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How you can transform the internet into a place of trust?

Transforming the internet into a place of trust is a hard job to do as a lot of
people are in the internet itself. There are really parts in the internet that we cannot
avoid and that these places in the Internet are full of misinformation and full of
untrusted people and websites. Any people can make these information and turn
them into fake information that can spread and cause a lot of commotion and fake
news. Transforming the internet can depend on where you could focus on. As it is a
big space, you need to have a lot of people who has the same goal as you and to
make the internet into a place of trust. To make sure if a certain information is
reliable or not, always do background checks or confirm the references if that
information is really real. There are software’s that debunks those fake news
especially on social media sites that are susceptible to news that can be spread to
a lot of people and can cause misinformation to a lot of people especially that most
of the people can actually believe these information and forward them to many
people. When we cite our facts and claims we need to always have a correct
sources that are not weak and cannot be debunked with a simple background
check that is why it is important when we use facts and claims we need to have
that proper links that are from people that specialize or is a professional when it
comes to the certain topic. When we also make or post information or we make
content online about a certain topic, we need to make sure that what we saying or
putting out to the public is really correct as we do not want to contribute to a lot of
misinformation. People nowadays are very critical when it comes to content
creating because there are people that wants to put out any information to get
clicks and views depending on what is relevant or trending today. If we add our own
perspective or voice to a certain topic without having a backup or any related
information that can support your perspective, this credibility will be questioned.
That is why when we share or post things, we need to do this knowing that what we
are sharing is of the true fact and not made up and we clearly now this as we have
made a lot of research before posting these information online. As we enter the
internet, it helps us to connect and educate us at the same time. It helps us to
correct the misinformation that were said to us and it can help us to also educate
others of what is right. That is why steps like these should be followed so that
there’s this trust that we can help to rebuild again that allows everyone in the
internet that allows them to become educated and instead of not educating people,
they are allowing them to have this responsibility to allow other people to have this
trust on the information that is given to them in the internet.
Starweaver Group, Inc. (2019). How you can help transform the internet into a place
of trust.

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