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By Shaheen MiroAugust 11, 2015Personal Growth and SpiritualityNo Comments

‫كيف تزدهر وتنمو كإمكانيات من خالل خلق مساحة مقدسة خاصة بك‬
EMPATH : (‫شخص لديه قدرة خارقة على فهم الحالة العقلية أو )بشكل رئيسي في الخيال العلمي‬
‫العاطفية لفرد آخر‬.
I was born into a family of sensitive people. Caretakers, creatives, psychics, healers, people
who love and honor the earth, and moonlight. Thankfully I grew up in an environment that
understood my sensitive nature. I was raised in a family that cultivated, nurtured and honored
these gifts of empathy, and psychic awareness. Which was a blessing as it allowed me to honor
myself, rather than pushing me deeper into a place of self-ridicule and numbing.
We live in a culture that seems to have no place for sensitives. In older times there was a
respect for the shamans, healers, spiritualist, and those that walked between worlds. But
somewhere along the way logic become king, and anything that deviated from the logical
became taboo.


Thankfully there has been a shift in this mindset. Empathy can manifest in a million different
ways. With this cosmic shift people have begun to open up again, heralding in a new age of
young, and older people who are learning to honor and use this sensitivity.
These people are trailblazing a path. They are helping to reclaim this intrinsic connection to the
subtle world… rather than letting it be a burden, it is being venerated as a gift. We can see this
in the rise of alternative medicine, the creative arts, and the apparent need to trust our intuition.
As a child there were many words being thrown around ADHAD, indigo child, etc. All of
which were an attempt to describe what I was, and what a million other children in the early
90s were going through. Though it didn’t begin then… we are the children of an older
generation of senstiives, who never had the chance to fully grow in all their spiritual light. But
we are coming out of the dark.
This conversation about empaths, and empathy has grown into a mainstream topic. Much of the
anxiety, depression, addiction and anguish we are experiencing as a society, is actually the
product of unaware emapths. It is the result of being psychically open, without ever knowing,
or having the chance to know the truth. But I think we have had enough… we are calling it like
we see it!
Hello world, I am an empath. Say it loud and proud.

Empaths are highly attuned, very sensitive people. These are the people who are creative,
artistic, intuitive, and very feeling. Often times we are labeled as too sensitive, overly
emotional, or out of balance. But empaths are vibrationally attuned to what is happening around
them. They are open to the unseen world.
You can call this what you want… psychic, spiritual, artistic, and intuitive. It is all the same
thing. All of these experiences are a manifestation of the same gift. As everything is energy,
and vibration, the empath is like a fine-tuned radio… picking up, processing and experiencing
everything that is floating through the atmosphere. Which is what make this gift, turn quickly
into a burden.


The mermaid is the archetype of the empath. The mermaid is a beautiful creature, unique to her
element, and in that element she grows, thrives, and is revered… take her out of the sacred
space of the waters and she will flounder, even die. Many empaths have felt that pain… ripped
from the fluid nature of home, placed into the harsh conditions of the “real world”.
Emapths are sensitive. That sensitivity will manifest in different ways. You may find as an
empath you are ridiculed for being too sensitive, overly emotional, too feeling. You are
sensitive to people, places, and situations. One negative mood will throw you into pure chaos
because it disrupts the delicate nature of your being.
This is why most empaths are labeled as depressed. They battle with addiction, social anxiety,
and weight gain. All of which are an attempt to numb the pain of feeling, though that never
really works because in the pursuit for relief you are destroying yourself.



Creating a suitable environment for your empathic nature is essential for survival. As an
empath you are working on a different level, constantly being inundated by thoughts, feelings
and energy. The violent nature of the world, and all that is cycling through it will completely
drain your lifeline, and warp you into something less than vital.
In order to process these high energies we need to retreat. Empaths are introverts. They gain
their composure, recharge their batteries, and find clarity in solitude. Creating sacred space is
essential for those of us who are extremely sensitive. Retreating into the healing atmosphere of
sacred space allows you to ground, center, and disentangle from everything that is being thrown
at you.
Creating sacred space is a priority as an empath. Finding a place, and time to reclaim your
energy and build healthy boundaries will allow you to function, and thrive in your daily life.
Cutting yourself off from reality is not an option, but learning to build your world, within the
big world will allow you to find your center.
Sacred space can come in any form that feels right to you. This can be a physical space, or a
mental space…or both. You are the center of sacred space. Tap into your creative, and
imaginative nature, here you will find unlimited possibilities for connecting with your center.


Carve out a corner in your home where you can create your space for mediation, silent
reflection, and prayer. Place an altar in this corner, or a warm blanket. Read here, write here,
talk to Spirit, and connect with the Universe. Let your inner turmoil unwind. Ideally your whole
home is your sacred space.
I feel sacred when I sit on my antique sofa, curled up with a good cup of sage tea, and my
journal. Or when I play the piano, and sing for hours. Sometimes I will create a very intentional
sacred space. An old rosewood table, adorned with a white candle, a picture of the goddess, and
a sage smudge. For hours I will sit with myself, falling under the spell of the candle light, going
through the levels of feeling, purging and affirming. I will burn sage, letting the smoke lift all
the pain, and impurities from my energy bodies.
Find what works for you!


Be honest with yourself about what you can, and cannot handle. Empathic people have adverse
affects to stimulants. This comes in the form of alcohol, drugs, overly energetic crowds, and
high energy. Don’t let anyone convince you that you need to toughen up… yes, try to function
in the world. Don’t disconnect from reality, but honor yourself.
Set parameters for what works and doesn’t work. Maybe you have to be at a social occasion,
have an escape route. Drive yourself. Have someone waiting to pick you up. Set a curfew for
yourself. 2-3 hours of social interaction are enough, leave when you are spent, go home and
sleep it off.
Stay grounded in daily life. Most people have to work in a high-energy job, form retail, to
office work. You are constantly interacting with people, people who have different emotions,
and perspectives. Throw an empath into that mix, and you have extreme ups and downs. You
can function in this environment with a few extra precautions.
Take breaks when you can! Go for a walk outside, take in some fresh air. Retreat to the
bathroom for a few minutes. Wear your headphones and listen to uplifting music. Eat lunch
alone a few days a week. This will allow you to reclaim your energy in a work environment.
Eat grounding foods throughout the day. Empaths have a tendency to overeat because they
want to numb themselves, but on a deeper level they are working to ground and protect their
energy. Root vegetables, nuts and bread are good grounding foods. I like to keep almonds with
me as a snack. Drinking fresh juice is also very helpful.
Set an intention for the day. Affirm to yourself what type of experience you will have. In
setting an intention you have a clear boundary, you know what you will, and will not do.
Learning to say “no” is one of the most important ways to set and intention, and one of the
hardest things for the empath to do.
Saying no is a way of controlling your energy. If you are prone to say yes based on guilt, and
feeling like a person really needs you…then stop for a moment and evaluate how this will feed
into your wellbeing. Is this a good choice for you? Is it feeding your spirit? Is it depleting your
Maybe suggest that you need time to think about it. Often as an empath we become
overwhelmed by being put on the spot, so we blurt out anything that will get us out of the
situation quickly. Which results in a negative commitment. Saying no is not a bad thing, and
you are not being mean… or selfish!


On some level we are all empathic. It is our truest nature to be spiritually attuned. Some of us
tend to be more empathic than others, which is what we are addressing here. Often these are the
people who are more right-brained, introverted. Some people are natural empaths who have
suppressed their true nature through circumstance, mostly as a means of survival.
Never fear this gift! Being empathic can be a blessing. It is a rewarding to learn to use your
empathic abilities as it enhances your connection to the people and situations around you. You
may find you are already in a field that allows you to use your empathic abilities: creatives,
artists, caretakers, teachers, and spiritual workers. But this gift can be used in any circumstance.
I have only touched on what can be said about being empathic. I hope this gives you validation
that you are not alone, and you do not have to be in pain. Try these techniques, follow your
spirit, and reach out to those that can help you!

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