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Universal Adhesives:
The Next Evolution in Adhesive Dentistry?
Gary Alex, DMD


discuss th e h isto ry o f the

Abstract: Every so often a new material, technique, or technological breakthrough
d e ve lo p m e n t o f adhesive
spurs a paradigm shift in the way dentistry is practiced. The development and evolu­ d e n tis try

tion of reliable enamel and dentin bonding agents is one such example. Indeed, the d e fin e w h a t co n stitu te s a
universal de ntal adhesive
so-called “cosmetic revolution” in dentistry blossomed in large part due to dramatic
de scrib e th e chem ical
advances in adhesive technology. It is the ability to bond various materials in a m akeup o f th is new c a t­
reasonably predictable fashion to both enamel and dentin substrates that enables e g o ry o f universal de ntal
dentists to routinely place porcelain veneers, direct and indirect composites, and a
id e n tify clinical issues
plethora of other restorative and esthetic materials. In fact, the longevity and pre­ th a t need to be c o n ­

dictability of many (if not most) current restorative procedures is wholly predicated sidered w hen using a
universal adhesive
on the dentist’s ability to bond various materials to tooth tissues. Adhesive systems
have progressed from the largely ineffective systems of the 1970s and early 1980s to
the relatively successful total- and self-etching systems of today. The latest players in the adhesive marketplace are
the so-called “universal adhesives.” In theory, these systems have the potential to significantly simplify and expedite
adhesive protocols and may indeed represent the next evolution in adhesive dentistiy. But what defines a univer­
sal system, and are all these new systems truly “universal” and everything they are claimed to be? This article will
examine the origin, chemistry, strengths, weaknesses, and clinical relevance of this new genre of dental adhesives.

he development of practical adhesive dentistry can be dentin. The inorganic content of m ature enamel is approximately

traced to Dr. Michael Buonocore who, in 1955, discov­ 96% hydroxyapatite by weight; the remainder consists of w ater and
ered he could increase the retention of acrylic-based o rganic material. Dentin, on the other hand, is approximately 70%
restoratives by first treating the enamel with phosphoric hydroxyapatite by weight, 18% organic material (predominantly type
acid.1Subsequent research by Buonocore, Gwinnett, and I collagen), and 12% water.4’5 These percentages are not consistent
and can vary significantly depending on several factors, including
Matsui elucidated the mechanism of adhesion as micromechanical
attachment via resin infiltration and tag formation within the acid- dentin depth, age of the teeth, and history of tooth traum a and/or
demineralized enamel.2 W hile long-term bonding to phosphoric- pathology. This, coupled with the relatively high water content of
acid-etched enamel surfaces has proven to be highly reliable and dentin, presents a significant challenge for consistent and reliable
predictable, long-term bonding to dentin has been considerably long-term adhesion.
more problematic. This is largely due to morphologic, histologic, and The few available adhesive systems of the 1970s and early 1980s
compositional differences between the two substrates.3For one thing, were relatively hydrophobic in nature and unable to adequately pen­
dentin is a vital, dynamic, and highly variable substrate. Superficial, etrate the dentin smear layer, thus limiting their direct interaction
middle, and deep dentin can vary significantly in structural, physi­ with the tooth tissues. The smear layer is the residue that is left on the
cal, and chemical composition. Enamel, conversely, is quite con­ surface of the dentin after rotary instrumentation with diamond or
sistent throughout and is also considerably more mineralized than carbide burs (Figure 1). It is a thin amorphous layer largely composed January 2015 COMPENDIUM 15


of degraded collagen, bacteria, and various inorganic dentin and colleagues,10 th at is called the hybrid layer (Figure 4). Although
enam el debris.67 Early adhesive systems were extremely limited m icrom echanical resin infiltration and entanglem ent w ith the
and generally ineffective, in part because they bonded directly to the tooth tissues appears to be the prim ary attachm ent mechanism
smear layer and were, thus, limited by the smear layer’s low intrinsic to both enamel and dentin, strong evidence suggests th at certain
cohesive strength.8Eventually, it was recognized that the smear layer monomers (such as 10-MDP) chemically interact, via ionic bond­
needed to be removed and/or modified and bypassed in some fashion ing, to calcium in hydroxyapatite as well.11'12 The hybrid layer and
so that adhesive primers and resins could interact directly with the associated resin tags form a thin polymerized micromechanically,
dentin. In the case of total-etch adhesive systems, the smear layer is and in some cases chemically, attached resinous surface layer that
essentially dissolved with phosphoric acid (H.jPO^ and subsequently acts as the foundation for subsequently placed chemically com pat­
washed away during the rinsing step (Figure 2 and Figure 3). With ible restorative materials and resin-based cements.
self-etching systems, various acidic primers are used to modify, dis­ W hile an in-depth discussion of the imperfect, and sometimes
rupt, and/or solubilize the smear layer and, although the remnants confusing, classification categories typically used to describe adhe­
are not washed away as with total-etch systems, still perm it direct sive systems (etch-and-rinse, etch-and-no rinse, three-bottle, two-
adhesive interaction with the dentin substrate.9 bottle, one-bottle, all-in-one, various generations, etc.) is beyond
The acids and/or acidic prim ers and conditioners used with ei­ the scope of this article, it is reasonably safe to say that all adhesive
th er total- or self-etching bonding systems do not ju st remove an d / systems, regardless of classification category, contain some type of
or disrupt the sm ear layer but create a thin zone of dem ineraliza­ acidic conditioner, dentin primer, and bonding resin. For example,
tion, exposing collagen fibrils that are either subsequently (total- the basic protocol when using a three-step total-etch system (4th
etch) or concurrently (self-etch) infiltrated with various functional generation) is the sequential placement of the three prim ary com­
and cross-linking primers and resins. One of the goals in developing ponents (acidic conditioner, hydrophilic prim er typically consisting
a successful adhesive interface is the infiltration and penetration of HEMA and adhesive functional monomer(s), and hydrophobic
through this acid-demineralized zone with various prim ers an d / resin). In the case of 4th generation systems the components are
or resins th a t can be subsequently polym erized by light an d /o r packaged in separate containers and applied sequentially. Typically,
chemical curing mechanisms. It is this thin layer of resin-infiltrated phosphoric acid is first placed on enamel and dentin for a period of
dentin, first described in a classic 1982 paper by Nakabayashi and time, rinsed off with water, then a hydrophilic prim er is placed and


Universal Adhesives and Their Basic Chemistries


P h osp hate Ester 10-MDP 10-MDP 10-MDP "M o d ifie d ” 10-MDP

C o m p o n en ts D im e th a cryla te D im etha crylate res­ D im etha crylate res­ D im etha crylate res­
resins, HEMA, ins, HEMA, Ethanol, ins, HEMA, Ethanol, ins, HEMA, Ethanol,
Ethanol, Water, Water, Initia tors Water, Silane, Fillers, Water, C arbo xylic
MCAP (m e th a c ry - Initiators acid ester, Initiators
lated ca rb o x y lic acid
po lym e r), Fillers,
Initia tors
pH 2.5 3.2 2.3 2.3

C o m p a tib ility w ith No d u al-cure Dual-cure a ctiv a to r Dual-cure a c tiv a to r T w o -co m p o n e n t ad ­

self-c u re m echanism a c tiv a to r is required is n o t required when is required; however, hesive. C om ponents
o f self- and d u a l­ w ith d u al-cure resin using self- o r du a l­ it is n o t required if are m ixed in sin g le ­
cure resin cem en ts cem ents as long as cure resin cem ents Clearfil DC Core Plus dose “ b lis te r” pack
adhesive is lig h t- because o f hig h e r pH o r Panavia SA resin ju st p rio r to use.
cured first, a cco rd in g com p are d to o th e r cem e nt is used. Once m ixed, du a l­
to m anufacturer. universal adhesives. cure a c tiv a to r is not

16 COM PENDIUM Jan u a ry 2015

Volume 36, N um ber 1

air-dried, followed by the placem ent of a separate, relatively hydro- light-cure, and dual-cure resin-based cements. It is further stated
phobic bonding resin. The simplified two- and one-bottle systems that universal adhesives can be used not only to bond to dentin and
still contain the aforementioned three primary components, but the enamel, but as adhesive primers on substrates such as zirconia, noble
com ponents are consolidated and combined in various configura­ and non-precious metals, composites, and various silica-based ce­
tions depending on the specific system. In any case, as most dentists ramics. In principle, this would enable bonding to these surfaces
know, the trend in recent years has been toward not ju st the sim­ without the need for dedicated and separately placed primers such as
plification of adhesive systems, but making them universal as well. silane and various products marketed as metal and zirconia primers.
Table 1 lists eight products that are m arketed as universal adhe­ If this unofficial definition as to w hat constitutes a universal ad­
sives, along with their basic chemistries. hesive is accepted, it becomes apparent that a degree of ambiguity
exists as to where certain products that are sometimes marketed
What is a “Universal” Adhesive? as universal adhesives actually fit in. For example, OptiBond™ XTR
There does not appear- to be any “official” definition as to w hat quali­ (Kerr Corp.) is a two-bottle system that the manufacturer describes
fies as a universal adhesive. In any case, universal adhesives should on its website as a “self-etch, light-cure, universal dental adhesive”
not be confused with 7th generation self-etching single-bottle or th at can be used for direct and indirect restorations, is compatible
‘all-in-one” systems such as iBond (H eraeus Kulzer), Xeno IV with light-, self-, and dual-cure resin cements, and bonds to metals,
(DENTSPLY Caulk), Clearfil™ S3 Bond (Kuraray), and OptiBond zirconia, porcelain, and composite. W hile this may all be true, as
All-In-One (Kerr Corporation). For one thing, universal adhesives a tw o-bottle self-etching system w ith individual com ponents that
are said to have much broader applications than 7th generation sys­ are applied separately and in a sequential fashion when bonding
tems. Universal adhesives have been described by some manufactur­ to tooth tissues, would OptiBond XTR be b etter described as a 6th
ers and opinion leaders as: ideally a single-bottle, no-mix, adhesive generation self-etching system w ith expanded functions? Some
system th a t can be used in total-etch, self-etch, or selective-etch products m arketed as universal adhesives, such as F uturabond
mode depending on the specific clinical situation and personal pref­ Universal Bond (VOCO), require the mixing of two separate com­
erences of the operator.13,14Additionally, m anufacturers typically ponents prior to use. This product comes in individual disposable
state that universal adhesives can be used for the placement of both blister packs that are easily activated ju st prior to use. There may
direct and indirect restorations and are compatible with self-cure, be very sound reasons for keeping the chem istry of an adhesive




Various m etha cryla te T ri-functio na l D im etha crylate res­ D im etha crylate res­ D im ethacrylate
m onom ers, HEMA, m onom er, HEMA, ins, HEMA, Ethanol, ins, HEMA, Acetone, resins, HEMA,
Acetone, Ethanol, Ethanol, D isodium Water, Initia tors W ater, Initiators Ethanol, Water,
Water, CQ In itia to r hexafluorosilicate, P olyacrylic acid
M ethoxyphenol copolym er, Silane,
(MEHQ) Fillers, Initiators

2.4 (dro ps to 1.6 3.4 2.8 2.5 2.7

when applied )*
T w o-b ottle system, m arketed as self-etching No d u al-cure a c tiv a ­ Dual-cure activa tor Dual-cure a ctiva to r
system. No DC activa tor is required fo r self- to r is required w ith is required whenever is required; however,
and dual-cure resin cem ents if primer, follow ed d u al-cure resin self- o r dual-cure resin it is not required if
by adhesive, is used on too th . O nly the adhe­ cem ents if adhesive cem ents are used. RelyX U ltim ate resin
sive is used as prim er fo r porcelain and zirconia. is lig h t-c u re d first, cem ent is used.
acco rd in g to m anu­
* information provided by
facturer. P ro d u ct is
Eugene Qiane (Kerr)
m arketed as se lf-e tch
only, b u t can be used
as to ta l-e tc h , a c c o rd ­
ing to m anufacturer.

www.compendiumlive.coin January 2015 COMPENDIUM 17


Fig 1. Typical "peanut butter spread on toast” appearance of the dentin smear layer. (SEM courtesy o f Jenny Wang.) Fig 2. Dentin treated with
37% phosphoric acid for 15 seconds, rinsed, and blot dried. The smear layer has been removed and a thin zone of demineralization created.
Collagen fibrils, which are inherent in dentin, are now exposed as they are no longer supported and surrounded by their inorganic hydroxyapatite
scaffolding, which has essentially been "dissolved” away by the acid. It is important to penetrate this “collagen network” as completely as pos­
sible with subsequently placed primers and adhesives in order to achieve good bonding. (See Fig 3.) Fig 3. This SEM is basically the same as Fig
2 except the collagen seen in Fig 2 has been removed with collagenase enzymes exposing the dentin underneath that has not been, or has been
minimally, demineralized by acidic pretreatment. It is this interface that is important to engage, via hybrid layer formation, to achieve good bond­
ing and a well-sealed interface. (SEM courtesy o f the late Dr. John Gwinnett.)

separate until just prior to use in terms of stability and product with a number of different substrates, be able to copolymerize with
performance, but where does this mixing requirem ent fit into chemically compatible resin-based restoratives and cements, and
the definition of a universal adhesive? Prelude One™ (Danville have some hydrophilic character in order to properly “wet” dentin
Materials) is marketed on the company’s website as a “self-etch that has a significant water content, yet at the same time be as hy­
bonding system” yet the manufacturer claims it’s not contradictory drophobic as possible once polymerized to discourage hydrolysis
to also use it in total-etch capacity (S. Chen, Danville Materials, per­ and water sorption over time. Film thickness of the polymerized
sonal conversation/e-mail). Scotchbond™ Universal (3M ESPE) adhesive must also be thin enough as to not interfere with the seat­
and Clearfil™ Universal (Kuraray) require a separate “activator” be ing of indirect restorations. In addition, universal adhesives ideally
added to the adhesive if another manufacturer’s self- or dual-cure should be acidic enough to be effective in a self-etching mode but
resin cement is used during placement of indirect restorations, not so acidic that they breakdown initiators needed for the polym­
while Prime&Bond Elect" (DENTSPLY Caulk) requires the addi­ erization of self- and dual-cure resin cements.15
tion of a separate activator for all self- and dual-cure resin cements. Universal adhesives must also contain water, as it is required
In addition, the manufacturers of some universal adhesives still for dissociation of the acidic functional monomers, inherent in
recommend the use of separate and dedicated primers to optimize all these systems, that makes self-etching possible. One of many
bond strength to substrates such as porcelain and zirconia. dilemmas faced by chemists developing universal adhesives is that
Thus, it appears, at least in certain situations and with some while some water is needed, too much can degrade the chemistry
products, that universal adhesives actually consist of two bottles, or of these systems, contribute to phase separation of monomers, de­
require the use of an additional activator, or have chemistries that crease shelf-life, and be difficult to completely evaporate during the
must be mixed prior to use, or bond most optimally to porcelain air-drying step.1617 Residual water after air-drying could result in
and zirconia with separately applied and dedicated primers, or are incomplete adhesive polymerization, increased hydrolysis after
not compatible with a total-etch protocol. Suddenly, the definition polymerization, and a generally compromised adhesive interface.
of what qualifies as a universal adhesive becomes a bit muddled. Adding ethanol or acetone into universal adhesive formulations
Does this mean some products should not be classified as universal enhances resin wetting and infiltration of tooth tissues and also aids
adhesives, or does the definition of exactly what a universal adhe­ in water removal and evaporation during the air-drying step. There
sive is need to be broadened? In any case, can universal adhesives, are many other important subtle factors and nuances that vaiy from
however they are defined, really do all of the things they are said manufacturer to manufacturer, such as pH, initiator and solvent
to be able to do? Clearly, there must be significant practical and chemistry, and specific monomer types and ratios, that also play a
chemical challenges in developing such a versatile product, plac­ vital role in the viability of these systems and, in some situations,
ing all the chemistry required into one or even two bottles, have give certain products advantages over others. An examination of
it perform as claimed, and have it remain stable for a reasonable the chemistry of the systems listed in Table 1 shows some remark­
period of time. So, how is it done? able similarities, as well as some subtle and important differences.

It’s All About the Chemistry The 10-MDP Adhesive Functional Monomer
In order to develop a truly universal adhesive, very specific and All of the universal adhesives listed in Table 1 use phosphate esters
synergistic functional and cross-linking monomers that are multi­ (R -0 -P 0 3H,) as their primary adhesive functional monomer. In
functional in nature are required. They must be capable of reacting fact, phosphate esters form the backbone of virtually all current

18 COMPENDIUM January 2015 Volume 36, Number 1

universal adhesive systems and enable them to do much of w hat bonding between the 10-MDP in Z-Prime and zirconia19 and the
they do. These monomers have many positive attributes, including product received very favorable reviews for use as a dedicated zir­
the potential to bond chemically to metals,18zirconia,19and to tooth conia prim er25 (Figure 6 through Figure 11). Two years after the
tissues through the formation of non-soluble Ca** salts.1112In addi­ introduction of Z-Prime, 3M ESPE introduced the first “universal”
tion, their acidic nature (they are esters of phosphoric acid) gives adhesive (Scotchbond Universal), which also utilized 10-MDP in
them the potential to etch and dem ineralize tooth tissues, which its formulation (J. Fundingsland, 3M ESPE, personal com m uni­
makes them good candidates for use in adhesives that require self-, cation). This product was followed shortly thereafter by Bisco’s
selective-, and total-etching options.
A very practical and proven phosphate ester, which also happens
to be the one used in the formulations of many current universal
adhesives, was actually synthesized m ore than 30 years ago. In
the early 1980s chemists at Kuraray (Osaka, Japan) synthesized
the adhesive functional m onom er 10-MDP (methacryloyloxy-
decyl-dihydrogen-phosphate) (Figure 5). One of the first practi­
cal applications of this new m onom er was its use in the com pany’s
Panavia™ adhesive resin cement. Panavia proved to be especially
adept at bonding to metals, and its success led to the use of the
MDP monomer in virtually all subsequent Kuraray adhesives. The
10-MDP m onom er has many positive attributes that make it prac­
tical for use in a universal adhesive. It is a versatile amphiphilic
functional m onom er with a hydrophobic m ethacrylate group on
one end (capable of chemical bonding to m ethacrylate-based re­
storatives and cements) and a hydrophilic polar phosphate group
on the other (capable of chemical bonding to tooth tissues, metals,
and zirconia). This attribute alone makes it desirable for use in a
“universal” adhesive. Moreover, the long carbon chain backbone of
the monomer renders it fairly hydrophobic. In fact, with a partition
coefficient of 4.1 (partition coefficient is essentially a measure of
how hydrophilic or hydrophobic a chemical substance is) 10-MDP
is the most hydrophobic of all the functional monomers typically
used in dental adhesives.20 This may be im portant in term s of du­
rability, as water sorption and hydrolytic breakdown of the adhe­
sive interface over tim e has been implicated as one of the primary
causes of bond failure.21-22 It makes sense that, once they are placed
and polymerized, adhesive m onomers that discourage w ater sorp­
tion are desirable. The hydrophobic nature of 10-MDP also makes it
relatively stable in solution, which is important in term s of shelf-life.
Additionally, 10-MDP is one of the fewmonomers used in adhesive
dentistry that has been shown to actually bond chemically to the
tooth tissues via ionic bonding to calcium found in hydroxyapatite
(Ca10[PO4]6[OH]2).1112Stable MDP-calcium salts are formed during
this reaction and deposited in self-assembled nano-layers of vary­
ing degrees and quality depending on the adhesive system.23-24This
type of molecular interaction and self-organization, coupled with
the relatively hydrophobic nature of polymerized 10-MDP, helps
explain why this m onom er appears to be so effective in creating
adhesive interfaces that are resistant to biodegradation23 (J. Oxman,
chemist, 3M ESPE, personal communication). F ig 4 . The h y b rid layer a n d a s so cia ted resin ta g s fo rm th e fo u n d a tio n o f
When Kuraray’s patent on 10-MDP expired (around 2003) other th e ad h esive in te rfa c e a n d rep re se n ts th e firs t in a series o f links th a t t o ­
g e th e r fo rm a b o n d e d a ss e m b ly b e tw e e n th e to o th tissues a nd resin-based
m anufacturers began to explore its potential. In O ctober 2009,
re sto ra tive s a n d ce m e n ts. F ig 5. The 10-M DP m o n o m e r used in m an y
Bisco, Inc. introduced a dedicated zirconia primer, Z-Prime™, that u niversal a d h e sive syste m s co nsists o f a ve rs a tile p h o s p h a te g ro u p (re d )
utilized a com bination of 10-MDP and biphenyl dimethacrylate o n o n e e n d c a p a b le o f b o n d in g to to o th tissues a n d a v a rie ty o f re sto ra tive
su b stra te s, a n d a m e th a c ry la te g ro u p (g o ld ) o n th e o th e r e n d c a p a b le o f
(BPDM) in its formulation (C. Suh, Bisco, Inc., personal com mu­
b o n d in g t o m e th a c ry la te -b a s e d re s to ra tiv e m ate ria ls a n d ce m e n ts.
nication). The use of secondary ion mass spectrom etry (SIMS)
at N orthw estern University showed evidence of actual chemical January 2015 COMPENDIUM 19


All-Bond Universal', also featuring the 10-MDP monomer. In fact, which is th en overlaid by a relatively hydrophobic bonding resin.
six of the eight universal adhesives listed in Table 1 use 10-MDP in Chemists developing single-bottle universal adhesives had to for­
their formulations (including one that uses a modified 10-MDP [in­ mulate an optimized blend of chemically compatible hydrophobic,
form ation provided by G. Cdnneil, D irector of Clinical Education adhesive functional, and hydrophilic monomers that would work
& N orth American Training, VOCO Canada]). In addition to 10- in a synergistic fashion and when polymerized form a durable, and
MDP, other phosphate esters such as PENTA-P (dipentaerythritol hopefully hydrophobic, bonded interface. In this regard, the different
penta acrylate monophosphate) and GPDM (glycero-phosphate monomers employed in universal adhesives each have their own spe­
dim ethacrylate) also appear to be viable alternatives. In any case, cific functions. Generally, the hydrophilic ends of monomers interact
it is apparent th a t the use of phosphate esters is an im portant part with the tooth tissues, while the hydrophobic ends interact with
of the universal adhesive story, but it’s only p art of the story. methacrylate-based restorative materials or cross-link with other
functional and structural monomers. The term inal ends of some
The Delicate Balance Between Hydrophilic, adhesive functional monomers are hydrophilic initially (such as the
Hydrophobic, And Adhesive Functional Monomers ionic phosphate group in 10-MDP) but become more hydrophobic
A great paradox of adhesive dentistry is th a t the chem istry th at once they chemically react with tooth tissues and are polymerized.
helps make adhesive system s so effective initially can also con­ There are significant challenges in striking just the right balance
trib u te to their eventual breakdown. One reason for th e success between hydrophilic and hydrophobic character when developing a
of cu rren t adhesive systems is the use of hydrophilic m onom ers universal adhesive, as the monomers need to initially be hydrophilic
th a t are able to interact w ith and “w et” tooth tissues th a t are, to enough to wet, infiltrate, and interact with the dentin substrate, but
som e degree, in h eren tly moist. T he problem is th a t th e same once they are polymerized, not so hydrophilic that they encourage
hydrophilic groups that initially facilitate prim er/resin in terac­ water sorption that could lead to hydrolysis and breakdown of the
tion w ith the tooth tissues can become a liability in the long term adhesive interface over time. Manufacturers of universal adhesives
by encouraging w ater sorption and hydrolysis of th e adhesive address these issues by blending some well known and widely used
interface.26 Indeed, one of the major problems with 7th generation monomers such as bis- GMA (hydrophobic) and hydroxyethyl m eth­
single-bottle self-etching system s is th a t the inherently hydro­ acrylate (HEMA) (hydrophilic) along with proprietary and various
philic nature of the polym erized adhesive, coupled w ith residual adhesive functional monomers that vary from manufacturer to manu­
water that may remain, has been shown to act as a semi-permeable facturer. One of the goals after placing, drying, and curing a universal
m em brane perm itting w ater diffusion that, over tim e, could lead adhesive should be the creation of a highly cross-linked hydrophobic
to hydrolysis and breakdow n of th e adhesive interface.27 One polymer matrix29that is well bonded to the tooth tissues on one end
could argue that an “ideal” dentin bonding agent would be one and to restorative materials, such as composites, on the other. Some
th a t is hydrophilic when firit placed (to facilitate interaction with manufacturers may have advantages over others in this regard.
the tooth tissues) but then beconies hydrophobic once polym er­ Almost all adhesive systems, including universal systems, utilize
ized (to discourage w ater sorption). The next best thing would be HEMA in their formulations (Figure 12). HEMA is a versatile low
gradation from hydrophilic to hydrophobic as one moves from molecular weight hydrophilic monomer that is particularly adept at
th e to o th surface to th e restorative interface.28 Indeed, this is infiltrating and “w etting” dentin substrates. It is extremely soluble
the strategy em ployed by the original three-step total-etch (4th in water, ethanol, and acetone, and thus easy to incorporate into
g en eration) and tw o-step self-etch (6th generation) adhesive adhesive formulations. The hydrophilicity of HEMA makes it an
system s—th a t is, th e initial placem ent of a hydrophilic primer, excellent adhesion-prom oting m onom er that has been shown to

Fig 6. Two zirconia winged resin bonded bridges replacing Nos. 7 and 10. The wings and frame are 100% zirconia. Porcelain has been pressed over
the frame, creating the veneers Nos. 7 and 10. Fig 7. A fter the bridges wdre tried in and the intaglio surface o f the zirconia wings were sandblasted
w ith 50-|im aluminum oxide at 30 PSI to 40 PSI o f air pressure, a 10-MDP dedicated primer was placed and w arm -air-dried for 30 seconds.

20 COMPENDIUM January2015 Volume 36, Number 1

improve immediate bond strengths of adhesive systems by enhanc­
ing m onom er diffusion into dentin and facilitating the formation
of the “hybrid” layer.30'32 HEMA is frequently added to adhesives,
not only to ensure good wetting, but also because of its solvent-like
nature. This improves stability and helps keep hydrophobic and
hydrophilic monomers in solution by minimizing phase separation
in the presence of w ater (HEMA-free adhesives can have issues
w ith phase separation).30-33'34
W hile HEMA has many positive attributes there is also a down­
side. HEMA in both the uncured and polym erized state readily
absorbs water. Once polymerized it can swell, discolor, and con­
tribute to hydrolysis of the adhesive interface.29-32-35 High am ounts
of HEMA can also decrease mechanical properties of the resulting
polymer. Uncured HEMA also has the potential to lower the vapor
pressure of w ater and may make it more difficult to evaporate dur­
ing the air-drying step.36W hile the concentration of HEMA used
in universal adhesives varies from m anufacturer to m anufacturer,
the goal should be to optimize the HEMA concentration (use least
amount possible) to take advantage of the benefits of this monomer
while concurrently minimizing its undesirable properties.

The pH Puzzle
The pH of current universal adhesives varies from about 2.2 to 3.2
depending on the product. Universal adhesives are generally con­
sidered to have “mild” (pH > 2) or “extra-m ild” (pH > 2.5) etching
capabilities.37-38Adhesives in this pH range can be very effective in
term s of bonding to dentin .The concern is that they may not be as
effective when it comes to bonding to enamel (especially to uncut
enamel).39 41 As an example, a popular tw o-bottle 6th generation
Fig 8 through Fig 11. Preoperative and postoperative views. At the time
self-etching system (Clearfil™ SE Bond, Kuraray) w ith a pH in of this writing, the case has been in place 4 years and 10 months. Fig 12.
the range of current universal adhesives and which also contains HEMA monomer consisting of a methacrylate group on one end (gold)
and a hydroxyl (-OH) group capable of hydrogen bonding on the other.
the 10-MDP m onom er has been shown to bond more predictably
to enamel in some clinical studies when the enamel is first etched
with phosphoric acid.42'44In fact, a common clinical technique when

using this product is to first etch the enamel with traditional phos­
phoric acid gel (selective-etch technique). While there are in-vitro h h
studies th at do dem onstrate acceptable bond strength values to
enamel using the self-etchingmode of some universal adhesives,45-46 CH,=C- C- 0-C-C- OH
caution is urged as there is equivocation in the literature47"50 and
2 n i i
some systems may perform significantly b etter (or worse) than
others when it comes to enamel bonding.51 The author’s personal 0 HH
preference, and recommendation, is to use universal adhesives only
Fig 12.
in the selective- or total-etching modes w hen enamel is present to
ensure predictable long-term bonding to this substrate. In the case
of bonding in full-coverage restorations, where there is little or no
enamel remaining, then universal adhesives used in the self-etching dual-cure resin cements, require the addition of a separate “activa­
mode is a viable, and perhaps even preferred, option. to r” (typically arylsulfinate salts) either all of the time (Prime&Bond
There is also a direct correlation between pH and the com pat­ Elect) or unless specific dedicated amine-free resin cements are used
ibility of universal adhesives with self- and dual-cure resin cements (Scotchbond Universal, Clearfil Universal). At least one universal
and composites. As a generalization, the more acidic the adhesive adhesive (All-Bond Universal) is compatible with most common
the less compatible it is with the self-cure mode of dual-cure resin- self- and dual-cure resin cements without the use of a separately
based materials.52-53This is primarily due to acid deactivation of the applied activator. This is because this adhesive is less acidic, with a
aromatic tertiary amines that play a crucial role in chemical curing pH of 3.2, than other universal adhesives that have pHs ranging be­
mechanisms of most of these materials.20 To overcome this issue, tween 2.0 and 3.0. This is enough of a difference to allowthe reactions
several universal adhesives, when used in conjunction with self- and necessary for chemical curing of self- and dual-cure resin cements January 2015 COMPENDIUM 21


w hether universal adhesives are capable of bonding to these sub­

strates (they are), but are they as effective, both initially and, more
importantly, over time, as separately placed dedicated prim ers?
There is some controversy surrounding this question. Opinions
differ from m anufacturer to m anufacturer, and, in the au th o r’s
view, additional objective independent research is needed before
making definitive recommendations.
In term s of bonding to zirconia, there are studies that dem on­
strate some universal adhesives are very effective as zirconia prim ­
ers.51-55-57 However, at least two studies also found th a t the bond
CH strength values of some universal adhesives to zirconia decreased
i 3 ii : i 3
significantly after thermocycling or 6 m onths of w ater storage.57'58
i i There are also respected chemists and researchers who feel that the

m ost durable bond to zirconia is attained when separate and dedi­

1 1 it cated primers are employed.19One such prim er (Z-Prime), consist­

0 0 ing of a phosphate ester (10-MDP) and carboxylic acid m onom er
ch2 CH (BPDM), has proven to be especially effective in this regard59'63and
does not require light-curing, which alleviates concerns some may
1 2
i 2 have regarding film thickness (universal adhesives used as zirconia
CH, primers should be air-thinned and light-cured). Some self-etching
S i - OCH., 0 - Si - 0 10-M DP-containing resin cements, such as Panavia SA Cem ent
(Kuraray), have also shown promise bonding to both tooth tissues
6 0 and substrates such as zirconia without the use of separately placed
Fig 14. CH,
adhesives or prim ers.64 It is possible th at products of this nature
would perform even better if the zirconia surface were first treated
Fig 13. The silane m o s t o fte n used in d e n tis try is 3 -m e th a c ry lo x y p ro p -
yltrim e th o x y s ila n e . The le ft side o f th is m o le cule is n o th in g m ore tha n with a universal adhesive or dedicated zirconia prim er (the author
a m e th a c ry la te g ro u p cap able o f c o p o ly m e riz a tio n w ith m e th a cryla te - is unaware of any research that has specifically examined this).
based resin cem ents and adhesives. The rig h t side, a fte r hydrolysis,
Another issue is how the dentist should treat the zirconia surface
has th e p o te n tia l to fo rm chem ical bo nds to th e porcelain surface.
Fig 14. This d ia g ra m shows u n h y d ro ly z e d silane on th e left. To be able prior to placing a universal adhesive or dedicated zirconia primer.
to fu n c tio n as a c o u p lin g a g e n t and in te ra c t che m ic a lly w ith porcelain It is the author’s strong opinion that the zirconia surface should be
surfaces, silane m u st firs t be hyd rolyzed . A c e tic acid is c o m m o n ly used sandblasted prior to utilizing any adhesive, primer, or resin-based
to “a c tiv a te '’ o r h yd ro lyze silane by re a c tin g w ith th e th re e m e th o xy
(-O C H 3 ) g ro u p s lo ca te d a t one end o f th e silane m o le cule and re p la c­ cement. There is significant support in the literature for this recom-
ing th e m w ith h yd ro xyl (-O H ) groups. Silane in th e a c tiv e h y d rolyzed mendation.55'61'63-65'67While there is some concern th at sandblasting
fo rm is show n on th e righ t.
has the potential to induce surface and subsurface cracks and/or de­
fects that could reduce physical properties,68'69the author is unaware
of any studies or anecdotal evidence that demonstrates this to be a
and composites when using All-Bond Universal.54Likewise, the two- clinical problem. Sandblasting zirconia is useful in term s of cleaning
com ponent systems that are also marketed as universal adhesives the target surface of impurities, increasing surface roughness, raising
(OptiBond XTR, Futurabond Universal) do not require the use of surface energy, improving the bond to primers and adhesives, and
a separate activator, because the activator is already incorporated generally optimizing the surface prior to bonding or cementation.
into one of the components of these systems. The manufacturers of The author recommends using a sandblaster (eg, Microetcher™ II,
some universal adhesives with pH less than 3.0 (Adhese' Universal, Danville Materials) with 30-gm to 50-pm aluminum oxide (A120 3) at
Ivoclar Vivadent; Prelude One) suggest that bonding to dual-cure 30 PSI to 40 PSI of air pressure (2.0 to 2.8 bar). The intaglio surface
resin cements is acceptable as long as the adhesive is light-cured first. of the restoration is sandblasted after it has been tried in and just
In the author’s opinion the use of a universal adhesive with a pH less prior to dedicated prim er or universal adhesive application. If the
than 3.0 is risky if the dentist is relying on the self-cure mechanism of dentist does not have a sandblaster then the author recommends the
a dual-cure resin cement (which m aybe the case when light penetra­ dentist have the laboratory sandblast the restoration and then use
tion is an issue) unless an additional activator is used. a product such as Ivoclean (Ivoclar Vivadent), which is a solution of
sodium hydroxide, polyethylene glycol, water, and zirconia oxide,
Will Universal Adhesives after the restoration has been tried in and prior to primer application.
Replace Dedicated Primers? While the use of phosphoric acid (H3P 0 4) can be an effective cleaning
The m anufacturers of m ost universal adhesives state they can be agent for saliva-contaminated silica-based ceramics (such as lithium
used not only for bonding to dentin and enamel, b ut as adhesive disilicate)70it is contraindicated for cleaning zirconia surfaces. This
prim ers on substrates such as zirconia, noble and non-precious is because phosphate ions from the phosphoric acid remain bound to
metals, composites, and silica-based ceramics. The question isn’t the zirconia surface (even after rinsing) and compete with phosphate

22 COMPENDIUM January 2015 Volume 36, Number 1

Methacrylate-based adhesives,

I \
cements, composites, etc.

A;; j

Fig 15. ■ Fig 16.

Fig 15. The hydroxyl groups on the activated silane molecule are now capable of reacting directly with corresponding hydroxyl groups present
on the surface of silica-based ceramics. The opposing hydroxyl groups first interact with one another via hydrogen bonding. As water is lost, a
condensation polymerization reaction occurs and covalent bonds are formed. Warm, dry air encourages this reaction. Fig 16. In this illustration,
the individual silane molecules have covalently bonded not just to the porcelain surface, but to adjacent silane molecules, essentially forming
a polymer "network" on the surface. The methacrylate group on the other end of the silane molecule can now react—via free radical addition
polymerization—with methacrylate groups in subsequently placed adhesives and methacrylate-based resin cements.

ions from zirconia primers for reaction sites on the surface (zirconia dedicated silane solution. This makes sense as long as all the other
has a strong affinity for phosphate ions). Likewise, the phosphate ions chemistry found in universal adhesives does not interfere with silane
in saliva can tie-up reactive sites on the zirconia surface. Studies show stability and performance. The manufacturers of other universal ad­
th at the best way to treat saliva-contaminated sandblasted zirconia hesives have chosen not to add silane into their formulations because
surfaces is by re-sandblasting or using a strongly alkaline cleaning they question the stability of silane in the acidic environment of a
solution such as Ivoclean.7173 universal adhesive and/or believe the chemical interaction of silane
Some universal adhesives also claim they can be used in lieu of with silica-based ceramics is significantly inhibited when combined
dedicated silane coupling agents w hen bonding to silica-based ce­ with all the other monomers foimd in universal adhesives. Indeed,
ramics (feldspathic, lithium disilicate, etc.). Historically, the use of contact angle studies have found that the incorporation of bis-GMA
hydrofluoric acid (HF) followed by the application of a dedicated resin or MDP (both of which are used in universal adhesives) into
silane coupling agent has been the treatm ent of choice in this regard, silane solutions substantially reduced the priming efficiency and
and the author has previously discussed this topic in great detail.74 chemical interaction of the silane with silica-based lithium disilicate
Silanes are a class of organic molecules that contain one or more sili­ compared to pure silane controls.75,76Once again, in the author’s opin­
con atoms. Dozens of different silane compounds exist and are used ion, the efficacy and wisdom of incorporating silane into universal
extensively in industry and manufacturing. The silane typically used adhesives is an area th at requires further study and clarification.
in dentistry, for both intraoral repair and the priming of silica-based When bonding to silicate-based ceramics, the author’s personal pref­
ceramic restorations prior to placement, is 3-methacryloxypropyl- erence, at least at this time, is to etch the porcelain with H F followed
trimethoxysilane (Figure 13 through Figure 16). The manufacturers by the use of a dedicated pre-hydrolyzed silane prim er (eg, RelyX™
of some universal adhesives have incorporated silane directly into Ceramic Primer, 3M ESPE; Porcelain Primer, Bisco, Inc.; Ultradent'
their adhesive formulations, as noted in Table 1, with the idea that the Silane, Ultradent Products, Inc.) th at is free of any added monomers
universal adhesive can now be used instead of a separately applied or resins (pure silane). January 2015 COMPENDIUM 23


Is It Time to Switch to a Universal Adhesive? 3) Check the expiration date. All bonding agents utilize chemistries
In August 2014, at a “key opinion leader” meeting comprised of 32 th at can deteriorate significantly over time. This is especially true
dentists, academicians, researchers, and chemists, the author con­ when they are subjected to high temperatures. Refrigeration maybe
ducted a w ritten survey that included several questions,14 some of useful in this regard, but adhesives should be removed and allowed
which, along with responses and attendee comments, are listed below: to warm up to room tem perature at least 30 minutes prior to use.79
• Question: “Do you, or have you, used any of the new universal 4) Be sure to read the directions. All adhesive systems tend to have
adhesive systems?” Of the 32 responses, 30 answered “yes.” their own specific placement and handling idiosyncrasies that must
• Question: “At this time what is your ‘go-to’ adhesive, ie, the one you be followed precisely for optimal results. W hat works well for one
use, or would recommend, most often?” There were 19 responses system may not be applicable for another.
answering universal adhesives (two such products in particular
were mentioned). Nine respondents answered either 4th or 5th Conclusion
generation total-etch systems, and four answered 6th generation Proper management of the adhesive interface is crucial for the pre­
self-etching systems. dictable placement of many current dental restorations. This requires
• Question: “Even though universal adhesives are supposed to bond an understanding of the materials being utilized, the substrate being-
to a variety of substrates, do you still feel separate dedicated metal, bonded to, and a correct and precise cl inical protocol. It is incumbent
zirconia, and porcelain prim ers should be used? If yes, why do on every dentist to learn about the specific adhesive system being used,
you feel that way?” its idiosyncrasies, strengths, and weaknesses, and howto maximize its
performance. While clinical trials and clinical experience remains the
M ost interestingly, 29 of the 32 respondents to the last question ultimate test for all dental materials, universal adhesives represent an
said they would still use a dedicated primer. Comments included: not exciting and promising new class of dental adhesives that the author
trusting that universal adhesives would work as well as a separate suspects will soon dominate the adhesive marketplace.
primer; stability being an issue; Z-Prime Plus giving the best bond
strength to zirconia; longer-range research data existed for dedicated ACKNOW LEDGMENTS
primers; more steps still proves to be more durable, reliable, and lon­
ger lasting. Another concern was “never felt comfortable with silane During the preparation of this article the author spoke or corre­
being contaminated.” It should be pointed out that comments such as sponded w ith dozens of individuals from many different dental
these are sometimes visceral in nature and not necessarily based on companies. He would especially like to thank the following individu­
science. In any case, it is clear that there are some concerns about the als for their input, advice, and general support: Dr. Byoung Suh and
ability of universal adhesives to perform as predictably as dedicated Dr. Liang Chen (Bisco, Inc.); Dr. Joe Oxman and Jon Fundingsland
primers (especially when stressed by aging or thermocycling), and (3M ESPE); Gregor Connell (VOCO Canada); Dr. Shashikant Singal
more research is needed that directly compares the two. (Ivoclar Vivadent); Dr. Xiangxu (Sean) Chen and Dr. Patrick Roetzer
So, is it time to make the switch to a universal adhesive? Certainly, (Danville Materials); Dr. Xuejun (Eugene) Qiane (Kerr Corpora­
the versatility, simplicity, potential to reduce product inventory, tion); and Dr. John Burgess (University of Alabama Birmingham).
chemistry, and relatively hydrophobic nature of polymerized u n i­
versal adhesives do make them an attractive option. The author DISCLOSURE
has been using a 10-M DP-containing universal adhesive system,
m ost often in total- or selective-etching' mode, almost exclusively The author has no affiliation with any of the companies mentioned
now for ju st over 2 years w ith excellent clinical success. There are in this article.
certain points to keep in m ind th at will optimize the perform ance
of universal adhesive systems (as well as all adhesive systems): ABOUT THE AUTHOR
1) Make sure to evaporate the solvents. All adhesive systems
Gary Alex, DMD
employ acetone, ethanol, water, or a com bination of these as sol­
Private Practice, Huntington, New York
vents for their particular monomers. It is extremely im portant to
evaporate these solvents as com pletely as possible by air-drying Queries to the author regarding this course may be submitted to
for an adequate period of time prior to polymerization. Inadequate authorqueries@aegiscomm. com.
solvent evaporation has been associated w ith incom plete resin
polym erization, nanoleakage, and decreased bond strength.7778 REFERENCES
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dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, • 443-889-3997 nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

26 COMPENDIUM January 2015 Volume 36, Number 1

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