce of
substa ntial strike- slip d isplaceme nts in thi s bell
(fo r e xa mple in No rt h Amer ica an d Ja pa n. see
6.2) ofte n precl udes acc urate reco nst ruc tio n o f
the eve nts relatin g to pre vious co llisio ns.
Looki ng in more det ail at the mountain be lts
in the A lpin e- Hima la ya n syste m , we find tha t
the main mountain ra nges do no t for m a
continuous belt , bu t ar e arranged in a num be r
of se pa rate linear or a rcuate chains. In the
Medite rranean regio n . these form a ve ry com -
ple x pa tt ern , t he northern boundar y o f which is
marked by the tortuou s co urse o f the Pyre nees.
A lps . Ca rpathia ns a nd C a ucas us chains. In the
south , the Atlas mo untains in north west A fr ica
tlgure 5.22 Diagrammatic seque nee of st,lge~ in lhe are link ed to t he T a urus mo untains of T urke y
u ausro rma non o f a subductio n lo ne to a continental t hro ugh the Mediterranean Sea , via the
ooUision zo ne by the approac h uf two contine nts and the
closure: or the inte rvening ocean . Afte r D ewey and Bird He lle nic arc al ready descri bed . T he moun tain
( 910). ra nges borde ring th e A d riatic Sea str ike

obliquely ac ross this re gion co nnecti ng the pa rt o f th e Ind ia n plate is being dest royed in a n
no rthe rn an d southe rn branches. T he co m- arcuat e zon e from th e Andama n island s alo ng
plexi ty o f t his ar rangement W <-l S a ttr ibuted by the Sunda arc as far as T imor. T he easte rn
De we y a af. ( 1973) to th e move me nts a nd co ntinuati on of this he ll, fro m Ti mo r 10 New
inte racti ons of va rious m icr opl at es th at existed Gui nea, is affecte d by the coll ision o f the
in the Med ite rran e an region during the co n- A ustra lian co nti nen t al crust. Thi s are a ex hihits
ve rgence bet wee n E uro pe an d A frica . These a rel at ivel y juven ile phase of co ntinen tal
mo vem en ts we re con trolled in pa n by major coll ision . a nd the Ban da arc is an ex a mple o f
cha nges in th e co nverge nce vecto r bet ween the a co nt ine nt- isla nd ar c co llisio n o ro gen y (see
ma in plat es. 5.5 ).
Since t he Med iterranean Sea has no t co m-
pletel y closed . the full e ffects of co ntinent a l ,r) .. r/l ·tfir CO J.~ /( 1/f It" I
collisio n have yet to be expe rienced . T he Alp s
a nd th e Pyren ee s a re e xa mples o f the co llisio n A ctive a nd rece nt mou nta in bel ts a re cha rac-
of rel at ively sma ll pia les ( Iberia n a nd Adri atic) tc rized by th ickened crust (to be twee n x 1.5
with Europ e . Th e cl ima x o f th e com pressio nal and x 2 no rma l t hickness ). T hus thic knesses of
movement s th ai produced these c hai ns oc- .n re co mmo n , a nd ove r ' 1 <I re fo und
curred in Ol igoce ne and Miocen e times , a nd loca lly, for exa mple in Ti bet. T he topograph ic
the be lts e xhib it o nly res idua l tecto nic ac t iv- ;-r t of mounta in be lts nTe<l.1I - 7 k 1)
ity . Th e A lps ar e descr ibed in C hapter R as a n is approximately co mpe nsated Isosta tically.
exam ple o f a Phanerozoi c orogeni c belt . a nd it has bee n assum ed fo r man y years th at
Fur t he r ea st, the Zagros mountain s ma rk the th e excess ma ss of the mo untain ra nges is
site of co llision be tween the E uras ia n and ba la nced by a th ick roo t o f lo w-de nsity crus tal
Ar abian pla tes ( Figure 5. 18). Dewe y a nd Bird mat er ial. Se ism ic refractio n st ud ies of de ep
noted t hat the Za gros cr ush zon e mar ks th e crustal st ructure confirm thi s int e rpreta tion
suture bel ween th~ two plates . A Mesozoi c (Fi g ure 5.23) .
seq ue nce o f oph iolit e . chert, Ilysch and We m ay e nvisage the process of co llisio n as
me la nge ma rks the s ite o f a subd uct io n zo ne an ov e rlapping of t he lithosp here of th e co n-
alo ng th e so uthe rn margin o f th e Ira nia n verging plates. resu lting in p rogressive litho -
pla te a u. T he th ick Phane ro zoi c ca rbo na te- sphe re th ic ke ning. This will prod uce initi a lly
sha le cove r o f th e Arabi a n shie ld to th e so uth , t he reve rse e ffec ts to those describe d in C hap-
which is underthr usting th e Ir a nia n plat eau , is te r 4. e ge I Herms w epressc , and
deforme d in a se ries of asymm et ric folds facing uifacc heal ftO- III imlms H o we ver , ove r
sout hwes t , de ve lo ped abo ve a ba sa l decoll e- a lo nger period of time , as th e geotherm is
me nt hori zon in late Precam br ia n to Ca mbria n restor e d towa rds its norma l gradie nt, th e thick-
sa lt deposits. Thi s zo ne passes la te ra lly into the e ned c rust he at s up and thWowep p3 rL.wu,kEl'"
Mak ran subd uct io n zo ne a lready descr ibed . -g d a morphism a nd ~bl
A str ike -slip zone co nnects t he east e rn e nd tme llint . These processe s a re accom pa nied by
of the Mak ran complex to th e major co llisio n prog ressive up lift as th e crust a ttempts to
comple x of Cen tra l A sia , produ ced by th e co l- re store iso stat ic equ ilib rium.
lisio n with Indi a . This zone (d escribed he lo w) Su rface heat flow over mode rn co llisio n be lls
co nsists , in addi tion to the main Hi ma la ya n varie s. Th e me an value of about 72 mW m - 2
ra nge, a num ber of re lat ed morpho-te cto nic for Mesozoic- Ce nozo ic o ro genic belt s given
units inclu ding th e Tibetan plat e a u and th e by Vitorcll o and Poll ack ( 1980) (see Figure
Tle n Sha n a nd A ltai ra nges fa r to th e no rt h. 2.7 ) conceals a wide varia tion fro m lo w va lues
Th e e aste rn end of the co llisio n zo ne con- typica l of the initia l stages of contine nta l
nects via a lar gel y st rike-slip bounda ry with th e acc retion. wh er e ma gmatic effec ts a re abse nt .
Indo nesia n subd uction zone . Her e the oce a nic to much highe r valu es associated with belt s
mga l
150 -


o ISOstatic ano«'
.. Air{ 30-":
--;I----'>,--_-'>.c- _

- 50

-1 00
Bouguer anol1\

Axis of Ihe Western Alps Turin

East F'
~ Ivrea surface
E" 20
~ 30
ii 40

Upper mant le
i M oho

Fi gur~ 5.23 Bou gue r and isos tauc gravity anu mal y and crusta l stru ctur e profil..:s across the w este rn Alp s. Pcwave se ismic
velocities arc given in krn s "'. Not e that the mountain range IS isosuuicatly compensated hUI 'hal a posiuv c a noma ly is
associated Wil li the d ense lvrc.. pcndotuc . inte rpre ted a~ u pth rust mantle m;lIcri,11 (sec sccnon x. f ) . From BOll (1'J7l)

con taining yo ung granite batholiths such as the rnc nt derived fro m the so ut hern plate . Be-
Andes. tween the two base ment shee rs lies a highly
deform ed pelagic and vo lcanic seque nce de-
rived fro m the intervening ocea nic area . now
Flak e tectoni cs and obduction
largely subducted. Oxburgh suggests thai the
It was shown by O xburgh ( 1972). based on initiation of the flaking p rocess is d ue to the
studies in the Eas te rn Alps . that co llisio n may buoyancy and to pograp hic ele vat io n o f the
involve detachme nt and overr id ing of pari of opposing contine ntal margin, and that a low-
the crust o n to the opposing co ntinent while angle crustal split propagated back into the
the remainder o f the crust and lithosphe re adjoi ning plate along a convenient zone of
descend ed below it (Fig ure 5.24) . T his process weak ness. He po ints out that the separatio n of
was termed fla ke tectonics. In the Eastern the uppe r third o f the continenta l crust would
Alps, a pre-Mesozoic metamo rphic basemen I redu ce the buoyancy of the subd ucted crust 10
of the Europea n plate has bee n overridden one-half its o riginal value. T his would facilita te
from the south by an allochtho nous thrust co ntinued subduction and allow converge nce
sheet of pre-Up per Palaeozoic crys ta lline base- to proceed . The existe nce o f mid-crustal de-

A T rench B


--- -

.... ... . ..... ... .. .. . .... ...... ...


Fi p;ur~ 5.24 Th e flake tectonic mech an-
ism . (A) Ca rtoon sho wing the over- \
th rusti ng uf the up per pa r! of the cr ust
(ro m contine nt C o ver thai o f contine nt .;;
A , and thc und e rlmu Sling uf the lowe r
pari o f C following tile suhd uctc d oceanic
crust {blac k}. Th e unit 8 is mar ine - - - '- - - - 1/
sedimen ta ry co ve r fro m the regiu n be -
twee n the twu co nt inent s. A fter Ox bu rgh
( 19n ). ( B . C) Ca rtoons s ho wing the Icr- . . . .... . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . -
mat ion o r a crusta l flake by the detach -
menl of a leading pa rt of the continent at
X whe re the co llision al s tresse s will be
co nce nt rat ed . Fro m O xbu rgh ( 1972) ....

tachmenI ho rizon s d iscusse d in 2.7 (see Figure Dewey and Bird (1971) that the ophiolite
2 .29) would ass ist t his pr ocess . A similar co mplexes of o rogenic bells co uld rep resee
interpretatio n is applied to t he Himalayas (sec frag me nts of oceanic crust emp laced on 10
below) . co ntinental crust by a process which was
Wh ere detachment of the who le crust takes termed obduction. T heir p resen ce co uld there-
place , the process has bee n termed A mpferer fore be used as a valuable indicato r of a suture
subduction o r A- subdu ction , to distinguish it representing a forme r subductio n zo ne. This
fro m subduction of th e whole lithosph ere (8- idea is now ge nerally accepted . A n initial
subduction) . Th e basal crustal weak zone (see prob lem with the obdu ctio n process was why
Figure 2.29) is a part icu lar ly favourable site for dense ocea nic crust sho uld some times be de-
detachment , and exp lains the occurre nce of tached and thrust over less dense co ntinental
very high-pr essu re meta morphic rocks within crust rather tha n be subd ucte d . Dewey and
orogenic belts. Bird (1971) illustrate thr ee poss ible ways iB
II was realized by Cole ma n (1971) and which op hiolite obductio n co uld occ ur (Figure

• • • • • •

• • •
• • • • •
• • •

• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
+ + + ++++ + + + ++ • •• • • • • • • •
+ ++ ++ + + + + + •• + .+.+ •••• • •
• • • • • • + ••••••• +

+ •• •• •
• • • + •
• •••••
• • • •

o ••• ••••
•• •• • • • • •
+ • + • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • + • • • •
/~-----_ _C.'--'--_--'-_-=-""::"-~"":-=-~_-=-~:"---:'
• • • + • • • • • •_ _

Hl: urt 5.25 Pc ssibfc me cha nisms of obd uctio n. lA. B) Obd uct ion re sulting fro m the back-th ru stin g o f o cean ic litho sphe re
o f the leading pla te on to the con tinenta l part o ( the lead ing pla te. (C) Upli ft uf rhe upper ocea nic plate in an intr a -oce anic
subd uction zone resu lts eventua lly in its e mplace me n t o n lhe app roaching co ntine nt. (0 ) O bd uction o mc th e uppe r pla te o f
ma rginal basin Iu hosphcrc belonging to the up per plate . Fro m Dew e y a nd Bird (197 1)

5.25): (i) compressional deformation of the strike but never exceed 15 km in thickness. A
desce nding slab, as found in the Medite rra- typical cross-section exhibits the four main
nean ridge . involving thrust wedges of oceanic oceanic crustal layers: pelagic sediments, pil-
hasement ; (ii) ove n hrusting of an oceanic low lavas. sheeted dykes and laye red gabbros ,
uppe r plate du ring subduction; and (iii) back- overlying ultrabasic mantle-type mater ial, but
thrusting of ocea nic crust in the upper plate on there are significant differences be tween many
to the continent. ophiolites and the standard ocea n ridge crustal
O phiolite sequences form linear helts ex- section. For example. typical ophiolites exhibit
tending up to several hundreds of km along a basal crustal laye r which is much reduced in

t hickness. an d there is co nside rable var iation A-subd uctio n process supe rimposes antithet ic
among o phio li tes in th e development o f the thrusting on syn the tic, o r where collision takes
shee ted dy ke layer - in so me , it is co mpletely place he twee n co ntine nta l margins wit h th rust
a bsent. It has bee n sugges ted that . fo r these belts o f opposed po larit y. T hese pro blem s
and other reason s, many ophio lites re prese nt were first clearly stated hy Roede r ( 1973) in an
ano malou socean lit hosphere prod uced in back- anal ysis of the geo me tric relat ion ships bet ween
a rc sp reading basins rat her t ha n in true ocean s thrusting and pla te mo ve me nts.
(Miyash iro , 1973). Sp ray ( 1IJH3 ) d raws 1I1Ic n - Th e bas ic po lari ty of t hrust-driven co llisio nal
lion to t he sig nifica nce o f the basa l tectono - shorte ning is det ermin ed by the pre-existing
metamo rphic zone or 'sal e' fou nd in many subd uct io n zo ne . Cont inued co nverge nce after
ophiolite co mplexes. T hese highly de fo rmed the initial co nti ne nta l co ntact is e nsured by the
zones acq uired their fabr ic at high te mper a- fact th at the negative buoya ncy fo rce provided
lures, up to gran ulite facies in some cases, a nd by the sinking sla b is still acting on the
we re forme d , acco rding to Spr ay . while the unde rth rust plate , as lo ng as it remains at-
ocea nic lithos phere was still hot, an d within (ached . Most co llidin g sla bs will have sect ions
5 Ma of their init ial magm atic crystallizatio n. alo ng st rike that are still subducti ng. in all the
This suggests that the init ial decoup ling o f the major co llision oro ge nies d iscussed he re , sub-
o phiolite too k place , at or ncar its origin at a du ct ion o f ocea nic lithosph e re co ntinues along
sp read ing cen tre , along t he lithosphere - part o f t he destruc tive boun dar y. For examp le,
ast he nos phere boundar y. T his bo und ary wou ld the India n plate is still partly dr ive n by slab-
be situ ated at a dept h of only abou t 25 km in pull in Indon esia . the A rab ian plate at the
litho sphere less t han 5 Ma old . T he possibi lity Makran , and the African plate at the Hel lenic
the refor e a rises t ha t the det achmen t alo ng tre nch . Moreo ver the ridge-pu sh force co n-
which an o phiolite eve ntu ally beco mes o bd uc- tinues to ope rate as be fore . T hese fo rces arc
ted was created as a result of tec tonic activity at co unte ract ed by a co llisional resist ance force
the spread ing cen tre . perhap s unrelated (0 (see 2.5) which must increase with the ex te nt o f
the co nve rge nt mo vements which ca used the crusta l o ve rla p a nd th ickening . If we take the
o bd uctio n. Hima layan co llision as an example , this pro-
cess o f crustal convergen ce may last for up to
about 40 Ma. T he way in which the process
Thrust belts
see ms to o pera te , by underth rusting of co n-
It is already appare nt that the geo met ry of tinen tal crust , force s the o roge n to deform
co llisio n zo nes favour s the initiation and de- internall y in an asymmet ric manner.
ve lopment of thrust belts within the co ntine n- T hrust be lts may be d ivide d int o thin-
ta l cru st. We have seen that such belt s are skinned or thick -sk inned (Figure 5.2 6) depend-
fundame ntal to (he accretio n process in sub- ing o n whethe r the ba sal o r sa le th rust sha llows
d uction zones, and it is to be ex pected that at de pth or stee pe ns downwards to meet the
th ese zones sho uld to some extent co ntrol base of t he crust. Rece nt geo met ric and kine-
subse q ue nt s ho rtening of the crust du ring the matic mod els of thrust be lts have been deri ved
co llisio n p rocess. T hrust belt s fall naturally mai nly fro m wo rk in the thi n-ski nned Rock y
into t wo classes of po larity: synthetic belt s Mo unt ains be lt ( Bally et al ., 1966; Price . 1981),
d ipping tow ards the co ntin ent . parallel to the in we ll-bed ded sedi me ntary roc ks, and ap plied
initia l subductio n zo ne . and antithetic be lts. to the Mo ine thrust zo ne (Elliott and Joh nson,
dipping in th e op posite d irectio n. typically 1980; McClay and Coward . 1981). the Scan-
fo und at the o uter margin of an o roge nic belt . dinavian C aledo nides ( Hossack . 1978) , the
se pa rating it fro m the undeformed stable cra- A ppalac hians ( Hatche r, 198 1; Brewer a al.,
to n or fo re/and. Such belts are termed [o reland 1981) , an d elsewhere .
thrust be lts , Complexit ies occur if the flake or Useful summaries of the geome try and
CQ:,,/ V!.'. I(GENT I"C ro NI C II.EGIME S 145

" - .....

~lgur~ 5.26 Pro files illus lnlli ng thin-skm ncd (upper lWO) a nd thsck-skin ned (lower lwo ) thrust tectonics. All scc uon s a rc
true scale . Fro m So per a nd Ba rb... r (19S2) . willi pe rmission , a fter Ha tche r ( 19SI). Price (19RI) . Hsu (1979 ) a nd Shackleton
(1981). respe ctively.

mechanism o f th rust zones are provided by achieve d by tra nsfer along thrusts which ha ve
Dahlstrom (1970) , Royer and Elliott (1982) a staircase tra jectory of alternating flats and
and Butle r (1982). In essence. sho rte ning is ramps . T he geo metry is similar to thai for
achieved by a process of thickenin g by crustal exte nsio nal faulti ng. described in 4.4 (see
overlap. whereby o lde r. or structurally lower. Figures 4.25, 4.26). Supe rimpositio n o f hang-
material is slacked upon younger , o r stru c- ingwa ll ramps upon footwall flats produces
turally higher materia l. Th e stacking IS geo metrically necessary folds in the hanging-

wall . a nd the la ter al mo vem en t o f a thrust skinned t hrusting is a hig h-level ou te r ex pres-
sheet fro m flat to ramp to rlat pro duces s ion of disp lace me nts of an esse ntially thick-
continuously migrat ing zones o f i nterna l strain s kinned nature invo lving the whole crust. Since
in the mo ving sheet. W hen move ment of the she ar zo nes widen with de pth due to rise in
first thrust hccomes d ifficult , du e to increasing am bient tempe ratu re (sec c. g. Lockett and
resista nce, a new thrust pro pa gates fo rwa rds. Kuszni r. 1982) , dis place ments with in midd le
co nnec ts upwa rds with t he old . and tra nsfers an d lower crustal rocks are d ist ributed th ro ugh
the no w inactive upper thrust pas.s ively for- wide zo nes o f ductile defo rmation , which may
wards in ' piggybac k' ma nner. A se ries of am algam a te to invo lve mo st of the lo we r cr ust.
imbricate thrust wedges (h orses) forme d in this The o rigin of such wide be lts of deform ati on ,
way forms a duplex structure. The duplex has when they arc fo und in old o rogeni c be lts, may
an active floor thrust and a n inactive roof no t be obv ious. In an ideal shear zone , a thrust
thr ust. Stacked duplexes may for m to prod uce d is placement is tr ansformed into a zo ne of
nappe co mplexes such as tho se of all the major simple she ar. However , in rea l shear zone s a
thr ust belts. Excellent examples may be seen in compo nen t of shorte ning or exte nsio n across
cross-sections o f the Himalayas ( Figure 5.3 6), the zon e result s in the supe rimposi t io n o f a
the Rocky Mo unta ins ( Figure 8 .1 1) and the pure she ar co mpo ne nt to the simple shear
Mo ine thrust zo ne of the C aledo nides ( Figure st rain of the ideal zo ne (see Figure 3.15). T he
8.23). pu re shea r compo nen t will becom e increasingly
Th e ab ove syste m achieves the objective of importan t with de pth due 10 the combined
sho rte ning t he cove r in an o roge n , but avoid s effects of gravitational load and el evat ed tem -
the proble m of how t he ba se ment is sho rtened, pera ture , en hanci ng t he du ctilit y o f the rocks
and how the dis place ments a re tra nsferred ( Figure 5.2 7).
thro ugh the lo we r crust an d ma ntle litho- Unle ss the stra in patt erns of highly de-
sphe re . Thi s pro blem is add ressed by Cowa rd formed metam orph ic belts can be geomet ri-
(1983) who poin ts out that the ev idence from cally re lated to high-level displa cem e nts, as
the in ne r par ts of orogeni c belts s uch as the is possible to so me ex te nt in ce rt ain young
Alps and the Himalayas indicates the impor- mo untain be lts. the ir origin may not be obvi-
tance of steep thr usts o r shear zo nes which
tra nsfer de e p cr ustal rock s to the surface
(F igure 5.35). Matt auer (1986) s ugges ts thai
sho rte ning in the Himalayas has been ac hieved
by sub-ho rizo ntal displace men ts alo ng maj o r
decolleme nt ho rizo ns at ( i) t he baseme nt -
cover co ntact , (ii) t he mid-cr usta l sei smic
disco nt inuity. and ( iii) the base of the crust.
These d isplaceme nts are t ransferr ed upwards
along stee p ramps co nnecting the maj or de-
The style of deforma tio n varies co nside rab ly
with cr ustal level. T ypica l thin -skinned fa ult - I
fold mo rphology associated wit h cataclastic
deformatio n processes in discrete zones gives
way downward s to more pervasive plastic
deformation with the deve lopment of slaty
• t I
cleav age , and to wide zo nes of du ctil e defor- "igu rt 5.21 Cartoo n to illustrate the variati on in slyle of
deformation down ward s in the crust , from disp lacement -
mation at high metam orphic grade s. In the do minated at upper levels to hulk stra in-domin ated at
Himal aya n mod el (Figur e 5.3 5), t he th in- lower levels. From Co ward ( 1911J)

ous. This di fficulty has led to great debat e and the fi rst po ints o f contact. T hese act to con-
cont rover sy among str uctural geologists who ccnuutc the stress and initiate failu re . T he
have stud ied old o rogen ic belts. It is in fact au tho rs co nside r that two wedges o f Asian
diffic ult to es tablish the exte nt to which thru st- crust, the Indo-China block and the China
drive n co llisio n sho rtening IS fundament al 10 block, have escaped to the sou theast as a result
the deformat ion of oroge nic belts, or whethe r o f the no rthwa rd prog ress of the inde nter
other mecha nisms me eq ually important. (Figure 5.29A). O f the 25CKl- 3500km o f co n-
ver ge nce estimat ed by Molnar a nd Tapp o nnicr
between NE India and Asia , bet ween HX)(l and
Ind entation
25()(lk m is considere d to be achieve d by strike-
The co ncept of indenta tion was developed by slip moveme nts. Tappon nicr et af . ( 1982) illus-
Molna r and Tappo nnier in their study of the trat e the applicatio ns of 'ex trusio n tecton ics' to
Ce ntra l Asia n collisio n zone of India and the defo rmatio n of Ce ntral Asia by means of
Eu rasia (Molna r and Tnppo nnicr , 1975; Tap- indentatio n experiments using plasticine (Fi-
ponnier and Mo lnar, 1976 , 1977; Tapponnicr gure 5.29 8 ).
et at., 1982) , T hey ob se rved that the active T he indentat io n principle has been applied
tecto nic areas of Central Asia indicated by to other o rogen ic belts. For exam ple T homas
current se ismicity formed a number of d iscrete (1983) shows how the irregular ma rgin of the
zones affect ing a regio n up to 4000 km wide , App alachia n-Ouachita o roge nic belt of east-
northeast o f the Himalayan fro nt (Figure ern North America co uld be ex plained in ter ms
5.28), wherea s India , in co ntrast, is re latively o f a se ries of recesses and salients of the
unaffect ed . They sho wed o n the basis o f orogenic fron t. These ar e explained as the
magnetic stra tigraphy and palaeo magne tic evi- result of respe ctively stronger and weaker
dence tha t Ind ia must have moved at least secto rs of the or iginal co ntinenta l margin,
2000 km into Asia satcc the time of initial co rrespo nding per haps to basement domes or
contact. II is clea r, however, fro m the Asian rift depressions.
crusta l struc ture tha t J (K)() km of crustal sho r-
tening has not occ urre d. Tappon nier and Mol-
A mathematical model of a collision zon e
nar ther efo re suggest that Ind ia has acted as a
' rigid' indent er dri ven into the more ' plastic' England and McKenzie (1981) not e the limita-
Asian co ntinent (Figure 5.29A ) which has tion s imposed by the two-dimensio nal nature
reacted by a co mbinatio n of thrust and strike- of the inde ntation model , and report the
slip displacements. T he ability o f Asia to results of numeri cal experimen ts which ta ke
shor ten by later al displacem ent is infl uenced by account of vert ical as well as horizontal strain
the ho unda ry co nd itio ns of the Asian plate . In in a block of mat eria l subjected to a co nstant
the east , the presen ce of a cont inuous subduc- rate of sho rte ning. T hey assume that variatio n
tio n zo ne was he ld to a llow later al ' extrusion' of the hor izont al compone nt o f velocity with
of Asia n con tinenta l lithosphere ove r the dep th is negligible , and thai the gradients of
oceanic Pacific plate . To the west , continuous crustal thickness variation are sma ll. T hese
co ntine ntal lithosphe re exte nds to Europe and assumptions imply that the strai n-rate o f the
the At lantic with no co mparable possibility of lithosphere is gove rned by the strength of its
extrusio n. Onl y to the so uthwes t is so me strongest part (see 2.7) and th at the effects of
latera l move ment possible , wher e the west- heterogeneous b rittle fault deformation in the
wards-d irecte d wedge of Afghanistan can uppermost layer s can be ignored. The y ob tain
move towards oceanic 'space' in the Arabian the mos t rea listic results using visco us ma terial
Sea and ultim atel y the Medit erran ea n. with a non-Newtoni an po wer -law rheology.
Th e indenta tio n process commences at the Their model pred icts that , for a wide ran ge of
prot rusions o f India that a rc presumed to be rheological parameter s, th ickenin g o f the con-

- CO". " " .... ". ,..
a . ou
• f
• • • •
'00 \ 0 eM

ft . . . . . ft • • •

,, ...

.. ...

.. O'

I~""·6 O'


.. ... ... 100 '

It O'
•lgll'-" 5 .28 Sc he matic s ummary ma p o f the tectonic pnncrn of easte rn A sia. Hea vy lines, maj o r faults o r pla te
bo und a ries ; ope n-too thed hnes, active subd uction zone s; close d toot he d lilies . ma jo r intr aco ntinentalth rusts ; lar ge open
arrows, major block movement di rections retanve to the main Eurasian pnue: small black arrows, recent extension;
nu mbe rs re prese nt phases of e xte nsional move ment consider ed to he rela ted Itl lhe co n tine nta l converge nce; ( I) 50 - 17Ma
liP; (2) 170 Ma liP to prese nt; (3) active and projecte d fut ure extension. From Tn ppc nnier 1."1 el. (1985)

tinental crust occurs over areas with dimen- a powe r-law rheo logy is requi red where the
sio ns at least as large as those of the indenting stress term is raised to about n = 3 (sec 2.7).
conti ne nt. To give crustal thickne sses approxi- The crustal thickness in front o f the indenter
mating to th ose of the Himalayas after 32 Ma , is limited by the strength of the lithosphere ,

• , A
1 3

FigUf t' S.29 Th e indenta tion mode l. (A )

C artoo n represent ation o f the results of
an inde n ta tio n ex pe rime nt o n a bloc k of
plasticine . Successive s tages (u -c) rep re -
se nt the progrcsstve mo ve me nt o( the
inde nte r (grey block) ir uo the d ucutc
plasticin e block . The Ia utt patte rn p ro -
d uced is compa ra ble with th at of th e
Ccm ral Asian collision zone . ( 8 ) T wo,
s tage mode l s howing ill mo re detail how
the seque nce of fa ult move me nts uccom -
modatcs IU lhe indenta tion. Note the
me thod of late ral ext r usion of the two
bloc ks BI and B1 . identified with SE A sia
a nd S. C h llla respectively. Th e re ucrs I,
K a nd T ide nt ify inte rsection po inls on
the block that change the ir pos ition
d u ring . he expe rime nt. (A). ( 8 ) fro m
T ap po nnic r ~I al. ( 191l5)

,., '"

?,F2 Sa

, -,'.

and as the maximum perm issible thic kness is Th is suture connects throu gh complex str ike-
app roac hed , lateral stretching occ urs in this slip zo nes of defo rmatio n wit h the Owen
region . Th is is an interesting ana logue o f the fractu re zone dividing the Indian plat e fro m
st ruct ure north o f the Hima layas (see Figu re the Arabia n plate in the west (see Figure 3.6),
5.30). An impo rtant result of the model is tha t a nd with the Andam an trench , at the no rthern
realistic resu lts arc obtained where t he fo rces end of the Indonesian subd uction zone . in the
arising from the crustal thickness con tr asts arc cast. T he so uthern limit of the Hi malayan fold-
as important in determining stra in as those th rust belt is the main Hi malayan bo undary . or
a rising from the or iginal bo und ar y co nd itio ns. fro ntal, th rust which lies about 300 krn south of
T o mai ntain cr usta l th ickness co ntrast s of the suture with the Ind ian plate .
about 30 km. similar to those of th e Himalayas , North of the Himalayan belt are seve ral
t he lithosph ere is required to sustain shear othe r major fold-t hrust belt s. no tab ly the
stresses of abou t 30 MPa at strain rates of Parn ir, T ien Shan . A lta i and Nan Sha n ranges,
abo ut 1O -1 ~/s . Th ese stress es and strain rates separated by st able blocks such as the T ibetan
a rc co nsisten t with estimates of available plateau and the Ta rim basin . Foc al mechanism
stresses from plate boundary force s (see 2 .5) d ata fro m all these belts yield mostly N- S
an d with defor mat io n rat es fo r mod ern mou n- th rust so lutions. The other majo r component
tain belt s. of rece nt tecto nic activity is st rike-slip faulti ng.
A number of major strike-slip faults exte nding
for dista nces o f the order o f lOOQkm accou nt
5.4 T he Himalayas and Central Asia
for much of the recent seismic activity. North
The rece nt explosion o f interest in th e of the Hi malayas these form a conjugate set
Ce ntral Asian co llision zone is due largely wit h NW -SE dextral and NE - SW sinistr al
to the wo rk of Mo lnar and Tappo nnier , dis- displa cements. In the sout heast. bot h sinistral
cu ssed abo ve . In thr ee influen tial papers, th ese and de xtral faults appear to be bent into a
author s exam ine the pattern of recent tecto nic mo re N- S or ienta tion. Similarly, in t he west ,
activity in the regio n and att empt to explai n it t he E-W dex tral Herat fault meets the N- S to
by a series of moveme nts related to plate NE - SW Oueue - C haman lineament defining
co llision (Molnar and Tapponnier, 1975; Tap- t he Afgha nistan wedg e, which is moving
po nnier and Mol nar, 1976. 1977). sou thwest in relation to India . Th ese move-
Current tecton ic activity as ind icated by me nts are exp lained by T ap ponnier and
seismic and recen t morphotcct onic data cove rs Mo lna r as lateral extrusio ns resu lting from
an enorm ous region extending over 3000 km nor th wards indentation of India into A sia (sec
northea st of the Him alayas (Fig ure 5.28) . Th is Figure 5.29).
activity is co ncentrated in a num be r of active T he th ird main element in the recent tec-
belts o f deforma tion tha t are separa ted by toni c pattern is exte nsio na l. The NE- SW
co mparatively stable blocks. T he pri ncipal Baikal rift system lies at the no rthern margin of
tecto nic un its arc indicated in Figure 5.30. T he the active tecto nic zo ne, and t he Sha nsi grabe n
Him alay an fold-t hrust belt is bounded on bot h system at the eastern margin (Figure 5.28).
sides by major strike-slip be lts - the O uetta - Stud ies of the active faulting o f Ti bct (Molna r
Chaman fau lt system in the west , and the and Tapponnie r, 1978; Ni and York , 1978)
Sitt ang zone in Burma in the ea st. These belts reveal ed that the most recent faults arc N- S
define the margins of a large piece of con tinen- nor mal fault s (Figure 5.30). Foca l mechan ism
tal lith osphe re which , acco rd ing to Mol nar and so lut ions of earthquakes in Cen tral Tibet yield
T appo nnie r, has d riven in a NNE d irection approximately E- W slip vectors . These result s
into the As ian crust. Th e plate bo unda ry lies indicate th at the T ibetan plateau has been
alo ng the Indus- Z angbo (Tsan gpo ) suture subjected to E- W extens ion since t he late
wh ich lies on the no rt h side of the Himalayas. Cenozoic. Bo th sets of aut hors explain the

"<..05' ,
s ~ ~
~ ~\~" ...~
G' .....
..-...::i / '

~)- 40°

~.~,., ~ - ~,~,
4.- 0
\' ~~l Z

.~.~~o >,~ ~


~~,Q 'e~ ~D"S ~ NYEN'--SUT'!,~A-G'

~J ,.,."",,.~~L
- ~"c;.
0 -i
\ "'- Q m
30 11
<~,,~, ~AO
~ r'·,j:"i~ "'"ALAY., ~ 1- '(~
.... , HE.M <'" '"" N n
H 11ti4LAY4S
1II0/~...,O ~ ~\ls).l
I ' ---- I ~
r l'\ ,r \\ en

c'4 ,.
~ Thrust Faull SITTANG
- Strike Slip Faull ZONE 1(~
Norma I Fault
.;l 20

70° 80 E
Figure 5.30 T ectonic summary map o f the Cent ral A sian col lision zone, showing the main fault patte rn and the inferred relati ve movement di rections o f
the In dian, T ibet an and Tari m blocks. From Ni and Y ork ( 1978), with per mission .

extension as a seco nda ry result of the N-S Prior to 38 Ma 01'. the converge nce rate was
co nverge nce o f Ind ia and Asia. Ni a nd Yo rk bet ween IU and tx cm/ycar in a N NE directio n.
suggest an eas terly spreading mechanism rcs ul- After 30 Ma Ill'. the rate slowed to about
ling fro m a wedging effect in the west . due to 5cm/year in a nort hwa rds direction. It is likely ,
conve rge nce o f the E -W th rusts in the so uth but unp ro ved , tha t this change re lates 10 the
and the NE -S W Alty n Tagh st rike-slip fault in initial contact bet ween the two con tinen tal
the nort h. Molna r and 'l'a ppo nnier attr ibute masses , which would pro bably have bee n in
the extension 10 E - w la teral flo w of lo wer- the no rt hwestern ' ho rn' of the Ind ian co n-
crustal material in response to crustal s ho rte n- nncnt . in northe rn Pak istan . Since th at time .
ing. It is inte resting to not e t hai la ter al ap pro xima tely 150(J km of co nvergence be-
stre tching o f t his type is pred ict ed by the twee n the two con ti nents has ta ke n place .
mathematical model of E ngland and M cK enzie Stratigraphic evidence from the Indus-
referred to ea rlier. Zangbo suture l o ne ( Mitch ell. 1984) ind icates
Th e magnetic st rat igrap hy record in the that early Cretaceo us ocea n-floo r sediments
Indian Ocea n (sec 3.6) allows accur ate rcccn - and ophiolites were subjected 10 th rusting in
st ruct ions (0 be made of t he co nverge nce o f lat e Lower Cr etaceou s times indicating the
Ind ia and Eurasia since the late Cre taceous presence of a subduction zone dipping to the
(Figure 5.31). AI around 38 Ma RP. at t he no rt h . T he Ncfacing str uctures relat ing to the
Eoce ne - O ligoce ne bou nda ry, t he rat e and final collisio n of India with Asia arc of Eocene
d irection of co nve rge nce cha nged abrup tly . age .
T he manner in which nus converge nce has
bee n accommodated has been the subject of
much debate . It had been tho ug ht for man y
years t hat Ind ia had underthrust As ia and
thus effec tively do ubled the crusta l thickness
beneat h Ti be t (see e .g. Ho lmes, 1978. Figure
29. 4). Mo lnar and T ap po nnie r suggest tha t
pr ob ab ly only 5{X) -}OOO km of horizo ntal
shor te ning can be tak en up in the fo ld-th rust
be lts and thilt the rem a inder has been accom-
modated by E- W exte nsion using displa ce-
ments on the major mike-slip faults We shall
exa mine str uctu ral ev ide nce be aring on t his
question later.

The Central Asian collage

Many of the act ive movemen t zo nes of Figure
2.8 a re re-ac tivated tecton ic be lls of mueh
o lder derivation . Central and Ea stern Asia is a
tecton ic co llage or co mposite co ntinent for med
90" by the accretion of separate blocks at vario us
times (Figur e 5.32). T he main block s are the
J"i(:un : 5.31 Successive pcsuic ns of India al various times Sibe rian co ntine nt in the north . the North
h o m 71 Ma B P , reco nstructed from ocea nic magnet ic China or Sino-Ko rean block . t he So uth China
anomaly data. Th e northern boundary of Indi a, and the block , an d the So uthe ast Asia block in the
position of Asia are ilrbitrarily fixed for times before the
prese nt. Note the an ticloc kwise ro tation of India fro m 71 east, the Ta rim and Ti bet blocks in Ce ntral
to IOMa HP . Af ter Molnar and Tappcnnier ( 1975). Asia, and the Kazakhstan and Afghan istan
CONV lORG £'l 1 £CTO.' IC RI'(;I.\ If.S 153




60 N



- . TIBET • • •, 30
" s. CHINA

o o

. ·ij:urf 5.J2 Terrane m" p of A~i" sho wing the main r ctucom agneucafty defined block s. After Mcfilhinn y 1'1 al . (19RI) .

blocks in the west. T he pa laeomagne tic evi- dered to be cont inu ous wit h a N - S block
dence for t he se par ate e xiste nce o f these extendi ng thro ugh easte rn Burma , cast o f the
blocks in pre-Mesozoic times is discu ssed by Sittang sutu re , and to have collided wit h Indo -
McElh inny et al. (198 1), who s uggest that t he C hina in the late T riassic also . Howe ver. the
three easte rn blocks we re situa ted near the Sou t h and Cen tra l T ibe t blocks do nOI a ppea r
equator in Permian times. and were succes- to have joined un til t he ear ly C retace ous. Th e
sively accret ed to th e Siberia n block du ring the geo logy of the Ban gan g Nujang su tu re se pa ra-

Mesozoi c. Acco rd ing to Lin et af. (1985) . the ting the se two T ibetan blocks is d isc ussed by
Nort h C hina block join ed Sibe ria in the lat e Allegre et af. (1984). Th ey dem on strate tha t
Permian and the Sou th C hina block in the earl y highly defo rmed midd le to Uppe r J urassic
Jurassic. fro m a posit io n along the nor t heast sed ime nts are ove rt hr ust by op hiolit es and
marg in o f Gondwa na la nd . o verlain u nco nfor mabl y by Uppe r Cretaceo us
Mit chell ( 198 1) discusses the co mplex area volcanic roc ks. The a ut hor s suggest that an
extending fro m T ibet int o SE Asia , and re- island-arc s ubduct ion zo ne dipping to t he south
cog nizes a Ce ntral T ibet / Indo-China bloc k was terminat ed in U pper J urassic to Lo we r
tho ught 10 hav e accre ted to Asia in the late Cre taceo us times by co llision between t he two
T riassic. The sout he rn T ibe t blo ck is co nsi- blocks. Mo lnar and C he n (1978) po int out that

a pal aeomagnetic reconstruction places Cen - no n of about 5 km and a n a ve rage crust al

tra l T ibet a t a bo ut la ti tud e gON in th e la te thick ness of about 70 km . T he main pe riod of
Cretaceous, and that abou t 3000 km of subse- uplif t a ppea rs to be pos t- Mioce ne (Guo, 1980).
q uen t co nve rgence m ust have taken place A study o f P, a nd S; seis mic wa ve prope rties
befo re il reached its pre sent position. This ben eat h the H imalayas an d T ibet . repo rted by
impl ies that Ti be t may no t have been acc reted Barazangi an d Ni (1982) ind icat es ef ficient
10 Sibe ria until later t ha n the ot her accre tion pro paga tion of SIt waves in the uppe rmost
eve nts just referred 10 . T he precise history or ma ntle be nea th t he T ibe tan platea u, toge t her
acc um ulatio n of the co llage is still subject to wit h rel a tively high veloci ties of both PIt a nd S~
co nside rab le uncerta inty. waves benea th most of the T ibet a n plat eau ,
T he s utu res sepa rating these bloc ks a re s imila r to t hose fou nd be low stable Preca m-
zones o f subduction a nd coll ision w hich re pre- bria n s hield regions (sec 2.2). These result s
se nt major st ruc tura l weakn esses in the Asia n we re held to bc con sisten t with a mode l in
co ntinent. T hese zo nes of wea kness have been which shie ld-like Ind ia n co nt ine ntal litho-
re-acti va ted during the Eoce ne to Re cen t sphere undc n hrusrs Tibe t a t a sha llow ang le
conve rge nce, and exp lain the patte rn a nd (about 15°) as o riginally sugges ted by Argund
e xte nt o f rece nt tecto nic activity . (1924) . An alt er nat ive mod el , in which hot ,
wea k c rust and uppe r ma ntl e is being short-
e ned be nea th T ibe t ( D e we y and Bu r ke , 1973)
Deep structure of the Him alayas and Tibet
is not support ed by th ese results. Recen t
A co mbi na tio n o f grav ity a nd dee p seis mic st ruc tura l wo rk in the Weste rn Him ala yas .
p rofiles (Misbra. }\)82) ind ica tes a cr ustal wh ich we shall now d iscuss , sugges ts thai
thickness of 58 km bel ow the Him ala yas. 71 krn crust al struc ture is m uch mo re complex in
u nde r th e Karak orum, a t rhe nor thwest e nd o f de ta il tha n either of these mode ls en visages .
t he H imalayan ra nge , an d 55 km be low the
Pamir range (Figurc 5 .33A). A mid-c rustal
Structure of /he Western Him alaya
re flect or a bo ut 14 - 15 km ab ove the Moh o
a ppears to ex te nd acr oss the whole cen tral A cr ustal profi le ac ross t he Ka ra korum ra nge
sec tio n , a nd is inte rpre ted as the basal deco lle- in No rt h Pakistan is desc ribed by Cowa rd et al.
me nt se pa rat ing the As ian plate fro m un der - (1982). T he sec t ion ex te nds fro m the Indus -
th rust Indian pla te . H im ct at, ( 19R4) re po rt a Za ngbo sut ure in the no rt h to the main
ste p ill the Moho a few ten s ofkm nor th o f Mt. Himala ya n bound ar y t hrust in the so uth (F i-
Everes t be twee n the 70 km-deep T ibet Moho gure 5.34) a nd crosse s a maj or s hear zone
a nd t he 55 km-dee p H imal aya n Moh o . A bo ve te rmed the Main Mantle Thrust ( MMT). On its
the Moh o is a not he r pro mine nt reflecto r which sou th sid e is a 10- 20 km-wide inte nsel y de-
is int e rprete d as a probab le crust- ma ntle fo rmed zo ne of blue-schists an d a mp hibolitcs.
int e rface at 35 km de pt h , reinforcing the unde r- T hese co mprise inte rfo lded ba se ment a nd
thrus t mode l. Howe ve r, t he arr a nge ment was cov e r rocks belo nging to the Indi a n plate , a nd
no t thou ght to suppo rt a simple doubling o f the ar c ov e rthrust by highly deform ed a nd meta -
c rus t , but ra the r a sepa rate dccouplin g and morphosed roc ks of the Ko his ta n seque nce.
thrust ing of the upp e r and lowe r c rusta l la ye rs. Th is seque nce co mme nces with the basic-
A llegre et al . (1984 ) re po rt result s from a unrab asic Chiles co mplex , more than 8 km
se ismic ref raction study across the Indus - thick a nd 300 km lo ng, which is ove rlain
Tsang Po (za ngbo) sutu re nea r Lhasa , tha t by pillow lavas a nd gre ywac kes, intr uded by
reve al a co m plex Moh o topogr aphy involving gab bro s, dio rites a nd ton alites . T hese rock s are
se veral ste ps (Figure 5.338) . These a re in te r- deformcd un der gran ulite- facies co nd itions
pre ted as the sites o f o ve rt hrust ma ntle wed- a nd are interpre ted as a s lice o f (he lower crust
ges, direc te d so ut hwa rds. upth rust along the Main Ma ntle thru st.
The T ibe tan plateau has an a ve rage eleva- T he ea rly high -grade fabrics and assoc iated


j j

ac ... (55)
-:::: ;::: -~"'<::-:: ;:" ' -
LOw Veloc: ll y
6,31 I n l tr v • •

60 - 1 _1_
7 ,01 8.05 _ 1_
- - 1_ _ 1~

, ,,, <0'
'" DISTA NCE ( km)
'" '" 50'


SUTURE G' an;ln

10 0 k m


L 100km

tl ll.u", S.33 (A) Gravity and deep seismic structure of a crusrat section across the western Himalayan , Parnir and Alai
ranges. No te ( I) that the main high ranges of the Karakorum and Pamirs appear to be largely compensated isosta ucahy , and
(2) the base or the Cru~l at abo ut 70 km beneath rhe Karakorum. Data west o r Karak ul are fro m Pakistan sources and east of
this line from the USSR . Aner Mishra ( 1982). (8) Deep-se ismic refraction profile across the Tsang Po (Za ngbo) sutu re
near Lhasa, showing the ap pare ntly stepped nature of the Moho . Th e lower diagra m is an interpretative cart oon indicating
a possible crustal structure. Mantle, bache red ; ocea nic crust , black; MBT, main bou ndary thrust ; MCT, ma in central
thrus t; KeT, Kangmar thrust: ITS , Indus- Tsang Po sutu re ; ENS, Bangong- Nujiang suture; CT4-6, un-named thr usts
within the Lhasa block . After Allcgrl: et al . (1984) .


,,' A

.' .


""_..'.. '" ---.. .....
J " " - .... _ .. _

- - ,... -Jot,...
~ol .., _
$, ft(I_ _ """"""'d ,......
0 ll" _ " '_ .. c_. C,,_O,

..,(~ .. ... '..

... .o Joo< ..
ter_ l _

Pl'eco _
_ •
I "_ .,,. t
Co_oo.. ~ . .......,,'

'_1 . .... ..,""' . 01 s....... z_

. Ibd
1l<Ino _ Gtooo, ," ....,..... ,..

tt! 0_'" ""'I. .. _ _ •

_ ._ _ _. ....._
_ • _ • • '_10'0_

..-J,,. ..._ . _..


~. ,..
• f ,. nwv•• •" .. ,I

-_...... .-_....--_
_ _ ' _ ••• • L•• .
...... _--- n ....

fllU~ S.J4 (A) ~bp of lbe Kotl Btan n pm ,howi." lbe pr incipal st rUCl urn. ( B) Simplirtcd $lfUC'l un. 1 profile KmS5 lhe'
Kohisu,n region. See (A) for locatIOn and l C')' . From Coward t'f lIl . ( 1~ )
CON V[)tG ENl' 1 E(TONI C REGt M ES 157
folds ar c re fold ed by a major sy ncline (t he Figure 5 .35 sho ws a model (C o wa rd a nd BUl le r .
Jaglot sy ncl ine ) t hat appea rs to Invo lve the IY85) o f th e posr-coltisional rcct o nic ev ol ut ion
who le uppe r crust o f K ohistan . Mo st of th e o f th e Ka rako ru m re gion . No te firstly t ha t the
Kohistan se que nce is st e eply di p ping a nd th e d eep e a rt hqua ke s beneat h T ibet a rc att ri b u te d
la ter folds a rc tight with stee p ax ia l pla ne s. to a no rtb-di rccre d b ack -t hr ust invo lving the
Howe ver . so ut h o f the MMT t he st ructu re is whol e Indi an litho sp here . a nd sec o nd ly th at
domi nat ed by ge ntle sou t h-d ip p ing th rus t we d - the isostatic re spon se o f o ve r-t h ick e n ing o f the
ges ( Figu re 5.34 /J). The stee pe n ing o f the lith osphe re result s in th e up lift of the reg io n
MMT and the Kobistan se q ue nc e may he du e betwee n th e Pam ir ran ge a nd Ko his ta n. A
10 pa ssive back -tilting p rod uced b y move men ts bala nced sectio n fro m the M MT 10 t he undc-
o n the yo u nge r th rusts as th e y mo ve u p ramps fo rmed Ind ia n plat e (Cowa rd and Bu tle r ,
to the so u th. o r po ssib ly to northwa rd s bac k- 1985) le ad s to a sho rte n ing esti ma te of 64 %
thrust ing o n a so ut hw a rd s-di pping thr ust. ( Figu re 5.36) .

/1 Kohli Io n
; :J , ompIU
- .v
- /.,. ;~. ~'!'-"_
~~ . Ind,on cr lll / -

"~~____ _ ______ No>,

a / - - ~~ _

, Qul h"ord - d ,rrc l,d

'hrUl l tn9 In upptr cr Ull

Al ' Qn
cru . I

- - -- - ----- - - - --
IQ", r cr UI ' r, a Q't!l
b._ '" KQII,I 'OIl
------ - - - -'"--
HQIlO ,-,-

P o.,rs T,b., KQh,llon H/1I/1r /1

'"0 'm
./ /

~ --

,",0 /1/1
, 4-

-, " ,- -

/-- - . . . , -,
~ --4..
.'1 ~
d ,.p

--./ --
'/1rlll qu/1~"
--- ---- - L III

c .......
- - -- "::-- - ----
I'igu rf 5.35 Int er pr etative cartoo n profiles i ll u~I ';ll i n g the post-cothsion tectonic evolut ion oltbc nonhero margin of the
Indian plate . Randomdashes, maude rocks of Kchistan complex : stipple , Indian crust in Iootwalt to H imalayan sole thrust;
large arrows. predic ted vert ical movements ar ising fro m lithosphe re load ing: MM T. main mantle thrusr ; MBT, main
1ll.lUndil ry thrust : L VZ . base or I ndian plat e lit hosphere (hypot hetical) , From Co ward and Butler ( 19li5)

KOhis/M MonSf hra Aooo//ooor! no raro htl/s Ra wa lp indi Pot vor [a st er »
's lolOobo o plal.ov 5011 Ron9'

H alO Bovnoor y
fhrus f roo»
p,n o
T r
---- h o
c::=J 5,..,0/'/(5 Ul
~ Murr~~s :;c
c=J P~rm - Lot t,me s t ones ()

o 15 NG T , Na/hia Goli tbr us! AT Abbo//obod t br u sr ~ L ",r PO{O. Ol Ol (S

a. f'f' r:1
kill z Mons.hro thrust MHT Main Monti. thrust ~ no t or a s l o t e s Ul

l ~~-~:::, I Jl 9f(l(l l f /( oo s e men ] >

MOln Bounddry a
thrust ron. 6 A ..",. :s:
lui 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 l r--_ .--=--~----
50 <C:::a:::::::::::.,.....--o 0 ... . 0 ~- o
x~~~4M:f~~~~r:e·~·:t .tf·~ :t·:...:. = ::;; ~ 8" 4
(1,..." 9


I~;~:~~·?3i':a-'~·r··(~~~.~,:;:.'-'~' :'::' ~>S' '::T~f:' ;:··:18.~~~~;Gt~(-

~~_::::::. :-~< ....L~-
_e-, -- ---- - - ••• --<. -=-........c...._~.:..-.~ rr.
Pin _ Olrps/orod) = 540 km P 'n - ( (d.forfll ~ o } = 1 40/( f11

b. o ( tr es tor ed ) 190 Itfll shorten,f)f} : 470 km

Figure 5.36 Simplified balanced (a) and restored (b ) sect ions across the Pakist an Him ala yas , from the main mantle thru st out crop to the fore land .
Sect ion is con structed to minimize necessar y displacem ent s . From Coward and Butler ( 1985)
(; O NVlRG c NlrECTO N!C j{EGI M£S 159
T he H ima laya n range thu s represents a is taking place at the J ava tr e nch below the
fore la nd thrust belt , cu rrently active at its Su nda ar c. Th is s ub duct io n zone ex le nds south
so ut he rn limi t in the Salt Range whe re the of Suma tra an d Ja va eastw a rds to the edge of
basal th rust is still moving , result ing from t he T imo r Sea where ocean ic crust of the
co llision man y hundred s o f km to the north . India n plate gives way to co nti ne ntal Aus tra-
The site of t h e most rece nt col lision has ye t 10 lian crust. The c urre nt ly act ive volca nic arc
be esta blished ; it may lie alo ng t he no rthe rn ext e nds fro m western Su mat ra thro ugh Ja va
ma rgin o f Ihe T ari m bas in, along the line of the an d the smaller isla nds 10 th e east.
l' umir -.T ien Sha n ra nges much further north Th e A ust ralian co ntine ntal cr ust ext e nds
tha n o riginally thought. U ntil m uc h more nort hwards to incl ude New G uinea (Ir ian).
geo log ical fiel d wo rk is undert aken in these No rth of thi s plate lies a very co mplica te d
re mote region s, this question may not be region consisting of co m para tively yo ung bac k-
lin ally reso lved . a rc spreading bas ins a nd isla nd a rcs which lie
The whole process o f c rustal thicke ning a nd be tween the mai n Pacific plate to the east
sho rte ning invol ved in thi s colli sion o roge ny and the As ian co nt ine nta l ma rgin in the west.
appe a rs to ha ve tak e n a bout 40 M Ol to rea ch its The Neoge ne vo lca nic a rc runs through the
prese nt sta te, a nd is not yet co mplete. A n island of Sulawesi, east of Bor neo , a nd
instruct ive com pariso n ma y be made with the joi ns the act ive a rc in t he so uthe rn Phi lippi ne
Caledonia n o roge ny in Britain (see 8.4 ) whe re islan ds.
the lat e Ca ledo nia n forela nd th rus t bell o f NW Cha rlto n ( 1986) exp la ins so me of the co m-
Scotland is linked with closu re along a sut ure plexit y of t he prese nt patt e rn by postulating
300km to t he sout h , ac ross an intervening moveme nts along a series of N E -SW sinis tral
co llage of block s with a much ea rlie r o rogenic strike-slip fa ults that resu lt from t he geo metri-
history. ca l arrangeme nt o f co ntine nta l a nd oceanic
plate d ur ing the initial collisio n (Figure 5.38).
Due to the small a rea o f initia l con tinental
5.5 Southeast Asia
ove rla p , and the greater ease of no rthwa rd
tr a vel over the oceani c Pacific plat e , fragments
A ll incomplete collage
of the no rth wes t corne r of Australia arc pro-
Southeast Asia ma y be ta ken as an exam ple of gressivel y sliced off , a nd a tta che d to As ia. T he
a co llisio n o roge nic be lt at an ea r ly stage in its position of Ne w G uinea , about 1500k m to th e
de velopme nt . It is inst ructive to specula te on northeast of th e present Ind ian /A sia n plate
the e xtreme complexity of the accre t ionary bounda ry at t he Su nda a re, is a conseq uence o f
terran e that wou ld result from co mplete con- thi s cumulative st rike-s lip displacem e nt.
t inental co llisio n of t his regio n with closure of AI present, co nt ine nt - isla nd arc co llisio n is
all th e ocea nic basins. T his notio na l acn e- tak ing place alo ng the so uthe rn s ide of the
tio nary te rr a ne ma y be usefull y co mpared with Ba nd a A rc on T imor and the ad jacent isla nds.
Ce ntral As ia , or indeed with older o roge nic C ha rlto n believes tha t t he initia l co llisio n, the
belt s, as a wa rning aga inst ove r-simplistic products of which ar e now to be fou nd in
reconst ructio ns ! eas te rn Sulawesi , look place pri or to mid-
The prese nt tect on ic frame work of the re- Mioce ne times when the major Indi a n pla tc rc-
gio n is sum ma rize d in Figure 5.37, a nd repre- orientation refe rred to ea rlier look place . T he
se nts the co mplex interact ion of three mai n present converge nce vector be tween t he Indo-
plat es: the Indi an plat e to the so uth with A ust ralian and Eurasian pla tes is 020" a nd t ha t
Aust ralia n co nt ine ntal c rust in its easte rn half; betwee n the Asian a nd Pac ific plat es is 1100
t he Southe as t Asia n pa rt of the Eurasian plate (see Figure 3. I). Prio r to the mid -Mioce ne re-
to t he northwest , a nd t he Pacific plat e to the arrangement , the Indo-A ustral ia n plate was
northeast. Subd uctio n o f oceanic Ind ian pla te tr avell ing a pp rox ima te ly no rt hwards relative to

S UN 0 A

S.E. SUNOl'-

"" v ~
1 ~_·· ·o-':'...:·~·~l~
~ ~
... ,
,/1:\..../ "'./ , .,
./~~ +~ '"
+++ .:1.... +++
+ + + +~+ + ++
+ + + + + '<r_+ +++
1>0"[" A f/ s rlf A L I A ;'

Act,... OUOll _ _ , ~

"*"_ • "'01 . f ~ c....,

ftI OI.oa1....."
~tioII pIDlot """",,*,'y
"""" "'-<:..........
Atwt of "".!nlIo;In
--- -
pIcM troundory crywto'" . . ."'-'"
Ac.... plu!e ~r."- - riddto/l ....... Wflh ptlll>obIo .....
AcIi.. pIlM lIoYnclary. _
........0. -..tocI>I ......

fl j;un 5.37 Simplified tecromc map o r ' he eastern Indo ne sian fo:- gio n. From No rvick (197<)) with pe rmission .

Eurasia (see Figure 3.5e- E). However , a be tween the Aus tralian part o f the Indo-
complicating factor is the so utheastwards move- Australian plate and SE Asia is ac tually NNW.
ment of t he Indo-China block resulting fro m Figure 5.39 shows a reconstruction of the
the India-Asia collision (sec Figure 5.28). This relative positions o f Australia and SE Asia in
move ment must have caused a n eastw ards shift late Cretace ous 10 late Pliocene times which
in the Pacifid Asian boundary relative to the may be compared with the simplifi ed model of
Indian plat e , so t hat the co nve rgence dir ectio n Figure 5.38.

.. ... . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. ':31:."
. . . . .. . .
.. . . .. . .. .. ............
• + • • • • ~

. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. ~, .
.. . . ... . ... .. ... .. .... .. ... .. .... . . :!'
. . . . . .. . .. . ,,'':'
• • • • • • • • • •••• + •••
.. . .. . .. .. .. .. ..
a b c

d e

.. .
.. ... . ... .. .... . ... ..
. ...
... .• .. •
.. . . .
. . . .. .. .. .. . .. ..
+ •
.. . . . ..
• • • • • •
. ..
.. . . .. . ..
.. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . .

Figure 5.38 Seq uenc e or ':ilU' IlHl mill's ilIusu"l;og the tecton ic evolution of the eastern Indo nesian reg ion. T he three
plates arc th e E urasian plate (A . !:llan\;;) , the Pacific pl" le (8. UMk slipplc ) and the Indo-A ust ralian prate (c. oc ea nic, light
st ipple ; co nline ,u "l. crosses t. Subducticn Niles . too thed lines. Loca l sea -floo r spreadi ng associ at ed with tra nstensiona l
zones is indica ted oy .bshc () o rna ment. T he dotted lines in (b) arc pore e ua t co mpleme ntary strike-slip faults Ihal do nOI
beco me active. T he effect ot rhc culhsion is 10 develo p a ser ies of t ransfo rm fa u l l~ which trans fer pieces o f the nOrlhwCSlern
cor ner of the AU ~lr a h "n conuoc m to the sout heaste rn po rtion of the Eurasian plate. from Ch arlton ( 19l«'i) . with

Tim or Borneo . These allochthonous th rust sheets are

directed sout hwards , away fro m the Banda Sea
The island of T imor form s pari of the co llision and towards the Austra lian continent. The
zo ne between the Austra lian continen tal shelf nearest count e rpa rts to these allocht honous
and the Banda island arc. Accordi ng to Chart- units lie on the no rth side o f the Banda Sea , in
ton's model , the co llision oroge ny of T imo r is Sulawesi (Figur e 5.37). The form er continuity
the result of a seco nda ry co llision bel ween a of these unit s has there fore been disrupted by
piece of the nor thwest co rner of A ustralia the opening o f the Banda Sea . T he formation
alread y welde d to Asia, and a more south- of th is oceanic spread ing basin may relate in
westerl y po rtio n of Au stralia (see Figure 5.38). part to the regio nal southeastwards exte nsion
A n impo rtant feature of the Banda arc is o f the Indo-Chi na con tinental margin already
that the Pe rmian and Mesozoic rocks of the d iscussed , and partly to back-arc exte nsion
para -a utochtho nou s units d isplay Australian relating to the Banda subduction zone . A geo-
a ffi nities , whereas the over lying alloc hthon ous logical cross-section of li mo r (Figure 5.40A )
th rust shee ts conta in strata of the same age shows the basic structural framework. A basal
ra nge but with tro pical facies comparable with low-angle sa le thrust (Tl) carries the alloch-
the co ntemporary rocks of the Sunda arc and thon across the para-au tochtho nous Permian

"" -. <,
'. r
T1MOR,Y7 ".):'
,.. ~4't
) <t
iY ;:>" ...,

SUMB,,\p ,,~
; Q
I r
~ : m
TETHYS_ .OCE~~.:•.:J.JMg!l,__j "'/C/ (/l

(~ ", ... _~ ~o o " ,~/ Figure 5.39 Palaeogeographic reco nstructio ns of the easte rn
INDIA N SUMB~'..~ .. ~ ---
Indonesian region during the late Cretaceo us (I) , mid-Miocene
OCEAN :' '<,\.~ (2) and late Pliocene (3) periods. Present-day outlines of land
/ t:J~ areas are for refere nce only. The allochtho nous elements of the
. / +o\j\. Banda arc arc shown in hatched orna ment in (1). Back-arc
• -._-'" .... 1-
_ " " ":J spreadi ng areas are stippled. WS, West Sulawesi; ES, East
Sulawesi; CNG , centra l New Guinea ; SNG, south New Guinea;
AUSTRALIA NNG , nort h New Guinea ; SER , Seram. Note that the present
north orientation of the Austral ian continent has different or ien-
2 tations in the thr ee diagrams. After Carte r et al. (1976).

N !I/ofOR f R OUG H

W f f AR

... .

OIU Teclon,c !lo~ e
01 lOteOtc IT]
n o ~ pe

1'" 01""" po~i,;on

WelO' of J ava ' , eneh
Soul" Bando Sea Alo' S' , a ,' WS T,mOt Shelf
IYr ;:;"~y~~~ y
• • AU ~I,oho n
conhn enf



ws Wela, Su'u, e
wT We ra , T h ' u ~1 ' 00
ctu R~,on 01 Ouat e''''''1
isoslOt,c u~ li "

'00 '00

Figur e S.40 (A) D iagrammatic section across Ti mo r , sho wing the seq ue nce of allochthono us shee ts carried Oil thr usts
TJ- T5 o ver lying the pat a-autochrhon o us A ustralian assemblages. U neve n ver tical str ipes , oceanic crust : V-symbols,
volcan ic-arc assem blage ; black , At apu pu she et of amphibo lite and se rpe ntine; closed triangles, O cussi shee t of Per mian-
Jurassic sediments and volcanics; eve n vertica l stripes, Lolotai meta mo rp hic complex; small regula r dot s, Kc bano- Hiomar
sheet of bat hyal sedimen ts. Note post -emplace ment de posits of primary Bo bo na ro otistostrom e , and rewo rked Bo bc narc
sedime nts . From Caner (I at, ( 197(1) ( 8) Tecto nic car too n illustrating an inte rp retat io n of the geo physical and geo logical
struct ure of Ti mo r. Not e the postulate d rupture of the Au stralian continen tal lithosphe re alo ng a thr ust with a surfac e
out cro p in the werar stra it; thi s inte rpre tation differs significantly fro m that of ( A ). Eart hq uak e foci represe nted by o pe n
circles. From Milso m and Audley-Cha rjes f 19M ), with perm issio n.

Allt BP S t ,a l iq ,a phic a nd st ruc t ura l ev e ot s in Timo r Te ct onic event s

o ",
Upli f t o f Pl e is to ce ne co r er re e ls a nd
a llu via l f,<re e u
2 ", De po s itio n o f co r er r ee fs ond a ll uv iu m d ur; nq
Ple i s to cene ( N . 2 2 - 23 )

2 ", - - - - - L oc ol o nq u lor u nconf or mi l y - - - - -

Wid upr e a d subae rio l eros ion

Genlle f o l d i n Q ot V i que q ue t urb id it es

De po sit io n of Vi qu e que tu r b i d i t u t N ce te ::• , <~

Ma rl Fo rmot ion - Lo t e Pli o c e ne - Earl y
••< s ters tc ceee N. 2 1-22 ) w ;lh sll bcr e, iol eros ion
•, in North e r n Ti mo,
•, Deposi ti on of Sa bael! t jme stcne Formol ion
o ( Lo" Pl io cene N. 2 1) in s ho llo w wo l e '

••> Deposi tion Of u p per po r i of Bo lu P ul in

Ltm estce e i n deep woler
( Lo te Pl io cene N. 2 1)
..... :3 Mo - - ---Loc OI onq u lo t unc onfor m ity - - - - -

, ", (Cessa tio n 0 1 volcani c ocl iv ily in Al au r a and

We lo r 0 1 inner Ban da Ar c 1

Em placem ent of Ih ruS! , wilh o y. r lyinq

Bobona ro Sc aly Cloy OIi, lo slr o m, an d lowe r •< •<

'" 4 Mo
pa rI o f Botu P u l ih li mes l o ne in Ihe Mid -
P lioc ene ( N. 20l

•e •


De posi l io n of lowe r par I o f Bal u Pulih
0 a
li mestone o n Ih , Bo bo na ro Sc aly Cl o y in I he u •
Early Pliocene ( N. 18 - t9)

Eros ion of po ro · o u i oc h i ho n

FoldinG. fau lTinQ and tccc t imbr ical ion 0 1
para - a ulochlon 0

'" 5 Mo DepOsi lion 01 you nqesl mem be r 01 para-
au t och l hon o us Austr ali a n co nl ine nt a l marq in
tec te s (Ea rly P lioce ne N. 18)

'" 7 lola Se dimenlation in Ih, o lio ch i hono u' el'men ts

c ho nqe , from ,ho llo w we re r c e erc e Limeslo ne
(Ea r ly Miocene N. 8 ) 10 deep woler Miomo ll u
l u lh ( Lo l. Mio ce ne N. 17 1
CO!" Vl:KGEN I r ECT ON"lC II.I'.GI M ES 165
10 Cretaceous seq ue nce . Above TI is t he the for ma tion a nd uplift o f co ral reefs a nd
Kalbano thrust shee t ( 1'2). which is an imb n- all uvial te rraces (Ta ble 5.1).
catc slack or du plex co ntain ing ea rly C retace - T he gravity fi eld in the Banda ;HC regio n is
ous sedi me nts . Th is thr ust shee r is ove rlain by discussed by Milsom and Audlcy -Ch artcs
th ree highe r t hrust shee ts wit h o phio litic ( 19H6). A pro mine nt negative Bo ugue r ano-
material o n the top most and most norther - maly ex te nds through T imor and Jarndc na ,
ly. Th e th rust seque nce is unco nform ably fo llo wing the arc round to Scram. A sma ller
ove rlain by late Plioce ne to late Pleistoce ne posi tive anomaly fo llows the active volcan ic arc
turb idites. to the no rt h and also exte nds ove r thc Banda
Th e alloc ht honous units revea l a different Sea . T he no rt hern limit of the negative ano -
de for matio n histo ry from that of the unde r- ma ly runs through the island of T imo r. Reca l-
lying para-a utoc hthono us Aust ralian units. culating the gravity fi eld assumin g isos tatic
T he re is evide nce in t he allochthon for defe r- co mpe nsation stillleaves a substan tial negat ive
rnat ion and igneo us act ivity be fore e mplace- ano maly, although the positive anomaly is
ment o n the A ust ralian margin. T he you ngest virtua lly eli minated. T hese results suggest t hat
unit in the allochth o n is of late Miocene age . the southern part o f T imor is depressed below
T he para-autochtho no us seq uence reflects the its isostatic level, whe reas the nort h coa st ,
deep-water contine ntal slope an d rise en viro n- which has been subjec ted to rapid recent uplift.
ment of the nort hern A ustra lian co ntinental is now near eq uilibrium. Figure 5 408 shows
shelf. Th e yo unges t unit in t his sequence is an inte rpretat ive model profile of the area . The
ea rly Pliocene in age . Th e re is no ev ide nce for negative a noma ly is att ributed to the sub-
any deformation in these rocks pr io r 10 this ducted oceanic slab which must still exist below
date. The de formation accompanying the em- t he inne r arc from seismic ev iden ce . Co mpli-
placement o f the a llochtho n the refo re took cations arise fro nt ho rizo ntal short ening. fi rstly
place in mid-P liocene "t imes. which is ta ken as o n t he south-directed th rus ts o n Tim o r, and
the dat e o f collisio n. Afte r the co llisio nal secondly by a postu lated no rth -directed thrust
deformatio n, the T imo r region experienced in the straits be tween T imor and the volcanic
vertical uplift of at least 3 km in the last 3 Ma. arc . T he rise o f northe rn T imor is attri buted to
T his uplift is well document ed from the shal- isostatic adj ustment resulting from its detach-
lowing and erosio n of mar ine seq ue nces, and me nt fro m t he sinking slab.

Table 5.1 Summ ary of tate Cen ozoic stratig ruphic and tectonic h i~ l o r~ of T imor. Fro m Milsom and A udlc y.-Charlcs
( 1985)
6 Strike-slip and o bliq ue -sli p reqrrnes

6 . 1 C ha ra cte r istics of sir ike-slip reglmes Major strike-slip move me nt never takes
place along a single faul t plane , but is distri-
In the early days of the plate tectonic theory , but ed thro ugh a zone . In the case of the San
atte ntion was concen trated on the tectonic An d rea s fault system. this zo ne is about 100 km
effects of dest ructive and CO Pslr u£t j\'s p ! a",~ in width . So me of the grea t ocean ic fracture
bslllpdar jcs. Ho we ve r. the de tailed study o f zones arc over 50k m wide . A simple mod el of
oceanic transfor m faul ts and of maj or con- a strike-s lip boundar y consists of two pla tes
tine ntal tr ansform faul ts, pa rtic ular ly the Sa n slidi ng past each ot he r, with comple te censer -
A nd reas fault syste m , ha s led to the recogni- vation o f plate area , and no con verge nce or
lio n that stri ke-slip or tra nsfo rm regi mes arc di vergence across the bo unda ry. T his mod el
also o f fundamental tecton ic import ance. must be re placed by a model involving a
If we exam ine again the piatc bo undary bo und ary zo ne of finite wid th within which
ne twork in Figu re 3. 1, we Sec that co nser vative co mplex tecto nic effects tak e place .
or st rike-s lip bo undaries make up a significant The general kinematic relat ionships were
proport ion of the Io taI boundar y len gth . In described in 3.3, whe re the significance of
addit io n 10 t he la rge nu mbe r o f minor tr a ns- oblique relat ive movements across plat e bo un-
fo rm offse ts of the ocean ri dges. there are lo ng daries was stressed . It was co ncluded that, in
sect ions of bo undary mad e up e nt irely of gen eral, plat e movements at bo unda ries were
tr a nsform faul t. Th e most stri king examp le tm p§Ilrcss igl1"a1 or " ap sts nsjRQjl l, with com-
forms the northeastern bo undary of the Pacific pon ent s of compressio n or extension acros s t he
plate . He re the San Andreas fault jo ins the end boun dary. and t hat the boun da ry s ho uld be
o f the East Pacific ridge in the G ulf of co nside red as a deformable shes t rath er than a
C aliforn ia to the J uan de Fuca ridge west of plane .
Washington and O regon in the nort hweste rn T he impor tance of the continental strike-s lip
USA . No rt h of this sho rt sectio n o f ridge . regime was highlighte d in an influential pap er
anot he r ma jor strike -slip fault syste m co nnec- by Read jQ!' ( 1980). He pointed o ut that a
ting the Chugach- Fairweathcr O uee n Char-
c strike-s lip tectonic regime created a special
lott e islands fa ults exte nds off the co ast of type of o rogenic belt characte rized by ju lkp§,
Western Canada and Alaska . A nothe r maj o r seismic activitX_i'Qd de fQrmatjo p, by jwoo rtapl
co nt ine ntal strike-s lip bo undary is the Alpine differs ntia! yertisal w p¥f we pts by ~ and
fau lt of New Zealand , which connects sub- xaried sedimenta tion , but by co mparat ively
ductio n zo nes to the no rth an d so uth marking feeb le magma tic and metamo rph ic act ivity.
the bo undary between the Pacific and Indo- Major strike-s lip zones are co mmon o n the
A ust ralian plate s. co ntine nts . and il is freq ue ntly unclear whethe r
There are a num ber of major oce anic trans- o r no t these are plate bo undaries . For ex-
form fa ults. A mo ng the more impo rtant arc am ple, the maj or stri ke-slip zones resulti ng
the Owen frac tu re zone be twee n the A rabian from the India - Asia co llisio n (sec Figure 5.28)
and Ind ian plat es (sec Figure 3.68 ), the are most ly the result of in terna l defo rmat io n of
Azores fra cture zo ne co nnecting the mid- the E urasia n plate , and it is not pract ica ble to
At lant ic ridge and the Mediterranean sub- use the rigid plate mod el in this area . Never-
ductio n zo ne. and the major fracture zo ne t heless, individual fault zo nes may co nstitute
connect ing the Sco tia arc with the C hile t rench. major be lts of strike-slip deform atio n sim ilar in
The mo rph ology and str ucture of oceanic their e ffects to the plat e bo undary type . Some
t ransform fau lts is discussed below (6.4) . may pe net ra te the who le th ickness of the




F" Ul TS






J.'igurf 6. 1 (A ) Diagramm a tic re prese nta tio n

of the str uctural pane m produced by a de xtral
simple -shear couple, afte r Ha rd ing (1974 ), a nd
Reading (1980) , (8) Diagrams sho wing the
or ic muuo n patter ns of faulls and fold axes
d ur ing dextral simple shear (middle diagr am), •
unde r transpressio n [ top diagra m) and transten-
sio n [bonc m diag ram ). C, co mpress ion axis; E.
e xtensio n axis: N , no rmal Iau hs ; T, thrust fa ults;
R. R', Riedel shear s or srnk c-shp fa ults : V,
ve ins, dykes o r extensio n fracture s; F. fold axes.
Not e that transpression res ults in cloc kwise
rota tion of co mpression and exte nsion axes. and
tra nSle nsion in anncl oc kwise rotation o f stress
axes. Th e opposite would o r course hold for
sin istra l shear. Fro m San derso n and Marchini
(1984), wilh pe rmission .

lithosphe re . while o thers may detach on low- belts th at re presen t middle- and lower-crustal
angle decollement planes with in or at the base d uctile co unterparts o f the high-level strike-slip
o f the crust. fault zo ne (see Figures 9,17. 9. 18).
Studies of deeply eroded Precambrian oro-
genic belts de monstrate the importa nce of
Causes ofgeometricalcomplexity
major st rike-slip shear zones at deepe r crustal
levels. For example the Precambria n of South If we assume the strike-slip boundary to be a
G ree nland ex hibits several major orogenic defor mab le shee t. the bulk strain can be

Figu re 6 .2 Loc"l ctl'nr ' <·Ssi<>I1<l1 " l1d e x.

tensional structures produce d hy fault
terminations (11) "'1<.1 faull overlaps (8) in
~l n ke -sli r filulling. Aft e r Rcadmg ( I')I\() .
la u ll oveda p

considered as a comb ination of pure and and different comb inations o f str ucture will be
simple shear. The pure shear compo nent ar ises appro priate in d ifferen t mat e rials. Fold axes
fro m the exte nsional or co mpress io nal co m- will parallel the long axis o f the stra in e llipse .
ponent ac ross the shee t. and the simple shea r Co njuga te sets of st rike-slip fault s may for m.
compo nent from the stri ke-slip displacement one §)'p!hc ljc. ~ k i91! ./ Wp ll am'k w ilb !be
(see fi gure 3. 14). Tr anstension and t ranspres- ma in strike-d ip di rr£!j Q ~ . and the o ther anti-
sio n involve a cha nge in sur face area hUI not thet ic. ma king a large angle with this dir ection .
necessarily In volume. Compression across the Inclined faults will have normal dip-slip com-
shee t at cons ta nt volume will be co mpensate d pon ent s par allel to the long ax is of the ellipse.
by extension , most pro ba bly in the vertica l an d thru st co mpone nts parallel to the shor t
dim ension . leading to crustal thickening and ax is. T hus whe re the se nse of movement o f thc
uplift. Exten sion across the sheet may be major strike-slip displacem en t is unk nown , it
co mpen sat ed by vertical shortening lead ing to can be dedu ced from the relation ship of an y of
crustal thinning and depr ession . IllS ''f"nmef [Lk these subsidiary str uctures to t he bo und aries of
:fS::y;.r~~:t ~q ps~nession
.• (" r '
u anSlcnsion
X . derson a n Marchlnj
the deformation zo ne.
Othe r geo me trical effe cts arise o ut of the
( 1984) and their effects are summa rized in natur e of the fau lt movements. On ly o ne sma ll
Figure 6.18. sec to r of a faul! is active at an y given time . and
The importance o f volume cha nges sho uld t he d isplacem ent must the refor e be tak en up
not be ove rlook ed : extensional moveme nts. elsew he re by hete rogeneo us st rain. This fault
particula rly in the oceanic lithosphere , will termination effect is illust rated in Figure 6 .2A.
normally be accompa nied by emplace ment of Local zo nes o f compression o r extensio n are
new mantle material, thus add ing to litho- prod uced at the ends of displaced seg me nts.
sphe re volum e . and volumetr ica lly less impor- Simultaneous movem ents o n en-echelon fau lts
tan t cha nges also acco mpany met amorphic also produce local zo nes o f compressio n o r
effects in both co mpression and extensio n. ex te nsio n (Figure 6.28) .
T he effect of simple shear strain is summa r- The most importan t geometrica l effects are
ized in Figure 6.1A . In a bloc k of roc k de- produ ced by cha nges in di rection of strike-slip
for ming heterogeneou sly. the d irecti ons of fau lts (Figure 6.3A ). As the two opposed
extensio n and compress ion tire give n by the blocks move past each o the r, local zo nes o f
o rientation of t he bulk simple-shea r st rain co nverge nce or diverg en ce occur, which pro-
ellipsoid . Vario us types of struct ure ma y form . duce co mpressio nal and extensional effec ts
ST RIKl:-S Ll P AN O O RLlQU l:-S Ll P Rl:G IMES 169
respectively. In a co mplex fault netwo rk. this ttower s are uplifted zones with a co mp ress ional
process will lead to alterna te zo nes o f raised co mpo ne nt acro ss the strike-s lip belt . and
and dep ressed fau lt b locks (F igure 6.3 8) . negat ive fl ower s ar e dep ressed zon es with an
These effects arc ana logous to t he geo me trica l e xtens io nal co mpo ne nt ( Figur e 6.4).
effects created by the ramp-flat geometry in Strike-slip duplex structures may be creat ed
dip-slip fault displacemen ts (see e .g. Figu re in an analogous manner to thr ust and exte n-
4.26). Th e combination o f fo lds and fau lts sional d up lexes ( Figure 6.5). Pieces from one
prod uced by these local zo nes o f co mp ress io n side o f the ma in fault may be sliced o ff and
and exte nsio n have been termed flo wn .\"ITIl'- transferred to the other side as t he active fault
fllT by Harding and Lowell ( 197IJ) . Pos itive tak es a new course . O n a large scale. this

Fi~u re 6.3 Th e ef fect o f c hange s in Iault

oricmauon . CA) Diagr a ms sho wing th e ge ne ra-
tion of trunsp rcssive (u ppe r d iagra m) and Hans-
te nsion a l (lo wer ) reg imes wilhin a region of
offsel in an otherw ise pure s trike -shp zon e .
Tr a nsp ression a l and transte ns jon a! reg ions a re
s tip ple d; fold axes, ~ing le lines, and e xte nsion al
fissures. dou ble line s. Bo u nd a ries of tre nsp res-
sio nal a nd Ira OS I('n sion al re gio ns a re shown as
Iauhs [ toot hed lines ) 10 indic at e aeoo mmod a -
lion of the strain discontinuity. F rom Sa nderson
a nd Ma rc hini ( 19M ). (8) D i" gra ms illuslrn ling
the Iormarion 01 ra ise d and de pressed blocks hy
coovcrge ncc a nd dive rgenc e alo ng curved fault
~cgmen lS. du ring strike -sllr mo tion . Fro m Read -
ing ( 19IllJ)

a Be/ore movemenr


.... . . . .":., ','

t'j g\l r~
6.4 Pos itive a nd negative flowu
Jlme/ II Tesproduc ed oy co nve rge nce a nd d i-
ve rge nce respectively in smkc-shp motion.
O u l 0 1 p a gll l ruc p ag e Dot a nd CfOSl; symbols within circles indica te
o ut-of-page and into-pag e compoue nrs of
mot io n. rcspect ;vdy. Al ter a n unpublished
diagram of N. w oodcock .

-+ ......
- --- ~

2 2
--) - ...
3 3
tlRure (l.S Diagrams illustrat ing the format ion of strike-slip d uplex structure in transpression (A) and transtension (8).
Not e tha t the str uct ures a re ana lo gous mo rphol ogicall y 10 compressio nal aoo ex tension al d ip-slip fau lt duplexes .
respect ivel y.
5 TR II\ E-5lJP AN D 013 U QC E-SlJ l' RE G IM ES 17l
proc ess may produce fa r-tr ave lled bloc ks tha t age . Qu e nnel! ( 1959) a tt ributes 67 km o f th is
are alloch tho no us or exotic in re lat ion to th e mo vem e n t to the early Miocen e. a fte r which a n
bloc k with which th e y a rc no w associated . inact ive pe riod allowed the n ft to lill u p with
Lar ge di sp laced bloc ks o f this typ e <I re te rmed re d be ds until rive rs fro m the ca st we re abl e to
displa ced o r pm;c " 'W Ilp' and a rc disc ussed no w a cross th e rift to wa rds the Mc ditc rr nnca n.
below . ( Not e tha t the Ameri ca n fo rm of t he Figur e 6.6C dem on strat e s the evidence fo r
word ' te r rain ' is no w unive rsa lly used in this sinistral d isplace me nt of the se Mioce ne river s
contcxt .) by 43 km in the Plioce ne to Pleis toce ne pe riod .
Some mo ve me nts ar e ve ry rece nt. Zak a nd
Fre und (1966) dem on stra te d dis plac em e nts of
Sedim entation in strike-slip zo nes
150 m in t he Lisa n marl of th e Jo rda n valle y.
Despit e th e fact th a t the mai n disp laceme nts in Th is fo rm ation has bee n dat ed a t 23 000 ye a r
strike -slip fau lt zo nes a rc hori zon ta l , the most li P by the rad ioca rbo n me thod
obvious dis place me nts lo ca lly a rc us ua lly d ip- A well -doc ument ed e xa mple of a Pa lae o zo ic
slip (sec Figu re s 6 . 1-6.3). It is the ve rt ica l strike -slip zone is the Midland Va lley o f Sco t-
move ment s o f fa ul t block s re lati ve to e ach la nd in t he De vo nia n pe riod . descri bed by
other which pr o d uce t he most impo r tan t Bluc k (1980 ) - sec 8.4 . T he best ac tive
strat igraphic e ffec ts o f a strike -slip zo ne . T here ex a mp le is the in ten s ively studied Sa n A nd re as
are obvio us di ffe rences be twee n tra nste nsio n fault zone which we s hall exam ine in 6 .3.
and tra ns pr essio n in th is re spe ct . since tra ns-
tensio n le ad s pre d o m inantl y to depre ssio n a nd
6.2 Displa ced or e xotic terranes
transp re ssion to up lift . T hus tr e nsprcssion a!
zones will be e ro de d a nd th e de rive d sed ime nts T he co nce pt of displaced or exotic terranes
will be ca rrie d o utside t he st rike- slip zo ne , a rose from o bserva tio ns in th e No rt h A mc ri-
possibly to d istan t a reas. Fo r e xa mple t he ca n Cord ille ran ben . over 70% of which is
majo r trunsp re ssive A lpin e fau lt zo ne of Ne w re ga rde d as a co llage o f susp ect ferm fles of
Zealan d is no t a n a re a of major se d ime nta tio n . pro ba bly a lloch t hon o us o rigin (W ilso n, 1968;
In tran ste nsio na l zo nes o n th e o the r ha nd , Mo nge r et 01., 1972; Jo ne s et 01. , 1972).
majo r se d ime nta ry basins fo rm , which o n lan d Altho ugh d isplaced te rran e s milY of co urse be
are no rma lly with in re ach o f a bundant se d i- fou nd a t an y co nve rge nt plate bo unda ry , a nd
ment su pply. a rc pro m inent fo r e xa mp le in t he o rt hog o nal
Transte nsiona l basins a re typi cal ly lacu stri ne , co nve rge nt regime of the Cent ra l Asia n co lli-
and bo rde red hy alluvia l fa ns. An e xce lle nt sio n zo ne , t he y a re pa rt ic ularl y associ a ted wit h
example of such a zo ne is th e De ad Se a r ift . o bliq ue co nve rge nce o r str ike-slip re gimes , an d
which fo rms pa rt of the wes tern mar gin o f th e te nd to acc um ula te a t geo me t rica lly favo ura ble
Arabia n plate . Fre un d et 01. (1968) d iscu ss th e lo ca tion s a lo ng suc h bo unda ries .
evidence for a maj or sin istral d ispla ce me nt T he d ist ribution and nature o f more tha n 50
along th is zo ne , a nd re lat e it to th e sc dimen- sus pe ct te rr an e s in we ste rn N . A merica (sec
tary reco rd . Se ve ra l rho mb -sha ped gra be n Figu re 8.9) is sum ma rized by Co ney et 01.
occur in the zo ne (F igure 6.6A , 8) , so me o f ( 1980 ) who la y do wn ce rta in pr inciples in the ir
which co nta in la ke s , of which th e Dead Se a reco gni tio n. A terran e e xhibits int erna l ho mo-
a nd th e Se a o f G a lilee a re well-k nown e x- ge ne ity and cont in uity of stra tigra phy , a nd of
a mples . These grabe n are pull-a part fea tures tecto nic style a nd seq ue nce , a nd is d ist ing uish-
fo rmed in regio ns of e xte ns io na l fa ult ove rlap abl e from adjo ining te rra nes by d isco ntin uit ies
(sec Figur e 6.28). T he to ta l sinistral mo ve - of str ucture o r strat igra phy t ha i ca nno t be
me nt is lto km as me asure d by th e d isplace - ex plained on th e ba sis of no rma l fac ies o r
me nt o f va rio us igneous a nd sed ime nta ry te cto nic cha nge s. Most terrane bounda ries
marke rs of Pre cambrian to lat e C re ta ceo us se pa ra te to tall y d istinct roc k se q ue nces and/o r

Ma ri
o km 30

Nahal se -e s


10 0 0



A B Km 0
Fig ure 6.6 (A , B) Rhom tHh ~ pcd gra hc: n formed in en-e c helon scgrnen ts. resulting from strike-slip mo veme nt on the
Dead Sea trans fo rm (;Iull zo ne . NOll; difference in scale bet wee n (A ) and (8) (0 Displac eme nt o r Miocene river sp te rn
across the Dea d Sea fault zon e . (A ) - ( e) »ncr Fre und ('I at, (19M ),

faunas. and many contain palaeo magne tic rc- Dur ing muc h of the 120 Ma period during
co rds thai differ strongly from those of the which the te rrane disp lacem en t process occur -
sta ble craton o r of adjace nt te rranes. A suspec t red . the co ntine ntal margin was a subduction
te rra ne may be proved 10 he allochtho nous o r zo ne , so that displacement and acc ret ion look
exotic if its faunal o r pala eomagneti c signat ure place by a process of oblique co nve rgence .
pro ves it to o riginate a co nside rable d istan ce co mbining und ert hrusting a nd st rike-s lip move-
from its prese nt position. Most of the suspect men ts. It appears that the str ike-s lip com-
terran es of N. Am erica appear to ha ve co llided ponen t was dextra l t hroughout. and the
and accret ed to the craton margin during terran es see m to have o riginated far to the
Mesozoic and early Ce nozo ic time . Man y s how so uth of thei r present position , in so me cases
ev ide nce o f an or igin far distant from t hei r possibly on the othe r side of the Pacific Ocean .
present pos itio n, and ma y also have undergo ne Silver and Smith (1983) discuss the western
tr anslatio ns of hundred s of km afte r co llision. Pacific Ocean as an ac tive exa mple of the
Palaeom agnet ic ev ide nce a lso indicates signifi- terrane displace me nt process. As is clear from
cant rotat ion s abo ut the ve rt ical in man y cases. Figur e 6 .7. obl ique co nverge nce is ta king p lace
S I Kl n .-SLl I' AND OHLl QU E- SLlP KEGJM €S 173
bet ween the mai n Paci fic plate ,H1d Austrutia. conv er gen ce (sec Figu re 5.37,5.31::), the effects
T he a utho rs po lilt ou t t hat thi s monon ap pea rs of which have alr ea dy been discussed . Major
to ha ve s liced off pieces of ocea nic plate au and strike -slip d isplace me nts along NE -SW fa ults
island a re , together with Irugmcnts of eo n- have t ran sfe rred po rtion s of the Au stralian
unc mal A ustr al ia , a nd ea rned the m north- conn nc rual pl ate to Ihc Eurasian plate . crea-
wards. Lar ge ophioluc m,J SSlCS have been ung a co llage zo ne on the sourhcus tc rn ma rgin
em p lace d in New G uinea ,H1d New Cutedonia of rhc Eurasia n plat e . La rge rot ations ca n be
as a resu lt 0 1 thi s o bliq ue conve rge nce . pro ved in this regio n. For e xam ple H a ile
Th e bo un dar y be twee n the Indo -A ustralia n ( 1978 ) has sho wn fro m palaeo magne tic c vi-
and Eur asian platc-, is alxu the sce ne of oblique don ee tha t Sc ra m . in the no rt he rn arm of the

., •

. -"
A U S / f UR



, ,,
C . ' ~ OII • ••
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II I . .

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o .. c c • • 11 ' , ." .

• c o..u ftto' II ...

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• 1 00 1 0 0 0 . ",

Figu ~ 6.7 Summar y tecto nic map illllslr;,l ing th e for ma lion o f d isplaced te rr anes in th e wester n Pacific Ocean regio n du e
10 lhe obliq ue co nverge nce n rthc Indo -A ustralia n and Pacific pla tes, a nd of the Indo- Australia n and Eu rasian plates (se c
movem ent ve ctors). The re gio n be twee n the New Hebrides and wesl ern Ne w Gu inea ( Iri'lI1 Ja ya ) consis ts o r a tectonic
collage o f ter rane s detac hed fro m both main plat es o n either s ide , ma ny o f which have suffe red sinistral sirik e -slip
dis placeme nt relative 10 their place o f or igin. Inse t fo r com pa rison is a map o f the Cordille ran s trike- slip te cto nic co llage
(se e 8 .2 and F igure 8 .9) Fro m Silver and Smith (191l 3)

,. ,

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Ba nda a re, has under gon e a large clockw ise of 8.25 ( R ichte r sca le ), a nd th e San Fe rna ndo
rotation due to thc ope ni ng o f the B anda Sea. ea rthquake of 197 1 wit h a magn itude o f 6.6 .
O nce accre tion is complete , thc re aso n fo r this T he devasta tio n ca use d by the 1906 e a rth-
rotati on will no lo nge r be o bvious. The lar ge q ua ke , an d the po te ntia l for a major ca ta-
rotat ion s not ed in the terran e collage of the stro phe if a shock o f com pa ra ble magn itude
North A merican Co rd illera ma y ha ve o rigi- affects one of th e mo re hea vily po pula ted pa rts
nated in th e sa me way. o f Cali forn ia , have st imulated a ma jor pro-
T he obliq ue co nverge nce be tween the g ram me o f study in th is fa ult 'lo ne.
oceanic part of t he Indo-A ust ra lia n plat e a nd T he ki ne ma tic histo ry of the reg io n is sum-
So uthe ast A sia has res ulte d in la rge dex tra l ma rized in 3. 1. Before a bo ut 38 Ma BP, the
strike-slip d isplace me nts a long t he con tinen ta l regio n was a subd uct io n zo ne with o blique
mar gin in Bur ma . T ha iland a nd wes te rn In- co nve rgence tak ing pla ce betwe en th e oce a nic
donesia (Fig ure 5.28) . In Suma tra , the A sian Fa ra llon pla te a nd the ov er ridi ng No rth
plate ha s respo nded to the o bliq ue subd uctio n A meri can co ntine nt (se e Figure 3.4A ). A s we
by fo rm ing a dext ral strike-s lip fau lt that ha ve see n, o bliq ue co nverge nce d uring the
trave rses the isla nd , a nd d ispl aces th e le a ding Mesozoic a nd ea rly Ce no zo ic W <lS respon sible
edge of th e vo lca nic arc no rt hwa rds in re la tio n for the d isplacemen t of a la rge nu m be r o f
to the re ma inde r of th e o verriding pla te . In th is blocks no rthw ard s alon g th e con tin ent a l mar -
case, th e co mbina tio n o f stee p st rike-s lip faul t- gin to fo rm the collage of e xotic or sus pec t
ing and subd uctio n ha s clearly been favo ure d , te rran e s maki ng up the Co rd ille ra n orogenic
rathe r th an str a igh tfo rward obliq ue subd uc- belt (see Figu re 8,9). Ho we ve r, when the East
tion , as a me an s of ac hiev ing th e o bliq ue Pacific r idge met the Am e rican plat e bo und a ry
conve rge nce (Bec k, 1993). Bec k di scusses th e at c.38 Ma BP. the mo ve me nt pa tte rn at the
possible condit ions co ntro lling th e mechanism bo undar y c ha nged a br upt ly fro m subd uc tio n to
of obli q ue co nve rge nce, ' a nd co ncl udes tha t stri ke-slip . T his change occurred because the
three fact o rs favour the combine d strike-s lip! dir ection of re la tive mo tio n bet we e n the Pa cific
subductio n me chan ism: (i) a la rge a ngle of a nd A merican plates was no w appro ximate ly
conver ge nce (i .e. th e co nve rge nce di re ct io n pa ra llel to the bou nd a ry (se e Figure 3 .4A ).
makes a sma ll an gle with t he trench) ; ( ii) a T he northern e nd of the fau lt lo ne is det e r-
shallo w a ngle of sub d uct ion; an d (iii) th e mined by the inte rsection o f the Murr a y tra ns-
therma l ' softe ning' e ffec t of the volcan ic a rc. form fau lt with the Nor th Am e rica n plate
bou nda ry, fo rming a tre nch - fa ult - fa ult triple
ju nctio n. This junc tion m igra tes no rt h wit h th e
6.3 The Sa n And r eas fa ult zone
Pa cific p late . T hus the Sa n And re as fau lt zo ne
The Sa n And reas fa ult syste m is pro ba bly the is a co nseq ue nce o f a ste p in th e E ast Pacific
most widel y kno wn a nd inten sivel y studied in ridge a lon g the Murray tr a nsfo rm . Th is ste p
the world . A tt entio n has been focused pa rti- has resu lte d in th e di visio n of the ridge in to two
cula rly by t wo ma jo r earthq uak es; the San se gme nts . the J uan de Fuca in th e no rt h a nd
Fra ncisco ea rthq uake of 1906 wit h a ma gn itude the m ain Ea st Pacific ridge in th e so uth,

~l gu ~ 6.8 Simplified map of the principal fa ults and ut hcr su uctural cleme nts in lhe San A ndreas fault zo ne of Califo rnia
and no rth er n M exico . CM. Cape Mendocino ; SC. She ller Cove ; PA . Poinl Arena; GV, Gr ear Valley; S A , San Francisco
Bay; SN , Sierra Nevada; SJ, San JUlIO Bau tista bend ; SB . Salinian block ; SN, Santa Maria basin; BB, Big Bend (o f the San
Andreas Iault}; SB, Ventu ra basin ; MB . Mojave bloc k; CI. Channel Islands: T R. Tra nsverse Ranges; LA . Los An geles
basin; G B. San Go rgione be nd: CO . so uth Ca lifornia offshore borderland; ET, eastern Transver se Ra nges; PR o
Peninsular Ranges; ST . Salton trough ; BP. Baja Ca lifornia pen insula: Gc, Gulf or California ; BO . Baja Californ ia
offshor e borderland; SO . Sonor a . Numbe red fauhs: 1, San And reas; 2. Mendocino fracture zone ; 3, Oregon subd uction
zone ; I I . Big Pine; 12, While Wolf-Kern; 13. Garlock; 15. San Gahrie l; 19. Elsinore ; 2 1, San Jacinto ; for names of other
numbered faults , see source . From Crowell (1m)

. 0 ...

\. •

• •




~I~El,.::s:~ • • •
. ,,

• •

Joigu rt: 6.9 Distr ibution of earthq uakes o f mag nitude:5 or greater in the period 1934-69 in sout hern Ca liforn ia, in rela tio n
to the princi pal faults . Dots indicate magn itudes of 5.0-5.\}; circles. magn itudes of 6 o r grea ter . From A nderson ( 197 1)

separated by the San Andreas fault zone . The The fault zone is about 1200 km lon g and
growth o f the zone from the initial point of l00 km wide , and consists o f a complex net-
co ntact no rthw ards is docume nted by the wo rk of faults (Figure 6.8 ; see And erson ,
northward progression of the end ing of activity 1971). Most o f these trend NW-SE sub-
on the Neoge ne volcanic a rc (see Figure 4.18). para llel to the main Sa n An dreas fault (see for
$ I IlIK t - S U " AN D (lIl LlQlJE -Sl.Il' Il EG IM[S 177
exa mple the San Ja cinto and E lsinore f..tults}. XMPa at 750- 850 m de pt h. Thi s increase sug-
but m<l ny t ren d in a mo re t'\NW - SSE three- gests thm the mean st ress at seis mogcmc
tion . maki ng a n acute an gle with the rnam depths ( lCl - 15km) mus t he several te ns o f
fau lts and br anc hing from them Many of these MP<I in mag nitud e .
faults a rc als o provab ly de xtral strike -slip. A Heat now measure ments re ported by
significant numbe r o f faults arc NE -SW in Lach cnbruch and Sass (198lJ) indicate that
trend , ap pro xima tely pe rpendic ula r to the there is no evide nce for loca l frictio nal beati ng
main fa ults, So me o f them (c .g . the Garlock along an y part of the San Andrea s fault . A
fault ) a rc a ntit hetic sinist ral str ike -slip faults . bro ad region of high heat flow , around HO mW
while o t hers are stee p reverse fau lts. m -~ exists thro ugho ut t he Coast Ranges. but
the hea t Row decre ases eastwards across the
San Andreas faul t tow ards the Great Valle y
where it is muc h lowe r. T he so urce o f this heat-
The reg ion is ve ry acuvc seis mically : 7JOO now high is thou ght perh ap s to be associated
earthqu akes we re reco rde d with a magnit ude with the presen ce of warme r usthc nos pbc ric
of 4 or greater in so ut he rn California in rhc mantle be low t he CO,Ist Ra nges. du e to the
period 1934-69. Th e loca tio n of the lar ger a bse nce of a subd uct ing sla b so ut h of the
recent eart hq ua kes is shown in Figure 6.Y. Me ndocino tri ple junctio n . Al te rna tively, if
Most are un connected with the San Andreas t he heat is frictio na l in origin , t he lack of direct
fault itse lf, hut arc associ ated with par allel associ atio n with the main fault s ugges ts t hat
strike-s lip fa ults such as the San Jacin to and the high-leve l fau lt ne two rk is pa rtly dcco uplcd
Imperi al faults. and with t he White Wolf fuult , on il broad low-angle det ac hm en t horizo n
which int ersects the Sa n An d reas fault at 90" in e xte nding below t he Co ast Ra nges at or below
the region u f the ' Big Ben d'. Several of such scismcgenic dept hs. Shear res ista nce . and co n-
faults with t re nds ma king a large angle wit h the seque ntly shear hea ting. at t hese levels coul d
main fault show o verthrust dis placements. Fo r be sufficient to produce the therm al anom aly.
example. th e la rge earthq ua kes in Kern
County and San Ferna nd o were assoc iated
Dis placem ent geometry
with ove rt hrust movem ents. Ma ny o f the faul ts
of Figu re 6 .8 ap pe ar to be curre nt ly inactive . The rate of disp laceme nt alon g the transfor m
bounda ry can be calcul ated fro m the ma gne-
tic sea-floor strat igrap hy. This varies from
Stress and hem fl o w
1.3cm/yea r in the early Mioce ne 10 5.5cml
In-situ stress det e rmina tions in the vicinit y of year since th e Pliocen e ( A twate r and Mol nar,
the San A ndr eas fault using the hydra ulic 1(73). Seismic techniq ues yield a val ue of
fract ure techni q ue are re po rted by Z oback et arou nd 4 em/ye ar for recent movements, and
al. ( 1980) . T hey invest iga ted the va riatio n of geodetic measurement s give an es timate o f 5-
stress wit h dist ance from the fa ult and also with 7c m/year ( Anderson , 197 1). Accord ing to
dep th . In shallow we lls loca ted alon g profiles Crowe ll (1979) the to tal dis pl ace me nt alon g
across two sect io ns of the fault whe re slow t he fault syste m is around l OOOkm . Howeve r
creep is taking plac e . t he di rectio n of maxi- geo logic al evide nce ind icates on ly ab out
mum horizonta l compressive stress was found 300 km of dex tral displaceme nt on the San
to he N- S. approx imate ly 45° to the (rend o f A ndreas fa ult itself since Ihe mid-Miocene
the fault . The shear st ress was found to (C rowell, 1979). and t he rem ainder of the
increa se with distance fro m the fault to a value movemen t is pro ba bly d istrib uted a mo ng many
of about 5 MPa 34 km from the fau lt . At 4 km s malle r fa ults. A significant pr opo rt ion may be
fro m the fa ult , the she ar st ress increa ses from taken up by a major fa ult alon g th e con tine ntal
about 2.5 MPa at 150- 300 m depth to a bout ma rgin offsho re . According to Hein (1973) . for

example . a subm ari ne fan lying on th e ocea n with sma ll circles about the pole of rotatio n for
11001 has been displ aced from i ts source by a the Pacific- A me rican plate motio n, as det er -
dista nce o f 300-550 km . mined by Minster et al. ( 1974). Slip alon g these
Th e to tal observed dex tra l displa cement on straight sectio ns is exhibited in the form of slow
the ma in Sa n A ndrea s fa ult is 600 km as ' creep' and by man y sma ll-magnitude earth-
measu red by the offset of the Sierras base - qu akes . The curved sectio ns, in co ntrast ,
me nt. T hus th e fa ult is interp ret ed as having a ap pear to be locked , and such sec tions arc
two-s tage histo ry o f mo vem ent : the fi rst , o f obvio us sites for large ea rt hquake s such as
late C retaceous 10 Palaeoc ene age , prod uced those a lrea dy men tioned . T he most prominent
abou t 300 km of displacemen t; the seco nd is curved sec tion is known as the Big B end region
the curren t phase co mmencing in the Miocen e. (see below ), where activity is prese ntly co ncen-
The early mo ve me nt is te nta tive ly linked with trated on the White Wolf and o ther faults (see
a possible transform boundary bet ween the Figures 6.9, 6. 12). In othe r place s, bends
Kula a nd Nor th A me rican pla tes a nd e nded appenr to be in the process o f being by-passed.
when the Kula - Far atlo n ridge swe pt no rth- Fo r exam ple, at the San Gorgione Bend
wa rds up th e Ame rican co ntin en tal margin ( Figure 6.8) , major move ment appears now to
(see Figure 3.7A ). T hese ea rly moveme nts be taken up a long the San Jacinto fault , thus
were assoc iated with the ma jor terran e dis- ' stra ightening our ' the main fau lt line , trans-
placeme nt process referred to ea rlier. ferr ing the majo r movemen t to the west and
Th e st raight sec tio n" of the ma in San iso lating an inactive slice on the eastern side of
A ndreas fault appear to be prec isely parallel the new fau lt line .
At the so utheaste rn end of the fau lt zone ,
the San Jacinto and Elsinor e faults end at the
ma rgins of pull-apa rt basins. The se fo rm part
o f a system o f side-stepping spreading cent res
'" within the Gulf o f California , which has
o pened by a process of oblique rifting (Figure
6.10) . T he pull-apart basins are bounded by
no rmal fau lts with tre nds ob lique o r pe rpendi-
• cular to the m ike-slip faults (see Figure 6.28).
• T his proce ss has resulted in the no rt hwest-
• war ds movement of the Baja Califo rnia penin-
s ula by a co mbinat ion of E- W sprea ding and
as• , , NW-S E st rike-slip faulting. Rhom bo id de-
pressions are also form ing in the o ffshore
regions o f Ca liforn ia by the same mechanism .

St ruct ure a/ the Santa Maria district

..', In no rthe rn and ce ntral Califo rnia, the San

And reas fault lies relatively close to the con-
tinental margin , both o n and o ffshore , for
about 450 km from its nort hern end until it cuts
Hcure 6.10 Co mbinat io n o( sp rea ding ridges and trans- inland towards th e Big Bend region ( Figure
form Iaults in the Gulf of Califor nia by which nort hwest - 6 .8). Th e Coast Ranges, which lie o n its
wards displacement of the Baja California pcninsulil hils weste rn side , contain a number of e longate
been achieved . Not e the patte rn of ear thq uake c picent rcs ,
man y of which are clearly associa ted with strike -slip Neogene basins thaI t rend slight ly o bliq ue to ,
move men ts. After Isacks i f al . ( 1%8 ). and ant iclockwise o f, the line of the San
STKua :-S LlI' ANI) OIl LlQUf.;-SLlI' REGIMES 179

.", t
all f, e ld

riJ:U~!' 6. 11 Simplified structura l map and sec-

non of the Sa rna M~r; a o il dismct , Ca lifo rnia .
Note lhe oh hque relations hip !>cl ween fold a xes
(conv entional symhols) and str ike -slip Iaults
(heavy IlOes ) chaructc r jsuc ur Slr ike.s lip rc -
LO""POC . ~Im es . Qa . alluvium ; Qt! . non-marine Ouale r-
na ry: Trl. Pliocen e matine ; Till . Mio cen e
, A marr ne; T,,,,, , Mioce ne or Oligoce ne no n-
mann e : Cretaceou s mar ine ; f . Franciscan de-
'm pONh. Numbers re fe r 10 oi l field s [ see so urce
re fe re nce ); o il fields arc Slipplcd o n the ma p and

'--'' -'---'----=-='' ------=r:m she wn in black in the sccuon . After Blake iN al .

1197tl) .

And reas fault. Th ese basi ns are se para ted by has bee n shorte ned in a NNW -SSE direct io n
parallel elongate uplifts. T he structu re o f these an d exte nded in a WNW - ESE di rection due to
basins. which is related to moveme nts o n the progressive simple shear . T his mod el applies
fault zo ne , is o f interest becau se of th e o il fields ge nerally 10 t he San A ndr eas fau lt zone , which
occupying man y of t he anticli nal a reas. T he exhibits a complex arrangeme nt of up lifted
Santa Ma ria d istrict lies at the southeast end of blocks und ergoing co mpression and depressed
the Coas t R anges, northwest of Santa Barba ra . bas ins unde rgoing exte nsion, who se sed ime n-
The structu re is describ ed by Blake et al. tary infill is be ing folde d as a result of s ho rten-
(1978) and summarized in Figure 6.11. T he ing in a di rection an ticlockwise of t he stri ke-
Neoge ne San ta Mar ia basin contains a marine slip o rientation . in acco rdance with the simple-
sequence, up to 4S00m t hick, of mainly shear mod el.
Pliocene - Pleistocene age, lying unconform-
ably o n F ranciscan base me nt . Th e sedime ntary
Structu re of the Big Bend Region.
seque nce was folded and loca lly thrust in late
Quate rnary lime , formi ng broad , open , pe ri- T he co mplex regio n of the intersection of the
clinal folds with WNW-ESE axe s. T he oil is Sa n A nd re as and Garlock fa ults (Figu re 6. 12)
contai ned in fra ctured shale of Up pe r Miocene is discussed in detail by Boh an non and Howell
age and occ urs mainly in anticlinal traps (1982 ). They poi nt o ut the geome tric incom -
(Figure 6 .11 , secti o n) . pat ibility of simultaneous moveme nt o n the
Th e oblique relationship between t he fo lds dex tral Sa n A ndreas fault and the sinist ral
and bo th the San Andreas fa ult and the pa rallel Garlock and Big Pine faults which Inte rsect it.
fault to the nor the ast, is co nsistent wit h the The Garlock fault has a displaceme nt of 60 km ,
geomet ric model o f Figure 6.1 for a dextral much of which is probab ly late Ce nozo ic to
m ike-slip regime , and suggests that the whole Quaternary in age , and it was active histori-
sed ime nta ry co ver o f the Coast Ran ges bloc k ca lly. Th e Big Pine fault dis place ment is



"i(i":~L",,"", : ~.i)'t:\;\"~"


H~u", 6.12 Bloc k mooet ro illustrat e the rela tio nship betw een the vario us raul! bloc ks in the region o f the "Big Bend' .
Note the ne cessa ry upth rust structures alo ng the Ga rlock la ult (d. Figu re 6. 13). F ro m Anderson ( 1971)

probably mos tly of Pliocene 10 Pleistocene age . qu adrant where the sinistral Big Pine fault
The a ut hors suggest thai the San A ndr ea s fault meets the San And reas fa ult. These sinistra l
pro ba bly o rigina ted as a straight linear featu re , faul ts a re uncon nected but ha ve moved closer
but was deformed by extension in the Basin- toge the r as a result of the dextr al displacem ent
and-Range Province to the no rt h (see 4 .3). o n the main fau lt. T he bend ing of t he San
Figu re 6 . 13 sho ws how t he st ructure might A ndreas fault would ca use internal de forma-
have evo lved. Continuous sinistral movement tion within the Moj ave bloc k in the south-
o n t he Ga rlock faul t produced a bend in the western qu adrant , which wou ld suffe r N-S
San Andreas fa ult , since neither fau lt co uld cut sho rte ning an d E-W ex te nsio n (compare
the o the r wh ile both were act ive . Th e e ffect of Figur e 6.1 3A ,D ). T his deformation is a con-
the be nd was to prod uce a local compress ional seq ue nce o f th e cha nge in angle of t he bou n-
region in the nort heast ern quadrant , where daries of the bloc k . This mod el is co mpati ble
E- W ov erth rusts a re found . Th e northward- with the late Cenozo ic deformat ion pattern in
mo ving western bloc k may either have moved the Mojave desert.
laterally west ward s or deformed inte rnally as it If the whole th ickn ess of the crust were
slid past t he bend . A similar bu t less intense involv ed in t hese move men ts, it is difficult to
zo ne o f co mpressio n exists in the southwestern visua lize how the excess volume re presen ted

\\\ S IE RR AN

,... ..
~.I._ · .
A R EA t'iKU", 6.0 Modd 10 illustrate the su ue-
AR EA luroll evolution of the int crscelio n of the:
Garlnd, (GF) and San A ndr ea s (SA F) fa ulls
(A) in itial ~i lU ~ t ion wuh a unifo rm NNW -
SSE o ric ma uo n of the SAF. (8) Ea rty \ Iip
S IERR AN A REA S IE RR AN AREA o n the G F is acco mpanied by bendin g <l nu
annc lockwi sc ro tation of the so uthe rn SAF
rela tive to the fa ult nonh of GF . <1m.! by
Ihru ~1II1g in the corne r of the Sierran are a
,... .' (e) Furt her development of the realures
refe rred to ill (8 ); the Big Pille Iautt (B PF)
,........""... S<I'A"
ARE A *'
has now mo ved int o the field o f view. on the
west side of lhe SA F. (D) Cu n, inu" ,io n o f
AR EA developm ent up to the: pre sent : no te t~ area
0 1 " uslal over lap (stippl ed) produ ced by tbe
BP' ,... ~ hcnllill g. dehmited by an ove rthrust seg mer u
AREA o f the S A F. X, or iginal ju oclion wuh GF; Y.
jUOClion allime of ~Iagcs ( D) . Fro m Boh"n·
no n and Howell ( 19M2) . wilh per mission.

by the triangle of overlap (shown with stipp led faults ca n be di rectly att rib uted to irregularities
ornament in Figure 6.I3 D) could be accom- in the shape of the initial conti nental rifl
modated . The problem is ove rcome if. as syste m (see Figure 4.9). As the passive con-
seems like ly. the faults det ach o n a lo w-angle tinental margins spread apart to form an
decolle ment surface at depth . o r are o the rwise oce an. the transform faults pro pagate co ntinu-
transfe rred at mid-crustal leve ls to a b roade r o usly inwards 10 form permanent boundaries
zone of du ctile deformatio n. to the sp reading segme nts. The majo r fractu re
zones o f the eq uatoria l Central At lantic (c .g.
the St. Pau l. Romanchc and Chain zones)
6.4 Oceenlc tra nsfor m raul ts
ori ginated in this way. Other transfo rm faults
Transform fault s make up a significant pro- o riginate as a geo metrical respon se to kine-
portion of the oce anic plate bounda ry networ k matic changes, as illustrated in Figure 4.5.
(see Figu re 3. 1). Th ey we re originally defi ned The mo rphology and general structure of the
and their significance exp lained by Wilson major oceanic fracture zones arc described by
( 1965). and their o rientations were used in the Menar d and Chase ( 1970). Most possess a
ea rly atte mpt by Mck e nzie and Par ker ( 1969) prom ine nt scarp , ofte n with an assoc iated ridge
10 define and describe the mechan ism o f plate and trough . although any of these featu res may
mot ion . be abse nt. The re is oflen conside rab le topo-
Ocean ic transfor m faults may be divided into graphic vari ation along the length o f a given
majo r plate bo unda ry faults and the re lat ively fracture zone . T he width varies from a few km
mino r, of ten transient offset fault s associated to ove r 50 km in the case o f the largest zone s.
with the spread ing process at ridges. Th e latter Linear gra vity and magnetic a nomalies are
are d iscussed in 4.2. Some major transfo rm o ften associa te d with the zones. Th e or igin o f
:s ...,

.. , ,,' c
... ax is of
spread ing

-- --- --- ---- ----- ----

• • z , ..
1>.10..... 1••• 1

B ". ----- --- -- ------ -----

n gurt 6.1" (A . 8) Simplified ma p showing th", ridge-
a nd-valley topog raph y of the Vema (A.l and Rom anch e
(8 ) tran sform fault zones ;n the Cen tral A tlanti c Ocean.
Note lhal areas of maximum heigh! ..ccur opposite the
ends of the spreading .ut's. across the tra nsfor m "'i1 UCY5.
The a rrow in ( B) points to part of the ridge Ihal a t sea
le vel abo ut S Ma ~, . (e) Diagra ms illustr ating th e th ree
main lypeSof base menl morpho logy profile ( M- N ) ac ross
tr ansfo rm Iracture zones . ( A)-(C) fro m Iln nall i (1918)

these anomalies has caused some debate; they found in certain Pacific zones. Profil es of type
have bee n att ributed both to magmat ic intru- B or C, or of an intermediate type, are typical
sion and to hydrotherm al alteration, and both of most fracture zones. In the Atlantic Ocean
processes probably contribute. in particular, major topographic ridges are
The morphology of fracture zones is dis- associated with the great transform faults
cussed in detail by Bcn aui (1978) who au ri- marking the sinistra l offset of the mid-Atlantic
butes the topog raphic variation primarily to ridge between the Central and South At lantic.
the effects of diffe rential cooling and sub- T he Vema fracture zone, which offsets the
sidence. Figure 6.14C shows the different types mid-Atlantic ridge at l l' N, shows a topo-
of topog raphic profile found at fracture zones. graphic profile approaching type 8 (Figure
The trough itself is considered to be a thermal 6.14A). A prominent ridge occurs on the south
contraction effect related to the shape of the side of the valley marking the transform fault
magma chamber at spread ing axes (see Figure zone. T he ridge rises to a height of over 5 km
4.5). Type A would be the expected normal from the adjacent ocean floo r, and is presently
profile if this were the only control on the about 600 m below sea-level. There is even
topo graphy. The elevated side is closer to the evidence of recent eme rgence. The Romanche
spreading axis and has therefore cooled and fracture zone (Figure 6.148 ) appea rs to
subsided less than the other. However type A approach type C in topography, since major
fracture zones are comparably rare, and only transverse ridges border the seismically active
transfo rm va lley , a nd e xte nd fro m the ridge whereas topograp hic relief of se ve ra l km needs
Intersection to t he A frica n and South Ame ri- to be ex plai ned .
can contine ntal ma rgins . Simila r topographic Bon ut ti concludes that up lifts of t his ma gni-
pro files with on e o r mo re ridges ha ve been tu de can on ly be ca used by co mpress io na l
observed in t he Owen fract ure wile in the fo rces. and c ites severa l lines o f evidence fo r
India n Ocea n , in the A lula fract ure zone in the the ex iste nce o f bot h co mpress io n an d ext en -
Gulf of A de n , a nd in t he Ch a rlie Gibbs sio n ac ross fractu re zones , as o rigina lly sugges-
fract ure zone in the At lan t ic (see below ). ted by De wey (1975 ). (i) Focal mec hanism
Bon atti notes t hat la rge fractu re zo nes are solu tio ns of ocean ic int ra pla te e a rt hquakes
generally characte rized by ridges , ru nni ng ind icate a state o f ge ne ral hori zonta l co mpres-
para llel to the ma in tra nsfo rm fault-zone sio n (see 2.6). In par ticular , two eart hqua kes
valley , whose su m mits may reac h to 1 km o r in th e re gion o f the Cha irn a nd C ha rco t
mor e above the e xpected level fo r 'norm a l' fracture zones in th e Cent ral Atla nt ic e xhibit
ocean ic c rust of th at age. The nature of t he com p ressio na l thrust solut ions with 01 pe r-
rocks fo rmin g these r idges (mostly sc r pe ntin- pendicula r to th e str ike of the fa ult (Sy kes
izcd pe r idotit e ) indica tes th a t they a rc mostly and Sba r, 1974) . (ii) Se ismic re fl e ctio n pro-
for me d by the uplift o f norm a l ocea nic litho- files ac ross sed ime nt- filled fractu re va lleys in
sphere ma ter ia l, ra the r than by magm atic se ve ral zo nes sho w foldi ng a nd other co m-
intr usio n. T he fractu re zones a ppea r to be pressional fe atu re s. (i ii ) Mylonitized rocks
affect e d by int ense vertica l mo tion re q uiring dredged fro m man y of th e lar ge frac ture zo ne
subside nce ra tes m uch higher than e xpecte d ridges suggest t hat the ir uplift was te cto nic.
from no rmal ocea n cr ust. Bc narti a rgues th at Exte nsio n is suggested in se ve ra l zo nes by the
these vert ica l mo tion s ca nnot he expla ined o n g rabe n - ho rst mo rph ol ogy. ho th in a gross sense
the bas is of sta nd a rd oce a n-spre ad ing theory . a nd with in the sed ime nt fill, and by the occu r-
and tha t so me add it ional mech anism is re-
quired .
Th e zone of max imum e levat io n of the
tran sve rse ridges occ urs ncar the spreadi ng
* re nce of min or volcan ism.
Th e re ar c se vera l possible causes of hori -
zon ta l co mpress io na l a nd e xte nsio na l forces.
As po inted out in 3.3. rela t ive pla te mot ion

ay:<; on the opposite side of th e fra cture zo ne ve ctors ar e norma lly o blique to pla te bo un-
valley. suggesting th at th e rid ge m ight he d ue daries . Eve n altho ugh a tr a nsfo rm boundar y
10 Ihe th e rm al anom aly ge ne ra ted by the no rm a lly o riginates para lle l 10 t he re lati ve
sprea ding ax is. It has bee n ca lculate d tha t plate mo ve me nt vector , changes in this vect or
tempera ture cha nges o f l OO"C e xte nd ing to occur d uring th e cou rse of the plate mot io n,
20 km from th e fra ct ure zone a nd to a de pth of re sulting in a compone nt o f co nve rge nce o r
70 km ma y be produced ( Louden and For syt h , div erge nce across the bou nda ry.
1976) . Howeve r. this e ffect wo uld o nly pro- O n a more loca l sca le, tbe prese nce of
duce a n uplift of a few hund red m at most , sinuo us o r e n-ec he lon fau lts within the fra cture

-t-il. ,"' n .
... _ .-- ~

Figure 6.15 Dia gram matic plan illust ratmg

th e e jjects of differential horizonta l ther mal
co ntraction o f oceanic lithosphe re along a tra ns-
fo rm fracture lone. Maxim um compression
occurs a t the e nds of ridge segments , a nd
e xte nsion occurs between these . From Bcn au i

zon e will produce zon es of co mpress io n or younger side. Seismic re fl ect ion and gravity
extension as descr ibed ea rlier (see Figu re 6.2 , profiles ac ross the Kur cha to v frac ture zone
6.3). T he rma l co nt ract ion o f the cooling plate ( Figure 6. 16) indica te tha t t he asy mmet ry of
us it moves a way from the sp readi ng a xis is a n the to pogra phy is a reflect ion o f the c rustal
im porta nt source o f minor e xte nsional stress , str uct ure . Th e asy m me try is a ttrib uted to
as shown in 2.5. Co llette (1974) has cs nm a rcd differe ntia l uplift o f the o riginal ridge crest
that a ho rizontal cont raction of 0.3 km wou ld co mpa red with the transfor m valley floo r. Th e
res ult fro m the cooling th rou gh 20{f'C o f a topograp hic effect is prese rved o n t he walls of
150k m segme nt of axial ridge . As show n in the transfor m valley as the ocean floo r cools
Figure 6.15. a zo ne o f maximum com pression a nd moves away fro m the sprea ding axis.
m ust ex ist across a fract ure zo ne at the en d of T he co mbina tion of diffe rent ial uplift and
each sp rea ding se cto r, an d a zo ne of ma ximum simple shear produ ces a set of obliqu e normal
exte nsio n be twee n the o ffse t sp read ing sectors . fault scarps as shown in Figure 6.17. These
Of these so urces of stress . cha nges in rela tive have been found in a number o f fract ure zones,
plate mo tion arc proba bly th e most effect ive in a nd a re pa rticula r ly clearl y demo nst ra ted in
prod ucing lar ge stresses across fracture zo nes , the Charlie Gibhs fracture Wil e , which dis-
a nd arc the most obvious reason for up lift o n places t he mid-A tlan tic ridge a round 5(fN.
on ly one s ide of zones suc h as the Ve ma a nd T wo sepa ra te fa ults we re fo un d . a t 52°(}6'N
O we n fract ure zo nes . a nd at 52°36'N. se pa ra ted by a sho rt N-S
spreading secto r: T he so uthe rn fract ure valley
( Figure 6.18) is almost se dime nt-free . a nd
The Charlie Gibbs and Glo ria fracture zo nes
disp la ys the nature o f the baseme nt struct ure
Sea rle ( 1979. 1986) describes the results of a clearly. T he valley is V-sha ped . about 2 km
sid e-sc a n so na r study . using the CLORI A sys te m , dee p . a nd 15- 20 km ac ross at the top , which
of seve ral A tla ntic fract ure zo nes . He notes a lies a t a round 2{XKl m depth . A steeper inner
marked asymmet ry of fracture va lleys on the region can be recognized , which pro bably
shor t-offset sec tions of the mid-A tla ntic ridge , co rres po nds to the 'act ive transfo rm do mai n'
wit h a steep sca rp on the older side . facing the recognized by Fra nc he tea u et al , (1976). T his
younge r lith osphe re , a nd a ge ntle slope o n the in ner valle y is 5- 10 km wide a nd lies bel ow

" - 100 l
0 ~

• 'm -.J

• 10 ~


.- • ~

• o 'm ""
ti Rurt 6. 16 (A) Seismic reflection pro fite across the Kurch atov fractur e zone at 29"W showing the asymmetric natu re of
tbe valley. Heavy line is basement . fine: tine: is sedime nt surface. From Se:arle (t979). with pe rmission. ( 8 ) Free-air gravity
ano maly profile and crustal mod el alon g the line or (A ). Not e that the asymmetry in the surface to pograp hy ex presses a
dee p-seated asymme try in crust..1structu re . Th e figures in the cr ustal model are specific gravities of the layers used for the
model . The crosses in the gra vity profile are the com pute d values . Aft er Searle (1979).

, II: I H~ur" 6. 17 Diagram ;IIU~lr;llin g n method of for rnauon

of oblique scarp' ill lra 'hlor m frac tu re zones , Lighl lines
represe nt sche ma tic co ntou rs; hC3vy lines are Ia uhs; large

- ,
MruW~ sho w regio nul d,ps; ~.., ~ U arro ws loc al stress fields.
At A . le n~ion g..shes and norm al faults fo rm in ne wly
c rea ted hrbo sph cr c ncar , pre.,uIOg ,, ~ is -transfo r m fa ull
mtcrsccuo n-; Uptih from median valle y floo r 10 cresurl
~ 7./\ //'\. ,, -- .; - m"unl,lIn, tK:CU r.. al B , T hus SC <l floor o n the o lde r side of
fractu re zone is uphhcd, ""hile Ihal on the younge r side

iln r
rem" "IS tcmporanly (H I the valky floor. c" using majOf
vertical mOVCmCnlS o n o hhquc '<lulls and prod ucing large
' e" rf''' (C). By pm it,o n D , the faults are essen tially loc ked .
With a large enough offsct (grea ter tha n abou t 20 km), a
true tran sform f" ull (d..vhed line) may develop. Fro m
Searle ( l\l79 )

.lgu ~ 6. 18 Side -scan so na r ph o tograp h musaic , and tccic mc imc tpr e unic n. 0 1 rne Cha rlie Gib bs tra nsfo rm fra cture
zone . Inferr ed ma jo r smke -slip Ia ult , heavy hnM; o thcr fau lts. light lines , with tid s indicating inferred do wnthro w; o ther
lineamen ts, dashed . Fro m Searle ( 1979 )

3 km depth . Th e walls a re mod era tely stee p, sinistrally into t he top of the t ransfo rm valley
with slopes of up to 30°, a nd conta in many but do not e xtend into the inne r 'ac tive'
E- \V sca rps attributed to no rmal faulti ng . T he portio n. T he bottom o f t he valley exhibits lo ng
N-S mid-Atlantic-ridge fault st ruct ures curve str aight E - W scarps thai are thought 10

represe nt the activ e st rike -slip fault traces. A (see Figure 3. 1). According 10 McK enzie
linea r E -W baseme nt rid ge , a few km across, ( 1972), this sec tio n of the pla te bou ndary is
borde rs th e inactiv e port ion of the nort hern ex te nsional at the A zores e nd . bU I bec o mes
tra nsform. Major oblique sca rps, trc ndm g compressional through the Strai ts o f G ibr alta r,
NW -S E at 45° to the spread ing direc tio n , with a pure st rike-slip sec tio n betwee n . Along
occ ur o n inactive frac ture zo ne walls. espe- th is central sectio n, se ismic reflec tion pro files
cia lly on the so ut h side o f the no rth ern tra ns- indicated the prese nce of a scarp. 100- 500 m
form valley . T hese a re about 15-20km lon g high , o n the sout h side of the valle y mark ing
and spaced abo ut 15-20km ap art. Sea rle the active fault . T his valley is v -shapcd a nd
att rib utes these to obliq ue norm al fa ults for m- between 5 <I IlU 16km wide. M inor WNW -ESE
ed unde r a de xtral simple-shea r regim e . 10 NW -$E weak linea r features on bot h sides
Anothe r fract ure zon e described in SOme of the main fault a TC in terpreted as obliq ue
de tail by Sea rle is th e G loria fractu re zo ne norma l faul ts origina ti ng in the same way as
which runs f rom t he mid-A tlantic ridge ncar those in rhc Charl ie Gibbs w ile. T he NNE -
t he Azores to Gibraltar , and fo r ms {he boun- SSW linear ocean-floor fabri c con tinues to the
dary between the E urasian and A frican plat es edge of the main vall ey fro m t he north . and is


~- -
.". -- - - ....-- -- - - --;1.
-'-- - ....---'- ."0 ~.

B s TIl AIGHT 1l0llMAL '.U l TS

.... SPilt" "", ,, {lIRECTlO"

•• •
CUll vnUIiE BEG' ''$ "'10 '"
•• •
' llQ .. ,IIU'$·OIl"

. ,( DEl $"( ."5 .0 .. .. AT ~

, • Fi,::urf 6. 19 (A ) Simplified sketch of teoomc hnea-
meru r cuc rn . inferred from scnographs, of an area of
10' TO 5 1'11[...0' .... " OIl.. Al \ ~ ." the East Pacific ridge between )0 and 50S. The three
main fracture zones each consist of several smaller-
C UIl VED "'OR ..... l
' AULTS ll(v, u( / f
~ r -:.o
" ,
" scale fractu re zones . Note the bend ing of the ocean-
UP TO 55 ' \ 111." S' 0 1l.. floor lineament fabric into the Iracture zones. 'me
heavy line is the inle rred plat e bo undary. (B ) Summary
.. u ,....... CII""U UII E
Z- 3' " 'RO''- ,,,."s.o,,,, mode l illustrating the proposed tecto nic pattern al II
ridge - tra nsfo rm inters ection for a fast'~prcad i ng ridge.
Full ar TOWS indicate infe rred deviuror jc stress duecucn;
hal( arrows. shea r stress . ( A) and ( 8 ) fro m Sea rle
( 19113)
truncated by it. A broa d ridge on the north side zo nes , the valleys me rge into a single broad
of the valley . be tween 23° a nd 24°W , ca mcs va lley. Several fault sca rps occ ur in the va lle ys.
the older structu res on it. A less prominent and Th e active fa ult is not co nfined to the bottom
narrow er ridge occ urs o n the so ut h side be- o f the valley. bUI occ upies various positio ns o n
twee n 200 a nd 22°W. the flanks or e ve n the la p of the slope .
Th ese detailed observat io ns on fracture Th e per vas ive spreading fa bric fou nd o n the
zones confirm the trans form fa ult model de- Pacific ocean floor is modifi ed near the tr a ns-
scribed by Bonani ( 197H) . Tra nsve rse ridges fo rm fau lts, begin ning abo ut 4-10 km from the
carry ing base me nt s tr uctures a re clear ly the fau lt with a ge nt le curve . T his brings the fab ric
prod uct o f diffe rent ial uplift rat he r than intru - to a tren d of a bo ut 5SO from the nor mal
sion. An impo rta nt re fi nemen t to the Bcna u i di rec tion within 2- 3 km of the tra nsform fau lt.
model is sugges te d by the o blique sca rps which In some case s the fabri c becomes near ly
imply the o pe rat ion o f a narrow zone o f simple asympt oti c to the fau lt. T he s igmo idal nat ure
shear. abo ut IO km wide , within whic h e xten - o f t he curvature , a nd the degree of obliquity,
sional normal faults form a t 4SO to the spread - con t ras ts wit h t he A tlant ic e xa mples described
ing d irection . wit h long transfor m offse ts above . T he di rection of cu rvature is similar to
(proba bly > 20 km ). a true strike -slip fa ult t hat o f the A tla ntic fract ure zones a nd is in t he
develop s in a na rr ow valley in the ce nt re of this op pos ite se nse 10 the st rike-slip displace me nt
zone. (Figure 6_19). Sea rle ex plains th is curva ture hy
a gradual cha nge in o rien tat ion within a na rrow
zo ne of simp le s hea r alo ng the tra nsfo rm fa ult .
Fa.l'I-sllj l/Jill g !flluufe zones ou the Easl
Linea r feat ures formed at tow an gles to the
Pacific ridge
t ran sform fault arc inte rpre ted as Riedel shea rs
Searle ( I WO ) describes 11 rat he r di ffe re nt (sy nt he t ic s hears with the same se nse o f str ike-
morp ho-tecton ic pa tte rn in the multip le offse t slip displacem e nt as the main fa ul t - sec
zone o f the East Pacific Ridge be twee n 3° an d Figure 6.1 ).
50s using the G l.O RIA side sca n son ar syste m Th e pa tter n o f mu ltiple . close ly-spaced tra ns-
(Figure 6. 19). Nine se pa ra te t ra nsfo rm fau lts fo rm faults is t ho ught by Sea rle to be typica l of
were ide ntified in t hree grou ps corresponding fast-spreadi ng ridge o ffsets. H e also suggests
to the Ouebrado a nd Gofar fracture zo nes a nd tha t t his pa rt icula r zo ne ma y ha ve develo ped in
to the previ ou sly uniden tified D isco ver y Irac- res po nse to a sma ll ( Hf ) clockwise cha nge in
lure w ile. The spacings be twe en the individu al spre ad ing direction . whic h wou ld e ncou rage
transfo rm fau lts ran ge fro m 5 to Io krn . a nd the the deve lopme nt o f t ra nsfo rm fau lts with a
offsets ra nge fro m 24 to 93 km. As in the small e xte nsio na l com po ne nt. T he ne t e ffect
Atlantic fracture zo nes. the individ ual t ra ns- would be to produce a n ove rall clock wise
form faults occu py narrow valleys a few km in cha nge in dive rge nce di rectio n.
width . but in the case o f the closely space d
7 Int ra plat e t ectonic regimes

7. 1 Types an d cnaracrcrtsttcs or intrapl at e Cen tra l Asia (5.4) . Lithosphe re loadi ng a nd

st ruc ture the resulting crusta l thic kenin g will prod uce
isostatic up lift in the reg ion o f th e load , a nd
Accord ing to classica l plate te cto nic the or y, fle xu ra l de press ion in the regio n beyond the
pla tes a re ess e ntially stable inte rna lly. a nd load , prod uein g [ o r<'ltmd basins , Th ese ca nnot
te cto nic eff ects a rc co nce ntra ted at th e ir bou n- he co nside re d as ge nuinely int rapla te phe no -
da ries. Ho we ve r it has always been recognized me na. Ho we ver , many st ructu res situ.ucd fur
tha t thi s was only true to a first a pproxima tio n , fro m plate bo unda ries ma y have no o bvious
a nd tha t a ll regio ns of the Ea rt h's su rface co nnec tio n wit h bou ndary structu re ... . Fo r e x-
e xpe rie nce tecto nic effects 10 so me degr ee . ample t he Ba ikal rift . north of the H ima la ya n
T he most co mmo n type of in traplate (w it hin - pla te bo unda ry (sec Figure S.2g) a nd the
plat e ) tecto nic act ivity is undo ubt ed ly vert ica l Ce nozoic co m press io na l fold be lt o f so ut hern
mo veme nts. Acc ura te geode tic measure me nt s E ngla nd , situa te d 700 km nort h o f the A lpine
invo lving precise levell ing a nd o the r tcch ru- fro nt , arc bo th e xam ples of e nigma tic struc-
qu es have shown that most part s of th e crust tures that ap pe ar to be intr a plate . but fo r
a re und e rgo ing slow uplift or depressio n . Th e wh ich a co nnec tio n with plate bo unda ry tee-
fre q uency a nd distribut io n o f intra pla te e a rt h- Ion ic ef fects ma y he postula ted .
q uak es is a lso an indica tio n of wid esp read Processes lha t ar c unre lat e d o r only in-
tect o nic act ivity, a lbe it to ,I not abl y lesse r direct ly relat e d to plat e mo vem e nts include
deg re e th a n a t plate bo unda r ies. isos tatic respo nses to cha nges in th e de nsity
T he vertica l mo vements , how eve r , ar c ty pi- str ucture of th e lithosphe re or asth e nosp he re ,
ca lly at lea st a n o rder of mag nitud e slowe r than such as int ra pla te hot spots , a nd un lo ad ing du e
th e mo ve me nts associ a ted with plat e bo und ary to the re mo va l of icc shee ts.
activity . La tera l va riat io ns in these int ra pla te A speci al type of int ra pla te basin is forme d
ve rt ica l mo veme nts cre a te a syste m of basins a t passive co ntine nta l ma rgins. Such basins
an d interve ning uplifts th at is th e c ha rac te ristic typicall y show a lo wer fa ulte d sec tion co rres-
st ruct ure of all co ntinental intra plat e re gio ns. ponding to a n e arly rift ing stage in the evo lu-
Th e o rigin of th ese vert ica l int rapl at e mov e- tio n of the basin. A t this stage , th e basin is the
me nts is still the cause of co nside ra ble unce r- produ ct of a d ivergent plat e bounda ry regime
ta inty an d debate . It is co nve nie nt to di vide the (se c 4.3 ). Ho we ve r. d ur ing the la ter sta ges of
po ssib le modes of o rigin in to th ose rel ating to its e vo lut io n, th e basi n bec o mes part of the
horizont al pia te mo ve men ts an d those t hat a re sta ble plat e interior. as the bo unda ry mo ves
no t d irectl y re la ted to such mo ve men Is. Mo ve- awa y fro m its initial po sitio n with co ntinued
me nts in t he fo rme r ca tego ry ta ke place as a se a-floo r sprea ding . Th e A tlantic coa sta l basin s
result of ho rizo nt al d isto rt io ns of the plat e provide exce lle nt exa mples o f such structures.
int e rio r, e ither by e xte nsio n o r by sho rteni ng, Co ntin ued depressio n in t hese basins is pro-
a nd thus violate t he principle of the la te rally d uced by cooling and sinking o f th e oce a nic
' rigid' plate . Th e wide ly used mode l of the lithosphe re a ided by th e g ra vitat io na l load of
e xte nsio na l basin developed o rigina lly by Me- th e se dime nt pile .
Ken zie (1978 ) is depende nt o n a n initia l as- Vert ical mo vem en ts in the oce a nic litho-
sum pt io n of lateral intrapla te e xte nsion . sphe re a re re lat ive ly simply ex pla ine d o n the
Plate bou ndary processes can prod uce ve rti- basis of the cooling mod e l desc ribed in 2.3.
cal mo ve me nts at co nside ra ble d ista nces fro m O ce a n floor is progressive ly de pressed with
the bo unda ry. as we have see n in th e case o f increasing age a nd distance fro m t he spre ad ing


, -
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7. 1 Recent vcrucat movcrn c uts in
ofthe USA . Nul<: p<lrllcul<l rl y the uphlt

cu n 01 M . .ICO
-, "r the Grear Lakes region am) depression in
lhe Gulf of Mexico_ Conlour'. ill mmzycar .
from rc- lcvclhng ;mu sen or I" ke le ve l
change, . Alle r Bro wn and (I',1Xl I)

centre . Depart ures from this gen e ral rule occ ur recent ve rtical movements in the stab le Arnc ri-
in areas nf hot-spo t ac tivity. where the oce an can co ntine ntal plate is shown in Figure 7. 1.
crust becom es mo re bunyan I due to the tbe r- Note that the rates of movem ent arc low - in
mal effec ts o n the den sity structure. Similar the ran ge 0 - 5 nun/yea r - an o rder o f magni-
variatio ns associat ed with fracture zones were tud e smaller than those associa ted with hor i-
discussed in 6.4 , zo ntal plate movemen t. Se vera l depressed
Cratonic basins vary wide ly in mo rph ology region s are associa ted with subside nce alo ng
and st ructure . Man y appe ar to be underlain by t he pass ive co ntinental margin . particular ly in
rift system s. in which case it is possib le to use the Gulf of Mexico. Eq ual ly prominent is the
the lit hosphere stre tching model to exp lain uplifted region o f the Great Lak es. attributed
their ge neratio n. Th e No rth Sea is an excellent 10 post-glacial rebound . Recent movements in
example o f this type of basin. and is described the Russian platfor m (Figure 7.4) d isp lay a
in de tail below . simila r pattern ,
T he ave rage rates ca lculated fo r recent
ve rtical movem en ts a re much higher (b y more
Determ ination of recen t vertical movem ents in
than x 10) than those calculated from the study
ploseinterio rs
of sed ime ntary basins measured over millio ns
The most wide ly used method of gai ning o f yea rs. As we shall see, these ave rage o nly
accura te info rma tion conce rning present -da y about O.2m m/year. T his suggests that crato nic
movement s is by the geode tic tech niqu e o f mo vements are e pisod ic or oscillatory ove r
repeated precise levelling and trian gulation . periods o f the ord er o f H~ years o r mo re ,
Info rmatio n abou t ra the r longer-term move- Perhaps periods of relati vely rapid dep ression
ments ca n also be obtained from mea su ring o ld o r uplift ar e separated by much longe r periods
lake and sea sho re levels. T he distribu tion of o f co mparative quiescence ,

T he re IS so me e vide nce po intin g to a co r- of se dime nts co mme nced in late Prot e ro zoic
re lat ion be t wee n pr esent mo vement and topo- nm c. a ro und 14 ()O M ,l ago , o n high ly defo rme d
gr aphy . 1\ rcas CU Trent Iy u ndergo i ng dep ression a nd meta mor phose d early Prot erozoi c base -
arc already low -l yin g, <l OU those und er going rncru. In th e nonncustcr n pa rt of t he pla tform
uplift arc alr ea d y elev a te d. con tir m ing th a t the ho we ve r, de posi tion did no t co mme nce un til
curre nt move ments a rc pnn o f a longe r-te rm t he Ordo vician .
process. Th e aut hors s ubdivide th e st ruct u res fo und
with in the platfo rm into thre e ma in types: (i)
la rge circular de pression s (sy nec tises v o r up lifts
7.2 Th e Ru..sia n platfo rm : a typical intraplate
(antectises v cause d by flexure of the Ea rt h's
regio n'!
cr ust; ( ii) lar ge elongate gr abe n (tluili cogens)
The stable inter ior o f t he Europ ean part of the d ue mainly to faulring; and (ii i) c mb aymc nrs at
Eurasian piatc co nsists of th e Fe nnosca ndia n the ma rgins of the platfo rm associat ed with
or Balti c shield and the Russian ptatjorm subs idi ng bas ins of plate bo undary type .
( Figure 7 .2). T his la rge re gio n ha s existe d as a M OSI of the la rge structures ar c a t le ast
cra to n since m id- Pro terozoic tim es a nd is 1000 km across a nd represen t crus ta l fle xures
surrounded by orogenic hells o f Phanerozoic with amplitudes of around 1500 m an ave rage .
age: the Ca ledonia n belt in the north wes t. t he A ulacoge ns a rc th e do m ina nt type o f basin : of
He rcyn ia n belt s of wes te rn E urope a nd th e the e leve n major bas ins recogn ized , se ven ma y
Ura ls o n the so ut hwes te rn an d eas te rn sides be clas sified as a ulacoge ns. Th e formation
respectivel y, a nd the Al pi ne bel l in th e so uth . o f a ulac oge ns was virtually confi ned to two
In a re vie w o f t he Ru ssia n platfo rm by pe riod s. th e la te Prote rozoic a nd the mid-
Ale inikov et ot. ( 19HO), e leve n m ajor sedi men- Palaeozoic ( Fig ure 7.3A, lJ). Most a ula coge ns
tary basins a nd six uplifts a re recogniz ed . In a ppe <lr 10 be rep laced by much wider basins
t he ce ntra l part of t h ~ pla tfor m . depositio n wit h tim e : thus the la te Preca mbr ia n au taco -


~'iRU rl' 7.2 Tec tonic se tting of the Rus-

sian platform. The platform lind Bailie

L_L1JJL1J_Li::I:1::::t :r:::lL1J:: :>---'::d.::':=LJ shield toge ther comprise a Phanerozoic

craton surrounded by orog enic belts.
IN n UU' LA I E I ECTO:-.K IO-.GI ' I FS I t) 1

gens ur e replaced by ea rly Pataco zcic basin v dm \ nwardv. in con t ras t to th e ncigh bounng
(compa re Figure 7. 3A ,8 ). For exampl e , t he Baltic shield. which was ge ne ra lly u plift e d
mid- Russian aulacoge n is t he s ite o f the m uch during the sa me per iod . T he major basins
larger Mosco w sy neclise d uring t he latest Pre- existe d Fo r pe riod s rangm g from 160 to n OMa
ca mb rian anti e ar ly Pa lae o zo ic. By O rdovician wuh <Ill ave rag e life of 350 f\.lil. T he auluc o -
and S iluri an ti me s , o nly two maj or ba sins ge ns . o n the o the r hand , had a s ho rte r life-sp a n
existe d within the platform : the Balti c syn- o f 1 ~ Il M;J o n a ver age. The ave rag e rat e of de-
cerise , whic h represe nts <Ill e xtensio n we st- pr ession from 14(}0 M a ii i' to t he present is 7 m/
wards of the Mo sco w syne clise. a nd t he Ma . o r O.(J07 m m/ye <J r. In th e ma jor au laco-
Pechora sy necli se . whic h fo rm c J o n tile site of ge ns . the ra te of subs ide nce was muc h highe r ,
the la te Pre ca mbria n Timan geosyncline ( Fi- about flO- I<J<J m/Ma (0 -116-0 .2 rum/year) In th e
gure 7.3 8 ) . In thc mid -Palaeozoic . howe ve r ca case of th e De vo nia n e xa mpl es.
new major aulacogen form ed . the Dneipcr -. Th e aulacogens a re bo unde d by major Faults
Don e tsk a ulacogen . ac ro ss th e ce ntre o f a large se ve ral hund red km in length , with a t hrow o f
do rnal upli ft consisti ng o f the Voronezh an- up to I km . Man y of these faults hav e been
tcclis c to th e northeast . an d the U kr ainian inte rm itt entl y ac tive o ve r lo ng periods of time .
nmcclisc 10 th e so uthwest ( Figure 7..1 C) . T he Sma ller fault s with throw s o f the orde r of le ns
Mosco w syne clis e bec ame re- act ivated . and t he of me tres for m st e p- like sys te ms in th e ba se-
Pre-Casp ia n synecl ise formed in th e so uth. me nt. and a re associated with t he ea rlier stages
During Mesoz oi c and Ce no zo ic lime . the of depre ssio n o f th e major ba sins . Ho we ve r,
Pre-Cas pian syneclise cont inued to subside. faultin g . tho ug h abundan t in the P reca m b ria n
but elsewhere a n almost co m ple tely d iffer ent bas em e nt . is uncommon in the Me so zo ic
pattern had be e n es tabli shed (Fi gure 7.'> 0) . struta . which ar c no rmally a ffect ed o nly h y
Th e other ma jo r basi ns to nned d uring th is flexur es .
pe r io d were the D neipc r - Do nc tz syneclise . The format ion of t he major platform stru c-
formed on th e site o f t he ea rlier a ula co gen . a lure s (i.e . th ose la rge r tha n 100 km ac ross) is
much re duced Mosco w basin , and the new con side red to be re la te d to proce sse s occ urring
Ul'yanovskc-S a ra tov de pre ssio n for me d o n the at de pths of severa l te ns ofk m . T he thick ness
site of th e Vol ga - U ral an teclise . o f th e cr us t o f the Russia n platform varies from
Several im po rta nt co nclusio ns ca n be drawn 37 10 53 km , wit h an average value o f 46 km .
fro m th e an a lysis o f th e se intraplate str uctures . T he greater the thic kne ss of th e sedime nt a ry
A lmost all the major basins o rigina ted as cover , the sma lle r is th e t hickn e ss of t he
aul aco gen s (i.e . rifts in ou r pre viou s te rmino l- basement : th at is , dee p basins corre spo nd to
ogy) th at form ed in o nly IwO main per iods . a reas of thin basement c rus t . For exa mp le , in
Man y pa rts o f th e pla tfo rm a ppear to ha ve basins with mo re tha n 5 km o f sed ime nt fill, the
alte rna te d be twe e n ac tive basin subs ide nce a nd basement th ic kness averages o nly 38km .
e ithe r neutra l o r upli ft beha viou r. Suc h a re as Areas with a round 1 km o f se di me nt cove r
ex hibi t t he pr operl y of in version (se e Bclous- ha ve ave rage baseme nt th ick nesses of 46 km .
SOY, 1962 ) whe re a part o f th e crus t re ver se s a T hus re gio ns of belo w-a ve rage base me nt
lo ng-co nt inu e d d ire ction o f ve rt ical mo ve men t . th ickn ess are on ly pa rtly co m pe nsa te d by
Inve rsio n is cha rac te rist ic o f intraplate re gio ns thicker sedi me nt cover.
as we ll as of o roge nic belts a nd severa l good The pauern of rec e nt ve rt ical mo vemen ts on
exam ples ma y be noted in Figure 7.3. T h us th e Ru ssian pla tform is illustr a ted in Figure
parts of t he Upper Pa laeozoic Vo ronezh- 7.4. The se sho w rat es of mo veme nt ra nging up
U kraine u pli ft fo rm ed la te Pre cambri an o r to over 5 mm /ye a r. M ajor zo nes o f recent up lift
ea rly Pala eozoic basins , a nd o the r pa rts occ ur in the re gio n of th e Ba lt ic shie ld, an d in
fo rme d a M eso zoi c bas in. th e U k ra inia n a nd Vo ro ne zh up lift s , a nd de-
O ve ra ll move me nt of th e plat for m was pre ssio n is still occurring in th e M osco w basin

i \ I


300 Km

~ '\. ('8\~ I C)


c D

-300 Km
300 K m


Figure 7.3 Four stages in the tectonic evolution of thc Russian platfor m, showing the locatio n of the major intraplate structures: (A ) Upper (Late)
Proterozoic; (B ) Early Palaeozoic; (e) Mid-Late Palaeozoic; (D) Mesozoic and Cenozoic. I, Baltic shield; 2, Ukrainian anteclise; 3, Timan ridge; 4,
Voronezh anteclise; 5, Volga-U ral anteclise: 0, Pre-Caspian syneclise; 7. Pechora syneclise ; 8, Moscovian syneclise; 9, Baltic syneclise; 10, Pachelma
aulacogen ; 11, Dneipe r-D onetsk aulacoge n; 12, Pechora-Kolvin aulacogen; 13, Vyatka aulacogen; 14, Mid-Russian aulacogen; 15, Kaltasa aulacogen ; \Q
1o, Sernovods k-Abd ulino aulacogen; 17, Ul'yanovsk-Saratov dep ression ; 18, Ors hansk syneclise; 19, Dneiper-Do netsk syneclise. From Aleinikov et al . W

(1980), with permission.


, I


t'i ~u r " 7.4 Patte rn of rece nt ve rt ical move-

mcr ns in the Russia n plutfcrur. Contours in
mmrycar Based on n;: .lcvd ling data. The
sup pled arca i ~ under go ing ~u h~i de ll ce . From
,, ~
Vita-Finzi ( 1'J,s6) . alte r Mal1skov" (1% 7).

and in the large de pressio n extendi ng sou theast fore ma jo r cr ustal structures and form . with
of Moscow towards the Caspian Sea . T his the associated uplift s, the most im po rtan t and
pa ttern indica tes th at the major phil form struc- wide spread type o f int raplate regime . O ver a
tures of the Mesozo ic ( Figure 7.3D ) a TC still long lime-scal e . the ve rt ical mo vements res-
active. but tha i the T,(t CS of movement are po nsible for t hese st ructures co nstitute a signi-
arou nd two orders o f magnit ude greater than ficant de part ure from intrap late sta bility.
those measured ove r periods o f JOO - lOOO Ma. We sha ll now loo k at se ver al classical and
The Russ ian pla tform is a particular ly well- well-st ud ied examples o f intra plate sedimen-
studied examp le o f a maj or int raplate region. tary ba sins fro m d ifferent cont inents: the Paris
Other co ntine nts, howe ver , display a similar bas in in Weste rn E urope , the Michigan basin
pattern of to ng-co ntin ued eq uidimensional or in the north ern USA , and t he T aoudeni bas in
non-linea r basins separa ted by broad uplifts. in West Africa . T hese arc exam ples of former
Th is pattern may be see n on tectonic maps of mar ine ba sins that are now ina ct ive o r which
all the co ntine nts and is particularly clearly for m sha llow co ntine ntal depressions. In a
d isplayed o n t he tectonic maps of Nort h later sec tio n (7.4 ) we sha ll exami ne in more
A merica and A frica . de tai l t he No rth Sea bas in and t he At lan tic
co ntinent al margin of the northern USA ,
which are examples of currently active marine
7.3 Inlrapl ale basins
basins whose str uct ur e is comparat ively well
We have seen fro m o ur study of the Russian know n be cause of oil and gas exp loration.
platform th at major tecto nic basins can be
recognized t he re, charac terized by co ntinued
The Paris basin
dep ression o ver pe riod s of l OO-I OOO Ma .
These bas ins are large features with dimen - This basi n . descr ibed by Megn ie n and Po merol
sio ns a pproxi mately 500 - 1000 km across, and (1980), about 600 km in diamet er, is sit uated in
represe nt depressio ns in the basement of , in no rth ern France , and is one of the be st -de fined
some case s, ove r 5 km de pth . T hey are ther e- basin struct ures in E urope . It rests on Pa laeo-
zoic base men t to the west (Massif Armo rica in) ,
south (Massif Ce ntral) a nd e as t (A rde nnes
massi f) , b UI e xte nds to tile north int o th e ,
English C ha nnel . a nd no rt hea stwa rds to war ds ~ "o .m
the North Sea .
T he basin proba bly ori gina ted d urin g U ppe r
T riassic lime . hut ex iste d as a well-defined •,
basi n str uc ture onl y d uring the J urassic and
Cre ta ce o us pe riods. D ur ing th is lime , a to tal
maximum thickn ess of 2\jOIl m of sediments
acc um ulated . Ho we ve r. t he a re a o f ma ximu m
subsidence migrated southwards for a distance
o f 60 km during this pe rio d . so th at the tot a l
thick ne ss a t an yone pa lm a long this line is
rat her less than th is . T he authors d em onst rat e ,
fro m a stud y of the va riat io n in cu mula tive
thickness with time , a ra the r ste ady ra te o f
accum ulation o f sed ime nts with an ave rage
rat e o f 2 1.5 m/M a (0.2 m m/yea r). The a ut ho rs
attrib ut e the growt h of the basin o ve r th is
period to g rad ua l flexing o f the c rust ind uced
by th e sed ime nt load ing , bU I do no t co mme nt
o n t he init ial mo de of ori gin of the basin .

Fil;ua 7. 5 Th o: ~ h ~ p<.: of the Mic higan bas m , shown by

The Michigan basin su uel ur a l co n to u rs (m n x 10-' ) on the Precam brian
basem e n t C ircled tria ngle s ind icate bo reho les. N Oh~
This basin has been in ten sivel y stud ied by grad ual lind steepeni ng d ip or the base men t surface
mea ns o f nume ro us bo re holes , and g ravity to wa rds th e ce ntre of the bas in. From Sleep ( 1900). wilh
a nd mag ne t ic sur veys. Th e basin was fo rmed in pe rmission .

mid -Ordov icia n time a nd lasted at le ast until

the late Carbo nife ro us. T he basa l mid -
O rdovicia n sedi me nts res t un co nformably o n to re gio nal subside nce ca use d by load ing.
Pre ca mb rian basem en t. Structural con to urs o n The re se e ms to be no ge ne ra l agreem ent ,
the baseme nt surface ( Figure 7.5) ind ica te a n howe ve r, ove r the o rigin o f the structure .
unusua lly regu lar, a lmost pe rfe ctly circula r,
shape with a grad ua l incre ase in de pth to wa rds
The Taoudeni basin
a we ll-defined ce ntra l point. Most Pa lae ozoic
unit s thicke n tow a rds the ce ntre of th e basi n , This basin, describe d by Bronne r et at. (1980),
a nd facies va ria tio ns indic a te co nsiste ntly is o ne of the most prominent st ruct ura l fea-
deeper-wa ter co nd itio ns th e re . Subsid en ce tures of the African cra to n. II lies in w est
therefore ha s co ntinued thro ughou t most o f A fr ica , m ainly in Ma urita nia and Ma li, in the
the life time o f the basin. The total thi ckness western Saha ra region (Figu re 7.6) a nd is ab out
in the ce ntre is about 3 km , fro m wh ich 1300 km across , with an a rea of 2 x 1O"'km2 .
a n ave rage ra te of subside nce of 24 m1Ma The sed ime nta ry thick ness varies fro m IOO(J-
(0 .24 mm /ye a r) is o bta ined - very similar to 1500 m . The basin res ts o n A rchae an a nd Ea rly
tha t of th e Pa ris basin. Proterozoic ba seme nt whic h form s sh ie ld ar eas
A sma ll positive free -a ir gra vity a no ma ly to th e north and so uth . It is bounded o n th e
over the basin is a ttribute d by w alcot t (1970) west by th e Pal ae ozoic Maurita nide belt , a nd

. " N OO .... ..... 1rI


]0· ...

0 ...."'....

'" '

01'05, ·".....£020 1(: COVEll m ""OOU .. lIlEc , ell ' N ....SEMEN T

r-I _ l " (OftQUO' 4 . t7"""':J LOWEll " .tC ' N Oil

L-.J Dl VO"lO 'C"'''_''IIlOUS Lt......:J .....C HE S,(Mf N l
r---l ~IlGIlOUf'S J ..... 0 Z. LOWEll O..OOV' C .
_ C ,......._ UH1 lXl '''tCAMI .. .........lH .. UST
_ lllG"OU' I ."""" " ICAMtII'I'",.. ~ " IlS U U N1Is.oe.A1 H$ , A L1 IT Uot' ' ....EU .. S
11'OO·_Mo I f!i a u .ow 5(" U vH I "'I(~ IN TH E

RH C A l l O()t,f() · H ( ,,<: Y," ' AH ' OLD a ELU

", .oil SOU' HU'N ..... ,,, 01' THE ' ...ouN .... -...s'N

~ ...."I · ...' .. tc ..... I .. _ ·MO ... " OL D nLl$


n~urt 7.6 Simplified map showing lhe tecto nic sellin g ,If th e Taoud eni "asin in West Afr ica . From Bronner et af. ( I'lHO)
I Nrll.Al' LAT E T Ec r ON IC II.I;:Gl~ ES J97
10 the east by th e la te Pre cambrian to ea rly rift- fil l sed ime nts of su pe rg ro up 1, onla pping
Cambr ian Pharu side belt . the basemen t <I I the sides of the rift. T his
The se dime nta ry fi ll ran ges in age fro m mid - curved trough . whic h co nt rolled se di me ntat io n
Prot e ro zo ic ( l IO()- !O()O Ma) to Ca rbo nife ro us . in the late Precam bri an basin , coi ncides wit h
The ce nt ra l pa ri of th e basin is co ve red by a a bell of iron-rich g neisses within the ea rly
thin veneer o f Meso zo ic and Ce nozo ic sc di- Precambria n baseme nt . and with a st ro ng .
mc nt s. T he se q ue nce with in t he basin is s ub- loca l, positive gravity a no maly. The a ut ho rs
d ivided into fou r supe rgro ups se par ated by att ribute the form at io n of the r ift to the
unco nform ities or di sco nfo rm ities. T hese sho w gravitational respo nse of the c rust to this
quite differe nt subside nce ra tes, va ryin g fro m excess we ight.
4 m/M a fo r supe rg ro up I {late Precambria n) to
!6 m/ Ma for supe rg ro up 4 ( De vonia n) . T he
O rigin of intraplate basins
mean subside nce ra te for the who le pe riod of
activity is a bo ut S m/ Ma (= (I.(IS mm/yea r) . T he o r igin of se di ment ary ba sins is discussed
T he ma in basin co nt a ins two sm a lle r bas ins by Ba lly ( 1980. 19H2), who cla ssifi es ba sins into
with depths o f a bo ut 2S00 m. a nd a curved 19 types base d o n the ir tecton ic loca tio n. H is
linear trough with a maxi mum dc pth o f 5- funda me nta l divisio n is be tween basins associ a-
ekm . T his tro ugh appe a rs to ha ve e xisted as ted with 'm cgasut u res' (i.e. pla te bounda ries )
a majo r rift zo ne in th e late Pre ca mbri an . a nd a nd th ose loca ted o n ' rigid' lithosphere (i.e.
docs no t e xte nd in to the Pha ne ro zoi c, since the in tra plate) . Of the intr a pla te basins. he reco gn-
seco nd supe rg ro up rests un confo rma bly on th e izes the follo w ing catego ries:

(1) Rela ted 10 format ion of oce anic cr ust

, (oceanic basins)
(a ) Rifts
,.. 4.;.; ~p"'''\lfirfm<:7Zil
1 , ,,( ClOEN«: CRIST
(b) O ce anic tra nsform fa ult-associ a te d
9 ~ .... (c) Ocean ic a byssa l plains
(d ) Atlantic-type pa ssive ma rgins (sh elf.
slope and rise ) which s tra dd le con -
rinenra l a nd oce a nic crus t
[ i) O verlying e a rlie r rift syste ms
(ii) O verlying e a rlier tra nsfo rm
syste ms

, , (iii) O ve rlying e a rlie r back-a rc

, , -,, , ,
basi ns

<: / ,
/ / / (2) Loc ate d o n pre-Mesozoic con tinenta llitho-
'" , /'
sphe re (cratonic basins)
(a) Loca ted o n e a rlie r rifte d graben
Figur~ 1.1 Sche malic model illustrating lhe rcctomc
(b) Loca ted o n forme r back-a rc basins.
crre"'C1 of sedimeni iood ing al a co ntinental mar gin. In (u)
a 200 km-widc Iransilio n be twee n continental and oc eanic O ce a nic basins of type s 1(3) a nd I (b) ha ve
crUSI ts assumed; (b ) sbo ws ca leu1aled ru ull of loa ding, a lre ad y bee n discussed (see 4.2 a nd 6.4) .
using the A iry mode l. assum ing a sedime nt den sity of
24S0 kglm·'. and mantle density o r 33()() kglm~ ; (cl sho ws Basins of type I (c) ar e co ntrolled by the age
calculated result using a ftcxu rlli lollding model . assuming a an d cooling-re lated depressio n of oce a nic litho-
lIcll.u ra l rigidily o r 2 x IIPNm, and den sities as in (/I) . sphe re as it mo ves away fro m spre ad ing ridges.
Note that the inward edge o r the load in (c) mignllcs
inwards over lhe co nlinen!. Fro m BOll ( 1980) Such basins are impo rtan t a t p rese nt in te rm s
of thei r a re a l e xte nt. since (he y co nstitute most

o f the ocean floo r . but are not of such great Iy excl usive. a nd all are pro ba bly o perative 10
geologicut Inte rest because they arc not pre- some exte nt . with the e xce ptio n of ( vi). Co m-
se rve d in the pre-Mesozoi c geologica! record . ple rc ocea niza tion . proposed by Belo ussov
Passive-m a rgin bas ins . in co nt ras t. a re of great ( 1968) . is implaus ible since a mixtu re of c rustal
impo rt ance because of the large volumes of a nd ma ntic den siti es will still be lighte r t ha n
ter rigenou s sedimen t thai accumulate in th em. ma ntle ma te r ial a nd will be unabl e to sin k into
a nd because they be come welded to the con - it (see A rty ushkov et al.• 1 9 ~O) . Howe ve r,
tinen tal crust du r ing collisional o roge nesis. pa rt ial ccca nization of t he crust is ess en tially
Ball y distingu ishes three type s acco rd ing 10 the process e nvisaged in mecha nisms (iv) and
whe the r the bas ins we re initialed over rifts. (v).
t ra nsfo rm faults . or bac k-ar c spreadi ng-basi ns. T here ap pea rs to be widespre ad ag reeme nt
Ty pes d (i) and d(iii) arc extensional in origin. that most basi ns result fro m a n isost at ic te-
whereas Iype d( ii) is strike-slip. However. in sponse 10 a po rtion of lithospher e that has
eac h case the initial de pression results from the become , for so me reason . mo re de nse than its
crea tion of ocea nic lit hosph er e tha t becom es su rro undi ngs. T he incr ease in de nsity ma y
isostat icall y de presse d in rel a tion to surrou nd- a rise in se veral dif feren t wa ys: in the ocea ns,
mg a reas. an d in co ntine ntal rift zon es. it results fro m
Co nt ine ntal o r cr a to nic basins of intraplate straig htforwa rd coo ling of a n initiall y heat ed
type are di vided into two catego ries: those region ; else whe re . it is a conseq uence of t he
loca ted on ea rlie r rifts. an d tho se loca ted o n e mplace me nt of den se man t le -deri ved ma ter ial
fo rme r ba ck-a rc ba sins. In bo th cases. the within the crust. T he main a rea o f disagree-
origin o f the basi ns is rega rded as e xtension al, me nt ap pears 10 be be twee n those who rega rd
ca using crustal t hinning a nd de pression o f the lith osphe re stre tchi ng an d rifti ng as the main,
surface. or indeed the o nly. met hod for genera ting this
T he im plica tion (If Ba lly's classificati on is crusta l t ra nsfo rma tion , a nd those who bel ieve
tha t the ori gin of intr a plate basins is rel ate d 10 that such a proc ess proceeds inde pe nden t ly of
a n inhe rite d crustal structure . that is, o ne t he no rmal plate tec to nic processes, a nd with-
resulting from a forme r pe riod of tectonic o ut significa nt lith osph eri c st re tching .
activity thai ca used the su rface de pressio n. T he mechan ism which is now widel y re ferred
T here is. howev e r. co nside ra ble co nt roversy to as the Mc Kenzie st re tc hing mod el ( Me-
over the o rigin of the de pressions req uired to Ke nzie . 1( 78) ass umes tha t basin fo rma tio n is
c rea te intra pla te basin s, a nd the es ta blishme nt the res ult of a n ' insta nta neo us' lithosphere
of a ge ne rally agreed model has been ha m- exte nsio n. T his proce ss thins the lithosph ere .
pe red by the lack of e vide nce as to the dee p producing a surface de pression a nd a co r-
str uct ure of ma ny basins. A number of pro- responding upwa rds bu lge in the base of the
po sed mec ha nisms a re cited by Bally: ( i) lit hospher e . The thinned litho sp he re ge ne ra tes
sedime nt load ing; (ii) isostat ic response to a the rm al an om al y. since the wa rm ast he no-
coo ling a nd de nsity increase ; (iii ) lithosph ere sphe re is now close r to the surface in the
str etc hing a nd thinning ; ( iv) e mplace me nt o f stre tc hed por tio n. Howe ver. as the initial basin
de nse . ma ntle-deri ved . igneous material ; (v) fills with sed ime nt. the the rma l a no ma ly grad-
de nsity increa se o f lowe r-crust al rock s due to ually deca ys. a nd the base of t he litho spher e
ga bbro-eclogite phase cha nge ; (vi) com ple te re t urns to its origina l le vel. This slo w cooling
basitlcation o r oceanization o f the co ntine nta l results in grad ual isosta tic s ubside nce ove r a
crust by t he supply of ult ramafic ma terial fro m pe riod o f a bout 6OMa .
the ma ntl e ; a nd (vii) creep of duct ile middle- to The initi al McKen zie mod el e nvisaged in-
lower-crust al ma te rial to wards the ocea n at a stantaneous stre tching for simp licity. How-
passive margin . e ve r. Ja rvis a nd McKe nzie (1980) ha ve sho wn
These mechanism s a re by no mea ns mutual- tha t fo r most basins t he insta ntaneo us model
I NT RA f' I .Al'I'. I ECroN IC REGIMES 1<J9
predicts the subsidence geo metry accura tely. fo r sufficie nt sed imen t 10 accurnu lutc . Bot!
prov ided that the d urat io n o f the initial stretch- (1980) , in an ada ptatio n of the flex ure model
ing is tess tha n 601[3 Mu, whe re the stretc hing deve loped by Walco tt ( 1972), sho ws that . in a
factor [3 is less than 2 . and 601[ 1- ( ll[lll if [3 200 km wide tran sitio n zo ne at a passive co n-
~ 2. T hus fo r a value o f [J = 1.5 co rrespo nd ing tinent al margin ( Figure 7Jl) , a th ick pile of
to the mean value for 11 basins (see Table 2.6) sedime nt at a ma jor delta , such as t hat or the
the durat ion o f initial stre tching should be less Nige r. will produce a down warpin g ex ten din g
than 27 Ma for the model to ap ply. The model for about ISO km be yond the area of the initial
ap pea rs 10 accoun t successfull y fo r the strati- load . Th e sed ime nt load ing mechanism can
graph y and subsidence histo ry in the Pan - produce a sedim entary pile of twice the initial
no nia n basin of Hungar y and the No rth Sell water dep th for sed ime nt wit h a me an lknsi ly
basin (Ch rist ie und Sclatc r, 19HO) . of 250 kgfm~, and of nea rly th ree times the
Subsidence du e to sed ime nt loa din g is the initial water depth for sed ime nt with a mean
simple grav itatio nal response to impos ing an de nsity of 255 kgfm). Thick she lf successio ns
exira mass on the sur face (Dietz. 1963 ; w al- formed in wa te r with a de pth o f less than ab o ut
Co li , 1972) and requires an initial depression 200 m canno t for m by this mechan ism. but to tal

. · .· . ·. 0
- . -. L'_ --,--_"

-. fS . · . ·. · . ·

Figure 7.8 Simplified maps illu' lrilling

two stages: (A ) E.u ly Jurassic. ( 8 ) Mid .
dle Jurassic. in the tect onic evolutio n of
the North Sea basin. Open stipple, land
areas; erose seipple , major rin s with
bo u nd a ry faults indicated by heavy tines
with lick on downthrown side. Th e dense
dashed are a in (8 ) represe nts the uplift
comprising the Ce ntral Nort h Sea dome .
the Shetland platform and adjoininil iand
areas of northern Br uain . ' V ' marks
areas or co ntempo raneous volcanicity. G,
Gr eenla nd . RD. Rockall Ban k; FP.
Fa rce s Plateau; UP. J1e~ritkiln plat -
(o rm: sr, Shet lands platfoe rn; FS. Fe e-
ncscandia; IR . Irish massif; W . w elsa
massif: cr, G ramp ian - Pen nine ma~f ;
A M. Armorican massif; L B, London -
o 8rabant massif; lB . lberian massif; VB.
Vinde lician -Bohemian massif. After
"'" Zieg ler (1982) .

thick nesses of a bout 14km co uld fo rm nea r the be tween Brita in a nd Scand ina via , ope ning into
ba se o f the contine nta l slo pe if the initia l depth the At lantic O cean in the no rth . It is loze nge-
is g rea ter than this. shaped. me asu ring 1000 km a long its lon ger
T he sedi me nt loading mechanism pro vides a side in a N- S direct ion . a nd a bo ut SOOkm
me a ns o f e xpla ining the co ntinue d e vo lutio n of ac ross from eas t to west. With the e xceptio n of
basins lon g aft e r th eir initial causa l mecha n- a narro w st rip along th e coast of No rwa y. the
ism s have cea sed to opera te . Th e process thus basin is eve rywhe re less than 200m in dept h . It
e xpla ins th e! ve ry lo ng life (ra nging fro m 100- recei ves terrigen o us sedi ment from a numbe r
7no Ma ) of the major inactive basins di scussed of major rivers in eas te rn Britain , the Nethe r-
e a rlier, despite the re la tively sho r t lime lands. West Ge rm any and southern Norway.
periods required by the init ial e xte nsio nal o r T he histor y of the basin is summarized by
th erma l cooli ng eve nts (of th e orde r o f tens of Ziegle r ( 19H2) . T he ba sin pro ba bly o riginated
Ma on ly) . in th e Devon ian peri od , IS o ne o f a number of
It is significa nt tha t man y o f the major bas ins continental ex te nsiona l r ift bas ins developed in
disc ussed above ap pea r to be situated over the region of the Caledonian orogenic be lt in
e a rly rifts. It appea rs like ly therefore tha t Brita in a nd Norway (see 8.3). D uring the
most , if not a ll. majo r basins that a re ge nui nel y Pe rm ian , two se pa ra te ba sins ex isted in th e
int ra plate ( i.e . e xcludi ng passive-m ar gin types) no rthern and so uthe rn No rth Se a respectively.
o rigina te d hy a p rocess of exten sional .rilu ng sepa ra te d by th e mid -North Sea high . T he
t ha t a llowed dense mat er ial to be e mplace d prese nt Nort h Sea basin was initia ted in the
locall y within the c rust. or at th e base o f T riassic pe riod as pa rt of an extensive rift
thin ned crust . giving rise to isos ta tic de pres- system connec ting with the m ajor Arctic-
sio n. The amount of e xte nsio n need not he At lan tic rift. T he two major rifts in th e North
la rge : a nar ro w zone of se vere local ized th in- Sea a re t he Viking an d Ce nt ra l gra be n. which
ning with acco mpanying basificaticn . o r a wide lie mid wa y betwee n Norway a nd Shetla nd. and
zon e of less in ten se thinning, ma y ea ch pro- between No rway and mainla nd Bri tain res-
d uce la rge basins du e to the su bse q ue nt isosta- pcctively (Figure 7 .~) . Th ese two rifts mee t in a
tic res ponses. a lthough th e detai led geometry tri ple junctio n with a g raben th at extends
will d iffer (see Figure 2.29). westwa rds into th e Mora y Fir th .
Basins o riginat ing by cr usta l flexure req uire In the ea rly J urassic. a rise in sea-level
a n initial lo ad such as thai prov ide d by a th rust produce d a wide spread ma rine tran sgr essio n
shee t. Bas ins of this type a re the refore no t across th e No rt h Sea bas in linkin g th e A rct ic
ge nuinely intraplate in o rigin. but a re asso - a nd Tethyan Oceans via t he rift systems of
ciated with destruc tive pl ate boundaries. Western E urope . S ubsidence a ppears to have
The y differ fro m ex te nsiona l basins in not continued th rou ghout th e e arly Jurassic , but
ex hibit ing c rustal thi nn ing, and ca n ther efore was inte r rupte d in mid -Ju rassic time s by the
be distinguished fro m the m by geophys ical c re a tio n of a lar ge rift ed dom e. 2- 3 km high , in
means. t he ce n tra l No rth Sea (Fig ure 7.88) . A large
vo lca nic ce nt re was establishe d in the area of
th e tri ple junction and severa l sma lle r ce nt res
7.4 Exam ples of ac tive marine basins: the alo ng the Viking G raben a nd to the east. T his
North Sea a nd the Atlantic continental upl ift ph ase was associate d with th e majo r
margin of (he US A regional kinematic cha nge th at resulted in the
open ing of the Ce nt ral A tlant ic (see Fig ure
The Nor th Sea basin 3.58 ).
By lat e Jurassic time , th e dome had sub-
This la rge ma r ine basin is situa ted o n co n- sided , and de e p- wa ter co nd itio ns had become
tinental crust of th e northwest Eurasia n plate re-established througho ut th e bas in . Con-

6 [XAGG£ RAT'Of\l

-' .. o

";.':W~G.~ .·~ :' JE'~tX';:" y!};~·it.~1 ! •



UP': C..:-rACEoos

Tl'l'~S1 C

100 200 250km


0 '00


Figur, 7_9 (A ) Simplificd st ructural cross-sections. (8). seismic-refraction crustal pro f dc, ac ross the Viking G rabe n.
Figure> in ( 8) arc mean P -I'I;lVC sci~m ic: velocities. Fro m Zieglcr ( 1'J1l2)
20 2 G t,:O I.OG ICAI. STll.UCIU II.l'S AN !) M o v t~ (j Pl .... res

tinued e xte ns io n took place by the westwards grabe n. A typical cr usta l profi le across the riil
move me nt of Britain in rel at ion 10 bo th Scan- ( Figu re 7 .4 1l ) indicat e s no rma l c r usta l t hic k-
d inavia and main lan d Europe . The ex te nsion ncsscs o f 30- 35 km benea th Norway and S het -
appears 10 have con tinue d int o the ea rly C re- la nd . decre asing 10 a bo ut 20 km in the Viking
taceou s. wit h re ne wed mo vements o n fa ults grabe n whe re ther e is a n K- llI krn sedime nt
in the ma in rift zo nes producing sea-nom fill. Th e uppe r mant le d isplays nor ma l Pcwa ve
re lief of up to 1 km. velocitie s throu ghout . Sclat c r and C hristie
In the lat e C retaceous. riftin g in NW Euro pe (l9XO) propose that th e Meso zoi c crus ta l thin-
appe a rs to ha ve beco me co nce ntn ucd 1I10 ng ning was acco mp lished by an e xte nsion of f3 =
the abo rtive Labrado r 5('3 spre ad ing axis he - I.H- 2.0 IXO- 11M''''' ).
twee n G ree nland a nd Nort h Am eri ca . Al - B each ( 19X6) describes a deep seismic rcfl cc-
thou gh subs ide nce continue d in the No rt h Se a lio n profile across the Viking grabe n fr om
basin. th er e is no e vide nce for significa nt no rt h of the She unnds to Ber ge n (Figure 1. 11).
co ntinued ex te nsion. During th is pe riod . up to Th e profile illustrates the upper c rusta l st ruc-
2 km of Uppe r C re taceous cha lks a nd ma r ls ture clea rly a nd shows th e asym me tric na ture
infillcJ the topograpntc depressio ns of the of th e rif! structure. Jl OW known to he cha rac-
Viking and Ce ntral graben (Fi gu re 7.9A.C). te n suc nf ma ny exten sio nal provinces (sec
Further subside nce of the basin look pla ce 4.4) . Th e Viking gra ben is see n as an asym-
during the Cenozoic. whe n a ma ximum Ihk k- me tric Jrtll/ -gm ht'll forme d by till ed fau lt bloc ks
ness of 3.5 km of sediments was deposited in of Jurassic a nd olde r stra ta, with a con siste nt
the ce ntral a re as of th e basin . The re gio n of wester ly tilt . The Jurassic bloc k-fuuned "Irue-
ma ximum Ce nozoic se dime ntat io n pro bably tur f" is buried by Hat.l yin[:. C re taceous sedi -
co rrespo nds to the zune o f ma ximum crus ta l menls that had co mple te ly huried the highes t
thinning produced during th e ea rlier exte n- bloc k hy end -Cre taceo us time (Figure 7.9A ).
sional phase (Dona to und T ull y. 19N1). T he bloc ks a rc bounded by eas twa rds-
Gra profil es indic<ltc 11 nlass execs... dipping fau lts. with a weak listri c geome try.
beneath the Viking an d Ce ntral gra be n, which IhOiI appear 10 det ach on a broad zo ne of lo wer -
is co nsiste nt with se ismic refract ion data sho w- crusta l reflectors inter pret ed by Beach as a
ing a mu ch sha llowe r Moho benceth th e mujor , low-an gle shea r zone (ct. Figur e 2.30)

w 100....' 0 ' .........

.... • IO.U

F"'l"" 7. 10 Compolill: in te rpreta lm: acrud ural profile Kros5 the Cc nlr.ll Gr;al1otn of 1M St'IU lhcm No rt h ~a. based on
sei~mic and wett co mr cl . Ve rticil kale i. lwo-wa y lime . From G ibbl ( t985) . wilh fot'rmiu.iorJ.
l!'oil RAI'L,' I ~ 1I,C"lO :'llC REGIMI'.5 203
.w ' ""l LAIiD TIAII" CI I'A " J OA D QULL' ''1t 1



TR OLL " OIlDA .lAT f O IlM If


E ~t\~~~~~R~:~i·< .:~·!:-;i~·!~,;. e«...-:.'::.,'

~40 .....

'"1 i0l

C ------ -- ..,...-- .... ... . .
.' -:"",:
,~ ,. ...
""- --- ''"

t1IC urr 1. 11 Inl <: Tp fc l"'lion " I UCI;P M: i~lIl ic IcflCl1i,m prufll c X fOM Ih.c Viki0E- 1 ';1"-:0 . 11k:: d zone In IA) is inte r-
pre ted a$;l major cXl cn~i...nal s bcur m oC' J"K<.ing from fhe middl e cruSl in the W('SI, into lhe m"nl le in the C'lst . Easl.di Pflillg
IIOrm :11 r:au ll~ de laching u n Ih il l~lnc a rc ~ho .....n dnl\ed . Not e t he majo r Cfu'lt :tI-lICa !c ro lkwer ant id inc on the ea\ lc rn ~itlc o f
the l>CCl iu n. Tbe M.'\:l iu n ~hOW!i iI l und ;Imo:ollll a~ymm.:u)' t h;lI cu n l ras h "'nih the in tc rp ll'ta lit.'n (If Figure 7.'J. Th e !ol:hcm atic
mod e ! (U ) ~uggcsll; h" ..... t he Iilhl""f'hc n: mllY have acc<mlmod,IICd t he n ll'o, itm . FNlm " e ach (19116), wuh f'Crm i", iun.

Thi s detachment appea rs to risc westw ards to 10 he siructurally q uite diffe rent. A ve ry large .
meet th e lOp of the base me nt at the western crustal-scale. roll-o ver anticli ne (see Figure
side of the gra be n. T he e levated G utlfa ks 4.25) acco mmodates the slip alo ng a dee p
bloc k. in the centre o f th e gra be n. is sho wn 10 de tachme nt tha t is be lieved to lie within the
be a till ed fa ult bloc k like the o the rs, but uppe r mantle at a depth of abou t 40 km -
situated over the area of greatest exte nsion. 15- 20 km be lo w the ba se of th e cr ust. As see n
and bounded by the faull wu h the lar gest ear lier (Figure 7.98) . the crus t thi ns to 20 - 25
throw , The easte rn side of the graben is sho wn km over tbe graben region . ln teresungly,
204 G EO I.O<OlCA I. S l ll Un U ItES AN I> ,",O \' I:'II G "L\H S

th e ur e a of maximum th in ning is d isplaced lion o f the ba sin in Cr e taceou s a nd Ce nozo ic

eastwa rds of the grabe n axiv. which \ uppnr l\ limes ;1<, the conseq ue nce of isost a tic dep res-
th e asy mmet ric e xte nsio n mod e l proposed hy sio n. thut result ed Irom cooli ng III the litho-
Wernicke (19H5) . Thi s model (see Figur e sphe re ali the the rm al .ultllllal)' produced hy the
4 .24IJ ) ex plai ns la rge extension s by block - initia l stre tching disappe ared .
faul tin g a t h igh le vels . detach ing o n a lo w-
a ngle f<lull/sh ear zo ne th at CX IC lllJS through
the whole th ic kness of the lithosph er e . In thi s The A tkuu ic conunental tnurgin of the
case, d isplacements al the weste rn margin of northern USA
the graben ar c tra nsfe rred to the base of the
lith osphere hc low the Herda platfor m. cas t of Th e l..·UI1I111ent'll shelf an d stope horde ring the
the easte rn graben marg in ( Figu re 7. I IA ). Allanl ie en asl of the nort he rn USA is an ac tive
Note lh lll there is no seis mic e vide nce for the exa m ple o f Ihe passive -margin type o f int ra-
she a r zone penetrating t il t he base of the plat e ba sin. The fl'giun ha s been intensive ly
lit hosphere in t he manner o f Figure 7, 11U: how stud ied using borehole , sei..mic reflectio n. a nd
th e mi ddle an d lo wer pari of th e lith osphere gruvit y datu .
deform is st ill ve ry much a n ope n q uestion . A mod el profile across the basin (Figure
Beach suggests that the exte nston al dis- 7.12 ) i!'> described hy Saw yer ('1 al. ( llJX2) . T he
placements on the North Se:1 graben system profile crosses the Hahimorc trou gh . Incaled
may he t ran sferred a l n n~ the major slrike -slip cast o f the New Je rse y coastline . whe re up 10
Tornquis t zone . which run s Irum Denmark IXkm o f sedime n t has been d eposit ed since the
t hroug h Pol an d ttl IIIl' Tethyan mar gin (Z ieg- lat e Triassic. T he pe riod of ma ximum sub-
ler. 19H2). By t his means. the No rth Sea zon e sidcoce oc curred during the Jurassic . when the
of intr a plate ex te nsio n could be explain ed lly initial e xte nsion in the Ce ntral Atlantic took
disp laccrnc r us at the plmc bound ary IHOll km place . Th e J u ras..ic sedi me nts re st on :I com-
ttl the sou th . panuivcly thin wed ge of T riassic red bed s.
The lo ng and c..nnptic.. ted hislnr y of the volca n ics and eva porites. which them selves
Nort h Sea basin might pe rhaps limit its use ful- rest direcuy on the co nn ncntal basemen t.
ness as 1I te st o f ge neral mod e ls o f int ruplatc Abo ve the Ju rassic stra ta. a much thinn er
ba sin . was an im port a nt clement in us su b- sequ e nce of C re taceous sed ime nts is dra ped
seq ue nt de velopme nt . T his eXle n!'>inn;11 phase . over the edge of t he ccnn nen tal she lf without
while no t responsible fo r t he initiation of the showing ma rked th ick ness va ria tion. Th e ba sin
basin. was a n impo rta nt cl e ment in ih sub- is nu t reco gnizable as a separate struct ure in
seq ue nt de velopment . 111is e xte nsional , the Ce nozoic sedi me nta ry seq ue nce, which is
last ing approximat el y t"{lMa . invol ved a major clearly separa te d by the edge nr the co ntinen ta l
c rusta l e xte nsio n o f a ro und 1.5 (SO'Yo ). calc u- she lf int o she lf a nd ocean-basi n asse mbtages.
luted by com pa ring the pre- and post -Mesozoi c Sawyer et al. use th is exa mple to test the
crusta l thicknesses . Tota l extension . assumi ng McK e nzie st re tching mod e! o f bas in subsi-
an original c rustal thickness of 31 km . is as dence. The y as...ume tha t the ma in e xte nsiona l
mu ch as 1.8 ( Wood a nd Ba rton , 19tH) . Th e event commenced al about 200 M il fir with the
diff e re nce may be explained by a n earlier fo rma tion of the la te T riassic rift sedime nta-
pha se o f exte nsio n fo r which nu de tai led tio n. a nd ceased a bout 175 Ma 8P with t he
e vide nce is a vail able. The J urassic ex ten sio na l for mati o n of the first oce a nic c rust . Furt he r
phase requ ires a strain rat e of about 2 x IO - It> ex te nsio n would be ta ke n up by oce a n-floor
a nd co rresponds In the slower type of ex ten - sprea d ing.
sio nal riftin g . prod ucing a wide zo ne of ea ten- Theo reti cal subsidence: c urves ba sed on the
slona l deforma tion (see 2.7, Figure 2.29). Mckenzie mod el show the a mount of subsi-
Sctate r a nd Christie (JlJ80) view the cvulu· de nce a t a give n lime aft er Iniuation for
I NlIl A Pl.AU .. n .cruNIC REGl MI'S 205
\ =:; I

'0 '0


V(- s )(

200 ' 00

tl J:ur., 7. 11 lurc rprc tanvc pruhk· at·n ....' Ih., ....' "li"'·nl "l m'II(:IllU r Ihc .:uwcm l JS A. In lhe '':j;'''" or the Hal1 iru" re uough .
(a~l .. r N,'w kr ",') The I', ,,iliun , ,,1 1""01 well, . ("OST 112 ami 1\.\ . ,J,,,,'u, .,.'t.I in Ih.: 10:11• •".: , 11" .. n , fhHl1 S"",,>er ,./ ,II
( 1'JI1.2)

different values o f Ihe stret ching factor p. effec tivel y infinite . A be tte r guide to the
Subside nce is initi'llly linear {i.e . for the first co ntine nta l ex tensio n in the basin is provid ed
25 Ma) during the contine ntal stretching phase . by two wells situated in a t raverse furt he r north
and is followed by ther mal subsidence be gin- where the hasin is ra ther shallower (abo ut
ning at 175 Ma and co ntinuing to t he pn.-scnt. . II km). The curve for the mor e weste rly well
Th e model pred icts that t he init ial subsidence (CO ST G I) on the nort her n prorik I Figur e
is la rger , a bout 40% o f the total . whereas the 7. 138) co rres po nds to a st retching meter of
subseq ue nt thermal subsidence. acco unting for be tween 1.66 and 2.5. and the mo re easte rly 10
the remaining 110% . lasts for ove r lOn Ma . a factor of betwee n 2.5 and infinity. These
Act ual subside nce curves (Figure 7. 13A) res ults suggest t hat the Mck e nzie mod el gives
were calc ulated from sed iment thicknesses in a reasonable a pproximatio n to the subside nce
two wells (CO ST 1\2 and 8 3), after mak ing history of a pa ssive margin basi n. al least over
corr ect ions for sedime nt compac tion . isos tatic the greater pari of the cooling stage . More-
responses to sed iment loading. pala eo-depth of over. s uch a basin wou ld he expec ted 10 show
wat er . and e ustat ic sea-leve l changes . The vary ing su bsid en ce rates co rrespo nding 10
curve for the COST 83 well shows ,I rea son able model ext en sio ns ra nging fro m a minimum
lit to the model exten sion curves ove r the latter (comt ner ual} valu e to infinity over the ocea nic
part of t he time ran ge fo r a stre tching factor of pan o f the ba sin.
be twee n 5 and infin ity. However. since the se Pas...we-ma rgin bas ins are a product of tee-
lWO we lls are situa ted over the edge of the Ionic processes relat ed 10 diverge nt plat e
ocea nic crust. they canno t be used to give an boundaries (see Cha pte r 4). However. since
acc urate es tima te of co ntine ntal ext ension. (heir effects a re retained within the lithosphe re
since the extension at the oce an margin is lon g afte r the plat e bo unda ry has migrated
2O/i G H II I I(; ICAI sr eucruees AND MO \' ! ' G "1""'''_''

f. - C O ST B - 3
' 111I( Itt "" li P

•• I I I I I . ip.... 7.1l Plo1(~ ..1 kd.>nIC M1hwdcncc

" . l ime . ~Icd wilh 1~>n'lini ..,b-
Udtoo« ClII''fft ....111 ..,..mflt'd ~ ".t..n
dro ~ frum fbi: McK.cntJC' C'''k~

~----- " .. mndo.-t. PkK A .. ~ hum the lbtl of

the f'OST R ~ ..-ell I FlJUfC' 7 .12)
......F.n 0{ lhe t>oX'.ni(""", , n.c
I"" lhe
da u hi
bctvo«n 1~Ifl.'1inll a ll''''' fOf U I(nUon
"f hct~" ~ ~ i"flnily. Pl." B i.
dc m~d from __IICOST G 1. Iotl ll.ted ' 5('1
lo rn NE 01 lB . n n cnnl ino,:nl a l Cl'\l 1It. Not t
t hall hi:' ,J. lill heu,' lit • k......... C'lI lt'lll>kJn n l
, C OST G -I I.M -2..5. lbc CUI"\.'" ~C' CIl k u la lcd ..~
\ llm,"s .. lIe..ur i.1 ("hu lk r1l1l c mudd .
F'L E,X U R A L J\<,j d C'U Of ha n; ref e r III paliK'C_lll(' t -

o ...
" III( I'" '' ' 1lP
dc fllh n limilln. 111M.! li n : r Xlr n<kd I{l
IIPr'''.lffi;tlr ",he r lIo u ro.:Stl ( r rrIH. Frt>ffi
S:I.... \Tr t'f a/. ( I 'JSl j

away fro m them . the y ca n properly be re- pe riods o f lime mu st approx imately balance
garded as intrap late structures. depressio ns vo lumetrica lly in o rder 10 maintain
their sedi men t supply. Uphfts are more diffi -
cu ll 10 ~l ucJy than basins because , in man y
7.S Inll'1lpblllt uplifts
cases. the Mr.l1ig.rapbic record is eithe r inrom-
Intr aplate uplifts are as important as basins in plete o r lolally missing. The major Preca m-
I~ tecto nic histo ry o f 1M plate inte riors. 11Icy bri an shid J regio ns arc exposed beca use they
oct"U p~' a similar surface a rea . a nd ~r long are ur lirlS. bu t the de tailed histo ry of their
l N IR APL A l E If;.n tlf',I C J( 1 ( ~t\ , e; 207
uplif t h a ~ no t , in ge ne ral. been recor ded . rece nt deformation . These uplift s involve ver-
Th ose region s o f the Northern He misphe re t ica l movemen ts ra nging up 10 100 llun/yea r
cove red by the O uare mary icc shee rs show over pe riods o f the o rde r of 10000 yca rs [Tabl e
high recen t upl ift rates tha t ha ve bee n ami- 7. 1). T hc forme rly glacia te d area s of N.
bu tcd to po st -gtaciu l isostat ic response to the A me rica . Fennoscand ia a nd Sco tlan d yield
rem oval of the load . H owever , these sa me uplift rates ve ry similar to t hose of the prese nt -
a reas ha ve acted as uplifts over much lon ger day glaciated regio ns of G reenla nd a nd Fran . .
pe riods , a nd the O uarcma ry movements mer e- Josef Land .
ly accen tuate a lon g-cont in ued tectonic trend . T he patt ern of uplirt of Fe nnoscandia oh-
Ma ny co ntine ntal up lifts a re associated with rained fro m ra ised pos t-glacia l sho relin es is
rift zones , an d ar c tho ught to be ge nc nca tly shown in Figure 7. 14. T he co ntou rs s how a n
rel a ted to them (sec 4.3) . A mong uphtt s of lhi.; ov al uplift. I XiK l k m lon g in :1 N E - SW dircc-
type a rc the Ea st African a nd Ethiopian lio n, an d about II KKlkm ucross. T he cent ral
pla tea ux. the R heni sh shield (sec Figure portion has heen elevat ed over 250 III since
4. 16A) and the Voronez h-Ukraine up lifl (If NUIII ftC co rrespo nding to an a ve ra ge up lift
the Ru ssian platform ( Figure 7.Jq . Th e origin nne of :!X mm/yea r. A very sim ilar recen t upli ft
o f such struct ures is gene rally presum ed to he pancm has been de te rmine d hy precise rc-
thermal in view o f th ei r association with levelling since IH35. Th e ma xim um uplifl o f
vulcan icity and . in the rece nt examples. with t) mm/ye a r occurs in the G ulf o f Bothnia .
high heat 110w _ O the r upli fts ar c anrlbutcd to The uplift corr espo nds with n ma rked , ncga-
present plat e-boundary processes (c .g. the live , free-air gravity a nomaly that has bee n
T ibe tan pla te au - sec 5.4 ) or arc associated inte rpre ted as the res idua l mass de ficien cy
with past plat e bounda ries. The DeCCiUl produced hy the re mo val of t he icc shee t. T he
plateau , fur example , mark s the site of ,I e xisten ce of zones of active sei srnicit y. fogcthc r
Cre tac eous const ructlvc bo unda ry. Ma ny up - with evidence of recent Iault r novcrncms ,
lifts . howe ve r , ar c situat ed fur from plat e com plica tes the tec ton ic int erpre tat io n o f the
bo und a ries o r rifl zo nes and th eir origin is nOI uplift . and suggests that <II leas t pari of the
so obvious. isostat ic ' rebo und" of the regio n has taken
W e shall nnw conside r two e xa mples of place b)' fault move men ts (Yita-F iuzi. 19X1l).
active uplift s, t he Fe nno scandian up lifl a nd the
Co lo rado plateau .
17,t' Colorado Plateau
This st ruct ure, sum ma rize d by McG cl chin et
The Fe nnoscandian uplift
al , ( 1982) is freq uently ci ted as an e xam ple uf
Th e ' pos t-glaci al' uplifts of Lauren tia (north- curre ntly active up lift . It lies imm edia tely ea<;1
e rn N. A merica) a nd Fen noscand ia (Fi nla nd of the Basin-and -R ange province of the .... es te rn
and Sca ndi na via ] a rc familiar exa mples of USA desc ribed in 4.4 (sec Figure 4. 17A) . T he

T." 7. 1 Upl irl (in m mlycill r) in curnnlty.1Id r«:en1lf glacia lcd arc.... f ro m ViII -finn ( 19tltJ), l iter Nikooov (t9HO) .
""..acn l icc ~ .. PrC'5l'nl-clay U ~l. lind ICC" <:&p"

Flan~ J.,..,I s.,,,,, rnay•

( 10'
u UR'nlirk

Cen t re E..o
E.... ""'. ..

"","""""ndian ""',...
Ib......b Sr.

Sptzt>cr&<,n Koirel
,. ...
0 -........


Aleu ndt a h..bhevil



ItlI -7tJ


lIl- U
= ,~

.-," 13
, "
1- 2
pcr;f'hc "

"'-1U .

a- to
1.5- U


km 200

n gU" '7.14 M.p 1howinl OOflIUUI'5. in m , o r

uplifl ul Ihe O.IIic: ara lino;c 6lIOO ec. From
Vit. ·finti ( 19Xb1. aller Zeunef (I~) .

plateau has a mean eleva tio n of 1&X)m and is an average up lift rate of about 200 mlMa
about 700 km across. Uedeformed Mesozoic d uring th e period o f extension in the neigh-
strata are exposed a t the surface. bouring Basin-and-R ange provi nce.
The crust be nea th the Co lorado plateau is Th er e is no general consensus regarding the
un usually thick (4S km) an d ex hibits shield- uplift mechanism for the Co lo rado plat eau . bUI
like propert ies from su rface- wave behaviour. the most likely cause appears 10 be the isosra-
Th e upper mantle . in co ntrast, is chara cterized lac response to Ihe Mioce ne regional thermal
by an anomalo usly low P" wave ve locity of eve nt. Th is eve nt may have produced a region
7.8 kmls. Heat now measur em ents ind icat e a of anomalously warm mantle beneath the
surface flux of about 70 mWm - 2:. Th e plateau plateau crus t which, un like th e adj oi ning re-
lies within the sa me regio n o f Ce nozoic igneous gions, was too stro ng o r not warm eno ugh to
activit y as the Basin-end-Range province. bur prod uce the exte nsio nal failure seen there .
has not suffered the e xte nsio nal effect s experi-
e nced th ere and in the Rio G rande rift 10 the
Origin 01intraplate up/ills
The plateau is interp reted as a re mnant of a or (he many mechanisms proposed to explain
large uplifted regio n of th ickened crust in the up lifts. we shall conside r the two most plausi-
western US A produced in th e late Cre taceous ble: isostat ic and neural. Isostatic uplift
Laramide o roge ny. Th e bulk of the present may be the respo nse 10 a cha nge in either
uplift of l.S- 2km . however . occurre d in (he lithosphere mass. or mean lithos phere density.
Miocene . betw een about 18- 10 Ma HP, giving Th us an uplift may be the response 10 a redu c-
tion in density caused by loca l heat ing of the area of the down-bend . The uplift will be
lithosphe re . for exa mple above a mantle compensated by the flow of asthenosphcric
plume . This mechanism is th e sa me as that mate rial into the bulge at the base of the
proposed for oce anic ridges and plateaux , and lithosphere crea ted by the up lift.
is the rever se o f the thermal process respon- The processes of uplift and depression are
sible for basin form ation . Uplifts produced in complementa ry, and probably balance out .
this way exhibit high heat flow, are associated broadly. over long pe riods of time . Bo th
with vulcanicity. and are likely (0 be related to processes must be esse ntially self-limiting in
rifts. Examples of such structures are the East o rde r to conserve crustal thicknes.... Erosion of
African and Rhenish upl ifts refe rred to ea rlier. uplifts results in crustal thinning, and ove r-
Plateaux o n the ocea n floor have a similar compensation by dense asthenosph ere will
origin. Th e removal of mat er ial by erosion produce a cou nterbalancing downwa rd force .
from an uplift will also p rod uce an isostatic The reverse is true o f basins: over-thickening
response. of the crust prod uces a red uction in ove rall
The second importan t mechanism is litho- lithospher e density. and results in a co unter-
sphere flexure . Because of the short-term balancing upward s force . Th is may explain
mechanical rigidity of the lithos phere. down- why the intraplate tecton ic patt ern ove r time
ward be nding tc for m , a basin in one place is per iods of the order o f hund reds o f Ma is
inevitably accompan ied by an upward bending cha racterized by periodic inversions o f the kind
around the mar gins of the dep resssion. In o ther seen in the Russian platfor m.
words. the litho sphe re is tilted towards the
8 Phanerozoic orogenic belts: some examples

We have established in the foregoing chapters genic belts will find anal ogues somewhe re in
a set of principles and methods, both on these examples.
theore tical grounds and by looking at 'act uatis-
tic' or active exa mples, linking geological
8.1 The Alpine orogenic be lt or the Western
structure with plate movements and plate
behaviour. In this and in the following chapter,
we shall ap ply these principles and methods in An active destructive plate boundary extends
order to understand the structure of certa in from the Gibraltar fracture zone in the At lantic
orogenic belts. Obvio usly. very few belts can Ocean (see Figure 3.1) to the weste rn boun-
be discussed here, a nd much of the essential dary of the Pacific plate in eastern Indonesia.
detail must be omitted for reasons of space. Th is boundary includes subduction zones such
However , it is ho ped , by discussing a few as the Aegean are, the Makr an and the Sunda
selected well-studied exa mples, to give a gen- arc (see 5.2) and the major collision zones
e ral impression of how the various tectonic between Eurasia in the north and Arabia and
patt erns expressed in these belts have been India to the south. The Western Medlter-
linked with plate tectonic models. ranean sector of this active boundary lies
Plate tectonic interpretation has been acbie- mostly below the Med iterranean Sea , con-
ved with varying degrees of success: in general, tinuing the line of the Azores-G ibraltar frac-
the interpretation of young orogenic belts ture zone to Sicily. Here a short subd uction arc
formed during the Mesozoic- Cenozoic period links it to the Eastern Mediterranean trench
is much more tightly constrained than in the system (Figure 8.1). This active boundary lies
case of Palaeozoic and , more especia lly, Pre- within a wide zone of Mesozoic- Cenozoic
cambria n examples. The reason for this dif- activity comprising several sepa rate but relat ed
ference lies in the co mparative certainty with belts. South of the suture lies the Atlas be lt
which the successive positions of the various stretching from Morocco to Tunisia. Across
plates and plate fragments can be tracked , by the Straits of Gibraltar is the Betic Cordillera,
ocean-floor magne tic stratigraphy and other along the south coast of Spain, which is
means, since the break-up of Pangaea abo ut separated by a large stable craton, making
200 Ma 81'. Before this lime, the oceanic record up most of the Iberian peninsula, from the
is missing, and we have to rely on much less Pyrenean belt between Spain and France. The
accurate palaeomagnetic restorations in plot- latter belt meets the main Alpine belt east of
ting the former relative positions of the con- the Gulf of Lions. The Alps are joi ned to the
tinental fragmen ts. south by the Apennine belt, running along the
We shall look at four examples: the Alpine Italian peninsula, to the east by the Dinaride
orogenic be]t in the Western Med iterranean, chain of Yugoslavia, and 10 the north east by
the Cordilleran Mesozoic- Cenozoic bell in the Carpathian chain.
western North America , the Hercynian system The explanation for this complex pattern lies
of Western Europe and its North American in the plate tectonic history of the region.
counterpart , the Atleghenian , and finally the which, according to Dewey et al. (1973) and
Caledonian belt of the North Atlantic region . subsequent workers, has involved separate but
These four examples provide a complete range interre lated movements of a number of micro-
in tectonic environment : they e ncompass di- plates or minor continental fragments in addi-
vergent , convergent and strike-slip regimes, tion to the main Europea n and Afr ican plates.
subduction, and collision, of both continent- The microplates include Iberia, the Carnics,
arc and continent-continent type. Most oro- Moesia, Apulia and Rhodope (Figure 8.2).


·....... -.
:;: :: ::: : ::.

·· , ...

" .


de atrue:U"e o 0
E~ 1erfUl l lor el a nd a
I lr ik. ·lllp -~-
Pr.· ....lp lne
"'igu ~ 8. 1 Map ~howing lhe h,:cton ic scllinll of Inc Alpine orog" nic bell in Inc Mcd ilcnanean rcgion . Microphu C5 o r
major cros!al 1'1101:"1(1 within the hell are ~n in bold k llen. Tbe main pblC5 bordering 1he bdl (nl lcd u rn.lffiC nl) arc the
Eurasian , Affican .nd Ar abian p1111C5. Tbe p1ale bouooary (lJlO!>l l ~ dnIl'\M."t ive) bl:IWtt n 1 ~ iI _hown n a hea¥) too thed
line . Arro ws indicate direct ions of movemcnt rehrlive to lhe- Eurasian plate. No1e the main lCdon o r the AI.... chain,
discussed in the tcxt ; FR , FrcflCh ; SW. Swiu; 100 E. Er..tem . Afler Wiook y ( 1977) aoo Dewey r'I al . (1973).

A 8


She l' c:orllone...
( ..pori . .
= Ac:_ t". ,.... - .ill ;..
Tro..'.'" ' 8111'

Fliun 8.2 (A) La te Trill~sit palaeogeographic and plate tectonic: teroJl5tf\lction or the A lpine orogenic belt system. From
Windley (1m). sner Dewey et al. ( 1973). (8) Scncmalic map . howinll timing (in MOl II'). direction and amount of
Mc:sow ic-Ccnowic motion of plates and bled. relative 10 NW Europe . From Dewey ( 1982)

Th e Ca rnic a nd Apulian frag me nts ama lgama- arcs) and also the associated deposit ional
ted to fo rm the present-day Ad riatic micro- environments such as tre nches, and fore- and
plate (Figure 8.1) that forms the southern back-arc basins.
hinterland of the A lps. The main fl ysch deposits, which are of
Cretaceous age, are found in the external Zone
of the Alps, extending eastwards into the
Regional tectonic context
Carpathians. These de posits have long been
A useful summa ry of the tectonic evo lutio n regarded as marking the Alpine 'foredeep
is co ntained in Wind ley (lm). Mesozoic- basin' receiving the eros ional products of the
Ce nozo ic histo ry of t he Western Medite rran ea n uplifted mountain range to the south and east
has bee n dominated by a major plate recon- (d. Argand, 1916). Th is foredeep basin has
struction involving the opening of the Atlantic been interpreted in plate tectonic reconstruc-
Ocean to the west a nd the clos ure of the Tethys tions of the region as a trench bordering an
Ocea n (see Figure 3.5). In the late Tri assic uplifted arc 10 the south. Howeve r. Hsu (1972)
pe riod, Western E urope formed a landmass has pointed out that fl ysch sedimentation in the
co ntai ning con tine nta l red-bed basins bordered eas tern Alps continued for abou t 50 Ma , and
by a wide ca rbonate platfor m along the nor th- that in a normal subduction zone , such mater-
ern side o f the Tethys Ocean (F igure 8.2A ). A ial would have been re moved much more
similar carbona te plat form formed the north- quickly. The explanation he suggests is tha t the
ern and easte rn Ranks of the African-Arabian relative motion of the tre nch was largely strike-
contine nt. New ocea nic crust was fa nned in slip. This is in agreement with the relative plate
extensional basins now reeognizable in several movement vector , as we shall see .
abd ucted ophiolite complexes. The Triassic Associated with this stage in the Alpine
carbonate platforms began to disintegrate in orogeny was the development of blue-schist
the ea rly Jura ssic, when widespread exten- metamorphism in the oceanic material, in-
siona l faulting a nd rifting we re experienced, terpreted as the effect of subduction; the
associated with volcanic activity (Figure 8.3A) . appearance of acid to intermedia te vulcanicity
Subsidence led to deeper -water, muddy and indicating the presence of volcanic arcs; and
pelagic facies throughout the region. the development of thrusting and obduction
The next major change marked the com- marking the closure of small ocea nic basins.
me ncement of convergence and subduction Continued convergence led ultimately to
(Figure 8.38). The forme r existence of tren- continent-continent collision in several parts
ches is often deduced from the widesp read of t he Alpine belt, and part icularly in the main
appearance of the so-called 'flysch' facies in the Alpine chain itself, whe re the Adriatic con-
Cretaceous and Eocene pe riods. Th is sedimen- tinental plate came into contact with the
tary assemblage consists of marine shales with European continent. This eve nt led to pro-
intercalated coarse clastic material, typically gressive movement of thrust sheets and to
turbiditic, and associated with olistostromes general uplift. The process took place during
or massive slump deposits. Assemblages of this Eocene to Oligocene time, and was accom-
type are characteristic of modern trenches but panied by high-grade metamorphism. The cli-
also of extensio nal basins such as those of the max of regional oro ge nic uplift in the Alps
present-day Western Mediterra nea n, and of occurred in the Miocene period (Figure 8.3C) .
major submarine delta fans. They have there- During the final stages of convergence and
fore been regarded traditionally as synorogenic continenta l collision, an importa nt change look
depos its created as part of the orogenic pro- place on the foreland, where largely contin en-
cess. In pla te tecton ic term s, they represent tal clastic deposits were formed in foredeep
both the erosional prod ucts of the uplifted basins situated along the craton margin. Non-
zones of convergent boundaries (e.g . volcanic marine clastic sequences of the type formed in

""EIt IC"


.. 'ItI C"

( 0 '1 , J uran"
Too" .o" 1 7~ 1ft, BP

~ ~ ~~

Lo t, c.." . , . Ous
SOlllOllia n eo 1ft,

{ '"'OPI c

/ "" It ICA tlgure 8.3 Pro posed plate bo un-
dary schem es for ea rly Jurassic
(It) . laic C retaceo us ( 8) and tate
... ;OU". Ce nozoic (C) times for the Al pine
Bu"hgoloo n 17 1ft, BP system. from Windley ( 19n ).
aller Dewey t lal. ( 1973) .

the later stages of orogenesis are termed deposition in the Alpine belt overlapped the
'm olasse' in classical geosynclinal or orogenic period of ftyschdepo sition in genera l, although
theory. These deposits contain a high propor- within the Alps proper, molasse deposition
tion of coarse, clastic material, along with -replaced ftysc h during the Oligocene period
intercalated coals and evaporites. Molasse and continued into the Pliocene.

History of plate movements As can be seen from Figure 8.28 , the conver-
gence vector at this time is appro ximatel y
The record of plate movemen ts within the perpendicu lar 10 the N c-Setre ndi ng Western
Western Med ite rra nean region was fi rst docu - Alps, bUI almost parallel to the E- W-trending
me nted by De wey et al. (1973) whose account Ea stern Alps.
of the plate tecton ic evolution of the area At about 52 Ma DP another importan t cha nge
forms the basis for most subsequent models. in relative motion occ urred . caused by the
The lat e Triassic 10 early Jurassic riflin g phase opening of the main N.Atlantic- A rctic Ocean
was expresse d not o nly along the line of sub- between G reenland and Scandinavia. This
seq uent ocea n o pening of the Central Atlantic, cha nge was marke d by a NW-d irected move-
but also along the boundaries of several ment of Africa towards Eur ope. During this
'mi cropl ates' : the Carnics and Moesia atta ched third phase, from Uppe r Eoce ne to Lower
to E urope , and Apulia, Rhod ope a nd the Ol igocene time , the main deforma tio n and
Turkish pla te a ltached to Africa (Figure 8.3A) . metamorphism of the Alps took place , al-
T hese con tinental blocks subsequently moved though flysch sedi menta tion continued in
eastwards a nd north eastwards respectively, the Helveu c zone to the north. No te that the
crea ting new ocean basins behind them . convergence vector is now oblique to both the
The commenceme nt of ope ning in the Cen- Easte rn and We stern segments of the A lpine
tral Atlantic is generally da ted at 180Ma ae chain, but with a stro ng converge nt compo nent
in the ea rly Jurassic. Th is date corresponds in each case . T hus movement is dextral trans-
with the collapse of the carbonate platforms pressive in the Eastern Alps bu t sinistral trans-
noted above. As a result of this op ening, the pressive along the N- S to NW-SE French
African plate moved in a n ESE to E dire ction A lps, and only truly converge nt along the sho rt
parallel to the Azore s-G ibraila r fracture zo ne. NE -SW segment of the Central or Swiss Alps.
A t the same time , furt her opening of th e new The movement uplifted the ea rlier fold belt ,
ocea n basins was accompa nied by subd uction and crea ted the grea t gravity-sliding nappes of
of the main Teth yan ocea nic plat e along the the Pennine and Ultrahelveti c syste ms (see
Black Sea -Caucasus line (Figure 8.3A ). Figure 8.5). Th is stage also corresponds to the
Th is phase of movement continued until commence ment of molasse deposition in the
abo ut 80 Ma UP in late Cretaceo us time , when fored eeps to the north and in the Po plain to
an important change in relat ive plate vectors the south.
took place . The cha nge resulted from the By O ligocene times, all Mesozoic ocea n .
ope ning of the North Atla ntic Ocea n west of crust in the Western Medit errane an had dis-
Spain, and e xtending to the Davis Strait appeared . The present oceanic are as result
be tween Greenland and N. America , togeth er from the opening of new marginal basins
with the linked ope ning of the Bay of Biscay created by the antidockwise rotation of Italy
and the conseq uentia l rotation of Iberia : Be- (a nd the Dinarides) and of Sardinia-Corsrco
cause this part of the A tlantic was opening away from the Iberian peninsula in the Mio-
faster than the Ce ntral Atlant ic, the overall cene . Again these movements are reliably
movement vecto r of Africa reversed to become det ermined from palaeomagneti c data (Zi jder-
NW to W relative to Europe (Figure 8.28) . veld et aJ., 1970a,b) .
Th e rotation of the Iberian pe ninsula duri ng The final change in convergence di rect ion
this phase has been det ermined palacomag- took place about 10Ma UP during the Miocene
netically (Van der Voo, 1969). Durin g this (Figure 8.28). From then until the presen t,
second phase of essentially sinistral relative Africa has been moving northward s relative to
movement be tween Africa and Euro pe , con- Europe. This change is reflected in the intra-
ver gent motion too k place in the Alps, marked plate structures such as the Rhi ne - R uhr rift
by Ilysch sed imentation in the Piemont trough . system (see 4.3). During this phase , the main
defo rma tion occurred in the H elvetic zo ne and Italy. T he latter belt is truncated o n its ea stern
in the So uthern A lps, o n the margins of t he side by the unde formed deposits of the Hun-
Africa n pla te . vand finally, in the e arly Plio- ga rian plain.
cene, in the J ura. The re is considera ble variation alo ng the
str ike of the Al ps o f which a usef ul summa ry is
provided by Debel mas et al . (1983) in th e form
Structural f rame work ofthe A lps
of four characte ristic pro fi les across the belt.
The A lps proper (as distinct from the A lpides We shall concentrate on the interesting centr al
o r A lpine chains, which are much more widely region whe re the NW- SE French secto r be nds
distr ibuted) com prise th ree main secto rs: the around into the NE-SW Swiss secto r (Figure s
French, Swiss, and Eas tern , or Austr ian , A lps 8.4 , 8.5). The re arc eleven main tectonic
(Figure 8. 1). The Fren ch (or French-Italian) zo nes, on ly some of which can be recognized in
Alps exte nd from the Medite rranean coast any give n profil e . (1) the no rthern foreland
ne ar Nice , to the Swiss border in an arc tha t consists of undefo rmed Mesozoic- Ce nozo ic
varies in tre nd from NW-SE in the south to cover on a Hercynian crystalline basement ; in
NE- $W in the nort h. The change in trend is the central Franco-Swiss secto r, this zone is
rat her sudde n and occurs in the regio n of known as the plateau Jura. (2) The fold ed Jura
Gre noble. The Swiss A lps continue in a NE - zone , see n only in this central secto r. consists
$W d irection but gradually bend into the E - W of re latively simple fold-thrust cover resting
trend of the Eastern Alps in Austria and N. o n a shallow basal detachment. The synclines

figure 8.4 M3p showing the

main tectonic sub divisions o r the
Swiss and nort he rn Fre nch Alps.
f Ol DED JURA _~.• " The zone numbers lire refe rred to
in the texr . After Ramsay (1963).

. ...:.: 0 "",- -aU. A.W·....

::::::::g§::::'::::OOC: eovu
c.....~.-/.-.::::::::: E3 000.1' ''' - ' '
........... rsJ 0....-_. t _
.Dor l . " :::::::::: E:J.....·••' ~~Co-A" 10>0.
. :..::::::::::::~ __..:v:~ .( ''' '"
...~:::~tt~ ffiffi : :::::.
till! """'_t,_
u.o .c
. . ...... . CAl ~.

'.::::::: lTI
:::::: CD
. " ""'-oooc.... ,_ ~ ., ..
_ t o" ' '''-"",,,,'


Folded Dauphlnois Zone \laJaise Brien't0nnals Zone Piemonl Zone SesJa Ivrea
Jur. zene Lanzo' ZOne
Zone Zone

NW Molsue SE

• ",.x
."w-, .
tJ v"

..-....., x
~ 1I..A1

.. .. ... . 11'0
~ .-
.. Jl or .., III

. :;
Ie ~ __ "" •
Lanzo musH

1 20 k',;; 5o
o 10 20 km
I , I
(Plateau Molasse Trough I• Helvellc Zone ., BrlallJonnals Plemonl Zone '"
Jura) Pre-Alp. sesta Lenzo zone >
"I. Rosa massif z
NW Matterhorn o
Dent-BlancllS I»» ' - - -
_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "t_N~Ppe oJ- , ~~~~:.-" :.-:.~:::~.~...
....... ..~. ~- :> I !. <

I;~:j;;-::::;:': 0.~~m~r~ ~a~p~

..=W::~'i?I_ ,'tJc,'C'o.lN" o

t ·.. " ..


Jl 1I(,It" ,

• ...
tC ,. •
"" "

:-. .
.• A 'I "


,. ~ '- . . =--
It K .. ",.. VJ


Europeen African EXlernal Pia ~ont Bria~~meis Opoolltes Molasse intrusions
Zones FaCIes FaCIes

g Will m .····
DD...... _ _ ..-.... ~···· ~

Figure 8.5 Representative structural profiles across the northern French (upper diagram) and Swiss (lower) Alps (see lines on Figure 8.4). showing the
outcrop of the major structural units and tectonic zones. SB. Sub-Brianconnais zone ; P, Piernont zone; W. Wildhorn nappe; M. Morcles napp e ; DJ.
Diablercts nappe. After Debelmas et al. (1983) .
of Mesozo ic folded cover con tain weak ly- uppermost nappes which have experienced a
defo rmed Miocene molasse depo sits. The lo nger deform ation history than the lower.
amount of deform ation increases so uth- Moreover , the 'ligher nappes were displaced
eastwards. (3) The Molasse srougn is a flexural under condit ions of lowe r co nfining restra int
forela nd basin developed du ring the O ligocene tha n the lowe r and sho w more variable strain
10 Pliocene pe riod in respo nse to thr ust loadin g patt erns. Late r strains are due to mark ed
to the so utheast. The molasse is undeform ed in extension pa rallel to the fold axes. Th ese
the cent ral and western part s of the basin bu t is observat ions are consistent with ea rly duc tile
involved in th rusting o n its so uthea st side . Th e tr anslations along lo w-angle shear zones that
sole thrust passes beneath the und efo rmed steepen downwards into the intense ly defor m-
molasse to link with the next zone . (4) The ed shea r zones seen in the basem ent.
Dauphinais zone (o r sub-A lpine chains) con- The next thr ee zones co nstitute the internal
tains the most highly deformed of the external Alpine zones. (5) Th e Embru nais- Ebaye nap-
zones of the Alps. In this zone , Hercynian pes o f the Valais zone occur in the so uthern
basement and a th ick platfo rm Mesozoic cover French secto r, where they are thru st over the
has bee n involved in major thru st shee ts which rocks of the sub-Alpine chains. Th ey conta in
are para -autochtho nous in th at they have tra- allochthono us material deri ved fro m the in-
velled on ly a sho rt distance from thei r origin. terna l Pennine nappe zones , and comp rise a
Gravity sliding in the Ti nee nappes of the lower unit of Mesozoic cover slices and an
Alpes Ma ritimes north of Nice (Figure 8.6A ) is upper unit of Cre taceo us flysch . The lowe r unit
described by Graham (1981). He attrib utes the continues no rth ward s as the suo -Brianconnais
26 km o f shortening see n in the Triassic cover zone. (6) Th e Brianconnals zon e consists of
to gliding on weak decolle ment planes in numerous superimposed units exhibiting a fan
Triassic eva porite deposits. The gravity gliding arra nge ment, with more weste rly structu res
is attributed to uplift of the A rgente ra base- verging west and mo re easterly ver ging eas t
ment massif to the no rth (Figure 8 .6 B) . (Figure 8.5). The stratigraphic seque nce is
This zone is replaced along-strike in Switze r- characterized by very thick T riassic she lf de-
land by the Heiv etic nappes. These consist o f posits o n a Permo-Ca rboniferous basement,
basement blocks of the Aiguilles Rou ge and o verlain by a very thin J urassic and Cre taceous
Mont Blanc massifs to get her with the ir para- cover, with many stratigraphic gaps, and is
autochthonous Mesozoic cover . In a study of interpreted as a pelagic gea nticlinal zone .
the Helvetic nappes, Ramsay (1981) and Ram- Deformatio n is inte nse, and shows two main
say et al, (1983) integ rate the major and minor phases; an earlier, characterized by nor th-
structure and fabrics developed in the p rogres- west wards thrusting, and a late r, related to
sive strain histo ry o f the na ppes. He shows that so utheastwards back-thru sting o r retroch arri-
the folding and intern al strain are related to age (see e .g. Platt a nd Lister , 1985). The
movement along sub-horizontal shea r zones Brianco nnais zone in the Swiss Alps is rep re-
that ar e the deeper-seated equivalent of sented by the Sa int Bernard Nappe. Th e later
thrusts. Figure 8.7 is a pro file across the back-thrust ing phase is dated by H unziker
Morcles, D iablere t and Wildhom nappes (see (l986) fro m mica cooling ages a nd apatite
Figure 8.5) , which consist o f detached Meso- fission-tr ack ages, a nd is att ribu ted to the N - S
zoic cove r . The profile illustrat es the gene ral Miocen e collision move ment.
form and stratigraphy o f the Heivet ic nappes . (7) The Piemont, o r Schistes L ustres zone , is
By studying the strain histor y o f the variou s the most easterly of the intern al o r Pennine
parts of the nappe complex, Ramsay shows nappe zones. It contains a number of com-
that Ihe ea rliest strains result fro m NNW ple xly defo rmed nappes co ntaining a strati-
elo ngatio n arising from sub-ve rtical sho rte n- gra phic seq uence that changes fro m west to
ing. These early stra ins are o nly shown in the east. The externa l unit s possess a th ick Triassic


IH ' _ 1IIE1 / "'-- -- - - - - - -_
- NE




Fi~Uft 8.6 (A) Representative down-

plunge: structural p rofile across the note
nappe complex. (8) Sequence or dia-
grammatic profiles illustrat ing a gravity
sliding model for the Io rmaticn of the
Tinee nappes. (A) , (8) from Gra ham
B (1981)

shelf sequence on a Carboniferous base ment, zone thai contains the evide nce fo r Upper Cre-
similar to that of the Brtanconnais zone . How- taceous obduction linked with high-pressure
ever . the internal units contain typical o phio li- met amorphism. In the northern French sector,
tic ocea n-crust assemblages with Jur assic to this zone is reduced to se veral klippen resting
mid-Cretaceous pelagic sediments . These nap- o n the Brianconnais nappes (Figure 8.5). In
pes show a similar cha nge in vergence across the eastern part of the zone lie the Lanzo
the zone to the Brianconnais nappes . It is this peridotites. interpre ted as the top most par t of

Coml>!""" u,,;t~

I f J J J Ui'lJOIl"''' Is' .

H · t · 1· I 'i l(~u/I«JU'
Io'a /O" " in .., ,, lSI.

lllllllllllJ llu "'o.m Is'.

1'1gure 8.7 Co mpos ite structural profile across the western Helvetic Alps, showing the alloc hthonous Morcles and
Wild horn nappe s ove rlying the autochthon of the Dauphincis l one (see Figure s 8.4 , 8.5). Fro m Ramsay (1981)

the uppe r mantle, bounded on its south side by ern Alps zone is known as the Ivrea zone. In
African crystalline basemen t of the Ivrea zone. the southern sector , the Po basin (zone 10)
In Switzerland , the lateral equ ivalents of the with its thick molasse deposits conceals the
Piemont nappes are found in the complex southern Alpine margin . Zo ne 11 is the un-
Monte Rosa nappe, with its associated ophio- deformed Adriatic plate or African fo reland . It
lites. The Pre-Alps of Switzerland represent a is concealed by the Po basin in the south, but is
large klippe of Premont -zone material resting represented by the Ivrea zone in the central
on the Molasse basin, at least 50k m from the sec tor.
nearest Pennine rocks, having travelled across In summary, then , the three main tectonic
the intervening Helve ric zone. units of the central or Swiss Alps are the
(8) In the Swiss Alps and Eastern Alps of Helvetic, Pennine a nd Austro-Alpine nappe
Austria, the Penni ne nappes are over lain by assemblages. The Austro-A lpine sheets a rc the
the next zone , the Austro-A lpine nappes . topmost unit, a nd represent the relatively thin
These contain crystalline basement of the basement and cover from the African (Adria-
Adriatic plate with its Triassic to Jurassic tic) plate, which have been 'fla ked' off the top
cove r. T he Dent Blanche nappe in the central of that plate as first suggested by Oxburgh
Swiss Alps forms an Austro-Alpine klippe 1972 (see Figure 5.24). The Pennine nappes,
resting on the Piemont nappes. These nappes with their ophiolitic sequence, represent the
root in the Sesia Lanzo zone on the SE side of thinned contine ntal margin and oceanic crust
the Piemcn t zone . (9) The So uthern Alps zo ne or the subducted margin of the Europea n
consists of a simple south-verging fold-thrust plate. The Helvetic nappes represent the plat-
bell that is separated from the zones to the Conn sedimentary cove r from the Europea n
north by the Insub ric a nd Tonale faults. This plate, stripped off and transported back to-
zone is on ly recognized in the easte rn Alpine wards the foreland. 11
secto r. Th e crystalline basement of the south- The metamorph ic history of the Alps reflects

the above changes in tecto nic en vironment. NW-SE convergent phase in Up per Eoce ne-
The ear ly high-pressure. low-te mper ature Lowe r Oligocene limes. In the southern
me tamo rphism , giving rise to blue-schists and French Alps. Merle and. Bron. (l 9R4} demon-
eclog ites, is associa ted ..with subd uction and - -ctrate -thar the Par paillon nappe, a Pen nine
obduction d uring the early stages o f conver- nappe thai has ove rridde n the exte rnal zo ne,
gencc in the late Cretaceous. The later, exhibits an earlier mo vement to the no rth-
higher-temperature, lo wer -pressure phase was west , followed by a southeastwards mo veme nt
superimposed o n the former to give gree nschist- attributed to gravity sliding away from the
facies co nd itions throughou t the intern al zones uplifted bell to the northeast.
coinciding with the peak of tecton ic act ivity. Butle r et 01. (1986) present a balanced
A ttempts are being made in many pa rts of crustal-scale sectio n across the central (Franco-
the A lps to relate individual movemen t and Swiss) secto r of the Alps by restoring the
stra in histories of the nappes to an o verall Frontal Pennine Thrust , which ma rks the
kine matic pattern that is compatible with the boun da ry bet ween the exte rnal and internal
plate tecto nic model o utlined earlier. This can zones (Figure 8.8). This section has bee n
be achieved less easily in the intern al zones resto red parallel to the main WNW-directed
than in the exte rnal, owing 10 the mo re ductile convergence d irection in the exte rna l thrust
deform ation and more complex strain history belt (i.e ., that of the Oligocene mo veme nts).
of the former. Howeve r, in se veral areas, Shorte ning estimates from individual
northwestwards tra nspo rt di rections (see e .g. balanced sections demo nstrate a minimum of
Butler, 1983) ap pear to co rrelate with the main 140 km displacement along the Frontal Penn ine

,, ::

, .
- .- . . . . . . . .. -,
- '"",-
." • al"Nll ron ..
• • " ••• 10 .... .

Ju ' O Da uP ~ ;Nl - Ke IUil ic Ull . . ... l....l ic

figu re 8.8 Balanced IIfW restore d sections iIluslrating lhe dee p struct ure or the: nor thwestern ellie-mal Alpine lhru st belt.
Motassc. open circle orna ment; otber eete rnet rover sedimenu. slipp lcd ; EBM . exte rnal Belledon ne massir; FIT. rto nlal
Penninc thru st; UHT . Ulrra belveuc lhrust ; AA T. A ustro-A lpine Ihrust (suture ). from Butle r ~I Qf. ( 1986)
Thrust (Figu re 8.8) . This imp lies an eq uivalent Mesozo ic to earl y Ce nozoic foreland thrust
widt h o f footw all in the form o f a mid- to lo we r be lt produce d by co nve rge nt defo rmat ion of
crustal wedge projecting be neat h the internal t he co ntinen tal ma rgin of th e A merican p late .
zone o f the Alps . However . the geomet ry In the so uthern part o f this zone , a later
of this wed ge is dep end ent upo n the pre- Ce nozo ic exte nsional regime has been super-
conve rge nt crustal geo metry: in pa rticular, the impose d , giving risc to t he Basin-and-Range
extent o f an y base me nt thinning . The au tho rs p rov ince desc ribed in 4.3 . Th e rocks an d
assume an o riginal crustal thickness o f 25 km , history o f this zo ne can be rel ated 10 each o the r
corresponding to t he thick ness on the un- and to th e stable co ntine ntal interior in a
deformed Fre nch crato n. co he re nt and sensib le manne r, a nd will be
The pro fi le inco rpo rat es se ismic re fraction described fi rst. Th e weste rn zo ne is a co mple x
a nd gravity data ( Perrier and vialon . 1980) tecto nic collage of suspect te rranes (see 6.2) ,
defining the depressio n o f the Moho to a depth man y of which are dem o nst rably alloc h-
of c.Sn km below t he southe rn part of t he thon ous. and whose relation sh ips with t he
interna l zo ne (sec Figure 5.26). Howev e r. the co ntine ntal margin to t he east are eit he r
Moh o has been displace d upward s and north- spec ulative o r no n-existen t. This western zo ne
war ds along a thrust regarded by Perrie r and was co nside red to re presen t the 'eugeosyn-
Vlalo n as the A lpine so le thrust. Th e dis- dinar belt. paired with the ' mio geosynclina!'
place ment o f the high-density Ivrea body to a eastern belt in the o lde r lite ratu re . be fore the
relatively high crustal level (see gravity profile importa nce of strike-slip displace ments and
in Figure 5.23 ) is attrib uted by Butler es al. to exot ic terranes was d isco vered .
the Fron ta l Pe nnine thrust. Th ey reg ard this Th e str ucture o f t he o roge nic belt is summar-
th rust as lying within the midd le crust for most ized in Figure 8.9 . Th e easte rn margin of the
of t he widt h of the internal zo nes . since no be lt is re presented by the t hrust fro nt. which
deep crustal rock s are exposed exce pt at t he possesses a sinuous course from the A laska-
eastern ma rgin. T hus both the ex te rna l and Yuk on bo rde r to the G ulf o f Mexico , defi ning
intern al zo nes are att ributed . according to this a belt that va ries in widt h from 600 km to
model , to thi n-ski nned thru st movements. The nearl y 1400 km . Th e autochthono us par t o f the
Aust ro-A lpine thru st, which t ransports the fore land thrust be lt is defined by the prov ed
European- Africa n suture over the Europea n limits of the N . American craton ic basem ent.
plate . restores to a po sitio n benea t h t he Po The Nort h Slope terran e is co nside red to be
valley. prob ab ly autochthonous, but all the te rranes
No precise estima te is available for the west of a line from the weste rn bo undary o f the
shortening across the Pe nnine nappes , which No rt h Slope te rra ne , southwards along the
are difficult to restore beca use of their com- weste rn cra tonic margin, are suspect. Seve ra l
ple x three-dime nsion al strain. According to a re invo lved in the thrust be lt (e. g. the Easte rn
T rumpy ( 1973), during the main converge nt assemblage o f Brit ish Co lumbia) . Man y of the
phase be twee n late Eocene and early Oli go - terranes in the western belt have unde rgone
cene time. at least 300 km o f crustal sho rte ning lar ge strike -slip displace ments relative to
took place acro ss the whole belt in a pe riod of Nort h A merica.
5- 6 Ma , giving an average deforma tion rate o f The so uthwestern part of the orogenic belt
5-6 cm/yea r. is traversed by the Sa n Andreas fault zo ne ,
along whic h de xtra l strike-slip mo tio n is pre-
sently taking place. Th is active zone is de-
8.2 The Cord illeran oroge nic helt of Nor th
scribed in 6.3. Act ive subd uctio n is also tak ing
place at the western mar gin of the o rogenic
At its simp les t, th e Co rd illera n o rogenic be lt o f belt alo ng the British Co lumbia - Washingto n-
North America may be d ivided into two major O regon sector, an d is respo nsible fo r the
tectonic zones. Th e eastern zone comprises a Cascades volca nic arc (see Figure 4. 18).

the N. Ame rican craton. A detailed descrip-

tion of the southern Ca nadian Rocky Moun-
tains sector (Figure 8.10) is provided by Price
(1985). The sedimentary cover consists of an
~.,. .:~"""'- easte rly-thinning wedge, divisible into ' pre-
orogenic' and 'synorogenic' domains. The
: .-':;~1f;J~ft~ft.~ :::C Q n pre-orogenic cover consists of 'miogeoclinal'

. T"'I"'''' ~._". continental slope 10 continental shelf deposits

ranging in age from Late Prote rozoic 10 mid-
Ju rassic in the east, and in the west, of a
.~. 'eugeoclinat' assemblage of basic to acid '101-
eanic rocks and immature clastic ff yscb de-
posits, The synoroge nic cover consists of clastic
deposits of late Jurassic to Palaeogene age,
• ~., w··,··,··.······ accumulated in a foredeep Or foreland basin.
The axis of this basin appears to have migra-
ted north -eastwards during this period as the
thrust-thickened load moved towards the
The Late Proterozoic sequence comprises
two quite different units. The Belt- Purcell
Supergroup consists of up to 11 km of marine
clastic sediments followed by carbonat es de-
posited at a rifted continental margin. The
overlying Windermere Supergroup consists of
up to 9 km of coarse, immature sandstone s and
conglomera tes, interbedded with shales and
carbonates, lying unconformably on the Belt-
. ."1// ""'
-.....: \ Purcell rocks, and partly der ived from them.

"< The basin in which these beds accumulated
appears 10 have been bounded by a major
extensional fault, which subsequently reve rsed
Figu ~ 8.9 Tectonic summary map or the Nor th Ame ri- its displacement direction during the thrusting.
can Co rdilleran oroge nic be ll . showing lhe division be- The Lower Palaeozoic strata consist of a thin
tween the western collage zone o r suspect and displaced
terranes, and Ihe eastern paramccruboncus fo ld-thrust sequence, up to c.l km thick, of shelf car-
belt underlain by Nonn American enll onie basement. Sec: bonates and shales that thicken westwards to
socrce for a c:ontplele list o f the terranes, and thei r about 5 km along a carbonate bank margin.
descn rnions. NS, Nonh Slope and E, Eastern assemblage
are terranes referred to in Ihe text . The SOUl he m pa n of West of this line. the re is a facies change in
the map should be referred to Figure 4.17(A) for grealer most units to dark mudstones with inte rbedded
detail. From Coney ~ ai, (1980) basic volcanic rocks and coarse clastic deposits.
This facies change is interp reted as evidence of
a back-arc or marginal basin west of the
The Cordilleran fo reland thrust belt in 1M
continental shelf, with a volcanic arc on its
S . CAnadian sector
western side.
The eastern part of the Cordille ra n orogenic The Upper Palaeozoic strata are unconform-
belt of N. America consists of an east-directed able on the Lower . In the basin domai n, the
set of thrust shee ts defin ing a belt up to 300 km Lower Carbonife rous deposits are similar to
wide, developed on Precambrian basement of those of the Lower Palaeozoic. a nd rest on
them with angular discordance. In the plat form similar geophysical prope rties can be traced at
seq uence, Upper Devonian carbonates over- least as far as the eastern part of the Purcell
step their Lower Palaeozoic equivalents. anticlinorium (Figure 8.11) without any disrup-
This distinction between shelf and miogeo- tion of its distinctive NE-SW magnetic fabr ic.
clinal slope environments is maintained in the In the western part of the belt, the Protero zoic
Mesozoic seque nces. 100 m of Ju rassic marine strata of the Bell-Purcell and Winderme re
shales o n the platform are the lateral equi- Supergrcups show variable penetrative strain
valent of a 1 km-thick seque nce of Triassic [0 and metamorphic grade, both of which in-
J urassic shallow-marine deposits, consisting of crease progressively westwards. Accurate sec-
assorted sandstones , carbonates and evapor- tion balancing is therefore confined to the
ites. The basin asse mblage of equivalent age is eastern section.
10km thick a nd contains a high proportion of A major change in str uctural level, amount -
volcanic a nd volcanogenic deposits of mainly ing to about 20 km o f stratigraphic succession.
andesitic de rivation. Deformed mid- to late takes place across the Kootenay A re, where
Jurassic granitic pluto ns are associated with Belt- Purcell strata in the core of the Purcell
these rocks. which are also cut by younger. anticlinorium are adjacent to T riassic- Jura ssic
Cretaceo us granites. basin deposits to the west. The Kootenay Arc
The changes in depositional environment is therefore interpreted as a major west-facing
recognized in these facies variations mark the monocline marking the western edge of the
boundaries of major tectonic provinces within North Amer ican craton. T his structure cor-
the Rocky Mountains belt. Important changes responds to a change in crustal thickness from
in thickness and mechanical properties of the c.50-55 km at the Purcell a nticlinorium to
cover have con trolled the nature of the fold- 30- 40 km beneath the interior part of the
thrust defo rmation. Consequently. abrupt Cordillera, and also to a corresponding in-
changes in tectonic patt ern take place both crease in the negative Bouguer gravity ano-
across and along strike, due to these lateral maly. The size of this anomaly can be
changes in facies and thickness. explained by the calculated increase in crustal
The belt is interpre ted as a typical. thin- thickness of IOkm. However, in orde r to
skinned , foreland thrust belt, where many of balance the thin-skinned crustal shorte ning in
the ideas incorpo rated into modern thrust- the east, the 40km -thick crust of the autoch-
tectonic theory we re develope d (see e.g. thonous platform is required to extend west-
Dahlstro m, 1970). The structure is dominated wards beneath the Purcell anticlinorium to the
by thrust faults that a re primarily west-dipping edge of the Kootenay Arc (Figure 8.11, 8.12) .
and eastwards-verging (Figures 8.10, 8. 11). Th is crustal structure confirms the view, based
Flexural-slip folds are developed in association on the study of the sedi menta ry facies , that the
with the thrusts. many of which die out in the thick miogeoclinal strata of the Proterozoic
cores of anticlines. Thrusts in the eastern part and Lower Palaeozoic sequences accumulated
of the belt commonly detach on weak horizons on thinned continental crust at the contine ntal
such as the Upp er Cretaceous Alberta Gro up, margin. The minimum tota l shorte ning achie-
the Jurassic marine shales of the Fernie Group, ved by the thin-skinned part of the belt is
a nd a t the base of the thick Upper Permian estimated to be J70 km.
Paliser limestone. Deformation in the thrust belt a ppears to
The thru sts in the eastern part of the belt , have spanned a period of almost 100Ma from
from the thrust front to the Rocky Mountain late Jurassic to Palaeoce ne time. Uplift and
Trench, appea r to have developed in piggy- erosion of shelf assemblages is first recorded in
back sequence, by eastward displacement of Upper Ju rassic deposits, and early reverse!
the cover over the autochthonous platform transfer faults in the Purcell anticlinorium are
(Figure 8.11). Preca mbrian baseme nt with cut by early to mid-Cretaceous batholiths.
f _ _' _
lo -e»o. ..'_
E -,· _ ..-
~ rM;LOCI. - rL ..r'........ TL'HIAlH ·llfC" "
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1I~ I<> Z OlC · C L IIO Z O JC

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(",,':-=-:d v_ , - 1-
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1:'1':>j - D c.._.
" gure 8.10 Geological map of the furd anJ Ih ruSI· fo ld he ll or Ih e so uthern CanaJi an Rock y Mountains. in tbe cent ral
sector of the N. Americ an Cordille ran o rogen ic he ll. For names of key faults an d batbofhhs distin guishe d by teue rs, sec
source. Fro m Price ( l'Jlll )

J,lOU N T ", IN

.,,1--- •


S... "_ I ..


o ZOk",

FigUR 8.11 SW- NE struc tural profile aeross upper line on Figure R.IO. Faults idcn lified on Ihe sec tion arc : Pu. Purce ll;
Ba, Bou r&C,)u; Sm. Sulphur Mountain; Ru, Rundle ; t".lnglismaldie; LD. Lac des Arcs; M,. McCo nne ll; HI. Burnt Ti mber ;
08. O ld Bald y; 8 z . Br azeau. Not e diftc renl ornament in Koot enay arc (nJlw ) and in foredeep elastics (blank) Ior clamy.
Fro m Pnce (198 1)

• 3.
•, , ! ,

.. "Tlel/NOII/tVM


FiRU~ 8. 12 Diagrammatic sections 10 illustra te an iOIC' rprcli1lion o f the evoruuce of the Purcell an tid inori um (see Figure
8.11) (4) Restored original sectio n; (b) prese nt sectiofl drawn to eliminate effects o f erosion pre- and post- lhrusling: (c)
sehemanc representation showing d isplace ment (A 10 A' etc.). m, manue : c. continenta l Crusl;p. Bell- Purcell assemblage;
.... windermere lS."Cmblage;Lp . lower Palaeozoic assemblages; up -m . Upper Palaeozoic and T riassic-J unlssic
asse mblages . From Price ( 1981)

Th e late Cre taceo us gra nite plutons of the led 10 a large exte nt by ove rlapping o f the
Kootenay Arc a re pos t-tecto nic in relation already thinn ed co ntinen tal crus t along the
to the deformation fabric. Furth er east , the continenta l margin . and is viewed by Price as
McConnell and Lewis thrusts post-date an exa mple of intraplate co nve rgence . invol-
Upper Cretaceous slope de posits but pre-date ving the destru ction of a marginal basin sit ua-
late Eocene -early Oligocen e foredeep-basin ted behind (east o f) the main eastward-dipping
molasse. Price estimates thai a t teast 100 km of Co rdillera n subd uctio n zone .
horizontal displacement occurre d across the
thrust belt during thi s pe riod o f less than
The western collage zone ofsuspect terran es
3O Ma, corresponding to a rate of 3 kmlMa. o r
3mmlyear. Th e concept o f displa ced or suspec t terranes
T he Purcell anticlinorium is interpreted as (see 6.2) was developed in th is regio n (see
the geo metric co nsequence of lifting the thick Wilson , 1968; Mon ger et al., 1972; Jon es et d .,
sed imenta ry prism . ori ginally deposited o n the 1972). In Figure 8.9 the distributio n o f more
atte nuated crust o f the co ntinental margin, o n th an fifty sus pect terranes ide ntified by Co ney
to the main part o f the cra to n (Figure 8.12). et at. (J 98O) is shown . Th e prin ciples govern ing
Crusta l conve rge nce of possibly 200 km o ver their recognition are discussed in 6.2. Adjoin-
the whole width of the be lt is thus acco mmoda- ing terranes may be d istin guished by discon-
tinuities of structure or stratigraphy across mian Te thyan faunas quite distinct from those
their boundaries, tha t cannot be explained on found in adjoining blocks.
the basis of nor mal facies or tectonic changes. Other terr anes represent fragments of island
Many terranes contain palaeomagnetic records arcs of late Palaeozoic to J urassic age. The
that differ stro ngly from those of the stable large Stikine terrane of Western Canada (Fi-
craton, or of adjoining terra nes. Te rranes are gure 8.9) contains a Lowe r Carbo niferous to
regarded as allochthonous or exotic if their Perm ian volcanic sequence overlain by Upper
faunal or palaeomagnetic signatures indicate Triassic to mid-J urassic volcanogenic strata .
that the y originated a considerable dista nce This terr ane has no continental basement.
from their present position relative to the O ther terranes represen t volcanic arcs fonn ed
craton. Many terr anes show evidence of an on older basement sliced from a distant con-
origin far to the south of their present latitude, tinen tal margin.
and many also have undergone translations of Several terranes ca n be shown to have
hundreds of km after collision. Palaeomagnetic amalgamated before their final accretion to the
evidence also indicates significa nt rotations North Ame rican craton . For example Jones et
about the ve rtical in many cases (e.g. the large at. (1977) de monstrate that Wrangellia collided
terra ne in Oregon. labelled S in Figure 8.9). with the Alexande r te rrane before final accre-
The histor y of the western zone can be tion to Western Ca nada and Alaska. These
pieced together by comparing the stratigraphy terranes contain diffe rent Palaeozoic baseme nt
of the autochth onous a nd parautochtbonous rocks originating far to the south, but display
foreland seque nces with those in the suspect similar Upper Jura ssic to Cre taceous sequen-
terra nes. As we have seen, the western boun- ces and evidence of volcanic arc activity. The
dary of North America was a passive con- combined terrane accre ted to the continental
tinental margin throughout late Precambrian margin in mid-Cretaceous times. Since its
and ea rly Palaeozoic time. during which a accretion, furthe r fragmenta tion has occurred,
broad miogeoclinal terrace developed. Apart and the terr ane now extends in several de-
from a brief period of convergence and colli- tached pieces ove r 2000 km from Oregon to
sion in the mid-Palaeozoic, this situation con- Alaska.
tinued into the late Palaeozoic. In late Triassic The process of strike-slip terrane accretion
to mid-Jurassic time, however. a subduction appears to have extend ed over a period of at
zone became established which eventually con- least 120 Ma from mid-J urassic to ea rly Ce no-
sumed the Palaeozoic proto-Pacific ocea n. All zoic time. Dur ing most of this period, the
the Palaeozoic te rranes now found outside the continental margin was a subduction zone, so
Palaeozoic passive continental margin must that accretion took place by a process of
therefore be suspect, and must have accreted oblique convergence combining underthrusting
to that margin during Mesosozic--Ce nozoic with strike-slip moveme nts. The former pre-
time. You nger terranes outside that margin sence of subduction zones is at tested by the
must also be suspect, although their alloch- belts of highly deformed chert , ophiolite and
thonous natur e may be more difficult to prove greywacke sequences, metamorphosed in blue-
unless they include Palaeozoic basement. schist facies, such as the Franciscan comp lex of
Most of the suspect terranes listed by Coney California.
et at. cont ain sedimentary and volcanic se- The strike-slip compo nent appears to have
quences of oceanic affi nity, and rocks olde r been dextral throughout , so that the accreting
than mid-Palaeozoic are rare . A few contain material seems to have originated consistently
pieces of oceanic crust (e .g. the Cache Creek to the south of its final resting place. Many of
terr ane of Western Ca nada . and the Klamath the fragments of volcanic arcs may be totally
Mount ains terrane of Californ ia - see Figure foreign to North or even South America, and
8.9). The Cache Cree k terrane contains Per- may have travelled from the far side of the

Pacific Ocean. Erns t (1984) provides a q ua nti- of their struc tural, metamo rphic and igneous
tative analysis o f the process . By assu ming cha rac teristics. The Hercyno-typc , of which
symme trica l sp rea d ing at the East Pacific ridge ,the Wes t E uropean Variscides are the type
a figu re o f about IOQ(Xl k m of western over- example. were diffe rentiated fro m the Alpino-
riding o f Pacific ocean plate is derived . To this type by (i) large volumes of gra nito id pluton.
E - W co nve rgence sho uld be added se veral (ii) regional low-pressure , high-tem perature
thousand km of northward drift of t he Pacific metamorph ism , and (ii i) poorly-developed
plate . fo ld-thrust tectoni c sho rte ning. However these
c haracteristics do nOI apply to the who le
Hercyni an be lt. In No rth A mer ica the Her-
8.3 T he Her cynian orogenic belts of Wester n
cynian o roge ny is represented by a linear fold-
Europe a nd Nort h America
thru st be lt co nta ining Barrovian meta mo rphic
An o rogeni c belt of Hercynian age. often rocks and few gra nites. Mo reo ve r linear fold-
termed the Variscan belt. occupies most of thru st be lts ex ist also in t he ma rginal zo nes of
Wes tern E urope south of a line thro ugh the the E uro pean Hercynioes . in SW E ngla nd and
sou t hern Bri tish Isles and northern Ge rmany, S. Wales. and in the Ca nta bria n- Asturian
and west of the Tornquist line mar king the chain . for exa mple ( Figures 8.17, 8. 19).
edge of the R ussian platform (Fig ures 8. 13, The regional co ntex t o f the Hercynian
8 .16). O n the eastern side of the Russian be lts is summarized in Figu re 8.13. Following
platform , the Urals be lt formed during the the Caledo nian orogeny, the co ntine nts of
sa me pe riod . In Nort h Am erica, the equi- Laurentia a nd Baltica had become we lded
valale nt oroge ny is termed the Alleghenian, to gether as far south as the nort hern Appala -
and in Nort h Africa , the Maurilanian.- - .- " chia ns '- To the so uth iay the proto-T eth ys
Th e o roge ny spa ns mid-Devonia n to ea rly Ocea n , with Gondwanaland on its so uthe rn
Perm ian time . and immediat el y follows the side . At the end o f the Hercynian o rogen y,
Caledonian oroge ny. In E urope , the Hercyn- A frica had co llided with La ure ntia to fo rm the
ian belt is oblique to the earlier Ca ledonian All eghen ian sec to r of the Hercynides. Many
belt , but in Nort h America , the two he lls a re autho rs have pointed o ut the importan ce o f
pa rallel . and partl y supe rimposed , and are de xtra l shea r with in the E urope an He rcynldcs
d ifficult to d istinguish from each othe r in man y (e .g . A rthaud and Ma lle , 19n ). A ge ne rally
areas. Useful ge ne ral de scriptions of the be lt no rt hwest wa rds move me nt o f Africa in rela-
are provided by Windley ( 1977), Zi egler ( 1975) tio n to La ur entia -Nor the rn Euro pe explains
and Weber (1984) . The preferred name fo r the both co nverge nt mo vement in the Alleghenian
Euro pean oroge nic be ll is the Variscides (H ut- sec tor a nd dextral st rike-slip effec ts in Western
to n and Sanderson . 1985). but Hercynian is Eu rope . and fo rms the basis of most plate
pr obably the more inte rnationa lly accep table tectonic re const ructions.
name for the orogeny world-wide . A simple subdivisio n of the Hercynian belt
The width of the bel t in E uro pe is abo ut (f igure 8. 13) is made by Dewey and Burke
2000 km. and the structural and stratigraphic ( 1973) . T he o utermos t ZOne is part of the
pat tern is difficult to interpret beca use the vari- Hercynian fore land o n which fo rmed basins of
o us o utcrops are separated by post-He rcynia n contine ntal deposit s duri ng the De vo nian.
cover a nd . in the so uth , by the ove rprinting she lf deposits in the Lo wer Ca rbo niferous. and
effec ts of t he Al pine orogeny . The E uropean coal basins in th e Upper C arbo niferous. T his
He rcynides, or Variscides , have tr aditi onall y zone is represented in S. Wales and in the
been regarde d as a different type o f oroge nic west ern side of the Alleghenian belt . The
belt to both the Ca ledo nides and the Alps. mid dle zo ne conta ins bo th ma rine and no n-
Thus Z wart ( 1967) classifies orogenic be lts int o mari ne ea rly Devo nian sed iments, mid -
Hercyno-t ype and Al pine -type on the basis Devo nia n basic volcanic roc ks, and mainly


Figurt 8.13 Outline map o f the tectonic

setting and pr incipal subdivisions of the
He rcynian o rogenic bell system of w estem
Eur ope and No rth America. Zone s: 1. dis -
OCEAN continuous forela nd basins; 2 , externa l zone
characterized by Upper Carboni ferous flysch
basins and fold·t hrusl belts; 3. internal zone
em 1 characterized by basement massifs, high-
BID 2 temperature , low-p ressure metamorphism
IT] 3 and abunda nt granite plutons. A fter Windley
• GA....IlES
( 19n) and Dewey and Burke (1973).

shales in the early Carbonifero us. Flysch tion corres ponds to the main uplift phase o f
basins, exhib iting the ' Culm' facies , formed the inte rio r o f the Hercynian belt , and was
in the mid-Carboniferous, and were subjected associated with t he main episode of granitic
to northward -direc ted thrust movements. Th e emplacement and acid to intermediate vul-
inne r zo ne contains a number o f Prec amb rian canicity. Th e Asturic ph ase , in the uppermost
basem ent blocks, such as the Bohemi an (Mol- Carbonife ro us, p rod uced the marginal belts
danubian) , Ar mo rican, and central Iber ian o f fold-t hrust de fo rma tion as well as furt her
massifs. Devonia n sedim ent ation in this zone defo rmat ion in the inte rior zone .
was largely co ntro lled by t he distributio n of the
basement bloc ks. Sedimentary sequ e nces are
The A l/eghenitm bell
generally thin, and carbo nates are typ ical. In
the Lower Carbo nifero us, sedime ntat ion was The Phanerozoic orogeni c syste m of eastern
inte rrupted by tholeiitic vulca nism. The zone North Ameri ca is d ivided into three separate
is cha racterized by high-temperatu re , low- secto rs: the Nort he rn Appalachians, exte nding
pressu re regio nal metamorphism. and by from Newfoundland to the Hudson River; the
abundant gra nitic plutons and loca l migmat- Ce ntra l-Sou thern Appalachians fro m the re to
ites. In t he uppe rmost Ca rbonifero us, a Ce ntra l Al abama ; and the O uachita -Mara-
numbe r of intermontane sed imentary basins thon belt (rom no rt hern Mississippi to Texas.
deve loped , together with pot assic ignirnbritic Th e Nonhern Appalachians are prima rily
vulca nism. Ca ledo nian in age ( Aca d ian and Taconic), but
Three main phases of deformation a re re- in addition suffered Hercy nian de formatio n in
cogni zed within t he period occupi ed by the the so uth-easte rn pa rt o f the belt.
Her cynian orogeny in the West European be lt, Th e Ce ntral- Southe rn Appalachian belt is
eac h of which ca n be detected over most of the the type area o f the Alle ghe nian orogeny. Th e
belt. Th ese phases are the Bretonic (c.345 Ma belt he re is abo ut 2000 km lon g and 500 km
DP) , the Sudetic (c.325Ma) and the A sturic across (Figu re 8. 14). It consists of fo ur main
(290-295 Ma ). Th e Bretonic phase is respon- zones bo unde d o n the At lanti c side by younger
sible for the wides pread Devonia n-Carboni- deposits of the coa stal plain. Th e outermost ,
ferou s u nconformity. Acco rding to Ziegler fo re land , zon e comprises (he Appalach ian
(1975) , significant shorte ning occu rred across and Black Wa rrior basins, which contain
th e be lt at that time. T he Sudetic deforma - unde formed o r wea kly-defo rmed Upper

Palaeozoic (mainly Carboniferou s) stra ta . The eastern bo undary of the pro v ince IS
Lower Ca rbo nifero us (Mississipp ian) marine marked by a ma jo r fau lt. southeast o f which
ca rbo nates are ove rlain by Uppe r Carbo ni- lies the Blue Ridge pro v ince, co nsisting of an
fe ro us (Pe nnsylva nian) fluvia l o r de ltaic de- upth rust block o f Precambrian (Or enville ) crys-
posits, wit h an ove rall thickness o f gene rally talline basement together with late Precam-
unde r I km. These st rata a re affected by b rian to early Pa laeozo ic sedimentary cover .
fold ing near the so utheast margin of the zone. Th e Pied mo nt belt consists of meta mo rphic
Th e th ree zones making up the Alleghenian rocks of probably pre-Carbonife rous age , cut
o rogenic be lt are k no wn as the va ltey-ond- by ab undant granite and gab bro intrusions of
Ridge, th e Blue Ridge a nd the Piedmont Carbo nifero us age (330- 260 Ma) , so me of
provin ces (Figure 8. 15) . Th e Valley-and-Rid ge which are st ro ngly deformed and gneissose .
prov ince contains a thick Palaeozoic successio n Thi s be lt is inte rpre ted as a Ca rboniferous
without apprecia ble break between Silurian isla nd arc.
and Devo nian , o r be tween Devo nian and Ca r- Th e A lleghenian structu re o f the Ce ntral-
bo nifero us . Th e facies o f the Carbo nifero us Sou thern A ppalachians is dominated by wes t-
are similar to those of the foreland. Import ant wa rds o ver thrusting towards the fo reland . A
coa l-be aring deposi ts occur in the Upper Car- major decollement ho rizon within Silurian sa lt
bo nifero us. Thi s p ro....ince has long bee n deposits forms a rela ti....ely shallow detach-
con side red to be an example of a major thin- me nt surface for thin-skinned thrusting in the
skinned thru st belt (see e .g. Gw inn, 19(4 ) . Valley-and-Ridge pro v ince . Th e COCO RP deep-

~lgurr 8. 14 Tec romc summary map o f

the Ap p.alachian eroge nic ben of North
. America . No te lhe subdiv ision inlo ex-
tem at thru st-fold bells and interna l Pied -
mont and Slate bells. TIle eas tern end of
the Ou achita-c Mararhc n be ll is shown in
lhe extreme S\\'. After Coo k i f at.
( 1981).

• ,.,- THRU st ''''u~ T$

C ATS 1 "' ~ ~ ' ,",

§ "' ~ ~ OCH'TtoOH S


~ ME T ...S EOlM E N T$ ...
3 r/.O"
;--,"","""" " E T "' '' O ~ C ''' N I C & OF
eEl l S

[ j GR ...HI1 E PL UTO NS
seismic profil e across Ge orgia (Cook et al., West Europea n Var iscides (Fig ure 8.16), and
198 1) ap pear s to confir m this model (Fig ure concludes that , ove r most o f the re gion, the
8. 158 ) in resp ect of the Valley-and-Ridge . basement is no o lder than ab out 700 Ma BI' {i.e .
Blue Rid ge and inne r Pied mo nt be lts. Two de rived in the Cadomian o roge ny of Late Pro-
alte rn at ive mod els ar e propose d for the ea stern tero zoic age) . Exception s are the Armorican
Piedmon t be lt; on e env isages a mid-cru stal and Bohem ian massifs. which are found ed on
det achme nt ex tend ing to the edge of the o lder Precam b rian blocks. T he evid en ce fo r
Coastal Plain , then descen ding to the Moho ; the nature of the basem ent co mes mainly from
and the ot he r a zone of deep thrusts desce nd- a study o f 81Srfl6Sr initial ratios ind icating that
ing to the Moho beneat h the eastern Piedmont , the Hercynian gra nite s are derived from me lts
along the King Mo unta in be lt. In both models, of re lat ivel y yo ung contine nta l crust (Vidal et
the con tinen tal crus t of the easte rn Piedmont 01. , 198 1). T he Ca domian orogeny appears to
and C oastal Plain is shown 10 be substan tially have succeeded a period of ge ne rally oceanic
thinne r - abo ut 30 km , co mpared with sed ime nta tio n over mo st of the West E uropean
c.45 km in the ma in Appalachian be lt. T hus the regio n . We be r a lso d iscusses the eviden ce
maj o r pan o f t he be lt is allochthonous, in- re lating to the ex iste nce of the Ca ledonian
volving disp lacements of up 10 severa l hund red o roge ny within the Va risca n be ll. A ltho ugh
km. T he age of the defo rmat ion ap pears to there has bee n no seve re regional de form ation ,
span a lo ng pe riod of time . Ea rlier t hrusts have invo lving significant crusta l shortening, a wide-
bee n dat ed at c.380 Ma and 356 Ma , but the sp read suite of gra nite plutons was emp laced in
main A lleghen ian de forma tio n appears to re- O rdov ician to Silurian times . This Lower Pal-
late to post-met amorphic displacements o f late aeozo ic magm ati sm is broadly coeval with a
Carbo nifer cc us to Permian age (270- 240 Ma high-grade metamorphi c eve nt represent ed fo r
BP) . T he ma in de fo rmation is gene ra lly am i- ex a mple in the granulite-facie s rocks o f the
buted to co llision with- No rth Africa . Saxon G ran ulitg eb irge . T he stratigraphic re-
T he Ouachita -Ma rathon be lt to the south co rd sugges ts that this high-grade event took
( Figure 8.14) is thou gh t to be related to a qui te place at depth du ring co ntinuo us sedime nta-
sepa rate co llision with a differe nt micro- tion at the surface , since a complete stra ti-
co ntine nt , wh ich took place in mid-Upper grap hic sequence from late Precambrian to
Carbon ife ro ust imes . Both orogenic belts in- Ca rbonifero us occurs within the adj acen t
volve seq ue nces of shelf-slope sediments of t he Sa xoth uringia n zo ne . We be r s uggests, follow-
North American plate , toge ther with portions ing Catstere n et al. (1978), th at bot h the
belo nging to the adva ncing Go nd wanala nd gra nite e mp lace ment and t he subsequent high-
plates. A n earlier collision took place in the tempe rature metamo rph ism we re produced by
No rt hern Ap palachian belt (see late r) whe re e xtensio nal cr ustal thinning and rifting , en-
a co ntinental fragme nt known as A valonla ab ling the warme r as the nosphere ma terial 10
collided with the No rth American craton in rise to high leve ls within the lithosphere (see
mid -Devonian time , giving rise to a n Acadi an 4.2) . If these ide as a rc co rrect, the imp lication
orogenic phase the re . Th us both to the north is that the nature of the Ca led onian 'o rogeny'
and 10 the south of the main A lleghenian changes d ra ma tica lly from no rthern to south-
sec to r of the North American Hercynian be ll , ern E urope , from an essentia lly co nvergent
co llision with microplates preceded the main regim e to a d ivergent one .
Afri ca n-North Ame rica n co llision in end- Another importa nt o ro ge nic event that is
Ca rbo nife ro us time . usually regarded as pre -Hercynia n is a pre -
Upper Devonian phase of deformation and
gra nite emplacement recognized in the base-
The WeSl European sector
ment co mple xes of the Saxot huri ngian zone ,
We ber (1984) summarizes the evidence for the t he Bohe mia n massif, and the Massif Central,
nat ure of the p re-Hercynian basement in the for example , where me ta morphic rocks with


Cambrian To SeQuetchie Murphrees
NW Anticline Valley
U. Carboniferous Sand Mountain Anllcllne . Sleeping
Syncline Blount Mountain ' C0088 Glanls Klippe Coosa Block
Cover P M 0 SUMO Syncline Synclinorium
M Ccr
/ C')
Saa Level ' . rn
.•• •.•••.••••.•• ••••••••••.•.•. .. .•.0;.: •.•••.•• •. ..
10km n


Northern Inner Southern
. .

E . '"
NW ~Io SE >
!! .. Z
Towallga Goat rock <ICl 0
Talladega Front Fa~t Brevard Zone Faull Zone Feull Zone Phen ix CilY; 3:
A Pine 0 Tallapoosa
I sz
Coosa Inner Piedmont
., Block Block Block Block G IMoun,.ln
.... ~~~::::-­
'Okm~ ~

:~"::':': '.,;.: .:
.. 't"
't" GRANITES o 5 10 15km

Figure 8.15 (A) Structural profile across the Southern Appalaehi an orogenic be lt. sho wing the main tecton ic units and structures. Pcb , Precamb rian ;
Ccr , Cambrian; S. Silur ian ; D. De vonian ; M, Mississippian ; P, Penn sylvanian .
, AlDOl'.




• .
Prl carrtl" .., IOr....'-')
COOlinenlai ~l
•• F. ....U ' O> m

Figure 8. 15 (8) Schema tic restored cross-sccuo ns based on COCO RP deep-seismic renec no e data showing two possible
imc rp rc tuun ns: ill [he upper sccnon <I sub-horizon ta l de tach me nt e xte nds to benea th the co asta l pla in; in the lo we r, the
inne r Pic d rno nt Bluc Rid ge a llocht hon is shown as roo ting alt he weste rn edge of til<: in ne r P ie d mont zone . A fte r Cook

~I .. I. (IIJXI )

~ ..... ~~ ......
.. ..........,e~~ y

[]3 ,........ .. - -/..-.. •.- . . .oc- _·

""'" •.• ~
~_ ... I
........ .. t . - ........

Figure 8.16 Tectonic summary map or the Variscan be lt system of w estern Europe. From Franke (1985)
234 GEOLOGICAL sr eucru aes AN D M OVI NG PLA1'ES

int rusive granites, yie lding ages in the range suggests that co ntinued uplift of the ba sement
370 - 400 Ma, are overlain by Uppe r Devonian massifs too k place under co nditions of ge ne ral
clastic sedime nts. Unlike t he ea rlier rifling crustal sho rte ning t hroughout Upper Devo nian
phase , t his mid-Devonia n (A cadian) event was and Lowe r Carbonifero us time , documen ted
assoc iated with significant crus tal shorte ning, by repea ted influxes of turbiditic fl ysch in the
invo lving fold ing a nd th rusting o f the meta- neighbo ur ing basins. such as the Rhemschcs
mo rp hic basement, and producing nappes of Schieferge birge. These moveme nts too k place
granulite-facies rock s restin g o n lower-grade alo ng shear zo nes, producing belt s of mylon itic
materi al. In the Saar 1 borehole, within the gneisses in the basemen t crystalline complexes.
Mid-Germa n C rysta lline Rise (Figure 8.17A ), In Figure B.l7A a sectio n across the Rh e no-
unmetamorphosed mi d-D evonian sedi ments hcrcynikum ( Rhenisches Schieferge birge ) and
rest o n Lowe r De vonian crys talline basem en t, nor thern Saxothuringian zo nes of nort hern
indicating rapid uplift during Ihis episode . Ger many is sho wn. The profile illustrates con-
Howeve r other basemen t complexes show siste ntly Nw -verging overfolds and reverse
much younger K-Ar cooling ages, indicat ing faults in the greywacke cove r thro ugho ut the
that uplift to high crustal lev els d id no t occur Rhenohercynikum. Th ese structu res are in-
until the Lo wer Car bo nife rous. te rpr ete d as a t hin-sk inned th rust co mplex
A lthough t he maj or folding and me tamo r- detaching at a shallow dept h. Webe r estima tes
phism of t he baseme nt comp lexes is of ea rly that the basement o f the Mid -German high has
Devonian age , the wea kly me tamorphosed or trave lled up to 100 km to the northwest. In
un met amorp hoscd Upper Palaeozoic cove r the narro w No rthern Phyllite zo ne, betwee n
was not fo ld ed until the Ca rbonifero us. Web er the Rhen o hercynik um and the Mid -G erman


SUbVQfI SCQl'l Rht tlOt\<tl cYl'likum
F ortdup

,, Mid -Ocrman

Cr ySIQIIIl'lt Rise

.•..---,• .,., ...."•- .-

, ••~ -.i . .- z•
• .

..-• .• .... ;


: .
o .
Figurt 8. 17 Schematic slructural pron jes IICIOSS the Variscan be ll of w esre m E urope . (A) NW - SE trave rse across the
Rh enohercynik um (R henisches Schiefergebirge) to fhe Saxcthuringian zone . From Weber ( l911S)

N cleovoqe front
s Z
, :;: .:- _ x
- ,
, .../ ..~:" " , "X. .,~.,

. .,
""~ ~..-";..

. · . · .; · . ·r~. : :· : ....', 3:

l°':.' : 11 C]2 1: >·~ ·::13 ~4 I-K-Kjs r::: -=-1 6

! 50 Km , r

Figure 8.17 Schematic structural profiles across the Variscan belt of Western Europe. (8) W- E traverse from western
Galicia to the Cantabr ian mounta ins (N. Spain) ; and N-S traverse ~ c ros s the Massif Centr al (France). From Matte and
Burg (1981)


Crys talline Rise. metamorphic temperat ures the Variscan be lt . along t he no rthe rn margin o f
reached 400 -4S00C, bu t elsewhe re in t he cove r the prot o -Tethys O cean , is co nside red to be a
o f the Rhc nober cynlkum . temperatures were possible explanati on of the str uctural patt ern
typically in the range 200 - 300"C. T he age of (see Figure 8.20). However evidence as to the
the Nw -directed fold-thru st defor mation is natu re of t he Variscan st ructure of the south-
late Devoni an to ea rly Carbo niferous ( Bre- ern pa rt of the bel t is difficult to assemble
Ionic) and the re is ev ide nce of a northward ow ing to the effects of the Alpine oroge ny.
prog ress ion of t he deformation from about
330 Ma in the so ut h to c.300 Ma in the north.
The S W British Isles
Weber notes that there is no evidence of the
developm ent of ocea nic crus t. o r o f its subd uc- The western exte nsio n of the R he nohe rcynia n
tio n , in the Ger ma n Va riscides . He explains zone of north Germany (zo ne 2 of Figure 8. 13)
the o roge ny as an initial phase of int racratonic occ urs in SW England an d SW Ireland ( Figure
extension a nd rifting in the Lo wer Pal aeozoic. 8 .16A) . T o the no rt h is the foreland zone (zo ne
follo wed by intracon tinental crustal shortening I) o f Dewey and Bur ke ( 1973) rep resented in
by A-subd uctio n, o r intra-c rusta l slicing. o f the S . Wales . T he rocks of zon e 2 sho w on ly low-
kind sugges ted in the Himalayas (see 5.4). Th is grade met amorphism (up to gree nschis t facies)
co nve rge nt d eformat ion co ntinued into the and are cut by a maj o r post -tectonic gra nite
early Carbo nifero us ( Bre to nic) . pluton of probable Permian age . the Co r-
He po ints o ut that th e structures o n the nubian ba tholith. The sedi me nta ry seq uence
so ut he rn side of the West E uropean Vari scides invol ved in the de forma tio n co nsists mai nly of
ve rge sout hwa rds (see e.g, pro file across the Devon ian to late Ca rbo nifero us flysch , gradi ng
Massif Central in Figure 8. 17B). giving the belt laterally no rth wards (in the Devoni an) into
as a who le a bila teral str uct ural symmet ry . A shallow-marine shelf dep osits a nd co nt inen tal
N-dip ping subduc tion zo ne o n the south side of red-beds . Lo wer Palaeozo ic rock s occur in


front (probably 1101 the -
lip} to hiqh le vel imbricates .

S. Pe mbrc ke s hire

50 km
arcuate trend
..... "
problbly more
~ m ovemenl in .. lo ld llcing d irection
",?/;; -=~""""""'" wesl """-thru $t CORNWALl.
~~ X Inlilorm »r I ~'r'
X sy nfo rm

A::'''' <:. v.> \ SA X(} THURINGIEN ZONE

........8 / ?.. )
, ...
:' <.. . -.. ...J
"-' . r-,

~ ') P'-. '-...... '-•."""
-, > ~. , ..~~~ \ ?/ .,~
. .. ./'
lit 8M
8RITTANY ~ ( ~ICARTIA~ --...... ./ ~\ . •
SHEAR ZONES ~, -, ;'CA OQM IA N <, ./ .'~ .- -.
\ <, ZONE _ ...... _ _ / ......
.......... /--;'-,
/ ·-···..··-i / \

brittle str~tehing on CQfIjugau: faults Figurt 8. 18 The external fold-thrust

bel! o f t he SW British Isles. (It ) Tecto nic
,--~-"Yy,""",J~ rotationlJ l displacement summary map showing the tre nds of the
~ o.genic front - thrus t front main folds and thrusts in SW Ireland , S.

~ --v 9 follo ws rxiginaf Wales, the Mend ips, and SW England,

ductile ~J(tension v~ _ basin margin with the positions or the profiles M - N.
-- folds
& th rus ts
P- Q , and R-S o f Figure 8.\9. After
Co ward and Smallwood ( 1985). (8) Sum-
mary map or the v ariscan bell of W.
Euro pe. B , Brussels; L , London: P,
Paris: 8M . Bavarian massif; RM , Rhen-
ish massif. (C) Schema tic diagram show-
ing structures associated with postulated
ob lique closure : major th rusts, pinned at
one later al tip , suffer some rotational
displaceme nt and develop extensional
strains along their traces. ( B), (C) from
Coward and Smallwood ( 1985)

anticlinal fold cores in S. Wales , a long the mar- areas the de tails of the thrust geometry a re
gins of the belt. However , there are no large obscure d by the absen ce of a well-dated layer-
nappes carrying Lowe r Palaeozoic or basement cake stratigraphy. In Figure 8.18 the main
rocks such as those in the Alleghenian. elements of the regional stru cture are shown.
Dewey (1982) and Leede r (1982) attribute There are conside rable changes both along-
the formation of the Uppe r Palaeozoic basin strike and from north to south. SW Ireland is
of SW Brita in to back-arc crustal exte nsion, dominated by rather upright folds which face
related to a subduction zone through southern south in the south (see balanced section by
France, and est imate a stretc hing facto r P of Cooper et ai., 1984, and Figure 8.19) . In
about 2. S. Wales and the Mendi ps, good layer-cake
The structure of the fold-thrust belt of SW stratigraphy defines a series of Nvergi ng over-
Britain is summarized by Coward and Small- folds and thrusts, and enables balanced sec-
wood (1985) . T hey point out that the belt tions to be constructed across the belt (see
shows many characteristic fe at ures of a thin- Williams and Chapman , 1985; Hancock et ai.,
skinned foreland thrust belt, but that in many 1983).

,'--------'" .


...sE OF CfllJ$ 1
- - - • - - - - - - - - - - :J - - - - -- - - _ . . - - - _ •. - - -- Stil.iiH

,- -~.

, ---
.. ,
figure 8.19 Simplified 5truet \lu l profiles across the Variscan be lt of (he S W Brit ish Isles. (A) S-N section , long the west
Pem brc kesnue coast . Vertica l and honzc ntal scales eq ua l. (8) Syno ptic N- S secnc ns: (a) fro m Pem broke 10 SW Cornwall
( P- Q ); (b ) th e Mend ips 10 S. Devoe ( M -N) ; (t) an inte rpret ation of (a) ; and (d) ac ross SW Irela nd ( R-S). From Coward
and Smallwood (1985)

Coward and Smallwood show two sections Ca rboniferous strata. These structures detach
across the south Pemb ro keshire sector th at on a shallow sole thrust dipping gently south.
illustra te the general nature of the de forma tio n This zone is bounded on its southern side by
(Figure 8. 19). The northern part of the section the John ston and Ritec thrusts. which defi ne
crosses an imbricate zone develop ed in Uppe r the northern limit of a zone of major folds in
Devonia n and Lower Ca rboniferous cover. are recog nized alo ng the sout h side of the
Some of the major anticlines expose Lower Culm synclinorium, and may explain the steep
Palaeozo ic strata in their co res, and Precam- zone affecti ng the south Devon nappes (Figure
brian basem en t is bro ught up along the Jo hn- 8. 198). Th rou ghout south Devon and Corn -
ston thrust. Th e structures verge northwards in wall, the exte nsion lineations indicate a NNW
the northe rn belt but fan throug h the vertical in tra nspo rt di rect ion, approximately normal to
the southe rn belt to verge south in the souther n the thrust outcrops. The back-th rusts, however ,
part of the sector. The authors suggest a rather are E - W, ob liq ue to the ea rlier structu res.
deepe r detachmen t level for the structures in Cowa rd and Smallwood suggest that the ob li-
the sout he rn belt. T he folds are considere d to q uity reflects diffe rential displacement with a
have been fo rmed by buckle-shortening and dextral sense. They rela te this o bserva tion to
subseque ntly thrust northwards alo ng the Ritec the pattern of struct ures ove r the region as a
thrust , which is o ut of sequence. Resto red who le (Figure 8. 188) and obse rve that the
sections indicate abou t 45% shorte ning in the slightly arcuat e patte rn of the fold tren d in SW
southe rn belt, and 25% in the northern . The Ire land is no rmal to the NNW transport direc-
structu res in the imbricate northern be lt are tion , whe reas the eas tern extension of the
considered to have fo rmed in piggyback man- front al be lt thro ugh S. Wales and the Mendips
ncr , but the majo r Johnston a nd Ritcct thrusts exhibits an E - W to WNW- ESE trend , o blique
appea r to have climbed up, out of seque nce, to the inferred transport direction. This
from a deeper detachment leve l. The autho rs prompts the autho rs to suggest a bow-shaped
suggest that this lat er movement has folded displace ment with the maximum displacement
and uplifted the higher-level detac hme nt , at in SW Ireland, becoming less to the cast. This
the base of the Upper Carbonifero us, above variable displaceme nt mod el could explain the
the e rosion surface in the southern belt (Figu re exte nsion pa rallel to the fold axes in S. Wales
8.19A) . The roc ks in tbcsouth show intern al by rotat io n of the thr ust sheet arou nd its lateral
strain and cleavage indicating compression tip (Figure 8. 18C).
across the strike of the bell, and so me exte n- Th e age of the deform atio n appears to vary
sion along it. from south to north . Uplift of south Devo n and
Th e str ucture of Devon and Co rnwall pre- Co rnwall occurred in late Devonian to ea rly
scnts a more complex geometrical problem . Ca rbon ifero us times, from K-Ar datin g of
The Culm synclinorium in the no rth exhibits a slates . However, stra tigra phic evidence points
fan-like arrangemen t of folds, and is separated to mid-Carboni ferous movement s on the majo r
by a zo ne of nor mal fa ults from a central zone thrus t shee ts co ntributing flysch sed iments to
of napp es that face no rthwards (Figure 8. 198). the Culm basin. Late Ca rboniferous ages are
The southern belt co nsists of Nw-directed ind icated for the uplift of the Culm synclino r-
thrusts, one of which carries the high-grade ium and the fold-thrus t be lts of S. Wales and
metamorphic-igneous complex of the Lizard the Me ndips. A n Upper Carbo niferous age is
(see Rattey a nd Sande rson , 1984). Cleavage also indicated fo r the back-thrusting in south
throughout the area is we ll-developed , show- Devon . Coward and Smallwood estimate the
ing high strains. A majo r high-strain zone, total sho rte ning across the belt to be about
25k m wide, marks the Tintagcl decoupling 150 km within a tot al time of about 90 Ma,
zone, for which a displaceme nt of over 20 km is giving a rat her slow aver age rate of 0.4 emf
estimated (Shackleton et al., 1982). This zone yea r.
is considered to mark the de tachment below T he lack of angular uncon formities through-
the C ulm structures, and to cont inue beneat h out the main Devonian and Carboniferous
the southe rn belt . outc rops of the region suggests submarine
A ltho ugh the primar y di rection of thrust deformat ion, without the developm ent of
transport is to the no rth, major back-thrusts major uplifted la ndmasses. The presen ce of

.... -l



Devonian olistostromes a nd the Culm fl ysch the A rmorican Massif which there fore should
deposits, ho wever , suggest submarine tectonic be regard ed as allochtho nous.
instability rela ted to the migra ting thrust
Plate-tectonic interpretatio n of the A tlar uic
The structure of the SW British Isles repre-
H ercy nian region
sents a westward co ntin uatio n, the refore, of
the outcr thin-skinned Variscan zone, and The evolution of this regio n is d iscussed by
shows obvious similarities 10 the Rhe noh er- Dewey ( 1982) , who points out that the best
cynian zo ne of north Ge rma ny. Th e transport approach to the prob lem of Uppe r Palaeozoic
direction there a nd e lsewhe re in Western plate movements is to work backwa rds from
Europe is also to the northwest , suggesting a the relative certainty of the ea rly Permian con-
continuity throu ghout the Variscides from the tine ntal fi t, using palaeom agneticall y der ived
Massif Central and Bohem ian Massif north- movement vector s (Figure 8.20) . This exercise
wards. The bend in the Variscan front from co nfi rms previous views expressed by A rtha ud
Ireland to Ge rmany is a pparently dete rmined and Mall e ( 1977) and o the rs that the West
by the limits of the o rigina l basin. T his shape, European Variscides are con tro lled by an
markedly o blique to the transpo rt direction of importan t compone nt of dextral strike-slip
the nappes , co upled with the prese nce of the motion d uring Upper Ca rbo niferous times.
Il-'SS easily defo rma ble Armorican Massif, may Arthaud and Matte had suggested that the
be respo nsible , acco rding to Coward and Eu ropean Variscides fo rmed a be lt of complex
Smallwood, for the later al displaceme nt of the strike-slip movement joi ning the northern end
main outer compressio nal zo ne from SW Bri- of the A lleghenian co llision suture with the
lain 10 the Rhen ohe rcynian, and suggests a so uthern end of the Uralides suture. Many of
strongly u ansprcssivc belt between (Figure the complexities of the West Europea n belt can
8.188 ). An importan t implication of the esti- be att ributed to the effects of a str ike -slip
mated 150km shor te ning across the British regime: (i) varying and loca lly stro ngly-curved
sector is that the o rigina l co ntinental crust of structural trends; (ii) rapid changes in meta-
the southe rn British Isles must ex te nd beneath morphic grade across major stee p shea r zo nes;
(iii) low-angle thrusts emplacing thin flakes of
crustal and 10000IIy upper-ma ntle rocks; and {iv)
obducted oph iolites generated in small intra-
F"JgU~ 8.20 Plate tectonic evolunon o r the Appalachian-
Hercynian system. (A) Early Dinantian tectonic setting: co ntinental basins. Th is tecto nic patt e rn co n-
BBl. Brevard-Blue Ridge zone; CC, Cedar Cree k. uplifl; trasts marked ly with the linear Alleghenian
MCO , Ma s..~ir Central ocean; MV, Midland Valley; D B, be lt. att ributed to relatively straightforward
Oquirrh basin ; PCD , PreCaspian depression; RM, Ro-
berts Moun tain thru st complex; RSG, Rheniscbes Schie· co llision normal to its strike. A minimum
Iergebirgc graben; SU J' , St Lawrence graben; UO, Urals shortening of 200 km acro ss the be lt gives a
ocean; YJ, Ymer Island defo rmatio n; coarse stipple. minimum strike-slip d isplacement for the West
oceanic crust; vertical lines. ddormat io n; arrows, move-
ment dn ccnoo s: black. circle , average Laurasia -Good- European belt.
wana rcrauon pole . (B) Namurian; AB, Anada rko basin; Accord ing to Dewey's mod el, in the ea rly
DL. Dimple limestone ; 11., Idaho lineament ; MO. Mara· Lower Carboniferous (D inantian), closure of a
then ocean; NR , Nema ha ridge ; RC, Rough C reek fault
zone; S8 , Sverdrup basin; crosses. are.. or uplift; ot her mino r ocea n basin prod uced by late Devonian
ornament as (A ). (C) Westphali an (A sturie phase) : C. coal crusta l stretching (see above) led to collision in
basins of the He rcynian foreland; PB , Pa radox basin; V , the Massif Ce ntral, a nd the southwestwards
mafic volcanism and sill intrusion ; other symbols as for (A )
and (B) . (D) Early Pcrm ian ~ DB , Delaware basin; MNSH . e mplacement of nappes (Figure 8.20A , and
mid-Nort h Sea high; OG, Os lo graben ; RB , Rotliegendes Figure 8. 17). Probably at the sa me time,
basin; VV, Val Verde basin; light hachured line . limits of collisional sho rtening occurred in the Pied mont
Zc:mslein marine transgression; broad arrow, boreal
provenance of Zc:ch.Slcin transgression; ot her symbols as zone of the Alleghen ian.
for (A) - (C) . (A) - (D) from Dewey ( 1982) In mid-Carboniferous times. the Sudet ic

ph ase in E urope is a ttrib uted (0 co ntinued in North Amer ica. To the eas t and southeast.
Intrac rustal shortening of the flysch basins the belt is tru ncated by the younger Variscan
genera ted no rth of the collisional uplifts of the belt. Ziegle r ( 1985) summarizes the available
previous phase ( Figure 8.208). Nort hwa rd evidence from Western and Central Europe .
migration of thrust stack ing led to flexural which indicates that a co mplex system of late
crustal depressions o n the margins of the Caledonian fold bells occupied much of this
forel and . giving rise to the coa l basins of S. region. The eas tern margin of the be ll in
Wales and the Ruhr . Similar effects of the southe rn Norway crosses beneat h younger
progressive westwa rds migration of the thrus- cover through Denmark and Poland. The
ting a re see n in the Allcghenian bell. The main southweste rn branch of the Caledo nian belt is
collisiona l deformation and uplift appears to usually known as the Acadian belt . and is
have been comp leted in Westphalian limes in cha racterized by a rather later o rogen ic climax
Weste rn E urope, during t he Astu dc phase (mid- to late Devon ian). Th e fo rma tion of the
(Figure 8.20C) In late Ca rboniferous time. and main Caledo nian belt was completed by the
con tinuing into the Perm ian, changes in plate ea rly De vonian .
vectors re lat ed 10 the collision arc expressed in The prese nt width of the main Caledo nian
th e fo rmati o n of rifts in the No rth At lantic. belt, afte r removing the interven ing oceanic
between G ree nland and Norway . and in the crust, is abo ut 1000 km , bu t this ove restimates
Os lo graben . Mea nwhile. continued collision the Devonian width by probably about 300k m
took place across the Central Appalachians becau se of ea rly Mesozo ic cru stal exte nsion
until well into the Permian period (Figure along the Atlantic margins. Th e foundat ion s of
8.20D) . the be lt are to be see n in the Precambrian
shield regions of No rth Ame rica- Green land
to the west, and Fennoscandia to the east.
8.4 T he Caledonia n orogenic: bell of the
These regio ns are mainly composed of large
North Atla ntic reg;on
Archaean and Early Proterozoic crat ons. hut
are also crossed by linear Mid- and Late
R~;onal setting
Proterozoic orogenic belts that form an impor-
The Ca ledo nides of the British Isles, togeth er tant component of the Ca ledo nian basement.
with thei r extension no rthwards into Scan- The ea rlier of the se belts is the G renville-
di navia and G reen land . and southwards into Sveconorwegian bell, which ceased to be active
Nova Scotia and New Brunswick , are prob- about tOOOMa ago. The Grenville sector lies,
ably, after the A lps. the most inte nsively parallel 10 the Acadian secto r of the Caledoni-
studied and best known of the Phanerozoic des, along the southeaste rn side of the Cane-
o roge nic be lts. Much of the early work on dian shield, and crosses the British Isles to join
str uct ural and metamorphic geology too k place the Sveconorwegian branch in sou thern Nor-
in the Scott ish Highlands, which has experi- way a nd southwest Swede n, where it forms a
e nce d pe riod ic invasion s by geo logists. in order N-S bell along the western side of the f enno-
to test out new structural or tectonic ideas, scandian shield. Most of Scotla nd appea rs to
since the early mapping was completed . be fo rmed from a basement of G renville age,
The exte nt of the belt before the opening of reworked during the Caledonian o roge ny. The
the Atla ntic is shown in figure 8.21. Il occu- later of the Precambrian belts that in8uenced
pies a coasta l belt in East G reenland and the Caledonian basement is the Tim anides of
Western Scandinavia, extending northwards to northern Russia, which form the northeaste rn
include Spitzbergen and Franz Josef Land in bou ndary to the fennosca ndian shield, and
the A rctic Ocean. SOuthward, the belt em- has a possible counterpa rt in northeast
braces most of the Brit ish Isles, and extend s to G ree nland. Th is belt remained active until the
Newfoundland and the Northern Ap palachians mid-Cam brian. A belt of similar age in south-
PH .... N EROZ.OIC O KOGEN IC Bf. LTS : SOM I::: ex.. . MP Lf. S 243
• • • •
• •
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
? • • • ••••
• •
• • •

• •
• • •
• •

• •

l%~ g Mod ·Comb<ic:,,'

~ Earl in. De\/OrMan


L8M c London- BrabanT M.
• •
• N.A. Narlh Atmari<:an M.

• •
• • •
• • • •
• • •
• •
• •
• • • • • •
SHIELD • • • ·
- -
• • • • • • • •

• • • • • •
• •• • •
• •
, ,
• • • •

• • • • • • • 'r • • •
Fll:urt 8. 2\ Locauon and e ~ te nt or the Caledonian orogenie belt o r the North Atlanti c regio n prior to Mesozoic opening
of lhe Atlantic ocean . showing its relat ionship 10 the older Precambrian shields and to ot he r Palaeozoic orogenic belts.
From Ziegler ( 1985)

ern Brit ain and Western Eu rope is known in E ngland a nd Newfound lan d respectively.
there as the Cadomi an. Rocks affected by the Th e re lat ive posi tio ns of eac h side o f the
Cadomian o roge ny form a num be r of isolated Caledonian be lt have cha nged conside ra bly
cratonic areas within th e younger orogenic du e to large sinist ra l strike-slip move ments
belts in th e so ut h of the region. Of these . the (c. IBOO km according to Dewey a nd Shack-
Londo n-Brabant massif and the Ava lon plat- let on , 1986) of mid- Devonia n age . Wh en this
form are importan t in defining the so uth- movem ent is restor ed , we find that no rthern
easte rn margin of Cale do nian tect on ic activity Newfou ndlan d is co ntiguous to S. Britain , the

G reenland craton faces t he Scandinav ian Ca le- t he Lake Dtstria, (7) the lrish Sea block ; (8 )
donides, and the East Greenland Ca ledonide s the Welsh basin; and (9) the Midlands platform
face the A rctic Ocean. (t he British part of the London- Brabant
We shall now discuss the British Isles a nd massif of Figure 8.21). Most of these zo nes,
Scandinavia n sectors of the belt in some de tail , no rt h of the Welsh basin , ca n be traced into
refe rr ing brie fly to (he A ppalach ian secto r as Ireland . A fundamenta l distinction has bee n
well. recognized for many years between the north-
ern ' meta mor phic' Ca ledon ides ( Read , 1961)
and the southe rn Caledon ides, which ex hibit at
Tectonic subdivision of the British Isles
most the lowest metamorphic grades and arc
T he pr incipal tectonic units of the Caledonides charac te rized by slates. Following the original
o f Br itain arc shown in Figure 8.22. T hey a re : suggestion of Wilson ( 1966) th at a suture
( 1) the N W forel and; (2) the Northern H igh- t hrough the middle of the British Ca ledo nides
lands ; (3) the G ramp ian Highlands ; (4) the represe nted the line of closure of the ' proto-
Midland Valley ; (5) t he Southern Uplands ; (6) Atla ntic' Ocean , Dewey ( 1969, 1971) pre-
se nted the fi rst plate tectonic model for the
Ca ledonides of the regio n. Dewey (1971)
highlighted the significance o f Read's subd ivi-
sion , and termed the northern part (zo nes 2-3)
the orthoteaonic bell , interpreted as part of a
f Nort h-W est
Fo reland
No rt h American plate , and the sout hern part
(zo nes 4 - 8) the paratectonic bell, most o f
which was interpreted as part of a so uthern ,
Europ ean , plate . The suture is now universally
regarded as lying between zones 5 a nd 6,
through the Solway Firth .
Since t he pionee ring work o f Dewe y, many
plate tecton ic mod els have been proposed , and
the British Isles secto r of the Caledo nian belt
is no w regarded as a co llege of terran es, all dis-
placed to a grea ter or lesser exten t from the ir
o rigina l positions relative to the North A meri-
ca n cra to n. Major strike-slip bo undaries sepa-
rate zo nes 2 and 3 (t he G reat Glen Fault ),
zones 3 and 4 (the Highland Boun dary Fault)
and zones 4 and 5{the South ern Upland Fault).
Strike-Slip d isplaceme nts are also recognized
betwe en zones 6 and 7, a nd zones 7 and 8, and
proba bly ex ist along the Solway suture as well.
Thus all six intern al zo nes are suspect terranes
'I" "'" (see 6.2) .
Much of the eviden ce required in any analy-
1:-: :',:.1Lo- ... lMOlOic .... belt sis of the tecton ic pattern and history o f this
region co mes from the study o f the base men t in
1-- -I D.l~pine t-lt t he differe nt zones (Watson and D unning,
1979) . Dewey poin ted o ut the majo r d ifference
Flgurc 8.22 Location of the main tectonic zones of the betwee n the gneissose basement of the or tho-
Caledonia n orogenic bell in the British Isles. tecto nic Caledo nides (i.e . the northe rn plate)
and the low-grade rocks cut by acid plutonic to the 'true' foreland of North Ame rica-
complexes that formed the basement of the Gree nland. However, on either side of the
southern plate. These differences correspond Outer Hebrides fa ult zone, the rocks of zone 1
to importa nt contrasts in geophysical charac- are virtually unaffected by Caledonian defor-
teristics of the deeper crust. The deep seismic ma tion except near the ma rgin of the Moine
U SPB profile (Bamford et al .. 1977) indicates thrust zone, where the cover is tilted ge ntly
a layer with high seismic velocities at depths of towards the southeast.
6-12 km below zones 2- 4. This layer is absent The baseme nt consists of the Lewisian com-
south of the Solway Firth (Figure 8.26A ). plex (see 9_5), which comprises late Archaea n
Studies of crustal heat production by Richard- crust formed about 2900Ma BP, and reworked
son and Oxburgh (1978) suggest that much of during the Laxfordian orogeny about 1700 Ma
the upper contine ntal crust of E ngland and SP . The rocks consist predominantly of granu-
Wales consists of low-grade metamorphic lite- or upper amphibolite-facies gneisses. The
rocks with acid plutons. Lewisian basement is overlain by three distinct
There are important differences also in the units of unmeta morphosed pre-Caledonian
age of the basement in each case. The last sedimentary cover, the Stoer Gro up (c.
major oroge ny to affect the southern basement 1000 Ma old), the Sleat and Torridon Gro ups
is the Cadomian, yielding dates ranging from (c.800 Ma old) and the Ca mbro-O rdovician
c.800 Ma downwards. In the north , the base- sequence. The Stoer , Slea t and Tor ridon
ment is either Lewisian (c.1700Ma IlP) or Groups are largely continental, flu viatile red-
Gre nvillian (c.l000 Ma). These differences in beds, whereas the Cambro-Ordovician is a thin
the nature of the base ment are compleme nted marine shelf sequence consisting mainly of
by differe nces in the age of the cover. The or thoqua rrzites and carbonates.
Caledonian orogeny is, by genera l agreement, This forela nd zone is involved in the major
post-G renvillian in age, and in the north Moine thrust belt, in which a number of
involves sedime ntary cover at least as old as distinct nappes or thrust sheets can be recogn-
800Ma (the Torridon Gro up and, possibly, the ized , usually with complex intern al deforma-
Grampian Group). In the south, the oldest tion . However , the typical zone 1 stratigraphy
cove r rocks to be affected are usually Cam- can be recognized throughout this thrust belt
brian, or very late Precambrian, in age. We except in the uppermost thrust shee t, the
shall describe the general stra tigraphic and Moine nappe . The Moine thrust, which under-
structural features of each of the zones in turn , lies the Moine nappe, marks the western
before discussing their possible plate tectonic boundary of the Northern Highland zone (zone
context. 2), whose stratigraphic and structural charac-
teristics are quite distinct from those of zone 1.
The NW fo reland [z one I )
Structure Of the Moille thrust bell
This region , often termed the 'Hebridean
craton' , is neither a true foreland nor a true The structure of this classical forela nd thrust
craton. It is transected by a major low-angle belt is summarized by Elliott a nd Johnson
fault zone (the Outer Hebrides fault) which (1980) a nd McClay and Coward (1981). The
may have acted as a Ca ledonian thrust. and first mapping and compre hensive description
another major low-angle structure , the Flan- of the belt were carried out by Peach et al,
nan fault zone, is identified by deep seismic (1907) of the UK Geo logical Survey, and a
refraction at depth, and projects to the surface considerable amount of detailed research has
on the continental shelf west of the Outer been directed at the belt subsequently. The
Hebrides. It is likely therefore that all the belt extends along strike for over 190km
nonhero zones are allochth onous with respect (Figure 8.23) and is up to 11km in width. A

OtJrI'leSS Ii~s lo~e ............
serpul~te grll __ lSS'Moine
i5Z.zr,.th qrust! T:? !
M oine com plex
fUCOldbed s -
q uart zite -
' "
' _. _. .
... .
Lew isian com plell
. ---.l
MT Moine
Loch E,ibo U th rust

l l l l

UAT . ~----_ l ,L ...

~: ... -'
_ M
- I I ) L N~" ..
..;.;.;,.:....i .... ,r.-._l" ~ . ' ,
. ' . -. ', ', " ....'""'..: .. ....- . -~ ""' - ... M
51 - - - - - - - - - - - ... ~~ :... ~"'t:~ M1
l l l l

• ,
--- • t

. . . .. . . . ... . .. . . . . '"

~'.~. - 'f . . ...
. .. . '"

Figuft 8.23 Struc ture of the Moine thrust zo ne of NW Scotland . ( A ) Locat ion map (inse t) and diagrammatic sections
across the northern end of the be ll at loch Eriboll. showing slages ( 1-4) in its evolution. Profile (5) shows a late r stage (If
the central part o f (4) . Note the propa gation of the thrust ing ncrt bwestwercs, in general, (i.e . piggyback ) but with some:
oer-o l-sequeece move ments along the Arnabollr hrusts. MT. Moine: thrust; OHT, Outer Hebrides thrust (fa ult) ; ST, sole
Ihrust ; VAT, upper Amabcllthrusr: SBS, Sgurr Beag slide; GGF, Grear Glen Iault; M , Moine complex; L, Lewisi an
com plex. Afle r McCay and Coward ( 1981). (B ) Structural profile across the Kinlochewe are a, towards the sout hern end of
the Moine thrusl zone , illustraling out-of-sequence movemenl of the Kinlochewe thrust (k) which cuts dow nward s aeross
lower rhrc sts, and is interp reted as extensional, due probably 10 grayilalional gliding. Fro m McCay and Coward ( 1981)
series of nappes o r thr ust sheets are recogn- underlying imbricate nappes. Th e Kinlochewe
ized , resting o n the basal or sole thrust. The nappe , for example, locally cuts down the
nappes appea r to be lensoid in character. stratigraphic sequence in the underlying nap pe
wedging out laterally to be rep laced by o ther (Figure 8.23B). McClay and Coward suggest
nap pes along strike. The uppermost nappe. that late re-activation took place on some of
termed the Moine napp e, resting on the Moine the uppe r thrusts due to gra vitatio nal sliding. If
thrust, mar ks the western limit of the Moine the Ca rn bro-O rodovician strata are returned
Complex a nd is discussed belo w. The nappes to their o riginal hor izontal o rientatio n, the
are divided into a lower se ries of imbricate Kinlochewe thrust has an ap preciable dip
shee ts that are esse ntially thru st duplexes of to wards the fo reland. It is possible that several
stacked Ca mbro-O rdovician cover. around of these higher roof thrusts, deform ed into
300 III thick. Above the imbricate nappes are hangingwa u amifo rms by mo vements o n
several large nappes carrying Lcwisian base- underlying thrusts. may have become gravita-
ment toget her with Ca mbro-O rdovician cover. tionally unstable and slid towards the forelan d ,
South of Vllapoo l, T orri donian cover also cutting down Ihrough the underlying nappes.
appears in the higher nappes. Th ese upper It is also possible tha t ren ewed movem ents
nappes arc up to 500 m thick and usually on thrusts at a deeper level caused o ut-of-
deformed inte rna lly by minor thrusts and seq uence movement s near the surface .
overfold s. T he main nappes, fro m north to Displacements on the lower thrusts, csti-
south, are the A rna boll, G lencoul, Ben More. mated by section balancing. vary from 3.5 10
Kinlochewe-Kishorn a nd Tarskavaig nappes. 30 km; however. movemen t on the Moine
The nappe zone is widest at Assynt, where the thrust is much grea te r: a minimum displace-
Glencoul and overlying Ben MOre nappes ment of 40 km has been estimated by various
result in a n an tiformal bulge of the o verlying aut hors but the actual displacement may be
Moine thrust, a nd in so utheas t Skye, where the nearer 100 km (E lliott a nd Johnson , 1980).
thick Tarskavaig nappe o verlies the Kishorn The da te of the movem ents has been estab-
nappe. Elsewhe re , for example between UlIa- fish ed at 430 Ma DP (mid-Silurian ) from the age
pool and Klnlochcwe, large nappes are absent of intrusive igneous rocks e mplaced d uring the
at the surface o utcrop. thru st seq uence (Va n Breeme n et at.• 1979).
In Figure 8.23A a series of diagrammatic How this relates to the movem ent s in o ther
sections across the thrust belt at Loch Eriboll majo r thrusts to the south, and to the colli-
in the north is shown. Th e thrust seq uence sio nal o rogeny as a whole , will be discussed
here co nsists of lowe r and upper imbricate below.
duplexes carrying o nly Cambro-O rdovician
cover, ove rlain by the Arnaboll nappe . Th is
The Northern Highlands terrane (zone 2)
nappe is a dou ble duplex structure with in-
ternalth rust Slacking of rather thicker slices of The Northern Highlands exte nds from the
Lewisian baseme nt and Ca mbrian cover. The Moine thrust in the west to the G rea t G len
Moine thrust for ms the roof thrust to this faull (Figure 8.24) and varies from 30 to 50 km
complex duple x. in widt h. The Caledo nian part of this te rrane
The tra nsport direct ion of the thru st sheets is consists of the Moine Co mple x, toge the r
towards WNW and the thru sts appear to have with its interleaved Lewisian basement. The
propagated from eas t 10 west . since the uppe r psammites an d petites of the Moine succession
thrusts are defo rmed by the lower. However. represent a thick seque nce of fluviatile o r
in some parts of the belt the higher nappes deltaic sediments that rest unconform ably on
appear to have unde rgone later re activation (in the Lewisian basemen t. The Moine Co mplex
some cases involving local extension) that and its Lewisian basement were highly de-
resulted in the ir cutt ing aero ss structures in the formed and metamorphosed in the Gre nville


• 0'

.0 '

'rounll.' rock.0
0' "
Silun a ••• Nappa frE

B.~t,b111 Comple x ~ 5"

Moina Nappa 0
_.... B

o o •
Flgurt 8.2..4 O utline tectonic map o f the foreland and Nonbe m Highlands zones of the Caledonides in north Scotland .
Note the two major nappes, Moine and Sgun Beag. making up Ihe Northern Highlands. From wtectesrer ( 1985)
o rogeny at c.1oooMa BP, and were late r re- associated with high-grade met amo rphism of
worked in the Caledo nian orogeny. The Grenville age, prio r to the development of the
o riginal margin of the Grenvi lle belt probably mylonite fabric, which is the first Caledo nian
lay a sho rt distance east of the present Moine str ucture see n here , and is affected in turn by
thrust o utcrop , and paral lel to it, but has two furt her phases of Caledonian deformation.
bee n tra nsported westwards abo ve the Moine These latter three phases are the only defor-
thrust , so tha t the margins of Grenvill ian ma tions see n in the cove r west of the Moine
and Caledo nian defor mation are no w almost thrust.
coinc ident. Furthe r to the ea st, the situation becomes
Caledo nian effects within the Moine com- even more co mplicated. The grade of Catc-
plex arc difficult to distinguish from the earlier do nian me tamo rph ism increases to amphibo-
Grenv illian. Pervasive d uctile defor mation has lite facies. and complex interfe rence patterns
appreciably a ffected the whole terra in, but are formed o n both minor and major scales by
effects are most intense along several majo r the superimpositio n of duct ile defo rmatio ns of
ductile shear zones or slides. The Moine thrust Grenville and Caledo nian age. In the regio n
itself is the most westerl y of these. It is a dee p- between Strathcono n and Gle n Affric, To bisch
leve l structure, as shown by the development et al. (1970) summarize the results of detailed
of a wide zone of mylonite (over 600 m thick in structura l mapping ove r a region, 450 km2 in
places), that possesses a well-developed elong- ext ent, of inte rfo lded Lewisian and Moinian
ation fab ric in the direction of thrust transport. rocks. The authors recognize seven distinct sets
T he mylonite shee t is cut by later , brittle , high- of folds , of which the last four are Caledo nian
le vel thrusts that have transported the deeper and the first three probabl y Grenvillian. The
mater ial to the surface. It is considered that the second Caledonian phase (termed the Monar
high-leve l brittle thru sts pass downwards into folds by the authors) produced the typical
mylonites and ultimate ly to broad ductile shear 'Caledonoid' NE-SW folds , with gene rally
zones , with increasing depth. stee p axia l planes, found over wide areas of the
T he supe rimpositio n of Moine comp lex ' Scott ish Highlands. Th e Caledo nian folds
abo ve Lewisian ap pears to disobey the usual affect a majo r shear zone, termed the Sgurr
rule that thrusts place olde r rocks above Beag slide (Figure 8.24; Tanner , 1970; Rath-
younger. T he expla nation see ms to be that the bone a al., 1983; Kelley and Powell, 1985)
Lewisian-Moine unconformi ty had been high- which is a deeper-level counterpart to the
ly deformed in the G renville o rogen y prior to Moine thru st zone. Th is slide exte nds fo r
the thrust moveme nts. the whole length of the Northe rn Highlands
The G lenelg a rea (Ba rber and May, 1976) terrane (it is known as the Naver slide in
provides a link between the complicated struc- Sutherland) and divides the western part of the
ture of the Moine Complex and the rather Moine Complex (the Morar Division ) from the
simple structure of the thru st belt. Immed iatel y cent ral part (the G lenfinnan Division). The
cas t of the Moine thrust in this area , the slide consists of a zone of highly defo rmed
Lewisian baseme nt and Moine cover are inter- rocks in which the strain increases ove r a
folded . Howe ver, the degree of de formation in dista nce of abo ut 500 m to a maximum alo ng a
the Lewisian in the western and easte rn parts nar ro w zone that usually corresponds to a
of the area shows a marked cont rast. In the Moine - Lewisian j unctio n. Linea r shape
Lewisian of the weste rn outcrop , the deform a- fabrics in the slide zo ne indicate a WNW
tion is similar to that see n in the basement transport direction similar to that of the Moine
nappes of the thrust zone to the west. In the thrust. Although now usually stee ply-dipping,
easte rn part of the area, both Lewisian and the slide is co nsidered to be an originally low-
Moine rocks are highly deformed. Three angle displacement plane, eq uivalent to the
phases of deformation ca n be distinguished, Moine thrust but at a mid-crustal level.

Winchester (1985) , by matching amph ibo- Iribu ted to deep-crusta l ductile sho rte ning. a nd
lites on e ithe r side of the slide . estimates a uppe r-c rusta l grav ity sp rea d ing , act ing o n a
westwards displacement of more than 140 km . plane with a n initially e ven dip o f around 3QO.
Kell ey and Powell ( 1985) co nclude that it m ust Coward et ai , ( 1983), in a discussio n of Soper
have formed at de pths grea ter than 15 km at a nd Ba rbe r's model, poin t out that the mea-
around 450 Ma S f . duri ng t he peri od of Cale- sured displacements on the thin nappes of the
do nian me tamorphism. T hey suggest that a thrust zone require a low-a ngle d isplace men t
period of c.25 Ma may have elapsed betwee n e xte nd ing a t least 60 km bac k from the present
the d uctile movements on this slide and th e Moine thrust outcrop. Thus the majo r ram p
mo vem ents alo ng the Moine thru st zone . must be at least 60 km be hind the thrust fro nt .
T he la rge disp lace me nts in both the Mo ine Soper a nd Bar be r, following Mitc hell
an d Sgurr Beag structures , co upled with th e (1978), a tt ribute t he Ca ledo nian o roge ny of
lac k of a ny deep c rustal roc ks brought up along the No rt hern Highla nds to the effects of a
t he m, a nd wit h the ge ne ral unifo rmity of grade co llisio n , duri ng the pe rio d 470 - 450 Ma DP, o f
ac ross the nappes, suggested to Co ward ( 1980) the North A me rica n con tine nta l margin with a
a nd Rathbone a ul. (1983) thai the d isplace- subduction zone an d isla nd a rc syste m lying to
me nts in itia lly had a ve ry low angle of inclina- t he so ut h. The pos tula ted up per exotic nap pe
t io n, pe rha ps follo wing major horizo ntal zone s could be a n obducted ophiolite nappe derived
of weak ness within the midd le crust fo r lar ge fro m the subd uction zone as a result of this
distan ces (see Figure 8.268) . O n t he othe r collisio n. Th e la te r ( D4) events at the thru st
ha nd , So pe r a nd Ba rber ( 1982) a rgue in favo ur fro nt (a t 420 Ma ee) are a n rib ute d to t he final
of a ' thic k-skinned ' model for the No rt he rn continenta l co llisio n along the Solway s uture .
H igh lan ds (Figure 8.25) , whe re bot h the The co nce pt of a missing high-le vel o phiolite
Mo ine thrust a nd t he up pe r slides steepe n a t na ppe is also a feat ure of t he Dewe y an d
de pth then become l ist ric a nd det ach a t the Shackleton (1984) mod el fo r the pla te tecto nic
Moh o . This model is simila r to the one sug- evolut ion of the who le Caledonia n be lt (sec
geste d for the H imalayas (see Figure 5.26). A be low) . T he y po int o ut that the U nst ophioli te
co m pa rison with the deep seis mic reflection complex in She tland ma y be par t of such a
profile (Fi gu re 8.268) s ugges ts that the thr usts nappe a nd tha t ophio lite nappe s a re we ll
in fact detach at a level about 8 km above the known in the Appalachian be lt.
Mo ho . Sope r and Barbe r att rib ute most of t he
dis place me nt on the Moine thrust to an early
The G rampian Highlands terrane (z one 3)
ph ase of defo rmat ion (D I-D2) prior to the
peak of Ca ledonian me tamorphism at c.450 Ma T his te rrane (50-75 km in widt h) is se pa rat ed
BP, a nd o nly a bo ut 30 km to the lat e pos t- fro m the Northe rn Highlands terra ne by the
metamorphic ph ase at c.420 Ma seen in the G rea t G len Fau lt , which has lon g bee n recogn-
thrust be lt. ized to have a maj or sinis tra l st rike- slip dis-
A n int e resting geomet rica l result of this place me nt, o rigina lly es tima ted a t IOQ km
mod el is the requ iremen t fo r a n exot ic ' roo f (Kennedy, 1946) a nd more recentl y at 160km
nap pe ' , now co mplete ly re moved by e ros io n, ( Winc heste r, 1973) o n the basis of th e appa re nt
to provide the roof of the c rustal d uplex displacem e nt of me ta morp hic zones. A much
structure a nd to bu ry the Moine Comple x to a smaller Mesozo ic de xtral disp lace ment of
suitable depth during the pe riod of Ca ledonia n 30 km has also bee n recognized ( Hol ga te ,
me tam orphism. The a uthors po int out that 1969 ). Sinist ral displace me nt of the North
only crusta l-sca le overt hrusti ng produces the American co ntine nt in re lation to Euro pe ,
degree of cr ustal th icke ning required in majo r based on palaeom agne tic da ta , is m uch large r,
orogenic belts. T he sigmo idal nat ure of the appro xima te ly 2000 km ( Van der -voo a nd
thrust/shea r zo ne displace me nt surfaces is a t- Scctese, 1981) . Much of thi s displace me nt ,
O . ' U - DI • • 'OMO
WNW "".,. .... TO",clQft (in & C. mO,O_o.oS


' .,i ;}., ;' ;-;,' ;-. ••".ftu.,.d
•• 01'" ........
" & h.,.,.n o... _ft'
" -. no...

I ""'u·. _.' ,,, ,••

CAl EDO N IAN 01 - 0 2 DEfOtlMAlION
b. M2 MfTAM OllrHIC 'EAI( c • .so M"
_____-r- - - ----- - ..-.- r ' " ~' ..':-;,O<I."

." .. ,. " .. , ..- .....'" ..."".. ''''n' '00'
~~ _ _ ~oc .... ,
- ..,. - -~ . " o n,oo"" .

0 1 DIS' l AC EMEN J ON I ~ '\ -

C. M O IN E THIU ST c 120 Mo
, ------ : . l,S ..,..." 0 2 _ 0 0

, -- --
I .... . I•• • " .~

r _ _ -- --
---- -:::--- --

--- - -~ _; ;A S 1
-~ . ,
,-_ "".,-{)01

- -- -
--- --t-----
(o'igure 8.lS Schematic profiles across the Northern Highlands illustrating a thick-thinned mOUeI for the ir tectonic
evolution. Note the imponanee of the postulated exotic roof nappe , now eroded , in 10e model. From Sope r and Barber
( 1982)

however , may be take n up a long other major graphy and structure e xist betwee n them, it is
strike-slip faults. and possibly along a hidden difficult to make direct connections. Recon-
fault near the contine ntal margin. stru ctions involving profiles across the Scottish
Consequently, the Grampian Highlands Highlands as a whole should be lh c refo~ be
ter rane is displaced in relat ion 10 the Nort hern viewed with caution. With the Winchester fit,
Highlands and, althoug h similarities in strati- at the DI-D2 period, ther e is an overlap of

o S.po. h... l t.,.. ~ ,,, - , .. ....... . _ .... l ~'. l · .....l

IIIIJ talt. ,.. ..U ...,- . . . . . I ' I. U ... , . , l1li I..... " ..\ l~ ' _ . 1

fZ] 0,,0, _ l it t- U "". I

~"' l.I • •" ..,...

B . .. 1000 100

••• " •>•
•0" ~
I ~


[g;1 DnD."'. THfilU "'UI. Ste .f~NT' .
20 k m

D Of'P-S"I!\,F SI I ' _N ' S , ? g ALII"CHAM)



Fip ~ S.U (A ) Mndel o f (he crustal structure of nonhero Britain based on the u s ee deep-seismic rd leelion survey
profile. Seismic P·wave velocities of (he different lajers are shown in (he ke~ . From Bamford ~t Ill . ( 1978). (8) Possible
interpretation of the MOIST de ep-seismic reflect io n pro file across nort bem Scotla nd . Reflecto rs indicated b y solid lines ;
faults (dashed) inferred ; D. Devo nian ; PI , Permo-Triassic. Th e depth conversion exaggerates the dep ths of sedimentary
basins by a IitCIO, o f 1.5- 2. M T( B) is the preferred position of the Moille thros!. from Iwo possible solutions given ill the
source reference. Note that the major faults an: extenssoeat, hut are inferred to be reactivated Caledo nian thrusts. From
Brewer and Smythe (1984)
only around 50 km of presently-exposed west of the terrane , allowing Dalradia n sedi-
ground across the fault. ments to rest directly on Lcwisian baseme nt.
Th e majo r difference be tween the Gr ampian Several lines of evidence indicate that the
and No rthe rn Highlands lies in the nature nature of the baseme nt of the G rampian
of the pre-Ca ledon ian cove r. The Gra mpian Highlands is the same as that of the Northern
Highlands is made up of an extremely thick Highlands. The L1SPB seismic profil e (F igure
seq uence of late Precambrian to Ca mbrian R.26A) shows that the IWO lower layers re-
sedime nts formin g the G ramp ian Group and cognized by their different seismic velocities
the overlying Dalradia n Supergroup. The can he traced across the Highland Boundary
Gra mpian G roup , often te rmed the 'yo ung Faull. An analysis of inherit ed zirco ns fro m
Moines' consists of a very similar sedimentary Caledonian granites in bo th terranes shows a
association to the Pre-G renville Moine rocks of similar pattern, suggesting a de rivatio n by
the North ern Highla nds. A n inlier of rocks partial melting of mid-Prot erozoic crust in the
corre lated with these older Moine rocks has age range 1800-1000 Ma. T he G rampian base-
been ide ntifi ed in the nort heastern G rampian ment is inferred therefo re to be co mposed of
Highlands by Piasecki and Van Breemen Lewisian crust modified and added 10 du ring
(1979) who gave them the name 'Central High- the Grenville orogeny . A regio nal geo che mical
land Division' . Afte r restor ing the postulated ana lysis of the Caledo nian rocks of zones 1- 3
movem ent o n the Great Glen fault, these rocks (Planl et 01. , 1984) brings out a majo r geo-
lie alo ng-strike from the Gle nfinnan Division chemical discontinuity within the G ramp ian
of the Moine co mplex. T hey are separated by te rrane , following the Moine -Dalradian boun-
a major slide , the G rampian slide, from the dary betwee n the G rampian Group and Dal-
G ram pian- Dalradia n cover sequence. The radia n Supergrou p. The To rrodinian , Moine,
main moveme nt o n this slide is dated at and G rampian G roup sedime nts indicate de ri-
c.750 M a ee in an event widely known as the va tio n from a commo n source domi nat ed by
Morar ian (La mbert , 19(9) . Since this event interme diate to acid calc-alkaline rocks of
affected both basement and cover, the deposi- Archaean and Proterozoic age, resembling the
tion of the G rampian Group must predate present Ketilidian belt of S. G reen land. T he
750 Ma ae. No majo r unconformities have been geochemistry of the Da lradia n sedime nts in
ident ified in the thick G rampian-Dalradian contrast, point s to significant co ntributio ns
seque nce, which implies that movements on from basic to ultrabasic vulcan icity a nd from
the slide were tak ing place at dept h du ring Ba , Pb and Zn mineralization .
co ntinued sedime nta tion at the surface. Th is in T hese geoche mical features confirm previ-
turn suggests that the G rampian slide , in ous inter pret ations (e.g. Harr is and Pitcher,
commo n with seve ral of the oth er major 1975) suggesting that the Dalradia n success-
displacement zo nes in the Scottish Highlands, sion accumulated in a mari ne, intracontine ntal
originated as an early extensio nal fault and was basin formed by stretching and rifting of the
later reactivated in the Caledon ian orogeny as conti nental crust. The original margin of the
a co mpressional thrust (d. Sope r and Barber . basin, where much thicker Da lradian seq uen-
1982). ces formed o n thinned Moine crust, probably
Lewisian basem ent appears at the south- ra n o bliquely across the present G rampian
western end of the G rampian Highlands terrane in such a way that the main G rampian
terrane, in lslay, where it is overlain by division o utcrop represents the edge of the old
Da lradian rocks above the Loch Skerrols continent , and the Dalradian o utcrop of the
thrust, tentatively co rre lated with the Moine SW Highlands and Highland borders repre-
thrust. Plant et al, (1984) suggest that the sents the basin.
Moine co mplex (G renvillian) basement ends The structure of the Grampian Highlands
along the NW- SE Cr uacha n line in the south- has occasio ned co nside rable debate over the

yea rs. Th e o riginal interpretation in terms of a the Ballach ulish slide . Th e latt er slide passes
se ries of large nappes was put forward by southwa rds into the Iltay bounda ry slide that
Bailey (1922). This model has been consider- underlies the Tay nap pe to the south. In the
a bly modi fie d bUI, in its fundame nta l aspe cts , northeastern part of the G rampian Highlands
still re mains the basis for modern inte rpreta- terrane , these nappe s are overlain by the Banff
tion s. A re gio nal synthesis o f the structure in nappe which includes a sheet of gncissose
the SW Highlands is presen ted by Roberts and basement dated at c.700 Ma Sf (Stua rt et aJ.,
Tr eagus ( 1977). The majo r nappes in this 1977). Th is nap pe is regarded as allochthon -
region (Figure 8.27A) are: (i) the Appin ous, and possibly de rived fro m a southern
nappe, rest ing o n the Fo rt William slide , which continental block of Cado mian age. An in-
m arks th e co ntact betwee n th e G ra mpian teresting aspect of the major structure of the
Di vision and the ove rlying D alradian; and (ii) region is that the nappes in the no rthwest face
th e Ba/lachu/ish -Tay fUlppe which rests on to the northwest, where as those in the south-

~ majO!" slides
fold axial planes
.... lacing d irection

.i Highland
/ / boundary
/ teen


Figure 8.27 Struct ure o f the G rampian Highlands. (A ) Interp retative model showing the principal majo r structu res of the
G rampian Highlands. 01 structures : AS. Appin syncline; KA , Kinlochlevcn anticline. 02 structures: 5 85. Sgurr Beag
synfo rm; BLA , Batlachulish antiform; DO. Drurnocbter dome ; SMS, Stob Mhor synform. 0 3 structure; BA. Bohespic
antiform. Arte r Thomas (1979). (B) Interpre tative profiles illustrating a possible two-stage model (0 1, D2) for the tectonic
evolution of the G rampian Highlands. 1, Abe rfoyle-Ardrishaig anticline; 2, Batlachulish-c Loch Awe syncline; 3,
Kinlochleven - Islay anticline; 4, Appin syncline; I, Ben l ui-Stob Bhan fold ; II , Kinlochleven- Ben Chulm fold; square-
too thed lines. major slides. O rnament indicates different subgroups: from boncm to top : Gra mpian Grou p (blank), and
the Locheber , (slay, Easdale , Crinan subgroups, and the Southern Highland G roup (oute rmost). From Rcoe rts and
Tre agus (1m )
east face southeastwards (Figure 8.27A). Th is there is no 'root zone' within the present
gave rise to the 'fo untain of nappes' hypothesis boundary of the terra ne (Figure 8.34). They
that visualized the Dalradian cover being attribute the NW-directed nappe pile to an
squeezed laterally by converging basement obduction oro geny in which the highest nappe
hlocks on either side and escaping sideways by is the lost ophiolite nappe of Soper and Barbe r
gravitational flow. (1982). T he obduction is thought to have taken
Robe rts and Treagus sho wed that three de- place by detachment at a ridge-fracture ZOne
forma tion phases controlled the major struc- inter action (Figure 8.34C) producing an over-
ture, and that the D I phase was associated with riding young ocea nic plate that progressively
major isoclinal folds and with a penetrative abd ucts on 10 continental shelf and ultimately
fi ne-grained fabric. Several major recumbent over the continent itself. Th is major nappe is
folds , forme rly thought to be 01 , were shown represented in the Belts' Cove and Bay of
to be of 0 2 age. T hese folds developed during Islands oph iolite complexes in Newfoundland ,
the metamorphic climax. The later upright 0 3 at Trondhjeim in central Norway, and steep
folds refold the earlie r recumbent structures slices are prese rved along the faulted southern
into locally steep attitudes . T heir model to boundary of the terr ane , for example along the
explain this structure (Figure 8.278 ) attributes Highland Boundary fault. Later SE-facing
the or iginally upright 01 folds to the lateral structures are att ributed to 'retrocharriage' or
squeezing effect, and the recumbent 0 2 folds back-folding, resulting from northward sub-
to the consequential gravitatio nal spreading, duction commencing a t c.460 Ma BP. The latt er
followed in 0 3 by a further horizontal contrac- process resulted in uplift of the Scottish High-
tion. The major slides appear to have been lands during the period 460-440 Ma BP . The
initiated in 01 times but have clearly also been Southern Uplands accretionary prism, or its
re-activated in D2. Harris a al, (1976) suggest lateral equivale nt , is thoug ht 10 represent the
that the southeastwards transport of the large southern margin of this subduction zone.
Tay nappe was largely accomplished during the
0 2 deformation, when about 6 km of hori-
The Midland ValLey (z one 4)
zontal transport took place. Both the Fort
William and Ballachulish slides emplace Major strike-slip displacements have occurred
younger strata on olde r, a nd arc lags rather along both the Highland Boundary and South-
than thrusts. Like the Gr ampian slide to the e rn Uplands faults that form the north-western
north , these slides may be primarily exten- and south-eastern margins of the 40 km-widc
sional in origin. Midland Valley terrane (F igure 8.22). Sinistra l
The age of the main 0 1-02 deformation displacements duri ng the Devonian have been
overlaps the main Caledonian metamorphism established by Bluck (1980), and de xtral dis-
in this region. This is the "type area for the placeme nts during the Carboniferous are de-
'G rampia n orogeny' (La mbe rt and McKerrow, scribed by Read (1987).
1976) which is dated at c.490 Ma BP (Arenig) Th is zone is therefore a displaced terrane
by a va rie ty of methods. Note that there is with no direct relationships to the zones to the
a progressive change in the apparent age of north and south. The terr ane consists of a
initial movement on the main slide zones from hidden baseme nt of probable Grenville type
490 Ma in this region to 450 Ma at the Sgurr (Watson and Dunnin g, 1979) , similar to that
Beag slide , and 420 Ma in the Moine thrust underlying the main part of the Grampian
zone. Highlands (Figure 8.26A). The upper layer
An alternat ive to the 'fountain-of-nappes' of metamorp hic Grampian- Dalradian sedi-
hypothesis is provided by Dewey and Shack- ment s, however, is missing, and in its place is a
leton (I 984), who believe that all the early thick, gently folded sequence of Ordovician to
(0 1-02) structures were NW-facing and that Permi an sediments and volcanics. Over most

of th e zone, the Caledonian histor y is obscured this same sou rce . Each is an asymmetr ic half-
by the younger Devo nian and Carbonifero us grab en, with a wedge-shaped co nglome rate
cove r. T he absence of an unconform ity at the de posit thinning so utheastwards away from the
base of the Devonia n in the Silurian inlier of source . This type of sedimen tar y basin struc-
Lesmahagow indicat es that the e nd-Siluria n tu re is typical of strike-slip exte nsio nal regions
collisio n did not result in deform ation of the (see 6. 1, and Reading, 1980).
Lower Palaeozoic cover here. In the south-
weste rn part of the terrane, however a majo r

unconfo rmity separates the a bducted oph iolite The Sou/hem Uplands (zon e 5 )
shee t of Girvan -Ballantrae from the over lying
mid-Ord ovician strata. This terrane is bounded on its no rthwestern
The Upper Devo nian tectonic history of the side by the Sout hern Uplands fault, and o n its
Midland Valley is discu ssed by Bluck ( 1980) southeaste rn side by the hidden Solway suture
who demo nstrates thai , du ring this period, it (Figure 8.29). It has suffered strike-slip dis-
formed a strike-slip extensional graben or pull- placement in relation to the Midland Valley
apa rt basin (sec 6.1) bounded by sinistral and the terranes to the northwest. Th e extent
bou ndary faults o n eac h side . Over 3 km of of displacement is not known but may be
con tinenta l red beds formed in this basin, fed considerable, as the source areas for the
by rising Caledo nian mou nta in belts o n both O rdovician sediments in the terrane can no t be
sides. Th e Upper Devoni an sed ime nts rest fou nd in grou nd prese ntly adjacen t to it.
unconform ably on a gently-folded Lower Moreover the prod ucts of the Ordovician uplift
Devonian sequence that accumulated in two of the G rampian terrane to the north are not
basins, sep arated by a volcanic chain. Bluck foun d in the O rdovician basin to the south
con siders that the Midland Valley acted as a (Bluck and Leake , 1986).
sinistral strike-slip-co ntro lled grabe n basin Th e terrane is approximately 75 km in width,
during both the Lower and Upper Devoni an , and consists of a thick seque nce of highly
but his detailed acco unt is confined to the defo rmed Ordovician and Silurian strata,
Upper . resting o n a hidden basement thought by
A n ana lysis of the deform ation patte rn in the Watson and Du nning ( 1979) to be of G re nville
Lower Devonian rocks indicat es a preferred or Lewisian type. A seismic discon tinuity at a
orie ntation of folds in a E NE - WSW direct ion, depth of 12km beneat h the central part of the
350 clockwise from the o rientat ion of the terrane is inter preted as a major deco llement ,
bo undary fault. Th is is consistent with the the Ettrick Valley thrust, which carries the
relationship predicted for a sinistral strike-s lip folded and thrust cover o ver the weak Moffat
region (see Figure 6. 1). Shales horizon (Weir, 1974). A major seismic
The Upp er Devonian (U ppc rOld Red Sand- discontinuit y dipp ing northwestward s at an
sto ne) seque nce begins with alluvial fan de- angle of 15- 250 has also bee n detected in
posits and e nds with coasta l sed iments. Palaeo- dee p seismic profiles offshore (Beamish and
curren t directio ns are generally eastwards or Smythe, 1986) and is equated with the Solway
northeastwards. To explain the d isposition of suture . The deep basement of the Southern
the coarse conglomera te wedges in the alluvial Up lands thus underlies this suture and pre-
fan deposit s, Bluck post ulates a se ries of fault- sumably belongs to the southern plate .
bounded basins along the NW margin of the The major component of the sedimentary
main graben , within which each sequence pile is a thick sequence of greywackes of
thickens to the northwest (Figure 8.28). As turb idite o rigin, attributed generally to a
the basement moves north-eastwar ds with the trench environment. Associated with the sedi-
creation of each new extensional fault, a ments is an older sequence of pelagic sed i-
succession of new basins is formed, filling from ment s with occasional basalts.

" . .. . d

eot to w le

E • b


Figu re 8.28 Diagrammatic interpr etation o( Ihe U ppe r Old Red Sand stone (Upper Devon ian) facies distribut ion in the
so uth west Midland Valley of Sco lland in terms o f a sinis/ra l strike-slip model . A . B and C rep rese nt the pr ogressive
evolution of sedi me nta ry bas ins as ItIc oa!lemen l 10 the Mid land Valley moves nc nhea srward s in relation 10 the bloc k
bo unded by lhe Highland Boundary fau ll on the NW side o f the Midland Valley. S uccessive po suion s of the SW boundary
fau lt <II . p . fJ ) to the mai n basin occ ur progressivel y sout hwestwards, each !iving rise 10 a sepa rate source of coarse clas tic
material. D is pro file c- d ;!crQSS rbc basin and E i:; profile Q- b along lhe basin (sec C) . From Bluck ( 198(1)

The structure is dom inated by NE - SW- butable to a series of steep reverse faults. Some
trending, SE-facing, monoclinal folds separa- of these are relatively minor, but others separ-
ted by tracts of unfolded , stee ply-dipping beds. ate blocks with major stratigraphic differences,
Mudstones exhibit gene rally steep slaty cleav- whose constituent strata were originally formed
age. The terrane contains te n or more distinct large distances apart. Within these major
stratigraphic sequences which differ consider- fault-bounded blocks, shown in Figure 8.29A ,
ably across-strike over distances of a few km, the overa ll sequence generally youngs towards
but which can be followed along-strike over the nor thwest, while progressively younge r
distances of 100km or more. Conside rable deposits are found towa rds the southeast.
re petition of stratigraphic seque nces takes Leggett et at. (1979) interpret the Southern
place across the strike, much of which is a ttn- Uplands as a Lower Palaeozoic accretionary

--- ---- - -
- ---

[IIJ post -CaledonIan co.....,

~ l.-te Celedon;an g,anites
[ ] upperslopeba,; n
o ecc.elio poism 30km
• Ballant ophiolites

uppe r slope l,emergent
tre nch I lo we< trench
,I..,. I lf ench c
basin s lo pe ,
', bre a k ;
Southern Upland : : Solway fi n h
NW I ,
Coekbumtand s,
1 ~ /t 0 l
,') t ,'
• Oldest
Midland Velley
inti" ".

FiguI'"C 8. 29 Str ucture of the Southern Uplands of Scotland. (A ) 'Tecton ic summary mapof the Southe rn Uplands showing
the positions of the main Iaults bounding the different blocks. (B) Diagrammatic profile a,r055lhe area 10 iIlustrale the
acceeuoe ary prism model. (A) , (B) , ene r Leggett t l al. (1979). (C) Diagram 10 show how the emplacement of successive
undert hrust wedges, using the Moffat shales as a detachment honzon, can result in steepe ning a nd back-rotation of the
ea rlier-formed IhfUst blocks . After EalC5 (1979).

prism, formed at a subduction zone on the conjectural 'Cockbumland' long recognized by

nort hwest side of the Iapetu s Ocean, along the stratigraphers as a Silurian landmass in the
Laurentian continental margin. northern part of the te rrane. This tectonic
The fault-bound ed blocks are interpreted as enviro nment is reminiscent of the Barbados
packets of sediment , offscraped from the ridge complex discussed in 5.2. Accretion is
downgoing plate, a nd stacked up and steep- considered to have commenced during Llan-
ened in the fore-arc region to form an even- deilo time {mid-Ordovician) and continued
w ally e mergent ridge at the trench - slope break until the end of the Wenlockian , a period of
(Figure 8.298) . Th is ridge corresponds to the about 45 Ma.
The south side of the Sol W il Y suture (zones 6-8) parts of the basin exhibit pre hnite -pumpcllyite
metamorphic facies.
A majo r intracont inental suture has long been The Welsh basin has been widely inte rpret ed
postul ated within the Caledonides of the Bri- as a back-arc extensio na l basin, formed on
tish Isles beca use of differences between the thinned con tinenta l crust , and related to a
Camb ro-O rdovician fa unas of Girvan and the southw ard-d ipping subd uction l o ne (see Fi-
NW Highlands on the on e hand, which exhibit gure 8.32) . Ok ada and Smith ( 1980) point out,
No rth Ame rican affinities, and those of Wales howeve r. that a better tectonic analogy fo r the
o n the o the r, which exhibit Euro pean affin- Siluria n is a fore-a rc basin of the type presently
ities. The suture is therefore held 10 represent forming la ndward of the Nankai trough off SW
the site of closure of a vanished Lowe r Palaeo- Japan . A similar basin was described west of
zo ic ocea n, part of the Iapetu s Ocea n. the Barbados ridge , in the Lesser Antill es
T he suture can be de tected by majo r differ- subd uction zone of the Caribbean (sec Figure
e nces in base me nt characteristics on either side 5.13). In the mo dern Japanese analogy, the
of the Solwa y line , and can be traced through Japan ese islands co rres pond with the Midlands
Ireland alo ng the Navao-Shannon fault ( war - platform, and the Nankai trough subductio n
son and Du nning, 1979). zone is repr esent ed by a postulated trench
So uth of the suture, four Caledo nian Icc- no rthwest of A nglesey. Ok ada and Smith
Ioni c units a rc recognized , the Lake District believe tha t the subd uction zo ne may have
zon e, the Irish Sea block , the Welsh basin . and migrated southeastwa rds towar ds the Midlands
the Midlands platform . The Lake Disrricr- fslc platfo rm. due to tecto nic e rosion, fro m its
of Ma n-Lelnstc r belt is generally rega rded as position in the O rdovician when the North
the site of an early O rdovician volcanic arc o n Wales volcanic rocks were for med . The Ir ish
the northern margin of a southe rn continenta l Sea block, forming the tre nch-slo pe break in
plate (Figure 8.32) (see e.g. Moseley, 1977). early Silurian times, became emerge nt in the
So uth of this zone , the Irish Sea block ex- later Silurian, thus iso lating the basin. The
poses pre -Cale do nian Cadomian basement in main Caledon ian defo rmation of the basin, like
A nglese y, the L1eyn peninsula in N. Wales, that of all the zo nes up to and including the
and in SE Irelan d. Th is basement is pa rt of the Southern Upla nds. is e nd-Silurian in age and is
Cadomian o roge nic belt, subjected to defor- attributed to collisio n between the Midlands
ma tion and metamo rphism prior to the Lower platform and the Lau ren tian continent.
O rdov ician. The age of this o rogeny in Angle- Woodcock ( 191)4) has demon strated the im-
se y, and the strat igrap hic relationship between porta nce of dextral strike-slip movemen ts
the Irish Sea block and the zones on either along majo r lineam ents running pa rallel to the
side, is still controversial. All three zones arc south-eastern mar gin of the Welsh basin.
suspect terranes with possib le strike-slip d is- A long o ne of these featu res , the Pontesford
placeme nts betwee n them. lineament , Woodcock demonstrates patte rns
T he Welsh basin has long bee n regar ded as of branching faults in basement inliers and
a classical geos yncline , following Jones ( 1938). localized belts of comp ressional folds in the
It conta ins a thick sequence (c. IO km) of Lower cover cha racteristic of a strike-slip regime
Palaeozoic sediments, including a high pro- (Figure 8.30) .
po rtion of turbid ites. Volcan ic rocks form an Th e Midlands platform is not , as o nce
important compo ne nt of the basin, part icularl y tho ught, the no rthe rn margin of a large Euro-
in the O rdovician of north and southwest pea n co ntinent in Lower Palaeozoic times, but
Wales. Deformati on is highly variable, ranging a co mpa ratively small region of undcformed
from tight folds associated with highly-strained , Lower Palaeozoic strata resting on late Pre-
cleaved slates to rather gentle flexures with cambrian volcanic a nd sed imentar y rocks thai
no associat ed cleavage. Rocks from dee per have bee n affecte d by the Cadom ian orogeny.
~ Post Silurian Co ver

o ~;~~m,,--, t;.c~r


t::/ ",,:j Uocer Orcovlcan

R:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::J Lower Ordovician

f:,~~:~'cJ Precambrian &

' • • • ~+


" < , •• ,


Figure 8.30 Map sum ma rizing impo rta nt Ca ledon ian structures o f mid-Wales and the Welsh Borders. Folds, con tinuous
thick lines; faults , dashed lines . Note : (1) the: major C wm MaWl- Po ntcsfor d - U nley and Q lUrch SUc llon {aull zones; (2)
the oonccnlral ion of Iaults , and part icularly folds alo ng a relatively narrow zone between U aodri ndod Wells and a un; (3)
occasio nal o blique rela tio nships be tween fol d axes and the majoc faults. A - 8 and C-D arc cress-sections across the central
pa ri of the linea ment , showing positive flower structures (sec Figure 6 .4). After w ccdccck ( 1984).
Th e late Pr eca mbrian sequence rests in turn o n T he nappe sequence , summarized by Ro berts
an earlier Precam br ian basem ent, of which and Gee (1985) , is divided into fou r se parate
on ly a few frag me nts a re pr eser ved , bu t whose comp lexes: the Lowe r, Midd le , Upper and
geophysical characte ristics diffe r considera bly Up permost Allochthons. T he Lo wer Alloch -
fro m those of the Laure ntia n base men t no rt h thon is composed mainly of a sequ ence of late
of the sut ure (W atson and Dunning , 1979). Precam brian to early Palaeo zoic sed ime nts
Similar rocks form the A valon te rra ne th at t hat have been invo lved in t hin-skinned t hrust
co nstit utes the sou thwestern margi n of the defor mat ion in a zone along the enti re eastern
Appalachian belt fro m Newfo undland to east- margin o f the belt , bo und ed in t he east by a
ern Massachuse tts (F igure 8.21). Ou r knowl- sole thrust. Further west , Preca mbrian cry-
edge of the natur e of this so uthe rn crato n in stalline basem ent is also involved in nap pes o f
Caledon ian times is ve ry limited , but it is clear t he Lower A llocht ho n. Th is seq uence is over -
that, in co ntras t to t he two large co ntine ntal lain by the Middle A llochthon , which is com-
masses of Laurentia and Baltica , the Midlands posed main ly of highly-defo rmed Precamb rian
platform was pa rt of a relatively minor block . crystalline rocks, together with unfossilifero us,
T he e nd-Silurian coll ision gave rise to rela- prob ab ly late Precambrian , psammites. T he
tively mild de format ion with litt le sho rte ning in roc ks of th is unit a re extensively mylon itized ,
the southe rn pa rt of the Briti sh sector, quite ex hibit grea ter and mor e penet rative defor-
unlike the co mplex thrust belts o f Sca nd inavia mat io n than the underlying unit , and arc meta -
and NW Scotla nd . morphosed in midd le- to upper-greenschist
facies. T he Midd le Allochthon co nta ins a suite
of late Precam bri an pre-tectonic basic dykes
The Scandi navian Caledonides
and an exte nsive syntecto nic mafi c/ult ramafi c
T he relation ship bet ween th e Scandina vian to alka line igneo us com plex of late Camb rian
and British Caledonides is shown in Figures to ea rly Ordovician age .
8.21 a nd 8.33. Althoug h the Scand inav ian be lt Th e Upper Allochthon co nta ins defo rmed
appears to be a d irect co ntinuatio n a long-strike volca no-sedimentar y successions derived from
of the Scott ish Highlan ds, sepa rated by o nly a variety of tectonic envi ro nments: island a re,
500 km across t he North Sea , the re a re co nsi- fore -arc and back-arc bas in, and ocea nic. T he
derable d iffe rences in str uct ure . T he Scand i- nappes containing these seq uences have been
navian Caledo nides co nsist of an 1800 km-lo ng transported seve ral hund red km eastwa rds.
belt, with a pr esent outcrop width of up to Two defo rmatio ns can be reco gnized , an early
300 km, of na ppes directed east wards o n to the Ordov ician phase that has bee n attributed to
Fennosca ndian shield . The polarit y of the be lt the o bductio n of the ophiolite asse mb lages,
is t hus opposed to th at of the NW-directed and a later Siluro- Devonian event. Metamor-
nap pes of zo nes 1- 3 in th e Bri tish sector . Th e phism during both phases reached upper
eastern margin of th e belt curves t hro ugh amphibolite facies . T his unit may th us co r-
Den mar k towar ds the Po lish Ca ledon ides and respond with the missing op hiolite nap pe of
there is no d irect connection with the so uth- t he Scot tish Highlands.
eastern part o f the Briti sh Caledo nides. T he Uppermost Allochthon co nsists of a
T he alloch thonou s nappes of th e Scand i- series of nap pes co mprising migmati tic gneisses
navian Ca ledonides ( Figure 8.31) conta in and high-grade met asedi ments, together with
stratigraphic successio ns ex tend ing up to t he units of lower-grad e suprac rustal rocks. T hese
early Silu rian , and the main Caledonian roc ks are int ruded by synorogenic gra nito id
o roge ny (the Scandian) is dated as mid-Silur ian and gabbro plutons. Some of the gneisses in
to Ea rly Devon ian . T he re is evidence also , in t hese nap pes appear to represen t pr e-Caledon -
certa in districts, of a n early -Caledo nian defo r- ian base ment with the Precambrian supracrus ta l
mat ion ( the Finnmarkianv of Late Ca mbrian cover.Seve ral lhrusts licescontain ophiolite frag-
to early Ordov ician age (540-490 Ma ee). ments and associated low-grad e metasedime nts.

~ Ba...-u see GfOuo

~ OtMlni an

Ed bolic Nappe C~

• Ck eri; ~
UJ Cf yalallinll She ets

D Ba ilie eo.- Sr-ts

o .....-

~ =-I::::¥
, .. Thrust flgnt

Figurr 8.JI Structu ral summary of the

Scand inavian Caledonides. ( A) Map
showing principal tectonic units: exter nal
un ils com prise the a utoch thonous base-
men t and cove r and the ex ternal crys tal-
line nappes ; intern al units comprise (he
oceanic and exo tic na ppe co mple xes.

Th e later stages in the evolution of the belt groups of nappes: an e arlier Finnmark ian
were marked by regional uplift of the western nappe complex and a later Scandian nappe
part of the orog enic be lt, le ading to the accu- complex, e ach containing distinctive sedimen-
mulation of early to mid-Devonian molasse tary sequences - late Preca mbria n to Ca m-
deposits in fault-controlled extensional basins. . brian, and Ordovician to Silurian respectively.
Ramsayer at. (1985) est imate that a total The Finnmarkian orogeny commenced dur -
shor tening o f c.400 k m may have taken place ing the Upper Cambrian in the interior of the
across th e be lt in northern Norw ay. although bell and progressed toward s the craton, e nding
the displaceme nt o n the lowermost nappe in ea rly O rdovician times. The Scandian oro-
diminishes to the nort he ast. In the nort hern geny created a new group of nappes that in
section a dear dist inction can be made into two places overrode the Finnmarkian nappes , at-

,m c

o -- - -- - -
- - - _ Jo>l..,""""
l ' a dihon a l
..', ...>--- -

t 'iJ:url:' 8.3 1 Structural summary or the Scandinavian Caledonides. (8) Schematic profiles across the lines marked in (A ).
Note thai A -A ' is at a dilfcrcm scale to the others. Vertical scate equals bonzont al. From Hossack and Cooper (19R6) ,
afte r various sources.

ready dee ply eroded. In addition, Finnmarkian sheets of the Lower Allochthon is very much
thrusts were locally reactivated . Hossack and wider (up to nearly 3OO km) tha n is apparent at
Cooper (1986) divide the nappe complex into outcrop . The widt h of this zone expands in the
two zones (Figure 8.31A): an external zone of north to cover the whole exposed width of the
thrust sheet s that have been emplaced south- belt (see section AA ' in Figure 8.318 ) . The
eastwards onto the Fennoscandian craton, and exposed thrust front , according to Hossack and
an intern al zone of exotic nappes with NE-SW Cooper, corresponds to the position of a series
stre tching directions, parallel to the strike of of frontal ramps where the sale thrust cuts
the belt. These two sets of nappes must down from the Ca mbrian black shales into the
therefore have differe nt emplacement his- late Precambrian sequence.
tories. The external zone comprises the Lower, The crystalline basement nappes of the
Middle and Upper Allochthons of Roberts and Middle Allochthon, like the cover of the
Gee, and the inte rnal zone corresponds to their Lower Allochthon, are thought to have been
Uppermost Allochthon. derived from the Fennoscandian shield. A
Hossack and Cooper claim that the pre- restored section of a profile in the south
e rosion thrust front lay much further to the through Oslo (section DD ' in Figure 8.318)
east than the present ou tcrop, based on its indicates that the sole thrust ramps down
position in the Oslo Graben (Figure 8.31A). through crystalline basement beneath the
T hus the width of the thrust belt in the cover Jo tun nappe , about 475 km west of the present

t hrust fro nt , but ca st of the autochthonous even t. Some re activatio n of the earlier thrusts
basement outcrop of SW No rway. is indica ted by a met amo rp hic overpr int of
The 'oceanic' nappes of the Upper Alloch- " .420 Ma BP found in certa in of the upper
t ho n cove r a wide surface area in ce ntral a nd nappes. Th e dat es of the Scandian event arc
northern N orwa y (Fi gure 8.31A ) and include dia chronous across the oroge n fro m c .450 Ma
the well -known Seve and K oli nappes. Sedi- BP in the central part o f the belt to c.420 Ma at
men ts within these nap pes contain faunas with the thr ust fro nt, indicating a movemen t rate of
Baltic affinities but a higher oceanic nappe c.2.Bcm/yea r.
contains material with No rth American affin- Hossack and Cooper pro pose a plate tectonic
ities (Gee, 1975). Th e geochemistry of the mod e l for the e volutio n of the Scandinav ian
volca nic rock s is consiste nt with an ocea n-fl oo r Ca ledo nides that explains the Finnma rkian
origin (Fu mes et af . , 1(82). These nappes a re event in terms of the obduction of a slab of
there fore con sidered to rep resen t abducted oceanic crust co ntain ing an islan d a rc; and the
slices of oce anic crust originat ing o n bo th sides Sca ndian o r e nd-Ca ledo nian eve nt as a colli-
of the Iapetus Ocea n. Since the major defor- sio n of Laure ntia with Baltica during wh ich t he
mation of the op hiolites of the Upper Altocb- latt er und erth rust the form er (see Figure
t ho n is Finnmarkian in age, the auth or s date 8.348 ).
t he obduction of the ocea nic mat erial as Lo wer
to Midd le Ordovici an.
Plate tectonic iruerpreuuia n ofthe Norrh
Th e exotic nappes of the internal zone , o r
A tlantic Caledon ides
Uppermost A llocht hon , form large ou tcrops
alo ng the coastal bell of centra l and no rt hern Th e first plate tecton ic inte rp reta tion of this
Norway (Fig ure 8.31A ). They overlie the region was made by Dewey (1969) . He de-
Lofote n base men t complex, which Hossack scribes a model ( Figure 8 .32) invo lving a NW·
and Cooper believe to be alloch thonous and d ipp ing subdu ction zone be low t he Gram pian
pa rt o f t he Midd le A llocht hon (see Figure Highlands in the British secto r, and two SE·
8.318, sec tion 88') . Hossack and Co oper d ipping subductio n zo nes, one below the Irish
point ou t that t hese internal nappes must have Sea block in Cambrian to Lowe r Ordovician
bee n derived either fro m a micro -continent times, and a later one below t he Lake Dist rict
within the Iapet us Ocean separat ing Baltica in Upper Ordovician ti mes , with ccntinent-.
fro m the Laurentian co ntinen t, or fro m the co ntine nt co llision takin g place du ring the late
latter co ntine nt itself , since the y over lie the Silurian. Many subseque nt refinements an d
oce anic mat erial of t he Upper Allocht hon. alternatives ha ve bee n suggested , but the
Th e highly deform ed rocks of these nappes tectonic fra mework suggested by Dewey is still
exhibit NE -SW--o ricnted shea th folds and the basis of most modern views,
elongation lineat ions indicat ing either emplace- T he evo lutio n of the belt may be said to
men t parallel to the strike of the orogen, or co mme nce with the brea k-up of a late Pre-
possibly oblique sou thward emplace ment in a ca mb ria n co ntinen t that is doc umented by
transpr essional regime. Th e main deformation palae omagnetic ev ide nce (P iper, 1985) and by
of the Up per mos t, Upper and Midd le Allo- the diversification of fau nas in the ea rly Cam-
cht ho ns is regarded as a Finnmarkian eve nt, brian . Differen ces in early Ca mb rian shelly
rath er similar to the G rampian o rogeny in faun as between Lau re ntia and Ba ltica are well
Sco tla nd . kno wn. McMenamin (1982) presents ev idence
The Scand ian or end-Caled onian or ogen y t hat this faun al sepa ration co mmenced in the
produce d the first deforma tio n in the thrust late Precam brian with ce rta in be nthic ' Ed ia-
sheets of the Lo wer Allocht hon, but can also ca ran' soft-bod ied faun as in th e period 650 -
be recognized in the higher nappes, suggesting 600 Ma ee. Ev ide nce for widespread rifting
tha t their e mplacement was in part a Scandian and intraco ntine nta l ex te nsion prece ding this


c ,--

E , i

,...-f l o... C
0<1"0 •••1 _

Hg urt 8.32 Schernanc sections Illustratin g me Dewey (1969) model for the tectonic evo lution of the British Caledonides .
DL , Durncss lirncstoae ; M , Moine complex; D , Dalradian sediments; G V. Girvan ; MN C, Moine thrust ; BV , Baltantra e
vokan jcs: M e . Mona complex: ISH • Irish Sea block: PH F, Pomesfo rd Hill (ilull ; CSF, Church Snenon Iauir; IIBS . l llghtand
Bo rder Series; SMT, South Mayo trough: Rfl WV. Bcrrowdale volcanics; D F, Dinorwic Iault; SV. Su okesrown volcanics;
8 Z1, 2, 3, successive sul>duction zones. From Dewey (1%9 )

continen tal separatio n is pro vided by the de- in the nature of the Dalradia n basin. Aft er the
velopme nt o f fault -controlled To rrido nian de position of the Port Askaig tillite , a product
and Grampi an-Dalradian basins in Scotla nd of the Ve ndian glaciation of c.640 Ma Bi>, rapid
around 800 Ma ago . su bsidence took place along growth faults,
Th e Iapetus Ocean is widely regarded as producing turbidite-filled basins, succeeded by
having opened initially in the early Ca mbrian the extrusion of basic volcanics and by further
(Ande rton, 1980) at a time of dr amatic chang e subs ide nce and t urb idite sedimentatio n. By

Low er Ca mbrian times, both fa unal and pal aeo- gence d uring Ordovician and Silurian times , a
magnet ic evidence indicate an appreciable possibility explored ea rlie r by Phillips et at.
se para tio n of Laure ntian, Ba ltic and southe rn ( 1976) . Dewey' s model involves a large dextral
co ntine ntal masses, with an interve ning Ia pe- strike-slip compo nent of relative mov em ent
tu s O cean . The nature of the so ut hern con- along the British secto r o f the belt d uri ng t he
tine ntal mass is unclea r. Th e Britis h pa rt, life of the subd uction zon es. Thi s relative
termed t he Midlands platform , is usuall y re- mo tion changed aft e r end-Silurian co llision to
garded as the lateral eq uivale nt of the Ava lon- a sinistral strike-slip regi me which produced
ian te rra ne in the Appal achia ns. T he fa unas of around 1000 km o f re lative moti o n along the
this continental mass show diffe re nces from Ap pa lach ian- British sect o r of the belt.
bot h Laurentia and Baltica, and Avalonia Dewey and Shack leto n ( 1984) prese nt a
probably represents a large island or series of furt her revised tectonic mod el ( Figures 8.33 ,
islands se parated from Baltica by oceanic 8.34) in which the early C aledo nian e ve nt,
cr ust. termed t he Grampian in Sco tland and Irel an d ,
In a revised model, Dewey ( 1982) demo n- the Finnmark ian in Sca ndina via, the Hum ber-
str ates the importance of obliq ue plat e co nver- ian in Newfou nd land , and the Taconic in the

D.. .
....... , 5

rn:m 2
--- 6

['2ZJ 3 D:JJ 7

~ 4


.r .

NI *loun dll nd ~ AF
~ OF ;S~
AVllon iln Zonl

F"lgun 8.33 Tect c mc 5ummilry map o f the British and Scandinavia n Caledonides and Nonhero A ppalachi ans, restored to
the pre-Mesozo ic fit of Bullard t l al. (1965) : 1, inrraCa mbrian 10 ea rly Ordovician sequence s in Gr amp ian zone ; 2.
O rdovician are terranes; 3, oceanic and arc terranes so uth of the suture ; 4, ophiolite co mplexes ; S, O rdovician·SiJurian
accretionary prisms; 6. G renville basement within the oroge n ; 7. Avalonian-Cadomian terrane on the south side of the
o rogen. BOI , Bay of Island s; LR . Lon g Range ; HB. Hare Bay oph iolite; M , Mings Bighl op hiolite ; B, Ben's Co ve
ophiolite ; RF, Reach Ieuk: DF, Dove r fault; CB, Cle..... Bay ophio lite; LN, loch Nafooe y faull zone ; BL, Ballantr ae
op hiolite ; PO , Port soy: SUF. Southern Up lands fault; fPS. Iapetus sUlure; U, Unst op hiolit<:; BA , Bergen ares; TR,
Trondheim. After Dewey and Shack jeton ( 1984).

_ .
LAt" Cetnbo' ian

Ii o
i! . . " ' ,,. "

tl1 ~

. . &-.r

_ Oceen i" cr.-'

<U>c;:;:'! ._
Conl......... 1 e ,,*
La.. SoIur_
o !<MnU"

F1gur<e 8.34 (A ) Schemat ic N -S structural profile along line indicated in Figure 11.33. Mr, Moine mrcst: SBS, Sgurr Beag
slide ; f WS , Fon William slide; BA S, Ballachulish slide; 185 , (hay bound ary slide; G GF, G reet Gle n fault; H8FZ ,
Highland Boundar y fault zone; SUFZ , Southern Uplands faul! zone. From Dewey and Schackteto n (1984). ( B) Seque ntial
cartoo ns 10 illustrat e a tecton ic interpretation o f the Scandinavian Caledonides . From Hossack and Cooper (19116) . (C)
App roximately true-scale schematic sections illustrating a model for the evolution of the G rampian o rogeny. An o phiolite
is overthrust onto oceanic lithosphere at a fracture zone and thereafter progressively obd ucred onto the contine ntal rise and
shelf, prod ucing the 0 1- 2 de fo rmations in the Grampian Highlands (sections a- t-). Section (d) shows shortening and
thickening of the sedimentary pile. leading eventually to a reversal of subduction polarity (..). Fro m Dewey and Shackleto n

Appa lachians of New York and New England, ehronous defor mation ca n be established ,
is att ributed to the obd uction of a giant commencing at about 495 Ma BP in the south-
op hiolite nappe, up to 15 km thick, generated east, and e nding at 455 Ma BP in the northwest .
at a ridge-transform intersection in the Ordo- The obducted ophiolite complexes were
vician Iape tus Ocea n. T his eve nt appears to formed in early Ord ovician time a nd only a
have been diachronous, taking plaee in pre- short period elapsed before their obduction.
L1a ndeilian times in Britain, before the end of The earlier stages of this process would have
the L1andeilo period in Newfoundla nd, and in been submarine (Figure 8.34C). Emergence
mid-Ca radoc time in New York a nd New would only have taken place whe n the stacked
England . In Newfoundland, progressive dia- crust reached thicknesses of c.30 km. During

the sa me pe riod, a volcanic arc, resting on an have already been discussed , for exa mp le t he
oce anic fo undation, lay to the southeast of the 160km sinist ral d isplace ment of Grampian
abdu cted portion of the ophio lite , and is meta morphic zo nes alon g the G reat Glen
rep resented in numerous places along the be lt , Fault. Dewe y and Shacklet on suggest th at a
includ ing th e Mid land Valley terrane of Britain tot al sinistral displace me nt o f 1800 km occur-
and t he Noi re Dame terrane in Newfoundland . red be tween the Ca radocian and the early
T he co llisio n of th is arc terrane with Laurenti a Devon ian .
may have ended the obduction. De wey and Ocea nic closure and co ntinental collision
Shackleton sugge st that t he co ntinue d co nver- appea r to have been dia chronous. Co llision of
gent motion caused firstl y (i) the northwest- Laure ntia and Ba ltica took place during the
ward s obducti on , then (ii) sou th-eastwa rds Silurian period , and was followed by end-
subduction , for ming (he volcanic arc , then ( iii) Siluria n to mid -D evonian co llision of Avalonia
co llisio n of t he aTC with Laurentia , followed by with the co nsol idated Lau rentian- Balt ic co n-
(iv) nor th wcstwa rds subduction in the mid- tinen t. Th e au thor s sugges t that it was the
Ordovic ian to prod uce the Sout hern Up lands latter collisio n event which ind uced the sinis-
accret io nary pr ism. T he latte r, Llandeilian , tral st rike-slip motion between La ure ntia and
e ve nt is held to explain the late 5-facing Baltica , and between Laurent ia a nd Ava lon ia.
str uct ures in the G rampian Highlands refe rred Of the 1800 km st rike-slip d ispl acem ent be-
to earlier , a nd is cor re lated with the upl ift of . tween Lau rentia and Avalonia, the y estimate
that te rrane . that 500 km may have been tak en up by
A fte r this dia chro nous orogenic phase , dur- co nvergence across the nor th Ge rman - Polish
ing which co nverge nt moti on was obliq ue with branch of the Caledo nides and th e rem aining
a dextr al strike -slip compone nt , the direction 1300 km in the d isp lacem ent of Sca ndi navia
o f plat e co nve rgence appea rs to have changed . re lat ive to No rth A me rica (see Figure 8.33 ).
Evidence for large . sinist ral displacement s
9 Orog eny in the Preca mbrian

As we have see n in the previous chapter , it be- T llblt 9.1 C hro no logical subd ivision of Ihe Precamb ri<l n.
comes pro gressively more difficult to int erpret
Eo n Er a Ca nadian sche me M,
the st ructure of o rogenic belts as we loo k
furt he r back in lime , beyo nd the period when t.." Had rynian
accurate continental reco nstructio ns can be 1000
Pro terozoic Middle Hehk ian
made fro m ocean ic palaeomagne tic da ta . Th is 1600
d ifficulty is magnified in the Precambrian be- Ea rly A phebia n
cause of t he inherent inaccuracies of con - 2500
tine ntal pa laeo magnet ic reco nstructio ns. and is t.."
compounded by o ther problems. Th e familiar A rchaea n Middle
stratigraphic certa inties co nveyed by accurate 3400
Ea rly
palaeo ntolo gical dating in the Phanerozoic are 4000 ?
abse nt throughout much o f the Precambria n.
T he widely-used radiometric da ting meth ods Phanerozo ic. Thus the major subdivisions ,
cann ot ye t give the same p recision in subd ivi- Proterozo ic a nd Archaean, have the status of
d ing and corre lating stratigraphic sequences. eons , like the Phanerozo ic, and the bounda ry
The na ture of the roc ks is different: much of between them is at 2500 Ma BP. The subd ivi-
the Precambrian o utcrop consists of uplifted sions Late , Middle and Ear ly Proter ozoic are
deep-crustal material. ofte n highly-deformed in widespread use, altho ugh the time pla nes
and meta morp hosed , whose original geometri- marking the bound aries be tween the m are not
cal relatio nships to adjo ining outcrops and yet gene rally agreed . Tab le 9.1 sho ws the
regions cannot be accuratel y reconstructed . system used in the Ca nad ian shield as an
Pro bably the most importa nt prob lem, and example . Fur ther stratigraphic subd ivisio ns ar c
cer tainly the most stimulating one , in interpre- in use in seve ral d iffer ent co untries (sec H ar-
ting Precambrian rocks is the uncertainty over land et al., 1982) but a re no t intern atio nally
the extent to which present-da y processes can agreed.
be regarded as useful analogues in the Precam- Major oroge nies in the Phanerozoic occur at
brian. Alth ough it is a fundamenta l tenet of intervals of the o rde r of 200 Ma , and last for
geo logy that ' the presen t is the key to the period s of the ord er of lOOMa. In the Pre-
past', we find d ifficu lty in unlocking so me of cambrian , a series of 'o roge nic cycles ' have
the o lder doo rs! been recognized (Sutto n, 1963) that a re much
lon ger than the Phaner ozoic o rogenie s. The
Archaean alone extends at least from 3800 Ma
Precambrian chronology
Dr, the age of the oldest da ted co ntine ntal
In this chapter we shalt discuss examples of rocks, to 2500 Ma - a pe riod lo nger than the
Precambrian o roge nesis from the fo ur main whole of Phane rozoic time . Within this period ,
periods of Precam brian time : the A rchaean , it is not generally possible to recognize se pa-
and the Early, Middle, and Late Proterozoic rate widespread o roge nies such as the Ca le-
(Table 9. 1). The basis of the stratigraphic sub- do nian o r the Hercynian .
d ivision of the Precamb rian is chrono logical: Nor can we define o roge nic be lts in the
arbitrary dat es are chose n to re present the Archaean . A lthough local mobile be lts have
bounda ries betwee n the subdivisions, which bee n recognized , such as the lim popo be lt of
may corre spo nd to major stratigra phic break s southern Africa , bordered by more stable
in so me areas but not in others. The size of the zones, these are not com para ble in scale or in
time division s is much la rger than in the inferred process to the Pha nerozoic orogen s.


9. 1 Plate movemen ts in (he Preca mbria n nea rly doubled . Our knowledge of Archaean
ther mal gradie nts is imperfect, but it is clear
The quest ion of what kind of plate tecton ic from pressure - tem perature estimates in
process ope rated during the Precambrian (a nd Archaea n tower-cr ustal rocks that the rmal
particularly during the Archaean) , is one tha t gradients in the A rchaean continental crust
has caused considerable debate among Pre- were not greatly diffe rent from today's values,
ca mbrian geo logists since the plate tecto nic despite the much higher rate of heat produc-
theo ry was established. O pinion has ranged tion . Pressure estimates from lower-crustal
wide ly. Alone ex tre me is the view he ld by gran ulite-facies gneisses, suc h as the Archaean
Baer (1977) and others tha t ' mod e rn ' plate Scou rie gne isses of NW Scotland, indicate
processes did not com me nce until the late crustal thicknesses of at least 30km and pos-
Precambrian . T his view is bas ed on the argu - sibly 50 km, at the time of formation (see e.g.
men t t hat in warme r. thinn er . early Precam- Cartwright a nd Barnicoat, 1987). A marked
bria n lit hos phere , eclogi te could not form in rise in geothe rmal grad ient would have re~
the mafic ocea nic cru st , mak ing the ocea nic suited in the wholesale melti ng of the rocks at
lithosphere too buoyan t to subduct. Hea t loss such dept hs.
and tecto nic movements were concentrated in Bickle concludes that the prolific eruption of
the softer co ntine ntallithosphere . At the ot her vo lca nic rock s appea rs to be the on ly mechan-
extre me is the position taken by Burke et al. ism capable of transpo rting sufficient heat , and
(1976) and Tarney and Windley (1977) for that a plate tectonic process is necessa ry for
example, who believe that the early Preca m- recycling these volcanic rocks. Bickle 's thermal
brian plate tecton ic processes were essen tially model suggests a sixfold increase in the areal
similar to those ope rating at presen t, and differ rate of plate productio n in the late Archaea n,
o nly in thei r rate , in the size of the plates , and compared with the present. A corresponding
in other relatively mino r respects. increase in the overall rate of subduction is
Th e key to the problem lies in understand ing requi red to keep the system in balance.
Precambrian heat productio n and heat loss. Many authors have no ted the high propor-
This problem is addressed by Bickle ( 1980) tio n of to na litic pluton ic intrusions in the
who, fo llowing McKenzie and Weiss (1975), Archaean that are interpreted as melting pro-
points out that higher heat productio n during ducts of subd ucted ocea nic crust, the dee p-
the earlier histo ry of the Ea rth would lead to seated counte rpa rts of volcanic-arc andesites.
mo re rapid movement of thinne r plates, whose It is gene rally be lieved by Precambrian gee-
mo tio ns would be governed by smaller-scale logists that a large proportio n of the present
convective cells tha n those inferred fo r the con tinental crus t was created during the late
prese nt. . A rchaean (see e .g. Dewey and Windley,
Since the thickness of the ocea nic litho- 1981). A de tailed study by Ta ylor et al. ( 1980)
sphe re is governed by the supply of heat to the of the Pb-isotop e composition of the Arc haea n
base of the lithosphere , an increase in heat crato n of So uth G ree nland (see below) indi-
supply will result in a thinn er lithosphere and cates two ages of derivat ion for the mantle-
less e fficient operation of the plate creation- derived Pb in the igneous rocks: one at aro und
subd uction processes. However this effect may 3000-2800 Ma BP and the o ther at c.3700 Ma.
be offset by a faster rate of plate creation, and The y found no evide nce in regions of younger
by the subduction of younger, hott er oceanic A rchaean crust of the material with olde r Pb,
plate. Bickle points out that about 45% of the suggesting that the grea te r part of the craton
prese nt heat loss throu gh the Ea rth's surface was fo rmed, ra ther than rewo rked, in the late
arises from the plate crea tion-subduction pro- A rchaean. Rb- Sr and Sm- Nd isotope studies
cess . a nd that if this process ceased , average of Ea rly Proter ozoic terrains in Canada indi-
thermal gradie nts in the continents would be care that the bulk of the crust there was also
fo rmed in the late Archaean period (Mc- sto ne belts. An ocean ic crust of this co mposi-
Culloch and wasserburg, 1978). tion, moving over an asthenosphe re that was
The opin ion of many Precambrian workers hotter , and consequently less den se and less
seems to be in favour of a convective plate- viscous than at present, would move late rally
tectonic process in the ea rly Precambrian, more easily. When coo led, such a lithosphe re
op erating at a much faste r rate tha n at pre sent , could be denser than the asthenosphe re and be
and that this process was respo nsible for the read ily subdu ctible.
creation of a substantial proportion of the con-
tinental crust d uring the approximately 500 Ma
Proterozoic plate mo vements
pe riod of the late Arc haea n.
Th e way in which this plate tectonic process Appa rent polar wande r paths have bee n con-
opera led must have been rather different fro m structed for the Prote rozoic of a ll the majo r
the mode l accepted for the Phanerozoic. One Precambrian shield reg ions. T hese arc regard-
of the most significant features of ea rly Pre- ed as evide nce of co ntinental plate movem ent s
camb rian mobile belt s is the absence of oph io- during this period . The polar wande r curves
lites and of low-te mperature , high-pressure exhibit a number of ' hairpin' be nds interpreted
metamorph ic rocks , the accept ed indicators of as major collision orogenies resulting in ab rupt
subd uctio n in mobile belts from the La te changes in plate mo tion . Irving and McG lynn
Proterozo ic o nwards. T his was o ne of the (1981) discuss the Precambrian palaeom agne-
facto rs that led Bae r (1977) to reject subduc- tic reco rd from No rth America (Laure ntia) and
tion in the early Preca mbrian. Baer a rgues that conclude thai the data are not suffi ciently
in a thinner , warmer lithosphe re, eclogite se nsitive to de tect relative moveme nts within
cou ld not form, preventing the density inver- the Lauren tian domain d uring the Archaea n
sio n necessary to power the subd uction process and Early Proterozoic, but that large lati-
from taking place . A possible solution to the tudi nal move me nts relative to the pole occur-
A rchaea n subductio n problem is suggested by red with an average rate of 5-6 em/yea r. Three
A rndt (1983) and by Nisbet and Fowler (1983) , loops and hairpins in the Early to Mid-
who point ou t that the A rchaean oceanic crust Proterozoic ap pare nt polar wande r pa th for
may have bee n largely komatiit ic in composi- Lauren tia (Figure 9.l) arc identified with the
tion, corre spo nding to that of the ultramafi c Hudsonian orogeny at c, 1750 Ma BP t the
ko matiitic basa lts found in Archaea n green- Keween awan or ea rly Grenville extensional

t U An UII •
o~ "!!."!9"!IP'
..!.!"" _

w.:- - - --I

."'" "'" "'" - "'"

Figure 9 . l Plo t showing the vena tio n in magnetic palaeolatitud e with lime for the Lauren tia n shield. No te the ab rupt
changes ('hairpins') al 1750, 1150 and 1(0) Ma Dr. Calc ulated for Winnipeg (5O"N, 97"S). Age uncerta inly of individ ua l
poin ts are in Ma . Fro m Irving and M~>(j ly nn (19M)

eve nt at c. 1150 Ma BP, and the ma in end - by th e amalgamatio n of Archaean fragmen ts,
G re nville co nve rge nt deformatio n a nd up lift and grad ually stabilized, th icken ed and d iffer-
at c.950 Ma 8 f> (see 9.3) . entia ted . Intern al mo vement belt s resulted
Pipe r ( 1982) believes tha t the polar wand er from marginal collisio ns. By Late Prot erozoic
path s for the var ious co ntinen tal blocks during time , modern accre tionary margins were in
the Proterozoic are sufficie ntly similar to be existence .
interpre ted in te rms o f a Prot erozo ic supe rco n-
tine nt (Fi gur e 9.12) . Howe ve r, it sho uld be
9.2 Late Proterozoi c Pan-Africa n belts
e mp has ized thai co nside rab le rela tive motion
may be concea led by th ese paths, an d that Are as of Lat e Proterozo ic to ea rly Palaeozoic
there is still so me contro versy ove r this pro- tecto no-the rmal act ivity form a lar ge part of
posa l. the surface are a o f Gondwa nalan d ( Figure
Ne ver theless, we ma y co nclude tha t the pal- 9.2), part icu larly in A frica . Th ese tecto nicall y
aeo magne tic dat a for the Proterozoic sup porl active zo nes cannot be ter med orogen ic be lts,
contine ntal pla te mov eme nts similar 10 those since in many instances they do not form
of th e Pha ne rozoic . The re is con side rab le clearly de fi ned linear features. Nor is the term
controversy a bout t he possible e xiste nce of 'o roge nic' necessarily app licable, since it im-
collisional s utures in Precambrian mob ile belts. plies an analogy with Phan erozoic mountain
We shall discuss so me o f the ev idence in the belts whose tectonic o rigins are clearly es ta bl-
examples 10 fo llow. On the o ne hand , there is ished . Many Precambrian geologists prefer the
th e belief t hat most Prot e rozoic mobi le belts term mobile bell or mobile zone fo r such
are intraco ntine ntal with res pec t to a major regions, and we shall follow this practice here .
Proterozoic supe rco ntine nt, and tha t plate Th e Pan-A frican system of mo bile cr ustal
boundary processes, if they exist, occur o nly zones co mp rises a reas of tec ton ic, magmatic
around the margins of the superco ntine nt. and metamorphic activity in the age ra nge
O the rs believe that cryptic sutures are present 1000-450 Ma. These mobile zo nes sepa ra te
in man y supposed ly intracontine nta l bells but cratons that were tectonica lly stable d uring
are pa laeo magnet ica lly undet ectable. Th e evi- th is period . such as the West Af rica n. Co ngo
de nce hinges at p resen t on the interpretation and Kalahari crato ns o f Africa , Guya na -
of magmatic roc ks: wheth er or not they ca n be Brazil in So uth Ame rica, and Pe ninsular Ind ia .
interpreted as subd uction-de rived . We shall Palaeom agnet ic evidence ( Mcwilliams ,
d iscuss exa mp les of intracontinen tal belt s 1981) shows that Gondwanaland existed as a
where suc h roc ks are abse nt; in such cases a supe rcontine nt o nly fro m latest Prec ambri an
co llisional model is difficult to substantiate. or early Palaeozoic time un til its break-up in
T he impressio n ga ined is tha t intraplate co n- the Mesozoic. Th e formatio n of Gondwana-
tine ntal mobi lity was mor e widespread d uring land is therefore a Pan -Africa n eve nt. Prior to
the Prot erozoic than d uring the Pha nerozoic, this event, the palaeomagnetic reco rd suggests
and that this differe nce is to be exp lained by an that two supercontine nts e xisted with markedl y
increase in contine ntal lithosphere strength in differe nt app aren t polar-wand er pat hs. O ne
late Precam bri an times. comprises the Precambrian shield areas of
In t he ir study of the evo lution of the co n- Africa and So uth Ame rica. and may be termed
tinen tal crust , Dewey and Windley (1981) West Go ndwana ; the o ther. East Gond wana ,
inte rpret t he Precambria n record as follows: co mprises the Precambrian shie lds of Ind ia ,
the Archaea n is a period of rapid crustal Austral ia and A ntarctica . Th e two supe rco n-
growth ach ieved by the amalga mation of vol- tinen ts are presumed to have co llid ed along the
"canic arcs to form abo ut 85% of the presen t Pan -African Mozambiqu e belt that extends
co ntinental mass by 2500 Ma SP . Duri ng th e along th e eas t coast o f Afr ica (figure 9 .2).
Early Proterozoic , large crato ns were formed Other Pan-Afri can mobil e be lts may be inte r-

~'i gu rt 9.2 Tecton ic summary map of
Gondwaoatnnd reconstructed acccrdrng
In Smith and Hallam (1970) , showing the
extent o r Pan-African mobile regions and
the Late Proterozo ic cratons . A , Arabian
crat on ; W, West African ; C , Gu yana n:
n, Brazilian; S, Sao Francisco ; C, Co ngo;
l , Indian; Y , Yilgarn ; N , Kimberley erc.;
G . SE A ustralian. M B. Mozambique
belt ; D B, Darnaran bell. The area with
' V' ornament is the Hejaz accretionary
arc province. The Palaeozoic orogenic
belt is shown in ruled o rnament . After
McW illiams ( 19KI) .

pre ted as intracrat on ic or int racontinental . discu ssed by Ga ss ( 1981) , who points out that
such as t hc Dama ra - Zam besi be ll betwee n the tectonothermal activity ex te nde d fro m c. 1200
Congo and Kalahar i cratons. In th is case there Ma unlit c.450 Ma Hr . fro m Mid-Pro terozoic to
is no pa laeoma gnet ic evide nce for ocean clo- Lower Palaeozoic lime s. This period of mobil-
su re . A th ird type o f Pan -African mo bile zone iry thus spans a longer time th an the who le of
is rep rese nted by th e large regio n o f tectono- the Phanerozoic , altho ugh it is compar ab le
therma l activity co vering much of north ea stern with the life of the Co rd illera n o roge nic be lt
Africa from Morocco to Ethiopia and t he of Nort h Am e rica , for example . T he Pan -
neigh bo ur ing Ar ab ian shie ld. T his zo ne is Af rican as o riginally de fined by Ke nnedy
marginal to the We st Gondwana continent. ( 1964) was restricted 10 the peri od 650-450 Ma
and co uld be analogou s, to some ext ent. to BP. G ass recog nizes t hree maj o r divisio ns
the Co rdille ran o roge nic belt o f the western termed Lower, Middle and Upper Pan-A frican
Am ericas. Wc shall d iscuss three diffe rent Pa n- respectively. although th ere is co nsiderable
Africa n domai ns to illust rat e t hese co nt rasting ove rlap in the radiom etric age ranges o f rocks
tecto nic se ttings: the A rabian-Nubian shield , assigned to t hese divisio ns (Figure 9.38 ).
t he Mozambique belt , and the Da mara bell. Th e o ldest roc ks of the Lower Pan -A frica n
a rc metasedimen tary qu artzites tho ught to
represent a passive- ma rgin sedim ent ary wedge
Pan-African history of the A rabian-Nubian
fl anking the Archaean Nile craton (Fi gure
9.3A) . No ev ide nce of co ntine nta l basem e nt
T he Pan-African mobile zo ne of no rt heast o lde r than 1200 Ma BP has bee n found within
Af rica and Arabia is exposed in the ad joining this Pan-A frican zo ne . The quartzites ar e
shield area s o f Nubia a nd Saudi A rabi a. A fter overla in by a thick seq uence (> 12 km) of
closing t he Cenozo ic Red Sea rift , the zo ne is basalts and basaltic a nde site s with ocean ic
abo ut llOOkm in width , a nd exte nds fro m the affinities , inte rcalated with greywackes. car-
nort hern end of the Red Sea to Et hiopia , bon at es and che rts. Th ese supr acrus tal rock s
where it is inte rrup ted b y younger rock s of the we re invaded by basic plutons dated at
African Rift syste m . To the south, it is co n- c.900 Ma BP.
tinuou s with the Mozamb ique belt . In the Midd le Pan -A frican , the bulk of the
Thc tectonic inte rp ret ation of the region is rocks of the region were formed ; 50 - 60% o f

I li m it of Precambrian
v v v C&lcalkali ne Volcanics
=-=-.: Marble
- .. Ophiolite
Jlll!m Po ssibl e Suture Zone
1/// Generafized Str ike
Fau ll

v- v W Umn o f Calcalkali ne
Volc.nicslafter V.ill 98J )
25"N .....

f ....\ .

•• I I
Figun: 9.3 (A ) O utline tectonic map of NE.Africa and the related part of Arabia, allowing for the: CS timill cd displacement
on Ihc: Najd Iault. Note: Ihc: positions of postulated suture zones. From Sllacklc:lon (1986)
- - lo_ Po"... h.<o"
---- M ocfdlo ._
.......... u_ ..
- _ POC\ _

-··ll··_·,.········_·····.···_··· - ++-- --+--
fGYPT '~ EIl ~!.I.~_+-__ ~-.l • •
~- ----- -~. -~- - - ~-- - - ~- ---- - ----~­
-++- 1+-+-.........-.... lit II t II


dOll .00 100

- ..............
- - - Wo- -
figure 9.3 ( B) Schema tic represe ntatic n of the age ra nges of magmatic activity in NE Africa and Arabia , divided into
Lowe r. Middle :md Uppe r Pan-African an d post-Pan-A frica n periods. NOll' lha l activity is effectively continuous. From
Gass ( 1981)

these comprise pluton ic rocks of gabb roic to silicic volcanics and volcaniclastic sediments.
gran itic composition. These invade supracrus- The basal units comprise fl uviatile to shallow-
tal volcanic rocks of andesitfc to rhyolitic water clastic sediments with intercala ted strom-
character. Stro mato litic limestones and cherts atolitic limestones. This supracrustal asse mbl-
a rc widespread, but form a relatively minor age is intruded by calc-alkaline granite s and
component by volume of the supracrustal granod iorites with ages in the range 650-
assemblage. The overall picture obtained from 610 Ma. The geochemical characteristics of the
a very complex outcrop pattern is of a series of Uppe r Pan-African igneous rocks are also
e mergent volcanic arcs depositing material in indicative of a volcanic arc, but the lack of
sha llow subsiding basins, some of which accu- metamorp hism and defor mation , except for
mulated more than 10km of material. The block faulting, suggests that this arc was
volcanic rocks appea r 10 have become more developed on continental crust.
siliceous with time. T his supracrustal assem- T he end of the Pan-African, according to
blage was deformed and invaded by a series of Gass, is signalled by the cessation of calc-
syntectonic and post-tectonic dioritic to grano- alkaline magmatism (i.e. of subduction) and
dioritic plutons. The latter range in age from the incoming of pera lkaline magmatism com-
c.820 to c_660 Ma. The plutons often form me ncing about 600 Ma BP.
broad linear zones around 50 km wide, aligned The above sequence of events is interp re ted
in a N-S to NE-SW direction. These zones as evide nce of the grad ual and progressive
a re interpreted as the roots of volcanic island cratonization of northeast Africa by the succes-
arcs. Between the zones lie belts of mainly sive building and subsequent accretion of
supracrustal material in which a number of ocea nic volcanic arcs. Evidence for inte rvening
ophiolite masses have been identified (Figure ocea nic material is present in the form of
9.3). Bells of ophiolite fragments are inter- ophiolite zones, which may represent either
preted as pieces of ocea nic lithosphe re pre- cryptic sutures Or the remnants of obducted
served along collision sutures (Shackleton , sheets (Shackleton, 1986). According to
1986). The relationship of some of these linear Shackleto n, in the Eastern Desert of Egypt, a
ophiolite zones to adjoining dated rocks sug- huge shee t of oph iolitic melange overlain by
gests at least three periods of emplacement, calc-alkaline volcanic rocks has bee n thrust
and therefore collision, at c. lOOO Ma, 800 Ma over continental shelf deposits. T he thrust has
and 600Ma BP respectively. a gentle regional dip to the southeast, but is
The base of the Upper Pan-Af rican is mark - refolded so as to form a number of separate
ed by a regional unconformity at the base of a outcrops (Figure 9.4) over a distance of
series of unme tamorphosed and undeformed 350 km. A NW-SE elongation lineation
wsw ENE

0 "" ~-
''''' '--


W1 0"N E 10" S c
Aow.. $0 1Ham ed
Granit. Ophiolite 5
,, g
R. Nil, W . HalmUf HllI.ib
Se_ level
32' e
IA ! ;;:e
: 374 e
..... . --- ft _ ... <:" .
I: : ::
.... c

+-- Appr ox. 600 km W to
Arch al an of J . Uw.inat ~
0CflltaceoUS fIIOP hiOlitiCme lange
"•••, Grani te
[ill I I Ophiolite

1:.:.:'.~ Imola. se) ! : :!Schil tl. IImphibotillS. mvlonites

I·,,"!Calcelkalina Volcanics 1~ ;i;lp·"" o, 100 km


FI&u~ 9.4 Interpretat ive struct ural profiles across the Eas ter n Desert o f Egypl al 2fl"N (u ), and from weo! Haimur in EgypilO Sol Ha med in the Suda n
al around 2O"N (b). to show how Ihe ophiolite outcrops may he linked 10 form lhe regional gentl)' di pping sbeeu interpreted as IUIU Il: zones (see Ihe
three nor thwestern sheets of Figure 9.3A). From Shackleton (19RS)
indicat es northwestward s t ranslat ion with a lu res are sharply tr uncated along a zone of
minim um displacement of 100 km. T he shee t is mylo nites several km wide (Figure 9 .5). East
con sidered to re present a co llisio nal suture of the mylon ite be lt, th ere is a tra nsition fro m
tre nding NE - SW across t he Red Sea and britt le 10 ductile deformatio n co rres ponding to
dippi ng so uth-eastwards. an increa se in metamor phic grade . T he eastern
Prese nt-day vo lcanic island arcs rar ely ex- limit of this zo ne of stro ng Pan -African defor-
ceed 150 km in width with active magmatic matio n and metamorph ism is thought to lie
cor es less tha n 50 km across. If th e Pan-Africa n between mainland A frica and Madaga scar,
a rc system were of similar dimensions, more which co nta ins extensive Ar chaean and Mid-
than ten coul d be acco mmodated within the Prote rozoi c doma ins. O n th e easte rn side o f
Nub ian-A rabian belt duri ng the 300 Ma o r so Mada gascar , prior to the Mesozoic brea k-up of
o f subd uctio n-re late d magmatism , represen- Gondwanaland , lay the ea rly Precambrian
ling nume ro us subd uction zones probably shie ld of Penin sular Ind ia , which exhibits a
wide ly separate d in time and space . quite different pa laeo magnetic pola r-wander
T he prese nce of older co ntinental crust on path fro m Africa and is therefo re co nside red to
the e aste rn side o f the Pan-African belt , in have collid ed with Africa d uring the Pa n-
Sa ud i Ar ab ia (Stacey and Hedge. 1984) sug- African period of activi ty.
gcsts that a rc accretio n may have been finally T he rock asse mblage in the Mozamb ique
te rminat ed by co ntinent -continent collision, bell in the E. African sector consists o f
pos sibly rep rese nti ng the northward co ntinua- granitoid gneisses with wides prea d and abun -
tion of the Moza mbique belt now to be dan t intercalatio ns of metasediments. inclu-
descri bed . ding qua rtzites, marb les and graphitic pe lites.
Th e qu artzites are more abundan t in the west,
whe reas marbles are co mmone r in the east.
The Mo zambique belt
Along the wester n fro nt , q uartzites rest un-
Th e Pan-A frican mo bile zone of the Arabian- co nfo rmab ly on the A rchaea n base ment of the
Nub ian shie ld is dir ectly along-strike of the Tanzan ian crato n. Shackle to n co nsiders that
Moza mbiq ue belt , which. acco rdi ng 10 Shack- the metasedim enta ry assemb lage as a whole
leton (1977, 1978). is a d irect co ntinuation of prob ably rep rese nts a con tine nta l shelf se-
it. However, as Shac kleto n po ints out , the low- quence with an o rigina l ea stwa rds facies
grade met amorphic assemblages of island-arc change fro m near -shor e sands to deeper -water
deri vation in the north are very different from limestones, rest ing o n older granitoid base-
the high-grade metasedim ent s and gran ito id men t now transform ed to gneiss. II is a fam iliar
gne isses of th e Mo zambique belt in East problem in P reca mbria n resea rch that the de-
A frica . Th is belt co ntains lar ge areas of o lder tailed stratigraphic data necessary to subst an-
co ntinen tal basement yield ing A rchaean to tiate this interpretation ca nnot be o btained.
Mid-P roterozoic ages a nd variably affected by There are thr ee zones within the be lt tha t
Pan-A frican deformat ion and metamorphism Shack leton identifies as poss ible ophio lite hor i-
with ages ranging from c. 950 to 550 Ma . In the zons, one of which can be traced for more than
cen tral part o f th e Mozam biqu e belt in Kenya 150 km. Met avolcani c roc ks associated with
and Ta nza nia, o nly Pan-African ages have one o f these op hiolite bodi es yields a Pan-
been obta ined, which suggests that olde r con - A frican age of c.660 Ma .
nn en tal materi al her e may have been thoroughly Th e western half of th e E . African sector of
re wor ked and its geochro nological signat ure the belt is domi nated by E- o r NE -dipp ing
obli tera ted . planar structures (my lonite fabri cs, foliations
T he wester n front of th e belt in the E . and litho logical layeri ng) . Thi s st ruct ura l pack-
Af rica n secto r lies alo ng the marg in of the age is interpreted by Shac kleto n as a n imbri -
Tanzanian craton , whe re E- W Archaean stru c- cat e stack of th rust slices of Ar chaean base-
Archae.n ....
MozambiQue Belt Mozambique Belt

(Craton) I
ob'seure \. Bara ga i

z >
Oph iolite
w oph iolite
35· 15' E
I .
~ - -- - - ~ ~ ~. - ''"0'0 'E ~ : ".. B'
" '"" + ~
. . . . ,~':':'~' " .' 0

Arch aean
--10!4- M ozambique Belt
(Tanzan ia Crlton) I 0

Mylon ites
Thru st shelf sed im ents
!I Arch.68n
Imb rieallt l one of
shelf s&dimenls
Ophio lite s 0 1
Sakerr sul ure "
• • ""
. . . . . . ...',..,....
c C'
......... ...
................. .... ...............'1t%
. . . . ............... ... . ~
.... .
• • • •• • • ••• • • •• • • • • • • 1
.... .. .. .. .


I IShalf sediments
[BGranite >
Prctereeclc ~
Mafic } Ophio lite
• Ultramafic
r::lShelf led ime ots
U including marbles

... .
I:: : :jGranite . granod iorite
} "',h.... oI 50 100 km
l I
l: -:: !K, vlrondia" metasedime nts

Figure '1.S Interpretative W_ E sections across the Mozarnhiquc belt showing the generally west-ve rging nappe structure. with ophiolite sheets . From
Shackleton (1986)
O ROGE NY I N TH E PREC.... MBR I....N 279
rncn t and subordinate Proterozoic sed ime ntary A map of the Dam ara belt (F igure 9.6A)
cove r, with t he o phiolite shee t represe nti ng a is described by Hawkesworth et at. (1986).
high structur al level. If the o phio lite bel ts Basement granites o f the Co ngo and Ka lahar i
represen t t he same shee t, ove rlying th e plat- cratons form respectively the north western and
form cove r, this shee t must root in a suture southeastern margins o f the belt , which is
lying on the easte rn side o f the be lt (F igure about 350 km across . Sma ll basem ent inliers
9 .5) . Elongat ion lineatio ns in th is zo ne are occur with in the belt as well. A large propor-
co nsiste ntly NW-SE in trend . However, in tion of the ou tcro p is made up of metased i-
the ce nt ral pa rt o f the secto r. the linea tions are me nts divided into two separate sequences.
N- S. Shackleton an d Ries (1984) interpre t th is T he olde r seque nce, the Nos lb Group , co m-
cha nge in trend as the res ult o f a later st rike- prises coa rse clastic deposits ove rlain by shelf
slip relative move me nt betw ee n the two con - carbonates up to 4 km in th ickness. Po tassic
tine nts after collision. They point in support to lavas an d assoc iated alkali ne plutons found
t he lack of cor responde nce betw een the E- W- alo ng the northern mar gin ar e t ho ught to be
t rend ing A rchae an greensto ne belts of the coe val with this G ro up. T he ove rlying se-
Tanza nian cra to n, o n the west side of the belt , quen ce con sists of ca rbonates, qu artzites, peli-
an d the N- S-trending high-grad e gneisses of tes a nd, locally, graphitic schists tha t reac h a
t he Mad agasca r A rchaean. thickne ss of 16 km in the no rt h. Ca rbonates are
dom ina nt in the nort hwest, but biot ite-schists
rep resenti ng clastic deposits a re more abun-
The Dumaran belt in Nam ibia
dant in the so uthwest. T he latt er contain a
T he Pan-A frica n mob ile belt syste m in SW layer o f mafic vo lcanic rock , t he Match Less belt ,
Afri ca co nsists of two branc hes ( Figure 9 .2): tra ced for over 350 km , although only a few m
o ne pa rallel to t he coast o n the west side of th e th ick.
Co ngo and Kala har i cratons, the Gab on-Cape T he centre of the belt is marked by a zo ne of
belt , an d the o ther trend ing almost at right syntecto nic to post-tecton ic granitoid plutons
angles to it and sepa ra ting the two cratons. T he ra nging fro m diorites 10 gra nites and including
la tter belt is known as th e Damaran belt and highly potassic varieties . The Dam aran sed i-
links with the Zambcsi belt further cast. T he men ts were depo sited between 1000 and
struct ure of the sou thwe stern end of the 750 Ma BP, an d most of the Damaran intr usions
Da ma ran bel l, representing the zo ne of inter- were emplaced :n the peri od 570- 450 Ma BP
sect ion of the two Pan -A frican bells, has bee n during the later part of the Pan-African time-
studied by Cowa rd ( 1981) . Th e Da ma ra n belt span. Widespread regional metamorphism
is oft en descri bed as an exa mple of an intra- occu rred at the same tim e. Acco rding to
crato nic mo bile belt (see e. g. Shackleto n , Coward (1981) , th e major phase of deforma-
1976) . T here is no evide nce of relat ive mo ve- tion in the belt , which pro duced the NE -SW
ment be tween the Congo and Kalah ari cratons, struct ural t ren d , predates the earliest gra nites
within the limits of resol ution of the palaeo- dat ed at 560-550 Ma. Later deformation in the
magnetic data . T he West Gondwana craton ce ntra l zone produced block-faulti ng an d a rch-
(F igure 9.2) appears to have beh aved as a ing. However , along th e sou thwestern mar gin,
cohe re nt unit bot h before and afte r the Pan - defo rma tion associated with SE-directed thrus-
Af rica n eve nt s. However, q uite large re lative ting co ntinued until abo ut 500 Ma OP . A later
moveme nts (of pe rha ps up to 1000km ) co uld suite of pos t-tectonic gra nites was emplaced
not be de tec ted palaeom agnetically, and the around 500-450 Ma OP.
evidence leaves open the possibilit y eit he r o f Geoche mical stud ies of t he me tased ime nts
quite large intraco ntine ntal displace men ts, or suggest that they co ntai n ve ry litt le new
of the opening and subseque nt closure of a material, but th at t he rocks of the bel t, both
small ocean basin. sed ime nta ry and igneou s, mainly co nsist of

. . . ..
Select ed
rAltl amorphi<;
Iloq.a d l
1- S iollle
\ 11111:1 2 - SilUmo nite
3 -Analul ,
. "
\ '0"5
, ---

100 km
-, I ' . ~

-, ~~~P1:,:·::t.r \
o, .
50 100 km
' ,'
1 Pon 0 =~ a nd JOunq l r

A I Alr icon .
8 ,o.iliGlI(l r;:::!Sou.... I
'1<::1. , U:.:J n B

Figure 9.6 Str ucture of Ihe Da ma ra bell. (A ) Tecto nic; ske tch ind icating I ~ infe rr ed mo vement duecnoes rela ling 10 the
three main phases of de form at io n. N K. Na uklof l nappes; ."ii, Swakopmund; W. Windhoek ; A. area of inter fe rence structures
be tween F ilind F2 ; too thed lines , thrust zo nes. From Cow ard ( 198) . wit h pe rmissio n. ( 8) Simpl ified map o f the Da mar a -
Ribeira be ll, showi ng the diSiribu,ion o f basement. grani tic intrusions arid metasedimentary cover . and the arrangement of
met a mo r phic isog rads in the re gio n o f inte nect ion bel" o the Dama ran a nd coastal be lls . F rom Hawkesworth ~I af.
( 1980 ). with permissio n.

rewo rked basemen t ma teria l. A possible ex- ducing overthrusting towards the so utheast
ce ptio n is the mafic Matchle ss be lt, which has a along the Sesfonte in thru..s t zo ne. This phase ,
mid-ocean-ridge basalt chemistry. However, according to Co ward, is not represented within
the gran itoid intrusio ns display intrap late the Da mara be lt itself. Th e second ph ase
rat her than subd uction-related magma tism. produced refolding o n N-S axes in the north-
The balance of the geoc hemical evidence is ern arm , but in the Da mara belt is associated
the refo re in favo ur of an intraco ntinent al with recumbent west-verging structures with an
origi n for the belt . ENE-WSW elongation lineation . The se struc-
T he structural study by Coward (1981) ide n- tu res are interpreted by Coward as a tow-angle
tifies three main region al moveme nt phases shear zone with a movement sense sub-parallel
from the structural histo ry (Figure 9.68): the to the trend of the be lt. The most intense
first involved sinist ral converge nce along the deformation occurred along the central zone,
nort hern arm of the Gabo n- Ca pe be lt. pro- where the synkinematic granitoid int rusions
are concentra ted . T hese structures in turn are the Ea rt h, and Deamley (1966) believed tha t
defo rm ed by more upright folds, tr end ing the Grenville mobile be lts he ra lded the sta rt of
NE- SW to E NE - WSW, that ve rge no rth- a third major o rogenic cycle, f unda mentally
wes twards alon g the northe rn margin of the diffe rent fro m the preceding t wo, that was to
be lt . and so utheas twa rds alo ng the so uthe rn ex le nd into Phanerozoic time 10 include all
ma rgin. T he latt e r marg in is a major thrust subseque nt orogenies . H is belief was fou nded
zone car rying stro ngly-defo rmed Dam aran on the observatio n th at the Grenvi lle mobile
me tase dime nts onto the Kala ha ri craton. be lts were relat ivel y na rrow, regu lar , an d
Coward inte rprets the s tructura l paucm in linear, cutting across all pr evio us be lts , and
term s of an early NW -SE ob lique co nverge nce we re more a nalogous to t he Pha nerozoic be lts
alo ng the no rthern arm , follo wed by ortho- than to the mo bile zo nes of the preced ing
go nal conve rge nce ac ross the northern be lt. H ud sonia n cycle and of the Archaean.
coupled wit h diff erential strike-slip movemen ts La te r work, and the a pplicati on of plate
in the Dam ara n belt alon g a low-angle shea r tecto nic p rinciples , has tended to red uce t he
zon e para llel to th e tr end of the belt . Th e significance of the G renville ' revol utio n' and to
t hird pha se re pr esen ts o rthogona l conve rgence emphasize simila rities be tween pre -G renville
across the Damaran be lt. However , Hawk es- and post-G renville be lts . Thus there a rc Ea rly
wort h er al, ( 1986) cite evidence indicatin g that Prote rozoic be lts with strong similarities to
t he Damaran belt may be olde r than the so me of the Pan-Africa n zones described
G abon- Ca pe be lt. above .
The re seems to be no ge neral agree ment Th e Mid -Prot erozoic mobi le belt system of
co nce rning the plate-tec ton ic inte rpretati on of the North A tlant ic regio n comp rises three
t hese two belts. It has bee n sugges ted that the bra nches : one is the G renv ille bel t, sensu
Mat ch less ma fic be ll may re present a co lli- stricto, along [he south-easte rn margin of the
sio na l s ut ure . Howe ver the re is no evide nce for Ca nad ian shie ld; the second is th e Svcco no r-
subduction -re la ted magmati sm , and the o the r wegian bel t o f SW Swe de n and so uthern
ev ide nce is suggest ive more of an ex te nsiona l Norw ay ; and the third is the Ca rotinidian belt
rift environmen t, producing a high-tem pe ra- of E . Greenland ( Figure 9.7) . After resto ring
tu re belt . Subseq ue nt t ran spre ssionel and co n- the Mesozo ic ex te nsio n acros s t he North
ve rge nt mo vements along this thinned and Atlant ic, these three be lts form a co ntinuo us
th erma lly weakened zo ne co uld have been Y-sha pe d syste m intersecti ng in the region of
purely intracontinental, reflecting differential the British Isles. T he northern o r C arolinidian
movement s bet ween t he neighbouring crato ns. arm is poorly known a nd is interrupted by the
U ncertainties of thi s kind are co mmon in the Caled o nian belt . W e sha ll d iscuss o nly the
int erpretation of Precambrian mobi le be lts and Grenville an d Svecono rwegia n be lts , and the ir
illust rat e t hc problems caused by impe rfectio ns possib le interrelationships .
in the quality of the evide nce availab le 10 us.
Th e Grenv ille Province
9.3 T he Mid-Prot er ozoic Grenville-
The e xposed part o f the Nort h American
Sveecnorwegie n system
G renville be lt , in C anada a nd in th e Ad iron-
D uring th e Middl e Proterozoic period (1800 - dack Mounta ins of New York State in the
1000 Ma BP) , an ex te nsive network o f mobi le - no rt he ast USA , is known as th e G renville
belts was form ed in bot h Lau rasi a and Gond- Province (Fi gur e 9.8) . In C anad a, t his be lt
wanala nd . The 'G re nville o rogenic cycle' was exte nds for 1500 km alo ng strike, and is over
recognized by Sutt on (1963) as o ne of t he 600km in widt h. The date of t he G renville
ma jor s ub divisions in the tecto nic histo ry of 'orogeny' has traditio nally been regard ed as

fig u~ 9.1 Location of the Mid-P ro -

terozoi c G renville -SVC:COllOrwcgia n o ro-
UPOSE D £="'1 ge nic belt syste m o f the No rt h Atlanti c
La regio n (do tted ornamen t). together with
oascUll(o r:-:--:l the late r non bcm and sou the rn Cale-
L:....:..J donide: belts.

c. 1000 MOl BP, a nd the Gre nville Pro vin ce was distance of 400 km from the margin of the
affected by a majo r tectono-the rmal even t G renville belt into t he inte rior. whe re it is pro-
a roun d this time . Most K-A r ages ra nge from gress ive ly deformed and d isrupted by Gren-
1100 M Ol to 8(X)MOl . signify ing slow uplift and villian defor matio n ( Roach an d Duffel l, 1974).
coo ling over a lo ng pe riod. However o lder Thi s de formation has p rod uced ove rt urne d
igneo us and tectonic e ve nts a lso affect the fo lds tre ndi ng sub-pa ra llel to the Gr enville
Pro vince: in particular , a region al suite o f front. A second maj o r phase of deformatio n
intrusive plu tons with da tes ranging fro m produced N - $ to NNW- SSE· t rending folds in
c. 1500 to c. 1400 Ma . A general description of a wide zone in the inte rior of the be ll .
the Pro vince and a tecton ic interp retat ion are Th e Archaean and Early Prot erozoic base-
prov ided by Baer ( 198 1) and Da vidso n ( 1985) . men t of the Province is intruded by a major
The maj or par t of the Province appears to suite of plutons co nsisting of anorthosites and
co nsist of A rchaean and Ea rly Prote rozoic related rocks dated at 1500- 1400 Ma . T hese
basement th at can he tr aced into the Gre nville bodies for m a wide be lt that e xtends from t he
be lt from the ad jo ining cra ton . T he distinctive Hopedale reg ion o f northern La brador to t he
sed ime ntary asse mblage of th e La br ado r belt Adiro ndack s (Figure 9.8A) . The belt th us cuts
(see 9.4 ), deformed about 180Q Ma BP in the oblique ly across th e G re nville Province . ex-
Hudson ian orogeny, can be recognized o ver a tend ing 400 km north o f the G renville fro nt at

Figun: 9.8 (A ~ Simplified tecto nic ma p of lhe G re nville be ll. Note the detnbunon of pre-G renville anon hcsue -mangerue
pluton s and of Prot erozoic su pracrustal reek s. Th e Early Pro tero zoic sedime nts of the Labrador be lt (sec Figure 9.15) can
be traced lo r a lon g distance inlo the Grenville belt. Th e princip af tccto nic zone s are : I, the Forelan d zone ; II, the G re nville
Iro nt zo ne, consi$ting dominantly of basement gnei$.<;CS uplifted in re lat ion to the forelan d ; III , the Ce nlral G neiss zone,
co nsisting of high -grad e gne iSSC$ with inte rfoldcd G renville Group met asedim ents, sub-div ided into the O nta rio (A ) and
Q uebec (8 ) sectors, which differ mainly in the orie nta tion of the st ruct ures ; IV, the Ce ntra l Mel ascdi menlary zone, which
co nta ins the mai n o utcrop of the G ren ville Supe rgrou p ; V, the Ce ntral Granulite terrain, characte rized by gra nulile-Iacie:;
gneisses and anorthosites; VA is the Adiro ndack sector ; VI, the Baie Comea u segment , whidt is similar to V bUI in
amphibo lite Iacies; V II , the Eas te rn G ren ville zone, which co nta ins simila r roc ks to V I bu t co nta ins in add ition lo w-grade
suprac rust al cover similar 10 th ai of the Nain pro vince 10 the eonb. (8 ) Struct ura l sketch sections across th e G re nville belt
(N W- SE) to illustrate the gene ral relatio nship between basem en t gneisses (wiggly o rna ment) , A rchaean metasedim ents
(g ree nsto ne belt facies) (close stipp le), and Proterozoic supracrustal cove r (dashed o rna ment). Silts and diapirs of the
enerthosue-mengerue suite are also shown. Alter Wynne-Edwards ( 1972).

Nova Scotia

. . ..
". D AnonlloS<le . Ma ~;le .

MOtllO", t e p Lutona

L2.J P<Olo'ozoic sUD'a eru s lal
rod s
0 11>0' tect ork: b~".,

auart Zo·loklsP. I~ >C

0 a_sse, (me.....' )
- " ". ~ Bouodar y w,th younge. co"", roc~ .

0 16 0 ~m

its no rthern end. Th e emplace ment of these Figure 9.8) , a series of sinuo us she ar zones
plu to ns is genera lly co nsidered to pre-date the separating d istinct gneissose doma ins is de -
deposition o f the sedi me nts of the G ren ville scribed by Da vidso n (1985). A majo r SE-
G ro up, altho ugh Bae r be lieves t hat later dipping shear zone also separates this doma in
mo bilizatio n of ce rtain plu to ns occ urred dur ing from the adj oining Central Met ased ime ntary
the G ren villian deforma tio n . The weste rn belt (zone III ) . The minor str uctu res indicat e a
boundar y of the ano rthos ite belt co incides no rthwestward s sense of movement on these
with the Chibou gam au- Ga tineau lineament . zo nes, tentatively d ate d at c. l l 00 Ma ae. The
which ma rks a majo r cha nge in characte r of present crustal thickness of the Pro vince var ies
t he basem ent gne isses. BaCT suggests thai a fro m a maximum of 50 km alo ng parts of the
ve rtica l displaceme nt o n this lineament pre- front to between 30- 45 km elsew here . Th ese
dates the deposition of the Grenville Group data sugges t that tectonic th ickening by th rus-
sedime nts th at occur on both sides of it. ting in t he marginal zone is still preserv ed ,
T he metased ime nts co mpr ise a sequence o f whereas the high ly metamor phosed ce ntral
carbo na tes. q uartzites and petit es associated zo ne co rrespo nds to an up lifted seg ment of
with both felsic and ma fic volcanic roc ks. Th e o riginally thickened crus t, now mu ch reduced
mar bles alo ne are at least l 5 km thick. Da tes in thickn ess.
of 1300Ma and 1250 Ma on members of the Acco rding to Baer and Dav idso n, there is no
volca nic suite are he ld to give the depositio nal good evidence in t he exposed Grenvi lle belt for
age for the Group. T he nort hwestern margin of oceanic closure in the form of a bd uct ed ophio -
the metasediment ou tcrop is mar ked by a line lites or crypt ic sut ures; however , Windley
of alkaline pluton s da ted at 1280 Ma, which is (1987) believes that there is ev ide nce fo r a
interpr eted by Ba er as ev ide nce of a co ntine n- collisio nal sutu re wit hin the Ce nt ral Met a-
tal rift grabe n, in which th e thick sed imentary sedimen tary be ll. We sha ll co nsider the plat e
pile was deposited . Regional exte nsion is also tecto nic implicat ions of t he Gre nville o rogen y
ind ica ted by the fo rm ation o f graben at Seal later , after d iscussing t he Svcco norwegian .
Lake (a t c. 1300 Ma 81'). along the Kewee na-
wan rift (at c. l 130 Ma), in the Ga rda r Province
The S vecono rwegian belt
ofS . G reenland (a t1245- 1020 Ma) , and by the
occurre nce of dyke swa rms pa rallel to the T he Mid-Pro terozoic Sveconorwegia n mobile
G re nville fron t (a t c. 12OQ Ma). belt occupies the western half of so uthern
T he greater part o f the G renv ille Prov ince Sweden, and form s the Precambrian fore lan d
has been affect ed by a high-grad e metamorph ic to the Ca ledonides in southern Norway. Mid -
event yielding uppe r-a mph ibo lite to gran ulite- Pro terozo ic dates in the Prec ambr ian base ment
facies assemb lage s in sed iments and base ment gneisses within the Caledo nides e nab le the belt
rocks. This event is d ated at c. 1150 Ma ee in to be traced northwards to link pres umably
the southwes te rn part o f the Province . Bae r with the Carolinides belt of E . G reenla nd
no tes the co nce ntratio n of Rb - Sr whole-rock (F igure 9.7). This be lt, and t he associated
da tes of aro und 1100 Ma in a cent ral zone of tecto no the rmal events, h as been co rrelated
st ro ng NE - SW de forma tio n , and suggest s th at with the G renville belt for many ye ars . Th e
the re may be two main G renville tectonic maxi mum exposed width of the belt is about
eve nts , o ne at c. l 100 Ma ee, and the second at 600 km acro ss south Nor way a nd the northern
c. 950 Ma, re late d to the final uplift of the part of the Swed ish secto r, and is divided into
Pro vince . two parts by the Permian Oslo G raben . The
Major th ru st be lts occ ur along several sec- ma in Sveco norwegia n tecton othermal eve nt
to rs o f the Gre nville fr ont. In the nor th , in the (orogeny? ) is ge nerally assigned to the period
Seal Lake region , thrustin g is da ted at c.950 1200 - 900 Ma Bp.
Ma ee. In the Cent ra l G ne iss bell (zo ne II of A general description of th e Sveco norwegia n
bel t (Figure 9.9) is provided by Berthelsen The rocks o f the easte rn segment consist
( 1980) . The easte rn boundary of the belt is pre do minantly of gra nito id gne isses apparently
mar ked by a major shea r zone , term ed the der ived mainly from Svecokarelian plutons,
Protogine Zene , se parating the Eastern Seg- and known as the Pregothi an gneisses. Occa-
ment of the be ll from the Svecokareliun (Ea rly sional sup racrustal remn an ts beco me more
Prot er ozoic) crato n 10 the east. This shear zone freq uent to wards the west, a nd minor amphi-
ext end s from Skene in the south to the Cale- bo lite bod ies of vario us ages are common.
donian fron t, and is marked by a wide bell of K- Ar cooling ages record regio nal uplift of the
inten se defo rma tion, know n in Sweden as the belt bet wee n 1050 and 950 Ma RP. Most of
' centra l Swedi sh schistosity zone'. South of the dcto rma tlon of the Pregoth ian gneisse s in
La ke Vattc rn, and in the v armtand- Kop par- the Easte rn Seg ment is pro bably Sveco karclia n
berg secto r no rth of Lake Vancm . the zone is a in age (La rso n tt al. , 1986).
low-angle west-dipping thrust that, in the latt er Th e Eastern Segm ent is separa ted from the
sector , carries c.1670 Ma-old late Svecoka rel- Median Segment by another major west-dip-
ian granites eastwards on to post-Sveco karel- ping shea r zo ne te rmed the Mylonite Zone .
ian se dimentary cover o n the eastern cra ton. No rth of Lake Vanern, this zone also cuts an
Berthelse n est imates a minimum d isplacement earlier NE·dipp ing shea r zone (Figure 9.10) in
of 50 km o n the th rust in ViirmlanJ . This th rust a similar mann er to the Pro togine zone to the
cuts an earlier easterly-dippi ng shear zone east. Th e rocks of the Median Segment consist
from Lak e Vanc m northwards. of Pregothlan basement gneisses similar to

FiR,urt 9. 9 Principa l tec to nic sub-div isions of the

ce ntr a l part of thc Sveconorwc gian mobile be lt in
SW Swede n a nd S . Norw ay. SVK, Svecokarclia n
.... P '01 01l1ne Zone
( Ea rly Prot e rozoic) c ra to n; £ S , Eas tern segmen t :
,/ MS, Med ia n segme nt: O. OSlfold - Marst ra n<l seg-
mcnt ; K, Koesberg ilnd 8 , Bam ble , se para ted part s
o f lhe Kongsbc rg -Ba mbl e seg me n t; WSP , Weste rn
sub-p ro vince . Th e import ant O Slfo ld -Mars tr a nd
segment is suppted ; the box shows thc Lysekit-
Mars rrand a rea o r Figure 9. J 1, di scussed in the ! Clt! .
Ho rizon ta l ruling , Del Iorrnarion; o bliq ue ruling.
yo u nge r cove r; la te Sveccno rwegian geanues shown
in hach ure d orna ment , A rte r Park et ul. ( 1987)

10 0 km \



• "
l<1gu", 9.10 Simplified lecton;c map of the Ostfold , Median and Easte rn segments or the Svewnorwcgian belt in SE
No rway and adjo ining area s of Swede n. Note the paue m o f linear structures (do ts with Oil";) re-o riente d near the majo r
lo w-a ngle shea r zon es . The o utcrop of the D al fo rma tion is sho wn with de nse shadi ng. The post-tecton ic Bo hus-dddefj ord
granite is also shuwn. Afl cr Be rthelsen ( 191lO).

those of the Eastern Seg ment but more grano- larl y alo ng a thi rd majo r west-dipping shea r
dio ritic in co mpos itio n , on ave rage. Th ese zo ne known as the Dalsland Boundary Th rust.
rocks have yielded an Rb- Sr age o f c.1700 Ma . T his th rust separates the Median from thc
In the western part of the zone , supracrustal Ostf old or Ostfold-Marstrand Segment , and
gneisses of the A mM- Kroppc fj .1i. 1I Gro up, displaces o lder gneissose basement of the
thou ght to be of Svecoka retia n age , occur to- Os tfo ld Segment over Dal rocks. T his major
gethe r with a younger seq uence known as the displacement see n in the nort h appears to be
Oa1 G ro up , deposited abo ut l050Ma S P. replaced southwards by a net wor k of shea r
The Dal G ro up consists of weakly-meta- zones . one o f which is the prominent Gota A /v
mo rph osed sandsto nes, pelites and impure Zon~ th at runs through Gothenb urg (Figure
carbo nates, with basic vo lcanic rocks, and rests 9.9).
unconformably on the Pregothian and Amal Th e Ostfold Segme nt is dominated by
gneisses (Figure 9. 10). Both the Da l seq uence supracrusta l gneisses kno wn as the Stora Le -.
and the under lying gneisses are involved in Marstr and formation. These rocks com prise
stro ng Svecono rwegian defor mation , pa rticu- se mipelitic to psammitic metasediments and
mafic volcanic rocks, and are cut by a large Stro mstad. The suite also includes alkaline
nu mbe r of intrusive bodi es of vario us ages and auge n granites of ma rke dly d iffere nt chemistry
compos itio ns. The older of these yield Sveco- to that of the preceding calc-alka line pluto ns.
karetian ages of c. I7DO Ma that provide a Three main phases of Sveconorwcgian de-
minimum age of deposition for the supracrustal formation a re recognized by Park et al., the
seq ue nce. ea rliest of which is accompan ied by amph i-
The structural histo ry of the No rwegian pa rt bolite-facies metamo rphism dated a t c. l090
of this complex segment is described by Hage- Ma, and the later by mainly gree nschist-facies.
skov (1980) , a nd of the Swedish part by Park et The late Sveconorwegian structures arc cut by
at. ( 1987; see Ta ble 9.2). The magmatic rocks the post-tectonic pera luminous Bo hus-
are described by Samuelsso n and Ahiill ( 1985) Iddefjo rd gra nite, da ted at 891 Ma.
and A hiill and Daly (1985). The o lder calc- The Sveconorwegian structures In the
alkali ne granitoid plu to ns of groups A and B Ostfol d-Marstrand belt (Figure 9.11) are re-
give Sveco karelian ages, and may be regarded lated by Park et al. to movements o n seve ral
as pa rt of the basemen t to the Sveconorwegian shear zones, including a major lo w-angle she ar
be lt. However , the group C intru sion s dated at zone with an early NE- SW and a late r
1420-1 220Ma rep resent an impo rtan t post- NW- SE movement direction. The bel t is
Svecoka relian magmat ic suite, which has bounded in the west by ano ther major N- $
e xperie nced o nly Sveconorwegia n tectono- shear zone, which is steep , with a sinistral,
the rmal activity. The suite includes a regio nal strike-slip se nse of mo vemen t. Th is zone ex-
mafic dyke swarm that is recognized along the tends off the west coast of Sweden to co nnect
west coast from the Oslo district to western with the Oslo Fjo rd shear zo ne in so uthern
Oru st , including the Koster islands west of Norway (Figure 9.9). The Ostfold-Marstr and

Table 9.2 Simplified chro nology of the Lysekil-Marstra nd erea (~e Figure 9.9). From Park ~I al. (19R7).

Age ,
Rocks and saructures Metamorphism M,
I. Deposition of Sim a Le-Marstrand sediments and c. 1700
Z emplaceme nt o f conte mporaneous mafic volcanics
< 2. Emplacement of group A intrusions (mainly graniloid)
~'"< 3 o I deform ation MI amphibolue-Iacies with
(weak?) migrnatiric vei ning

§'" ••Emplacement of group B intrusions (ma inly granitoid ) c. 1650

5. 0 2 deformat ion M2 arnpbibohee-Iacics with intense
regio nal migmatitic veining

6. Emplaceme nt or group C intrusions (bimodal) ~ 420­

z; 7. 0 3 deformat ion M3 amphibolne- Iacies 1090
. _ - ------------------- -- ----- - - _ ._------- - --- - - -- -- -- ? - - ? - - ., ----- - ., -------_.
:ii 8. Da deform ation probably lower grade, and
~ locally retrogressive
§ 9. D5 deformation
VI 10. Emplacement of group 0 Bchus gran ite

•• /- - ? - .....
r <, --- ........
-, r
\ J

.,. ,.,
fil:,ur t ' .11 lntc rpretanv e structu ral
profiles across the L~sekil - Marst rand
area (see Figure 9.9). 52 and the
e mplacement of the A, B and C
gra nites are prc-Svecon c rwegia n in
age. The Svcconorwcgian structures
0 3 and D4 are related 10 movemen ts
o n major lo w-angle shear zones and
D slee p tr ansfer wnes. Fro m Park el a/.
(19&7 )

Segment is interp reted as a deeper-leve l. more BP, alt hou gh o lde r Sveco karelia n ages have
ductile pari of the mobile belt whe re the also been o bt ained (see review by De maiffe
basement is more intensely reworked by the and Michot , 1985) .
Svecono rweglan deform ation than in the more In western Ro galand , two major Sveconor-
easter ly segments. wegian deformatio ns arc recognized (F alkum
West of the Oslo Fjord shear zone lies the and Pede rsen , 1979) dat ed et c. l l00 Ma and
Kongsberg-Bamble segment of south Norway c.l 000 Ma respectively. Th ese produce large-
(Figure 9.9), interpreted by Berthelsen as a scale west-verg ing nappes with a N- S tre nd.
western eq uivalent to the Os tfold segment. Magmatic episodes preceded , separated and
However, the precise relationship be twee n the follo wed these deform atio ns. Th e re gio nal
two segments is obscured by the yo unger rocks metamorphism is characteri stica lly high-tem-
of the O slo graben, and by an unknown str ike- per at ure granulite- to amphibolite- facies in
slip displacement along the Oslo Fjord shea r this wester n sub-pro vince.
zone . The Ko ngsberg-Bamble segment is sepa- Th e Telemark supracrusta l sequence in the
rated from the Western Subprovince by yet easte rn pa rt of the sub-province, co nsisting
ano ther major shea r zone , the Kristiansand- predomi nantly of qu artzites and metavolcanic
Bang shea r zone (Hageskov, 1980). Thi s zone rock s, probab ly deposited between 1225 and
d ips to the east beneath the Kongsbe rg-. l000Ma BP, may re prese nt the lateral equi -
Bamb le segment. The Western Subp rovince valent o f the Da l Fo rm ation of the medi an
contains large num bers of pluton ic igneous segment to the east.
rocks including charnockit es, monzo nites and Despite t he fact that the Svecono rwegian
, anorthosites , in addition to granites and gra n- mo bile belt is comparatively well known , the re
od iorites. Most of these intrusions appear to are majo r d ifficulties in explaining it in terms of
have been emplaced between 1200 and 850 Ma plate tectonic models. Th e wide zone of calc-
alka line plutons mak ing up the baseme nt of the menl of the Sveconorwegian belt. T his phase
ea stern segments is ge nerally considered to may be re lated to a region al rifting th at
re p resen t an e asterly-dipp ing subduction zon e , resu lted in the bre ak- up of the eastern end of
o r seri es of zo nes (see Ber thel sen , 1980) , which the supercontinent ( Figure 9.12B), and its sub-
is a westwards con tinuatio n of the Svecokarel- seque nt rotation between 1200 and 1000 Ma
ian magmatic arc. There is no ev idence of any SP ( Pa tchett el 01., 1978; Stearn and Piper,
pre-Svecok arelian baseme nt within t he Sve- 1984). Subsequent closure of the interven ing
co no rwegian be ll , which is probably co mposed oceanic region wo uld have resulted in collision
of a succession o f Sveco karelian volca nic arcs alo ng the Grenville sector, and conve rgence
si tuated alo ng the Sveco ka relian contine ntal <across the major she ar-zone boundaries in the
margin . Th e po st-Sve cokarelian histor y of the Sveconorwegian belt (Figure 9. 12C) .
region co mmences with extensional rifling The Western Subp rovin ce in S. No rway,
associa ted with the emplace ment of dyke with its apparen tly mant le-derived Sveco no r-
swa rms and alkali-granites in t he period 1420- wegian magmat ic rocks (see Dem aiffe an d
1220Ma BP in SW Sweden and SE Norwa y. Micho t, 1985), re presen ts t he no rthern pan of
During th is period , the Telemark shelf se- a hypo thet ical con tine ntal wedge thai is inter-
q uen ce was de posited in SE Norway and, posed between the Gren ville and Swedi sh
possi bly later , the Da l deposits were for med in sectors at the time o f co llision . The relation-
Sweden in an ex te nsional basin. ships between the basem ent rocks in the re-
T he ma in Sveconorwegian deforma tion in ma inder of the wedge have been obl itera ted by
th e pe riod 1100 -1 000 Ma BP represents, acco r- subseque nt orogenies. However, the shape of
din g to Berthelsen , a co llision be tween the the wedge is de termined by palaeo magnetic
We stern Subprovince and the easte rn seg- co nst raints assuming a co ntinuo us con tine ntal
ments. T he structural evidence from SW Swe- area between the IwO sectors at the time of
de n sugges ts that th e conve rge nt movements co llisio n, inte rpreted . as the end-G renvillian
invo lved an ear lier northeastwards movemen t deformation . The geome try of th e wedge
o n a low-angle s hear zone and on a related necessita tes obliqu e dextr al conve rge nce along
stee p NE-SW tr an sfer zo ne, followed by later the Grenville be lt and sinistral con vergence
so ut h-eastwa rds or eas twards movem ents along the Svcconorwegian be lt (Fig ure 9.12C).
on th e zones furt her eas t ( Pa rk et 01., 1987). The late sinistr al co nvergen ce in the Sveconor-
In Norway, the so utheastwards movement s weg ian secto r may have followed an earlier
ap pe ar to be domina nt (Fig ure 9.10). p hase o f co nverge nce with a mo re easterly o r
nort heasterl y direction. Thi s event may be
re lated to the init ial co llisio n with the West ern
Plate-tecton ic interpretation of the G renville-
Subprovince (Figure 9.12B) . Th e c. 1l50 Ma-
Sveconorwegian system
o ld defor mation in the Grenville bell may also
T he pala eo magn etic evidence sugges ts that the be attributab le to an early phase of o rthogonal
maj or Early Pro tero zoic shield regions may conve rgen ce, possib ly involving a western ex-
h ave fo rme d a single supercontinent at the ten sion of the same continental block .
co mme nce me nt of Mid-P rot erozoic time
(Piper , 1982) . On Piper's reco nstructio n
9.4 Early Proterozoic belts of the North
(Figure 9.12A), the G renville an d Sveconor-
Atlantic regi on
wegian be lts a re sub-paralle l, and for m th e
so ut he rn margin of the supe rco ntinent . An Mobil e belt s or zon es of Ea rly Proterozoic age
impo rta nt rifti ng phase is reflected in magmat- form the largest pro po rtion of the Pre cambrian
ism and in th e form ation of ex tensiona l sedi- surface a rea of the North At lantic region , an d
ment ary-volcanic basins both in the Grenville surround several A rchaean cratons, o f which
Provi nce a nd in the Ostfold -Marst rand seg - th e lar gest is the Superior Province of the

,, •


-~~._ -

o Ea . ly-Protef Ozoic

30 0N

e. 1200Ma
dY ~ . , ,,,a, ml.

D yo .... g• • 0'_ ' '.t

l2E] uuS-P r ot er Ol o ic 0'011. ... ~
.". /
O Olda. Cfll ona

....g un 9.12 (A ) Palaeomagnetic reconstruct ion of the continents in the Proterozoic (the Proterozoic 'super-contiaent"]
based on Piper ( 1976). A US, Australia ; IN , India ; EU. Europe. Note the ~il ion and exte nt o f Earl y Proterozoic mobile
belts in Nort h America and Europe (H , Hudson ian; N. Nags., ugloq idian; K. Ketilidian; SV. Svecoka relian) and the
position or the Grenville -Sveconorwegian belt alo ng the margin of the supe r-cc nnne nt. (8 . C) Schemali<: mode l based on
the palaeom agnetic resto ratio ns (see Stea m a nd Piper. 1984) of North A merica-Europe be fore a nd afte r the I(KX) Ma-cld
end-G renville event, interpreted es a collisional o rogeny. Note Ihat the com mencement o f ecratioe of Europe retauve to
North America is related 10 Ihe regional extensio nal eve nt al c. l200 Ma, and that early Sveconorwegian movements (and
perhaps Grenyillian al<.o) are attributed 10 cclfisicn o f a micropt ate at c.1100 Ma, prior to the main collision event . Note
abo Ihe difference in conve rgence direction beth betwee n the (Wit events, and. in the late r event, betwee n Ihe sinistral
component along the Sveconorwegia n suture and the dexlral component along the G renyille suture .

Ca nadian shield . O ther important Archaean example, the Caledonide belts of the Phanero-
cratons are the Slave craton in northwest zoic, but are not dissimilar in some respects to
Ca nada, the North Atlantic craton of S. Gre en- certain of the Pan-African zones, or to the
land , and the Kola craton of northern Finland Cenozoic bell of Central Asia. The Svecokarel-
and the USSR. The mobile zones that sur- ian of Scandinavia and the Hudsonian of the
round these cratons are very much wider than Canadian shield both occupy zones abou t
the Grenville or Sveconorwegian belts or , for 1000km across. These mobile zones differ
fundamen tally in characte r from o ne part to 9. 14). The southern sector deve loped into an
another, both along and across strike . Gene ral- ocean that subsequently closed , whereas the
izatio ns made abou t Ea rly Prot erozo ic tectonic If -shaped no rthern pa n of the syste m formed
regimes, part icularly in contrast with A rchaea n intra-cont inental rift basins by crus tal thinning
and Mid- Pro terozoic regimes, a re ofte n base d and stretch ing. This nor the rn belt was subse-
on one o r two par ticular exa mples, whereas the quently defo rmed by shorte ning, which rc-
ne twork as a who le should ideally be viewed in
its e nti rety.
We shall discuss briefly two parts of this
comp lex network: the Labr ador be lt, which
forms pa n o f the Hudsonian regime of .... :
Ca nada; and the Lewisian-Nagssugtoqldian
belt of Scotla nd and S. G reenland.

The Labrador belt

This belt fo rms pa rt of the circum-Supe rio r belt
of the Canadian shie ld (Figure 9.13) sum-
ma rized by Ba raga r and Scoates (1981). They ........".',
believe that this belt evo lved from an an nular
rift surrounding the Superior crato n (Figur e

Figure 9. 13 Arra nxemenl of Ea rly Proterozoic mob ile

be lts and A rchaea n crato ns in No rth Am erica-G reen land .
The circum-Superior be ll co nsists o f the Southern province Figu re 9. 14 Interp retation o f the circu m-Supe rior belt
in the south and lhe Ch urchill pro vince in the nort h and (see Figure 9.13) in terms of an initia l annu lar extensio na l
no rthe as t Within the latter province are the nar rower zone created by southward movemen t of a cont inent al
sup racrus tal belts of the Belcher islands (88 ). Cape Smilh pla te (2) Iollowed by co llision and co mpressio n (or
(e S8 ) and Labrado r (L 8) be lls. Th e Labra do r sector of tran spression . as appropriate ) as plate movement was
the Churchill province (see Figure 9.15) is bo unde d on its reverse d. Th e eve nts relating to the SE side of the cra to n
northeast side by the North Atla ntic craton ( NA C) _ see are speculative becau se of ove rp rinting in the Gr en ville
Figure 9.23. belt. Fro m Baragar and Scoates ( 1981)

suited fro m the convergence accompan ying tinct from the typical synoro genic fl ysch of the
oce anic closure along the southe rn secto r. A Alps and other Phanerozoic orogenic belts.
simple open ing and closing model along these The western margin of the belt is defined by
lines wou ld sa tisfy the palaeomagneti c da ta, a zone of imbricate th rust sheets dipping to the
which preclude any large relat ive displa ce- east. Those detach o n a low-angle deco llem ent
ments be twee n the Slave. Supe r ior a nd North plane as in the classical thin-skinned thrust
Atlantic crato ns. The simple geom etry of the model. East of the thrust belt is a zo ne of tight
system demands that bot h dive rgent and con- 10 isoclinal fo lds overturned to the west. Fold
verge nt mo vements sho uld be ob lique (trans- axes generally trend NNW and are associated
tensional then t ran sp ress iona l) along the with a strong foliation. Seve ral gene ration s of
no rtheaste rn a nd west ern sec tors respectivel y, fo lds with associated foliat ions are superim-
hut more orthogonal on the no rthwestern posed on the large-scale overfold s in the more
sec to r. complex eas tern zone. Accordi ng to Dimrot h,
T he L abrador belt . form ing the north- the structural patte rn is st rongly influe nced by
ea ste rn sector of th is syste m , is s imilar in man y ea rly syn-sedimentary growt h fau lts defining a
respects to the C ape Smith a nd Be lche r belts series of blocks, some of which have subse-
o n the no rth-weste rn side of the Supe rior quent ly become overt hrust.
crato n (Figure 9.13). It consists of a weste rn The overall structure is illustrated in Figure
supracrustal zone (Figure 9.15) , often term ed 9. 16. It is clea rly asymmetric with a westerly
the Labrado r ' geosyncline' or ' trough' , about vergence . The meta morphic grade increases
100 km across, with a much wider zone of from pumpellyite-prebnite in the west to
mod ified Archaea n basement rocks o n its amphibolite in the east. Th e metamo rphism is
nort hea stern side : T he belt is bound ed to the believed to be caused by de ep burial unde r a
so uthwest by the Supe rior crato n, and to the moder ate geothe rmal gradient. Metamorphism
no rthea st by the East Nain Province (part of was syntectonic in the west but syn- to post-
the N. Atlantic crato n -see Figure 9. 13). The tectonic in the eas t.
Lab rador trough has been inten sively stud ied, The age of the trough deposits is not accu-
and is described by Dimrot h (1981). To the rately known, but must post-date the 2700 Ma-
sout heast . the belt is truncated by the Gren- old Archaea n basement. The main de forma -
ville belt (see abo ve) and to the northwest it tion and me tamorphism have bee n dated at
ben ds round into the Cape Smith be ll. 1800-1600 Ma. mostly by the K-Ar me thod ;
The supracrustal rocks of the Lab rador however the data are poorly constrained a nd
trough consist of a thick seque nce of sed iments their significance unclear . The neighbouring
a nd volcanic rocks. The earliest deposits rest Cape Smith volcanic rocks have yielded a n
o n A rchaea n baseme nt of the margins of the Rb -Sr date of 2300 Ma , which probably
supracrustal belt, and co nsist of about l500 m represent s the date of formation of the supra-
of coarse arkosic red beds. These are overlain crustal sequence in both areas .
by shelf deposits of orthoqua rtzite. dolom ite Dimroth emphasizes that the mafic volcanic
and iro n-for matio n, reaching a maximum thick- seq uence is not an op hiolite complex bu t bears
ness in the west of about 1500 m also. The she lf more similarity to plate au basalts of submarine
deposits are par tly e roded and uncon formab ly origin. Mo reo ver , none of the units is alloch-
over lain in the central pa rt of the tro ugh by tho nous: the thrusts are not continuous over
locally-derived conglomeratic mass-flow de- long distances, and basement inliers can be
posits a nd greywackes. These a re succeeded by recognized in the interior of the be ll. The
voluminous basaltic and andesitic lavas mo re shortening of abou t 100 km estimated from the
than 5 km thick. Most of the clastic sed iments exposed structure is attributed by Dimroth to
appear to have be en derived from the fore land, A-subdu ction, in which an eastern lithosphere
and the greywackes are compo sitionally dis- slab is detached from the crust and dips be low

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-BlII " "'o_ mel;""1 _ .......hO..

Poo l -tf\od oo",a n O"oni l .

CJ ' Arc"n"n

0 . "'....."'_.,"".."
.,' .... d.u ..n
0 SUIi.... n ....' , och \~
.-!---< S ""'o<ophiC o-e:t_
\,\ ...
... ... •r ... ...
Figure 'U S Simplified geological map of the central part or the Labrado r belt . From Dimrot h (1981)


La er Proterozoic cover
D allt"1I

~ YOlea"i<;s
D ,halM

• dolomilt.s, q .... m'l. and ironst one

9t._~_~ __::3,,o Itm

f<'il:ure 9. 16 Diagrar nrn anc tect onic !"rofile across Ihe Lab rador he ll (see Figure 9.15) 10 illustrate the asymmetric
arrangemen t o r SW -ve rging thrusts and folds. Afle r Dim roth ( 19M 1).

the weste rn craton. He thus visualizes the ' coast. the bell is 240 km acros s and is bou nded
crustal sho rte ning be ing transferred to the base to the north by an A rchae an block. A general
of th e crust by the thrusting and then taken up descrip tion o f the be ll is given by Escher et at.
by overlapping of th e man tle lit hosphere . and Brid gwater ( 1976), and in a series of
Seve ral quest ions are posed by this interpr eta- papers ed ited by Ko rstgard (1979). The belt
lion ; the ori gin of th e wide belt of reworked cons ists pre dominant ly of re-worked Archaean
basem ent a nd Hud so nian granites in the eas t is basement gneisses with interl ayered and in-
not acco unted for . no r doe s the mode l explain folded belts of suprac rustal metased iments and
th e ea rly stretching phase in which the basin me tavolcanic rock s (Fig ure 9. 178).
was formed . Th er e seems no reaso n to suppose T he sup racrustal rocks are d ivided into an
th at th e origin of this belt is any differ ent from ea rlier Archaean group . consisting of pelltes.
th at o f other intra -con tine ntal belts, such as the impu re marb les. and q ua rtzites. and are asso-
Damara belt already described , where ea rly ciated with amphibolites of probable igneous
divergen ce a nd crusta l th inning is followed by origin. Younger supracrustal rocks tha t post -
co nve rgent shorte ning. How the mantle part o f date the Archaean met amorph ism occur o nly
th e lithosph er e acco mmodates to such move - in isolated outcrops. mainly in th e nor thern
ments is as yet speculative . If t he mod el part of the be lt. Th ese consist of pelitic schists,
sugges ted by Baragar and Scoates is correc t. q uar tzites, ma rbles and a mphibolites. Th e
we might ex pect the co nvergen t deform atio n qu artzites preserve current bedd ing, and the
in the be lt to be achieved by dextral trans- metasedimen ts as a who le exhibit a lo wer
pression . degree of meta mor phism than the base ment
gneisses. O nly a few small gra nitic intrusions
occu r, which post-da te the main Nagssugtoqi-
The Lewisian -Nagssugtocidian system : the
dian deformation. Pegmatites, on the ot her
western Nagssugtooidian
hand , arc ab unda nt. In th e so uthern part of the
Th e Nagssugtoqidian mobile be lt of S. G ree n- belt . a region al swa rm of met adole rite dykes ,
land mar ks th e northern bou nda ry of the North the Kangamiut dykes, intru des the A rchaean
A tlantic cra to n (Figure 9.17A). On the west crato n; these dykes are prog ressively deform ed
coast . the belt is ove r 300 km in width. A major and met amorphosed with in the Nagssugtoql -
sinistral shea r zone separates it from the dian be ll.
Rink ia n mo bile belt , o f probably similar age , T he Nagssug toqidian deformation has p ro-
to the north, but the relat ionship betwee n the duced seve ral broad , NE - SW, steep shea r
two belts is not yet understood . O n the east zones sepa rated by areas of wea ker dcform a-
55 '
0, 50
, lqo 'm
69 '
N ag ssug t OQ id ia n E2l Archaean


g ' an ile th rust
~ QUlI 'U · d i orft$
~ Wi. I ·,lip I. u l1
su pracr u5tal roCk,

gn a'",,' i nland ice

Ncrcr e
$ tr!Smfjo,d



Figu re 'J. 17 Th e Ea rly Pro te rozo ic Nagssugroqidia n mob ile bell of G ree nland . (A) Regio nal summ ary Sk': ICh [pre-
Meso zoic res to rat ion) of the Nagssugtoqidia n-Lc wisia n be ll situated o n the no rt he rn margin of the Archae a n North
A tlantic 1;,3 100. Th e coeva l Kelilidian bell lies o n the south side of the cra to n. A rro ws de note inferred movemen t
direc tio ns o f the: CI ;LI00 in relat io n 10 the mo bile belt infe rred from shea r zones. A fte r Watt e rson ( I97R). (8) Tectonic
sum ma ry map of the Nagssugtoqidian belt of SW G ree nland sho wing str uctu ral tre nds a nd di stribution of main rock Ullil' .
Note the Ihru SlS 111 and nea r the bo undary "' ilh the A rc haea n cra to n in me SO Ulh.

tion. Figure 9.18 is a map of the Nordre grade throughout the belt; a central granu lite-
Stre rnfjord shear zone, south of Agte . which is facies zone is bounded to the north and south
a 16 km-wide zone with a sinistral strike-slip by regions of amphibolite facies.
sense of movement. Near the southe rn margin
of the belt . between Itivdleq and Holsteins-
The Lewisian complex
borg, two main phases of Nagssugtoqidian
deformation ean be distinguished : the earlier. Afte r removing the effects of the North Atlan-
termed Nag I by the Gree nland geologists. tic opening. the easte rn Nagssugtoqidian and
produces dextral strike-slip movements on the the Lewisian complex of NW Scotland lie
stee p E- W ltivdlcq shear zone. and pre-dates along-strike, and only about 400km apart
the e mplacement of Kangarmut dykes. T he (Figure 9.22A). Similarities between the two
later N ag 2 phase is a regionally more impor- belts have been noted by Myers (1987) . How-
tant and pervasive deformation that results in ever as the Lewisian complex is probably the
overthrusting to the southeast. Detailed stu- most intensively studied piece of Precamb rian
dies of the structure of this critical marginal crust in the world. we shall concentrate our
region of the belt have been made by Watte r- attention now on that region. A general de-
son and his colleagues (eg. see Grocon , 1979). scription of the Lewisian complex is provided
The Nagssugtoqidian metamorp hism is high- by Park and Tarne y (1987). and a structural

6S' ~
-- -... : - --~ ~::. ...

6 7'30'

Figun' 9. 18 Simplified structura l map of the No rdr e Stre mfjord shear zone in the ceeual part o f the be ll (see Figure
9 .178) . Th is sinistral shear zone is defined by various roc k units and structural tren ds that become aligned within a NE- SW
bell of intense deformat io n. Black , amphibolire s; ruled omamcm, metasediments: crosses, gra nitic and chamoc kitic
intru sio ns; blank areas , gra nitic to tona litie gneisses. Afte r Ole se n t: f af. (1979) .

interpreta tion by Coward and Park (1987). The known on the mainland as the Loch Moree
complex forms a well-exposed strip along the Group, consists of mafic volcanic rocks with
northwest coast of the Scottish mainland and associated narrow bands of siliceous schist,
in the islands of the Outer Hebrides (Figure banded-iron-formation, graphite schist and
9.19). The exposed width of the belt is about marble, overla in by a thick seq uence of meta-
260 km but, unlike the eastern Nagssugtoqi- greywackes. These rocks were deposited prob-
dian, the margins of the belt are not seen . The ably around 2000Ma BP. The other importan t
bulk of the complex is formed of Archaean Proterozoic addition to the complex is the well-
tonalitic to granodioritic gneisses that are known Scourie dyke swarm. These mafic dykes
preserved in a relatively unmodified state in are dated at c.2400Ma ee, but some mem-
the central mainland region and in seve ral bers of the swarm may be as young as 1900Ma
small enclaves elsewhere . The remainder of in age. They occupy the same key stratigraphic
the Lewisian complex has experienced intense position in Ea rly Proterozoic chronology as the
Ea rly Proterozoic deformation and high-grade Kangamiut dykes in Gree nland, separating the
metamorphism. ea rlier Inverian deformation from the later
In addition to the Archaean basement gneis- Laxfordian phases.
ses. the complex includes two narrow belts of As in W. Gree nland, the Early Prote rozoic
Early Proterozoic supracrustal rocks and asso- deformation appears to be related to the
ciated intrusions, at South Harr is in the Outer development of major steep shear zones, the
Hebrides and at Gairloch and Loch Maree on effect of which, over much of the Lewisian, has
the mainland. The supracrustal assemblage , been obscured by the younger deformations.
,'w e 20

58' 5 •

90 90

~ in tflJ SiOn\

,., l oxfordlon

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0: ; : ' , UItl.·o U~ rl!'d

, u n d;f1er~tiolt<l llt w iSlon

suproc.ruslol r oc k s
COLL/.? :
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....estern margin o f
Cole<lonion orogenIC bell

e 5'
t"lgure 9. 19 Loca tion map iIlu ~ lfal in g some impo rtant feat ures o f tbe Lewisian complex of NW Scotland . OH F. Ou ter
Hebrides Iaulr; SH IC. SO\l1h Harris igneous co mplex; UZ. Laxford shea f zone; CSZ . Canisp shear zone ; GF, G ruinard
'front'; LMG , Loeh Maree G ro up; C, Carnmore; D. Diabaig; K. Kcomore ; R. Rona . From Park and Tarney ( 1987).

T he major Inverian shea r zones probably central Archaean block that is dated at c.2500
occu pied (he whole of the no rthe rn and sooth- Ma by the K- Ar method . The Inverian defor -
e rn regions of .the mainland Lewisian, and mation took place under am phibo lite-facies
most of the O uter Hebrides. Their initiation is conditions, resu lting in extensive retrog res-
tho ught to be associated with the uplift of the sion of Archaean gran ulite-facies assemb lages.

Qi. b . ig


Oi. b . lg G.ifl o"h Qr uln . r d B .~

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flgurt 9.20 Sequence o f eenocn pro files i1tu$lrating the Ea rly Proterozoic tecto nic evolution or the Lewisien complex. (I)
The l nve nan event , inte rpreted as resetting from the iniliation o r a network of shear zones: note lhal deep-crustal
granulites from A are transferred to A ' . (2) The emplacement or the Scoune dykes and tbe Locn Maree Group ( LMG) in
an extensio nal (lra nsle"" ronal) environment. (3) The Ladordian 0 1- D2 events, attr ibuted 10 movement s approximately
perpendicular to the line of section o n the shear zone netwcrk .estebhshed in (1). NOle that the relationship betwee n the
Outer Hebr ides and mainland pans o r the composite profile are speculative. (4) The Lad ordian 0 3 event, producing
upright folds and shear zones by movements oblique 10 the line of Section and with a component o r compression along it.
ca, central block (central region o r Figure 9.19). From Park and Tarney (1987)
Minor I nve rian shear zones also cut the ot he r- the ce nt ral block; inclined zone s at Laxfo rd in
wise unmodified Archa ean centra l block. the no rth and To rri don in the so uth dip
According to Cowa rd an d Park , the majo r ben eath the central block and detach on a low-
zo nes dip be neath the central block , det aching angle she ar zo ne that co mes to the sur face in
on a low-an gle shear zo ne t hat underlies the the north and so ut h, acco rding to the mod el of
block ( Figure 9 .20 (l». The In vcrian shea r Coward and Park ( Figure 9. 20 (3». Th e whole
zo nes of the mainlan d exhibit a mainly d ip-slip of the Ou ter Hebrides is interp reted as part of
sense of movem ent but with a sma ll de xtra l this o riginally gently-inclined zo ne . The she ar
st rike-slip co mpo nent. zo nes are regar ded as an inter-co nnected net-
T he Sco urie dyke swarm was emplaced over wo rk of displace ment planes separating less
a wide are a from t he no rth coast to as far south deformed or und eformed bloc ks whose rela tive
as Barra in the O ute r Hebrides. In areas where move ments ca n be est ab lished by st udying the
the y arc less deformed , the dykes ex hibit sense of movem en t o n the shear zo nes. Th e
ev ide nce of d ilatation al emplaceme nt in a inclined 0 1 zo nes sho w typically mod erate-
d extr al she ar regime . An extensional regime is plunging lineatio ns ind icating both de xtral
also ind icated by th e emplace ment of the st rike -slip and no rmal dip-slip compo ne nts,
su p racr ustal rocks of the Loch Maree G roup whe rea s the sub-horizo ntal 'flats' d isplay NW -
(Figur e 9 .20 (2» . Alt hough deposited poss ibly SE movemen t directions (Fig ure 9.21). 'In c
400 Ma after the ea rliest dated Scourie dykes , 0 1- 2 defo rmation pa ttern ove rall is prob ably
it is likel y t hat later me mbers of the dyke indicative of a co ntin ued co mpone nt of dextra l
swarm may have bee n associ ated with the em- st rike -slip move me nt. Dur ing the D3 defor -
placem ent of t he G roup , and supracrustal mation, two majo r stee p NW -SE shea r zones
rock s at G ai rloc h are cut by dykes with typical we re fo rmed , at La nga vat in So uth Harris, and
Sco urie d yke chemistry. The dyke swarm and at Ga irloc h. Both ex hibit a de xtr al st rike-s lip
t he supr acrus tal bas in may repre sent a long- co mpo ne nt of movem e nt and arc associated
co ntin ued ex tensiona l or tran stensional regime. wit h stro ng compress ional sho rte ning ac ross
A lthoug h fou r phases of Laxfor dian (post- the be lt, forming the prom inent NW -SE up-
dy ke) de format io n ca n be recognized over right F3 folds ( Figure 9.20 (4» . The D3 regime
mu ch of t he Le wisia n outcro p , the seq uence is interpreted as dex t ral transprcssio nal ove r-
ca n be simp lified to two events of majo r all.
regional significance . The ea rlier (0 1/0 2) is These changes in tecton ic regime arc sum-
associated with amphibo lite-facies metamor- : marized in Figure 9 .22 , which shows ho w the y
p hism , and is more pervasive and intense t ha n might be interprete d by ch anges in conver-
t he second (03), which results in a refoldin g of ge nce direction across t he Le wisia n-Nagssug-
t he 0 1-2 fabric under mainly greenschist- toqidian o ett. The first phase ( Invcrian-Nag 1)
facies co ndit ions. The 0 3 phase is respo nsible may relate to ove rall N- S or NNW - SSE
for t he widespre ad , upright , NW -SE folds co nverge nce . Th is arra nge me nt was o riginally
wh ich are a promi nen t feature of the Lewisian suggested by Watte rson (1978) to expla in the
outcro p pa ttern . Minor pegmatite and granite co njugate pattern of E arly Pro tero zoic shear
sheets wit h an age of c.1800 Ma post-da te zo nes . It relates the coeva l sinist ral displace -
01 - 2 and pr e-date 0 3. The latter eve nt is ment s o n NE -SW zo nes in W . G ree nland an d
p rovisionally dated at c_ I600 Ma from wide- the dextral/overt h rust displace ments on the
s pread resetting of K- A r ages in the range NW-SE zo nes in Scotla nd . Th e ea rly Lax-
1600- 1400 Ma . fordia n-Nag 2 regime is marked by a change 10
The major 0 1- 2 she ar zones are oriented dextral strike-slip in Scotl and a nd overt hrust in
NW - SE, approx ima te ly paralle l to the In - W. G ree nla nd .
ve ria n st ructures and to the Scourie dykes . There is no evide nce e ithe r in th e Lewisian
They vary in att it ude: steep zo nes occur within o r in the Nagssugtoqidian complexe s of colli -

E' E
I ,
/ c.~
8~/$,. .




d" D A r Cha • • "

,~ / <
~ lIanlle

o "--""inCh ,."n /
, ~ mod ar at a
SO km
C o li
+' yO I
• ~ Slee p

l ol d

TI. . . & I

sw ,,,.,o
G. .. 8a,
1o O' e l> .'o

L. .le,'

rigu~ ' .:U Block diagram illustratin g

the effects o f obtique-slip ' extensional
movements e n the inclined shea r zones al
Laxford and be tween Oruinard Bay and
Diabajg, comb ined with NW- SE strike-
parallel movement s on me shear-zone
f lats 10 lhe northeast and southwest.
From Coward and Park ( 1987).

sia n sutures or of for mer ocea n basins. Nor is belt with the coeval Ketilidia n belt to the so uth
there any indication of calc-alkaline magmat- (in S. Greenland) a nd with the Svecokarelian
ism that might betray the former presence of a belt to the east (see Figur e 9.12A). These bells
subd uctio n zone . The belt appears to consist display ab undant calc-alkaline volcanic and
almost entire ly of pre -exist ing Arc haean base- pluton ic magmatism, and are widely tho ught to
me nt that has been subjected to essentially represent an Ea rly Proterozoic destructive
int raplate tecton ic movements. These move- co ntine ntal mar gin. It is tempting, following
men ts have not on ly ca used intense defo rma - Watterson (1978) to ascribe the intraplate
t ion, but have resulted in considerable crusta l defor matio n of the be lts we have j ust examined
heating and the loca l e mplaceme nt of magmas. to processes occurring at that margin. about
It is instructive to compare this intra plate lOOO km to the so uth.


L AX 1.2. NAG 2 (5
fit:u ~ 9.21 (JI) Recomtruction or the Ea rty Prot trozotc
belts of Gr« nlol'n,j a nd Srotland a lte r rc~nl l he: enccu
o r the No rth A llani te ope ning . 1be rn.tonoho n is ~d on
the rcll'lO\l a l oceanic CTU!>I and oa lhe: 3!o1lU mpl lOn or
an a~e rage SO% lh inn ing o r COnl ine ntal et u51 o n lhe
eontinemal sk lvcs . Tbe NagMugloqidian-Uwi§.ian hell
(blad ) a ppcal5 10 lie between two more 5lablt A rchaean ?
·ptatC$· 10 the no rt h and sou th (ruled omamcn l) . Th e
Kel ilidi an belt Ii« o n tbe south side of the A rchaea n
craton o r S. G ree nland . (8) Sequ.eoce o r ca rtoo n diagrams
i llu ~t rll i ng an interpretation o r th e kinem atic history of the
be lt, based o n a change in movement direc tion of th e
northern plate with respe ct 10 the southern . Do minan tly
co nve rgent mo vement during the lnvcria n and Nag. I
pe riod cha nges to dominantly srrlke-shp in the Lcwisian ,
but co nvergen t in the western NagMugtoq idian, d uri ng
Laxfordian 01 - 2 Nag . 2, and back to do minanlly eoe -
vergcn t in LAxlo rd ian 0 3 limes in the Lcwisian. From B
Co ward and Park ( 1987).

9. 5 Th e Arc haean: a different kind or regions of all the main contine ntal masses (see
orogeny? e.g. Figure 9.13). In addition, a large propor-
tion of the Proterozoic shields consists of re-
Rocks of Archaean age for m a number of worked Archaea n crust, as we have seen .
stable crato ns within the Proterozoic shield Archaean regions are traditionally divided

into two q uite differe nt t ypes: th e granite- adjoi ning part of Labrad or is known as the
greenstone terrains and the high-grade gneiss North Atlanti c crato n (B ridgwater et al. ,
terrains . The granite-gree nsto ne terrains co n- 1973). Th is craton (F igure 9.23), about 700 km
sist of greenstone belts surro unded an d cu t by across from north to south, and over 500 km
granito id plutons. and meta morphosed typi- fro m west to east, was a regio n of continuo us
ca lly in greenschist o r lower facies. T he high- mob ility durin g A rchaean times, an d con sists
grade gneiss terra ins consist predom inantly of almost solely of gneisses in upper amphibolite
granulite- 10 amphibolite-facies gneisses of to gra nulite facies. Bet ween 80 an d 90% of
varying type s bu t inclu ding a high pro port io n these gneisses ar e broad ly granit ic in composi-
of broa dly gran itic co mposition. tion, predomina ntly to nalitic to gra nodioritic.
T he high-grad e gneiss terrains a re the pro- Within the gne isses are relatively narr ow ba nds
d uct of tectonoth ermal activity of a similar an d inclusions of met asedimentar y gne isses
na ture to thai assoc iated with youn ger Pre- such as quar tzites , pelitic an d semipelitic
cambrian mobile belts, altho ugh the Arc haea n schists, marbl es and banded-Iro n-format ion ,
terrains exhibit certain special character istics. and of met a-igneous amp hibolite s and anor-
Th e gra nite-gree nstone terrains ar e unique to thosites. In the pas t, the or igin o f the gra nito id
th e Archaean : there are no precise analogues gneisses has bee n hotl y de bated , and the
in t he younger stra tigraph ic recor d . Ce rta in opinion was widely held that many of the
Archaea n crato ns co nsist entire ly of o ne or gneisses represented gra nitized sediments
ot he r of th ese two types of terrain , while in of broadly se mipelitic co mposition . However,
others the two are found in association . We modern geoc hemical studies have dem onstra-
shall discuss two example s in de ta il: the high- ted t hat the bulk of the gneisses are defo rmed
grade gneiss terr ain of t he North Atlantic and metamor phosed calc-alkaline rocks prob-
craton, an d the Superior Province of the ably of pluto nic origin (see e .g . Weaver and
Ca nadi an shield . Th e latter is basica lly a Tarn ey, 1987). The sed imen tar y asse mblage is
gra nite-gree nstone ter rain but is crossed by suggestive of an ep icont ine ntal shelf env iron -
seve ral belts of high-gra de gne iss, and is bo r- ment, and co ntras ts markedl y with the green-
dc red by region s of high-grad e gne iss te rrain stone-belt assemb lage . Another importan tco m-
o n its no rth- western and north-ea stern sides. ponent of the terrain is the anorthosite-
The North A tlantic craton , Th e A rchaean high- leu cogabbro co mplex described by Windley
grade gneiss terrain of S. Gree nland and the ( 1973) . T his co mplex co nsists of an essocla-

FiKU~ 9.23 Summary tectonic map of the North

Atlantic craton, with the surrounding Early Pre -
rerozoic belts. After Bridgwate r t ' 1;1 /. ( 1976) .


£3 Pro : o : .lIl
Ar~n Q"110ll
[9 _ _ '111

~ l~hIt>oIil'
EliJ OI',null, ' 1 _
O ROG l:NY IN THE r Rl:CAM8R IAf'I 303
tion o f anort hosite , teucogabbro , and minor Bridgwater et al, (1976) propo se a seque nce of
gabbro , and exhibits p rom inen t igneous layer- 15 separate events for the A rchaean of S.
ing . The assemb lage is expose d over a large G ree nland, summarized in T able 9.3. Th e
a rea (F igure 9.24) due to complex fo lding, but seq uence may be d ivided into two main cr ust-
is co nside red to represe nt a single sheet. for ming cycles. T he ear lier cycle (events 1-3,
T he rocks o f the crato n have undergo ne Table 9.3) culminated in the emplacement o f
inten se and rep eal ed defo rmat io n and met a- granites at c.3750 Ma UP. The later cycle
mo rphism over a pe riod of mar e than 100 Ma . includes a number of separate intrusive event s,


! , ,

o 5 10~ m

F,·'··..) ~ _ w....1to
c:J G~-' _ ""
I ,·... ,~ ___ _ .- Fe....

F"lillre 9.24 Simplified geological map o f the Flskenaesset region, in the central pari o f the Archaean craton on the west
coast o f G reenland. From Bridgwarer ~I Qt. (1976)

T a ble ' .3 Simplified seq uence of Archaea n e ve nts in As pointed out earlie r, the Pb-isotopic evi-
S. G reen land . A fte r Esc he r ~I al. ( 1976) . dence indicates that the early crust-forming
M. 1. Formation of early cr ust (source for event is limited to a relatively small area and
? lsua sediments) that the bulk of the co ntinental crust of the
2. De posilion of lsua sed ime nts a nd craton was add ed d uring the younger cycle.
vo lcan ic rocks
The Malene supracrustal assemblage of this
375" 3. Int rusio n of A milsoq gran itic loeb
4. Deformation and me tamorphism yo unger cycle represents a sequence that is
5. E mplacement of Ame ralik ba sic much more typical of the high-grade gneiss
d yke swarm
6. Deposition of Male nc sedim e nts terrains in gene ral. It consists of basic meta-
and volcanic roc k .. volcanic rocks, including well-preserved pillow
7. Emplacement of stratiform gabbro- lavas, together with semipelitic to pelitic
enonhc sncs
8. Inte nse deformation gne isses, pure and impure marbles, and thin
9. E mplaceme nt of uhraba sic bod ies quartzites. T his assemblage is ve ry widely
and calc-alk aline 8ra nilic shee ts distributed throughout the craton, and has
( Nuk gneisses)
10. Intense deforma liq n been interpreted by Bridgwate r and Fyfe
3000- 11. E mplace me nt of gra nite s and o the r (1974) as indicating small marine basins ove r-
2800 igneous bodies lying thin co ntine ntal crust. However , other
3000- 12. H igh-grade metamorphi sm
2700 autho rs (Burke et al ., 1976; Windley and
13. De position of Ta rto q G ro up Smith, 1976) view the high-grade terr ains ,
sup racrustal rocks including the No rth Atlantic craton , as the
c.2700 14. Local ized dcf orrnaticn in shea r
zones prod uct of Andean-type active continental
c.2bOO 15. Em place me nt of K-gran ill."Sa nd ma rgins crea ted by the subductio n of oceanic
regio nal pcgma ntes lithosphe re. T he voluminous calc-alkaline ton-
alitic magmas in their view are generated by
subd uction. It has bee n pointed ou t that the
smaller thick ness and lo we r relative density of
of which the most important is the emplace- Archaean oceanic lithosphere may produce
me nt of the Nuk granitic suite and the accom- much shallowe r angles of subduction (see e.g.
pa nying deformatio n a nd metamo rphism in the Dewey, 1977) that wo uld have important im-
period 3040-27()()Ma BP. Th ere is very little plications for the width of the mobile belt, the
evidence as to the history of the region in the pattern of magma emplacement, and the style
intervening pe riod of about 7ooM a. of deformatio n.
T he lsua supracrustal assemblage of the A dominan t feature of the North Atlantic
earlier cycle bea rs some similarity to that craton and of o the r high-grade terrains is a
of the gree nstone belts described below. 11 high-str ain structure, produced by very intense
consists of a mafic and ultramafic volcanic defo rmation, which is e xpressed in complex
suite with associated metasediments including interleaving of basement , supracrustal cover ,
carbonates, banded -iran-formation , quartzites and various intrusive igneous sheet s 0 0 a
and metagreywackes. The supracrustal belt is regional scale. Th is structure appears to have
only about 2 km wide at its maximum , but been initially sub-ho rizo ntal, although subse-
extends for over 30 km in an arcuate o utcrop. quently refolded by more upright folds. The
Because of the limited outcrop and the effects defo rmation praducing this structure in S.
of later eve nts, it is not possible to draw G reenland embraces eve nts 8 and 9 of Table
definite co nclusions about the tectoni c en- 9.3_ Figure 9.24 shows the outcro p pattern of
vironment of these very early rocks, except the Fiske naesset anorthosite sheet. Although
that they indicate , in a general way, a similarity refolded by later structures , it is still traceable
in all essential respects to the much later over an area of aro und 3600 km, indicating that
(c.3300 Ma old) greenstone belts of Africa, the high-strain structure is e ffectively horizon-
Aust ralia and elsewhere. tal over areas of that size .

Ki ll I O <Q I .

D3 ? 1
D301 ' l a ,I, (; tOld ?

-I " -

Figure 9.25 WNW- ESE structural profiles across lhe eortbwcsr Buksefjorde n erea in the central west -coast A rchaean.
The section illustrates the refolding o r the e arly recumbent rold-lhrusl structure (DI- 3) by later upright roros (D4). Ma,
Malene amphibonte ; A m, A mitsoq gneiss: N , Nuq gneiss: A a, Arnitsoq augen gneiss: Ms, Malene supracrustal gneisses;
A kA , Akilia association; Q . pegmatite and rrucrogranite; orr, 02 lhrusl. From Chadwick and Nutman (1979)

Chadwick and Nutman (1979) describe in No mode rn ana logue has been established
det ail the str uctural e volution of the Bukse- for the regional, sub-horizontal, high-stra in
fjorden area in the centra l part of the west coast structure of the 02-03 type. According to the
outcrop of the craton. They divide the struc- uniformita rian view expressed by Windley
tural seque nce into four main events, of which (1981) and others, the high-strain horizontal
the first is related to the early Amitsoq crust- structures would be found at low levels in a
forming cycle. Their 02 event is the fi rst typical modern volcanic arc complex. How-
regional high-strain defor matio n (correspo n- ever , this ana logy has not yet been satisfac-
ding to even t 8 of Tab le 9.3) and resulted in the torily demonstrated .
isoclinal folding and thrusting of Amitsoq Park (1981, 1982) discusses a number of
basement and Malene cover. The 03 struc- possible mechanisms that could explain this
ture s are large recumbent nappes, refolding type of structure: subduction, gravity spread-
the 0 2 structures and also deforming the Nlik ing, mantle deco up li ngv thinned-crust collision,
granitic shee ts. 04 prod uced the upright folds and tectonic underplating (A -subduction) (Pi-
that dominate the outcrop patte rn. High-grade gure 9.26). Majo r differences in the subduction
metamorphism accompanied the 0 3 deforma- angle, the thickness and strength of the litho--
tion and continued after 04 . sphere , and the ease of detachment of

' . .'

., :'
'.'i.~ B

... .. '... . :.i ...' . ' .. . ' ~ . . ' . • . ' , ,

f i

~ -
~- -

- -
- "", o

-- --

Figurt' ' .16 Possible mechan isms for u plaining the high-strain stl'\lCtU~5 of, Arch aean high-grade terrain s. (A)
Subd uctio n: mor e likely to produce SIU P to mod er atel y inclined high-strain zones at deep levels in the crust . (8) G ravity
sp reading associated with solid diap irism: requires sub-horizontal mass flow in source a rea for domes (blank) which would
produ ce radial o r conve rgent a>nSlrictional strain patte rns (not observed ). (C) Mantle deco upling: horizo ntal shear zo ne
forms al the base of the auSI (see Figure 2.29) d ue to differe ntial movemen ts in either convergent or dive rgent regimes
(this mechani sm is similar 10 thai req uired in Ampfere r subd uction) . (D ) Com press ion of thinned au$!: extensional strain
in the extensional phase is re-inlorced by th rust-se nse shea r zones during subsequent conve rgence. (E) Tectonic
underplating: Ihis process is associated with Ampferer scbducucn, and requires the tec ton ic se para no n or crust from
ma ntle lithosphe re. Repeated slid ng o f the crust ju xtaposes supracrustal and dee p-crus tal mererial as fou nd in SW
G ree nland . (A) - (D) fro m Park ( 1982) ; (E) from Park and Tamey ( 1987).

continental from ocea nic crust, or from mantle the 3000-2700 Ma crust-building cycle of the
lithosphere, can be expected in the Archaean. North Atlantic craton must presumably involve
Any tectonic model for the Arch aean at the welding together of a whole series of
present will be highly speculative, and no volcanic arcs. The structural pattern should
generally acceptable model yet exists. If we therefore reflect a succession of extensional,
assume that subduction opera ted at a faster tra nslational and collisional eve nts associated
rate during the Archaean than at present , with the gradual accumulation and tectono-
magmat ic thickening of the A rchae a n crust. grade late rally into sedi ments. The lavas are
Th e high-strain horizo ntal structures probab ly co mmonly tho leiitic basalts and andesites, but
fo rmed in low-angle shear zones represe nting rhyolites , rhyo-dacites and ultramafic types
large horizo ntal translat io ns at deep crustal also occur . Of lesser import ance vo lumetrically
levels at some stage in this process. are sed iment types such as quartzites, ba nded-
iron-formation , sulphide-rich black shales, and
minor carbonates . These sed iments are usua lly
Greenstone belts of the Superior Pro vince
fou nd in associatio n with the earlier volcanic
Th e Superior Province (Figure 9.27) is one of seq uences, whereas the coa rse clastic deposits
the best examples of a gra nite-gree nstone are mo re common in the uppe r part of the
terr ain (see e.g. Goo dwin, 1981). It is the successio n. Est imated thicknesses shown in
lar gest of the A rchaean crato ns, be ing abo ut Figure 9.27 range from 20000- 59000 feet (6-
450 x 300 km in exte nt , and is se parated from t 8km). While some of these fi gures may be
the neighbo uring No rth A tlan tic crato n by the overestimates, due to unrecognized struc tural
300 km-wide Lab rador belt (see Figure 9.13) . repet ition , the re can be no do ubt that the
Th e Pro vince contains two main components: gree nstone sequences are commonly of the
crysta lline gran ito id rocks varying fro m un- orde r of 5-10km in thickness. A lthoug h the
deformed igneous plutons to highly-defor med original extent of the basins is impossible to
gneisses , and the gree nstone belts , which are estimate , it is thought that , in ge ner al, green-
o utcro ps of supr acrusta l seq uences consisting stone sequences we re formed in relatively
of volcanic rocks of va rious kinds , predomin- shallow ma rine basins of probab ly regio nal
antly mafi c, togeth er with metasedi ments. extent. Through time , vertical move ments
The proportion of greenstone belt to ' granite ' thought to be due to differential load ing of the
varies thro ugho ut the province , being much granitic basemen t, caused a restriction of the
higher in the south than in the north (Figure basins to approximately their present size , and
9.27) . High-grade gneisses occur in several gave rise to the younge r clastic-dom inated se-
narrow be lts, a nd also in the north-western and quences (see e.g. Bickle and Eriksson , 1982).
north-eastern pa rts of the pro vince . Since the The granitoid element of the ter rain consists
gree nsto ne belt outcro ps are usually delimited partly of gneissose basement that pre-dates the
by the discordant margins of yo unger plutons, forma tion of the gree nsto ne belts, a nd partly of
the former exte nt , shape and relation ships of younger post-greensto ne pluton s. In practice,
the belt s is impossible to reconstruct. It is it is not possible at prese nt to determine the
tho ught that many of the greenstone o utcro ps o rigin of much of the granite outcrop because
rep resent the fragmented re lics of much larger of poor geochronological contro l. Ages of
gree nsto ne basins. However, some of the large c.2900-3000 Ma have been o btained from
gree nstone belt s, such as the Abitibi be lt, some of the olde r basement gneisses, in which
con tain mo re loca lized basins that existed for fragme nts of an o lder series of greenstone belts
part of their evo lutionary histo ry. occur.
The supracrustal assemblages of the gree n- Overall, the province exhibits an E - W
stone be lts co nsist of roughly eq ual propo rtions structural trend, expressed in the elongate
of sedi ments and volcanic ma te rial deposited e lliptical shape of ma ny of the gra nito id are as,
around 2700 Ma BP. Ther e is typically a lower by the orientatio n of the gree nsto ne belt s
sequence dominated by mafic lavas, and an themselves, and a lso by the o rien tation of the
upper do minated by coarse clastic sed iments, high-grade gneiss belts. O n the scale of the
especially greywackes. Freq ue ntly, an uncon- individual gree nstone belts , the defonnat ion
formity sepa rates the two seque nces. In the patte rn is much more variab le . Figure 9.28A is
Abi tibi belt in the so utheast, a number of a map showing the gra nite-greenstone relation -
separate volcan ic piles can be recognized , that ships in the Keno ra district , in the south-
~ ::

H U 0 SiD N "


48 0 ,
I ~II~ ~\~J1PAb ....~ 41l1l~iliiiiiliMiI~Q"oo 'olllllllllrtl .;' \ - 48 0

Volcanic and sedimentary rocks . , .

Boundary of Canadian Shield . . ,
Boundary of Superior Province. , , , ;;.:.:.~s;:.:
Thickness in feet. . . . . . . . , . , . .28.000. I ~

Figure 9.27 Distribution of greenstone belts (ruled ornament) in the Superior province of the Canadian shield . The blank areas are mainly granitoid
rocks . The Abitibi belt is the large green stone outcrop in the southeast , crossing from Ontario to Quebec. From Stockwell et at. (1970), with permission .

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. . , '
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....:.. . '.



Figure 'J.28 Tectonic patt erns in greenstone belts (A ) Gra nite-greenstone relat ionships in the Kenora area . SW Superio r
prov ince. G ranite . dotted ; green stone out crop . blank ; fold axes. dashed . Note the roughly eq uidlrne nsional shape of the
gran ites , and how they ex hibit convex margins to the green stone s, which, togeth er with the {old axes, ' wrap around' them.
( B) Simp lified structural map of the Bigston e Lak e greens tone belt , nort hern Manitoba. The ea rly foliation (5 1) wraps
arou nd the gra nite margins whereas the late r deformation ap pears to relate to large strike-slip she ar zones (5Z1 - 3). (A) ,
( B) {rom Park ( 1982).

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Figure 9.19 Strut lural moeJd s 10 show the pane rns of Sl ruCUlfe5 associated wilh tbe so lid d iapirism model for greensto ne
be lt e volutio n. (.4) Structu res expected nea r the eem ee of th e sutnid ing g ree nsto ne bell. A llitudc: of faults a nd fold axial
plan es changes from Sleep to inclined , moving fro m the anna t 's ink' lowilrd!;the margi ns. ( 8) Structures expected nea r (he
mu gi"" of a subsid ing gree nstone bell. A highly asymmetric penern of Iojds and thrusts is predK'ted attbe site o r lbe rim
syncline produced by marginal depression of the greenstones. (A ), (8) from Gorman et ill . ( 1978).
weste rn pari of the province. Here , t he gra nite with the first deform ation he re , a nd in the
pluton s are weakly deforme d or un deformed , Kenora ou tcrops , is most easily ex pla ined by
and mo re or less eq uidimensional , a nd their th e d iapir ic behaviou r of a solid granitoid
o rigina l rela tio nships to the g reensto ne o ut - basem e nt loaded by a den se r greensto ne ba sin .
cro ps is clear. T he rocks of the gree nsto ne T he gra vitationa l e ffec t of th e de nsity inve rsio n
se q ue nce a re deformed in such a way that the is 10 ind uce upward a nd outward flow of the
fold axes and folia tio ns ' wra p a rou nd ' the gra nitoid substra tum. T he gree nsto ne materi a l
ma rgins o f the plutons. Th is rel ationship . becomes trap ped in synclina l kee ls whose
obscured in ma ny be lls fur lhe r no rt h beca use shapes a re controlled by the diapir ma rgins.
of mor e int e nse la te A rchaean deformat ion , This process has bee n discussed by Gorman et
is typical of greenstone be lls of many o ther al , (1978) a nd Schwe rd tne r et at. ( 1979) and
gra nite -greenstone te rr ai ns. mode lled numerica lly by Ma resch a l a nd W e SI
In a stu d y o f the Bigsron e Lake greenstone (1980) , Figure 9.29 illustra tes th e s tructural
be ll in no rth e rn Ma nito ba , Pa rk an d Ermano- patte rns expected in ce ntra l an d ma rgina l ar eas
vies ( 1978) de mo nstr a ted th a i the deforma tio n of g ree nstone be lts accordi ng to the Gorman et
se q ue nce in the gree nston e belt consiste d of al. mode l. T he symme trica l uprigh t or m ildly-
tw o mai n phases. The first is associate d with fann e d Dl structu re of th e B igston e Lake be lt
re gio na l high st ra ins, pen e tr a tive fabrics , an d fits profile A of the model. Tight c verfold s and
isoclina l folds which loca lly a re seen to wra p t hrusts found as e a rly stru ctu re s in o th e r
ar o und the ma rgins of the borde ring plutons gree nstone belt s (see e.g. Coward , 1976 , fig ure
(Figure 9.288). The second prod uces loca l 4) fit profile B of the mode l.
re fold ing and cre nula tio n schis tos ittes, an d is T he late r stee p d uct ile she a r zones tha t
associa te d wit h m ajor stee p du cti le shear zones affect the Bigstone La ke bel t a re pan of a
that cut across the be lt and affect both gree n- regional ser o f such structur es t hat domi nate
sto ne and gra nite ou tcrops. the la te r A rchaea n deform ation o f the Supe r-
Th e type of struct ural pattern associa ted io r Pro vince . Pa r k (1981 ) shows th at , in th e

~ ~ . .. .. 0- _ _ -:::-:-=
.-1'7 - · - fil -
l.te 1( · 9r~ni tli!S
1 11 11 11 '~'~&!~J'l'~~)o11 1 1 1

Figu,n.' 9.30 Ur uformirarian plate-tectonic mterp re tanon ofbi gh-grade gneiss and greenstone terrains. High.grade terrains
an: Interp reted as Andean -type convergent margins and greenstone belts as back-arc basins (A). Collision welds micro-
connne ms toget her and causes greenstone deformation (8) Contrasl Figure 9.26. After Windley (1977).

weste rn part of the pro vince , these shear zones None of these explanations seems enti rely
fo rm a co njugate set of NE -SW sinistra l and satisfactory . The subductio n-collisio n mod el
NW - SE dex tral zones tha t indicate a late requires a number of unrecognized su tures;
Arch aean N-S compressio n across the pro- th e compressio nal model fails to explain the
vince . and suggests tha t the erato n was by tha i init ially no n-linear pat te rn of t he gree nstone
time stro ng enough to transmit a constant de fo rmat ion; and the intrap late mod el igno res
. regional stress. This tectonic regime is very the bimodal nature o f the volcanic suites.
similar to the one described for the Ear ly which argues for a volcanic arc analogue .
Prote rozoic shea r zones of the S. Greenland- Opinion since these papers were published
Scotland region (see Figure 9.17A). Bot h sets appears to favour some kind of exte nsional
o f str uctures probably formed aro und the time basin model . involving thi nned continen tal
of the Early Proterozoic-A rchaean bo und ary crus t in the Supe rior exa mples. but oceanic
be twee n 2600 and 2500 Ma BP. crust in some of t he o lde r examples. closely
The orig in and tectonic significance of the associated with volcanic island arcs derived by
greensto ne basins is sti ll speculative . Figure subduction . Present-day beck-arc basins arc
9.30 shows the Farney-wi nd ley mod el in which the closest mod ern analogues . but many im-
the gree nstone belts are interpreted as back- portant d iffere nces are appare nt be twee n such
arc extensional basins related to subd uction. In basi ns and the gran ite-gree nstone terr ains.
an alte rna tive model suggeste d by Drury The gran ite-greenstone te rrai ns represent
( 1977). the basins are visualized as resulting o ne of t he best demonstratio ns in the geo logi-
fro m late ral compression of a thin. wea k litho- ca l reco rd. that uniformita rian principles and
sp here exerted by a shallow-subd ucting slab . prese nt-day plat e tecto nic analogues may not
Pa rk ( 1982) interpre ts the basins as intraplate always be ap pro priate in dea ling with the
extensional str uct ures ana logous to the initial d istant past.
stages of present-day con tinental rift zones.

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margins 272 Andes 141 Asia 140, 147, 152, 159, 188,290
accretionary prism 112, 118, 119, Anglesey 259 eastern 148
120, 125. 157, 266, 267 anteclise 190 Assynt 247
Makran 131 Ukrainian 191, 193 asthenosphere 5, 9
S. Uplands 255, 258, 268 Volga - Ural 191, 193 asthenospheric diapirism 84, 86
accretionary terrain 159 Voronezh 191, 193 asthenospheric mantle 18
active transform domain 184 anticline, rollover 203 Asturic phase 229, 241, 242
Adirondack Mountains (USA) 281, Appalachian - Ouachita orogenic Atlantic coastal province
282, 283 belt 147 (Appalachian orogenic belt) 34
Aegean Sea 110, III, 134, 136, 138 Appalachians 144, 145, 228. 243, Atlantic coruinental margin 204
Afghanistan block 152 266 Atlantic ocean, evolution of 58
Agt~ 295, 296 Central 242 Atlantic (stress) province 37
Aiguilles Rouges 215 Central - Sout hern 229 Atlas mountains 139, 211
Airy anomaly ISS Northern 229, 242. 266, 267 aulacogen 83, 190, 191
Alabama, Central 229 Apulian microplate 212 Dneiper-Donetsk 191,193
Alai range ISS Arabia ·139, 210, 274, 275 mid-Russian 19~
Alaska 166. 227 Arabian - Nubian shield 273. 277 Australia 139. 140, 159. 160, 161,
Alberta Group 223 Arabian Sea 119, 147 162, 173,304
alkali-granites, plutons 279, 284. Arabian shield 140, 273 Australia - Irian Craton 160
287,289 arc Austro - Alpine klippe 219
Alleghenian 237 Aegean 134, 210 Avalon platform 243
Allochthon Aleutian 38, 39, 66, 67 Avalonia 231,268
Lower (Scandinavian Caledonides) Banda 159. 160. 161, 162. 175 Avalonian - Cadomian (orogeny)
264 Caribbean 266
Middle 264 Cascades volcanic 96,97,221 Azores 75, 79, 186
Upper 261, 264 Hellenic 134, 136,139"
Uppermost 261, 263 Izu-Bonin 66 B-subduction 142
Alpes Maritimes 217 Japanese 7. 10. 12, 32, 38 lJ·value 53
Alpine (orogenic) belt 190, 210, Kootenay 223. 225, 226 back arc 14, 112
211,212,213,230 Kurile 10, 12, 38, 66, 67 basin see basin, back-arc
Alpine collision 95 Makran volcanic 131, 210 extension 136, 161,237
Alpine front 188 Marianas 66,67, 102, 103, 104 extensional provinces 73, 86
Alpine - Himalayan system 139 Peru - Chile 38 spreading 66, 100, 102, 104, 113.
Alpine orogeny 94, 212 Puerto Rico 114 us, 136, 144, 159, 162
Alps 93, 95. 139, 140, 145, 146, Ryukyu 66 back-thrusting 143, 157,217
211,212,214,215,217. 219, Scotia 100, 166 Baja California 178
220,221,292 Sunda 140, 159, 161,210 balanced sections 220, 237
Austrian 215 Tonaa - Kermadec 102, 104 Ballachulish slide 254, 255, 267
Eastern 211,214,215,219 arc - trench gap 116. 117 Ballantrae 265, 267
French 211, 215, 216,.220 arcs Baltic (Fennoscandian) shield 190,
Southern 215 island/trench systems 100 191, 193, 243
Swiss 211.214,215,216,219 island 7, 9, 10, 18, 66, 112, 113, Bahia 228, 261, 264, 266, 267,
Western 214 134, 139, 159, 173,227,230, 268
Ahai range 140, ISO 250. 261, 264, 275, 277 Baltimore trough 204, 205

.:l28 INDEX

Bamble 285 Blue Ridge 231 (see Blue Ridge Blue Ridge Province (zone) 230,
Banda Sea 161, 163, 165, 175 province) 233, 241
Barbados 125, 126, 127, 133 Cadomian 243 blue-schist (belts, facies) 220, 227
Barbados ridge complex 258 Caledonian (orogenic) 190, 200, Bohus granite 285
Barra 297, 299 210, 228, 243, 290 Bohus-Iddefjord granite 286, 287
Barrovian metamorphic (sequence) Cape Smith 291, 292 Borneo 159, 161
228 Carolinidian 281 boundaries
basalt - eclogite phase change Central Gneiss (Grenville collisional 39
115 Province) 284 conservative 3,39, 71
basin Central Metasedimentary constructive 3, 16, 39, 70, 71
Aegean Sea 134, 136 (Grenville Province) 284 convergent 212
Anadarko 241 Cordillerian (orogenic) 98, 171, destructive 3, 16, 144
Appalachian 229 210, 221, 222, 225 breakouts, borehole 33, 35
back-arc 212,259,261,311 circum-Pacific 139 Bretonic phase 229, 236
back-arc extensional 64, 197, circum-superior 291 British Isles 228, 242, 243, 244, 259
198,222, 312 Damaran 273, 279, 280, 281, 294 south-west 236, 237, 238, 241
Black Warrior 229 Damara-Zambesi 273 buckling (of slabs) 119
cratonic 189, 198 fold-thrust 119, 222, 228, 229, Buksefjorden 305
Cretan Sea 134, 136 237 (see also thrust-fold bell) Burma ISO, 153, 175
Culm 239 Gabon -Cape 279, 280, 28\ Byerlee's law 30
Dalradian 265 Grenville 249, 282, 290, 292
East Texas 33, 34 Grenville - Sveconorwegian 242, calc-alkaline magmatism 275, 300,
extensional 212, 259, 262, 289 282 304
fore-arc 120, 212, 259, 261 Hercynian 210 plutons 287, 289, 302
foredeep 212,222, 226 imbricate (thrust) 239 volcanics 274, 276
foreland 188,217, 222, 229 Ketilidian 253, 300, 301 Caledonian front 285
Grenada 126 King Mountain 231 Caledonides 146, 190, 242, 248,
intracontinental 241 Labrador 282, 283, 291, 292, 259, 264, 268, 282, 284
intraplate 188, 194, 197, 198 293, 294, 307 British 261, 265, 266
Japan 100, 102 Lewisian - Nagssugtoqidian 291, East Greenland 244
Lau 102, 103 299 German - Polish 268
Lau - Havre 104 Limpopo 269 Polish 261
marginal 103, 104, 214, 222, 226 Matchless 279, 280, 281 Scandinavian 144, 244, 261, 262,
Marianas 104 Mauritanide 195 263, 266, 267
Michigan 194, 195 Mozambique 272, 273, 277, 278 Canadian shield 281,282, 290, 291,
Molasse 219 mylonite 277 (see mylonite zone) 302, 308
North Sea lOS, 108, 194, 199, Nagssugtoqidian 294, 295 Cantabrian - Asturian chain 228
200,204 Nagssugtoqidian - Lewisian Cantabrian MO'lOtains 235
Pannonian (Hungary) 199 295, 301 Caribbean 119, lIS, 259
Parece - Vela 100, 102, 103 Northern Appalachian 231 Carnic (microplate) 212
Paris 49, 194 Nubian - Arabian 277 Carpathian (chain) 139,210,2\1,
passive-margin 204, 205 onhotectomc 244 212
Po 219 Ouachita - Marathon 229, 230, Caspian Sea 194
pull-apart 178, 256 231 Cascades volanic arc 7
Santa Maria 175 paratectonic 244 Caucasus chain 139
Shikoku 103 Piedmont 231 Central Asian collage 152
South Fiji 100, 102, 103 Pyrenean 210 Central Atlantic, .peniag 59
Taoudeni 194, 195, 196 Rinkian 294, 295 Central block (Lewisiaa) 298
Tarim ISO, 151 slate 230 Centntl Highillftd Diviaion 2S3
Welsh 244, 259, 266 Svecokarelian 300 Central North Sea dome 199
West Philippine 102, 103 Sveco- Norwegian 282,284,285, Central Tibet blocks IS3
Basin-and-Rallle Province 7, 28, 286, 288, 219, 290 Chibougamau - GIltineau lineament
32, 36, 46, 5 I, 86, 96, 97, 98, Urals 228 284
99,100,101,105,111,180, Valley-and-Ridge 231 Chilas complex 154, 156
207,208,221 Variscan 228,231,235,236,237, Chile ridge 64
Bay of Bisay 109, 214 238, 242, 243 China block 147
belt Zambesi 279 Churchill Province 283, 291
Abitibi 307, 308 Belt-Purcell SUJ!"I'Broup 222, 223 Coast Ranges 177, 171, 179, 180
Acadian 242, 243 Betic Cordillera 210 Coastal plain (Appal1ldlian) 231,
Alle.henia.. 210,229,241,242 Big Bend 175, 177, 178, 179, 180 232,233
Appalachian 261 Black Sea 134, 214 Cockburnland 258
Appenine 210 blocks COCORP deep seismic reflection line,
Atlas 210 allochthonous 171 profile 100, 230, 233
Belcher islands 291, 292 exotic 171 data 99

coefficient of cubical expansion 22 Darn Law 43 focal mechanism solutions 33,

collage (tectonic terrane) 154, 159, creep strain rate 48 34, 37, 39, 54, 83, 90, 96, 97,
175 Crete 134, 137 135, 136, 150, 183
collision 136, 147, 152, 153, 154, critical taper 120 Kern County 177
159, 161,231,256,259,261, Cruachan line (Scottish Caledonides) magnitudes of 176
264, 266, 279, 289, 311 253 San Fernando 177
Central Asian 149, 150, 171 crust-forming cycles 303 East Africa 277
continent - continent 19, 136, Culm facies 229 East Nain Province 292
212, 277 Culm synclinorium 238, 239 East Pacific Rise 123
continent- island arc 19, 136, 159 Eastern assemblage (British
India - Asia 160, 166 Dal formation, Group 286, 288, Columbia) 221
thinned-crust 305 289 Eastern Desert (Egypt)' 276
collision resistance force 47, 144 Dalradian Supergroup 253 Eastern Segment (Sveconorwegian
collisional (orogenic) belts 136, 140 Darfur 87, 90 Province) 285, 286
Columbia River basalts 98 Davis Strait 214 eclogite 19, 220, 270
compressional regions 71, 135 Dead Sea 171 electrical conductivity 9, 74
shortening 299 decollement 4, 119, 120, 125, elongation lineations 264, 275, 279,
structures 168 133, 135, 140, 146, 154, 280
Conrad seismic discontinuity 51 167, 181,217,230,256, Embrunais - Ebaye Nappes 2\ 5
continental collision 67, 139, 250, 292 Emperor seamount chain 66, 67, 68
268 (see also collision) deformation England, south-west 228, 236, 237
continental margin 289 collisional 242 Ethiopia 87, 88, 273
active 113, 139 compressional 94, 98, 99, eugeoclinial 222
passive 27, 139 143 eugeosyncline 112, 22\
convection 20, 22 convergent 236 exotic terranes 221·
cell, currents 6, 18, 19, 25, 270 dry-quartz 5I extension 92, 93, 95, 98, 99, 106,
convective circulation pattern 20 fold-thrust 236 110, III, 136, 138, 150, 167
convective flow system 16, 23 plagioclase 5 I back-arc 38, 99, 102, 104
convergence 70, 139, 140, 144, 147, wet-quartz 5I crustal 89, 90
152, 154, 169,281,292,299 front 123, 126, 129, 133 intracratonic (see also intraplate
continental 147 depression extension) 236
direction of 4, 160, 214, 220, 289 rate of 191 oblique-slip 300
oblique 71, 171, 172, 173, 175, Ul'vanovak-Saratov 191, 193 extension factor (6) 138, 202, 206
227,268, 281, 289 detachment 4, 141, 142, 144, 146, extensional basin 188
oblique (plate) 266 177,215,223,230,231,239, duplex lOB
rate of 114, 115, 116, 152 250, 258, 299, 305 fault systems 105, III
convergent movement 71,214,289, detachment horizon 5I, 53, 99, faults 84, 110
301 105, 106, 109, 142 fissures 105
convergent shortening 294 Devon 238, 239 movement 148
Cord illeran collage 173 dewatering 119, 120 provinces, regions 71, 73, 95,
Cordilleran orogenic belt, province Diabaig 300 105,221,299
7, 34, 175,273 diapir 85 rifting 204, 281, 289
Cornwall 238, 239 dilatational emplacement 299 strain 99, 100
craton 190 Dinaride chain 210, 214 structures 94, 168
African 195 dip-slip movement 105 extrusion tectonics 147
Archaean 301 direction, facing 4
Brazilian 273 vergence 4 facing direction .255
Congo 272, 273, 279 Discovery Chain 68 failed arm (rift) 94
Guyana - Brazil 272 displacement rate 177, 226 failure, Griffith 43
Guyanan 273 divergence 70, 169, 294 whole-lithosphere 41, 42, 46
(Peninsular) Indian 272, 273 direction 4 FAMOUS project 75,77,79
Kalahari 272, 273, 279, 281 oblique 71 fan .
Kola 290 rate of 91 counter 107, lOS
Nile 273 divergent motion 71 horsetail 107
N. Atlantic 290,291,292,294, divergent regime 188 listric 106, 107, 108, 110
295, 302, 304, 306, 307 DSDP 125 fault
Slave 290, 292 duplex (thrust) 133, 146, 165, 170, (_ also transform fault)
Superior 291, 292 247,250 Alpine 166, 171
Svecokarelian 285 strike-slip 169 Altyn Tagh 151, 152
Tanzanian 277, 278, 279 dyke swarm 284, 289, 294 Bil Pine h5, 179, 181
West African 272, 273 Scourie 296, 299 Church Stretton 260, 265
West Gondwana Elsinore 175, 177, 178
cratonization 275 earthquake Flannan 53, 245
creep, dislocation 43 focal mechanism of 32, 37 floor 108
.J.JV IN!>"X

Garlock 175, 177, 179, 180, 181 natjack measurements 29, 37 Gardar Province (Greenland) 284
Great Glen 144,246, 247, 250, nat 145, 146 geoid 16, 20
252, 253, 254, 267 footwall 145 geoid anomalies 16, 18, 19,20, 21
Herat 150 flexural depression 242 geosyncline 259
Highland Boundary 244, 252, flexure model 199 Timan 191, 192
253, 255, 257, 267 flower structure 169, 260 geotherm 5, 49, 140
Imperial 177 negative 170 geothermal gradient 27, 30, 32, 41,
Insubric 219 positive 169, 170 44,45,46,47,51,112,270
Najd 274 flysch 140, 212, 213, 214, 217, 222, Gibraltar 186
Navan - Shannon 259 229, 234, 236, 239, 242, 292 Girvan 258, 259, 265
North Anatolian 234 fold belt, Southern England 188 Glen Affric 249
Ornach Nal-Chaman 131 force, buoyancy 29 Glenelg 249
Outer Hebrides (Outer Isles) 53, force Glenfinnan Division 249, 253
245, 297 critical 48, 49 GLORIA side-scan sonography 122,
Pontesford Linley 260 plateau uplift 26 187
Quetta - Chaman 150, 151 forces Gondwanaland 61,62, 153,228,
roof 108 mantle drag 25, 27, 29, 32, 37 231,272,273,277,281
San Andreas 178, 180, 181 plate boundary 24,41, 150 Gothenburg 285, 286
San Gabriel 175 resistance 25, 29, 38 graben 83, 88, 89, 91, 94, 95, 96,
San Jacinto 175, 177, 178 ridge-push 25,21>,27, 34, 37, 38, 109, 120, 122, 171, 172, 190,
shortcut 108 41 197, 203, 204, 256
sale 107, 109 slab-pull 16,24,26,27,33,37, Central 200, 202
Southern Uplands 244, 252, 255, 38,41 formation of 105
256, 258, 266, 267 subduction - suction 22, 24, 26, half 109, 202, 256
Tonale 219 27,37,41,46,85,95,118 0510 83,241,242,263,284,
White Wolf 177, 178 trench-pull 41 288
fault overlap 168 trench suction 24 Shansi 150
fault plane, focal-plane solutions 3, fore-arc 258 Viking 200, 202, 203
32, 37, 39, 95, 114 fore-arc complex 125 graben-horst morphology 183
faulting underthrust 114, 115 foredeep 214 Grampian Division 254
faults foreland 215 Group 245, 253
antithetic 95, 107, 110, 168, 177 African 219 Highlands 244, 253, 254, 264,
antithetic strike-slip 167 Baltic 266 266, 267, 268
Chugach-Fairweather, Queen Hercynian 228 slide 253, 255
Charlotte Islands 166 Laurentian 266 granite - greenstone terrains 302,
en-echelon 89, 168, 183 Fort William slide 254, 255, 267 307,311
extensional 94, 95, 105, 109, 145, fracture zone (oceanic) 166, 181, gravitational sliding (51'1' gravity
212 182, 186, 187, 189,267 sliding)
growth 265, 292 Alula 183 .raYity spreading 120, 250, 255
listric 96, 105, 106, 109, 133, 202 Azores-<:iiltraltar 58,166,210,214 gravity anomaly 181, 197
offset 181 Chain 181, 183 Bousuer 89, 113, 114, 141, ISS,
splay 89 Charcot 113 t65, 223
synthetic 95, 110, 168 Charlie Oi. .s 183, 184, 185, 186 free-air 89, 113, 114, 184, 195,
synthetic strike - slip 167 Chile 58,65 207
transfer 109, 223 Discovery 186, 187 gravity data 204
transform 2, 3, 25, 27, 39, 54, Gibralter 210 profile 154, ISS, 202, 221
58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 70, 75, 78, Gloria 184, 186 slidiftg 112,217,218,220,247
80, 91, 109, 161, 166, 178, Gofar 186, 187 sliclina nappes 114
182, 183, 187, 197, 198 (51'1' K~chatov 184 sh. .ping 120
atso transform fault) Mendana 122, 123, 124 gravity-spreading model 136, 305
White Wolf - Kern 175 'fountain of nappes' Great llasin (USA) 96
fault zones, San Andreas 3, 36, 40, hypothesis 255 Great Lakes (N. America) 189
58,59,64,96,97,98, 100, 101, fractures Great Valley 177, 180
166, 175, 176, 177, 179,221 en-echelon 80 Greece I 10, 134
faunal separation 264 extensional 83, 167 Greenland 214, 242, 270, 281, 284,
Fennoscandia 207 tensional I 10, III 290, 291, 294, 295, 299, 300,
Fennoscandian craton, shield 190, fraClllrina, hydraulic 33 301, 102, 303, 304
242,243,261,263 (51'1' Baltic Francisean complex (California) Greenland - Scotland resion 312
shield) 227 greenstone belt 279, 302, 304, 307,
Fernie: Group 223 Franz Josef Land 242 301, 309, 310, 311
Finllrnarkian (oroamy) 263, 266 BilStone Lake 309, 311
Fiskenaesset 303 gabbro-eclogite phase change 198 Grenoble 215
fissure eruptions 80, 82 Gairloch 296, 297, 298 Grenville front 282, 283, 284
flake tectonics 141, 142 Galicia 235 Grenville group 284
Grenville province 281, 282, 284, ice-sheet Labrador 302
289 Pleistocene 15 geosyncline, trough 292
Grenville Supergroup 283 Scandinavian 15 Sea 61, 202
Grenville - Sveconorwegian system Iceland 79, 80, 82 lag 255
281 Iltay boundary slide 254, 267 Lake District 244, 259, 264
Gruinard Bay 300 imbricate 236, 277 (see also Lake Viinern 285, 286
Gulf of Aden 61,85,87,91,94 imbricate zone, thrust sheet) Lake Viittern 285
Gulf of Bothnia 207 indentation model 67, 136, 147, Lanzo peridotite 218
Gulf of Califbrnia 39, 64, III, 149, 150 Laramide (orogeny) 33, 208
166, 178 indenter 148 compressional deformation 99
Gulf Coast province 34 Indian ocean, evolution of 58, 61 lateral tip 239
Gulf of Mexico 189 Indo - China block 147, 160 Lau trough/Havre basin 100
Gulf of Suez 91, 111 Indonesia 139, 144, 161, 162, 175, Laurasia 281
Gullfaks block 203 210 break-up of 95
interference patterns 249 Laurasia - Gondwana 241
hairpin bend 271 intracontinental shortening 236 Laurentia 207,228,261,264, 266,
hanging wall antiform 247 extension 264 267, 268, 271
Hawaii 64 mobile belts 272 Laurentian shield 271
Hawaiian ridge 68 movements 281 Laurentian - Greenland shield
Hawaii - Emperor bend 68 intraplate basin 204 243
chain 20,67 compression 24 lavas, sheet-flow 78
heat now 10, II, 12, 13, 14,20, convergence 226 Laxford 298, 299, 300, 301
42,44,46,47,48,49,51,53, extension 24, 47, 204 Laxfordian (deformation) 296
74,75,80,96, 140, 177,207,208 magmatism 280, 312 Lesmahagow 256
Hebridean craton 245 movements 300 Lesser Antilles 125, 126
Hercynian belt 190, 231 structure 188, 191, 193,206,214 Lesser Antilles volcanic arc 126
foreland 241 uplifts 206 Lewisian complex 245, 295, 297,
front 236, 237 Inverian 296, 298, 301 298
orogenic belts, regions 51, 228, 229 inversion 191,209 Lewisian - Nagssugtoqidian system
Hercynides 228 1reland 241, 259 294,299
high-grade gneisses 307 South-west 236, 237, 238, 239 Lhasa 154, 155
high-grade gneiss terrains 302, 304, Irian Jaya 160 LlSPB deep-seismic reflection profile
311 Irish Sea block 244, 259, 264, 265 51, 53, 109, 245, 252, 253
Himalayan fold-thrust belt 150 Isle of Man - Leinster (zone) 259 listric (geometry) III, 250
front 147 isostatic rebound 207 lithosphere, compressional strength
Frontal thrust 151 Isua supracrustal assemblage 304 of 47 •
Himalayas 139, 140, 144, 146, 148, Italian peninsula 210 continental extension of 49
150, 151, ISS, 159, 236, 250 Itivdleq 295 (definition) 55
Pakistan 158 Ivrea body 221 mathematical model of
Hoggar 87 deformation 43
Holsteinsbolll 295 J aglot syncline 156, 157 evolution of strength of 47
Hopedale 282 Jamdena 165 extension of 49, 51, 85
horse 108, 146 Japan sea 103 extension factor (Il) 48, 49
horst 96 Java 159, 160 flexure 24, 27, 209
hot-spot Jura 215 long-term strength of 41
Hawaii 67 folded 2U strain hardening of 49
Iceland 67 plateau 215, 216 stretching of 198
hot-spot frame of reference 20,-69, stretching factor (see lithosphere
104 Kangamuit dykes, Greenland 294, extension factor)
hot-spots 20, 26, 67, 78, 79, 80, 295,296 thinning 86
84, 188, 189 Karakorum 154, ISS, 157 L10yn peninsula 259
H unsarian plain 215 Kazakhstan block 152, 153 loads, topographic 31, 32
Hudson River 229 Kenora 307, 309, 311 Loch Eriboll 246, 247
Hudsonian 190, 291 Kenya 17,89, 277 Loeh Laxford 297
Hudsonian Cycle 281 Keweenawan event 271 Loch Maree 296, 297
Humberian (orogeny) 266 Kinloehewe 246 Loeb Maree Group 296, 297, 298,
hydraulic fl'llCtare (hydrofracture) Kohistan U6, 158 m
technique 29,30,37, 177 complex 157 Loch Torridon 297
hydrothermal activity 75, 77, 78, sequence 154, 156, 157 Lofoten 264-
79 komatiitic oceanic crust 271 Lysekil- Marstrand 287, 288
Konasberg 285
Iapetus Ocean 258, 159, 264, 265, Konpbera - Bamble segment 285, Madaaascar 277, 279
266,267 288 magnetic anomaly data 152, 181
Iberia, Iberian peninsula 210, 214 Koster islands 287 pattern of 91

Makran complex 119. 125. 133. intracratonic 273. 279 Helvetic 215.217.219
134. 144 Moffat shales 256, 258 imbricate 247
Malene supracrustal assemblage. Moho 154. 155,202,221,231.250 Pennine 214.217.219,220.221
gneisses 304. 305 Moine Complex 247, 249, 250, 253. Piemont 219
Mali 195 265 S. Devon 239
Manitoba 309. 310 MOIST deep-seismic reflection profile Tinee 217,218
mantle convection 15. 19.69.85, 51,53, 109 Naver slide 248. 249
100 Mojave block 180 New Brunswick 242
decoupling 305 molasse 213,214.217,219. 226. New Caledonia 173
diapir 95 276 Newfoundland 229, 242, 243, 255,
dr.g (force) 23. 24 Molasse trough 215.216. 217 261,266.268
plume 19. 67. 85. 99, 209 Moldanubikum 233 New Guinea (Irian) \40, 159. 160.
marginal basin 100 Mon. complex 265 162. 173
margins Monar folds 249 New Hebrides 173
active 3 Morar division 249 New Jersey 204. 205
p•• sive 3 Morarian event 253 New Zealand 166, 171
M.ssachu.ells 261 Mor.y Firth 200 Nice 215,217
massif', Aiguille.-Rouges 216, 217 Morocco 210, 273 Nordre Strornfjord 295. 296
Ardennes 195 movements Norman WeUs 33
Argentera 217 cratonic 189 Nonh American Cordillera 175
Armorican 195.229, 233, 241 direction of 3, 237, 280, 284, craton 222. 223, 227,
BeUedonne 216, 220 287. 299, 301 231
Bohemian (Moldanubian) 229. oblique 70 North Allantic - Arctic Ocean 214
231,241 recent vertical 189, 191, 194 Nonh China block 152, 153
Central (France) 195,231,235, strike-slip 39, \47. 171, 172,241, Nonh Sea 195, 200, 202
236,24\ 266. 281, 287. 295, 299. 101 Nonh Sea basin 49, 83. 189. 202
Centro-Iberian 233 movement rate 264 Nonh Sea furrow 93
Iberian 229 Ml Everest 154 Noth Sea graben 95
London-Brabant 199,243. 244 Murray transform fault 58. 131, 175 North Slope terrane 221
Mt Blanc 215, 216. 217 NW foreland zone
Rhenish 237 N.gssugtoqidian 296 (Scottish Caledonides)
Mauritania 195 N.g (Nagssugtoqidian) 244,245
McKenzie extensional. stretching model 2,295 Nosib Group 279
198, 204, 206 Nain Province Nova Scotia 242
Median seament (Sveconorwegian N.mibi. 279 Nubian shield 273
proviace) 285, 286 N.n Shan range ISO, 151 Nilk sr.nitic suite 304, 305
Mediterr.nean 119, 136, 140, 147, nappe 217, 262, 263, 264, 278, 288 obduction 141, 142, 143, 212. 218.
210, 211 allochtbonous 261 220,255,261,264,261,268,
eaSlern \)4 Appin 254 275
Mendips 237, 238, 239 Arn.boU 247 ol;>lique scarps 186, 187
m.-phere 6 Ba1acltulish- T.y 254 ~.noor f.bri<: 116
metamorpbi<: cere complexes 99 Banff 254 ~ pl.leallx 117
microplate 211,214 Ben More 247 _ ridse 210
micropl.les Dent- BI.nche 215. 216, 219 OC*. ridse vulc.nicily 75, 16
Aeaean 211 Diableret 217,219 ~sweU
Apulia 211 exotic roof 250, 25 I lIcrmudan 16
Camics 210, 214 Glencoul 247 .....aii.n 16, 18
lberi. 2'0 Jotun 263 oc:eanization 198
Moesia 210, 214 Kinlochewe - Kishorn 247 off-.pilll 119, 120, 125, 258
Rhodope 210, 214 Koli 264 olisdloltrome 163, 212, 241
Turkish 211 MoiRe 245, 2047, 248 ophiolite 140. 142, 143, 144, 152.
mid-Qa-man Crystalline Rise 234, Monte Reas 215, 216, 219 153, 165, 171,211,219,227,
236 Moreles 217,219 255,261,264,166,267,268,
mid-Nonh Sea HiSh 200,241 ophiolite 261, 267 271,274,275,276,277,278,
Midland Valley (Scotland) 171, P.rpaillon 220 292
141, 244, 155, 256, 2H, 258, St Bernard 216. 217 Ballantr.e 166
167 Seve 264 Bay of Islands 255, 266
Midlands platform (Ensland) 244. SPiff BeaS 248 Bell'S Cove 255, 266
m, 161, 266 Tank.v.ig 2047 Girv.n - BaIl.nlrae 256
miopoclinal 222,223,227 T.y 254,255 UIlSI 250
mioposYftclinal (belt) 221. 293 Wildhorn 217,219 ophiolites, abducted 241, 250, 284
Mississippi 129 n.ppes, Austro-Alpine 219 ophiolile CDmplelles 212
mobile bell 272 Embrunais - Ebaye 217 Oregon 166, 227
iatracontinental 273 exotic 25I. 262, 263. 264 orogenic bell
Alpine-type 228 Piedmont province 230 plate motions
Appalachian 230 Piemont trough 214 absolute 20, 67
Ca\edonian '24'2, '244 viel-ometet ~sttess metet' 1\ l<:'\~\\'l<:' \~
Hercyno-type 228 olivine grain-size 31 plate velocities 3
Southern Appalachian 232 piggyback (thrust) sequence 146, plateau
orogenic cycle 269 223, 239 Colorado 36, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101,
orogenic phase, Acadian 231 pillow-flow eruptions 78 207, 208
orogeny plate Deccan 207
Alleghenian 228, 229, 231 Adriatic 140, 219 East African 207
Alpine 236 Aegean 135 Ethiopian 207
Cadomian 231, 245, 254, 259 African 3, 55, S8, 62, 80, 134, Iranian 140
Caledonian 159,228,231,245, 13S, 136, 144, 186,211,214, Snake River 98
249, 264, 269 215 Tibetan 140, ISO, lSI, 154,207
collision 139, 271 American, Americas 3, 26, SS, plateau uplifts 26, 27, 29, 46, 73
Finnmarkian 261,262,264 S6, S8, S9, 64, 6S, 69, 96, plateau, oceanic 209
Grampian 255, 264, 267 125, 126, 175,221 plates, elasticity and rigidity of 7
Grenvillian 245,247,253,281 Anatolian 134 Poisson's ratio 43
Hercynian 269 Antarctic 3, 54, SS, 56, 62, 67, polar wander curves 271, 272, 277
Hudsonian 271,282 69 Pontesford lineament 259
Laramide 97, 98 Arabian 58, 62, 87, 90, 91, 131, pole of rotation 2, 3
Laxfordian 245 134, 140, 144, ISO, 166, 171, Po plain 214
Mauritanian 228 211 Po valley 221
Scandian 261, 262, 264 Asian (see also Eurasian) Port Askaig tillite 265
Sevier 97, 98 Caribbean 65, 116, 125, 126, 130 post-glacial rebound 189
subduction 139 Cocos 56, 64, 65, 69, 116, 118 pre-Alps 21S, 216, 219
Orust 287 Eurasian 3, 55, 56, 58, 67, 69, Precambrian chronology 269
Oslo 263, 287 86, 131, 134, 135, 140, 147, heat production 270
Oslofjord 285 159, 161, 166, 173, 186, 190, pre-Caspian depression 241
Ostfold - Marstrand segment 285, 200, 211 Pregothian gneisses 285, 286
286,289 European 221 prehnite - pumpellyite facies 259
Ostfold Segment 286 Farallon 58,61.63,64, 175 pressure, pore-fluid 30
Outer Hebrides 245, 296, 297, 298, Iberian 140 Proterozoic supercontinent 272, 290
299 Indian 39, 55, 62, 64, 67, 69, 80, proto - Atlantic Ocean 244
overcoring 29, 37, 94, 136 131, 140, 144, 150, 151, 154, proto - Pacific Ocean 227
overthrust, frontal 125 157, 159, 160, 166 pull-apart (basins) 171
overthrusting 139, 143 Indo - Australian (see also Indian) Purcell anticlinorium 223, 22S, 226
3, 159, 160, 161, 166, 173, 175 Pyrenees (range) 139,140,211
Pacific Ocean Juan de Fuca 96 ramp 133, 145, 146, 250, 263
evolution of S8, 61, 6S Kula 61,62,63, 178 hangingwall 145
palaeomagnetic data, evidence ·147, Nazca 33, S6, 58, 64, 65, 69, ramp-flat geometry 106, 169
171, 2S0, 264, 266, 269, 272, 117, 118, 122, 123 Rangely oilfield 33
279, 289, 292 N. American 116, 178 Rayleigh number 22
reconstruction 61 Nubian 87, 90 recesses 147
Paliser limestone 223 Pacific 3, 26, 33, 55, 56, 58, 59, Red Sea 85, 87, 88, 94, 277
Pamir range ISO, isr, IS4, IS', 61,63,64,69,98, 100, 147, regimes
IS7, 1S9 159, 161, 166, 173, 175,228 convergent 3,4,231
Pan-African ('orogeny') 272, 273, Phoenix 61, 63 divergent 3, 231
273,277,279,281,290 Somalian 87, 90, 91 extensional 4
Lower, Middle and Upper 273,27S S. American 27 intraplate 73
Pangaea 19,26,27, S8, 61, 83, 8S Tethyan 214 oblique 3
break-up of 210 Turkish 214 strike-slip 3,4, 73, 166, 171,241
parautochthonous (structural units) plate boundaries relative motion
217 collisional 86 convergent 54
pBSlive (contiMlltal) margin lOll, conservative 54 diversent S4
188, 197, 198,199,227,273 constructive 73, 83, 166 strike-slip S4
Peloponnesos 134 convergent 25,86,95, 171 retrocharriage/back-folding 217,
Pembrokeshirc 238 dalruetive 112, 166, 210 2SS
PenDine nappes 214,217,219,220, diver.ent 73,:w.l Reykjanes peninsula 80
221 oblique movements at 166 Rheinisches Schiefergebirge 234,
peralkaline ma.matism 27S plate convergence 19 241
Pernambuca lineament 90 direction of 268 Rhenish shield 93, 207
Pharuside fold beh 196, 197 plate divergence 75, 79, 187 Rheno-Hercynikum 233, 234, 236
phase transitions 28 direction of 80 rheology
Philippine islands 1S9 plate evolution, Pacific Ocean 63 dry olivine 44

dry quartz 44 Dead Sea 171 Scottish Highlands 2S I, 2S9

gabbroic S I East African 74, 83, 8S, 86, 87, Scourie 297
grandiorite S I 89, 90, 94 dykes 298
non-Newtonian 147 Ethiopian 94 gneisses 270
plagioclas. 43, 44- Gulf of Aden 83, 87, 90, 94 Sea of Crete 137
power-law 148 Gulf of Aqaba - Dead Sea Sea of Galilee 171
quartz 43 (transform) 91 SEABEAM sonar 133, 13S, 136, 137
wet quartz 44 Gulf of Suez 87, 92, 94 Seal Lake 284
Rhine Graben 49 Iceland 81 sea-mounts 116, 117
riders (on 501. fault) 107 Kenya 88, 90, 94 section balancing 223, 247
ridge (oceanic) 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, II, 13, Ngaound.r. 87, 90, 94 sediment loading 197, 199, 200
16, 2S, 26, 28, 39, S6, S7, S8, 61, proto - Atlantic 90 lei5lftic coupling 114
62,67, 73, 7S, 117, 143,209 R.d Sea 39, 83, 87, 87, 90, 94, discontinuity 2S6
Atlantic 77 273 profiles 12S, 133, 154, ISS, 256
Atlantic - Antarctic 62 Rhine 84, 86, 94, 9S seillllic refieaion data, profil.s
Barbados 119, 12S, 126, 127, Rio Grand. 34, 36, 83, 96, 97, 119, 121, 129, UI, 183, 184,
129, 133, 13S, 2S9 98,208 203, 204, 2S0
Carlsberg S8, 80, 91 rift formation lOS seismic r.fraction data, prcfiles 7S,
Carnegie 118 rift pillow 84 140,201,202,221
Caroline 66, 67 rift system seiMlic slip II S
central Indian Ocean 62 African 39, 86, 273 seilMic velocities 141
Cocos 3S, 117 African - Red Sea - Gulf of Aden P....ave 201
Chagos 61 (Afro-Arabian) 83, 86, 87, 94 seillftic wave 7
crenellate 79, 80 Central African 90 .tenuation of 9, 74
East Pacific 11, 13,33, 3S, S6, Rhine - Ruhr 37, 83, 93, 214 p. 7, 154
S8, 64, 6S, 77, 78, 99, 166, rift vall.y 76, 77 . Sa 7, 74, IS4
17S, 186, 187,228 rift vulcanicity 84, 8S, 86, 87, 89, Iei_icity 117, 147, 177
Farallon - Kula 63, 178 90,94 Scram 160, 162, 16S, 173
Galapagos S6 rifts, rifting 70, 8S, 190, 191, 198, Sevier Desert derachment 99, 101
Juan d. Fuca 166, 17S 200, 214, 242, 264 Sgurr Beag slide 246, 249, 2SS, 267
Juan F.rnand.z 117 active 8S shallow SUbduction 312
Kyushu - Palau 66, 102 aseismic 90 shear zones (see also zones) 4,
Marcus - Necker 66, 67 axial 78, 79 lOS, 109, 146, IS4, 167,202,
Mediterranean 134, 13S, 143 continental II, 73, 83, 2S3 203, 204, 234, 237, 241, 249,
mid-Atlantic 10, 12, S6, 62, 73, extensional 200,212, 289 250, 210, 281, 284, 286, 287,
74, 7S, 76, 78, 79, 101, 12S, fail.d arm 83, 84 2111, 119, 294, 296, 298, 300,
166, 182, 184, 18S, 186 intrtplat. 83 307, :J09, '11, 312
Nazca 117, 118 lithosph.r.·activaled, "Ienerated Canisp 197
Ninety-East 61 8S, 87, 94 Diabe!J JOO
Reykjan.s 79 mantl.-aaivated 8S, 86 <i6&a Alv :liS, 216
SE Indian Ocean 62 plsUv. 8S ONi..rd Bay JOO
SW Indian Ocean 62 Itrcss....nerated 94 '-rian 1'7, 299
stepped 80 Rocky MOUnlaias 34, 36, 101, 144, Idwdleq m
Trillan d. Cunha - Walvis 67 145, 146, 123 ItriltiansaINI- .... 288
Walvis 6lI Canadian 122, 22S LMford 1'7, JOO
ridge offset 166 ronever 106 Nenlre Strflllfjord 29S, 296
ridle pllSh 24, 144 root zone (of nappes) 25S GIIofjord 217, 2IlI
ridle system, Indian Ocean 83 Ruhr 242 s'-" folds 264
ridge-transform intersection 267 Ruuian platform 189, 190, 191, S1MIIHd 202
ridges 18, 26, 56, 62, 69, 70, 178, 193, 194,207,209,228 ~hiIW
aseismic 66, 103, 113, 116, 117, Sahara 195
10, S1
118 saJimu 147 shoot"';nl rate 239
fast-spreading 79 Salt rtlll. 158, 159 Siberia (block) 153, 154
slow-spreadina 77 San Gorlioni t1cnd 17S, 178 Sicily 210
Riedel shears 167, 186, 187 Santa Maria 178, 179 side-lC8n _ _ 75, 119, 18S
rift 81,82,86,89,91, 9S, 109, Sardinia - Corsica 214 Sierra NC\'da 16, 101, 17S, 180
1117, 202, 204,207, 291 Saudi ~ia (_ ttbo Arabian Si. . - "Or- block 152
Abu- Gabra 87, 90, 94 shi.ld) 273, 277 Sklne 215
Adamaoua \l4 S8lI0II Grtnullt,.bir,. 231 Skye 247
Arctic - Atlantic 200 Scotland 248, 291, m, 301 slab bucklilll 119
Baikal 83, 84, 86, ISO, 188 north-west 246, 270, 295, 297 slab dip inclination 37, 104, 116,
continental 181,284,312 northern 244, 151, 253 117, 118
Darfur 94 south-west 254 slab profile 104
Sia ve province 291 stress-depth relationship 32, 41, 46, Taconic 229, 266
Sleat Group 245 47,48 Tanzania 88, 277
slickenside striations 95 stress field 83,96, 185 Tarim basin 159
slides 249 stress orientation 32, 33, 34, 35, Tarim block 152, 153
Sol Hamed 276 37,40,41,98 Taurus mountains 139
solid diapirism 310, 311 stress provinces (USA) 34, 36 tectonic age 14
Solway Firth 244, 245, 258 stress relief 29 collage 152, 221
South East Asia 149, 153, 159, stretching factor B 199, 205, 237 subsidence 206
160, 175 strike-slip, displacement 3, 159, tectonics, thin-skinned (thrust) 146,
South East Asia block 152, 153 168, 173, 175,221,244,250, 241
South China 149 255, 256, 259, 288 Telemark 288, 289
South China block 152, 153 model 257 tension fractures 75, 92
South Great Plains (province) regime 259 terrane J53
36 sub-Alpine chains 217 allochthonous 227
.South Harris 296, 297, 298 subcretion 119, 120 Alexander 227
South Harris igneous complex subduction, angle of 95, 116, 118, Avalon 261, 266
297 175, 304, 305 Cache Creek 227
South Tibet block 153 subduction (in Precambrian) 271 displaced 171,173,222,226,255
Southern province (Canadian shield) subduction rate 306 exotic 171,175,221,227
291 Lesser Antilles 125, 126, 127, Grampian (Highlands) 250, 251,
Southern Uplands (Scotland) 244, 130, 259 256
256, 257, 258 Mediterranean 166 Klamath Mountains 227
Spitzbergen 242 -r Makran 140 Midland Valley (Scotland) 255,
spreading fabric 122, 124, 181- Mexican 140 268
staircase trajectory 145 " Oregon 175 Northern Highlands 247,249
Stoer Group 245 q vulcanicity 118 Notre Dame (Newfoundland) 268
Stora Le Marstrand formation, 286, subsidence, rate of 195, 197, Stikine 227
287 205 suspect 172, 175, 221, 222, 226,
strain gauge, use in stress Sudan 276 227, 244
determination 29 Sudetic phase 229, 241 terrane accretion, strike-slip 227
strain hardening 5 I, 53 Sulawesi 159, 160, 161, 162 terrane displacement 178
strain rate 3, 4, 44, 49, 50, 90, 99, Sumatra 159, 175 Tethys (ocean) 61,94,139,162,
147, 150,204 Sunda craton 160 200, 204, 212, 236
strain softening 5 I Superior Province 283, 289, 302, proto- 228
Straits of Gibraltar 210 307, 308, 309 Texas 229
Straits of Hormuz 131 surface unloading 28 Thailand 175
Strathconon 249 surface waves (seismic) 9, 208 thermal
strength dispersion of 7, 74 anomaly 183, 198,204
instantaneous 7 suspect terranes 221 concentration 183
uniaxial compressive 30 Sutherland 249 diffusivity 22
stress 41 suture 140, 142, 154, 159, 221, gradient (see geothermal gradient)
asthenosphere 32 '; 244,261,266, 274, 276, 278, sub-layer 22
bearing 24, 26, 27, 28 279, 300, 312 subsidence 205
compressive 94 Jlrustro - Alpine 220, 221 turbulence 22
critical 46 Banging - Nujang 153, 155 thick-skinned (thrust) model 250,
determination of 29 collisional 241, 272, 275, 277, 251
down-dip 40 281,284 thrust, Alpine sole 221
extensional 85, 92, 96, 97, l'I8 Lapetus 266 thrust
in-situ 29, 30, 33, 93, 94, 96, 97, Indus 151 Austro - Alpine 220, 221
136, 177 Indus - Tsang Po (Zangbo) 150, Arnaboll 246
intraplate 32, 37,41, 85, 119 152, 154, 155 back 236, 238, 239
loading 26 Siuang 153 blind 238
magnitude of 24,29, 30, 31, 32, Solway 244, 250, 256, 259 Dalsland Boundary 285, 286
37 Uralides 241 Ettrick Valley 256
membrane 24, 27, 28 Wetar 163 fleer 146,251
non-renewable 24, 25, 27, 28 Sveconorwegian (province, orogeny) (see fold-thrust belts)
renewable 24, 25, 28 286, 287, 288 Frontal Pennine 220, 221
sources of 24, 25 syneclise 190 Himalayan Boundary 150, 154
in subduction zones 38 Baltic 191, 193 Johnson 238, 239
thermal 24, 27, 28, 29 Dneiper - Donetz 191, 193 Kinlochewe 246, 247
thermoelastic 83 Moscovian (Moscow) 191, 193 Lewis 226
stress amplification 28, 42 Pechura 191, 193 Loch Skerrols 253
stress concentration 147 Pre-Caspian 191, 193 Main Boundary (Himalayas) ISS,
stress-depth discontinuities 46 synorogenic deposits 212 157, 158

Main Central (Himalayas) 155 Romanche 182 Ultrahelvetic nappes 214

Main Mantle (Himalayas) 154, Vema 182 underplating 119,120,133
156, 157, 158 vulcanicity 181 tectonic (A-subduction) 305
McConnell 226 transform valley 183, 184, 185 underthrust(ing) 120, 125, 129, 139,
Moine 246,247,248,251,252, transport direction 4, 220, 239, 142, 144, 152, 172,227,258,264
253, 265, 266, 267 247,249 uplifts 190, 194, 206, 207, 209, 242
out-of-sequence 239, 247 transpression 70,71,72, 166, 167, Adamaoua 90
Outer Hebrides 246 168, 169, 170, 171,214, 241, Baltic 208
Ritec 238, 239 264,281,291,292,294, 299 domal 85, B7, 90, 94
Roberts Mountain 241 transtension 70, 71, 72, 166, 167, East African 209
roof 146,247,251 168, 169, 170, 171,292,298, epeirogenic 94
sole, Alpine 221 299 Air 94
sole 144, 161, 217, 238, 246, Transverse ranges (USA) 180 HOllar 94
261, 263 trench (oceanic) 3, 56, 57, 58, 59, Tibesti 94
Ultrahelvetic 220 104, 112, 116, 122, 125, 135, FennosCandian 207
thrust belts 144, 220, 247, 263, 258 (st't' also trough) .intraplate 208
284 Andaman 150 isostatic 208
antithetic 144 Aleutian 64, 102 orosenic 212
compressional 106 Chile 166 plateau
foreland 144, 159,221, 222, 223, Eastern Mediterranean 210 post·glacial 207
225,245 Gortys 135 rates of 207, 208
Moine 244, 245 Hellenic 119, 134, 135, 136, 138, Rhenish 209
synthetic 144 144 Ukraine 190
thick-skinned 144, 223, 230, 237 Japan 121 Voronezh - Ukraine 191, 207
thrust complex Java 159 uPiler·plate motion (at convergent
synthetic 119 Kuril 102 boundary) 116
thin-skinned 234 Matapan 135 Uralides, Urals 190
thrust zone 108, 145, 281 (see Peru, Peru - Chile 33, 35, 64,
thrust belt) 113, 117, 119, 122, 124, 133 Valley and Ridge province 230,
thrust, Moine 144, 146, 246, 250, Pliny 135 232, 233
255 Poseidon 135 Variscan front 241
thrust, Sesfontein 280 Puerto- Rico 114 Variscides, Variscan zone 190, 228,
thrust displacement 285 Rocky Mountain 223, 225 241
thrust duplexes 120 Strabo 135 Varmland - Kopparberg 285
thrust-fold belts 230 Tonga 113 vector
thrust front 263 Western American 99 convergence 159
thrust sheet trench lcometry 113 _vement 72, 214, 241
allochthonous 163, 165, 217 trench roll-back 104, U' "Ie·movement (.velocity) 39,
imbricate 292 trencll·llope break 120, 258, 259 64, 67.69, 212
Kalbano 292 trench wall, inner 112·m.. v....ent (-velocity) 55,
Kalbano 165 trenches 3, 6, 14, 16, 19. 26, 66, 58, 71,10
parantochthonous 163, 165 us, 119, 212 lip (fault) 12, 39, 41, 54, 110,
thrust stacking 145 triple junctioll 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 136, 150
thrU5ling 61, B3, 90, 98, 175, 200 _ triangle 3,54,56,57, 1,35
&ntilhetic 144 Afar B5, 88, 90 .....y
piayback 246 Galapqos 64 P_ve 7, 202, 252
synthetic 144 Mendocino 177 P._ve 7, 20ll
thin·skinned 145, 146,221,261, NilCf B3 lIiIaric:·wavc 5, 7, 8
292 Trondhjeim 255 wiec:iey trianclc 58
Tibesti 87 (JW also trmc:h) V...-n IIaciation 265
Tibet 140, 150, 152, 153, 154 troul" .....-e 217,218, 292
Tibet block 152, 153 Barbados 126, 133 WIeeIit)' 5, 15
Tien Shan range 140, 150, 151, 159 Benue B3, B7, so ...-rent 43
Timanides 242, 243 Bonin 100 effective 15
Timor 140, 159, 160, 161, 163, Grenada 127 1dIIematic 22
164, 165 lau 100 viscous relaxation 28
Timor Sea 159 Marianas 100 volcanic centre 200
Tintagel decoupling zone 239 Nallkai 259 volcanic cIemc 90
Tornquist line, zone 204, 208 Tobago 126, 127, 133 volCAnism, cak:...lkaJioe 98, 99
Tonidon 299 Tunisia 210 VOlcanoes, central 10, 82
Torridon Group 245 turbidite apron 112
transform fault (St't' also under fault) Turkey 110 Wadi Haimur 276
Dead Sea 172 Wales 259, 260
M\lrray 58, 131, 175 Ullapool 247 South 228, 237, 237, 242
Wasatch Front 101 Blue-Ridge 241 Moldanubian 237
Washington 166 Brianconnais 216, 217, 218 mylonite 249, 285 (see mylonite)
waves (see seismic waves) Central Gneiss (Grenville province) Northern Highlands (Scottish
wedge subsidence (theory) 105 282 Caledonides) 248
West European Variscides 231, Central Metasedimentary Northern Phyllite (German
236, 241 (Grenville province) 282 Variscides) 234
West Gondwana continent 273 central Swedish Schistoslty 285 Piedmont (Appalachians) 216,
West Sulawesi 162 collage (N. American Cordillera) 232, 241
Western Alps 141 173, 222, 226 Piernont (Alps) 215,217
Western Medineranean 210,212,214 collision 19, 144, 147,210 Protogine 285
Western sub-province continental rift 7, 9, 10, 39 (see Rhenohercynian 236, 237,241
(Sveconorwegian belt) 285, also continental rift) (see Rhenohercynikum)
288, 289 continental strike-slip 40 Saxothuringian 231, 233, 234,
Wetar Strait 163 Dauphinois 216,217, 219 237
Windermere Supergroup 222, 223 en-echelon extension 83 seismic 3,113
Wrangellia 227 external (of Alps) 216 Sesia-Lanzo 215,216,219
fault see fault zones Schistes Lustres 217
Young's modulus 43 Folded Jura 216 Sinang 150, 151
Yugosla via 210 Foreland (of Hercynides) 236 Southern Alpine 216, 219
fracture see fracture zone strike-slip 171
Zagros (range) 134, 140 Grampian 266 sub-Brianconnais 217
Zagros crush zone 140 "' Helvetic 214,215,216,219 subduction
zone imbricate 238, 2'8 see subduction zones
(see also fault zones; fracture inner Piedmont 233 transfer 288, 289
zones; shear zones; Internal (Pennine) 216,217 transform fracture 40, 185
subduction zones) Ivrea 215, 216, 219 transtensional 161
Benioff 113,116 low-velocity 9 Valaise 216,217

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