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Exam 2
Your name: ______________________________________________
“In accordance with the Tecnológico de Monterrey Student Code of Honor, my performance in
this exam will be guided by academic honesty”


CHALLENGE I. (100 points). This is an open exam in which you are expected to (a) identify
an adequate scientific paper on the field, and (b) use material from this course to (c) derive knew
knowledge on that particular theme.
For example, you could find a paper related to modeling of a set of chemical reactions, and
identify a set of equations and parameters needed to simulate a condition not described (not
studied) in the original paper. Then, you could program a simulator (in excel) and produce “new”
results that are not anticipated by the authors in the paper that you read.
To guide you, please find bellow a set of steps that you need follow to successfully complete this
(a) Identify a suitable paper (preferably related with your field of interest)
(b) Read and understand the paper thoroughly.
(c) Decide what to model and how to do so.
(d) Use models, parameters, and other info from the paper and other sources to formulate a
new model for a new scenario.
(e) Model your system of interest using a set of algebraic or differential equations.
(f) Report your results in a 5 minutes presentations and send your excel file (containing your
model and solution) to my mail:
Note: Please note that you can do c first, even before a & b. Follow a rationale path that makes
the most sense to you.
I will grade based on the following simple rubric:
Selection of the paper: 1 to 20 points
Identification of a suitable scenario to model: 1 to 20 points.
Formulation of the model (simple, effective, representative): 1 to 20 points.
Solution (excel file): 1 to 20 points.
Presentation (format, style, flow, the way you explain your results): 1 to 10 points
Derivation of new knowledge (added value): 1 to 10 points.

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