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22 01:35
A very good morning to one and all present here today.
We are all told that Kindness is a virtue. However , kindness is much more than
Kindness is magical tool to spread happiness around the world.
Let's think about it - Lately, when did someone make you feel happy ? An act as
simple as opening the door for you or helping you carry a heavy load, a gift you
received from your parents or perhaps an unexpected polite word when you
made a mistake.
All of these were gestures of kindness that brought joy to you.
If we really try to contemplate , we would realise that every single time we were
happy , it was because someone was being kind to us.

By definition kindness means the act of being nice, generous and considerate to
others. Having said that, we all might have certainly considered ourselves to be
kind. Let us introspect - when was the last time we gave charity, when was the
last time we smiled at those who are serving us, when was the last time we
noticed someone is in need and we volunteered to help, when was the last time
we gulped down our anger and chose to speak politely rather than grumble,
when was the last time we forgave someone instantly?
Surely , it is not that easy. In order to build kindness in our personality we need
to have a benevolent heart , a magnanimous spirit and a selfless attitude.
We need to keep an eye out for opportunities where we can practice kindness.
We need to choose to be nice and compassionate even when we are displeased.
You might wonder, what will we achieve by being kind ?
Surprisingly, kindness has more benifits for the person practicing it than the one
receiving it.
Firstly, being kind will bring us inner peace, positivity and tranquility. Moreover,
we can avert a lot of difficult situations for ourselves by simply choosing to be
nice rather than mean-spirited or callous. Lastly, a famous quote by Princess
Diana can sum up the best reason imaginable to be kind , she says , "Carry out
a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge
that one day someone might do the same for you."

Thank you.

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