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KNIGHT F DESTINY Quotes I've sworn to protect you... Fora time, Prelude: You didn’t fall in with the Euthanatos — you sought them out. You were just a child when the haggard man broke into your home, grabbed you and dragged «o his car, You never knew what he had planned for you next, because she appeared: n with quick hands who tore your kidnapper from you and dragged him away in a flash of sharp steel and blood. Oneimage was bumed into your mind: the stylized Omega sign that dangled from her neck. You knew that she'd saved ‘you from something horrible, and from that day forward you = looked for a sign of your savior. You wanted to thank her. You wanted to be her. > you studied rumors about secret societies and trained your body to emulate the quick grace you saw on that night You adopted a code of honor you thought she'd approve of. Little by itele you put the pieces together, until you stored i up enough courage to approach the “Euthanatos” you'd ead fe about in an obscure text. They were quite surprised when you shoved up at the door of their Marabout. They looked into your soul and said you were fc 10 A help them, but that wasn't enough, You demanded to be initiated as a full member of the Tradition even though you showed no signs of Awakening. With f| reluctance they performed the Agama and they ‘were surprised again: you Awakened. The Knights cof Radamanthys welcomed you into the fol. Though youweren'tnatuallyinclinedto magic, youtsinceritypushed youthroazh your studies. They found a user your untalented } ‘Atman and your code of honor. You were t0 fauard someone with a stong destiny. Your ‘weak soul meant that you weren't likely to ‘warp your chargesfates, and your ethics would compel you to stand guard until the time came to let Necesiy run its course Now you stand guard over some who'sdestinedtochangethe word. Willy ‘iJ beabletostepaside when the time comes? i Concept: ody Knights of Radamanthys, charged with helping the one under your care fulfil their place in the Cycle. You've pursued this goal J, Withenough wlleosurpasstheexpectationsoftutors who thought that you could never Awaken in this [| lerime. You have a straightforward nature and a strong code of ethies. You make a poor assassin but an excellent guardian — the epitome of a modern “4° night. Your change could be a Sleeper or another mage witha high rating in the Destiny Background . Roleplaying Tips: You're sworn to defend your 1) charge’sdestiny with your life, but that doesn’tmean ard for the 92 EUTHANAT@s WEY TUE AEM TG te “ADVANTAGES: : oe i 3 oe { “esas i reese { you'll ignore other people who need your help. You try to follow your (somewhat idealized) memory of the death mage who saved you by looking out for the them. You're no skulker; leap into the fray and speak your mind! Some day, you'd like to find the woman who set you this path and thank her. Between your thoughts of her and your duty «0 your charge, you're alittle remote when it comes to personal relationships Magic: You pray tothe fatesand the judges ‘of the dead to work some of your magic. The as you try to refine your karma to the point where you can act with the ‘Wheel. Entropy represents the force of these blessings and shows you when to intervene. PRX, Forces and Prime give you an extra boost in combat and link your weapons to the fundamental power of Creation Equipment: An enchanted sladius fashotr, wide-bladed sword thar does Strength +? damage and isa4 point Wonder), 44 Desert Eagle, acellphone with voiceactivationandaheadset, Kevlar vest, steel-toed boots, tough clothes, a day planner and a deck of cards for when you're waiting around with your charge. essing of the MMO toma el vedere re eee

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