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Escuela México Estado de Guerrero


Unit 1: Feelings and Opinions
Aim: To identify Feelings and Personality adjectives

I. Pay attention to each picture and create a sentence for each exercise using the
proper “feelings” vocabulary.

Sad Confident Thoughtful Peaceful

Shy Angry Happy Worried

a) _____________________________________________________

b) _____________________________________________________

c) _____________________________________________________

d) _____________________________________________________

e) _____________________________________________________

f) _____________________________________________________

g) _____________________________________________________

h) _____________________________________________________
II. Complete the next sentences with the correct Personality adjective related to the
context of each sentence.

Friendly Easy going Ambitious Generous

Creative Kind Hard working Upset

a) Peter seems to be an _____________ person, he never worries about something.

b) My dad is very _____________, he doesn’t want me to go out.

c) She is helping that old woman, she seems to be a _____________ woman.

d) Thank you for helping us with the money! You are very _____________.

e) I can always count with your advice Sara, you are a _____________ person.

f) Look at these building! It’s amazing! The architect is a _____________ professional.

g) John wants to stay at work a few hours more, he is very _____________.

h) If you want to reach your goals, you have to be an _____________ person!

III. Describe yourself by using the “feelings” vocabulary and “Personality adjectives” by
writing a short paragraph about your main characteristics related to feelings,
personality and emotions and draw a picture of yourself.

“My personal description”

I think I am ____________________________________________________________





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