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Generation Of Batik Creator

Regeneration of local batik maker, especially in Garut, West Java, has declined.
There are only a few batik companies left.
The interest of the younger generation in preserving batik has declined.
It's because of the era of globalization

2. Production

In the process of making batik, it takes a long time, especially if there are many orders
will be overwhelmed because the batik makers are few

3. Positioning and Marketing

Not yet extensive marketing and not yet using digital marketing

4. Rival with other product

compete with printed batik from China which is cheaper in price

The Solution:
1. Regular training to make and write batik
In this program the government and related parties work together to find a new
generation to continue the relay of future batik makers. With the new generation,
batik production can be controlled and fulfilled well according to the expectation

2.Creating Batik by Designer

The role of the designer is very important in matching batik. An interesting batik
design will be created. So, many people will be interested in using batik. If a batik
has a good design, it will determine the price of the batik itself to be higher. So
that they can get higher economic benefits.

3.Held a batik exhibition

with the batik exhibition, it can introduce batik more widely. and also to attract
people's attention to see the works of batik makers.

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