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Till ll�U

------j sxcn THAM KHAo i-----..

Tests for Olympic Contests in English, Henrik Krzyzanowski,

nxb BP Books, Oxford, 1994

Chuyen San English Lmguage Studies, nxb English Foreign Language Exam,

TI16' Nhi Ky, cac niim tit 2000 den 2008.

Activities for ESL Students

Chon cau dbng nghia v6i mot cau cho s� ta mQt phan trong du true cua d� thi vao

de D� hoc va Cao dang. T�p sach nay ta bQ siru tij.p g8ni 1000 cau nlur th6.

D� lam t6t dang bai t�p nay va d� co th� chon cau tra IO'i dung, chinh xac, hQC

sinh d.11 dung phirong phap loai tru dua LrCn cac d�c diem sau:

1) cfwn hra sai thccng chi chua mQt phan nghia cue cau cho s�n.

2) Chon hra sai co th& lcch ngfr canh: cau cho s�n k� chuyen qua khu, nhung

chon lira sai lai n6i chuyen hien tai hoac nrong lai; truO'ng hop nay d� nhan biet d�

co th� loai tnr ngay.

3) Chon lua sai c6 th� dlmg v� Y nlnmg sai lech ve du true ngfr phap (sai dang

dong nr, sai tr*t nr nr hoac phep dung tll).

Ngoai ra, cfiu cho s&n c6 thf ta mQt thanh ngtr va chi mQt trong b6n lua chon Ia

du giai thich dung nghia nhat, day 13 tnrong hop dC gdy lung tung n�u hoc sinh

khOng rO nghia ell a thanh ngfr.

Phfin dap an se giup nguOi ur hoc, trong tnrOTlg hop chon sai, H
J Ii giili cte nit

kinh nghiem lam dang bai t�p nay.

Hi vong t�p sach gillp kh phdn nao cho cac thi sinh dang chu&n bi cho nhUTlg

• ki thi quan trong slip dJn vii cho cite ban dbng nghiep, dQc gi3 c6 them tu lieu d�

tham khao.

Ngvbi SLIU t�p va tuyen chon

VlNH 11,i.

1. Even though it had been snowing all day, a great many people managed to

get to the end-ot-tenn concert.

A. Very few people indeed were prevented from getting to the end-of-term concert

by the heavy snow.

B. Since there had been snow all day long it wasn't easy for people to get to the

end-of-tenn concert.

C. & it had been snowing heavily all day, a great many people just could not get

to the end-of-term concert.

D. A lot of people did get to the end-of-term concert in spite of the snow that fell

all day.

2. If there hadn't been such a strong wind, it would not have been so difficult

to put out the fire,

A It was the strong wind which made it difficult for us to put out the fire.

B. When a strong wind began to blow it was even more difficult to control the fire.

C. H the wind hadn't been so strong, it would have been much easier to put out

the fire

D. .k, the wind was really very strong, it took them a long time to put out the fire.

3. This material is suitable for students of eighteen years and up.

A Students of eighteen years and over can use this material.

B. The material is suitable for students who are over eighteen.

C. The material may be for students of over eighteen years of age.

D. Only 18-year-old students will find this material suitable.

4. I couldn't help admiring the way he managed to finish the programme

even after such a bad fall,

A In spite of the fa11, he should have finished the programme and we could have

admired him f
or that.

B. It was really a very bad fall, but somehow he was sti11 able to finish the

programme and I had to admire him f

or that.

C. The way he finished the programme was certainly admirable, as the fall had

shaken him up badly.

D. I really admire the way he got up after the fall and completed the programme.

5. Everyone In our class Is doing something at the end-of-term concert, but

Mary alone Is staying away.

A. Mary is the only one in our class who isn't taking part 'in the end-of-term


B. No one in our class but Mary is taking part in the end-of-term concert.

C. Everyone in Mary's class hopes to do something at the end-of-term concert.

D. The class wants Mary to play in the concert at the end-of-term, but she won't.

6. I have read nearty all of Dickens's novels and A Tale of Two Cities is my


A In my opinion, A Tale of Two Cities is quite the beat of all the novels by Dickens.

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