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{"source":"Politics","paragraphs":["\u003cp\u003eIf last week’s debate did move the

needle, it wasn’t clear in her fourth-place finish in Nevada. The state held its
early caucus voting, in which about 75,000 of the 105,000 total votes were cast,
before the debate, meaning any potential bounce for Ms. Warren was not fully
reflected. And Ms. Warren has had strong debate performances before, of course —
especially last summer and early in the fall, when she was surging in the polls and
her path to the nomination was easier to imagine.\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eThe
scandal has rocked Austria. The vice chancellor, a leader of the far-right Freedom
Party, quickly resigned, and new elections have been called for September. But it
is also rippling across Europe, only days before the European parliamentary
elections, as a reminder that Russia has deep ties to many other populist parties,
too. \"What’s strange,\" said Tom Tugendhat, a Conservative Party lawmaker in
Britain, \"is how many of these nationalist movements seem to be in favor of
Russia, not their own country.\"\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eA leading pro-
democracy organization called on residents to take to the streets again this
weekend, in the wake of clashes that have put the government on the defensive and
delayed by at least two days a debate on a contentious extradition bill. Opponents
see the measure, which would allow extraditions to mainland China, as accelerating
the erosion of Hong Kong’s civil liberties. The city’s Legislative Council is
dominated by pro-Beijing members, who see the bill as closing a loophole that
enabled mainland criminals to shelter in the
territory.\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eThere are about 2,000 American troops in
Syria. Patrick M. Shanahan, the acting defense secretary, declined to comment when
asked if the attack would affect the withdrawal plans. The American casualties
included two service members, a civilian employee of the Defense Intelligence
Agency and a military contractor, according to the United States Central Command
and a Pentagon official. Three other service members were
wounded.\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eIn the latest twist, Ms. Merkel’s interior
minister, Horst Seehofer, threatened to resign over the dispute with the
chancellor’s migration policy. Talks between the chancellor’s party and Mr.
Seehofer’s Christian Social Union party are expected to take place Monday. If Mr.
Seehofer resigns as minister and party leader, but the Christian Social Union
remains in the governing coalition, Ms. Merkel’s government will limp on. If he
takes his party out of the coalition — a partnership the parties have forged in
Parliament since the end of World War II — she loses her
majority.\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eOn a day that commemorated both the
centennial of the declaration of Germany’s first democratic republic and, just 20
years later, Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, President Frank-Walter
Steinmeier called on Germans to embrace an \"enlightened patriotism\" that
celebrates their democratic achievements while guarding them against the forces of
hate that led to the country’s descent into the \"breach of civilization,\" the
Holocaust.\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eBrexit is scheduled to take effect on Oct.
31, but Mr. Johnson has yet to receive Parliament’s support for the agreement,
making the day’s events a major test of whether he has the necessary backing to
make his plan a reality. By the end of the week, if not Tuesday night, it will be
clear whether Mr. Johnson has failed in his \"do or die\" pledge to complete the
withdrawal by the end of October, even if that means leaving without a
deal.\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eAfter hours of relative lull throughout
Thursday, the gesture appeared to be a face-saving opening for both countries to
head off a war. But Indian officials were guarded, saying that the pilot’s release
would not necessarily end the crisis, which they said was rooted in Pakistan’s
support of terrorist groups that strike at India. The days before had brought both
nations to the brink. On Tuesday, Indian warplanes dropped bombs inside Pakistan —
it is not clear what they hit — and Pakistan shot down at least one Indian fighter
jet on Wednesday. Tens of thousands of troops have been rushed to the countries’
border, heavy artillery barrages and gunfire have been volleyed across it, and tank
columns have been chugging into place for what many feared could turn into a full-
blown war.\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eIn Germany, a \"livid\" Angela Merkel
accused the US of spying on her, igniting a furore that has seen the White House
concede that new constraints on the NSA's activities may be necessary. Meanwhile,
in Britain, prime minister David Cameron accused the Guardian of damaging national
security by publishing the revelations, warning that if it did not \"demonstrate
some social responsibility it would be very difficult for government to stand back
and not to act\".\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eWith more than 96 percent of ballots
counted as of Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Zelensky’s party, Sluha Narodu (\"Servant of
the People\") — named after the TV series in which he starred — appears to have won
about 43 percent of the popular vote and more than 250 of the 424 seats that were
contested. Sluha Narodu is the first party to secure an outright parliamentary
majority since Ukraine became independent in 1991. The leading pro-Russia party
came in second, and the party of former Prime Minister Yulia V. Tymoshenko third.
(The bloc headed by Mr. Poroshenko ranked fourth.) The newbie party Holos
(\"Voice\"), which is led by a rock star and denounces the influence of oligarchs
and established elites, is projected to win 20 seats; it is thought to be a natural
ally of Mr. Zelensky’s. An estimated 70 percent of members-elect are

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