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> 1. Rearrange the words in the table. Are they positive, negative or neutral? yIRUS Uy a i 90, needles ogg" meat control 7 health Cc Clig fluids aio" are guiOP" protective equipment POSITIVE NEGATIVE NEUTRAL { 37 } 2. Read the following article about Ebola Virus. News about Ebola disease has triggered since 2014. Studies about Ebola started in approximately 1976. But in 2013 Ebola cases began to increase. Many people have studied about it, for example, Thomas Geisbert, a professor at the University of Texas Medical Branch has studied and tested drugs against Ebola for many years. There are no approved drugs or vaccines on the market, so several Ebola patients have received experimental medications. It is a dangerous virus that can cause people to get very sick and even die. It has killed 961 people. The virus has caused the biggest problems in westem Africa, where an outbreak of Ebola has spread quickly. Medical experts all over the world are taking steps to stop Ebola and to treat the people who are sick. Ebola was also called Ebola hemorrhagic fever because it can cause the body to hemorrhage. Ebola is very contagious and it is often life threatening. When people with Ebola are properly diagnosed, isolated, and cared for, the risk of passing the disease to others is low, What Happens When Someone Has Ebola? Ebola often starts with fever and headache, like the flu. People who have suffered from Ebola need to be cared for in a special way so that the disease doesn't spread to doctors, nurses, or others in their families and communities. The first child with Ebola died in a village in Guinea on December 6, 2013. How Do People Get It? Doctors aren't sure but they think that people have picked up the virus from contact with infected animals. Moreover, some tropical animals in Africa can carry the virus. Ebola spreads through direct contact with body fluids. People can get the virus by handling or touching an infected person's drops of blood, urine, saliva, or other body fluids. They also can get it through contact with objects that have been contaminated with infected blood or fluids. Ebola can spread quickly within families and in treatment centers if caregivers don't wear the right protective equipment, like gloves and masks. Ebola doesn't spread through food cr water like some viruses do. It doesn't travel through the air ike cold or flu viruses do. How Contagious Is It? With Ebola, a person is contagious after he or she starts to feel sick from the virus. Many people have consulted about it. The virus can stay in the body for weeks after a person feels better. That's why it’s so important for people who have had the virus to stay in medical care and away from other people. How Do People Know They Have It? ‘The first signs of Ebola can appear from 2 to 21 days after someone has been exposed to the virus. Early signs of Ebola include: fever, headache, joint and muscle aches, weakness and tiredness, sore throat and chills. { =} What Do Doctors Do? Doctors might do tests, lke liver function tests or blood tests. Most people who get Ebola need intensive care in an isolation unit at a hospital or other well-equipped medical center. Here's what hospital medical teams do for people with Ebola: give them lots of fiuids to keep them well hydrated, keep their oxygen and blood pressure levels steady, give patients blood transfusions to replace lost blood and treat problems as they happen. Some experimental treatments were completed for Ebola in recent years; and they have been effective when tested on animals, but are not officially approved for use in people. How Do People Protect Themselves? There is no vaccine to prevent Ebola, although scientists have worked hard to develop one. The best way to guard against’ Ebola infection is to avoid places that have had outbreaks. If you are in a place where there's Ebola, you should: * avoid contact with people who are sick wash your hands often * not touch or eat wild animals. Ebola is one of the deadliest diseases known. But doctors are learning more about it all the time. Do you think this situation will change? For more information, visit: itp: // studies/17254175/ WORLD EFFORTS TO FIGHT EBOLA’S SPREAD are LIBERIA COUNTRIES TESTING THE FOLLOWING TREATMENTS: @ Blood transfusions @ Vaccines © Antiviral drugs @ man-made antibodies @ Preventing Ebola reproduction @usatopay { 9} 3. Complete the table with key words from the text. Palabra clave Aquella palabra que resume la 4. Complete the table with cognates from the text. Palabra transparente o cognado Es el término que se utiliza para denominar a una palabra de una lengua X que guarda cierto parecido y comparte significado con una 5. Complete the table wii Spanish. information related to the text in ‘What? When? Where? Why? Who? How? GRAMMAR IN USE 6. Match the following as shown in the example. { © } Connector visit: http: // Imperative might Modal ver’: person's drops Possessive case biggest Suffix if Modal ver’: tiredness Superlative adjective should 7. In the following example, what does the word “since” mean? Point in time or period of time? Circle the correct answer. POINT INTIME News about Ebola disease has triggered or since 2014, PERIOD OF TIME ‘Thomas Geisbert, a professor at the POINT IN TIME University of Texas Medical Branch has or studied and tested drugs against Ebola for many years. PERIOD OF TIME 8, Match the following examples with the tenses like the example and then complete their uses in Spanish. Example from the text Uses (in Spanish) Simple Ebola disease has triggered reese since 2014 Present onan There is no vaccine. Present died in a village in Guinea on Perfect December 6, 2013. Simple Past ..are taking steps. Future Simple} ..will this situation change? 9. Indicate the function of the Present Perfect Simple in the following examples. Example Function Many people have consulted about these feelings. { +} Example Function News about Ebola disease has triggered since 2014. PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE El tiempo verbal Present Perfect Simple se forma de la siguiente manera: Verbo auxiliar Verbo principal Sujeto + principal HAVEOHAS ~ _participio pasado © We have studied English since we were young. Hemos estudiado inglés desde que éramos jévenes. © She has already played tennis. Ela ya ha jugado al tenis. Las formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa de este tiempo verbal se realizan de la siguiente manera: English Afirmativa We have visited that museum. Negativa We have not visited that museum. Interrogativa Have we visited that museum? Contracciones Thave Tve You have You've He has He's ‘She has She's Tt has It's ‘We have We've They have They've El tiempo Presente Perfecto Simple se utiliza en los siguientes casos Para transmitir experiencia: A menudo, se emplea para expresar experiencias del pasado. No nos interesa cuando se realiz6 la accién. Solo queremos saber si se realiz6. Past Present Future { 2} * I've seen that film. No quiero volver a ver esa pelicula. (Tampoco importa el momento en que la vi.) Para cambios 0 informacién nueva: Utilizamos este tiempo para hablar sobre un cambio o informacién nueva. © have bought a car: He comprador un auto. * John has broken his leg. John se ha quebrado su pierna. «Has the price gone up? éHa aumentado el precio? * The police have arrested the killer. La policia ha arrestado al asesino. Para acciones que comenzaron en el pasado pero todavia contindan: Empleamos este tiempo para referimos a una situacién que continua. Comenzé en el pasado y continda en el presente y probablemente en el futuro. Por lo general, utilizamos for y since con esta estructura. eo Past Present Future Pasado Presente Futuro > Las acciones comenzaron en Probablemente continuarén el pasado. Continuan hasta ahora. en él futuro. He has lived in Canada for five years. E| comenzé a vivir en Canada hace cinco afios. (Y todavia sigue viviendo all.) * We have worked at the University since 2010. Ella comenzé a trabajar en la Universidad desde el afio 2010. (Y todavia continda trabajando alli.) Para una accién no finalizada que uno esta esperando: Empleamos el presente perfecto para decir que una accién que esperdbamos no ha tenido lugar. Se sugiere que todavia estamos esperando que suceda. James has not finished his homework yet. James no ha finalizado su tarea todavia. + Bill has stil not arrived. Bill no ha llegado todavia. The rain hasn't stopped. No ha parado la lluvia. «Susan hasn't mastered Japanese, but she can communicate. Susan no ha dominado el idioma japonés pero puede comunicarse. { 3} Usos de FOR y SINCE con el Presente Perfecto Simple FOR SINCE vod or ti a point in past a period of time ‘tne | “| = Empleamos 10 minutes 6.00 pm Empleamos for para since para referimos a Two days Friday referimos a un periodo nine months February un punto del de tiempo: pasado: 9 5 minutes, 2 100 years 1963 O'clock, 1st weeks, 6 centuries. 1810 January, So along time T got married oe the beginning oF ever time Thave been here | Since 9 o'clock. for 20 minutes. (it’s 9:20.) Diferencias del pretérito perfecto simple con el pasado simple + Enfasis en la accién 0 en el resultado Present Perfect Simple Simple Past Thave bought a new bike so I can ride with you. Emphasis on | I bought a new bike action yesterday. Emphasis on result + Siel periodo de tiempo ha finalizado o no Present Perfect Simple Simple Past The time period | painted my house | Ihave painted my | The time period has finished last week. room this week. | has not finished * Si es informacion nueva o anterior " Present Perfect Simple Past ‘Simple You give older _| He broke his leg last | He has broken her | You give recent information year. leg again. news «© Sies un momento especifico o no < Present Perfect Simple Past ‘simple . ke T saw the movie last T have seen that The time is not The time is clear Friday. movie twice. specific * Sila accién ha finalizado 0 no (Uso de FOR and SINCE) - Present Perfect Simple Past ‘Simple For: the action is | I lived there fortwo | Thavelived there | For /since: the action isn’t finished years, for ten years. Padi Referencias de tiempo ‘Simple Past Present Perfect Simple yesterday Just (recién) last. Already (ya) ago Since (desde) when she got married (past events) Ever (alguna vez) during the war. 50 far (hasta ahora) in 1980, on tuesday, etc. (past dates) Tately / recently (ditimamente, recientemente) Para finalizar... Empleamos el Pasado simple para eventos o acciones pasadas SIN relacién con el presente. Empleamos el Presente perfecto para las acciones que comenzaron en el pasado y continian en el presente, o para acciones finalizadas con relacin con el presente. No se puede emplear el Presente perfecto con una referencia de tiempo que implique tiempo finalizado. En el Presente perfecto siempre hay una relacién entre el presente y el pasado o viceversa, una idea pasada pero con resultados en el presente. El tiempo de la accién es anterior al ahora sin especificar y generalmente estamos més interesados en el resultado que en la accién en si. { 5}

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