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Universidad tecnológica de Santiago



English IV


Homework 5


Milkys Cosdred Peralta Cerda



Presented to:

Nelson Miranda

Santiago,Dominican Republic

Cycle: 2-2021
3- Hacer el ejercicio B,pág 108, rellenar los blancos con las palabras del

B.Write each word in blue next to the correct definition or synonym.

1. __Search____look for.

2.__Published___ impressive.

3.____Trade____ buying and selling.

4. ___Beyond___ past a limit.

5. ___Exchange___giving and taking.

6. ___Ships___large boats.

7. ___Distant___far away printed copies.

8. ___Remarkable__Printed copies of writing.

9. ____ Inspired____ gave enthusiasm or ideas.

10.____Despite____even though.

6- Hacer el siguiente ejercicio

Hablar del pasado

Vamos a practicar el uso de « used to» como «solía». Rellena los espacios en blanco
de las siguientes frases. Pueden ser frases afirmativas, negativas o interrogativas, así
que presta atención al contexto:

A- I __used to___ walk to school every morning.

B- Did you ___use to___ go on holidays to the beach?

C- I __didn't used to___ like garlic in my food, but I love it now.

D- We ___used to___ eat lots of sugar, but we’re on a diet now.

E- She ___didn't use to___ come to our parties, but she’s started coming recently.

F- Did he ___use to__ drink so much? I can’t remember seeing him like that before.
G- I ___didn't used to___ believe in ghosts, but then I went to a haunted castle and I
saw things I can’t explain.

H- She ___didn't use to___ come to our parties, but she’s started coming recently.

9- Hacer ejercicio A, pág 58 WORKBOOK. Use los siguientes verbos en

orden para cada ítem:

1- Use

The inuit used to boats made of animal skins for hunting.

2- Wear

The inuit used to wear clothes made of animal skin.

3- Hunt

The spear used to be great instruments for hunt.

4- Travel

The inuit used to sled to travel.

5- Use/push

The inuit used to use sled dogs to push.

6- Live

The inuit used to live in houses made of snow.

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